blob: ed266eb98b951955aa18f2223375a190815d00e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/inheritance_manager3.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/best_practices_verifier.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element_type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/migration.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/fix_reason_target.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/decorated_class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/decorated_type.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/edit_plan.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/fix_aggregator.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/nullability_node.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/utilities/built_value_transformer.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/utilities/permissive_mode.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/utilities/resolution_utils.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/utilities/where_not_null_transformer.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/utilities/where_or_null_transformer.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/variables.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
bool _isIncrementOrDecrementOperator(TokenType tokenType) {
switch (tokenType) {
case TokenType.PLUS_PLUS:
case TokenType.MINUS_MINUS:
return true;
return false;
/// Problem reported by [FixBuilder] when encountering a compound assignment
/// for which the combination result is nullable. This occurs if the compound
/// assignment resolves to a user-defined operator that returns a nullable type,
/// but the target of the assignment expects a non-nullable type. We need to
/// add a null check but it's nontrivial to do so because we would have to
/// rewrite the assignment as an ordinary assignment (e.g. change `x += y` to
/// `x = (x + y)!`), but that might change semantics by causing subexpressions
/// of the target to be evaluated twice.
/// TODO(paulberry): consider alternatives.
/// See
class CompoundAssignmentCombinedNullable implements Problem {
const CompoundAssignmentCombinedNullable();
/// Problem reported by [FixBuilder] when encountering a compound assignment
/// for which the value read from the target of the assignment has a nullable
/// type. We need to add a null check but it's nontrivial to do so because we
/// would have to rewrite the assignment as an ordinary assignment (e.g. change
/// `x += y` to `x = x! + y`), but that might change semantics by causing
/// subexpressions of the target to be evaluated twice.
/// TODO(paulberry): consider alternatives.
/// See
class CompoundAssignmentReadNullable implements Problem {
const CompoundAssignmentReadNullable();
/// This class runs the analyzer's resolver over the code being migrated, after
/// graph propagation, to figure out what changes need to be made. It doesn't
/// actually make the changes; it simply reports what changes are necessary
/// through abstract methods.
class FixBuilder {
final DecoratedClassHierarchy? _decoratedClassHierarchy;
/// The type provider providing non-nullable types.
final TypeProvider typeProvider;
final Map<AstNode, NodeChange> changes = {};
final Map<AstNode, Set<Problem>> problems = {};
/// The NNBD type system.
final TypeSystemImpl _typeSystem;
/// Variables for this migration run.
final Variables? _variables;
/// The file being analyzed.
final Source? source;
late ResolverVisitor _resolver;
/// The listener to which exceptions should be reported.
final NullabilityMigrationListener? listener;
/// The compilation unit for which fixes are being built.
final CompilationUnit? unit;
final MigrationResolutionHooksImpl migrationResolutionHooks;
/// Parameter elements for which an explicit type should be added, and what
/// that type should be.
final Map<ParameterElement, DartType> _addedParameterTypes = {};
final bool? warnOnWeakCode;
final NullabilityGraph _graph;
/// Helper that assists us in transforming Iterable methods to their "OrNull"
/// equivalents.
final WhereOrNullTransformer _whereOrNullTransformer;
/// Helper that assists us in transforming calls to `Iterable.where` to
/// `Iterable.whereNotNull`.
final WhereNotNullTransformer _whereNotNullTransformer;
/// The set of extensions that need to be imported from package:collection.
final Set<String> neededCollectionPackageExtensions = {};
/// Map of additional package dependencies that will be required by the
/// migrated code. Keys are package names; values indicate the minimum
/// required version of each package.
final Map<String, Version> _neededPackages;
factory FixBuilder(
Source? source,
DecoratedClassHierarchy? decoratedClassHierarchy,
TypeProvider typeProvider,
TypeSystemImpl typeSystem,
Variables? variables,
LibraryElementImpl definingLibrary,
NullabilityMigrationListener? listener,
CompilationUnit? unit,
bool? warnOnWeakCode,
NullabilityGraph graph,
Map<String, Version> neededPackages) {
var migrationResolutionHooks = MigrationResolutionHooksImpl();
return FixBuilder._(
(typeProvider as TypeProviderImpl).asNonNullableByDefault,
LibraryElementImpl definingLibrary,
: typeProvider = _typeSystem.typeProvider,
_whereOrNullTransformer =
WhereOrNullTransformer(_typeSystem.typeProvider, _typeSystem),
_whereNotNullTransformer =
WhereNotNullTransformer(_typeSystem.typeProvider, _typeSystem) {
migrationResolutionHooks._fixBuilder = this;
assert((typeProvider as TypeProviderImpl).isNonNullableByDefault);
var inheritanceManager = InheritanceManager3();
// TODO(paulberry): is it a bad idea to throw away errors?
var errorListener = AnalysisErrorListener.NULL_LISTENER;
_resolver = ResolverVisitorForMigration(
sdkLanguageVersion: Feature.non_nullable.releaseVersion!,
flags: [],
/// Visits the entire compilation [unit] using the analyzer's resolver and
/// makes note of changes that need to be made.
void visitAll() {
try {
ElementTypeProvider.current = migrationResolutionHooks;
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
if (listener != null) {
listener!.reportException(source, unit, exception, stackTrace);
} else {
} finally {
ElementTypeProvider.current = const ElementTypeProvider();
/// Called whenever an AST node is found that can't be automatically fixed.
void _addProblem(AstNode node, Problem problem) {
var newlyAdded = (problems[node] ??= {}).add(problem);
/// Computes the type that [element] will have after migration.
/// If [targetType] is present, and [element] is a class member, it is the
/// type of the class within which [element] is being accessed; this is used
/// to perform the correct substitutions.
DartType _computeMigratedType(Element element) {
element = element.declaration!;
if (element is ClassElement || element is TypeParameterElement) {
return typeProvider.typeType;
} else if (element is PropertyAccessorElement &&
element.isSynthetic &&
!element.variable.isSynthetic) {
var variableType = _variables!
if (element.isSetter) {
return FunctionTypeImpl(
returnType: typeProvider.voidType,
typeFormals: [],
parameters: [
'value', variableType, ParameterKind.REQUIRED)
nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none);
} else {
return FunctionTypeImpl(
returnType: variableType,
typeFormals: [],
parameters: [],
nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none);
} else {
return _variables!.toFinalType(_variables!.decoratedElementType(element));
/// Returns the [NodeChange] object accumulating changes for the given [node],
/// creating it if necessary.
NodeChange _getChange(AstNode node) =>
changes[node] ??= NodeChange.create(node)!;
/// Determines whether the given [node], which is a null-aware method
/// invocation, property access, or index expression, should remain null-aware
/// after migration.
bool _shouldStayNullAware(Expression node) {
Expression? target;
if (node is PropertyAccess) {
target =;
} else if (node is MethodInvocation) {
target =;
} else {
throw StateError('Unexpected expression type: ${node.runtimeType}');
if (!_typeSystem.isPotentiallyNullable(target!.staticType!)) {
(_getChange(node) as NodeChangeForNullAware).removeNullAwareness = true;
return false;
return true;
static TypeSystemImpl _makeNnbdTypeSystem(
TypeProvider nnbdTypeProvider,
TypeSystemImpl typeSystem,
MigrationResolutionHooksImpl migrationResolutionHooks) {
// TODO(paulberry): do we need to test both possible values of
// strictInference?
return TypeSystemImpl(
implicitCasts: typeSystem.implicitCasts,
isNonNullableByDefault: true,
strictCasts: typeSystem.strictCasts,
strictInference: typeSystem.strictInference,
typeProvider: nnbdTypeProvider);
/// Fix reason object when adding a null check because of an explicit hint.
class FixReason_NullCheckHint implements SimpleFixReasonInfo {
final CodeReference codeReference;
String get description => 'Null check hint';
/// Implementation of [MigrationResolutionHooks] that interfaces with
/// [FixBuilder].
class MigrationResolutionHooksImpl
with ResolutionUtils
implements MigrationResolutionHooks {
FixBuilder? _fixBuilder;
final Expando<List<CollectionElement>> _collectionElements = Expando();
final Expando<bool> _shouldStayNullAware = Expando();
final Map<Expression, _AssignmentLikeExpressionHandler>
_assignmentLikeExpressionHandlers = {};
FlowAnalysis<AstNode, Statement, Expression, PromotableElement, DartType>?
/// Deferred processing that should be performed once we have finished
/// evaluating the type of a method invocation.
final Map<MethodInvocation, DartType Function(DartType)>
_deferredMethodInvocationProcessing = {};
final Map<Expression, DartType?> _contextTypes = {};
TypeProvider get typeProvider => _fixBuilder!.typeProvider;
void freshTypeParameterCreated(TypeParameterElement newTypeParameter,
TypeParameterElement oldTypeParameter) {
List<InterfaceType> getClassInterfaces(AbstractClassElementImpl element) {
return _wrapExceptions(
() => element.interfacesInternal,
() => [
for (var interface in element.interfacesInternal)
_getClassInterface(element, interface.element)
bool? getConditionalKnownValue(AstNode node) =>
_wrapExceptions(node, () => null, () {
// TODO(paulberry): handle conditional expressions.
var conditionalDiscard = _fixBuilder!._variables!
.getConditionalDiscard(_fixBuilder!.source, node);
if (conditionalDiscard == null) {
return null;
} else {
if (conditionalDiscard.keepTrue && conditionalDiscard.keepFalse) {
return null;
var conditionValue = conditionalDiscard.keepTrue;
(_fixBuilder!._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForConditional)
..conditionValue = conditionValue
..conditionReason = conditionalDiscard.reason;
// If we're just issuing warnings, instruct the resolver to go ahead
// and visit both branches of the conditional.
return _fixBuilder!.warnOnWeakCode! ? null : conditionValue;
List<ParameterElement> getExecutableParameters(
ExecutableElementImpl element) {
// Note: even if the element is part of a library that's being migrated,
// there's no guarantee that the parameter elements have been appropriately
// updated by the migration process, because they might be synthetic
// parameters. (This happens when the code being migrated contains a mixin
// application and there's a synthetic constructor). So we can't safely get
// the parameters out of the element. But it is always safe to defer to
// `getExecutableType` and get the parameter list from the function type.
return getExecutableType(element).parameters;
DartType getExecutableReturnType(Element element) =>
getExecutableType(element as ElementImplWithFunctionType).returnType;
FunctionType getExecutableType(ElementImplWithFunctionType element) =>
_wrapExceptions(_fixBuilder!.unit, () => element.typeInternal, () {
var type = _fixBuilder!._computeMigratedType(element);
Element baseElement = element;
if (baseElement is Member) {
type = baseElement.substitution.substituteType(type);
return type as FunctionType;
DartType getExtendedType(ExtensionElementImpl element) {
return _wrapExceptions(
() => element.extendedTypeInternal,
() => _fixBuilder!._variables!.toFinalType(
DartType getFieldType(PropertyInducingElementImpl element) =>
_wrapExceptions(_fixBuilder!.unit, () => element.typeInternal, () {
return _fixBuilder!._computeMigratedType(element);
List<CollectionElement> getListElements(ListLiteral node) => _wrapExceptions(
() => node.elements,
() => _collectionElements[node] ??=
List<CollectionElement> getSetOrMapElements(SetOrMapLiteral node) =>
() => node.elements,
() => _collectionElements[node] ??=
DartType? getTypeParameterBound(TypeParameterElementImpl element) {
var decoratedBound = _fixBuilder!._variables!
.decoratedTypeParameterBound(element, allowNullUnparentedBounds: true);
if (decoratedBound == null) return element.boundInternal;
var bound = _fixBuilder!._variables!.toFinalType(decoratedBound);
if (bound.isDynamic) {
return null;
} else if (bound.isDartCoreObject &&
bound.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return null;
} else {
return bound;
DartType getVariableType(VariableElementImpl variable) =>
_wrapExceptions(_fixBuilder!.unit, () => variable.typeInternal, () {
if (variable.library == null) {
// This is a synthetic variable created during resolution (e.g. a
// parameter of a function type), so the type it currently has is the
// correct post-migration type.
return variable.typeInternal;
if (variable is ParameterElement) {
var enclosingElement = variable.enclosingElement;
if (enclosingElement is PropertyAccessorElement &&
enclosingElement.isSynthetic) {
// This is the parameter of a synthetic getter, so it has the same
// type as the corresponding variable.
return _fixBuilder!._computeMigratedType(enclosingElement.variable);
return _fixBuilder!._computeMigratedType(variable);
bool isIndexExpressionNullAware(IndexExpression node) {
// Null-aware index expressions weren't supported prior to NNBD.
return false;
bool isLibraryNonNullableByDefault(LibraryElementImpl element) {
return _fixBuilder!._graph.isBeingMigrated(element.source) ||
bool isMethodInvocationNullAware(MethodInvocation node) {
return node.isNullAware &&
(_shouldStayNullAware[node] ??=
/// Indicates whether the given [element] is a member of an extension on a
/// potentially nullable type (and hence the extension member can be invoked
/// on a nullable type without introducing a null check).
bool isNullableExtensionMember(Element? element) {
if (element != null) {
var enclosingElement = element.enclosingElement;
if (enclosingElement is ExtensionElement) {
return _fixBuilder!._typeSystem
return false;
bool isPropertyAccessNullAware(PropertyAccess node) {
return node.isNullAware &&
(_shouldStayNullAware[node] ??=
DartType modifyExpressionType(
Expression node, DartType type, DartType? contextType) =>
_wrapExceptions(node, () => type, () {
_contextTypes[node] = contextType;
if (node is NamedExpression) {
// Do not attempt to modify named expressions. We should already have
// been called for [node.expression], and we should have made the
// necessary modifications then.
return type;
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is AssignmentExpression) {
if (parent.leftHandSide == node) {
return type;
return _assignmentLikeExpressionHandlers[parent]!
.modifyAssignmentRhs(this, node, type);
} else if (parent is PrefixExpression) {
if (_isIncrementOrDecrementOperator(parent.operator.type)) {
return type;
} else if (parent is PostfixExpression) {
if (_isIncrementOrDecrementOperator(parent.operator.type)) {
return type;
return _modifyRValueType(node, type);
DartType modifyInferredParameterType(
ParameterElement parameter, DartType type) {
var postMigrationType = parameter.type;
if (postMigrationType != type) {
// TODO(paulberry): test field formal parameters.
_fixBuilder!._addedParameterTypes[parameter] = postMigrationType;
return postMigrationType;
return type;
void reportBinaryExpressionContext(
BinaryExpression node, DartType? contextType) {
_contextTypes[node] = contextType;
void setCompoundAssignmentExpressionTypes(CompoundAssignmentExpression node) {
assert(_assignmentLikeExpressionHandlers[node] == null);
if (node is AssignmentExpression) {
var handler = _AssignmentExpressionHandler(node);
_assignmentLikeExpressionHandlers[node] = handler;
handler.handleLValueType(this, node.readType, node.writeType!);
} else if (node is PrefixExpression) {
var handler = _PrefixExpressionHandler(node);
_assignmentLikeExpressionHandlers[node] = handler;
handler.handleLValueType(this, node.readType, node.writeType!);
handler.handleAssignmentRhs(this, _fixBuilder!.typeProvider.intType);
} else if (node is PostfixExpression) {
var handler = _PostfixExpressionHandler(node);
_assignmentLikeExpressionHandlers[node] = handler;
handler.handleLValueType(this, node.readType, node.writeType!);
handler.handleAssignmentRhs(this, _fixBuilder!.typeProvider.intType);
} else {
throw StateError('(${node.runtimeType}) $node');
void setFlowAnalysis(
FlowAnalysis<AstNode, Statement, Expression, PromotableElement, DartType>?
flowAnalysis) {
_flowAnalysis = flowAnalysis;
DartType _addCastOrNullCheck(
Expression node, DartType expressionType, DartType contextType) {
var checks =
_fixBuilder!._variables!.expressionChecks(_fixBuilder!.source, node);
var change = _createExpressionChange(node, expressionType, contextType);
var info = AtomicEditInfo(change.description, checks?.edges ?? {});
(_fixBuilder!._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForExpression)
.addExpressionChange(change, info);
return change.resultType;
/// Ensures that the migrated file will contain an import of the extension
/// called [extensionName] from `package:collection/collection.dart`, and that
/// the pubspec will be appropriately updated (if necessary).
void _addCollectionPackageExtension(String extensionName) {
_fixBuilder!._neededPackages['collection'] =
DartType _addNullCheck(Expression node, DartType type,
{AtomicEditInfo? info, HintComment? hint}) {
var change = _createNullCheckChange(node, type, hint: hint);
var checks =
_fixBuilder!._variables!.expressionChecks(_fixBuilder!.source, node);
info ??= AtomicEditInfo(change.description, checks?.edges ?? {});
var nodeChangeForExpression =
_fixBuilder!._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForExpression;
nodeChangeForExpression.addExpressionChange(change, info);
return change.resultType;
ExpressionChange _createExpressionChange(
Expression node, DartType expressionType, DartType contextType) {
var expressionFutureTypeArgument = _getFutureTypeArgument(expressionType);
var contextFutureTypeArgument = _getFutureTypeArgument(contextType);
if (expressionFutureTypeArgument != null &&
contextFutureTypeArgument != null) {
return IntroduceThenChange(
node, expressionFutureTypeArgument, contextFutureTypeArgument));
// Either a cast or a null check is needed. We prefer to do a null
// check if we can.
var nonNullType = _fixBuilder!._typeSystem.promoteToNonNull(expressionType);
if (_fixBuilder!._typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(nonNullType, contextType)) {
return _createNullCheckChange(node, expressionType);
} else {
_flowAnalysis!.asExpression_end(node, contextType);
return IntroduceAsChange(contextType,
isDowncast: _fixBuilder!._typeSystem
.isSubtypeOf(contextType, expressionType));
ExpressionChange _createNullCheckChange(Expression node, DartType type,
{HintComment? hint}) {
var resultType =
_fixBuilder!._typeSystem.promoteToNonNull(type as TypeImpl);
return type.isDartCoreNull && hint == null
? NoValidMigrationChange(resultType)
: NullCheckChange(resultType, hint: hint);
Expression _findNullabilityContextAncestor(Expression node) {
while (true) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is BinaryExpression &&
parent.operator.type == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION &&
identical(node, parent.rightOperand)) {
node = parent;
return node;
InterfaceType _getClassInterface(
ClassElement class_, ClassElement superclass) {
var decoratedSupertype = _fixBuilder!._decoratedClassHierarchy!
.getDecoratedSupertype(class_, superclass);
var finalType = _fixBuilder!._variables!.toFinalType(decoratedSupertype);
return finalType as InterfaceType;
DartType? _getFutureTypeArgument(DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType && type.isDartAsyncFuture) {
var typeArguments = type.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments.isNotEmpty) {
return typeArguments.first;
return null;
bool _isSubtypeOrCoercible(DartType type, DartType context) {
var fixBuilder = _fixBuilder!;
var typeSystem = fixBuilder._typeSystem;
if (typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(type, context)) {
return true;
if (context is FunctionType && type is InterfaceType) {
var callMethod =
type.lookUpMethod2('call', fixBuilder.unit!.declaredElement!.library);
if (callMethod != null) {
var variables = fixBuilder._variables!;
var callMethodType = variables.toFinalType(
if (callMethod is MethodMember) {
callMethodType =
if (typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(callMethodType, context)) {
return true;
return false;
DartType _modifyRValueType(Expression node, DartType type,
{DartType? context}) {
if (node is MethodInvocation) {
var deferredProcessing = _deferredMethodInvocationProcessing.remove(node);
if (deferredProcessing != null) {
type = deferredProcessing(type);
var hint =
_fixBuilder!._variables!.getNullCheckHint(_fixBuilder!.source, node);
if (hint != null) {
type = _addNullCheck(node, type,
info: AtomicEditInfo(
hintComment: hint),
hint: hint);
if (type.isDynamic) return type;
var ancestor = _findNullabilityContextAncestor(node);
context ??= _contextTypes[ancestor] ?? DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
if (!_isSubtypeOrCoercible(type, context)) {
return _tryTransformOrElse(node, type) ??
_tryTransformWhere(node, type) ??
_addCastOrNullCheck(node, type, context);
} else {
// Even if the type is a subtype of its context, we still want to
// transform `.where`.
type = _tryTransformWhere(node, type) ?? type;
if (!_fixBuilder!._typeSystem.isNullable(type)) return type;
if (_needsNullCheckDueToStructure(ancestor)) {
return _addNullCheck(node, type);
return type;
bool _needsNullCheckDueToStructure(Expression node) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is BinaryExpression) {
if (identical(node, parent.leftOperand)) {
var operatorType = parent.operator.type;
if (operatorType == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION ||
operatorType == TokenType.EQ_EQ ||
operatorType == TokenType.BANG_EQ) {
return false;
} else {
return !isNullableExtensionMember(parent.staticElement);
} else if (parent is PrefixedIdentifier) {
if (isDeclaredOnObject( ||
isNullableExtensionMember(parent.identifier.staticElement)) {
return false;
return identical(node, parent.prefix);
} else if (parent is PropertyAccess) {
if (isDeclaredOnObject( ||
isNullableExtensionMember(parent.propertyName.staticElement)) {
return false;
// TODO(paulberry): what about cascaded?
return parent.operator.type == TokenType.PERIOD &&
} else if (parent is MethodInvocation) {
if (isDeclaredOnObject( ||
isNullableExtensionMember(parent.methodName.staticElement)) {
return false;
// TODO(paulberry): what about cascaded?
return parent.operator!.type == TokenType.PERIOD &&
} else if (parent is IndexExpression) {
if (identical(node, {
return !isNullableExtensionMember(parent.staticElement);
} else {
return false;
} else if (parent is ConditionalExpression) {
return identical(node, parent.condition);
} else if (parent is FunctionExpressionInvocation) {
if (identical(node, parent.function)) {
return !isNullableExtensionMember(parent.staticElement);
} else {
return false;
} else if (parent is PrefixExpression) {
// TODO(paulberry): for prefix increment/decrement, inserting a null check
// isn't sufficient.
return !isNullableExtensionMember(parent.staticElement);
} else if (parent is ThrowExpression) {
return true;
return false;
CollectionElement? _transformCollectionElement(CollectionElement? node) {
while (node is IfElement) {
var conditionalDiscard = _fixBuilder!._variables!
.getConditionalDiscard(_fixBuilder!.source, node);
if (conditionalDiscard == null ||
conditionalDiscard.keepTrue && conditionalDiscard.keepFalse) {
return node;
var conditionValue = conditionalDiscard.keepTrue;
var ifElement = node;
node = conditionValue ? ifElement.thenElement : ifElement.elseElement;
return node;
List<CollectionElement> _transformCollectionElements(
NodeList<CollectionElement> elements) {
return elements
/// If [node] is an `orElse` argument to an iterable method that should be
/// transformed, transforms it and returns [type] (this indicates to the
/// caller that no further transformations to this expression need to be
/// considered); otherwise returns `null`.
DartType? _tryTransformOrElse(Expression node, DartType type) {
var transformationInfo =
if (transformationInfo != null) {
// We can fix this by dropping the node and changing the method call.
var info = AtomicEditInfo(
as NodeChangeForMethodName)
.replaceWith(transformationInfo.replacementName, info);
as NodeChangeForArgumentList)
.dropArgument(transformationInfo.orElseArgument, info);
_deferredMethodInvocationProcessing[transformationInfo.methodInvocation] =
(methodInvocationType) => _fixBuilder!._typeSystem
.makeNullable(methodInvocationType as TypeImpl);
return type;
return null;
/// If [node] is a call to `Iterable.where` that should be transformed,
/// transforms it and returns the type of the transformed method call (this
/// indicates to the caller that no further transformations to this expression
/// need to be considered); otherwise returns `null`.
DartType? _tryTransformWhere(Expression node, DartType type) {
var transformationInfo = _fixBuilder!._whereNotNullTransformer
if (transformationInfo != null) {
// We can fix this by dropping the method call's argument and changing the
// call.
var info = AtomicEditInfo(
as NodeChangeForMethodName)
.replaceWith(transformationInfo.replacementName, info);
as NodeChangeForArgumentList)
.dropArgument(transformationInfo.argument, info);
return _fixBuilder!._whereNotNullTransformer
return null;
/// Runs the computation in [compute]. If an exception occurs and
/// [_fixBuilder.listener] is non-null, the exception is reported to the
/// listener and [fallback] is called to produce a result. Otherwise the
/// exception is propagated normally.
T _wrapExceptions<T>(
AstNode? node, T Function() fallback, T Function() compute) {
if (_fixBuilder!.listener == null) return compute();
try {
return compute();
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
.reportException(_fixBuilder!.source, node, exception, stackTrace);
return fallback();
/// Problem reported by [FixBuilder] when encountering a non-nullable unnamed
/// optional parameter that lacks a default value.
class NonNullableUnnamedOptionalParameter implements Problem {
const NonNullableUnnamedOptionalParameter();
/// Common supertype for problems reported by [FixBuilder._addProblem].
abstract class Problem {}
/// Specialization of [_AssignmentLikeExpressionHandler] for
/// [AssignmentExpression].
class _AssignmentExpressionHandler extends _AssignmentLikeExpressionHandler {
final AssignmentExpression node;
MethodElement? get combiner => node.staticElement;
TokenType get combinerType => node.operator.type;
Expression get target => node.leftHandSide;
/// Data structure keeping track of intermediate results when the fix builder
/// is handling an assignment expression, or an expression that desugars to an
/// assignment.
abstract class _AssignmentLikeExpressionHandler {
/// For compound and null-aware assignments, the type read from the LHS.
late final DartType? readType;
/// The type that may be written to the LHS.
late final DartType writeType;
/// The type that should be used as a context type when inferring the RHS.
DartType? rhsContextType;
/// Gets the static element representing the combiner.
MethodElement? get combiner;
/// Gets the operator type representing the combiner.
TokenType get combinerType;
/// Gets the expression in question.
Expression get node;
/// Gets the target of the assignment.
Expression get target;
/// Called after visiting the RHS of the assignment, to verify that for
/// compound assignments, the return value of the assignment is assignable to
/// [writeType].
void handleAssignmentRhs(
MigrationResolutionHooksImpl hooks, DartType rhsType) {
MethodElement? combiner = this.combiner;
if (combiner != null) {
var fixBuilder = hooks._fixBuilder!;
var combinerReturnType =
if (!fixBuilder._typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(combinerReturnType, writeType)) {
(fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForAssignmentLike)
.hasBadCombinedType = true;
/// Called after visiting the LHS of the assignment. Records the [readType],
/// [writeType], and [rhsContextType]. Also verifies that for compound
/// assignments, the [readType] is non-nullable, and that for null-aware
/// assignments, the [readType] is nullable.
void handleLValueType(MigrationResolutionHooksImpl hooks,
DartType? readTypeToSet, DartType writeTypeToSet) {
assert(writeTypeToSet.nullabilitySuffix !=;
writeType = writeTypeToSet;
// TODO(scheglov) Remove this after the analyzer breaking change that
// will top setting types for LHS.
(target as ExpressionImpl).staticType = writeTypeToSet;
var fixBuilder = hooks._fixBuilder;
if (combinerType == TokenType.EQ) {
rhsContextType = writeTypeToSet;
} else {
readType = readTypeToSet;
assert(readType!.nullabilitySuffix !=;
if (combinerType == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION_EQ) {
rhsContextType = writeTypeToSet;
if (fixBuilder!._typeSystem.isNonNullable(readType!)) {
(fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForAssignment)
.isWeakNullAware = true;
} else {
if (!readType!.isDynamic &&
fixBuilder!._typeSystem.isPotentiallyNullable(readType!)) {
(fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForAssignmentLike)
.hasNullableSource = true;
/// Called after visiting the RHS of the assignment.
DartType modifyAssignmentRhs(MigrationResolutionHooksImpl hooks,
Expression subexpression, DartType type) {
type =
hooks._modifyRValueType(subexpression, type, context: rhsContextType);
handleAssignmentRhs(hooks, type);
return type;
/// Visitor that computes additional migrations on behalf of [FixBuilder] that
/// should be run after resolution
class _FixBuilderPostVisitor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor<void>
with PermissiveModeVisitor<void> {
final FixBuilder _fixBuilder;
NullabilityMigrationListener? get listener => _fixBuilder.listener;
Source? get source => _fixBuilder.source;
void visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
if (!_fixBuilder._variables!.wasUnnecessaryCast(_fixBuilder.source, node) &&
node, _fixBuilder._typeSystem)) {
(_fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForAsExpression).removeAs =
void visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) {
if ((node as CompilationUnitImpl).languageVersionToken != null) {
(_fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForCompilationUnit)
.removeLanguageVersionComment = true;
if (_fixBuilder.neededCollectionPackageExtensions.isNotEmpty) {
var packageCollectionImport =
_findImportDirective(node, 'package:collection/collection.dart');
if (packageCollectionImport != null) {
for (var combinator in packageCollectionImport.combinators) {
if (combinator is ShowCombinator) {
for (var extensionName
in _fixBuilder.neededCollectionPackageExtensions) {
_ensureShows(combinator, extensionName);
} else {
var change =
_fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForCompilationUnit;
for (var extensionName
in _fixBuilder.neededCollectionPackageExtensions) {
change.addImport('package:collection/collection.dart', extensionName);
void visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) {
if (node.type == null) {
var typeToAdd = _fixBuilder._addedParameterTypes[node.declaredElement!];
if (typeToAdd != null) {
(_fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForSimpleFormalParameter)
.addExplicitType = typeToAdd;
void visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) {
if (node.type == null) {
// TODO(paulberry): for fields, handle inference via override as well.
List<DartType> neededTypes = [];
List<DartType> inferredTypes = [];
bool explicitTypeNeeded = false;
for (var variableDeclaration in node.variables) {
var neededType = _fixBuilder
var inferredType = variableDeclaration.initializer?.staticType ??
if (neededType != inferredType) {
explicitTypeNeeded = true;
if (explicitTypeNeeded) {
var firstNeededType = neededTypes[0];
if (neededTypes.any((t) => t != firstNeededType)) {
// Different variables need different types. We handle this by
// introducing casts, which is not great but gets the job done.
for (int i = 0; i < node.variables.length; i++) {
if (neededTypes[i] != inferredTypes[i]) {
// We only have to worry about variables with initializers because
// variables without initializers will get the type `dynamic`.
var initializer = node.variables[i].initializer;
if (initializer != null) {
(_fixBuilder._getChange(initializer) as NodeChangeForExpression)
IntroduceAsChange(neededTypes[i], isDowncast: false),
NullabilityFixDescription.otherCastExpression, {}));
} else {
(_fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForVariableDeclarationList)
.addExplicitType = firstNeededType;
// Check if the nullability node for a single variable declaration has been
// declared to be late.
if (node.variables.length == 1) {
var variableElement = node.variables.single.declaredElement!;
var lateCondition = _fixBuilder._variables!
switch (lateCondition) {
case LateCondition.possiblyLate:
(_fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForVariableDeclarationList)
.lateAdditionReason = LateAdditionReason.inference;
case LateCondition.possiblyLateDueToTestSetup:
(_fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForVariableDeclarationList)
.lateAdditionReason = LateAdditionReason.testVariableInference;
case LateCondition.lateDueToHint:
// Handled below.
case LateCondition.notLate:
// Nothing to do.
var lateHint = _fixBuilder._variables!.getLateHint(source, node);
if (lateHint != null) {
(_fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForVariableDeclarationList)
.lateHint = lateHint;
/// Creates the necessary changes to ensure that [combinator] shows [name].
void _ensureShows(ShowCombinator combinator, String name) {
if (combinator.shownNames.any((shownName) => == name)) {
(_fixBuilder._getChange(combinator) as NodeChangeForShowCombinator)
/// Searches [unit] for an unprefixed import directive whose URI matches
/// [uri], returning it if found, or `null` if not found.
ImportDirective? _findImportDirective(CompilationUnit unit, String uri) {
for (var directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is ImportDirective &&
directive.prefix == null &&
directive.uriContent == uri) {
return directive;
return null;
/// Visitor that computes additional migrations on behalf of [FixBuilder] that
/// don't need to be integrated into the resolver itself, and should be run
/// prior to resolution
class _FixBuilderPreVisitor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor<void>
with PermissiveModeVisitor<void> {
final FixBuilder _fixBuilder;
NullabilityMigrationListener? get listener => _fixBuilder.listener;
Source? get source => _fixBuilder.source;
void visitDefaultFormalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) {
var element = node.declaredElement;
if (node.defaultValue == null) {
var requiredHint =
_fixBuilder._variables!.getRequiredHint(_fixBuilder.source, node);
var nullabilityNode =
if (!nullabilityNode.isNullable) {
var enclosingElement = element.enclosingElement;
if (enclosingElement is ConstructorElement &&
enclosingElement.isFactory &&
enclosingElement.redirectedConstructor != null) {
// Redirecting factory constructors inherit their parameters' default
// values from the constructors they redirect to, so the lack of a
// default value doesn't mean the parameter has to be nullable.
} else if (element.isNamed) {
_addRequiredKeyword(node, nullabilityNode, requiredHint);
} else {
node, const NonNullableUnnamedOptionalParameter());
} else if (requiredHint != null ||
element.metadata.any((m) => m.isRequired)) {
_addRequiredKeyword(node, nullabilityNode, requiredHint);
void visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) {
if (node.type == null) {
// Potentially add an explicit type to a field formal parameter.
var decl = node.declaredElement as FieldFormalParameterElement;
var decoratedType = _fixBuilder._variables!.decoratedElementType(decl);
var field = decl.field;
if (field != null) {
var decoratedFieldType =
var typeToAdd = _fixBuilder._variables!.toFinalType(decoratedType);
var fieldFinalType =
if (typeToAdd is InterfaceType &&
!_fixBuilder._typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(fieldFinalType, typeToAdd)) {
(_fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForFieldFormalParameter)
.addExplicitType = typeToAdd;
} else if (node.parameters != null) {
// Handle function-typed field formal parameters.
var decoratedType =
if (decoratedType.node!.isNullable) {
(_fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForFieldFormalParameter)
.recordNullability(decoratedType, decoratedType.node!.isNullable,
_fixBuilder._variables!.getNullabilityHint(source, node));
void visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(FunctionTypedFormalParameter node) {
var decoratedType =
if (decoratedType.node!.isNullable) {
as NodeChangeForFunctionTypedFormalParameter)
.recordNullability(decoratedType, decoratedType.node!.isNullable,
_fixBuilder._variables!.getNullabilityHint(source, node));
void visitGenericFunctionType(GenericFunctionType node) {
var decoratedType = _fixBuilder._variables!
.decoratedTypeAnnotation(_fixBuilder.source, node);
if (!typeIsNonNullableByContext(node)) {
_makeTypeNameNullable(node, decoratedType);
(node as GenericFunctionTypeImpl).type =
void visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
var nullableAnnotation = BuiltValueTransformer.findNullableAnnotation(node);
if (nullableAnnotation != null) {
var info = AtomicEditInfo(
NullabilityFixDescription.removeNullableAnnotation, {});
(_fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForMethodDeclaration)
..annotationToRemove = nullableAnnotation
..removeAnnotationInfo = info;
void visitNamedType(NamedType node) {
var decoratedType = _fixBuilder._variables!
.decoratedTypeAnnotation(_fixBuilder.source, node);
if (!typeIsNonNullableByContext(node)) {
if (!_typeIsNaturallyNullable(decoratedType.type!)) {
_makeTypeNameNullable(node, decoratedType);
(node as NamedTypeImpl).type =
void _addRequiredKeyword(DefaultFormalParameter parameter,
NullabilityNode node, HintComment? requiredHint) {
// Change an existing `@required` annotation into a `required` keyword if
// possible.
final element = parameter.declaredElement!;
final method = element.enclosingElement!;
final cls = method.enclosingElement!;
var info = AtomicEditInfo(
{FixReasonTarget.root: node});
var metadata = parameter.metadata;
if (metadata.isNotEmpty) {
// Only the last annotation can be changed into a `required` keyword;
// changing an earlier annotation into a keyword would be illegal.
var lastAnnotation = metadata.last;
if (lastAnnotation.elementAnnotation!.isRequired) {
(_fixBuilder._getChange(lastAnnotation) as NodeChangeForAnnotation)
..changeToRequiredKeyword = true
..changeToRequiredKeywordInfo = info;
// Otherwise create a new `required` keyword.
var nodeChange = (_fixBuilder._getChange(parameter)
as NodeChangeForDefaultFormalParameter)
..addRequiredKeyword = true
..addRequiredKeywordInfo = info
..requiredHint = requiredHint;
var requiredAnnotation = metadata.firstWhereOrNull(
(annotation) => annotation.elementAnnotation!.isRequired);
if (requiredAnnotation != null) {
// If the parameter was annotated with `@required`, but it was not the
// last annotation, we remove the annotation in addition to adding the
// `required` keyword.
..annotationToRemove = requiredAnnotation
..removeAnnotationInfo = info;
void _makeTypeNameNullable(TypeAnnotation node, DecoratedType decoratedType) {
bool makeNullable = decoratedType.node!.isNullable;
if (decoratedType.type!.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var typeArguments = decoratedType.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments.length == 1) {
var typeArgument = typeArguments[0]!;
if ((_typeIsNaturallyNullable(typeArgument.type!) ||
typeArgument.node!.isNullable)) {
// FutureOr<T?>? is equivalent to FutureOr<T?>, so there is no need to
// make this type nullable.
makeNullable = false;
(_fixBuilder._getChange(node) as NodeChangeForTypeAnnotation)
decoratedType, makeNullable,
_fixBuilder._variables!.getNullabilityHint(source, node));
bool _typeIsNaturallyNullable(DartType type) =>
type.isDynamic || type.isVoid || type.isDartCoreNull;
/// Specialization of [_AssignmentLikeExpressionHandler] for
/// [PostfixExpression].
class _PostfixExpressionHandler extends _AssignmentLikeExpressionHandler {
final PostfixExpression node;
: assert(_isIncrementOrDecrementOperator(node.operator.type));
MethodElement? get combiner => node.staticElement;
TokenType get combinerType => node.operator.type;
Expression get target => node.operand;
/// Specialization of [_AssignmentLikeExpressionHandler] for
/// [PrefixExpression].
class _PrefixExpressionHandler extends _AssignmentLikeExpressionHandler {
final PrefixExpression node;
: assert(_isIncrementOrDecrementOperator(node.operator.type));
MethodElement? get combiner => node.staticElement;
TokenType get combinerType => node.operator.type;
Expression get target => node.operand;