blob: e6493cc7f255f7c4d9d620a1106ae1cd317d4054 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/messages.dart';
/// A [StateError] specific to the ways that the NNBD experiment can be
/// misconfigured which may prevent the tool from working.
class ExperimentStatusException extends StateError {
/// The SDK was analyzed without NNBD semantics.
ExperimentStatusException.sdkExperimentDisabled() : super(nnbdExperimentOff);
/// The SDK does not contain the NNBD sources, it is the pre-unfork copy.
ExperimentStatusException.sdkPreforkSources() : super(sdkNnbdOff);
/// The user's code imports unmigrated dependencies.
ExperimentStatusException.unmigratedDependencies(List<String> uris)
: super(unmigratedDependenciesError(uris));
/// Throw an [ExperimentStatusException] if the [result] seems to have
/// incorrectly configured experiment flags/nnbd sources.
static void sanityCheck(ResolvedUnitResult result) {
final equalsParamType = result.typeProvider.objectType
.getDisplayString(withNullability: true);
if (equalsParamType == 'Object*') {
throw ExperimentStatusException.sdkExperimentDisabled();
if (equalsParamType != 'Object') {
throw ExperimentStatusException.sdkPreforkSources();