blob: de161edb2747e5e7be8fdbdafb257c54021da794 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a very specialized tool which was created in order to support
// adding hash values used as location markers in the LaTeX source of the
// language specification. It is intended to take its input file as the
// first argument, an output file name as the second argument, and a
// hash listing file name as the third argument. From docs/language a
// typical usage would be as follows:
// dart ../../tools/addlatexhash.dart dartLangSpec.tex out.tex hash.txt
// This will produce a normalized variant out.tex of the language
// specification with hash values filled in, and a listing hash.txt of
// all the hash values along with the label of their textual context
// (section, subsection, subsubsection, paragraph) . For more details,
// please check the language specification source itself.
// NB: This utility assumes UN*X style line endings, \n, in the LaTeX
// source file received as input; it will not work with other styles.
// ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Normalization of the text: removal or normalization of parts that
// do not affect the output from latex, such as white space.
final commentRE = RegExp(r"[^\\]%.*"); // NB: . does not match \n.
final whitespaceAllRE = RegExp(r"^\s+$");
final whitespaceRE = RegExp(r"(?:(?=\s).){2,}"); // \s except end-of-line
/// Removes [match]ing part of [line], adjusting that part with the
/// given [startOffset] and [endOffset], bounded to be valid indices
/// into the string if needed, then inserts [glue] where text was
/// removed. If there is no match then [line] is returned.
cutMatch(line, match, {startOffset = 0, endOffset = 0, glue = ""}) {
if (match == null) return line;
var start = match.start + startOffset;
var end = match.end + endOffset;
var len = line.length;
if (start < 0) start = 0;
if (end > len) end = len;
return line.substring(0, start) + glue + line.substring(end);
cutRegexp(line, re, {startOffset = 0, endOffset = 0, glue = ""}) {
return cutMatch(line, re.firstMatch(line),
startOffset: startOffset, endOffset: endOffset, glue: glue);
/// Removes the rest of [line] starting from the beginning of the
/// given [match], and adjusting with the given [offset]. If there
/// is no match then [line] is returned.
cutFromMatch(line, match, {offset = 0, glue = ""}) {
if (match == null) return line;
return line.substring(0, match.start + offset) + glue;
cutFromRegexp(line, re, {offset = 0, glue = ""}) {
return cutFromMatch(line, re.firstMatch(line), offset: offset, glue: glue);
isWsOnly(line) => line.contains(whitespaceAllRE);
isCommentOnly(line) => line.startsWith("%");
/// Returns the end-of-line character at the end of [line], if any,
/// otherwise returns the empty string.
justEol(line) {
return line.endsWith("\n") ? "\n" : "";
/// Removes the contents of the comment at the end of [line],
/// leaving the "%" in place. If no comment is present,
/// return [line].
/// NB: it is tempting to remove everything from the '%' and out,
/// including the final newline, if any, but this does not work.
/// The problem is that TeX will do exactly this, but then it will
/// add back a character that depends on its state (S, M, or N),
/// and it is tricky to maintain a similar state that matches the
/// state of TeX faithfully. Hence, we remove the content of
/// comments but do not remove the comments themselves, we just
/// leave the '%' at the end of the line and let TeX manage its
/// states in a way that does not differ from the file from before
/// stripComment.
stripComment(line) {
if (isCommentOnly(line)) return "%\n";
return cutRegexp(line, commentRE, startOffset: 2);
/// Reduces a white-space-only [line] to its eol character,
/// removes leading ws entirely, and reduces multiple
/// white-space chars to one.
normalizeWhitespace(line) {
var trimLine = line.trimLeft();
if (trimLine.isEmpty) return justEol(line);
return trimLine.replaceAll(whitespaceRE, " ");
/// Reduces sequences of >1 white-space-only lines in [lines] to 1,
/// and sequences of >1 comment-only lines to 1. Treats comment-only
/// lines as white-space-only when they occur in white-space-only
/// line blocks.
multilineNormalize(lines) {
var afterBlankLines = false; // Does [line] succeed >0 empty lines?
var afterCommentLines = false; // Does [line] succeed >0 commentOnly lines?
var newLines = [];
for (var line in lines) {
if (afterBlankLines && afterCommentLines) {
// Previous line was both blank and a comment: not possible.
throw "Bug, please report to eernst@";
} else if (afterBlankLines && !afterCommentLines) {
// At least one line before [line] is wsOnly.
if (!isWsOnly(line)) {
// Blank line block ended.
afterCommentLines = isCommentOnly(line);
// Special case: It seems to be safe to remove commentOnly lines
// after wsOnly lines, so the TeX state must be predictably right;
// next line will then be afterCommentLines and be dropped, so
// we drop the entire comment block---which is very useful. We can
// also consider this comment line to be an empty line, such that
// subsequent empty lines can be considered to be in a block of
// empty lines. Note that almost all variants of this breaks.
if (afterCommentLines) {
// _Current_ 'line' is a commentOnly here.
afterBlankLines = true;
afterCommentLines = false;
// Omit addition of [line].
} else {
// After blanks, but current 'line' is neither blank nor comment.
afterBlankLines = false;
} else {
// Blank line block continues, omit addition of [line].
} else if (!afterBlankLines && afterCommentLines) {
// At least one line before [line] is commentOnly.
if (!isCommentOnly(line)) {
// Comment block ended.
afterBlankLines = isWsOnly(line);
afterCommentLines = false;
} else {
// Comment block continues, do not add [line].
} else {
assert(!afterBlankLines && !afterCommentLines);
// No wsOnly or commentOnly lines precede [line].
afterBlankLines = isWsOnly(line);
afterCommentLines = isCommentOnly(line);
if (!afterCommentLines) {
} else {
// skip commentOnly line after nonWs/nonComment text.
return newLines;
/// Selects the elements in the normalization pipeline.
normalize(line) => normalizeWhitespace(stripComment(line));
/// Selects the elements in the significant-spacing block
/// normalization pipeline.
sispNormalize(line) => stripComment(line);
// Managing fragments with significant spacing.
final dartCodeBeginRE = RegExp(r"^\s*\\begin\s*\{dartCode\}");
final dartCodeEndRE = RegExp(r"^\s*\\end\s*\{dartCode\}");
/// Recognizes beginning of dartCode block.
sispIsDartBegin(line) => line.contains(dartCodeBeginRE);
/// Recognizes end of dartCode block.
sispIsDartEnd(line) => line.contains(dartCodeEndRE);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Analyzing the input to point out "interesting" lines
/// Returns the event information for [lines] as determined by the
/// given [analyzer]. The method [analyzer.analyze] indicates that a
/// line is "uninteresting" by returning null (i.e., no events here),
/// and "interesting" lines may be characterized by [analysisFunc] via
/// the returned event object.
findEvents(lines, analyzer) {
var events = [];
for (var line in lines) {
var event = analyzer.analyze(line);
if (event != null) events.add(event);
return events;
/// Returns RegExp text for recognizing a command occupying a line
/// of its own, given the part of the RegExp that recognizes the
/// command name, [cmdNameRE]
lineCommandRE(cmdNameRE) => RegExp(r"^\s*\\" + cmdNameRE + r"\s*\{.*\}%?\s*$");
final hashLabelStartRE = RegExp(r"^\s*\\LMLabel\s*\{");
final hashLabelEndRE = RegExp(r"\}\s*$");
final hashMarkRE = lineCommandRE("LMHash");
final hashLabelRE = lineCommandRE("LMLabel");
final sectioningRE = lineCommandRE("((|sub(|sub))section|paragraph)");
final sectionRE = lineCommandRE("section");
final subsectionRE = lineCommandRE("subsection");
final subsubsectionRE = lineCommandRE("subsubsection");
final paragraphRE = lineCommandRE("paragraph");
/// Returns true iff [line] begins a block of lines that gets a hash value.
isHashMarker(line) => line.contains(hashMarkRE);
/// Returns true iff [line] defines a sectioning label.
isHashLabel(line) => line.contains(hashLabelRE);
/// Returns true iff [line] is a sectioning command resp. one of its
/// more specific forms; note that it is assumed that sectioning commands
/// do not contain a newline between the command name and the '{'.
isSectioningCommand(line) => line.contains(sectioningRE);
isSectionCommand(line) => line.contains(sectionRE);
isSubsectionCommand(line) => line.contains(subsectionRE);
isSubsubsectionCommand(line) => line.contains(subsubsectionRE);
isParagraphCommand(line) => line.contains(paragraphRE);
/// Returns true iff [line] does not end a block of lines that gets
/// a hash value.
bool isntHashBlockTerminator(line) => !isSectioningCommand(line);
/// Returns the label text part from [line], based on the assumption
/// that isHashLabel(line) returns true.
extractHashLabel(line) {
var startMatch = hashLabelStartRE.firstMatch(line);
var endMatch = hashLabelEndRE.firstMatch(line);
if (startMatch != null && endMatch != null) {
return line.substring(startMatch.end, endMatch.start);
} else {
throw "Assertion failure (so this file is both valid nnbd and not)";
// Event classes: Keep track of relevant information about the LaTeX
// source code lines, such as where \LMHash and \LMLabel commands are
// used, and how they are embedded in the sectioning structure.
/// Abstract events, enabling us to [setEndLineNumber] on all events.
abstract class HashEvent {
/// For events that have an endLineNumber, set it; otherwise ignore.
/// The endLineNumber specifies the end of the block of lines
/// associated with a given event, for event types concerned with
/// blocks of lines rather than single lines.
setEndLineNumber(int n) {}
/// Returns null except for \LMHash{} events, where it returns
/// the startLineNumber. This serves to specify a boundary because
/// the preceding \LMHash{} block should stop before the line of
/// this \LMHash{} command. Note that hash blocks may stop earlier,
/// because they cannot contain sectioning commands.
int? getStartLineNumber() => null;
class HashMarkerEvent extends HashEvent {
// Line number of first line in block that gets hashed.
int startLineNumber;
// Highest possible number of first line after block that gets
// hashed (where the next \LMHash{} occurs). Note that this value
// is not known initially (because that line has not yet been
// reached), so [endLineNumber] will be initialized in a separate
// scan. Also note that the block may end earlier, because a block
// ends if it would otherwise include a sectioning command.
int? endLineNumber;
setEndLineNumber(int n) {
endLineNumber = n;
int getStartLineNumber() => startLineNumber;
class HashLabelEvent extends HashEvent {
String labelText;
class HashAnalyzer {
// List of kinds of pending (= most recently seen) sectioning command.
// When updating this list, also update sectioningPrefix below.
static const PENDING_IS_NONE = 0;
static const PENDING_IS_SECTION = 1;
static const PENDING_IS_SUBSECTION = 2;
static const PENDING_IS_PARAGRAPH = 1;
var lineNumber = 0;
var pendingSectioning = PENDING_IS_NONE;
setPendingToSection() {
pendingSectioning = PENDING_IS_SECTION;
setPendingToSubsection() {
pendingSectioning = PENDING_IS_SUBSECTION;
setPendingToSubsubsection() {
setPendingToParagraph() {
pendingSectioning = PENDING_IS_PARAGRAPH;
clearPending() {
pendingSectioning = PENDING_IS_NONE;
sectioningPrefix() {
switch (pendingSectioning) {
return "sec:";
return "subsec:";
return "subsubsec:";
throw "\\LMHash{..} should only be used after a sectioning command "
"(\\section, \\subsection, \\subsubsection, \\paragraph)";
// set of PENDING_IS_.. was extended, but updates here omitted
throw "Bug, please report to eernst@";
analyze(line) {
var currentLineNumber = lineNumber++;
if (isHashMarker(line)) {
return HashMarkerEvent(currentLineNumber);
} else if (isHashLabel(line)) {
var labelText = sectioningPrefix() + extractHashLabel(line);
return HashLabelEvent(labelText);
} else {
// No events to emit, but we may need to note state changes
if (isSectionCommand(line)) {
} else if (isSubsectionCommand(line)) {
} else if (isSubsubsectionCommand(line)) {
} else if (isParagraphCommand(line)) {
} else {
// No state changes.
return null;
findHashEvents(lines) {
// Create the list of events, omitting endLineNumbers.
var events = findEvents(lines, HashAnalyzer());
// Set the endLineNumbers.
var currentEndLineNumber = lines.length;
for (var event in events.reversed) {
var nextEndLineNumber = event.getStartLineNumber();
if (nextEndLineNumber != null) currentEndLineNumber = nextEndLineNumber;
return events;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Removal of non-normative elements of the text (rationale, commentary).
/// Returns [line] without the command [cmdName] (based on a match
/// on "\\cmdName\s*{..}") starting at [startIndex]; note that it is
/// assumed but not checked that [line] contains "\\cmdType\s*{..",
/// and note that the end of the {..} block is found via brace matching
/// (i.e., nested {..} blocks are handled), but it may break if '{' is
/// made an active character etc.etc.
removeCommand(line, cmdName, startIndex) {
const BACKSLASH = 92; // char code for '\\'.
const BRACE_BEGIN = 123; // char code for '{'.
const BRACE_END = 125; // char code for '}'.
var blockStartIndex = startIndex + cmdName.length + 1;
while (blockStartIndex < line.length &&
line.codeUnitAt(blockStartIndex) != BRACE_BEGIN) {
if (blockStartIndex > line.length) {
throw "Bug, please report to eernst@";
// [blockStartIndex] has index just after '{'.
var afterEscape = false; // Is true iff [index] is just after '{'.
var braceLevel = 1; // Have seen so many '{'s minus so many '}'s.
for (var index = blockStartIndex; index < line.length; index++) {
switch (line.codeUnitAt(index)) {
if (afterEscape) {
afterEscape = false;
} else {
if (afterEscape) {
afterEscape = false;
} else {
afterEscape = true;
afterEscape = false;
if (braceLevel == 0) {
return line.substring(0, startIndex) + line.substring(index + 1);
// Removal failed; we consider this to mean that the input is ill-formed.
throw "Unmatched braces";
final commentaryRE = RegExp(r"\\commentary\s*\{");
final rationaleRE = RegExp(r"\\rationale\s*\{");
/// Removes {}-balanced '\commentary{..}' commands from [line].
removeCommentary(line) {
var match = commentaryRE.firstMatch(line);
if (match == null) return line;
return removeCommentary(removeCommand(line, r"commentary", match.start));
/// Removes {}-balanced '\rationale{..}' commands from [line].
removeRationale(line) {
var match = rationaleRE.firstMatch(line);
if (match == null) return line;
return removeRationale(removeCommand(line, r"rationale", match.start));
/// Removes {}-balanced '\commentary{..}' and '\rationale{..}'
/// commands from [line], then normalizes its white-space.
simplifyLine(line) {
var simplerLine = removeCommentary(line);
simplerLine = removeRationale(simplerLine);
simplerLine = normalizeWhitespace(simplerLine);
return simplerLine;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Recognition of line blocks, insertion of block hash into \LMHash{}.
final latexArgumentRE = RegExp(r"\{.*\}");
cleanupLine(line) => cutRegexp(line, commentRE, startOffset: 1).trimRight();
/// Returns concatenation of all lines from [startIndex] in [lines] until
/// a hash block terminator is encountered or [nextIndex] reached (if so,
/// the line lines[nextIndex] itself is not included); each line is cleaned
/// up using [cleanupLine], and " " is inserted between the lines gathered.
gatherLines(lines, startIndex, nextIndex) => lines
.getRange(startIndex, nextIndex)
.join(" ");
/// Computes the hash value for the line block starting at [startIndex]
/// in [lines], stopping just before [nextIndex]. SIDE EFFECT:
/// Outputs the simplified text and its hash value to [listSink].
computeHashValue(lines, startIndex, nextIndex, listSink) {
final gatheredLine = gatherLines(lines, startIndex, nextIndex);
final simplifiedLine = simplifyLine(gatheredLine);
listSink.write(" % $simplifiedLine\n");
var digest = sha1.convert(utf8.encode(simplifiedLine));
return digest.bytes;
computeHashString(lines, startIndex, nextIndex, listSink) =>
hex.encode(computeHashValue(lines, startIndex, nextIndex, listSink));
/// Computes and adds hashes to \LMHash{} lines in [lines] (which
/// must be on the line numbers specified in [hashEvents]), and emits
/// sectioning markers and hash values to [listSink], along with
/// "comments" containing the simplified text (using the format
/// ' % <text>', where the text is one, long line, for easy grepping
/// etc.).
addHashMarks(lines, hashEvents, listSink) {
for (var hashEvent in hashEvents) {
if (hashEvent is HashMarkerEvent) {
var start = hashEvent.startLineNumber;
var end = hashEvent.endLineNumber;
final hashValue = computeHashString(lines, start + 1, end, listSink);
lines[start] =
lines[start].replaceAll(latexArgumentRE, "{" + hashValue + "}");
listSink.write(" $hashValue\n");
} else if (hashEvent is HashLabelEvent) {
/// Transforms LaTeX input to LaTeX output plus hash value list file.
main([args]) {
if (args.length != 3) {
print("Usage: addlatexhash.dart <input-file> <output-file> <list-file>");
throw "Received ${args.length} arguments, expected three";
// Get LaTeX source.
var inputFile = File(args[0]);
var lines = inputFile.readAsLinesSync();
// Will hold LaTeX source with normalized spacing etc., plus hash values.
var outputFile = File(args[1]);
// Will hold hierarchical list of hash values.
var listFile = File(args[2]);
var listSink = listFile.openWrite();
// Perform single-line normalization.
var inDartCode = false;
var normalizedLines = [];
for (var line in lines) {
if (sispIsDartBegin(line)) {
inDartCode = true;
} else if (sispIsDartEnd(line)) {
inDartCode = false;
if (inDartCode) {
normalizedLines.add(sispNormalize(line + "\n"));
} else {
normalizedLines.add(normalize(line + "\n"));
// Perform multi-line normalization.
normalizedLines = multilineNormalize(normalizedLines);
// Insert hash values.
var hashEvents = findHashEvents(normalizedLines);
addHashMarks(normalizedLines, hashEvents, listSink);
// Produce/finalize output.