blob: 8fdb7b4fb0f7afc4d9d8ccfa6a532d4d76c9686a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
extension ExtendObject on Object {
int operator ~() => 1;
bool operator &(Object other) => false;
bool operator |(Object other) => false;
bool operator ^(Object other) => true;
int operator ~/(Object other) => 0;
int operator >>(Object other) => 1;
int operator >>>(Object other) => 2;
int operator <<(Object other) => 0;
int operator +(Object other) => 0;
double operator -() => 1.0;
double operator -(Object other) => 1.0;
double operator *(Object other) => 1.0;
double operator /(Object other) => 2.0;
double operator %(Object other) => 1.0;
bool operator <(Object other) => false;
bool operator <=(Object other) => true;
bool operator >(Object other) => true;
bool operator >=(Object other) => false;
int get length => 1;
const Object b = true;
const Object i = 3;
const Object d = 2.4;
const Object s = 'Hello!';
// These expressions should be identical to the ones in
// static_extension_constant_{,error}_test.dart, to ensure that
// they invoke an extension method, and that this is an error.
var runtimeExtensionCalls = <Object>[
b & b,
b | b,
b ^ b,
i ~/ i,
i >> i,
i >>> i,
i << i,
i + i,
d - d,
d * d,
d / d,
d % d,
d < i,
i <= d,
d > i,
i >= i,