parseUnit(typedef) | |
skipErrorTokens(typedef) | |
listener: beginCompilationUnit(typedef) | |
syntheticPreviousToken(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar() | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(E1, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(T, 1) | |
listener: handleNoType(T) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 0, null, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(Function, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(E2, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 1) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(Function, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(E3, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(S, 2) | |
listener: handleNoType(S) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, null, null) | |
listener: handleNoType(T) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, null, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(Function, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(E4, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(Function, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(E5, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(S, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(Function, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(E6, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(T, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(T, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(Function, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(F1, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(=) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(T, 1) | |
listener: handleNoType(T) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 0, null, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(F2, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(=) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 1) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(F3, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(=) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(S, 2) | |
listener: handleNoType(S) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, null, null) | |
listener: handleNoType(T) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, null, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(F4, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(=) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(F5, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(=) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(S, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(F6, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(=) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(T, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(T, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(G1, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(X) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(X, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(X) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(X, 1) | |
listener: handleNoType(X) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 0, null, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(X, 1) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(X, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(X, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(G2, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(X) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(X, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(X) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 1) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(X, 1) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(X, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(X, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(G3, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(X) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(X, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(X) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(Y) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(Y, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(Y) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(Y, 2) | |
listener: handleNoType(Y) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, null, null) | |
listener: handleNoType(X) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, null, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(Y, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(Y, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(Y, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(X, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(X, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(G4, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(X) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(X, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(X) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(Y) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(Y, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(Y) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(Y, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(Y, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(Y, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(X, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(X, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(G5, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(X) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(X, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(X) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 1) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(X, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(X, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(X, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(S, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(G6, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(X) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(X, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(X) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 1) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(T, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(T, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(X, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(X, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(H1, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(=) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(Function, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParameter((, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseMetadataStar(() | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(void) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginFormalParameter(void, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType, null, null, null) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(T, 1) | |
listener: handleNoType(T) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 0, null, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
listener: handleNoName()) | |
listener: handleFormalParameterWithoutValue()) | |
listener: endFormalParameter(null, null, null, ), null, null, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(1, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(H2, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(=) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(Function, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParameter((, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseMetadataStar(() | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(void) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginFormalParameter(void, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType, null, null, null) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 1) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
listener: handleNoName()) | |
listener: handleFormalParameterWithoutValue()) | |
listener: endFormalParameter(null, null, null, ), null, null, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(1, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(H3, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(=) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(Function, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParameter((, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseMetadataStar(() | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(void) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginFormalParameter(void, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType, null, null, null) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(S, 2) | |
listener: handleNoType(S) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, null, null) | |
listener: handleNoType(T) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, null, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
listener: handleNoName()) | |
listener: handleFormalParameterWithoutValue()) | |
listener: endFormalParameter(null, null, null, ), null, null, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(1, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(H4, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(=) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(Function, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParameter((, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseMetadataStar(() | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(void) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginFormalParameter(void, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType, null, null, null) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
listener: handleNoName()) | |
listener: handleFormalParameterWithoutValue()) | |
listener: endFormalParameter(null, null, null, ), null, null, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(1, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(H5, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(=) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(Function, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParameter((, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseMetadataStar(() | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(void) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginFormalParameter(void, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType, null, null, null) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(S, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
listener: handleNoName()) | |
listener: handleFormalParameterWithoutValue()) | |
listener: endFormalParameter(null, null, null, ), null, null, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(1, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(typedef) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(;, typedef, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseTopLevelKeywordModifiers(;, typedef) | |
parseTypedef(typedef) | |
listener: beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(typedef) | |
listener: beginTypedef(typedef) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(typedef, typedefDeclaration, true) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(H6, typedefDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(=) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(Function, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParameter((, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseMetadataStar(() | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(void) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginFormalParameter(void, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType, null, null, null) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(T, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(T, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
listener: handleNoName()) | |
listener: handleFormalParameterWithoutValue()) | |
listener: endFormalParameter(null, null, null, ), null, null, FormalParameterKind.mandatory, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(1, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: endTypedef(typedef, =, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(void) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(void) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl(;) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(void) | |
parseFields(;, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;, Instance of 'ComplexTypeInfo', f1, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, false) | |
listener: beginFields(DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(T, 1) | |
listener: handleNoType(T) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 0, null, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(), topLevelVariableDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(f1, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
parseFieldInitializerOpt(f1, f1, null, null, null, null, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null) | |
listener: handleNoFieldInitializer(;) | |
listener: endTopLevelFields(null, null, null, null, null, 1, void, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(void) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(void) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl(;) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(void) | |
parseFields(;, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;, Instance of 'ComplexTypeInfo', f2, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, false) | |
listener: beginFields(DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 1) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(), topLevelVariableDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(f2, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
parseFieldInitializerOpt(f2, f2, null, null, null, null, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null) | |
listener: handleNoFieldInitializer(;) | |
listener: endTopLevelFields(null, null, null, null, null, 1, void, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(void) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(void) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl(;) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(void) | |
parseFields(;, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;, Instance of 'ComplexTypeInfo', f3, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, false) | |
listener: beginFields(DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(S, 2) | |
listener: handleNoType(S) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, null, null) | |
listener: handleNoType(T) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, null, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(), topLevelVariableDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(f3, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
parseFieldInitializerOpt(f3, f3, null, null, null, null, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null) | |
listener: handleNoFieldInitializer(;) | |
listener: endTopLevelFields(null, null, null, null, null, 1, void, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(void) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(void) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl(;) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(void) | |
parseFields(;, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;, Instance of 'ComplexTypeInfo', f4, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, false) | |
listener: beginFields(DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(), topLevelVariableDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(f4, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
parseFieldInitializerOpt(f4, f4, null, null, null, null, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null) | |
listener: handleNoFieldInitializer(;) | |
listener: endTopLevelFields(null, null, null, null, null, 1, void, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(void) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(void) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl(;) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(void) | |
parseFields(;, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;, Instance of 'ComplexTypeInfo', f5, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, false) | |
listener: beginFields(DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(num, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(S, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(), topLevelVariableDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(f5, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
parseFieldInitializerOpt(f5, f5, null, null, null, null, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null) | |
listener: handleNoFieldInitializer(;) | |
listener: endTopLevelFields(null, null, null, null, null, 1, void, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(void) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(void) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl(;) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(void) | |
parseFields(;, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;, Instance of 'ComplexTypeInfo', f6, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, false) | |
listener: beginFields(DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, null, null, null, null, null, ;) | |
listener: beginFunctionType(void) | |
listener: beginTypeVariables(<) | |
parseMetadataStar(<) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(T) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(T) | |
parseMetadataStar(,) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(S) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(S, typeVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: beginTypeVariable(S) | |
listener: handleTypeVariablesDefined(T, 2) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>) | |
listener: handleType(T, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(>, 1, extends, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(num, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
listener: handleType(num, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariable(,, 0, extends, null) | |
listener: endTypeVariables(<, >) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(>, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType) | |
listener: endFunctionType(Function, null) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(), topLevelVariableDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(f6, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
parseFieldInitializerOpt(f6, f6, null, null, null, null, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null) | |
listener: handleNoFieldInitializer(;) | |
listener: endTopLevelFields(null, null, null, null, null, 1, void, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(main) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(main) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl(;) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(main) | |
isReservedKeyword(() | |
parseTopLevelMethod(;, null, ;, Instance of 'NoType', null, main, false) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMethod(;, null) | |
listener: handleNoType(;) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(;, topLevelFunctionDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(main, topLevelFunctionDeclaration) | |
parseMethodTypeVar(main) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
parseGetterOrFormalParameters(main, main, false, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
parseFormalParameters(main, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
parseAsyncModifierOpt()) | |
listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null) | |
inPlainSync() | |
parseFunctionBody(), false, false) | |
listener: beginBlockFunctionBody({) | |
notEofOrValue(}, }) | |
listener: endBlockFunctionBody(0, {, }) | |
listener: endTopLevelMethod(main, null, }) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration() | |
reportAllErrorTokens(typedef) | |
listener: endCompilationUnit(31, ) |