parseUnit(x) | |
skipErrorTokens(x) | |
listener: beginCompilationUnit(x) | |
syntheticPreviousToken(x) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar() | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(x) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl() | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(x) | |
isReservedKeyword(.) | |
parseTopLevelMethod(, null, , Instance of 'NoType', null, x, false) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMethod(, null) | |
listener: handleNoType() | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(, topLevelFunctionDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(x, topLevelFunctionDeclaration) | |
parseMethodTypeVar(x) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(.) | |
parseGetterOrFormalParameters(x, x, false, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
missingParameterMessage(MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
reportRecoverableError(x, MissingFunctionParameters) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(MissingFunctionParameters, x, x) | |
rewriter() | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
parseAsyncModifierOpt()) | |
listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null) | |
inPlainSync() | |
parseFunctionBody(), false, false) | |
ensureBlock(), Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>', null) | |
reportRecoverableError(., Message[ExpectedFunctionBody, Expected a function body, but got '.'., null, {lexeme: .}]) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedFunctionBody, Expected a function body, but got '.'., null, {lexeme: .}], ., .) | |
insertBlock()) | |
rewriter() | |
rewriter() | |
listener: handleInvalidFunctionBody({) | |
listener: endTopLevelMethod(x, null, }) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(.) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(}, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(}) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(.) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(.) | |
parseInvalidTopLevelDeclaration(}) | |
reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(., Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>') | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedDeclaration, Expected a declaration, but got '.'., null, {lexeme: .}], ., .) | |
listener: handleInvalidTopLevelDeclaration(.) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(y) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(., Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(.) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(y) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl(.) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(y) | |
isReservedKeyword(=) | |
parseFields(., null, null, null, null, null, null, ., Instance of 'NoType', y, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, false) | |
listener: beginFields(DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, null, null, null, null, null, .) | |
reportRecoverableError(y, MissingConstFinalVarOrType) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(MissingConstFinalVarOrType, y, y) | |
listener: handleNoType(.) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(., topLevelVariableDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(y, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
parseFieldInitializerOpt(y, y, null, null, null, null, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null) | |
listener: beginFieldInitializer(=) | |
parseExpression(=) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(=, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(=, true) | |
parsePrimary(=, expression) | |
parseLiteralInt(=) | |
listener: handleLiteralInt(42) | |
listener: endFieldInitializer(=, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelFields(null, null, null, null, null, 1, y, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(x) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(x) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl(;) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(x) | |
isReservedKeyword(.) | |
parseTopLevelMethod(;, null, ;, Instance of 'NoType', null, x, false) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMethod(;, null) | |
listener: handleNoType(;) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(;, topLevelFunctionDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(x, topLevelFunctionDeclaration) | |
parseMethodTypeVar(x) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(.) | |
parseGetterOrFormalParameters(x, x, false, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
missingParameterMessage(MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
reportRecoverableError(x, MissingFunctionParameters) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(MissingFunctionParameters, x, x) | |
rewriter() | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
parseAsyncModifierOpt()) | |
listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null) | |
inPlainSync() | |
parseFunctionBody(), false, false) | |
ensureBlock(), Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>', null) | |
reportRecoverableError(., Message[ExpectedFunctionBody, Expected a function body, but got '.'., null, {lexeme: .}]) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedFunctionBody, Expected a function body, but got '.'., null, {lexeme: .}], ., .) | |
insertBlock()) | |
rewriter() | |
rewriter() | |
listener: handleInvalidFunctionBody({) | |
listener: endTopLevelMethod(x, null, }) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(.) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(}, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(}) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(.) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(.) | |
parseInvalidTopLevelDeclaration(}) | |
reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(., Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>') | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedDeclaration, Expected a declaration, but got '.'., null, {lexeme: .}], ., .) | |
listener: handleInvalidTopLevelDeclaration(.) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(z) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(., Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(.) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(z) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl(.) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(z) | |
isReservedKeyword(=) | |
parseFields(., null, null, null, null, null, null, ., Instance of 'NoType', z, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, false) | |
listener: beginFields(DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, null, null, null, null, null, .) | |
reportRecoverableError(z, MissingConstFinalVarOrType) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(MissingConstFinalVarOrType, z, z) | |
listener: handleNoType(.) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(., topLevelVariableDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(z, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
parseFieldInitializerOpt(z, z, null, null, null, null, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null) | |
listener: beginFieldInitializer(=) | |
parseExpression(=) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(=, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(=, true) | |
parsePrimary(=, expression) | |
parseLiteralBool(=) | |
listener: handleLiteralBool(true) | |
listener: endFieldInitializer(=, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelFields(null, null, null, null, null, 1, z, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(void) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(void) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl(;) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(void) | |
parseTopLevelMethod(;, null, ;, Instance of 'VoidType', null, foo, false) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMethod(;, null) | |
listener: handleVoidKeyword(void) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(void, topLevelFunctionDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(foo, topLevelFunctionDeclaration) | |
parseMethodTypeVar(foo) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
parseGetterOrFormalParameters(foo, foo, false, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
parseFormalParameters(foo, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
parseAsyncModifierOpt()) | |
listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null) | |
inPlainSync() | |
parseFunctionBody(), false, false) | |
listener: beginBlockFunctionBody({) | |
notEofOrValue(}, if) | |
parseStatement({) | |
parseStatementX({) | |
parseIfStatement({) | |
listener: beginIfStatement(if) | |
ensureParenthesizedCondition(if) | |
parseExpressionInParenthesisRest(() | |
parseExpression(() | |
parsePrecedenceExpression((, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression((, true) | |
parsePrimary((, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral((, expression) | |
parseSend((, expression) | |
isNextIdentifier(() | |
ensureIdentifier((, expression) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(x, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(!=) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(x) | |
listener: handleNoArguments(!=) | |
listener: handleSend(x, !=) | |
listener: beginBinaryExpression(!=) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(!=, 8, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(!=, true) | |
parsePrimary(!=, expression) | |
parseLiteralNull(!=) | |
listener: handleLiteralNull(null) | |
listener: endBinaryExpression(!=) | |
ensureCloseParen(null, () | |
listener: handleParenthesizedCondition(() | |
listener: beginThenStatement({) | |
parseStatement()) | |
parseStatementX()) | |
parseBlock(), BlockKind(statement)) | |
ensureBlock(), null, null) | |
listener: beginBlock({, BlockKind(statement)) | |
notEofOrValue(}, }) | |
listener: endBlock(0, {, }, BlockKind(statement)) | |
listener: endThenStatement(}) | |
listener: endIfStatement(if, null) | |
notEofOrValue(}, }) | |
listener: endBlockFunctionBody(1, {, }) | |
listener: endTopLevelMethod(void, null, }) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration() | |
reportAllErrorTokens(x) | |
listener: endCompilationUnit(7, ) |