parseUnit(class) | |
skipErrorTokens(class) | |
listener: beginCompilationUnit(class) | |
syntheticPreviousToken(class) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar() | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(class) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(, class, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseClassDeclarationModifiers(, class) | |
parseClassOrNamedMixinApplication(null, null, null, class) | |
listener: beginClassOrMixinOrNamedMixinApplicationPrelude(class) | |
ensureIdentifier(class, classOrMixinDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(A, classOrMixinDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables({) | |
listener: beginClassDeclaration(class, null, null, null, A) | |
parseClass(A, class, class, A) | |
parseClassHeaderOpt(A, class, class) | |
parseClassExtendsOpt(A) | |
listener: handleNoType(A) | |
listener: handleClassExtends(null, 1) | |
parseClassWithClauseOpt(A) | |
listener: handleClassNoWithClause() | |
parseClassOrMixinOrEnumImplementsOpt(A) | |
listener: handleImplements(null, 0) | |
listener: handleClassHeader(class, class, null) | |
parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody(A, DeclarationKind.Class, A) | |
listener: beginClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody(DeclarationKind.Class, {) | |
notEofOrValue(}, Stream) | |
parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl({, DeclarationKind.Class, A) | |
parseMetadataStar({) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(Stream) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginMember() | |
recoverFromInvalidMember(>, {, null, null, null, null, null, null, {, Instance of 'ComplexTypeInfo', null, DeclarationKind.Class, A) | |
parseFields({, null, null, null, null, null, null, {, Instance of 'ComplexTypeInfo', }, DeclarationKind.Class, A, false) | |
listener: beginFields(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, null, {) | |
ensureIdentifier({, typeReference) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(Stream, typeReference) | |
listener: beginTypeArguments(<) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeReference) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(List, typeReference) | |
listener: beginTypeArguments(<) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, typeReference) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(Set, typeReference) | |
listener: beginTypeArguments(<) | |
reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(>>>, Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>') | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedType, Expected a type, but got '>>>'., null, {lexeme: >>>}], >>>, >>>) | |
rewriter() | |
listener: handleIdentifier(, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(>>>) | |
listener: handleType(, null) | |
listener: endTypeArguments(1, <, >) | |
listener: handleType(Set, null) | |
listener: endTypeArguments(1, <, >) | |
listener: handleType(List, null) | |
listener: endTypeArguments(1, <, >) | |
listener: handleType(Stream, null) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(>, fieldDeclaration, false) | |
insertSyntheticIdentifier(>, fieldDeclaration, message: null, messageOnToken: null) | |
reportRecoverableError(}, Message[ExpectedIdentifier, Expected an identifier, but got '}'., Try inserting an identifier before '}'., {lexeme: }}]) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedIdentifier, Expected an identifier, but got '}'., Try inserting an identifier before '}'., {lexeme: }}], }, }) | |
rewriter() | |
listener: handleIdentifier(, fieldDeclaration) | |
parseFieldInitializerOpt(, , null, null, null, null, DeclarationKind.Class, A) | |
listener: handleNoFieldInitializer(}) | |
ensureSemicolon() | |
reportRecoverableError(>, Message[ExpectedAfterButGot, Expected ';' after this., null, {string: ;}]) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedAfterButGot, Expected ';' after this., null, {string: ;}], >, >) | |
rewriter() | |
listener: endClassFields(null, null, null, null, null, null, 1, Stream, ;) | |
listener: endMember() | |
notEofOrValue(}, }) | |
listener: endClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody(DeclarationKind.Class, 1, {, }) | |
listener: endClassDeclaration(class, }) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration() | |
reportAllErrorTokens(class) | |
listener: endCompilationUnit(1, ) |