parseUnit(UnmatchedToken(()) | |
skipErrorTokens(UnmatchedToken(()) | |
listener: beginCompilationUnit(f) | |
syntheticPreviousToken(f) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(UnmatchedToken({), Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(UnmatchedToken({)) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(f) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl(UnmatchedToken({)) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(f) | |
isReservedKeyword(() | |
parseTopLevelMethod(UnmatchedToken({), null, UnmatchedToken({), Instance of 'NoType', null, f, false) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMethod(UnmatchedToken({), null) | |
listener: handleNoType(UnmatchedToken({)) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(UnmatchedToken({), topLevelFunctionDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(f, topLevelFunctionDeclaration) | |
parseMethodTypeVar(f) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
parseGetterOrFormalParameters(f, f, false, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
parseFormalParameters(f, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
parseAsyncModifierOpt()) | |
listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null) | |
inPlainSync() | |
parseFunctionBody(), false, false) | |
listener: beginBlockFunctionBody({) | |
notEofOrValue(}, m) | |
parseStatement({) | |
parseStatementX({) | |
parseExpressionStatementOrDeclarationAfterModifiers({, {, null, null, null, false) | |
looksLikeLocalFunction(m) | |
parseExpressionStatement({) | |
parseExpression({) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression({, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression({, true) | |
parsePrimary({, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral({, expression) | |
looksLikeFunctionBody(}) | |
parseSend({, expression) | |
isNextIdentifier({) | |
ensureIdentifier({, expression) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(m, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(() | |
parseArgumentsOpt(m) | |
parseArguments(m) | |
parseArgumentsRest(() | |
listener: beginArguments(() | |
parseExpression(() | |
parsePrecedenceExpression((, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression((, true) | |
parsePrimary((, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral((, expression) | |
parseSend((, expression) | |
isNextIdentifier(() | |
ensureIdentifier((, expression) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(T, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(<) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(T) | |
listener: handleNoArguments(<) | |
listener: handleSend(T, <) | |
listener: beginBinaryExpression(<) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(<, 9, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(<, true) | |
parsePrimary(<, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral(<, expression) | |
looksLikeFunctionBody(>) | |
parseSend(<, expression) | |
isNextIdentifier(<) | |
ensureIdentifier(<, expression) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(R, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(() | |
parseArgumentsOpt(R) | |
parseArguments(R) | |
parseArgumentsRest(() | |
listener: beginArguments(() | |
parseExpression(() | |
parsePrecedenceExpression((, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression((, true) | |
parsePrimary((, expression) | |
parseLiteralListSetMapOrFunction((, null) | |
listener: beginTypeArguments(<) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(Z, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments()) | |
listener: handleType(Z, null) | |
listener: endTypeArguments(1, <, >) | |
reportRecoverableError(), Message[ExpectedButGot, Expected '[' before this., null, {string: [}]) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedButGot, Expected '[' before this., null, {string: [}], , ) | |
listener: // WARNING: Reporting at eof for . | |
rewriter() | |
parseLiteralListSuffix(>, null) | |
rewriteSquareBrackets(>) | |
link([, ]) | |
rewriter() | |
listener: handleLiteralList(0, [, null, ]) | |
listener: endArguments(1, (, )) | |
listener: handleSend(R, }) | |
listener: endBinaryExpression(<) | |
ensureCloseParen(), () | |
rewriter() | |
listener: endArguments(1, (, )) | |
listener: handleSend(m, }) | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
reportRecoverableError(Z, Message[ExpectedAfterButGot, Expected ';' after this., null, {string: ;}]) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedAfterButGot, Expected ';' after this., null, {string: ;}], Z, Z) | |
rewriter() | |
listener: handleExpressionStatement(;) | |
notEofOrValue(}, }) | |
listener: endBlockFunctionBody(1, {, }) | |
listener: endTopLevelMethod(f, null, }) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration() | |
reportAllErrorTokens(UnmatchedToken(()) | |
listener: handleErrorToken(UnmatchedToken(()) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[UnmatchedToken, Can't find ')' to match '('., null, {string: ), lexeme: (}], UnmatchedToken((), UnmatchedToken(()) | |
listener: handleErrorToken(UnmatchedToken(<)) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[UnmatchedToken, Can't find '>' to match '<'., null, {string: >, lexeme: <}], UnmatchedToken(<), UnmatchedToken(<)) | |
listener: handleErrorToken(UnmatchedToken(()) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[UnmatchedToken, Can't find ')' to match '('., null, {string: ), lexeme: (}], UnmatchedToken((), UnmatchedToken(()) | |
listener: handleErrorToken(UnmatchedToken({)) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[UnmatchedToken, Can't find '}' to match '{'., null, {string: }, lexeme: {}], UnmatchedToken({), UnmatchedToken({)) | |
listener: endCompilationUnit(1, ) |