parseUnit(class) | |
skipErrorTokens(class) | |
listener: beginCompilationUnit(class) | |
syntheticPreviousToken(class) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar() | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(class) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelKeywordDeclaration(, class, null, null, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseClassDeclarationModifiers(, class) | |
parseClassOrNamedMixinApplication(null, null, null, class) | |
listener: beginClassOrMixinOrNamedMixinApplicationPrelude(class) | |
ensureIdentifier(class, classOrMixinDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(Foo, classOrMixinDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables({) | |
listener: beginClassDeclaration(class, null, null, null, Foo) | |
parseClass(Foo, class, class, Foo) | |
parseClassHeaderOpt(Foo, class, class) | |
parseClassExtendsOpt(Foo) | |
listener: handleNoType(Foo) | |
listener: handleClassExtends(null, 1) | |
parseClassWithClauseOpt(Foo) | |
listener: handleClassNoWithClause() | |
parseClassOrMixinOrEnumImplementsOpt(Foo) | |
listener: handleImplements(null, 0) | |
listener: handleClassHeader(class, class, null) | |
parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody(Foo, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
listener: beginClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody(DeclarationKind.Class, {) | |
notEofOrValue(}, Foo) | |
parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl({, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
parseMetadataStar({) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(Foo) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginMember() | |
isReservedKeyword(() | |
parseMethod({, null, null, null, null, null, null, {, Instance of 'NoType', null, Foo, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo, false) | |
listener: beginMethod(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, Foo) | |
listener: handleNoType({) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered({, methodDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(Foo, methodDeclaration) | |
parseQualifiedRestOpt(Foo, methodDeclarationContinuation) | |
parseMethodTypeVar(Foo) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
parseGetterOrFormalParameters(Foo, Foo, false, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseFormalParameters(Foo, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseInitializersOpt()) | |
listener: handleNoInitializers() | |
parseAsyncModifierOpt()) | |
listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null) | |
inPlainSync() | |
inPlainSync() | |
parseFunctionBody(), false, true) | |
ensureBlock(), Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>', null) | |
reportRecoverableError(/, Message[ExpectedFunctionBody, Expected a function body, but got '/'., null, {lexeme: /}]) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedFunctionBody, Expected a function body, but got '/'., null, {lexeme: /}], /, /) | |
insertBlock()) | |
rewriter() | |
rewriter() | |
listener: handleInvalidFunctionBody({) | |
listener: endClassConstructor(null, Foo, (, null, }) | |
listener: endMember() | |
notEofOrValue(}, /) | |
parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl(}, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
parseMetadataStar(}) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(/) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginMember() | |
recoverFromInvalidMember(}, }, null, null, null, null, null, null, }, Instance of 'NoType', null, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
parseInvalidOperatorDeclaration(}, null, null, null, null, null, null, }, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
reportRecoverableError(/, MissingOperatorKeyword) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(MissingOperatorKeyword, /, /) | |
rewriter() | |
parseMethod(}, null, null, null, null, null, null, }, Instance of 'NoType', null, operator, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo, false) | |
listener: beginMethod(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, operator) | |
listener: handleNoType(}) | |
parseOperatorName(}) | |
listener: handleOperatorName(operator, /) | |
parseMethodTypeVar(/) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(:) | |
parseGetterOrFormalParameters(/, operator, false, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
missingParameterMessage(MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
reportRecoverableError(/, MissingMethodParameters) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(MissingMethodParameters, /, /) | |
rewriter() | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseInitializersOpt()) | |
parseInitializers(:) | |
listener: beginInitializers(:) | |
parseInitializer(:) | |
listener: beginInitializer(super) | |
parseSuperInitializerExpression(:) | |
parseInitializerExpressionRest(:) | |
parseExpression(:) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(:, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(:, true) | |
parsePrimary(:, expression) | |
parseSuperExpression(:, expression) | |
listener: handleSuperExpression(super, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(() | |
parseArguments(super) | |
parseArgumentsRest(() | |
listener: beginArguments(() | |
listener: endArguments(0, (, )) | |
listener: handleSend(super, {) | |
listener: endInitializer({) | |
listener: endInitializers(1, :, {) | |
parseAsyncModifierOpt()) | |
listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null) | |
inPlainSync() | |
inPlainSync() | |
parseFunctionBody(), false, true) | |
listener: beginBlockFunctionBody({) | |
notEofOrValue(}, }) | |
listener: endBlockFunctionBody(0, {, }) | |
reportRecoverableError(operator, ConstructorWithWrongName) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(ConstructorWithWrongName, /, /) | |
listener: endClassConstructor(null, operator, (, :, }) | |
listener: endMember() | |
notEofOrValue(}, Foo) | |
parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl(}, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
parseMetadataStar(}) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(Foo) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginMember() | |
isReservedKeyword(() | |
parseMethod(}, null, null, null, null, null, null, }, Instance of 'NoType', null, Foo, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo, false) | |
listener: beginMethod(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, Foo) | |
listener: handleNoType(}) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(}, methodDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(Foo, methodDeclaration) | |
parseQualifiedRestOpt(Foo, methodDeclarationContinuation) | |
parseMethodTypeVar(Foo) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
parseGetterOrFormalParameters(Foo, Foo, false, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseFormalParameters(Foo, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseInitializersOpt()) | |
listener: handleNoInitializers() | |
parseAsyncModifierOpt()) | |
listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null) | |
inPlainSync() | |
inPlainSync() | |
parseFunctionBody(), false, true) | |
ensureBlock(), Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>', null) | |
reportRecoverableError(., Message[ExpectedFunctionBody, Expected a function body, but got '.'., null, {lexeme: .}]) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedFunctionBody, Expected a function body, but got '.'., null, {lexeme: .}], ., .) | |
insertBlock()) | |
rewriter() | |
rewriter() | |
listener: handleInvalidFunctionBody({) | |
listener: endClassConstructor(null, Foo, (, null, }) | |
listener: endMember() | |
notEofOrValue(}, .) | |
parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl(}, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
parseMetadataStar(}) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(.) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginMember() | |
recoverFromInvalidMember(}, }, null, null, null, null, null, null, }, Instance of 'NoType', null, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(., Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>') | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedClassMember, Expected a class member, but got '.'., null, {lexeme: .}], ., .) | |
listener: handleInvalidMember(.) | |
listener: endMember() | |
notEofOrValue(}, /) | |
parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl(., DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
parseMetadataStar(.) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(/) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginMember() | |
recoverFromInvalidMember(., ., null, null, null, null, null, null, ., Instance of 'NoType', null, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
parseInvalidOperatorDeclaration(., null, null, null, null, null, null, ., DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
reportRecoverableError(/, MissingOperatorKeyword) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(MissingOperatorKeyword, /, /) | |
rewriter() | |
parseMethod(., null, null, null, null, null, null, ., Instance of 'NoType', null, operator, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo, false) | |
listener: beginMethod(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, operator) | |
listener: handleNoType(.) | |
parseOperatorName(.) | |
listener: handleOperatorName(operator, /) | |
parseMethodTypeVar(/) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(:) | |
parseGetterOrFormalParameters(/, operator, false, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
missingParameterMessage(MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
reportRecoverableError(/, MissingMethodParameters) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(MissingMethodParameters, /, /) | |
rewriter() | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseInitializersOpt()) | |
parseInitializers(:) | |
listener: beginInitializers(:) | |
parseInitializer(:) | |
listener: beginInitializer(super) | |
parseSuperInitializerExpression(:) | |
parseInitializerExpressionRest(:) | |
parseExpression(:) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(:, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(:, true) | |
parsePrimary(:, expression) | |
parseSuperExpression(:, expression) | |
listener: handleSuperExpression(super, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(() | |
parseArguments(super) | |
parseArgumentsRest(() | |
listener: beginArguments(() | |
listener: endArguments(0, (, )) | |
listener: handleSend(super, {) | |
listener: endInitializer({) | |
listener: endInitializers(1, :, {) | |
parseAsyncModifierOpt()) | |
listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null) | |
inPlainSync() | |
inPlainSync() | |
parseFunctionBody(), false, true) | |
listener: beginBlockFunctionBody({) | |
notEofOrValue(}, }) | |
listener: endBlockFunctionBody(0, {, }) | |
reportRecoverableError(operator, ConstructorWithWrongName) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(ConstructorWithWrongName, /, /) | |
listener: endClassConstructor(null, operator, (, :, }) | |
listener: endMember() | |
notEofOrValue(}, foo) | |
parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl(}, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
parseMetadataStar(}) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(foo) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginMember() | |
isReservedKeyword(() | |
parseMethod(}, null, null, null, null, null, null, }, Instance of 'NoType', null, foo, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo, false) | |
listener: beginMethod(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, foo) | |
listener: handleNoType(}) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(}, methodDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(foo, methodDeclaration) | |
parseQualifiedRestOpt(foo, methodDeclarationContinuation) | |
parseMethodTypeVar(foo) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
parseGetterOrFormalParameters(foo, foo, false, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseFormalParameters(foo, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseInitializersOpt()) | |
listener: handleNoInitializers() | |
parseAsyncModifierOpt()) | |
listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null) | |
inPlainSync() | |
inPlainSync() | |
parseFunctionBody(), false, true) | |
ensureBlock(), Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>', null) | |
reportRecoverableError(/, Message[ExpectedFunctionBody, Expected a function body, but got '/'., null, {lexeme: /}]) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedFunctionBody, Expected a function body, but got '/'., null, {lexeme: /}], /, /) | |
insertBlock()) | |
rewriter() | |
rewriter() | |
listener: handleInvalidFunctionBody({) | |
listener: endClassMethod(null, foo, (, null, }) | |
listener: endMember() | |
notEofOrValue(}, /) | |
parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl(}, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
parseMetadataStar(}) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(/) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginMember() | |
recoverFromInvalidMember(}, }, null, null, null, null, null, null, }, Instance of 'NoType', null, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
parseInvalidOperatorDeclaration(}, null, null, null, null, null, null, }, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
reportRecoverableError(/, MissingOperatorKeyword) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(MissingOperatorKeyword, /, /) | |
rewriter() | |
parseMethod(}, null, null, null, null, null, null, }, Instance of 'NoType', null, operator, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo, false) | |
listener: beginMethod(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, operator) | |
listener: handleNoType(}) | |
parseOperatorName(}) | |
listener: handleOperatorName(operator, /) | |
parseMethodTypeVar(/) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(:) | |
parseGetterOrFormalParameters(/, operator, false, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
missingParameterMessage(MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
reportRecoverableError(/, MissingMethodParameters) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(MissingMethodParameters, /, /) | |
rewriter() | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseInitializersOpt()) | |
parseInitializers(:) | |
listener: beginInitializers(:) | |
parseInitializer(:) | |
listener: beginInitializer(super) | |
parseSuperInitializerExpression(:) | |
parseInitializerExpressionRest(:) | |
parseExpression(:) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(:, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(:, true) | |
parsePrimary(:, expression) | |
parseSuperExpression(:, expression) | |
listener: handleSuperExpression(super, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(() | |
parseArguments(super) | |
parseArgumentsRest(() | |
listener: beginArguments(() | |
listener: endArguments(0, (, )) | |
listener: handleSend(super, {) | |
listener: endInitializer({) | |
listener: endInitializers(1, :, {) | |
parseAsyncModifierOpt()) | |
listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null) | |
inPlainSync() | |
inPlainSync() | |
parseFunctionBody(), false, true) | |
listener: beginBlockFunctionBody({) | |
notEofOrValue(}, }) | |
listener: endBlockFunctionBody(0, {, }) | |
reportRecoverableError(operator, ConstructorWithWrongName) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(ConstructorWithWrongName, /, /) | |
listener: endClassConstructor(null, operator, (, :, }) | |
listener: endMember() | |
notEofOrValue(}, foo) | |
parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl(}, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
parseMetadataStar(}) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(foo) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginMember() | |
isReservedKeyword(() | |
parseMethod(}, null, null, null, null, null, null, }, Instance of 'NoType', null, foo, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo, false) | |
listener: beginMethod(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, foo) | |
listener: handleNoType(}) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(}, methodDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(foo, methodDeclaration) | |
parseQualifiedRestOpt(foo, methodDeclarationContinuation) | |
parseMethodTypeVar(foo) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(() | |
parseGetterOrFormalParameters(foo, foo, false, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseFormalParameters(foo, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseInitializersOpt()) | |
listener: handleNoInitializers() | |
parseAsyncModifierOpt()) | |
listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null) | |
inPlainSync() | |
inPlainSync() | |
parseFunctionBody(), false, true) | |
ensureBlock(), Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>', null) | |
reportRecoverableError(., Message[ExpectedFunctionBody, Expected a function body, but got '.'., null, {lexeme: .}]) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedFunctionBody, Expected a function body, but got '.'., null, {lexeme: .}], ., .) | |
insertBlock()) | |
rewriter() | |
rewriter() | |
listener: handleInvalidFunctionBody({) | |
listener: endClassMethod(null, foo, (, null, }) | |
listener: endMember() | |
notEofOrValue(}, .) | |
parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl(}, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
parseMetadataStar(}) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(.) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginMember() | |
recoverFromInvalidMember(}, }, null, null, null, null, null, null, }, Instance of 'NoType', null, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
reportRecoverableErrorWithToken(., Instance of 'Template<(Token) => Message>') | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(Message[ExpectedClassMember, Expected a class member, but got '.'., null, {lexeme: .}], ., .) | |
listener: handleInvalidMember(.) | |
listener: endMember() | |
notEofOrValue(}, /) | |
parseClassOrMixinOrExtensionOrEnumMemberImpl(., DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
parseMetadataStar(.) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(/) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
listener: beginMember() | |
recoverFromInvalidMember(., ., null, null, null, null, null, null, ., Instance of 'NoType', null, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
parseInvalidOperatorDeclaration(., null, null, null, null, null, null, ., DeclarationKind.Class, Foo) | |
reportRecoverableError(/, MissingOperatorKeyword) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(MissingOperatorKeyword, /, /) | |
rewriter() | |
parseMethod(., null, null, null, null, null, null, ., Instance of 'NoType', null, operator, DeclarationKind.Class, Foo, false) | |
listener: beginMethod(DeclarationKind.Class, null, null, null, null, null, operator) | |
listener: handleNoType(.) | |
parseOperatorName(.) | |
listener: handleOperatorName(operator, /) | |
parseMethodTypeVar(/) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(:) | |
parseGetterOrFormalParameters(/, operator, false, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
missingParameterMessage(MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
reportRecoverableError(/, MissingMethodParameters) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(MissingMethodParameters, /, /) | |
rewriter() | |
parseFormalParametersRest((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: beginFormalParameters((, MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
listener: endFormalParameters(0, (, ), MemberKind.NonStaticMethod) | |
parseInitializersOpt()) | |
parseInitializers(:) | |
listener: beginInitializers(:) | |
parseInitializer(:) | |
listener: beginInitializer(super) | |
parseSuperInitializerExpression(:) | |
parseInitializerExpressionRest(:) | |
parseExpression(:) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(:, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(:, true) | |
parsePrimary(:, expression) | |
parseSuperExpression(:, expression) | |
listener: handleSuperExpression(super, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(() | |
parseArguments(super) | |
parseArgumentsRest(() | |
listener: beginArguments(() | |
listener: endArguments(0, (, )) | |
listener: handleSend(super, {) | |
listener: endInitializer({) | |
listener: endInitializers(1, :, {) | |
parseAsyncModifierOpt()) | |
listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null) | |
inPlainSync() | |
inPlainSync() | |
parseFunctionBody(), false, true) | |
listener: beginBlockFunctionBody({) | |
notEofOrValue(}, }) | |
listener: endBlockFunctionBody(0, {, }) | |
reportRecoverableError(operator, ConstructorWithWrongName) | |
listener: handleRecoverableError(ConstructorWithWrongName, /, /) | |
listener: endClassConstructor(null, operator, (, :, }) | |
listener: endMember() | |
notEofOrValue(}, }) | |
listener: endClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody(DeclarationKind.Class, 10, {, }) | |
listener: endClassDeclaration(class, }) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration() | |
reportAllErrorTokens(class) | |
listener: endCompilationUnit(1, ) |