blob: bdcf3c0b7b48d73dad06e2e64815af3806460646 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of js_ast;
class TemplateManager {
Map<String, Template> expressionTemplates = {};
Map<String, Template> statementTemplates = {};
Template lookupExpressionTemplate(String source) {
return expressionTemplates[source];
Template defineExpressionTemplate(String source, Node ast) {
Template template =
Template(source, ast, isExpression: true, forceCopy: false);
expressionTemplates[source] = template;
return template;
Template lookupStatementTemplate(String source) {
return statementTemplates[source];
Template defineStatementTemplate(String source, Node ast) {
Template template =
Template(source, ast, isExpression: false, forceCopy: false);
statementTemplates[source] = template;
return template;
/// A Template is created with JavaScript AST containing placeholders (interface
/// InterpolatedNode). The [instantiate] method creates an AST that looks like
/// the original with the placeholders replaced by the arguments to
/// [instantiate].
class Template {
final String source;
final bool isExpression;
final bool forceCopy;
final Node ast;
Instantiator instantiator;
int positionalArgumentCount = -1;
// Null, unless there are named holes.
List<String> holeNames;
bool get isPositional => holeNames == null;
Template(this.source, this.ast,
{this.isExpression = true, this.forceCopy = false}) {
assert(this.isExpression ? ast is Expression : ast is Statement);
: source = null,
isExpression = true,
forceCopy = false {
assert(ast is Expression);
positionalArgumentCount = 0;
instantiator = (arguments) => ast;
: source = null,
isExpression = false,
forceCopy = false {
assert(ast is Statement);
positionalArgumentCount = 0;
instantiator = (arguments) => ast;
bool _checkNoPlaceholders() {
InstantiatorGeneratorVisitor generator =
return generator.analysis.count == 0;
void _compile() {
InstantiatorGeneratorVisitor generator =
instantiator = generator.compile(ast);
positionalArgumentCount = generator.analysis.count;
Set<String> names = generator.analysis.holeNames;
holeNames = names.toList(growable: false);
/// Instantiates the template with the given [arguments].
/// This method fills in the holes with the given arguments. The [arguments]
/// must be either a [List] or a [Map].
Node instantiate(var arguments) {
if (arguments is List) {
if (arguments.length != positionalArgumentCount) {
throw 'Wrong number of template arguments, given ${arguments.length}, '
'expected $positionalArgumentCount'
', source: "$source"';
return instantiator(arguments);
assert(arguments is Map);
if (holeNames.length < arguments.length) {
// This search is in O(n), but we only do it in case of an error, and the
// number of holes should be quite limited.
String unusedNames =
arguments.keys.where((name) => !holeNames.contains(name)).join(", ");
throw "Template arguments has unused mappings: $unusedNames";
if (!holeNames.every((String name) => arguments.containsKey(name))) {
String notFound =
holeNames.where((name) => !arguments.containsKey(name)).join(", ");
throw "Template arguments is missing mappings for: $notFound";
return instantiator(arguments);
/// An Instantiator is a Function that generates a JS AST tree or List of
/// trees. [arguments] is a List for positional templates, or Map for named
/// templates.
typedef Instantiator = /*Node|Iterable<Node>*/ Function(dynamic arguments);
/// InstantiatorGeneratorVisitor compiles a template. This class compiles a tree
/// containing [InterpolatedNode]s into a function that will create a copy of the
/// tree with the interpolated nodes substituted with provided values.
class InstantiatorGeneratorVisitor implements NodeVisitor<Instantiator> {
final bool forceCopy;
InterpolatedNodeAnalysis analysis = InterpolatedNodeAnalysis();
/// The entire tree is cloned if [forceCopy] is true.
Instantiator compile(Node node) {
Instantiator result = visit(node);
return result;
static error(String message) {
throw message;
static Instantiator same(Node node) => (arguments) => node;
static Node makeNull(arguments) => null;
Instantiator visit(Node node) {
if (forceCopy || analysis.containsInterpolatedNodes(node)) {
return node.accept(this);
return same(node);
Instantiator visitNullable(Node node) {
if (node == null) return makeNull;
return visit(node);
Instantiator visitSplayable(Node node) {
// TODO(sra): Process immediate [InterpolatedNode]s, permitting splaying.
return visit(node);
Instantiator visitNode(Node node) {
throw 'Unimplemented InstantiatorGeneratorVisitor for $node';
static RegExp identifierRE = RegExp(r'^[A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z_$0-9]*$');
static Expression convertStringToVariableUse(String value) {
return VariableUse(value);
static Expression convertStringToVariableDeclaration(String value) {
return VariableDeclaration(value);
Instantiator visitInterpolatedExpression(InterpolatedExpression node) {
var nameOrPosition = node.nameOrPosition;
return (arguments) {
var value = arguments[nameOrPosition];
if (value is Expression) return value;
if (value is String) return convertStringToVariableUse(value);
throw error(
'Interpolated value #$nameOrPosition is not an Expression: $value');
Instantiator visitInterpolatedDeclaration(InterpolatedDeclaration node) {
var nameOrPosition = node.nameOrPosition;
return (arguments) {
var value = arguments[nameOrPosition];
if (value is Declaration) return value;
if (value is String) return convertStringToVariableDeclaration(value);
throw error(
'Interpolated value #$nameOrPosition is not a declaration: $value');
Instantiator visitSplayableExpression(Node node) {
if (node is InterpolatedExpression) {
var nameOrPosition = node.nameOrPosition;
return (arguments) {
var value = arguments[nameOrPosition];
Expression toExpression(item) {
if (item is Expression) return item;
if (item is String) return convertStringToVariableUse(item);
throw error('Interpolated value #$nameOrPosition is not '
'an Expression or List of Expressions: $value');
if (value is Iterable) return;
return toExpression(value);
return visit(node);
Instantiator visitInterpolatedLiteral(InterpolatedLiteral node) {
var nameOrPosition = node.nameOrPosition;
return (arguments) {
var value = arguments[nameOrPosition];
if (value is Literal || value is DeferredExpression) return value;
error('Interpolated value #$nameOrPosition is not a Literal: $value');
Instantiator visitInterpolatedParameter(InterpolatedParameter node) {
var nameOrPosition = node.nameOrPosition;
return (arguments) {
var value = arguments[nameOrPosition];
Parameter toParameter(item) {
if (item is Parameter) return item;
if (item is String) return Parameter(item);
throw error('Interpolated value #$nameOrPosition is not a Parameter or'
' List of Parameters: $value');
if (value is Iterable) return;
return toParameter(value);
Instantiator visitInterpolatedSelector(InterpolatedSelector node) {
// A selector is an expression, as in `a[selector]`.
// A String argument converted into a LiteralString, so `a.#` with argument
// 'foo' generates `a["foo"]` which prints as ``.
var nameOrPosition = node.nameOrPosition;
return (arguments) {
var value = arguments[nameOrPosition];
if (value is Expression) return value;
if (value is String) return LiteralString(value);
throw error(
'Interpolated value #$nameOrPosition is not a selector: $value');
Instantiator visitInterpolatedStatement(InterpolatedStatement node) {
var nameOrPosition = node.nameOrPosition;
return (arguments) {
var value = arguments[nameOrPosition];
if (value is Node) return value.toStatement();
throw error(
'Interpolated value #$nameOrPosition is not a Statement: $value');
Instantiator visitSplayableStatement(Node node) {
if (node is InterpolatedStatement) {
var nameOrPosition = node.nameOrPosition;
return (arguments) {
var value = arguments[nameOrPosition];
Statement toStatement(item) {
if (item is Statement) return item;
if (item is Expression) return item.toStatement();
throw error('Interpolated value #$nameOrPosition is not '
'a Statement or List of Statements: $value');
if (value is Iterable) return;
return toStatement(value);
return visit(node);
Instantiator visitProgram(Program node) {
List<Instantiator> instantiators =;
return (arguments) {
List<Statement> statements = [];
void add(node) {
if (node is EmptyStatement) return;
if (node is Iterable) {
} else {
for (Instantiator instantiator in instantiators) {
return Program(statements);
Instantiator visitBlock(Block node) {
List<Instantiator> instantiators =;
return (arguments) {
List<Statement> statements = [];
void add(node) {
if (node is EmptyStatement) return;
if (node is Iterable) {
} else if (node is Block) {
} else {
for (Instantiator instantiator in instantiators) {
return Block(statements);
Instantiator visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
Instantiator buildExpression = visit(node.expression);
return (arguments) {
return buildExpression(arguments).toStatement();
Instantiator visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) =>
(arguments) => EmptyStatement();
Instantiator visitIf(If node) {
if (node.condition is InterpolatedExpression) {
return visitIfConditionalCompilation(node);
} else {
return visitIfNormal(node);
Instantiator visitIfConditionalCompilation(If node) {
// Special version of visitInterpolatedExpression that permits bools.
compileCondition(InterpolatedExpression node) {
var nameOrPosition = node.nameOrPosition;
return (arguments) {
var value = arguments[nameOrPosition];
if (value is bool) return value;
if (value is Expression) return value;
if (value is String) return convertStringToVariableUse(value);
throw error('Interpolated value #$nameOrPosition '
'is not an Expression: $value');
var makeCondition = compileCondition(node.condition);
Instantiator makeThen = visit(node.then);
Instantiator makeOtherwise = visit(node.otherwise);
return (arguments) {
var condition = makeCondition(arguments);
if (condition is bool) {
if (condition == true) {
return makeThen(arguments);
} else {
return makeOtherwise(arguments);
return If(condition, makeThen(arguments), makeOtherwise(arguments));
Instantiator visitIfNormal(If node) {
Instantiator makeCondition = visit(node.condition);
Instantiator makeThen = visit(node.then);
Instantiator makeOtherwise = visit(node.otherwise);
return (arguments) {
return If(makeCondition(arguments), makeThen(arguments),
Instantiator visitFor(For node) {
Instantiator makeInit = visitNullable(node.init);
Instantiator makeCondition = visitNullable(node.condition);
Instantiator makeUpdate = visitNullable(node.update);
Instantiator makeBody = visit(node.body);
return (arguments) {
return For(makeInit(arguments), makeCondition(arguments),
makeUpdate(arguments), makeBody(arguments));
Instantiator visitForIn(ForIn node) {
Instantiator makeLeftHandSide = visit(node.leftHandSide);
Instantiator makeObject = visit(node.object);
Instantiator makeBody = visit(node.body);
return (arguments) {
return ForIn(makeLeftHandSide(arguments), makeObject(arguments),
TODO(String name) {
throw UnimplementedError('$this.$name');
Instantiator visitWhile(While node) {
Instantiator makeCondition = visit(node.condition);
Instantiator makeBody = visit(node.body);
return (arguments) {
return While(makeCondition(arguments), makeBody(arguments));
Instantiator visitDo(Do node) {
Instantiator makeBody = visit(node.body);
Instantiator makeCondition = visit(node.condition);
return (arguments) {
return Do(makeBody(arguments), makeCondition(arguments));
Instantiator visitContinue(Continue node) =>
(arguments) => Continue(node.targetLabel);
Instantiator visitBreak(Break node) => (arguments) => Break(node.targetLabel);
Instantiator visitReturn(Return node) {
Instantiator makeExpression = visitNullable(node.value);
return (arguments) => Return(makeExpression(arguments));
Instantiator visitDartYield(DartYield node) {
Instantiator makeExpression = visit(node.expression);
return (arguments) => DartYield(makeExpression(arguments), node.hasStar);
Instantiator visitThrow(Throw node) {
Instantiator makeExpression = visit(node.expression);
return (arguments) => Throw(makeExpression(arguments));
Instantiator visitTry(Try node) {
Instantiator makeBody = visit(node.body);
Instantiator makeCatch = visitNullable(node.catchPart);
Instantiator makeFinally = visitNullable(node.finallyPart);
return (arguments) =>
Try(makeBody(arguments), makeCatch(arguments), makeFinally(arguments));
Instantiator visitCatch(Catch node) {
Instantiator makeDeclaration = visit(node.declaration);
Instantiator makeBody = visit(node.body);
return (arguments) =>
Catch(makeDeclaration(arguments), makeBody(arguments));
Instantiator visitSwitch(Switch node) {
Instantiator makeKey = visit(node.key);
Iterable<Instantiator> makeCases =;
return (arguments) {
return Switch(
.map<SwitchClause>((Instantiator makeCase) => makeCase(arguments))
Instantiator visitCase(Case node) {
Instantiator makeExpression = visit(node.expression);
Instantiator makeBody = visit(node.body);
return (arguments) {
return Case(makeExpression(arguments), makeBody(arguments));
Instantiator visitDefault(Default node) {
Instantiator makeBody = visit(node.body);
return (arguments) {
return Default(makeBody(arguments));
Instantiator visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
Instantiator makeName = visit(;
Instantiator makeFunction = visit(node.function);
return (arguments) =>
FunctionDeclaration(makeName(arguments), makeFunction(arguments));
Instantiator visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
Instantiator makeBody = visit(node.body);
return (arguments) => LabeledStatement(node.label, makeBody(arguments));
Instantiator visitLiteralStatement(LiteralStatement node) =>
Instantiator visitLiteralExpression(LiteralExpression node) =>
Instantiator visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) {
List<Instantiator> declarationMakers =;
return (arguments) {
List<VariableInitialization> declarations = [];
for (Instantiator instantiator in declarationMakers) {
var result = instantiator(arguments);
return VariableDeclarationList(declarations);
Instantiator visitAssignment(Assignment node) {
Instantiator makeLeftHandSide = visit(node.leftHandSide);
String op = node.op;
Instantiator makeValue = visitNullable(node.value);
return (arguments) {
return Assignment.compound(
makeLeftHandSide(arguments), op, makeValue(arguments));
Instantiator visitVariableInitialization(VariableInitialization node) {
Instantiator makeDeclaration = visit(node.declaration);
Instantiator makeValue = visitNullable(node.value);
return (arguments) {
return VariableInitialization(
makeDeclaration(arguments), makeValue(arguments));
Instantiator visitConditional(Conditional cond) {
Instantiator makeCondition = visit(cond.condition);
Instantiator makeThen = visit(cond.then);
Instantiator makeOtherwise = visit(cond.otherwise);
return (arguments) => Conditional(makeCondition(arguments),
makeThen(arguments), makeOtherwise(arguments));
Instantiator visitNew(New node) =>
handleCallOrNew(node, (target, arguments) => New(target, arguments));
Instantiator visitCall(Call node) =>
handleCallOrNew(node, (target, arguments) => Call(target, arguments));
Instantiator handleCallOrNew(Call node, finish(target, arguments)) {
Instantiator makeTarget = visit(;
Iterable<Instantiator> argumentMakers =;
// TODO(sra): Avoid copying call arguments if no interpolation or forced
// copying.
return (arguments) {
Node target = makeTarget(arguments);
List<Expression> callArguments = [];
for (Instantiator instantiator in argumentMakers) {
var result = instantiator(arguments);
if (result is Iterable) {
} else {
return finish(target, callArguments.toList(growable: false));
Instantiator visitBinary(Binary node) {
Instantiator makeLeft = visit(node.left);
Instantiator makeRight = visit(node.right);
String op = node.op;
return (arguments) => Binary(op, makeLeft(arguments), makeRight(arguments));
Instantiator visitPrefix(Prefix node) {
Instantiator makeOperand = visit(node.argument);
String op = node.op;
return (arguments) => Prefix(op, makeOperand(arguments));
Instantiator visitPostfix(Postfix node) {
Instantiator makeOperand = visit(node.argument);
String op = node.op;
return (arguments) => Postfix(op, makeOperand(arguments));
Instantiator visitVariableUse(VariableUse node) =>
(arguments) => VariableUse(;
Instantiator visitThis(This node) => (arguments) => This();
Instantiator visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) =>
(arguments) => VariableDeclaration(;
Instantiator visitParameter(Parameter node) =>
(arguments) => Parameter(;
Instantiator visitAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
Instantiator makeReceiver = visit(node.receiver);
Instantiator makeSelector = visit(node.selector);
return (arguments) =>
PropertyAccess(makeReceiver(arguments), makeSelector(arguments));
Instantiator visitNamedFunction(NamedFunction node) {
Instantiator makeDeclaration = visit(;
Instantiator makeFunction = visit(node.function);
return (arguments) =>
NamedFunction(makeDeclaration(arguments), makeFunction(arguments));
Instantiator visitFun(Fun node) {
List<Instantiator> paramMakers =;
Instantiator makeBody = visit(node.body);
// TODO(sra): Avoid copying params if no interpolation or forced copying.
return (arguments) {
List<Parameter> params = [];
for (Instantiator instantiator in paramMakers) {
var result = instantiator(arguments);
if (result is Iterable) {
} else {
Statement body = makeBody(arguments);
return Fun(params, body);
Instantiator visitArrowFunction(ArrowFunction node) {
List<Instantiator> paramMakers =;
Instantiator makeBody = visit(node.body);
// TODO(sra): Avoid copying params if no interpolation or forced copying.
return (arguments) {
List<Parameter> params = [];
for (Instantiator instantiator in paramMakers) {
var result = instantiator(arguments);
if (result is Iterable) {
} else {
// Either a Block or Expression.
Node body = makeBody(arguments);
return ArrowFunction(params, body);
Instantiator visitDeferredExpression(DeferredExpression node) => same(node);
Instantiator visitDeferredStatement(DeferredStatement node) => same(node);
Instantiator visitDeferredNumber(DeferredNumber node) => same(node);
Instantiator visitDeferredString(DeferredString node) => (arguments) => node;
Instantiator visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) =>
(arguments) => LiteralBool(node.value);
Instantiator visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) =>
(arguments) => LiteralString(node.value);
Instantiator visitLiteralNumber(LiteralNumber node) =>
(arguments) => LiteralNumber(node.value);
Instantiator visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) =>
(arguments) => LiteralNull();
Instantiator visitStringConcatenation(StringConcatenation node) {
List<Instantiator> partMakers = false);
return (arguments) {
List<Literal> parts = partMakers
.map((Instantiator instantiator) => instantiator(arguments))
.toList(growable: false);
return StringConcatenation(parts);
Instantiator visitName(Name node) => same(node);
Instantiator visitParentheses(Parentheses node) {
Instantiator makeEnclosed = visit(node.enclosed);
return (arguments) {
Expression enclosed = makeEnclosed(arguments);
return Parentheses(enclosed);
Instantiator visitArrayInitializer(ArrayInitializer node) {
// TODO(sra): Implement splicing?
List<Instantiator> elementMakers = false);
return (arguments) {
List<Expression> elements = elementMakers
(Instantiator instantiator) => instantiator(arguments))
.toList(growable: false);
return ArrayInitializer(elements);
Instantiator visitArrayHole(ArrayHole node) {
return (arguments) => ArrayHole();
Instantiator visitObjectInitializer(ObjectInitializer node) {
List<Instantiator> propertyMakers =;
bool isOneLiner = node.isOneLiner;
return (arguments) {
List<Property> properties = [];
for (Instantiator instantiator in propertyMakers) {
var result = instantiator(arguments);
if (result is Iterable) {
} else {
return ObjectInitializer(properties, isOneLiner: isOneLiner);
Instantiator visitProperty(Property node) {
Instantiator makeName = visit(;
Instantiator makeValue = visit(node.value);
return (arguments) {
return Property(makeName(arguments), makeValue(arguments));
Instantiator visitMethodDefinition(MethodDefinition node) {
Instantiator makeName = visit(;
Instantiator makeFunction = visit(node.function);
return (arguments) {
return MethodDefinition(makeName(arguments), makeFunction(arguments));
Instantiator visitRegExpLiteral(RegExpLiteral node) =>
(arguments) => RegExpLiteral(node.pattern);
Instantiator visitComment(Comment node) => TODO('visitComment');
Instantiator visitAwait(Await node) {
Instantiator makeExpression = visit(node.expression);
return (arguments) {
return Await(makeExpression(arguments));
/// InterpolatedNodeAnalysis determines which AST trees contain
/// [InterpolatedNode]s, and the names of the named interpolated nodes.
class InterpolatedNodeAnalysis extends BaseVisitorVoid {
final Set<Node> containsInterpolatedNode = {};
final Set<String> holeNames = {};
int count = 0;
bool containsInterpolatedNodes(Node node) =>
void visit(Node node) {
void visitNode(Node node) {
int before = count;
if (count != before) containsInterpolatedNode.add(node);
visitInterpolatedNode(InterpolatedNode node) {
if (node.isNamed) holeNames.add(node.nameOrPosition);