blob: a84cafdb238b61e7b0d46dd5db93263b76ed02f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'json_schema.dart';
String _toDartType(String type) {
if (type.startsWith('#/definitions/')) {
return type.replaceAll('#/definitions/', '');
switch (type) {
case 'object':
return 'Map<String, Object?>';
case 'integer':
return 'int';
case 'number':
return 'num';
case 'string':
return 'String';
case 'boolean':
return 'bool';
case 'null':
return 'Null';
return type;
String _toDartUnionType(List<String> types) {
const allLiteralTypes = {
if (types.length == 7 && allLiteralTypes.containsAll(types)) {
return 'Object';
return 'Either${types.length}<${', ')}>';
extension JsonSchemaExtensions on JsonSchema {
JsonType typeFor(JsonType type) => type.dollarRef != null
// TODO(dantup): Do we need to support more than just refs to definitions?
? definitions[type.refName]!
: type;
Map<String, JsonType> propertiesFor(JsonType type,
{bool includeBase = true}) {
// Merge this types direct properties with anything from the included
// (allOf) types, but excluding those that come from the base class.
final baseType = type.baseType;
final includedBaseTypes =
(type.allOf ?? []).where((t) => includeBase || t != baseType);
final properties = {
for (final other in includedBaseTypes) ...propertiesFor(typeFor(other)),
return properties;
extension JsonTypeExtensions on JsonType {
String asDartType({bool isOptional = false}) {
final dartType = dollarRef != null
? _toDartType(dollarRef!)
: oneOf != null
? _toDartUnionType(oneOf!.map((item) => item.asDartType()).toList())
: type!.valueEquals('array')
? 'List<${items!.asDartType()}>'
: type!.map(_toDartType, _toDartUnionType);
return isOptional ? '$dartType?' : dartType;
/// Whether this type can have any type of value (Object/dynamic/any).
bool get isAny => asDartType() == 'Object';
/// Whether this type represents a List.
bool get isList => type?.valueEquals('array') ?? false;
/// Whether this type is a simple value that does not need any special handling.
bool get isSimple {
const _dartSimpleTypes = {
'Map<String, Object?>',
return _dartSimpleTypes.contains(asDartType());
/// Whether this type is a Union type using JSON schema's "oneOf" of where its
/// [type] is a list of types.
bool get isUnion =>
oneOf != null || type != null && type!.map((_) => false, (_) => true);
/// Whether this type is a reference to another spec type (using `dollarRef`).
bool get isSpecType => dollarRef != null;
/// Whether [propertyName] is a required for this type or its base types.
bool requiresField(String propertyName) {
if (required?.contains(propertyName) ?? false) {
return true;
if (allOf?.any((type) => root.typeFor(type).requiresField(propertyName)) ??
false) {
return true;
return false;
/// The name of the type that this one references.
String get refName => dollarRef!.replaceAll('#/definitions/', '');
/// The literal value of this type, if it can have only one.
/// These are represented in the spec using an enum with only a single value.
String? get literalValue => enumValues?.singleOrNull;
/// The base type for this type. Base types are inferred by a type using
/// allOf and the first listed type being a reference (dollarRef) to another
/// spec type.
JsonType? get baseType {
final all = allOf;
if (all != null && all.length > 1 && all.first.dollarRef != null) {
return all.first;
return null;
/// The list of possible types allowed by this union.
/// May be represented using `oneOf` or a list of types in `type`.
List<JsonType> get unionTypes {
final types = oneOf ??
// Fabricate a union for types where "type" is an array of literal types:
// ['a', 'b']
(_) => throw 'unexpected non-union in isUnion condition',
(types) => => JsonType.fromJson(root, {'type': t})).toList(),
return types;