blob: 3c84db5d4a248d39845ac73c7a085847d84dee45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library _fe_analyzer_shared.scanner.token;
import 'token.dart' as analyzer;
import 'token.dart' show Token, TokenType;
import 'token_constants.dart' show IDENTIFIER_TOKEN;
import 'string_canonicalizer.dart';
* A String-valued token. Represents identifiers, string literals,
* number literals, comments, and error tokens, using the corresponding
* precedence info.
class StringToken extends analyzer.SimpleToken implements analyzer.StringToken {
* The length threshold above which substring tokens are computed lazily.
* For string tokens that are substrings of the program source, the actual
* substring extraction is performed lazily. This is beneficial because
* not all scanned code are actually used. For unused parts, the substrings
* are never computed and allocated.
static const int LAZY_THRESHOLD = 4;
dynamic /* String | LazySubstring */ valueOrLazySubstring;
* Creates a non-lazy string token. If [canonicalize] is true, the string
* is canonicalized before the token is created.
StringToken.fromString(TokenType type, String value, int charOffset,
{bool canonicalize: false, analyzer.CommentToken? precedingComments})
: valueOrLazySubstring = canonicalizedString(
value, /* start = */ 0, value.length, canonicalize),
super(type, charOffset, precedingComments);
* Creates a lazy string token. If [canonicalize] is true, the string
* is canonicalized before the token is created.
TokenType type, String data, int start, int end, int charOffset,
{bool canonicalize: false, analyzer.CommentToken? precedingComments})
: super(type, charOffset, precedingComments) {
int length = end - start;
if (length <= LAZY_THRESHOLD) {
valueOrLazySubstring =
canonicalizedString(data, start, end, canonicalize);
} else {
valueOrLazySubstring =
new _LazySubstring(data, start, length, canonicalize);
* Creates a lazy string token. If [asciiOnly] is false, the byte array
* is passed through a UTF-8 decoder.
StringToken.fromUtf8Bytes(TokenType type, List<int> data, int start, int end,
bool asciiOnly, int charOffset,
{analyzer.CommentToken? precedingComments})
: super(type, charOffset, precedingComments) {
int length = end - start;
if (length <= LAZY_THRESHOLD) {
valueOrLazySubstring = decodeUtf8(data, start, end, asciiOnly);
} else {
valueOrLazySubstring = new _LazySubstring(data, start, length, asciiOnly);
StringToken._(TokenType type, this.valueOrLazySubstring, int charOffset,
[analyzer.CommentToken? precedingComments])
: super(type, charOffset, precedingComments);
String get lexeme {
if (valueOrLazySubstring is String) {
return valueOrLazySubstring;
} else {
assert(valueOrLazySubstring is _LazySubstring);
dynamic data =;
int start = valueOrLazySubstring.start;
int end = start + (valueOrLazySubstring as _LazySubstring).length;
if (data is String) {
valueOrLazySubstring = canonicalizedString(
data, start, end, valueOrLazySubstring.boolValue);
} else {
valueOrLazySubstring =
decodeUtf8(data, start, end, valueOrLazySubstring.boolValue);
return valueOrLazySubstring;
bool get isIdentifier => identical(kind, IDENTIFIER_TOKEN);
String toString() => lexeme;
static final StringCanonicalizer canonicalizer = new StringCanonicalizer();
static String canonicalizedString(
String s, int start, int end, bool canonicalize) {
if (!canonicalize) return s;
return canonicalizer.canonicalize(s, start, end, /* asciiOnly = */ false);
static String decodeUtf8(List<int> data, int start, int end, bool asciiOnly) {
return canonicalizer.canonicalize(data, start, end, asciiOnly);
Token copy() => new StringToken._(
type, valueOrLazySubstring, charOffset, copyComments(precedingComments));
String value() => lexeme;
* A String-valued token that does not exist in the original source.
class SyntheticStringToken extends StringToken
implements analyzer.SyntheticStringToken {
SyntheticStringToken(TokenType type, String value, int offset,
[analyzer.CommentToken? precedingComments])
: super._(type, value, offset, precedingComments);
int get length => 0;
Token copy() => new SyntheticStringToken(
type, valueOrLazySubstring, offset, copyComments(precedingComments));
class CommentToken extends StringToken implements analyzer.CommentToken {
analyzer.SimpleToken? parent;
* Creates a lazy comment token. If [canonicalize] is true, the string
* is canonicalized before the token is created.
TokenType type, String data, int start, int end, int charOffset,
{bool canonicalize: false})
: super.fromSubstring(type, data, start, end, charOffset,
canonicalize: canonicalize);
* Creates a non-lazy comment token.
CommentToken.fromString(TokenType type, String lexeme, int charOffset)
: super.fromString(type, lexeme, charOffset);
* Creates a lazy string token. If [asciiOnly] is false, the byte array
* is passed through a UTF-8 decoder.
CommentToken.fromUtf8Bytes(TokenType type, List<int> data, int start, int end,
bool asciiOnly, int charOffset)
: super.fromUtf8Bytes(type, data, start, end, asciiOnly, charOffset);
CommentToken._(TokenType type, valueOrLazySubstring, int charOffset)
: super._(type, valueOrLazySubstring, charOffset);
CommentToken copy() =>
new CommentToken._(type, valueOrLazySubstring, charOffset);
void remove() {
if (previous != null) {
next?.previous = previous;
} else {
assert(parent!.precedingComments == this);
parent!.precedingComments = next as CommentToken;
class LanguageVersionToken extends CommentToken
implements analyzer.LanguageVersionToken {
int major;
int minor;
LanguageVersionToken.from(String text, int offset, this.major, this.minor)
: super.fromString(TokenType.SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT, text, offset);
String string, int start, int end, int tokenStart, this.major, this.minor,
{bool canonicalize: false})
: super.fromSubstring(
TokenType.SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT, string, start, end, tokenStart,
canonicalize: canonicalize);
LanguageVersionToken.fromUtf8Bytes(List<int> bytes, int start, int end,
int tokenStart, this.major, this.minor)
: super.fromUtf8Bytes(
TokenType.SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT, bytes, start, end, true, tokenStart);
LanguageVersionToken copy() =>
new LanguageVersionToken.from(lexeme, offset, major, minor);
class DartDocToken extends CommentToken
implements analyzer.DocumentationCommentToken {
* Creates a lazy comment token. If [canonicalize] is true, the string
* is canonicalized before the token is created.
TokenType type, String data, int start, int end, int charOffset,
{bool canonicalize: false})
: super.fromSubstring(type, data, start, end, charOffset,
canonicalize: canonicalize);
* Creates a lazy string token. If [asciiOnly] is false, the byte array
* is passed through a UTF-8 decoder.
DartDocToken.fromUtf8Bytes(TokenType type, List<int> data, int start, int end,
bool asciiOnly, int charOffset)
: super.fromUtf8Bytes(type, data, start, end, asciiOnly, charOffset);
DartDocToken._(TokenType type, valueOrLazySubstring, int charOffset)
: super._(type, valueOrLazySubstring, charOffset);
DartDocToken copy() =>
new DartDocToken._(type, valueOrLazySubstring, charOffset);
* This class represents the necessary information to compute a substring
* lazily. The substring can either originate from a string or from
* a [:List<int>:] of UTF-8 bytes.
abstract class _LazySubstring {
/** The original data, either a string or a List<int> */
get data;
int get start;
int get length;
* If this substring is based on a String, the [boolValue] indicates whether
* the resulting substring should be canonicalized.
* For substrings based on a byte array, the [boolValue] is true if the
* array only holds ASCII characters. The resulting substring will be
* canonicalized after decoding.
bool get boolValue;
factory _LazySubstring(data, int start, int length, bool b) {
// See comment on [CompactLazySubstring].
if (start < 0x100000 && length < 0x200) {
int fields = (start << 9);
fields = fields | length;
fields = fields << 1;
if (b) fields |= 1;
return new _CompactLazySubstring(data, fields);
} else {
return new _FullLazySubstring(data, start, length, b);
* This class encodes [start], [length] and [boolValue] in a single
* 30 bit integer. It uses 20 bits for [start], which covers source files
* of 1MB. [length] has 9 bits, which covers 512 characters.
* The file html_dart2js.dart is currently around 1MB.
class _CompactLazySubstring extends _LazySubstring {
final dynamic data;
final int fields;
_CompactLazySubstring(, this.fields) : super.internal();
int get start => fields >> 10;
int get length => (fields >> 1) & 0x1ff;
bool get boolValue => (fields & 1) == 1;
class _FullLazySubstring extends _LazySubstring {
final dynamic data;
final int start;
final int length;
final bool boolValue;
_FullLazySubstring(, this.start, this.length, this.boolValue)
: super.internal();
bool isUserDefinableOperator(String value) {
return isBinaryOperator(value) ||
isMinusOperator(value) ||
isTernaryOperator(value) ||
bool isUnaryOperator(String value) => identical(value, "~");
bool isBinaryOperator(String value) {
return identical(value, "==") ||
identical(value, "[]") ||
identical(value, "*") ||
identical(value, "/") ||
identical(value, "%") ||
identical(value, "~/") ||
identical(value, "+") ||
identical(value, "<<") ||
identical(value, ">>") ||
identical(value, ">>>") ||
identical(value, ">=") ||
identical(value, ">") ||
identical(value, "<=") ||
identical(value, "<") ||
identical(value, "&") ||
identical(value, "^") ||
identical(value, "|");
bool isTernaryOperator(String value) => identical(value, "[]=");
bool isMinusOperator(String value) => identical(value, "-");