blob: 85a5540e51e99c8305fd8f89236aef203a056907 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../native_testing.dart';
abstract class NativeInterface {
int get size;
String get name;
String? get optName;
int method1();
String method2();
String? optMethod();
abstract class JSInterface {
String get name;
String? get optName;
class BBB implements NativeInterface {
int get size => 300;
String get name => 'Brenda';
String? get optName => name;
int method1() => 400;
String method2() => 'brilliant!';
String? optMethod() => method2();
void setup() {
JS('', r"""
function AAA(s,n,m1,m2) {
this.size = s; = n;
this.optName = n;
this._m1 = m1;
this._m2 = m2;
AAA.prototype.method1 = function(){return this._m1};
AAA.prototype.method2 = function(){return this._m2};
AAA.prototype.optMethod = function(){return this._m2};
self.makeA = function() {
return new AAA(100, 'Albert', 200, 'amazing!');
self.makeAX = function() {
return new AAA(void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0);
function CCC(n) { = n;
this.optName = n;
self.makeC = function() {
return new CCC('Carol');
self.makeCX = function() {
return new CCC(void 0);
applyTestExtensions(['AAA', 'CCC']);
// The 'NativeInterface' version of the code is passed both native and Dart
// objects, so there will be an interceptor dispatch to the method. This tests
// that the null-check exists in the forwarding method.
String describeNativeInterface(NativeInterface o) {
return '${} ${o.method2()} ${o.size} ${o.method1()}';
String describeOptNativeInterface(NativeInterface o) {
return '${o.optName} ${o.optMethod()}';
String describeJSInterface(JSInterface o) {
return '${}';
String describeOptJSInterface(JSInterface o) {
return '${o.optName}';
const expectedA = 'Albert amazing! 100 200';
const expectedB = 'Brenda brilliant! 300 400';
const expectedOptA = 'Albert amazing!';
const expectedOptB = 'Brenda brilliant!';
const expectedOptX = 'null null';
const expectedC = 'Carol';
const expectedOptC = 'Carol';
const expectedOptCX = 'null';