blob: 9d9febd24856c59664f044fa44259ed0d476858e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This is a helper script which performs IL matching for AOT IL tests.
// See runtime/docs/infra/ for more information.
import 'dart:io';
void main(List<String> args) {
if (args.length != 2) {
throw 'Usage: compare_il <*_il_test.dart> <>';
final testFile = args[0];
final ilFile = args[1];
final graphs = _extractGraphs(ilFile);
final expectations = _extractExpectations(testFile);
for (var expectation in expectations.entries) {
// Find a graph for this expectation. We expect that function names are
// unique enough to identify a specific graph.
final graph =
graphs.entries.singleWhere((e) => e.key.contains(expectation.key));
// Extract the list of opcodes, ignoring irrelevant things like
// ParallelMove.
final gotOpcodesIgnoringMoves = graph.value
.where((instr) => instr.opcode != 'ParallelMove')
.map((instr) => instr.opcode)
// Check that expectations are the prefix of gotOpcodesIgnoringMoves.
print('Matching ${graph.key}');
for (var i = 0; i < expectation.value.length; i++) {
final gotOpcode = gotOpcodesIgnoringMoves[i];
final expectedOpcode = expectation.value[i];
if (gotOpcode != expectedOpcode) {
throw 'Failed to match graph of ${graph.key} to '
'expectations for ${expectation.key} at instruction ${i}: '
'got ${gotOpcode} expected ${expectedOpcode}';
print('... ok');
exit(0); // Success.
// IL instruction extracted from flow graph dump.
class Instruction {
final String raw;
String get opcode {
final match = instructionPattern.firstMatch(raw)!;
final op = match.namedGroup('opcode')!;
final blockType = match.namedGroup('block_type');
// Handle blocks which look like "B%d[%s]".
if (blockType != null) {
return blockTypes[blockType]!;
// Handle parallel moves specially.
if (op.startsWith('ParallelMove')) {
return 'ParallelMove';
// Handle branches.
if (op.startsWith(branchIfPrefix)) {
return 'Branch(${op.substring(branchIfPrefix.length)})';
// Normal instruction.
return op;
String toString() => 'Instruction($opcode)';
static final instructionPattern = RegExp(
r'^\s*\d+:\s+(v\d+ <- )?(?<opcode>[^:[(]+(?<block_type>\[[\w ]+\])?)');
static const blockTypes = {
'[join]': 'JoinEntry',
'[target]': 'TargetEntry',
'[graph]': 'GraphEntry',
'[function entry]': 'FunctionEntry'
static const branchIfPrefix = 'Branch if ';
Map<String, List<Instruction>> _extractGraphs(String ilFile) {
final graphs = <String, List<Instruction>>{};
final reader = LineReader(ilFile);
var instructions = <Instruction>[];
while (reader.hasMore) {
if (reader.testNext('*** BEGIN CFG')) {; // Skip phase name.
final functionName =;
while (!reader.testNext('*** END CFG')) {
var curr =;
// If instruction line ends with '{' search for a matching '}' (it will
// be on its own line).
if (curr.endsWith('{')) {
do {
curr += '\n' + reader.current;
} while ( != '}');
graphs[functionName] = instructions;
instructions = <Instruction>[];
} else {;
return graphs;
Map<String, List<String>> _extractExpectations(String testFile) {
final expectations = <String, List<String>>{};
final reader = LineReader(testFile);
final matchILPattern = RegExp(r'^// MatchIL\[AOT\]=(?<value>.*)$');
final matcherPattern = RegExp(r'^// __ (?<value>.*)$');
var matchers = <String>[];
while (reader.hasMore) {
var functionName = reader.matchNext(matchILPattern);
if (functionName != null) {
// Read comment block which follows `// MatchIL[AOT]=...`.
while (reader.hasMore && reader.current.startsWith('//')) {
final match = matcherPattern.firstMatch(;
if (match != null) {
expectations[functionName] = matchers;
matchers = <String>[];
} else {;
return expectations;
class LineReader {
final List<String> lines;
int lineno = 0;
LineReader(String path) : lines = File(path).readAsLinesSync();
String get current => lines[lineno];
bool get hasMore => lineno < lines.length;
String next() {
final curr = current;
return curr;
bool testNext(String expected) {
if (current == expected) {
return true;
return false;
String? matchNext(RegExp pattern) {
final m = pattern.firstMatch(current);
return m?.namedGroup('value');