blob: d7d4f9fe7cff88eeccd5659e16fa962688e58670 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.5
library opt_out;
class LegacyClass {
int method1() => 0;
int method2() => 0;
int method3a(int a, int b) => 0;
int method3b(int a, [int b]) => 0;
int method3c([int a, int b]) => 0;
int method4a(int a, int b) => 0;
int method4b(int a, [int b]) => 0;
int method4c([int a, int b]) => 0;
int method5a(int a, {int b}) => 0;
int method5b({int a, int b}) => 0;
int method5c({int a, int b}) => 0;
int method6a(int a, {int b}) => 0;
int method6b({int a, int b}) => 0;
int method6c({int a, int b}) => 0;
int get getter1 => 0;
int get getter2 => 0;
void set setter1(int value) {}
void set setter2(int value) {}
int field1;
int field2;
int field3;
int field4;
int get property1 => 0;
void set property1(int value) {}
int get property2 => 0;
void set property2(int value) {}
int get property3 => 0;
void set property3(int value) {}
int get property4 => 0;
void set property4(int value) {}
class GenericLegacyClass<T> {
T method1() => null;