blob: e8ee6b4be7462f14c57d0aa9264a3ef954bcde3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
// To regenerate the file, use the script
// "pkg/analysis_server/tool/spec/generate_files".
import 'dart:convert' hide JsonDecoder;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/protocol/protocol_internal.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
/// AnalysisErrorFixes
/// {
/// "error": AnalysisError
/// "fixes": List<PrioritizedSourceChange>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisErrorFixes implements HasToJson {
/// The error with which the fixes are associated.
AnalysisError error;
/// The fixes associated with the error.
List<PrioritizedSourceChange> fixes;
AnalysisErrorFixes(this.error, {List<PrioritizedSourceChange>? fixes})
: fixes = fixes ?? <PrioritizedSourceChange>[];
factory AnalysisErrorFixes.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
AnalysisError error;
if (json.containsKey('error')) {
error = AnalysisError.fromJson(
jsonDecoder, jsonPath + '.error', json['error']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'error');
List<PrioritizedSourceChange> fixes;
if (json.containsKey('fixes')) {
fixes = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.fixes',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
PrioritizedSourceChange.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'fixes');
return AnalysisErrorFixes(error, fixes: fixes);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'AnalysisErrorFixes', json);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['error'] = error.toJson();
result['fixes'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
return result;
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisErrorFixes) {
return error == other.error &&
listEqual(fixes, other.fixes,
(PrioritizedSourceChange a, PrioritizedSourceChange b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// analysis.errors params
/// {
/// "file": FilePath
/// "errors": List<AnalysisError>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisErrorsParams implements HasToJson {
/// The file containing the errors.
String file;
/// The errors contained in the file.
List<AnalysisError> errors;
AnalysisErrorsParams(this.file, this.errors);
factory AnalysisErrorsParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String file;
if (json.containsKey('file')) {
file = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.file', json['file']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'file');
List<AnalysisError> errors;
if (json.containsKey('errors')) {
errors = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.errors',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
AnalysisError.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'errors');
return AnalysisErrorsParams(file, errors);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'analysis.errors params', json);
factory AnalysisErrorsParams.fromNotification(Notification notification) {
return AnalysisErrorsParams.fromJson(
ResponseDecoder(null), 'params', notification.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['file'] = file;
result['errors'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
return result;
Notification toNotification() {
return Notification('analysis.errors', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisErrorsParams) {
return file == other.file &&
listEqual(errors, other.errors,
(AnalysisError a, AnalysisError b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// analysis.folding params
/// {
/// "file": FilePath
/// "regions": List<FoldingRegion>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisFoldingParams implements HasToJson {
/// The file containing the folding regions.
String file;
/// The folding regions contained in the file.
List<FoldingRegion> regions;
AnalysisFoldingParams(this.file, this.regions);
factory AnalysisFoldingParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String file;
if (json.containsKey('file')) {
file = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.file', json['file']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'file');
List<FoldingRegion> regions;
if (json.containsKey('regions')) {
regions = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.regions',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
FoldingRegion.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'regions');
return AnalysisFoldingParams(file, regions);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'analysis.folding params', json);
factory AnalysisFoldingParams.fromNotification(Notification notification) {
return AnalysisFoldingParams.fromJson(
ResponseDecoder(null), 'params', notification.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['file'] = file;
result['regions'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
return result;
Notification toNotification() {
return Notification('analysis.folding', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisFoldingParams) {
return file == other.file &&
listEqual(regions, other.regions,
(FoldingRegion a, FoldingRegion b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// analysis.getNavigation params
/// {
/// "file": FilePath
/// "offset": int
/// "length": int
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisGetNavigationParams implements RequestParams {
/// The file in which navigation information is being requested.
String file;
/// The offset of the region for which navigation information is being
/// requested.
int offset;
/// The length of the region for which navigation information is being
/// requested.
int length;
AnalysisGetNavigationParams(this.file, this.offset, this.length);
factory AnalysisGetNavigationParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String file;
if (json.containsKey('file')) {
file = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.file', json['file']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'file');
int offset;
if (json.containsKey('offset')) {
offset = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(jsonPath + '.offset', json['offset']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'offset');
int length;
if (json.containsKey('length')) {
length = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(jsonPath + '.length', json['length']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'length');
return AnalysisGetNavigationParams(file, offset, length);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(
jsonPath, 'analysis.getNavigation params', json);
factory AnalysisGetNavigationParams.fromRequest(Request request) {
return AnalysisGetNavigationParams.fromJson(
RequestDecoder(request), 'params', request.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['file'] = file;
result['offset'] = offset;
result['length'] = length;
return result;
Request toRequest(String id) {
return Request(id, 'analysis.getNavigation', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisGetNavigationParams) {
return file == other.file &&
offset == other.offset &&
length == other.length;
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// analysis.getNavigation result
/// {
/// "files": List<FilePath>
/// "targets": List<NavigationTarget>
/// "regions": List<NavigationRegion>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisGetNavigationResult implements ResponseResult {
/// A list of the paths of files that are referenced by the navigation
/// targets.
List<String> files;
/// A list of the navigation targets that are referenced by the navigation
/// regions.
List<NavigationTarget> targets;
/// A list of the navigation regions within the requested region of the file.
List<NavigationRegion> regions;
AnalysisGetNavigationResult(this.files, this.targets, this.regions);
factory AnalysisGetNavigationResult.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
List<String> files;
if (json.containsKey('files')) {
files = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.files', json['files'], jsonDecoder.decodeString);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'files');
List<NavigationTarget> targets;
if (json.containsKey('targets')) {
targets = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.targets',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
NavigationTarget.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'targets');
List<NavigationRegion> regions;
if (json.containsKey('regions')) {
regions = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.regions',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
NavigationRegion.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'regions');
return AnalysisGetNavigationResult(files, targets, regions);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(
jsonPath, 'analysis.getNavigation result', json);
factory AnalysisGetNavigationResult.fromResponse(Response response) {
return AnalysisGetNavigationResult.fromJson(
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['files'] = files;
result['targets'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
result['regions'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
return result;
Response toResponse(String id, int requestTime) {
return Response(id, requestTime, result: toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisGetNavigationResult) {
return listEqual(files, other.files, (String a, String b) => a == b) &&
listEqual(targets, other.targets,
(NavigationTarget a, NavigationTarget b) => a == b) &&
listEqual(regions, other.regions,
(NavigationRegion a, NavigationRegion b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// analysis.handleWatchEvents params
/// {
/// "events": List<WatchEvent>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisHandleWatchEventsParams implements RequestParams {
/// The watch events that the plugin should handle.
List<WatchEvent> events;
factory AnalysisHandleWatchEventsParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
List<WatchEvent> events;
if (json.containsKey('events')) {
events = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.events',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
WatchEvent.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'events');
return AnalysisHandleWatchEventsParams(events);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(
jsonPath, 'analysis.handleWatchEvents params', json);
factory AnalysisHandleWatchEventsParams.fromRequest(Request request) {
return AnalysisHandleWatchEventsParams.fromJson(
RequestDecoder(request), 'params', request.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['events'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
return result;
Request toRequest(String id) {
return Request(id, 'analysis.handleWatchEvents', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisHandleWatchEventsParams) {
return listEqual(
events,, (WatchEvent a, WatchEvent b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => events.hashCode;
/// analysis.handleWatchEvents result
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisHandleWatchEventsResult implements ResponseResult {
Map<String, Object> toJson() => <String, Object>{};
Response toResponse(String id, int requestTime) {
return Response(id, requestTime, result: null);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisHandleWatchEventsResult) {
return true;
return false;
int get hashCode => 779767607;
/// analysis.highlights params
/// {
/// "file": FilePath
/// "regions": List<HighlightRegion>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisHighlightsParams implements HasToJson {
/// The file containing the highlight regions.
String file;
/// The highlight regions contained in the file.
List<HighlightRegion> regions;
AnalysisHighlightsParams(this.file, this.regions);
factory AnalysisHighlightsParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String file;
if (json.containsKey('file')) {
file = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.file', json['file']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'file');
List<HighlightRegion> regions;
if (json.containsKey('regions')) {
regions = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.regions',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
HighlightRegion.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'regions');
return AnalysisHighlightsParams(file, regions);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'analysis.highlights params', json);
factory AnalysisHighlightsParams.fromNotification(Notification notification) {
return AnalysisHighlightsParams.fromJson(
ResponseDecoder(null), 'params', notification.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['file'] = file;
result['regions'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
return result;
Notification toNotification() {
return Notification('analysis.highlights', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisHighlightsParams) {
return file == other.file &&
listEqual(regions, other.regions,
(HighlightRegion a, HighlightRegion b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// analysis.navigation params
/// {
/// "file": FilePath
/// "regions": List<NavigationRegion>
/// "targets": List<NavigationTarget>
/// "files": List<FilePath>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisNavigationParams implements HasToJson {
/// The file containing the navigation regions.
String file;
/// The navigation regions contained in the file.
List<NavigationRegion> regions;
/// The navigation targets referenced in the file. They are referenced by
/// NavigationRegions by their index in this array.
List<NavigationTarget> targets;
/// The files containing navigation targets referenced in the file. They are
/// referenced by NavigationTargets by their index in this array.
List<String> files;
AnalysisNavigationParams(this.file, this.regions, this.targets, this.files);
factory AnalysisNavigationParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String file;
if (json.containsKey('file')) {
file = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.file', json['file']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'file');
List<NavigationRegion> regions;
if (json.containsKey('regions')) {
regions = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.regions',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
NavigationRegion.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'regions');
List<NavigationTarget> targets;
if (json.containsKey('targets')) {
targets = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.targets',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
NavigationTarget.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'targets');
List<String> files;
if (json.containsKey('files')) {
files = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.files', json['files'], jsonDecoder.decodeString);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'files');
return AnalysisNavigationParams(file, regions, targets, files);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'analysis.navigation params', json);
factory AnalysisNavigationParams.fromNotification(Notification notification) {
return AnalysisNavigationParams.fromJson(
ResponseDecoder(null), 'params', notification.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['file'] = file;
result['regions'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
result['targets'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
result['files'] = files;
return result;
Notification toNotification() {
return Notification('analysis.navigation', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisNavigationParams) {
return file == other.file &&
listEqual(regions, other.regions,
(NavigationRegion a, NavigationRegion b) => a == b) &&
listEqual(targets, other.targets,
(NavigationTarget a, NavigationTarget b) => a == b) &&
listEqual(files, other.files, (String a, String b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// analysis.occurrences params
/// {
/// "file": FilePath
/// "occurrences": List<Occurrences>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisOccurrencesParams implements HasToJson {
/// The file in which the references occur.
String file;
/// The occurrences of references to elements within the file.
List<Occurrences> occurrences;
AnalysisOccurrencesParams(this.file, this.occurrences);
factory AnalysisOccurrencesParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String file;
if (json.containsKey('file')) {
file = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.file', json['file']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'file');
List<Occurrences> occurrences;
if (json.containsKey('occurrences')) {
occurrences = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.occurrences',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
Occurrences.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'occurrences');
return AnalysisOccurrencesParams(file, occurrences);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'analysis.occurrences params', json);
factory AnalysisOccurrencesParams.fromNotification(
Notification notification) {
return AnalysisOccurrencesParams.fromJson(
ResponseDecoder(null), 'params', notification.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['file'] = file;
result['occurrences'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
return result;
Notification toNotification() {
return Notification('analysis.occurrences', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisOccurrencesParams) {
return file == other.file &&
listEqual(occurrences, other.occurrences,
(Occurrences a, Occurrences b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// analysis.outline params
/// {
/// "file": FilePath
/// "outline": List<Outline>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisOutlineParams implements HasToJson {
/// The file with which the outline is associated.
String file;
/// The outline fragments associated with the file.
List<Outline> outline;
AnalysisOutlineParams(this.file, this.outline);
factory AnalysisOutlineParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String file;
if (json.containsKey('file')) {
file = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.file', json['file']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'file');
List<Outline> outline;
if (json.containsKey('outline')) {
outline = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.outline',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
Outline.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'outline');
return AnalysisOutlineParams(file, outline);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'analysis.outline params', json);
factory AnalysisOutlineParams.fromNotification(Notification notification) {
return AnalysisOutlineParams.fromJson(
ResponseDecoder(null), 'params', notification.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['file'] = file;
result['outline'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
return result;
Notification toNotification() {
return Notification('analysis.outline', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisOutlineParams) {
return file == other.file &&
listEqual(outline, other.outline, (Outline a, Outline b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// AnalysisService
/// enum {
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisService implements Enum {
static const AnalysisService FOLDING = AnalysisService._('FOLDING');
static const AnalysisService HIGHLIGHTS = AnalysisService._('HIGHLIGHTS');
static const AnalysisService NAVIGATION = AnalysisService._('NAVIGATION');
static const AnalysisService OCCURRENCES = AnalysisService._('OCCURRENCES');
static const AnalysisService OUTLINE = AnalysisService._('OUTLINE');
/// A list containing all of the enum values that are defined.
static const List<AnalysisService> VALUES = <AnalysisService>[
final String name;
const AnalysisService._(;
factory AnalysisService(String name) {
switch (name) {
case 'FOLDING':
return FOLDING;
case 'OUTLINE':
return OUTLINE;
throw Exception('Illegal enum value: $name');
factory AnalysisService.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
if (json is String) {
try {
return AnalysisService(json);
} catch (_) {
// Fall through
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'AnalysisService', json);
String toString() => 'AnalysisService.$name';
String toJson() => name;
/// analysis.setContextRoots params
/// {
/// "roots": List<ContextRoot>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisSetContextRootsParams implements RequestParams {
/// A list of the context roots that should be analyzed.
List<ContextRoot> roots;
factory AnalysisSetContextRootsParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
List<ContextRoot> roots;
if (json.containsKey('roots')) {
roots = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.roots',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
ContextRoot.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'roots');
return AnalysisSetContextRootsParams(roots);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(
jsonPath, 'analysis.setContextRoots params', json);
factory AnalysisSetContextRootsParams.fromRequest(Request request) {
return AnalysisSetContextRootsParams.fromJson(
RequestDecoder(request), 'params', request.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['roots'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
return result;
Request toRequest(String id) {
return Request(id, 'analysis.setContextRoots', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisSetContextRootsParams) {
return listEqual(
roots, other.roots, (ContextRoot a, ContextRoot b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => roots.hashCode;
/// analysis.setContextRoots result
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisSetContextRootsResult implements ResponseResult {
Map<String, Object> toJson() => <String, Object>{};
Response toResponse(String id, int requestTime) {
return Response(id, requestTime, result: null);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisSetContextRootsResult) {
return true;
return false;
int get hashCode => 969645618;
/// analysis.setPriorityFiles params
/// {
/// "files": List<FilePath>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisSetPriorityFilesParams implements RequestParams {
/// The files that are to be a priority for analysis.
List<String> files;
factory AnalysisSetPriorityFilesParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
List<String> files;
if (json.containsKey('files')) {
files = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.files', json['files'], jsonDecoder.decodeString);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'files');
return AnalysisSetPriorityFilesParams(files);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(
jsonPath, 'analysis.setPriorityFiles params', json);
factory AnalysisSetPriorityFilesParams.fromRequest(Request request) {
return AnalysisSetPriorityFilesParams.fromJson(
RequestDecoder(request), 'params', request.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['files'] = files;
return result;
Request toRequest(String id) {
return Request(id, 'analysis.setPriorityFiles', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisSetPriorityFilesParams) {
return listEqual(files, other.files, (String a, String b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => files.hashCode;
/// analysis.setPriorityFiles result
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisSetPriorityFilesResult implements ResponseResult {
Map<String, Object> toJson() => <String, Object>{};
Response toResponse(String id, int requestTime) {
return Response(id, requestTime, result: null);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisSetPriorityFilesResult) {
return true;
return false;
int get hashCode => 330050055;
/// analysis.setSubscriptions params
/// {
/// "subscriptions": Map<AnalysisService, List<FilePath>>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisSetSubscriptionsParams implements RequestParams {
/// A table mapping services to a list of the files being subscribed to the
/// service.
Map<AnalysisService, List<String>> subscriptions;
factory AnalysisSetSubscriptionsParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
Map<AnalysisService, List<String>> subscriptions;
if (json.containsKey('subscriptions')) {
subscriptions = jsonDecoder.decodeMap(
jsonPath + '.subscriptions', json['subscriptions'],
keyDecoder: (String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
AnalysisService.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json),
valueDecoder: (String jsonPath, Object? json) => jsonDecoder
.decodeList(jsonPath, json, jsonDecoder.decodeString));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'subscriptions');
return AnalysisSetSubscriptionsParams(subscriptions);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(
jsonPath, 'analysis.setSubscriptions params', json);
factory AnalysisSetSubscriptionsParams.fromRequest(Request request) {
return AnalysisSetSubscriptionsParams.fromJson(
RequestDecoder(request), 'params', request.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['subscriptions'] = mapMap(subscriptions,
keyCallback: (AnalysisService value) => value.toJson());
return result;
Request toRequest(String id) {
return Request(id, 'analysis.setSubscriptions', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisSetSubscriptionsParams) {
return mapEqual(
(List<String> a, List<String> b) =>
listEqual(a, b, (String a, String b) => a == b));
return false;
int get hashCode => subscriptions.hashCode;
/// analysis.setSubscriptions result
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisSetSubscriptionsResult implements ResponseResult {
Map<String, Object> toJson() => <String, Object>{};
Response toResponse(String id, int requestTime) {
return Response(id, requestTime, result: null);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisSetSubscriptionsResult) {
return true;
return false;
int get hashCode => 218088493;
/// analysis.updateContent params
/// {
/// "files": Map<FilePath, AddContentOverlay | ChangeContentOverlay | RemoveContentOverlay>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisUpdateContentParams implements RequestParams {
/// A table mapping the files whose content has changed to a description of
/// the content change.
Map<String, Object> files;
factory AnalysisUpdateContentParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
Map<String, Object> files;
if (json.containsKey('files')) {
files = jsonDecoder.decodeMap(jsonPath + '.files', json['files'],
valueDecoder: (String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
jsonDecoder.decodeUnion(jsonPath, json, 'type', {
'add': (String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
AddContentOverlay.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json),
'change': (String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json),
'remove': (String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
RemoveContentOverlay.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json)
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'files');
return AnalysisUpdateContentParams(files);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(
jsonPath, 'analysis.updateContent params', json);
factory AnalysisUpdateContentParams.fromRequest(Request request) {
return AnalysisUpdateContentParams.fromJson(
RequestDecoder(request), 'params', request.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['files'] = mapMap(files,
valueCallback: (Object value) => (value as dynamic).toJson());
return result;
Request toRequest(String id) {
return Request(id, 'analysis.updateContent', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisUpdateContentParams) {
return mapEqual(files, other.files, (Object a, Object b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => files.hashCode;
/// analysis.updateContent result
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class AnalysisUpdateContentResult implements ResponseResult {
Map<String, Object> toJson() => <String, Object>{};
Response toResponse(String id, int requestTime) {
return Response(id, requestTime, result: null);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is AnalysisUpdateContentResult) {
return true;
return false;
int get hashCode => 468798730;
/// completion.getSuggestions params
/// {
/// "file": FilePath
/// "offset": int
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class CompletionGetSuggestionsParams implements RequestParams {
/// The file containing the point at which suggestions are to be made.
String file;
/// The offset within the file at which suggestions are to be made.
int offset;
CompletionGetSuggestionsParams(this.file, this.offset);
factory CompletionGetSuggestionsParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String file;
if (json.containsKey('file')) {
file = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.file', json['file']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'file');
int offset;
if (json.containsKey('offset')) {
offset = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(jsonPath + '.offset', json['offset']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'offset');
return CompletionGetSuggestionsParams(file, offset);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(
jsonPath, 'completion.getSuggestions params', json);
factory CompletionGetSuggestionsParams.fromRequest(Request request) {
return CompletionGetSuggestionsParams.fromJson(
RequestDecoder(request), 'params', request.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['file'] = file;
result['offset'] = offset;
return result;
Request toRequest(String id) {
return Request(id, 'completion.getSuggestions', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is CompletionGetSuggestionsParams) {
return file == other.file && offset == other.offset;
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// completion.getSuggestions result
/// {
/// "replacementOffset": int
/// "replacementLength": int
/// "results": List<CompletionSuggestion>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class CompletionGetSuggestionsResult implements ResponseResult {
/// The offset of the start of the text to be replaced. This will be
/// different than the offset used to request the completion suggestions if
/// there was a portion of an identifier before the original offset. In
/// particular, the replacementOffset will be the offset of the beginning of
/// said identifier.
int replacementOffset;
/// The length of the text to be replaced if the remainder of the identifier
/// containing the cursor is to be replaced when the suggestion is applied
/// (that is, the number of characters in the existing identifier).
int replacementLength;
/// The completion suggestions being reported. The notification contains all
/// possible completions at the requested cursor position, even those that do
/// not match the characters the user has already typed. This allows the
/// client to respond to further keystrokes from the user without having to
/// make additional requests.
List<CompletionSuggestion> results;
this.replacementOffset, this.replacementLength, this.results);
factory CompletionGetSuggestionsResult.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
int replacementOffset;
if (json.containsKey('replacementOffset')) {
replacementOffset = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(
jsonPath + '.replacementOffset', json['replacementOffset']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'replacementOffset');
int replacementLength;
if (json.containsKey('replacementLength')) {
replacementLength = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(
jsonPath + '.replacementLength', json['replacementLength']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'replacementLength');
List<CompletionSuggestion> results;
if (json.containsKey('results')) {
results = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.results',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
CompletionSuggestion.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'results');
return CompletionGetSuggestionsResult(
replacementOffset, replacementLength, results);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(
jsonPath, 'completion.getSuggestions result', json);
factory CompletionGetSuggestionsResult.fromResponse(Response response) {
return CompletionGetSuggestionsResult.fromJson(
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['replacementOffset'] = replacementOffset;
result['replacementLength'] = replacementLength;
result['results'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
return result;
Response toResponse(String id, int requestTime) {
return Response(id, requestTime, result: toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is CompletionGetSuggestionsResult) {
return replacementOffset == other.replacementOffset &&
replacementLength == other.replacementLength &&
listEqual(results, other.results,
(CompletionSuggestion a, CompletionSuggestion b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// ContextRoot
/// {
/// "root": FilePath
/// "exclude": List<FilePath>
/// "optionsFile": optional FilePath
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class ContextRoot implements HasToJson {
/// The absolute path of the root directory containing the files to be
/// analyzed.
String root;
/// A list of the absolute paths of files and directories within the root
/// directory that should not be analyzed.
List<String> exclude;
/// The absolute path of the analysis options file that should be used to
/// control the analysis of the files in the context.
String? optionsFile;
ContextRoot(this.root, this.exclude, {this.optionsFile});
factory ContextRoot.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String root;
if (json.containsKey('root')) {
root = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.root', json['root']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'root');
List<String> exclude;
if (json.containsKey('exclude')) {
exclude = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.exclude', json['exclude'], jsonDecoder.decodeString);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'exclude');
String? optionsFile;
if (json.containsKey('optionsFile')) {
optionsFile = jsonDecoder.decodeString(
jsonPath + '.optionsFile', json['optionsFile']);
return ContextRoot(root, exclude, optionsFile: optionsFile);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'ContextRoot', json);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['root'] = root;
result['exclude'] = exclude;
var optionsFile = this.optionsFile;
if (optionsFile != null) {
result['optionsFile'] = optionsFile;
return result;
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is ContextRoot) {
return root == other.root &&
listEqual(exclude, other.exclude, (String a, String b) => a == b) &&
optionsFile == other.optionsFile;
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// convertGetterToMethod feedback
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class ConvertGetterToMethodFeedback extends RefactoringFeedback
implements HasToJson {
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is ConvertGetterToMethodFeedback) {
return true;
return false;
int get hashCode => 616032599;
/// convertGetterToMethod options
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class ConvertGetterToMethodOptions extends RefactoringOptions
implements HasToJson {
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is ConvertGetterToMethodOptions) {
return true;
return false;
int get hashCode => 488848400;
/// convertMethodToGetter feedback
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class ConvertMethodToGetterFeedback extends RefactoringFeedback
implements HasToJson {
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is ConvertMethodToGetterFeedback) {
return true;
return false;
int get hashCode => 165291526;
/// convertMethodToGetter options
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class ConvertMethodToGetterOptions extends RefactoringOptions
implements HasToJson {
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is ConvertMethodToGetterOptions) {
return true;
return false;
int get hashCode => 27952290;
/// edit.getAssists params
/// {
/// "file": FilePath
/// "offset": int
/// "length": int
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class EditGetAssistsParams implements RequestParams {
/// The file containing the code for which assists are being requested.
String file;
/// The offset of the code for which assists are being requested.
int offset;
/// The length of the code for which assists are being requested.
int length;
EditGetAssistsParams(this.file, this.offset, this.length);
factory EditGetAssistsParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String file;
if (json.containsKey('file')) {
file = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.file', json['file']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'file');
int offset;
if (json.containsKey('offset')) {
offset = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(jsonPath + '.offset', json['offset']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'offset');
int length;
if (json.containsKey('length')) {
length = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(jsonPath + '.length', json['length']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'length');
return EditGetAssistsParams(file, offset, length);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'edit.getAssists params', json);
factory EditGetAssistsParams.fromRequest(Request request) {
return EditGetAssistsParams.fromJson(
RequestDecoder(request), 'params', request.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['file'] = file;
result['offset'] = offset;
result['length'] = length;
return result;
Request toRequest(String id) {
return Request(id, 'edit.getAssists', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is EditGetAssistsParams) {
return file == other.file &&
offset == other.offset &&
length == other.length;
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// edit.getAssists result
/// {
/// "assists": List<PrioritizedSourceChange>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class EditGetAssistsResult implements ResponseResult {
/// The assists that are available at the given location.
List<PrioritizedSourceChange> assists;
factory EditGetAssistsResult.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
List<PrioritizedSourceChange> assists;
if (json.containsKey('assists')) {
assists = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.assists',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
PrioritizedSourceChange.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'assists');
return EditGetAssistsResult(assists);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'edit.getAssists result', json);
factory EditGetAssistsResult.fromResponse(Response response) {
return EditGetAssistsResult.fromJson(
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['assists'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
return result;
Response toResponse(String id, int requestTime) {
return Response(id, requestTime, result: toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is EditGetAssistsResult) {
return listEqual(assists, other.assists,
(PrioritizedSourceChange a, PrioritizedSourceChange b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => assists.hashCode;
/// edit.getAvailableRefactorings params
/// {
/// "file": FilePath
/// "offset": int
/// "length": int
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class EditGetAvailableRefactoringsParams implements RequestParams {
/// The file containing the code on which the refactoring would be based.
String file;
/// The offset of the code on which the refactoring would be based.
int offset;
/// The length of the code on which the refactoring would be based.
int length;
EditGetAvailableRefactoringsParams(this.file, this.offset, this.length);
factory EditGetAvailableRefactoringsParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String file;
if (json.containsKey('file')) {
file = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.file', json['file']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'file');
int offset;
if (json.containsKey('offset')) {
offset = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(jsonPath + '.offset', json['offset']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'offset');
int length;
if (json.containsKey('length')) {
length = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(jsonPath + '.length', json['length']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'length');
return EditGetAvailableRefactoringsParams(file, offset, length);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(
jsonPath, 'edit.getAvailableRefactorings params', json);
factory EditGetAvailableRefactoringsParams.fromRequest(Request request) {
return EditGetAvailableRefactoringsParams.fromJson(
RequestDecoder(request), 'params', request.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['file'] = file;
result['offset'] = offset;
result['length'] = length;
return result;
Request toRequest(String id) {
return Request(id, 'edit.getAvailableRefactorings', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is EditGetAvailableRefactoringsParams) {
return file == other.file &&
offset == other.offset &&
length == other.length;
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// edit.getAvailableRefactorings result
/// {
/// "kinds": List<RefactoringKind>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class EditGetAvailableRefactoringsResult implements ResponseResult {
/// The kinds of refactorings that are valid for the given selection.
/// The list of refactoring kinds is currently limited to those defined by
/// the server API, preventing plugins from adding their own refactorings.
/// However, plugins can support pre-defined refactorings, such as a rename
/// refactoring, at locations not supported by server.
List<RefactoringKind> kinds;
factory EditGetAvailableRefactoringsResult.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
List<RefactoringKind> kinds;
if (json.containsKey('kinds')) {
kinds = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.kinds',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
RefactoringKind.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'kinds');
return EditGetAvailableRefactoringsResult(kinds);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(
jsonPath, 'edit.getAvailableRefactorings result', json);
factory EditGetAvailableRefactoringsResult.fromResponse(Response response) {
return EditGetAvailableRefactoringsResult.fromJson(
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['kinds'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
return result;
Response toResponse(String id, int requestTime) {
return Response(id, requestTime, result: toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is EditGetAvailableRefactoringsResult) {
return listEqual(
kinds, other.kinds, (RefactoringKind a, RefactoringKind b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => kinds.hashCode;
/// edit.getFixes params
/// {
/// "file": FilePath
/// "offset": int
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class EditGetFixesParams implements RequestParams {
/// The file containing the errors for which fixes are being requested.
String file;
/// The offset used to select the errors for which fixes will be returned.
int offset;
EditGetFixesParams(this.file, this.offset);
factory EditGetFixesParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String file;
if (json.containsKey('file')) {
file = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.file', json['file']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'file');
int offset;
if (json.containsKey('offset')) {
offset = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(jsonPath + '.offset', json['offset']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'offset');
return EditGetFixesParams(file, offset);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'edit.getFixes params', json);
factory EditGetFixesParams.fromRequest(Request request) {
return EditGetFixesParams.fromJson(
RequestDecoder(request), 'params', request.params);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['file'] = file;
result['offset'] = offset;
return result;
Request toRequest(String id) {
return Request(id, 'edit.getFixes', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is EditGetFixesParams) {
return file == other.file && offset == other.offset;
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// edit.getFixes result
/// {
/// "fixes": List<AnalysisErrorFixes>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class EditGetFixesResult implements ResponseResult {
/// The fixes that are available for the errors at the given offset.
List<AnalysisErrorFixes> fixes;
factory EditGetFixesResult.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
List<AnalysisErrorFixes> fixes;
if (json.containsKey('fixes')) {
fixes = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.fixes',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
AnalysisErrorFixes.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'fixes');
return EditGetFixesResult(fixes);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'edit.getFixes result', json);
factory EditGetFixesResult.fromResponse(Response response) {
return EditGetFixesResult.fromJson(
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['fixes'] = value) => value.toJson()).toList();
return result;
Response toResponse(String id, int requestTime) {
return Response(id, requestTime, result: toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is EditGetFixesResult) {
return listEqual(fixes, other.fixes,
(AnalysisErrorFixes a, AnalysisErrorFixes b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => fixes.hashCode;
/// edit.getRefactoring params
/// {
/// "kind": RefactoringKind
/// "file": FilePath
/// "offset": int
/// "length": int
/// "validateOnly": bool
/// "options": optional RefactoringOptions
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class EditGetRefactoringParams implements RequestParams {
/// The kind of refactoring to be performed.
RefactoringKind kind;
/// The file containing the code involved in the refactoring.
String file;
/// The offset of the region involved in the refactoring.
int offset;
/// The length of the region involved in the refactoring.
int length;
/// True if the client is only requesting that the values of the options be
/// validated and no change be generated.
bool validateOnly;
/// Data used to provide values provided by the user. The structure of the
/// data is dependent on the kind of refactoring being performed. The data
/// that is expected is documented in the section titled Refactorings,
/// labeled as "Options". This field can be omitted if the refactoring does
/// not require any options or if the values of those options are not known.
RefactoringOptions? options;
this.kind, this.file, this.offset, this.length, this.validateOnly,
factory EditGetRefactoringParams.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
RefactoringKind kind;
if (json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = RefactoringKind.fromJson(
jsonDecoder, jsonPath + '.kind', json['kind']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'kind');
String file;
if (json.containsKey('file')) {
file = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.file', json['file']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'file');
int offset;
if (json.containsKey('offset')) {
offset = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(jsonPath + '.offset', json['offset']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'offset');
int length;
if (json.containsKey('length')) {
length = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(jsonPath + '.length', json['length']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'length');
bool validateOnly;
if (json.containsKey('validateOnly')) {
validateOnly = jsonDecoder.decodeBool(
jsonPath + '.validateOnly', json['validateOnly']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'validateOnly');
RefactoringOptions? options;
if (json.containsKey('options')) {
options = RefactoringOptions.fromJson(
jsonDecoder, jsonPath + '.options', json['options'], kind);
return EditGetRefactoringParams(kind, file, offset, length, validateOnly,
options: options);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'edit.getRefactoring params', json);
factory EditGetRefactoringParams.fromRequest(Request request) {
var params = EditGetRefactoringParams.fromJson(
RequestDecoder(request), 'params', request.params);
return params;
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['kind'] = kind.toJson();
result['file'] = file;
result['offset'] = offset;
result['length'] = length;
result['validateOnly'] = validateOnly;
var options = this.options;
if (options != null) {
result['options'] = options.toJson();
return result;
Request toRequest(String id) {
return Request(id, 'edit.getRefactoring', toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is EditGetRefactoringParams) {
return kind == other.kind &&
file == other.file &&
offset == other.offset &&
length == other.length &&
validateOnly == other.validateOnly &&
options == other.options;
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// edit.getRefactoring result
/// {
/// "initialProblems": List<RefactoringProblem>
/// "optionsProblems": List<RefactoringProblem>
/// "finalProblems": List<RefactoringProblem>
/// "feedback": optional RefactoringFeedback
/// "change": optional SourceChange
/// "potentialEdits": optional List<String>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class EditGetRefactoringResult implements ResponseResult {
/// The initial status of the refactoring, that is, problems related to the
/// context in which the refactoring is requested. The list should be empty
/// if there are no known problems.
List<RefactoringProblem> initialProblems;
/// The options validation status, that is, problems in the given options,
/// such as light-weight validation of a new name, flags compatibility, etc.
/// The list should be empty if there are no known problems.
List<RefactoringProblem> optionsProblems;
/// The final status of the refactoring, that is, problems identified in the
/// result of a full, potentially expensive validation and / or change
/// creation. The list should be empty if there are no known problems.
List<RefactoringProblem> finalProblems;
/// Data used to provide feedback to the user. The structure of the data is
/// dependent on the kind of refactoring being created. The data that is
/// returned is documented in the section titled Refactorings, labeled as
/// "Feedback".
RefactoringFeedback? feedback;
/// The changes that are to be applied to affect the refactoring. This field
/// can be omitted if there are problems that prevent a set of changes from
/// being computed, such as having no options specified for a refactoring
/// that requires them, or if only validation was requested.
SourceChange? change;
/// The ids of source edits that are not known to be valid. An edit is not
/// known to be valid if there was insufficient type information for the
/// plugin to be able to determine whether or not the code needs to be
/// modified, such as when a member is being renamed and there is a reference
/// to a member from an unknown type. This field can be omitted if the change
/// field is omitted or if there are no potential edits for the refactoring.
List<String>? potentialEdits;
this.initialProblems, this.optionsProblems, this.finalProblems,
{, this.change, this.potentialEdits});
factory EditGetRefactoringResult.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
List<RefactoringProblem> initialProblems;
if (json.containsKey('initialProblems')) {
initialProblems = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.initialProblems',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
RefactoringProblem.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'initialProblems');
List<RefactoringProblem> optionsProblems;
if (json.containsKey('optionsProblems')) {
optionsProblems = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.optionsProblems',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
RefactoringProblem.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'optionsProblems');
List<RefactoringProblem> finalProblems;
if (json.containsKey('finalProblems')) {
finalProblems = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.finalProblems',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
RefactoringProblem.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'finalProblems');
RefactoringFeedback? feedback;
if (json.containsKey('feedback')) {
feedback = RefactoringFeedback.fromJson(
jsonDecoder, jsonPath + '.feedback', json['feedback'], json);
SourceChange? change;
if (json.containsKey('change')) {
change = SourceChange.fromJson(
jsonDecoder, jsonPath + '.change', json['change']);
List<String>? potentialEdits;
if (json.containsKey('potentialEdits')) {
potentialEdits = jsonDecoder.decodeList(jsonPath + '.potentialEdits',
json['potentialEdits'], jsonDecoder.decodeString);
return EditGetRefactoringResult(
initialProblems, optionsProblems, finalProblems,
feedback: feedback, change: change, potentialEdits: potentialEdits);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'edit.getRefactoring result', json);
factory EditGetRefactoringResult.fromResponse(Response response) {
return EditGetRefactoringResult.fromJson(
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['initialProblems'] = initialProblems
.map((RefactoringProblem value) => value.toJson())
result['optionsProblems'] = optionsProblems
.map((RefactoringProblem value) => value.toJson())
result['finalProblems'] = finalProblems
.map((RefactoringProblem value) => value.toJson())
var feedback =;
if (feedback != null) {
result['feedback'] = feedback.toJson();
var change = this.change;
if (change != null) {
result['change'] = change.toJson();
var potentialEdits = this.potentialEdits;
if (potentialEdits != null) {
result['potentialEdits'] = potentialEdits;
return result;
Response toResponse(String id, int requestTime) {
return Response(id, requestTime, result: toJson());
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is EditGetRefactoringResult) {
return listEqual(initialProblems, other.initialProblems,
(RefactoringProblem a, RefactoringProblem b) => a == b) &&
listEqual(optionsProblems, other.optionsProblems,
(RefactoringProblem a, RefactoringProblem b) => a == b) &&
listEqual(finalProblems, other.finalProblems,
(RefactoringProblem a, RefactoringProblem b) => a == b) &&
feedback == &&
change == other.change &&
listEqual(potentialEdits, other.potentialEdits,
(String a, String b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// extractLocalVariable feedback
/// {
/// "coveringExpressionOffsets": optional List<int>
/// "coveringExpressionLengths": optional List<int>
/// "names": List<String>
/// "offsets": List<int>
/// "lengths": List<int>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class ExtractLocalVariableFeedback extends RefactoringFeedback {
/// The offsets of the expressions that cover the specified selection, from
/// the down most to the up most.
List<int>? coveringExpressionOffsets;
/// The lengths of the expressions that cover the specified selection, from
/// the down most to the up most.
List<int>? coveringExpressionLengths;
/// The proposed names for the local variable.
List<String> names;
/// The offsets of the expressions that would be replaced by a reference to
/// the variable.
List<int> offsets;
/// The lengths of the expressions that would be replaced by a reference to
/// the variable. The lengths correspond to the offsets. In other words, for
/// a given expression, if the offset of that expression is offsets[i], then
/// the length of that expression is lengths[i].
List<int> lengths;
ExtractLocalVariableFeedback(this.names, this.offsets, this.lengths,
{this.coveringExpressionOffsets, this.coveringExpressionLengths});
factory ExtractLocalVariableFeedback.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
List<int>? coveringExpressionOffsets;
if (json.containsKey('coveringExpressionOffsets')) {
coveringExpressionOffsets = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.coveringExpressionOffsets',
List<int>? coveringExpressionLengths;
if (json.containsKey('coveringExpressionLengths')) {
coveringExpressionLengths = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.coveringExpressionLengths',
List<String> names;
if (json.containsKey('names')) {
names = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.names', json['names'], jsonDecoder.decodeString);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'names');
List<int> offsets;
if (json.containsKey('offsets')) {
offsets = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.offsets', json['offsets'], jsonDecoder.decodeInt);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'offsets');
List<int> lengths;
if (json.containsKey('lengths')) {
lengths = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.lengths', json['lengths'], jsonDecoder.decodeInt);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'lengths');
return ExtractLocalVariableFeedback(names, offsets, lengths,
coveringExpressionOffsets: coveringExpressionOffsets,
coveringExpressionLengths: coveringExpressionLengths);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(
jsonPath, 'extractLocalVariable feedback', json);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
var coveringExpressionOffsets = this.coveringExpressionOffsets;
if (coveringExpressionOffsets != null) {
result['coveringExpressionOffsets'] = coveringExpressionOffsets;
var coveringExpressionLengths = this.coveringExpressionLengths;
if (coveringExpressionLengths != null) {
result['coveringExpressionLengths'] = coveringExpressionLengths;
result['names'] = names;
result['offsets'] = offsets;
result['lengths'] = lengths;
return result;
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is ExtractLocalVariableFeedback) {
return listEqual(coveringExpressionOffsets,
other.coveringExpressionOffsets, (int a, int b) => a == b) &&
listEqual(coveringExpressionLengths, other.coveringExpressionLengths,
(int a, int b) => a == b) &&
listEqual(names, other.names, (String a, String b) => a == b) &&
listEqual(offsets, other.offsets, (int a, int b) => a == b) &&
listEqual(lengths, other.lengths, (int a, int b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// extractLocalVariable options
/// {
/// "name": String
/// "extractAll": bool
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class ExtractLocalVariableOptions extends RefactoringOptions {
/// The name that the local variable should be given.
String name;
/// True if all occurrences of the expression within the scope in which the
/// variable will be defined should be replaced by a reference to the local
/// variable. The expression used to initiate the refactoring will always be
/// replaced.
bool extractAll;
ExtractLocalVariableOptions(, this.extractAll);
factory ExtractLocalVariableOptions.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String name;
if (json.containsKey('name')) {
name = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.name', json['name']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'name');
bool extractAll;
if (json.containsKey('extractAll')) {
extractAll = jsonDecoder.decodeBool(
jsonPath + '.extractAll', json['extractAll']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'extractAll');
return ExtractLocalVariableOptions(name, extractAll);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(
jsonPath, 'extractLocalVariable options', json);
factory ExtractLocalVariableOptions.fromRefactoringParams(
EditGetRefactoringParams refactoringParams, Request request) {
return ExtractLocalVariableOptions.fromJson(
RequestDecoder(request), 'options', refactoringParams.options);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['name'] = name;
result['extractAll'] = extractAll;
return result;
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is ExtractLocalVariableOptions) {
return name == && extractAll == other.extractAll;
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// extractMethod feedback
/// {
/// "offset": int
/// "length": int
/// "returnType": String
/// "names": List<String>
/// "canCreateGetter": bool
/// "parameters": List<RefactoringMethodParameter>
/// "offsets": List<int>
/// "lengths": List<int>
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class ExtractMethodFeedback extends RefactoringFeedback {
/// The offset to the beginning of the expression or statements that will be
/// extracted.
int offset;
/// The length of the expression or statements that will be extracted.
int length;
/// The proposed return type for the method. If the returned element does not
/// have a declared return type, this field will contain an empty string.
String returnType;
/// The proposed names for the method.
List<String> names;
/// True if a getter could be created rather than a method.
bool canCreateGetter;
/// The proposed parameters for the method.
List<RefactoringMethodParameter> parameters;
/// The offsets of the expressions or statements that would be replaced by an
/// invocation of the method.
List<int> offsets;
/// The lengths of the expressions or statements that would be replaced by an
/// invocation of the method. The lengths correspond to the offsets. In other
/// words, for a given expression (or block of statements), if the offset of
/// that expression is offsets[i], then the length of that expression is
/// lengths[i].
List<int> lengths;
ExtractMethodFeedback(this.offset, this.length, this.returnType, this.names,
this.canCreateGetter, this.parameters, this.offsets, this.lengths);
factory ExtractMethodFeedback.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
int offset;
if (json.containsKey('offset')) {
offset = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(jsonPath + '.offset', json['offset']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'offset');
int length;
if (json.containsKey('length')) {
length = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(jsonPath + '.length', json['length']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'length');
String returnType;
if (json.containsKey('returnType')) {
returnType = jsonDecoder.decodeString(
jsonPath + '.returnType', json['returnType']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'returnType');
List<String> names;
if (json.containsKey('names')) {
names = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.names', json['names'], jsonDecoder.decodeString);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'names');
bool canCreateGetter;
if (json.containsKey('canCreateGetter')) {
canCreateGetter = jsonDecoder.decodeBool(
jsonPath + '.canCreateGetter', json['canCreateGetter']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'canCreateGetter');
List<RefactoringMethodParameter> parameters;
if (json.containsKey('parameters')) {
parameters = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.parameters',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'parameters');
List<int> offsets;
if (json.containsKey('offsets')) {
offsets = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.offsets', json['offsets'], jsonDecoder.decodeInt);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'offsets');
List<int> lengths;
if (json.containsKey('lengths')) {
lengths = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.lengths', json['lengths'], jsonDecoder.decodeInt);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'lengths');
return ExtractMethodFeedback(offset, length, returnType, names,
canCreateGetter, parameters, offsets, lengths);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'extractMethod feedback', json);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['offset'] = offset;
result['length'] = length;
result['returnType'] = returnType;
result['names'] = names;
result['canCreateGetter'] = canCreateGetter;
result['parameters'] = parameters
.map((RefactoringMethodParameter value) => value.toJson())
result['offsets'] = offsets;
result['lengths'] = lengths;
return result;
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is ExtractMethodFeedback) {
return offset == other.offset &&
length == other.length &&
returnType == other.returnType &&
listEqual(names, other.names, (String a, String b) => a == b) &&
canCreateGetter == other.canCreateGetter &&
(RefactoringMethodParameter a, RefactoringMethodParameter b) =>
a == b) &&
listEqual(offsets, other.offsets, (int a, int b) => a == b) &&
listEqual(lengths, other.lengths, (int a, int b) => a == b);
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// extractMethod options
/// {
/// "returnType": String
/// "createGetter": bool
/// "name": String
/// "parameters": List<RefactoringMethodParameter>
/// "extractAll": bool
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class ExtractMethodOptions extends RefactoringOptions {
/// The return type that should be defined for the method.
String returnType;
/// True if a getter should be created rather than a method. It is an error
/// if this field is true and the list of parameters is non-empty.
bool createGetter;
/// The name that the method should be given.
String name;
/// The parameters that should be defined for the method.
/// It is an error if a REQUIRED or NAMED parameter follows a POSITIONAL
/// parameter. It is an error if a REQUIRED or POSITIONAL parameter follows a
/// NAMED parameter.
/// - To change the order and/or update proposed parameters, add parameters
/// with the same identifiers as proposed.
/// - To add new parameters, omit their identifier.
/// - To remove some parameters, omit them in this list.
List<RefactoringMethodParameter> parameters;
/// True if all occurrences of the expression or statements should be
/// replaced by an invocation of the method. The expression or statements
/// used to initiate the refactoring will always be replaced.
bool extractAll;
ExtractMethodOptions(this.returnType, this.createGetter,,
this.parameters, this.extractAll);
factory ExtractMethodOptions.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String returnType;
if (json.containsKey('returnType')) {
returnType = jsonDecoder.decodeString(
jsonPath + '.returnType', json['returnType']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'returnType');
bool createGetter;
if (json.containsKey('createGetter')) {
createGetter = jsonDecoder.decodeBool(
jsonPath + '.createGetter', json['createGetter']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'createGetter');
String name;
if (json.containsKey('name')) {
name = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.name', json['name']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'name');
List<RefactoringMethodParameter> parameters;
if (json.containsKey('parameters')) {
parameters = jsonDecoder.decodeList(
jsonPath + '.parameters',
(String jsonPath, Object? json) =>
jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json));
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'parameters');
bool extractAll;
if (json.containsKey('extractAll')) {
extractAll = jsonDecoder.decodeBool(
jsonPath + '.extractAll', json['extractAll']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'extractAll');
return ExtractMethodOptions(
returnType, createGetter, name, parameters, extractAll);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'extractMethod options', json);
factory ExtractMethodOptions.fromRefactoringParams(
EditGetRefactoringParams refactoringParams, Request request) {
return ExtractMethodOptions.fromJson(
RequestDecoder(request), 'options', refactoringParams.options);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object>{};
result['returnType'] = returnType;
result['createGetter'] = createGetter;
result['name'] = name;
result['parameters'] = parameters
.map((RefactoringMethodParameter value) => value.toJson())
result['extractAll'] = extractAll;
return result;
String toString() => json.encode(toJson());
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is ExtractMethodOptions) {
return returnType == other.returnType &&
createGetter == other.createGetter &&
name == &&
(RefactoringMethodParameter a, RefactoringMethodParameter b) =>
a == b) &&
extractAll == other.extractAll;
return false;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
/// inlineLocalVariable feedback
/// {
/// "name": String
/// "occurrences": int
/// }
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class InlineLocalVariableFeedback extends RefactoringFeedback {
/// The name of the variable being inlined.
String name;
/// The number of times the variable occurs.
int occurrences;
InlineLocalVariableFeedback(, this.occurrences);
factory InlineLocalVariableFeedback.fromJson(
JsonDecoder jsonDecoder, String jsonPath, Object? json) {
json ??= {};
if (json is Map) {
String name;
if (json.containsKey('name')) {
name = jsonDecoder.decodeString(jsonPath + '.name', json['name']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'name');
int occurrences;
if (json.containsKey('occurrences')) {
occurrences = jsonDecoder.decodeInt(
jsonPath + '.occurrences', json['occurrences']);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(jsonPath, 'occurrences');
return InlineLocalVariableFeedback(name, occurrences);
} else {
throw jsonDecoder.mismatch(
jsonPath, 'inlineLocalVariable feedback', json);