blob: 00d80bc708b67d6246e283f87c4958b9e811cf9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of html;
* A set (union) of the CSS classes that are present in a set of elements.
* Implemented separately from _ElementCssClassSet for performance.
class _MultiElementCssClassSet extends CssClassSetImpl {
final Iterable<Element> _elementIterable;
// TODO(sra): Perhaps we should store the DomTokenList instead.
final List<CssClassSetImpl> _sets;
factory _MultiElementCssClassSet(Iterable<Element> elements) {
return new _MultiElementCssClassSet._(elements,
new List<CssClassSetImpl>.from( e) => e.classes)));
_MultiElementCssClassSet._(this._elementIterable, this._sets);
Set<String> readClasses() {
var s = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
_sets.forEach((CssClassSetImpl e) => s.addAll(e.readClasses()));
return s;
void writeClasses(Set<String> s) {
var classes = s.join(' ');
for (Element e in _elementIterable) {
e.className = classes;
* Helper method used to modify the set of css classes on this element.
* f - callback with:
* s - a Set of all the css class name currently on this element.
* After f returns, the modified set is written to the
* className property of this element.
modify(f(Set<String> s)) {
_sets.forEach((CssClassSetImpl e) => e.modify(f));
* Adds the class [value] to the element if it is not on it, removes it if it
* is.
* TODO(sra): It seems wrong to collect a 'changed' flag like this when the
* underlying toggle returns an 'is set' flag.
bool toggle(String value, [bool? shouldAdd]) => _sets.fold(
(bool changed, CssClassSetImpl e) =>
e.toggle(value, shouldAdd) || changed);
* Remove the class [value] from element, and return true on successful
* removal.
* This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
* [removeClass](
bool remove(Object? value) => _sets.fold(
false, (bool changed, CssClassSetImpl e) => e.remove(value) || changed);
class _ElementCssClassSet extends CssClassSetImpl {
final Element _element;
Set<String> readClasses() {
var s = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
var classname = _element.className;
for (String name in classname.split(' ')) {
String trimmed = name.trim();
if (!trimmed.isEmpty) {
return s;
void writeClasses(Set<String> s) {
_element.className = s.join(' ');
int get length => _classListLength(_classListOf(_element));
bool get isEmpty => length == 0;
bool get isNotEmpty => length != 0;
void clear() {
_element.className = '';
bool contains(Object? value) {
return _contains(_element, value);
bool add(String value) {
return _add(_element, value);
bool remove(Object? value) {
return value is String && _remove(_element, value);
bool toggle(String value, [bool? shouldAdd]) {
return _toggle(_element, value, shouldAdd);
void addAll(Iterable<String> iterable) {
_addAll(_element, iterable);
void removeAll(Iterable<Object?> iterable) {
_removeAll(_element, iterable);
void retainAll(Iterable<Object?> iterable) {
_removeWhere(_element, iterable.toSet().contains, false);
void removeWhere(bool test(String name)) {
_removeWhere(_element, test, true);
void retainWhere(bool test(String name)) {
_removeWhere(_element, test, false);
static bool _contains(Element _element, Object? value) {
return value is String && _classListContains(_classListOf(_element), value);
static bool _add(Element _element, String value) {
DomTokenList list = _classListOf(_element);
// Compute returned result independently of action upon the set.
bool added = !_classListContainsBeforeAddOrRemove(list, value);
_classListAdd(list, value);
return added;
static bool _remove(Element _element, String value) {
DomTokenList list = _classListOf(_element);
bool removed = _classListContainsBeforeAddOrRemove(list, value);
_classListRemove(list, value);
return removed;
static bool _toggle(Element _element, String value, bool? shouldAdd) {
// There is no value that can be passed as the second argument of
// DomTokenList.toggle that behaves the same as passing one argument.
// `null` is seen as false, meaning 'remove'.
return shouldAdd == null
? _toggleDefault(_element, value)
: _toggleOnOff(_element, value, shouldAdd);
static bool _toggleDefault(Element _element, String value) {
DomTokenList list = _classListOf(_element);
return _classListToggle1(list, value);
static bool _toggleOnOff(Element _element, String value, bool? shouldAdd) {
DomTokenList list = _classListOf(_element);
// IE's toggle does not take a second parameter. We would prefer:
// return _classListToggle2(list, value, shouldAdd);
if (shouldAdd ?? false) {
_classListAdd(list, value);
return true;
} else {
_classListRemove(list, value);
return false;
static void _addAll(Element _element, Iterable<String> iterable) {
DomTokenList list = _classListOf(_element);
for (String value in iterable) {
_classListAdd(list, value);
static void _removeAll(Element _element, Iterable<Object?> iterable) {
DomTokenList list = _classListOf(_element);
for (Object? value in iterable) {
_classListRemove(list, value as String);
static void _removeWhere(
Element _element, bool test(String name), bool doRemove) {
DomTokenList list = _classListOf(_element);
int i = 0;
while (i < _classListLength(list)) {
String item = list.item(i)!;
if (doRemove == test(item)) {
_classListRemove(list, item);
} else {
// A collection of static methods for DomTokenList. These methods are a
// work-around for the lack of annotations to express the full behaviour of
// the DomTokenList methods.
static DomTokenList _classListOf(Element e) => JS(
static int _classListLength(DomTokenList list) =>
JS('returns:JSUInt31;effects:none;depends:all;', '#.length', list);
static bool _classListContains(DomTokenList list, String value) =>
JS('returns:bool;effects:none;depends:all', '#.contains(#)', list, value);
static bool _classListContainsBeforeAddOrRemove(
DomTokenList list, String value) =>
// 'throws:never' is a lie, since 'contains' will throw on an illegal
// token. However, we always call this function immediately prior to
// add/remove/toggle with the same token. Often the result of 'contains'
// is unused and the lie makes it possible for the 'contains' instruction
// to be removed.
'#.contains(#)', list, value);
static void _classListAdd(DomTokenList list, String value) {
// list.add(value);
JS('', '#.add(#)', list, value);
static void _classListRemove(DomTokenList list, String value) {
// list.remove(value);
JS('', '#.remove(#)', list, value);
static bool _classListToggle1(DomTokenList list, String value) {
return JS('bool', '#.toggle(#)', list, value);
static bool _classListToggle2(
DomTokenList list, String value, bool? shouldAdd) {
return JS('bool', '#.toggle(#, #)', list, value, shouldAdd);