blob: a7a40b6dffdbf95edaf0ba3a0dc37d0eaa5c5bc3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of html;
class Console {
const Console._safe();
static const Console _safeConsole = const Console._safe();
bool get _isConsoleDefined => JS('bool', 'typeof console != "undefined"');
MemoryInfo? get memory =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('MemoryInfo', 'window.console.memory') : null;
// Even though many of the following JS methods can take in multiple
// arguments, we historically and currently limit the number of variable
// arguments to 1. Depending on the need, these methods may be updated to
// allow for more.
// We rename assert to assertCondition here.
void assertCondition([bool? condition, Object? arg]) => _isConsoleDefined
? JS('void', 'window.console.assert(#, #)', condition, arg)
: null;
// clear no longer takes in an argument, but we keep this as optional to
// maintain backwards compatibility.
void clear([Object? arg]) =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', 'window.console.clear(#)', arg) : null;
// count takes in a String instead, but we keep this as an Object for
// backwards compatibility.
void count([Object? arg]) =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', 'window.console.count(#)', arg) : null;
void countReset([String? arg]) => _isConsoleDefined
? JS('void', 'window.console.countReset(#)', arg)
: null;
void debug(Object? arg) =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', 'window.console.debug(#)', arg) : null;
void dir([Object? item, Object? options]) => _isConsoleDefined
? JS('void', 'window.console.dir(#, #)', item, options)
: null;
void dirxml(Object? arg) =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', 'window.console.dirxml(#)', arg) : null;
void error(Object? arg) =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', 'window.console.error(#)', arg) : null;
void group(Object? arg) =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', '', arg) : null;
void groupCollapsed(Object? arg) => _isConsoleDefined
? JS('void', 'window.console.groupCollapsed(#)', arg)
: null;
void groupEnd() =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', 'window.console.groupEnd()') : null;
void info(Object? arg) =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', '', arg) : null;
void log(Object? arg) =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', 'window.console.log(#)', arg) : null;
void table([Object? tabularData, List<String>? properties]) =>
? JS('void', 'window.console.table(#, #)', tabularData, properties)
: null;
void time([String? label]) =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', 'window.console.time(#)', label) : null;
void timeEnd([String? label]) =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', 'window.console.timeEnd(#)', label) : null;
void timeLog([String? label, Object? arg]) => _isConsoleDefined
? JS('void', 'window.console.timeLog(#, #)', label, arg)
: null;
void trace(Object? arg) =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', 'window.console.trace(#)', arg) : null;
void warn(Object? arg) =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', 'window.console.warn(#)', arg) : null;
// The following are non-standard methods.
void profile([String? title]) =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', 'window.console.profile(#)', title) : null;
void profileEnd([String? title]) => _isConsoleDefined
? JS('void', 'window.console.profileEnd(#)', title)
: null;
void timeStamp([Object? arg]) =>
_isConsoleDefined ? JS('void', 'window.console.timeStamp(#)', arg) : null;
// The following is deprecated and should be removed once we drop support for
// older Safari browsers.
void markTimeline(Object? arg) => _isConsoleDefined
? JS('void', 'window.console.markTimeline(#)', arg)
: null;