blob: e4e340b994945c329a72d84b3a4ee9262f771879 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
testReplaceAll() {
Expect.equals("aXXcaXXdae", "abcabdae".replaceAll("b", "XX"));
// Test with the replaced string at the beginning.
Expect.equals("XXbcXXbdXXe", "abcabdae".replaceAll("a", "XX"));
// Test with the replaced string at the end.
Expect.equals("abcabdaXX", "abcabdae".replaceAll("e", "XX"));
// Test when there are no occurence of the string to replace.
Expect.equals("abcabdae", "abcabdae".replaceAll("f", "XX"));
// Test when the string to change is the empty string.
Expect.equals("", "".replaceAll("from", "to"));
// Test when the string to change is a substring of the string to
// replace.
Expect.equals("fro", "fro".replaceAll("from", "to"));
// Test when the string to change is the replaced string.
Expect.equals("to", "from".replaceAll("from", "to"));
// Test when matches are adjacent
Expect.equals("toto", "fromfrom".replaceAll("from", "to"));
// Test when the string to change is the replacement string.
Expect.equals("to", "to".replaceAll("from", "to"));
// Test replacing by the empty string.
Expect.equals("bcbde", "abcabdae".replaceAll("a", ""));
Expect.equals("AB", "AfromB".replaceAll("from", ""));
// Test changing the empty string.
Expect.equals("to", "".replaceAll("", "to"));
// Test replacing the empty string.
Expect.equals("toAtoBtoCto", "ABC".replaceAll("", "to"));
// Pattern strings containing RegExp metacharacters - these are not
// interpreted as RegExps.
Expect.equals(r"$$", "||".replaceAll("|", r"$"));
Expect.equals(r"$$$$", "||".replaceAll("|", r"$$"));
Expect.equals(r"x$|x", "x|.|x".replaceAll("|.", r"$"));
Expect.equals(r"$$", "..".replaceAll(".", r"$"));
Expect.equals(r"[$$$$]", "[..]".replaceAll(".", r"$$"));
Expect.equals(r"[$]", "[..]".replaceAll("..", r"$"));
Expect.equals(r"$$", r"\\".replaceAll(r"\", r"$"));
testReplaceAllMapped() {
String mark(Match m) => "[${m[0]}]";
Expect.equals("a[b]ca[b]dae", "abcabdae".replaceAllMapped("b", mark));
// Test with the replaced string at the beginning.
Expect.equals("[a]bc[a]bd[a]e", "abcabdae".replaceAllMapped("a", mark));
// Test with the replaced string at the end.
Expect.equals("abcabda[e]", "abcabdae".replaceAllMapped("e", mark));
// Test when there are no occurence of the string to replace.
Expect.equals("abcabdae", "abcabdae".replaceAllMapped("f", mark));
// Test when the string to change is the empty string.
Expect.equals("", "".replaceAllMapped("from", mark));
// Test when the string to change is a substring of the string to
// replace.
Expect.equals("fro", "fro".replaceAllMapped("from", mark));
// Test when matches are adjacent
Expect.equals("[from][from]", "fromfrom".replaceAllMapped("from", mark));
// Test replacing by the empty string.
Expect.equals("bcbde", "abcabdae".replaceAllMapped("a", (m) => ""));
Expect.equals("AB", "AfromB".replaceAllMapped("from", (m) => ""));
// Test changing the empty string.
Expect.equals("[]", "".replaceAllMapped("", mark));
// Test replacing the empty string.
Expect.equals("[]A[]B[]C[]", "ABC".replaceAllMapped("", mark));
testSplitMapJoin() {
String mark(Match m) => "[${m[0]}]";
String wrap(String s) => "<${s}>";
"abcabdae".splitMapJoin("b", onMatch: mark, onNonMatch: wrap));
// Test with the replaced string at the beginning.
"abcabdae".splitMapJoin("a", onMatch: mark, onNonMatch: wrap));
// Test with the replaced string at the end.
"abcabdae".splitMapJoin("e", onMatch: mark, onNonMatch: wrap));
// Test when there are no occurence of the string to replace.
"abcabdae".splitMapJoin("f", onMatch: mark, onNonMatch: wrap));
// Test when the string to change is the empty string.
Expect.equals("<>", "".splitMapJoin("from", onMatch: mark, onNonMatch: wrap));
// Test when the string to change is a substring of the string to
// replace.
"<fro>", "fro".splitMapJoin("from", onMatch: mark, onNonMatch: wrap));
// Test when matches are adjacent
"fromfrom".splitMapJoin("from", onMatch: mark, onNonMatch: wrap));
// Test changing the empty string.
Expect.equals("<>[]<>", "".splitMapJoin("", onMatch: mark, onNonMatch: wrap));
// Test replacing the empty string.
"ABC".splitMapJoin("", onMatch: mark, onNonMatch: wrap));
// Test with only onMatch.
Expect.equals("[a]bc[a]bd[a]e", "abcabdae".splitMapJoin("a", onMatch: mark));
// Test with only onNonMatch
"<>a<bc>a<bd>a<e>", "abcabdae".splitMapJoin("a", onNonMatch: wrap));
main() {