| // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| library dart2js.cmdline; |
| |
| import 'dart:async' show Future; |
| import 'dart:convert' show utf8, LineSplitter; |
| import 'dart:io' show exit, File, FileMode, Platform, stdin, stderr; |
| import 'dart:isolate' show Isolate; |
| |
| import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/dart2js.dart' as fe; |
| |
| import '../compiler_new.dart' as api; |
| import 'commandline_options.dart'; |
| import 'options.dart' show CompilerOptions, FeatureOptions; |
| import 'source_file_provider.dart'; |
| import 'util/command_line.dart'; |
| import 'util/util.dart' show stackTraceFilePrefix; |
| |
| const String _defaultSpecificationUri = '../../../../sdk/lib/libraries.json'; |
| const String OUTPUT_LANGUAGE_DART = 'Dart'; |
| |
| /// A string to identify the revision or build. |
| /// |
| /// This ID is displayed if the compiler crashes and in verbose mode, and is |
| /// an aid in reproducing bug reports. |
| /// |
| /// The actual string is rewritten by a wrapper script when included in the sdk. |
| String BUILD_ID = null; |
| |
| /// The data passed to the [HandleOption] callback is either a single |
| /// string argument, or the arguments iterator for multiple arguments |
| /// handlers. |
| typedef HandleOption = void Function(Null data); |
| |
| class OptionHandler { |
| final String pattern; |
| final HandleOption _handle; |
| final bool multipleArguments; |
| |
| void handle(argument) { |
| (_handle as dynamic)(argument); |
| } |
| |
| OptionHandler(this.pattern, this._handle, {this.multipleArguments = false}); |
| } |
| |
| /// Extract the parameter of an option. |
| /// |
| /// For example, in ['--out=fisk.js'] and ['-ohest.js'], the parameters |
| /// are ['fisk.js'] and ['hest.js'], respectively. |
| String extractParameter(String argument, {bool isOptionalArgument = false}) { |
| // m[0] is the entire match (which will be equal to argument). m[1] |
| // is something like "-o" or "--out=", and m[2] is the parameter. |
| Match m = RegExp('^(-[a-zA-Z]|--.+=)(.*)').firstMatch(argument); |
| if (m == null) { |
| if (isOptionalArgument) return null; |
| helpAndFail('Unknown option "$argument".'); |
| } |
| return m[2]; |
| } |
| |
| String extractPath(String argument, {bool isDirectory = true}) { |
| String path = fe.nativeToUriPath(extractParameter(argument)); |
| return !path.endsWith("/") && isDirectory ? "$path/" : path; |
| } |
| |
| void parseCommandLine(List<OptionHandler> handlers, List<String> argv) { |
| // TODO(ahe): Use ../../args/args.dart for parsing options instead. |
| var patterns = <String>[]; |
| for (OptionHandler handler in handlers) { |
| patterns.add(handler.pattern); |
| } |
| var pattern = RegExp('^(${patterns.join(")\$|^(")})\$'); |
| |
| Iterator<String> arguments = argv.iterator; |
| OUTER: |
| while (arguments.moveNext()) { |
| String argument = arguments.current; |
| Match match = pattern.firstMatch(argument); |
| assert(match.groupCount == handlers.length); |
| for (int i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) { |
| if (match[i + 1] != null) { |
| OptionHandler handler = handlers[i]; |
| if (handler.multipleArguments) { |
| handler.handle(arguments); |
| } else { |
| handler.handle(argument); |
| } |
| continue OUTER; |
| } |
| } |
| throw 'Internal error: "$argument" did not match'; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| FormattingDiagnosticHandler diagnosticHandler; |
| |
| Future<api.CompilationResult> compile(List<String> argv, |
| {fe.InitializedCompilerState kernelInitializedCompilerState}) { |
| Stopwatch wallclock = Stopwatch()..start(); |
| stackTraceFilePrefix = '${Uri.base}'; |
| Uri entryUri; |
| Uri inputDillUri; |
| Uri librariesSpecificationUri = Uri.base.resolve('lib/libraries.json'); |
| bool outputSpecified = false; |
| Uri out; |
| Uri sourceMapOut; |
| Uri writeModularAnalysisUri; |
| Uri readDataUri; |
| Uri writeDataUri; |
| Uri readClosedWorldUri; |
| Uri writeClosedWorldUri; |
| Uri readCodegenUri; |
| Uri writeCodegenUri; |
| int codegenShard; |
| int codegenShards; |
| List<String> bazelPaths; |
| List<Uri> multiRoots; |
| String multiRootScheme = 'org-dartlang-app'; |
| Uri packageConfig = null; |
| List<String> options = <String>[]; |
| bool wantHelp = false; |
| bool wantVersion = false; |
| bool trustTypeAnnotations = false; |
| bool checkedMode = false; |
| bool strongMode = true; |
| List<String> hints = <String>[]; |
| bool verbose; |
| bool throwOnError; |
| int throwOnErrorCount; |
| bool showWarnings; |
| bool showHints; |
| bool enableColors; |
| int optimizationLevel = null; |
| Uri platformBinaries; |
| Map<String, String> environment = Map<String, String>(); |
| ReadStrategy readStrategy = ReadStrategy.fromDart; |
| WriteStrategy writeStrategy = WriteStrategy.toJs; |
| FeatureOptions features = FeatureOptions(); |
| |
| void passThrough(String argument) => options.add(argument); |
| void ignoreOption(String argument) {} |
| |
| if (BUILD_ID != null) { |
| passThrough("--build-id=$BUILD_ID"); |
| } |
| |
| Uri extractResolvedFileUri(String argument) { |
| return Uri.base.resolve(extractPath(argument, isDirectory: false)); |
| } |
| |
| void setEntryUri(String argument) { |
| entryUri = extractResolvedFileUri(argument); |
| } |
| |
| void setInputDillUri(String argument) { |
| inputDillUri = extractResolvedFileUri(argument); |
| } |
| |
| void setLibrarySpecificationUri(String argument) { |
| librariesSpecificationUri = extractResolvedFileUri(argument); |
| } |
| |
| void setPackageConfig(String argument) { |
| packageConfig = extractResolvedFileUri(argument); |
| } |
| |
| void setOutput(Iterator<String> arguments) { |
| outputSpecified = true; |
| String path; |
| if (arguments.current == '-o') { |
| if (!arguments.moveNext()) { |
| helpAndFail('Error: Missing file after -o option.'); |
| } |
| path = arguments.current; |
| } else { |
| path = extractParameter(arguments.current); |
| } |
| out = Uri.base.resolve(fe.nativeToUriPath(path)); |
| } |
| |
| void setOptimizationLevel(String argument) { |
| int value = int.tryParse(extractParameter(argument)); |
| if (value == null || value < 0 || value > 4) { |
| helpAndFail("Error: Unsupported optimization level '$argument', " |
| "supported levels are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4"); |
| return; |
| } |
| if (optimizationLevel != null) { |
| print("Optimization level '$argument' ignored " |
| "due to preceding '-O$optimizationLevel'"); |
| return; |
| } |
| optimizationLevel = value; |
| } |
| |
| void setOutputType(String argument) { |
| if (argument == '--output-type=dart' || |
| argument == '--output-type=dart-multi') { |
| helpAndFail( |
| "--output-type=dart is no longer supported. It was deprecated " |
| "since Dart 1.11 and removed in Dart 1.19."); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| setStrip(String argument) { |
| helpAndFail("Option '--force-strip' is not in use now that" |
| "--output-type=dart is no longer supported."); |
| } |
| |
| void setBazelPaths(String argument) { |
| String paths = extractParameter(argument); |
| bazelPaths = <String>[]..addAll(paths.split(',')); |
| } |
| |
| void setMultiRoots(String argument) { |
| String paths = extractParameter(argument); |
| multiRoots ??= <Uri>[]; |
| multiRoots.addAll(paths.split(',').map(fe.nativeToUri)); |
| } |
| |
| void setMultiRootScheme(String argument) { |
| multiRootScheme = extractParameter(argument); |
| } |
| |
| String getDepsOutput(Iterable<Uri> sourceFiles) { |
| var filenames = sourceFiles.map((uri) => '$uri').toList(); |
| filenames.sort(); |
| return filenames.join("\n"); |
| } |
| |
| void setAllowNativeExtensions(String argument) { |
| helpAndFail("Option '${Flags.allowNativeExtensions}' is not supported."); |
| } |
| |
| void setVerbose(_) { |
| verbose = true; |
| passThrough('--verbose'); |
| } |
| |
| void setTrustTypeAnnotations(String argument) { |
| trustTypeAnnotations = true; |
| } |
| |
| void setCheckedMode(String argument) { |
| checkedMode = true; |
| passThrough(argument); |
| } |
| |
| void addInEnvironment(Iterator<String> arguments) { |
| final isDefine = arguments.current.startsWith('--define'); |
| String argument; |
| if (arguments.current == '--define') { |
| arguments.moveNext(); |
| argument = arguments.current; |
| } else { |
| argument = arguments.current.substring(isDefine ? '--define='.length : 2); |
| } |
| // Allow for ' ' or '=' after --define |
| int eqIndex = argument.indexOf('='); |
| if (eqIndex <= 0) { |
| helpAndFail('Invalid value for --define: $argument'); |
| return; |
| } |
| String name = argument.substring(0, eqIndex); |
| String value = argument.substring(eqIndex + 1); |
| environment[name] = value; |
| } |
| |
| void setCategories(String argument) { |
| List<String> categories = extractParameter(argument).split(','); |
| bool isServerMode = categories.length == 1 && categories.single == "Server"; |
| if (isServerMode) { |
| hints.add("The --categories flag is deprecated and will be deleted in a " |
| "future release, please use '${Flags.serverMode}' instead of " |
| "'--categories=Server'."); |
| passThrough(Flags.serverMode); |
| } else { |
| hints.add( |
| "The --categories flag is deprecated, see the usage for details."); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void setPlatformBinaries(String argument) { |
| platformBinaries = |
| Uri.base.resolve(extractPath(argument, isDirectory: true)); |
| } |
| |
| void setUriList(String flag, String argument) { |
| String list = extractParameter(argument); |
| String uriList = list.splitMapJoin(',', |
| onMatch: (_) => ',', onNonMatch: (p) => '${fe.nativeToUri(p)}'); |
| options.add('${flag}=${uriList}'); |
| } |
| |
| void setModularAnalysisInputs(String argument) { |
| setUriList(Flags.readModularAnalysis, argument); |
| } |
| |
| void setWriteModularAnalysis(String argument) { |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toClosedWorld) { |
| fail("Cannot use ${Flags.writeModularAnalysis} " |
| "and write serialized closed world simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toData) { |
| fail("Cannot use ${Flags.writeModularAnalysis} " |
| "and write serialized global data simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toCodegen) { |
| fail("Cannot use ${Flags.writeModularAnalysis} " |
| "and write serialized codegen simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toKernel) { |
| fail("Cannot use ${Flags.writeModularAnalysis} " |
| "and run the CFE simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (argument != Flags.writeModularAnalysis) { |
| writeModularAnalysisUri = |
| fe.nativeToUri(extractPath(argument, isDirectory: false)); |
| } |
| writeStrategy = WriteStrategy.toModularAnalysis; |
| } |
| |
| void setReadData(String argument) { |
| if (argument != Flags.readData) { |
| readDataUri = fe.nativeToUri(extractPath(argument, isDirectory: false)); |
| } |
| |
| if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromDart) { |
| readStrategy = ReadStrategy.fromData; |
| } else if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromClosedWorld) { |
| readStrategy = ReadStrategy.fromDataAndClosedWorld; |
| } else if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromCodegen) { |
| readStrategy = ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndData; |
| } else if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndClosedWorld) { |
| readStrategy = ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndClosedWorldAndData; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void setReadClosedWorld(String argument) { |
| if (argument != Flags.readClosedWorld) { |
| readClosedWorldUri = |
| fe.nativeToUri(extractPath(argument, isDirectory: false)); |
| } |
| |
| if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromDart) { |
| readStrategy = ReadStrategy.fromClosedWorld; |
| } else if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromData) { |
| readStrategy = ReadStrategy.fromDataAndClosedWorld; |
| } else if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromCodegen) { |
| readStrategy = ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndClosedWorld; |
| } else if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndData) { |
| readStrategy = ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndClosedWorldAndData; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void setDillDependencies(String argument) { |
| setUriList(Flags.dillDependencies, argument); |
| } |
| |
| void setCfeOnly(String argument) { |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toModularAnalysis) { |
| fail("Cannot use ${Flags.cfeOnly} " |
| "and write serialized modular analysis simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toClosedWorld) { |
| fail("Cannot use ${Flags.cfeOnly} " |
| "and write serialized closed world simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toData) { |
| fail("Cannot use ${Flags.cfeOnly} " |
| "and write serialized data simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toCodegen) { |
| fail("Cannot use ${Flags.cfeOnly} " |
| "and write serialized codegen simultaneously."); |
| } |
| writeStrategy = WriteStrategy.toKernel; |
| } |
| |
| void setReadCodegen(String argument) { |
| if (argument != Flags.readCodegen) { |
| readCodegenUri = |
| fe.nativeToUri(extractPath(argument, isDirectory: false)); |
| } |
| |
| if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromDart) { |
| readStrategy = ReadStrategy.fromCodegen; |
| } else if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromClosedWorld) { |
| readStrategy = ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndClosedWorld; |
| } else if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromData) { |
| readStrategy = ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndData; |
| } else if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromDataAndClosedWorld) { |
| readStrategy = ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndClosedWorldAndData; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void setWriteData(String argument) { |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toKernel) { |
| fail("Cannot use ${Flags.cfeOnly} " |
| "and write serialized data simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toClosedWorld) { |
| fail("Cannot write closed world and data simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toCodegen) { |
| fail("Cannot write serialized data and codegen simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (argument != Flags.writeData) { |
| writeDataUri = fe.nativeToUri(extractPath(argument, isDirectory: false)); |
| } |
| writeStrategy = WriteStrategy.toData; |
| } |
| |
| void setWriteClosedWorld(String argument) { |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toKernel) { |
| fail("Cannot use ${Flags.cfeOnly} " |
| "and write serialized data simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toData) { |
| fail("Cannot write both closed world and data"); |
| } |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toCodegen) { |
| fail("Cannot write serialized data and codegen simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (argument != Flags.writeClosedWorld) { |
| writeClosedWorldUri = |
| fe.nativeToUri(extractPath(argument, isDirectory: false)); |
| } |
| writeStrategy = WriteStrategy.toClosedWorld; |
| } |
| |
| void setWriteCodegen(String argument) { |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toKernel) { |
| fail("Cannot use ${Flags.cfeOnly} " |
| "and write serialized codegen simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toClosedWorld) { |
| fail("Cannot write closed world and codegen simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toData) { |
| fail("Cannot write serialized data and codegen data simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (argument != Flags.writeCodegen) { |
| writeCodegenUri = |
| fe.nativeToUri(extractPath(argument, isDirectory: false)); |
| } |
| writeStrategy = WriteStrategy.toCodegen; |
| } |
| |
| void setCodegenShard(String argument) { |
| codegenShard = int.parse(extractParameter(argument)); |
| } |
| |
| void setCodegenShards(String argument) { |
| codegenShards = int.parse(extractParameter(argument)); |
| } |
| |
| void setDumpInfo(String argument) { |
| passThrough(Flags.dumpInfo); |
| if (argument == Flags.dumpInfo || argument == "${Flags.dumpInfo}=json") { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (argument == "${Flags.dumpInfo}=binary") { |
| passThrough(argument); |
| return; |
| } |
| helpAndFail("Error: Unsupported dump-info format '$argument', " |
| "supported formats are: json or binary"); |
| } |
| |
| String nullSafetyMode = null; |
| void setNullSafetyMode(String argument) { |
| if (nullSafetyMode != null && nullSafetyMode != argument) { |
| helpAndFail("Error: cannot specify both $nullSafetyMode and $argument."); |
| } |
| nullSafetyMode = argument; |
| passThrough(argument); |
| } |
| |
| void handleThrowOnError(String argument) { |
| throwOnError = true; |
| String parameter = extractParameter(argument, isOptionalArgument: true); |
| if (parameter != null) { |
| var count = int.parse(parameter); |
| throwOnErrorCount = count; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void handleShortOptions(String argument) { |
| var shortOptions = argument.substring(1).split(""); |
| for (var shortOption in shortOptions) { |
| switch (shortOption) { |
| case 'v': |
| setVerbose(null); |
| break; |
| case 'h': |
| case '?': |
| wantHelp = true; |
| break; |
| case 'c': |
| setCheckedMode(Flags.enableCheckedMode); |
| break; |
| case 'm': |
| passThrough(Flags.minify); |
| break; |
| default: |
| throw 'Internal error: "$shortOption" did not match'; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| List<String> arguments = <String>[]; |
| List<OptionHandler> handlers = <OptionHandler>[ |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.entryUri}=.+', setEntryUri), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.inputDill}=.+', setInputDillUri), |
| OptionHandler('-[chvm?]+', handleShortOptions), |
| OptionHandler('--throw-on-error(?:=[0-9]+)?', handleThrowOnError), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.suppressWarnings, (String argument) { |
| showWarnings = false; |
| passThrough(argument); |
| }), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.fatalWarnings, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.suppressHints, (String argument) { |
| showHints = false; |
| passThrough(argument); |
| }), |
| // TODO(sigmund): remove entirely after Dart 1.20 |
| OptionHandler( |
| '--output-type=dart|--output-type=dart-multi|--output-type=js', |
| setOutputType), |
| OptionHandler('--use-kernel', ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.platformBinaries, setPlatformBinaries), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.noFrequencyBasedMinification, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.verbose, setVerbose), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.progress, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.reportMetrics, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.reportAllMetrics, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.version, (_) => wantVersion = true), |
| OptionHandler('--library-root=.+', ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler('--libraries-spec=.+', setLibrarySpecificationUri), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.dillDependencies}=.+', setDillDependencies), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.readModularAnalysis}=.+', setModularAnalysisInputs), |
| OptionHandler( |
| '${Flags.writeModularAnalysis}|${Flags.writeModularAnalysis}=.+', |
| setWriteModularAnalysis), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.readData}|${Flags.readData}=.+', setReadData), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.writeData}|${Flags.writeData}=.+', setWriteData), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.noClosedWorldInData, ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.readClosedWorld}|${Flags.readClosedWorld}=.+', |
| setReadClosedWorld), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.writeClosedWorld}|${Flags.writeClosedWorld}=.+', |
| setWriteClosedWorld), |
| OptionHandler( |
| '${Flags.readCodegen}|${Flags.readCodegen}=.+', setReadCodegen), |
| OptionHandler( |
| '${Flags.writeCodegen}|${Flags.writeCodegen}=.+', setWriteCodegen), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.codegenShard}=.+', setCodegenShard), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.codegenShards}=.+', setCodegenShards), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.cfeOnly, setCfeOnly), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.debugGlobalInference, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler('--out=.+|-o.*', setOutput, multipleArguments: true), |
| OptionHandler('-O.*', setOptimizationLevel), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.allowMockCompilation, ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.fastStartup, ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.genericMethodSyntax, ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.initializingFormalAccess, ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.minify, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.noMinify, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.omitLateNames, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.noOmitLateNames, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.preserveUris, ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.printLegacyStars, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler('--force-strip=.*', setStrip), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.disableDiagnosticColors, (_) { |
| enableColors = false; |
| }), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.enableDiagnosticColors, (_) { |
| enableColors = true; |
| }), |
| OptionHandler('--enable[_-]checked[_-]mode|--checked', |
| (_) => setCheckedMode(Flags.enableCheckedMode)), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.enableAsserts, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.enableNullAssertions, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.nativeNullAssertions, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.noNativeNullAssertions, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.trustTypeAnnotations, setTrustTypeAnnotations), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.trustPrimitives, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.trustJSInteropTypeAnnotations, ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(r'--help|/\?|/h', (_) => wantHelp = true), |
| OptionHandler('--packages=.+', setPackageConfig), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.noSourceMaps, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Option.resolutionInput, ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Option.bazelPaths, setBazelPaths), |
| OptionHandler(Option.multiRoots, setMultiRoots), |
| OptionHandler(Option.multiRootScheme, setMultiRootScheme), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.resolveOnly, ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.disableNativeLiveTypeAnalysis, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler('--categories=.*', setCategories), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.serverMode, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.disableInlining, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.disableProgramSplit, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.stopAfterProgramSplit, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.disableTypeInference, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.useTrivialAbstractValueDomain, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.experimentalWrapped, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.experimentalPowersets, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.disableRtiOptimization, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.terse, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler('--deferred-map=.+', passThrough), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.writeProgramSplit}=.+', passThrough), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.readProgramSplit}=.+', passThrough), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.dumpInfo}|${Flags.dumpInfo}=.+', setDumpInfo), |
| OptionHandler('--disallow-unsafe-eval', ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Option.showPackageWarnings, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Option.enableLanguageExperiments, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler('--enable-experimental-mirrors', ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.enableAssertMessage, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler('--strong', ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.previewDart2, ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.omitImplicitChecks, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.omitAsCasts, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.laxRuntimeTypeToString, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.benchmarkingProduction, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.benchmarkingExperiment, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.soundNullSafety, setNullSafetyMode), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.noSoundNullSafety, setNullSafetyMode), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.dumpUnusedLibraries, passThrough), |
| |
| // TODO(floitsch): remove conditional directives flag. |
| // We don't provide the info-message yet, since we haven't publicly |
| // launched the feature yet. |
| OptionHandler(Flags.conditionalDirectives, ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler('--enable-async', ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler('--enable-null-aware-operators', ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler('--enable-enum', ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.allowNativeExtensions, setAllowNativeExtensions), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.generateCodeWithCompileTimeErrors, ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.useMultiSourceInfo, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.useNewSourceInfo, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.useOldRti, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.useSimpleLoadIds, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.testMode, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.dumpSsa}=.+', passThrough), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.cfeInvocationModes}=.+', passThrough), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.verbosity}=.+', passThrough), |
| |
| // Experimental features. |
| // We don't provide documentation for these yet. |
| // TODO(29574): provide documentation when this feature is supported. |
| // TODO(29574): provide a warning/hint/error, when profile-based data is |
| // used without `--fast-startup`. |
| OptionHandler(Flags.experimentalTrackAllocations, passThrough), |
| |
| OptionHandler(Flags.experimentLocalNames, ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.experimentStartupFunctions, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.experimentToBoolean, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.experimentUnreachableMethodsThrow, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.experimentCallInstrumentation, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.experimentNewRti, ignoreOption), |
| OptionHandler('${Flags.mergeFragmentsThreshold}=.+', passThrough), |
| |
| // Wire up feature flags. |
| OptionHandler(Flags.canary, passThrough), |
| OptionHandler(Flags.noShipping, passThrough), |
| // Shipped features. |
| for (var feature in features.shipped) |
| OptionHandler('--${feature.flag}', passThrough), |
| for (var feature in features.shipped) |
| OptionHandler('--no-${feature.flag}', passThrough), |
| // Shipping features. |
| for (var feature in features.shipping) |
| OptionHandler('--${feature.flag}', passThrough), |
| for (var feature in features.shipping) |
| OptionHandler('--no-${feature.flag}', passThrough), |
| // Canary features. |
| for (var feature in features.canary) |
| OptionHandler('--${feature.flag}', passThrough), |
| for (var feature in features.canary) |
| OptionHandler('--no-${feature.flag}', passThrough), |
| |
| // The following three options must come last. |
| OptionHandler('-D.+=.*|--define=.+=.*|--define', addInEnvironment, |
| multipleArguments: true), |
| OptionHandler('-.*', (String argument) { |
| helpAndFail("Unknown option '$argument'."); |
| }), |
| OptionHandler('.*', (String argument) { |
| arguments.add(fe.nativeToUriPath(argument)); |
| }) |
| ]; |
| |
| parseCommandLine(handlers, argv); |
| |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Measure time for reading files. |
| SourceFileProvider inputProvider; |
| if (bazelPaths != null) { |
| if (multiRoots != null) { |
| helpAndFail( |
| 'The options --bazel-root and --multi-root cannot be supplied ' |
| 'together, please choose one or the other.'); |
| } |
| inputProvider = BazelInputProvider(bazelPaths); |
| } else if (multiRoots != null) { |
| inputProvider = MultiRootInputProvider(multiRootScheme, multiRoots); |
| } else { |
| inputProvider = CompilerSourceFileProvider(); |
| } |
| |
| diagnosticHandler = FormattingDiagnosticHandler(inputProvider); |
| if (verbose != null) { |
| diagnosticHandler.verbose = verbose; |
| } |
| if (throwOnError != null) { |
| diagnosticHandler.throwOnError = throwOnError; |
| } |
| if (throwOnErrorCount != null) { |
| diagnosticHandler.throwOnErrorCount = throwOnErrorCount; |
| } |
| if (showWarnings != null) { |
| diagnosticHandler.showWarnings = showWarnings; |
| } |
| if (showHints != null) { |
| diagnosticHandler.showHints = showHints; |
| } |
| if (enableColors != null) { |
| diagnosticHandler.enableColors = enableColors; |
| } |
| |
| if (checkedMode && strongMode) { |
| checkedMode = false; |
| hints.add("Option '${Flags.enableCheckedMode}' is not needed in Dart 2.0. " |
| "To enable assertions use '${Flags.enableAsserts}' instead."); |
| } |
| |
| if (trustTypeAnnotations && strongMode) { |
| hints.add("Option '${Flags.trustTypeAnnotations}' is not available " |
| "in Dart 2.0. Try using '${Flags.omitImplicitChecks}' instead."); |
| } |
| |
| for (String hint in hints) { |
| diagnosticHandler.info(hint, api.Diagnostic.HINT); |
| } |
| |
| if (wantHelp || wantVersion) { |
| helpAndExit(wantHelp, wantVersion, diagnosticHandler.verbose); |
| } |
| |
| if (arguments.isEmpty && entryUri == null && inputDillUri == null) { |
| helpAndFail('No Dart file specified.'); |
| } |
| |
| if (arguments.length > 1) { |
| var extra = arguments.sublist(1); |
| helpAndFail('Extra arguments: ${extra.join(" ")}'); |
| } |
| |
| if (trustTypeAnnotations && checkedMode) { |
| helpAndFail("Option '${Flags.trustTypeAnnotations}' may not be used in " |
| "checked mode."); |
| } |
| |
| if (arguments.isNotEmpty) { |
| String sourceOrDill = arguments[0]; |
| Uri file = Uri.base.resolve(fe.nativeToUriPath(sourceOrDill)); |
| if (sourceOrDill.endsWith('.dart')) { |
| entryUri = file; |
| } else { |
| assert(sourceOrDill.endsWith('.dill')); |
| inputDillUri = file; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Make [scriptName] a relative path.. |
| String scriptName = |
| fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, inputDillUri ?? entryUri, Platform.isWindows); |
| |
| switch (writeStrategy) { |
| case WriteStrategy.toJs: |
| out ??= Uri.base.resolve('out.js'); |
| break; |
| case WriteStrategy.toKernel: |
| out ??= Uri.base.resolve('out.dill'); |
| options.add(Flags.cfeOnly); |
| if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromClosedWorld) { |
| fail("Cannot use ${Flags.cfeOnly} " |
| "and read serialized closed world simultaneously."); |
| } else if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromData) { |
| fail("Cannot use ${Flags.cfeOnly} " |
| "and read serialized data simultaneously."); |
| } else if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromCodegen) { |
| fail("Cannot use ${Flags.cfeOnly} " |
| "and read serialized codegen simultaneously."); |
| } |
| break; |
| case WriteStrategy.toModularAnalysis: |
| writeModularAnalysisUri ??= Uri.base.resolve('$out.mdata'); |
| options.add('${Flags.writeModularAnalysis}=${writeModularAnalysisUri}'); |
| out ??= Uri.base.resolve('out.dill'); |
| break; |
| case WriteStrategy.toClosedWorld: |
| out ??= Uri.base.resolve('out.dill'); |
| writeClosedWorldUri ??= Uri.base.resolve('$out.world'); |
| options.add('${Flags.writeClosedWorld}=${writeClosedWorldUri}'); |
| if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromClosedWorld) { |
| fail("Cannot read and write serialized data simultaneously."); |
| } else if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromData) { |
| fail("Cannot read from both closed world and data"); |
| } else if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromCodegen) { |
| fail("Cannot read serialized codegen and " |
| "write serialized data simultaneously."); |
| } |
| break; |
| case WriteStrategy.toData: |
| out ??= Uri.base.resolve('out.dill'); |
| writeDataUri ??= Uri.base.resolve('$out.data'); |
| options.add('${Flags.writeData}=${writeDataUri}'); |
| if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromData) { |
| fail("Cannot read and write serialized data simultaneously."); |
| } else if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromCodegen) { |
| fail("Cannot read serialized codegen and " |
| "write serialized data simultaneously."); |
| } |
| break; |
| case WriteStrategy.toCodegen: |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid the need for an [out] value in this case or |
| // use [out] to pass [writeCodegenUri]. |
| out ??= Uri.base.resolve('out'); |
| writeCodegenUri ??= Uri.base.resolve('$out.code'); |
| options.add('${Flags.writeCodegen}=${writeCodegenUri}'); |
| if (readStrategy == ReadStrategy.fromCodegen) { |
| fail("Cannot read and write serialized codegen simultaneously."); |
| } |
| if (readStrategy != ReadStrategy.fromDataAndClosedWorld) { |
| fail("Can only write serialized codegen from serialized data."); |
| } |
| if (codegenShards == null) { |
| fail("Cannot write serialized codegen without setting " |
| "${Flags.codegenShards}."); |
| } else if (codegenShards <= 0) { |
| fail("${Flags.codegenShards} must be a positive integer."); |
| } |
| if (codegenShard == null) { |
| fail("Cannot write serialized codegen without setting " |
| "${Flags.codegenShard}."); |
| } else if (codegenShard < 0 || codegenShard >= codegenShards) { |
| fail("${Flags.codegenShard} must be between 0 and " |
| "${Flags.codegenShards}."); |
| } |
| options.add('${Flags.codegenShard}=$codegenShard'); |
| options.add('${Flags.codegenShards}=$codegenShards'); |
| break; |
| } |
| switch (readStrategy) { |
| case ReadStrategy.fromDart: |
| break; |
| case ReadStrategy.fromClosedWorld: |
| readClosedWorldUri ??= Uri.base.resolve('$scriptName.world'); |
| options.add('${Flags.readClosedWorld}=${readClosedWorldUri}'); |
| break; |
| case ReadStrategy.fromData: |
| fail("Must read from closed world and data."); |
| break; |
| case ReadStrategy.fromDataAndClosedWorld: |
| readClosedWorldUri ??= Uri.base.resolve('$scriptName.world'); |
| options.add('${Flags.readClosedWorld}=${readClosedWorldUri}'); |
| readDataUri ??= Uri.base.resolve('$scriptName.data'); |
| options.add('${Flags.readData}=${readDataUri}'); |
| break; |
| case ReadStrategy.fromCodegen: |
| case ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndData: |
| case ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndClosedWorld: |
| fail("Must read from closed world, data, and codegen"); |
| break; |
| case ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndClosedWorldAndData: |
| readClosedWorldUri ??= Uri.base.resolve('$scriptName.world'); |
| options.add('${Flags.readClosedWorld}=${readClosedWorldUri}'); |
| readDataUri ??= Uri.base.resolve('$scriptName.data'); |
| options.add('${Flags.readData}=${readDataUri}'); |
| readCodegenUri ??= Uri.base.resolve('$scriptName.code'); |
| options.add('${Flags.readCodegen}=${readCodegenUri}'); |
| if (codegenShards == null) { |
| fail("Cannot write serialized codegen without setting " |
| "${Flags.codegenShards}."); |
| } else if (codegenShards <= 0) { |
| fail("${Flags.codegenShards} must be a positive integer."); |
| } |
| options.add('${Flags.codegenShards}=$codegenShards'); |
| break; |
| } |
| options.add('--out=$out'); |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toJs) { |
| sourceMapOut = Uri.parse('$out.map'); |
| options.add('--source-map=${sourceMapOut}'); |
| } |
| |
| RandomAccessFileOutputProvider outputProvider = |
| RandomAccessFileOutputProvider(out, sourceMapOut, |
| onInfo: diagnosticHandler.info, onFailure: fail); |
| |
| api.CompilationResult compilationDone(api.CompilationResult result) { |
| if (!result.isSuccess) { |
| fail('Compilation failed.'); |
| } |
| writeString( |
| Uri.parse('$out.deps'), getDepsOutput(inputProvider.getSourceUris())); |
| |
| String input = scriptName; |
| int inputSize; |
| String processName; |
| String inputName; |
| |
| int outputSize; |
| int primaryOutputSize; |
| String outputName; |
| |
| String summary; |
| switch (readStrategy) { |
| case ReadStrategy.fromDart: |
| inputName = inputDillUri != null ? 'kernel bytes' : 'characters Dart'; |
| inputSize = inputProvider.dartCharactersRead; |
| summary = 'Dart file $input '; |
| break; |
| case ReadStrategy.fromClosedWorld: |
| inputName = 'bytes data'; |
| inputSize = inputProvider.dartCharactersRead; |
| String dataInput = |
| fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, readClosedWorldUri, Platform.isWindows); |
| summary = 'Data files $input and $dataInput '; |
| break; |
| case ReadStrategy.fromData: |
| fail("Must read from closed world and data."); |
| break; |
| case ReadStrategy.fromDataAndClosedWorld: |
| inputName = 'bytes data'; |
| inputSize = inputProvider.dartCharactersRead; |
| String worldInput = |
| fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, readClosedWorldUri, Platform.isWindows); |
| String dataInput = |
| fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, readDataUri, Platform.isWindows); |
| summary = 'Data files $input, $worldInput, and $dataInput '; |
| break; |
| case ReadStrategy.fromCodegen: |
| case ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndData: |
| case ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndClosedWorld: |
| fail("Must read from closed world, data, and codegen"); |
| break; |
| case ReadStrategy.fromCodegenAndClosedWorldAndData: |
| inputName = 'bytes data'; |
| inputSize = inputProvider.dartCharactersRead; |
| String worldInput = |
| fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, readClosedWorldUri, Platform.isWindows); |
| String dataInput = |
| fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, readDataUri, Platform.isWindows); |
| String codeInput = |
| fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, readCodegenUri, Platform.isWindows); |
| summary = 'Data files $input, $worldInput, $dataInput and ' |
| '${codeInput}[0-${codegenShards - 1}] '; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| switch (writeStrategy) { |
| case WriteStrategy.toJs: |
| processName = 'Compiled'; |
| outputName = 'characters JavaScript'; |
| outputSize = outputProvider.totalCharactersWrittenJavaScript; |
| primaryOutputSize = outputProvider.totalCharactersWrittenPrimary; |
| String output = fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, out, Platform.isWindows); |
| summary += 'compiled to JavaScript: ${output}'; |
| break; |
| case WriteStrategy.toKernel: |
| processName = 'Compiled'; |
| outputName = 'kernel bytes'; |
| outputSize = outputProvider.totalDataWritten; |
| String output = fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, out, Platform.isWindows); |
| summary += 'compiled to dill: ${output}.'; |
| break; |
| case WriteStrategy.toModularAnalysis: |
| processName = 'Serialized'; |
| outputName = 'bytes data'; |
| outputSize = outputProvider.totalDataWritten; |
| String output = fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, out, Platform.isWindows); |
| String dataOutput = fe.relativizeUri( |
| Uri.base, writeModularAnalysisUri, Platform.isWindows); |
| summary += 'serialized to dill and data: ${output} and ${dataOutput}.'; |
| break; |
| case WriteStrategy.toClosedWorld: |
| processName = 'Serialized'; |
| outputName = 'bytes data'; |
| outputSize = outputProvider.totalDataWritten; |
| String output = fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, out, Platform.isWindows); |
| String dataOutput = |
| fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, writeClosedWorldUri, Platform.isWindows); |
| summary += 'serialized to dill and data: ${output} and ${dataOutput}.'; |
| break; |
| case WriteStrategy.toData: |
| processName = 'Serialized'; |
| outputName = 'bytes data'; |
| outputSize = outputProvider.totalDataWritten; |
| String output = fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, out, Platform.isWindows); |
| String dataOutput = |
| fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, writeDataUri, Platform.isWindows); |
| summary += 'serialized to dill and data: ${output} and ${dataOutput}.'; |
| break; |
| case WriteStrategy.toCodegen: |
| processName = 'Serialized'; |
| outputName = 'bytes data'; |
| outputSize = outputProvider.totalDataWritten; |
| String codeOutput = |
| fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, writeCodegenUri, Platform.isWindows); |
| summary += 'serialized to codegen data: ' |
| '${codeOutput}${codegenShard}.'; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| print('$processName ' |
| '${_formatCharacterCount(inputSize)} $inputName to ' |
| '${_formatCharacterCount(outputSize)} $outputName in ' |
| '${_formatDurationAsSeconds(wallclock.elapsed)} seconds'); |
| if (primaryOutputSize != null) { |
| diagnosticHandler |
| .info('${_formatCharacterCount(primaryOutputSize)} $outputName ' |
| 'in ${fe.relativizeUri(Uri.base, out, Platform.isWindows)}'); |
| } |
| if (writeStrategy == WriteStrategy.toJs) { |
| if (outputSpecified || diagnosticHandler.verbose) { |
| print(summary); |
| if (diagnosticHandler.verbose) { |
| var files = outputProvider.allOutputFiles; |
| int jsCount = files.where((f) => f.endsWith('.js')).length; |
| print('Emitted file $jsCount JavaScript files.'); |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| print(summary); |
| } |
| |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| diagnosticHandler.autoReadFileUri = true; |
| CompilerOptions compilerOptions = CompilerOptions.parse(options, |
| featureOptions: features, |
| librariesSpecificationUri: librariesSpecificationUri, |
| platformBinaries: platformBinaries, |
| onError: (String message) => fail(message), |
| onWarning: (String message) => print(message)) |
| ..entryUri = entryUri |
| ..inputDillUri = inputDillUri |
| ..packageConfig = packageConfig |
| ..environment = environment |
| ..kernelInitializedCompilerState = kernelInitializedCompilerState |
| ..optimizationLevel = optimizationLevel; |
| return compileFunc( |
| compilerOptions, inputProvider, diagnosticHandler, outputProvider) |
| .then(compilationDone); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the non-negative integer formatted with a thousands separator. |
| String _formatCharacterCount(int value, [String separator = ',']) { |
| String text = '$value'; |
| // 'Insert' separators right-to-left. Inefficient, but used just a few times. |
| for (int position = text.length - 3; position > 0; position -= 3) { |
| text = text.substring(0, position) + separator + text.substring(position); |
| } |
| return text; |
| } |
| |
| /// Formats [duration] in seconds in fixed-point format, preferring to keep the |
| /// result at to below [width] characters. |
| String _formatDurationAsSeconds(Duration duration, [int width = 4]) { |
| num seconds = duration.inMilliseconds / 1000.0; |
| String text; |
| for (int digits = 3; digits >= 0; digits--) { |
| text = seconds.toStringAsFixed(digits); |
| if (text.length <= width) return text; |
| } |
| return text; |
| } |
| |
| class AbortLeg { |
| final message; |
| AbortLeg(this.message); |
| @override |
| toString() => 'Aborted due to --throw-on-error: $message'; |
| } |
| |
| void writeString(Uri uri, String text) { |
| if (!enableWriteString) return; |
| if (uri.scheme != 'file') { |
| fail('Unhandled scheme ${uri.scheme}.'); |
| } |
| var file = (File(uri.toFilePath())..createSync(recursive: true)) |
| .openSync(mode: FileMode.write); |
| file.writeStringSync(text); |
| file.closeSync(); |
| } |
| |
| void fail(String message) { |
| if (diagnosticHandler != null) { |
| diagnosticHandler.report(null, null, -1, -1, message, api.Diagnostic.ERROR); |
| } else { |
| print('Error: $message'); |
| } |
| exitFunc(1); |
| } |
| |
| Future<api.CompilationResult> compilerMain(List<String> arguments, |
| {fe.InitializedCompilerState kernelInitializedCompilerState}) async { |
| if (!arguments.any((a) => a.startsWith('--libraries-spec='))) { |
| Uri script = Platform.script; |
| if (script.isScheme("package")) { |
| script = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(script); |
| } |
| Uri librariesJson = script.resolve(_defaultSpecificationUri); |
| arguments = <String>['--libraries-spec=${librariesJson.toFilePath()}'] |
| ..addAll(arguments); |
| } |
| return compile(arguments, |
| kernelInitializedCompilerState: kernelInitializedCompilerState); |
| } |
| |
| void help() { |
| // This message should be no longer than 20 lines. The default |
| // terminal size normally 80x24. Two lines are used for the prompts |
| // before and after running the compiler. Another two lines may be |
| // used to print an error message. |
| print(''' |
| Usage: dart2js [options] dartfile |
| |
| Compiles Dart to JavaScript. |
| |
| Common options: |
| -o <file> Generate the output into <file>. |
| -m Generate minified output. |
| -h Display this message (add -v for information about all options).'''); |
| } |
| |
| void verboseHelp() { |
| print(r''' |
| Usage: dart2js [options] dartfile |
| |
| Compiles Dart to JavaScript. |
| |
| Supported options: |
| -h, /h, /?, --help |
| Display this message (add -v for information about all options). |
| |
| -o <file>, --out=<file> |
| Generate the output into <file>. |
| |
| -m, --minify |
| Generate minified output. |
| |
| --enable-asserts |
| Enable assertions. |
| |
| -v, --verbose |
| Display verbose information. |
| |
| -D<name>=<value>, --define=<name>=<value> |
| Define an environment declaration. |
| |
| --version |
| Display version information. |
| |
| --packages=<path> |
| Path to the package resolution configuration file, which supplies a mapping |
| of package names to paths. |
| |
| --suppress-warnings |
| Do not display any warnings. |
| |
| --fatal-warnings |
| Treat warnings as compilation errors. |
| |
| --suppress-hints |
| Do not display any hints. |
| |
| --enable-diagnostic-colors |
| Add colors to diagnostic messages. |
| |
| --terse |
| Emit diagnostics without suggestions for how to get rid of the diagnosed |
| problems. |
| |
| --show-package-warnings |
| Show warnings and hints generated from packages. |
| |
| --csp |
| Disable dynamic generation of code in the generated output. This is |
| necessary to satisfy CSP restrictions (see http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP/). |
| |
| --no-source-maps |
| Do not generate a source map file. |
| |
| --omit-late-names |
| Do not include names of late variables in error messages. This allows |
| dart2js to generate smaller code by removing late variable names from the |
| generated JavaScript. |
| |
| -O<0,1,2,3,4> |
| Controls optimizations that can help reduce code-size and improve |
| performance of the generated code for deployment. |
| |
| -O0 |
| Disables all optimizations. Equivalent to calling dart2js with these |
| extra flags: |
| --disable-inlining |
| --disable-type-inference |
| --disable-rti-optimizations |
| |
| |
| Some optimizations cannot be dissabled at this time, as we add the option |
| to disable them, they will be added here as well. |
| |
| -O1 |
| Enables default optimizations. Equivalent to calling dart2js with no |
| extra flags. |
| |
| -O2 |
| Enables optimizations that respect the language semantics and are safe |
| for all programs. It however changes the string representation of types, |
| which will no longer be consistent with the Dart VM or DDC. |
| |
| Equivalent to calling dart2js with these extra flags: |
| --minify |
| --lax-runtime-type-to-string |
| --omit-late-names |
| |
| -O3 |
| Enables optimizations that respect the language semantics only on |
| programs that don't ever throw any subtype of `Error`. These |
| optimizations improve the generated code, but they may cause programs to |
| behave unexpectedly if this assumption is not met. To use this |
| option, we recommend that you properly test your application first |
| without it, and ensure that no subtype of `Error` (such as `TypeError`) |
| is ever thrown. |
| |
| Equivalent to calling dart2js with these extra flags: |
| -O2 |
| --omit-implicit-checks |
| |
| -O4 |
| Enables more aggressive optimizations than -O3, but with the same |
| assumptions. These optimizations are on a separate group because they |
| are more susceptible to variations in input data. To use this option we |
| recommend to pay special attention to test edge cases in user input. |
| |
| Equivalent to calling dart2js with these extra flags: |
| -O3 |
| --trust-primitives |
| |
| While some of the individual optimizations and flags may change with time, |
| we intend to keep the -O* flags stable. New safe optimizations may be added |
| on any level, and optimizations that only work on some programs may move up |
| from one level to the next (for instance, once alternative safe |
| optimizations are implemented, `omit-implicit-checks` may be removed or may |
| move to the O4 level). |
| |
| The following individual options are included in some of the -O optimization |
| levels above. They help reduce the size of the generated code, but they may |
| cause programs to behave unexpectedly if assumptions are not met. Only turn on |
| these flags if you have enough test coverage to ensure they are safe to use: |
| |
| --omit-implicit-checks |
| Omit implicit runtime checks, such as parameter checks and implicit |
| downcasts. These checks are included by default in Dart 2.0. By |
| using this flag the checks are removed, however the compiler will assume |
| that all such checks were valid and may use this information for |
| optimizations. Use this option only if you have enough testing to ensure |
| that your program works with the checks. |
| |
| --trust-primitives |
| Assume that operations on numbers, strings, and lists have valid inputs. |
| This option allows the compiler to drop runtime checks for those operations. |
| Note: a well-typed program is not guaranteed to have valid inputs. For |
| example, an int index argument may be null or out of range. |
| |
| --lax-runtime-type-to-string |
| Omits reified class type arguments when these are only needed for `toString` |
| on `runtimeType`. This is useful if `runtimeType.toString()` is only used |
| for debugging. Note that semantics of other uses of `.runtimeType`, for |
| instance `a.runtimeType == b.runtimeType`, is not affected by this flag. |
| |
| The following options are only used for compiler development and may |
| be removed in a future version: |
| |
| --throw-on-error |
| Throw an exception if a compile-time error is detected. |
| |
| --libraries-spec=<file> |
| A .json file containing the libraries specification for dart2js. |
| |
| --allow-mock-compilation |
| Do not generate a call to main if either of the following |
| libraries are used: dart:dom, dart:html dart:io. |
| |
| --disable-native-live-type-analysis |
| Disable the optimization that removes unused native types from dart:html |
| and related libraries. |
| |
| --server-mode |
| Compile with server support. The compiler will use a library specification |
| that disables dart:html but supports dart:js in conditional imports. |
| |
| --categories=<categories> |
| (deprecated) |
| Use '--server-mode' instead of '--categories=Server'. All other category |
| values have no effect on the compiler behavior. |
| |
| --deferred-map=<file> |
| Generates a json file with a mapping from each deferred import to a list of |
| the part.js files that will be loaded. |
| |
| --dump-info[=<format>] |
| Generates information about the generated code. 'format' can be either |
| 'json' or 'binary'. |
| You can inspect the generated data using tools from 'package:dart2js_info'. |
| |
| --generate-code-with-compile-time-errors |
| Generates output even if the program contains compile-time errors. Use the |
| exit code to determine if compilation failed. |
| |
| --no-frequency-based-minification |
| Experimental. Disabled the new frequency based minifying namer and use the |
| old namer instead. |
| ''' |
| .trim()); |
| } |
| |
| void helpAndExit(bool wantHelp, bool wantVersion, bool verbose) { |
| if (wantVersion) { |
| var version = (BUILD_ID == null) ? '<non-SDK build>' : BUILD_ID; |
| print('Dart-to-JavaScript compiler (dart2js) version: $version'); |
| } |
| if (wantHelp) { |
| if (verbose) { |
| verboseHelp(); |
| } else { |
| help(); |
| } |
| } |
| exitFunc(0); |
| } |
| |
| void helpAndFail(String message) { |
| help(); |
| print(''); |
| fail(message); |
| } |
| |
| Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) async { |
| // Expand `@path/to/file` |
| // When running from bazel, argument of the form `@path/to/file` might be |
| // provided. It needs to be replaced by reading all the contents of the |
| // file and expanding them into the resulting argument list. |
| // |
| // TODO: Move this logic to a single place and share it among all tools. |
| if (arguments.last.startsWith('@')) { |
| var extra = _readLines(arguments.last.substring(1)); |
| arguments = arguments.take(arguments.length - 1).followedBy(extra).toList(); |
| } |
| |
| // Since the sdk/bin/dart2js script adds its own arguments in front of |
| // user-supplied arguments we search for '--batch' at the end of the list. |
| if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments.last == "--batch") { |
| batchMain(arguments.sublist(0, arguments.length - 1)); |
| return; |
| } |
| await internalMain(arguments); |
| } |
| |
| /// Return all non-empty lines in a file found at [path]. |
| Iterable<String> _readLines(String path) { |
| return File(path).readAsLinesSync().where((line) => line.isNotEmpty); |
| } |
| |
| typedef ExitFunc = void Function(int exitCode); |
| typedef CompileFunc = Future<api.CompilationResult> Function( |
| CompilerOptions compilerOptions, |
| api.CompilerInput compilerInput, |
| api.CompilerDiagnostics compilerDiagnostics, |
| api.CompilerOutput compilerOutput); |
| |
| ExitFunc exitFunc = exit; |
| CompileFunc compileFunc = api.compile; |
| |
| /// If `true` a '.deps' file will be generated after compilation. |
| /// |
| /// Set this to `false` in end-to-end tests to avoid generating '.deps' files. |
| bool enableWriteString = true; |
| |
| Future<api.CompilationResult> internalMain(List<String> arguments, |
| {fe.InitializedCompilerState kernelInitializedCompilerState}) { |
| Future<api.CompilationResult> onError(exception, trace) { |
| // If we are already trying to exit, just continue exiting. |
| if (exception == _EXIT_SIGNAL) throw exception; |
| |
| try { |
| print('The compiler crashed: $exception'); |
| } catch (ignored) { |
| print('The compiler crashed: error while printing exception'); |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| if (trace != null) { |
| print(trace); |
| } |
| } finally { |
| exitFunc(253); // 253 is recognized as a crash by our test scripts. |
| } |
| return Future.error(exception, trace); |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| return compilerMain(arguments, |
| kernelInitializedCompilerState: kernelInitializedCompilerState) |
| .catchError(onError); |
| } catch (exception, trace) { |
| return onError(exception, trace); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class _ExitSignal { |
| const _ExitSignal(); |
| } |
| |
| const _EXIT_SIGNAL = _ExitSignal(); |
| |
| void batchMain(List<String> batchArguments) { |
| int exitCode; |
| exitFunc = (errorCode) { |
| // Since we only throw another part of the compiler might intercept our |
| // exception and try to exit with a different code. |
| if (exitCode == 0) { |
| exitCode = errorCode; |
| } |
| throw _EXIT_SIGNAL; |
| }; |
| |
| var stream = stdin.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(LineSplitter()); |
| var subscription; |
| fe.InitializedCompilerState kernelInitializedCompilerState; |
| subscription = stream.listen((line) { |
| Future.sync(() { |
| subscription.pause(); |
| exitCode = 0; |
| if (line == null) exit(0); |
| List<String> testArgs = splitLine(line, windows: Platform.isWindows); |
| |
| // Ignore experiment flags given to the batch runner. |
| // |
| // Batch arguments are provided when the batch compiler is created, and |
| // contain flags that are generally enabled for all tests. Tests |
| // may have more specific flags that could conflict with the batch flags. |
| // For example, the batch runner might be setup to run the non-nullable |
| // experiment, but the test may enable more experiments. |
| // |
| // At this time we are only aware of these kind of conflicts with |
| // experiment flags, so we handle those directly. Currently the test |
| // runner passes experiment flags on both the batch runner and the test |
| // itself, so it is safe to ignore the flag that was given to the batch |
| // runner. |
| List<String> args = [ |
| for (var arg in batchArguments) |
| if (!arg.startsWith('--enable-experiment')) arg, |
| ...testArgs, |
| ]; |
| return internalMain(args, |
| kernelInitializedCompilerState: kernelInitializedCompilerState); |
| }).catchError((exception, trace) { |
| if (!identical(exception, _EXIT_SIGNAL)) { |
| exitCode = 253; |
| } |
| }).then((api.CompilationResult result) { |
| if (result != null) { |
| kernelInitializedCompilerState = result.kernelInitializedCompilerState; |
| } |
| }).whenComplete(() { |
| // The testing framework waits for a status line on stdout and |
| // stderr before moving to the next test. |
| if (exitCode == 0) { |
| print(">>> TEST OK"); |
| } else if (exitCode == 253) { |
| print(">>> TEST CRASH"); |
| } else { |
| print(">>> TEST FAIL"); |
| } |
| stderr.writeln(">>> EOF STDERR"); |
| subscription.resume(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(joshualitt): Clean up the combinatorial explosion of read strategies. |
| // Right now only fromClosedWorld, fromDataAndClosedWorld, and |
| // fromCodegenAndClosedWorldAndData are valid. |
| enum ReadStrategy { |
| fromDart, |
| fromClosedWorld, |
| fromData, |
| fromDataAndClosedWorld, |
| fromCodegen, |
| fromCodegenAndClosedWorld, |
| fromCodegenAndData, |
| fromCodegenAndClosedWorldAndData, |
| } |
| enum WriteStrategy { |
| toKernel, |
| toModularAnalysis, |
| toClosedWorld, |
| toData, |
| toCodegen, |
| toJs |
| } |