| // Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // @dart=2.12 |
| |
| library dart2js.cmdline.options; |
| |
| /// Commandline flags used in `dart2js.dart` and/or `apiimpl.dart`. |
| class Flags { |
| // The uri of the main script file. |
| static const String entryUri = '--entry-uri'; |
| |
| // The uri of the main input dill. |
| static const String inputDill = '--input-dill'; |
| |
| static const String allowMockCompilation = '--allow-mock-compilation'; |
| static const String allowNativeExtensions = '--allow-native-extensions'; |
| static const String disableInlining = '--disable-inlining'; |
| static const String disableProgramSplit = '--disable-program-split'; |
| static const String disableDiagnosticColors = '--disable-diagnostic-colors'; |
| static const String disableNativeLiveTypeAnalysis = |
| '--disable-native-live-type-analysis'; |
| static const String useTrivialAbstractValueDomain = |
| '--use-trivial-abstract-value-domain'; |
| static const String disableTypeInference = '--disable-type-inference'; |
| static const String disableRtiOptimization = '--disable-rti-optimization'; |
| static const String dumpInfo = '--dump-info'; |
| static const String dumpDeferredGraph = '--dump-deferred-graph'; |
| static const String dumpSsa = '--dump-ssa'; |
| static const String enableAssertMessage = '--assert-message'; |
| static const String enableCheckedMode = '--enable-checked-mode'; |
| static const String enableAsserts = '--enable-asserts'; |
| static const String enableNullAssertions = '--null-assertions'; |
| static const String enableDiagnosticColors = '--enable-diagnostic-colors'; |
| static const String experimentalTrackAllocations = |
| '--experimental-track-allocations'; |
| |
| static const String experimentalWrapped = '--experimental-wrapped'; |
| static const String experimentalPowersets = '--experimental-powersets'; |
| |
| // Temporary experiment for code generation of locals for frequently used |
| // 'this' and constants. |
| static const String experimentLocalNames = '--experiment-code-1'; |
| |
| // Experimentally try to force part-file functions to be seen as IIFEs. |
| static const String experimentStartupFunctions = '--experiment-code-2'; |
| |
| // Experimentally rely on JavaScript ToBoolean conversions. |
| static const String experimentToBoolean = '--experiment-code-3'; |
| |
| // Experiment to make methods that are inferred as unreachable throw an |
| // exception rather than generate suspect code. |
| static const String experimentUnreachableMethodsThrow = |
| '--experiment-unreachable-throw'; |
| |
| // Add instrumentation to log every method call. |
| static const String experimentCallInstrumentation = |
| '--experiment-call-instrumentation'; |
| |
| static const String experimentNewRti = '--experiment-new-rti'; |
| |
| static const String enableLanguageExperiments = '--enable-experiment'; |
| |
| static const String fastStartup = '--fast-startup'; |
| static const String fatalWarnings = '--fatal-warnings'; |
| static const String generateCodeWithCompileTimeErrors = |
| '--generate-code-with-compile-time-errors'; |
| |
| static const String previewDart2 = '--preview-dart-2'; |
| |
| static const String omitImplicitChecks = '--omit-implicit-checks'; |
| static const String omitAsCasts = '--omit-as-casts'; |
| static const String laxRuntimeTypeToString = '--lax-runtime-type-to-string'; |
| |
| static const String platformBinaries = '--platform-binaries=.+'; |
| |
| static const String minify = '--minify'; |
| static const String noFrequencyBasedMinification = |
| '--no-frequency-based-minification'; |
| // Disables minification even if enabled by other options, e.g. '-O2'. |
| static const String noMinify = '--no-minify'; |
| |
| static const String nativeNullAssertions = '--native-null-assertions'; |
| static const String noNativeNullAssertions = '--no-native-null-assertions'; |
| |
| static const String noSourceMaps = '--no-source-maps'; |
| |
| static const String omitLateNames = '--omit-late-names'; |
| static const String noOmitLateNames = '--no-omit-late-names'; |
| |
| static const String preserveUris = '--preserve-uris'; |
| static const String printLegacyStars = '--debug-print-legacy-stars'; |
| static const String showPackageWarnings = '--show-package-warnings'; |
| static const String suppressHints = '--suppress-hints'; |
| static const String suppressWarnings = '--suppress-warnings'; |
| static const String terse = '--terse'; |
| static const String testMode = '--test-mode'; |
| static const String trustPrimitives = '--trust-primitives'; |
| static const String trustTypeAnnotations = '--trust-type-annotations'; |
| static const String trustJSInteropTypeAnnotations = |
| '--experimental-trust-js-interop-type-annotations'; |
| static const String useMultiSourceInfo = '--use-multi-source-info'; |
| static const String useNewSourceInfo = '--use-new-source-info'; |
| static const String useOldRti = '--use-old-rti'; |
| static const String useSimpleLoadIds = '--simple-load-ids'; |
| static const String verbose = '--verbose'; |
| static const String verbosity = '--verbosity'; |
| static const String progress = '--show-internal-progress'; |
| static const String version = '--version'; |
| static const String reportMetrics = '--report-metrics'; |
| static const String reportAllMetrics = '--report-all-metrics'; |
| |
| static const String dillDependencies = '--dill-dependencies'; |
| static const String readData = '--read-data'; |
| static const String writeData = '--write-data'; |
| static const String noClosedWorldInData = '--no-closed-world-in-data'; |
| static const String writeClosedWorld = '--write-closed-world'; |
| static const String readClosedWorld = '--read-closed-world'; |
| static const String readCodegen = '--read-codegen'; |
| static const String writeCodegen = '--write-codegen'; |
| static const String readModularAnalysis = '--read-modular-analysis'; |
| static const String writeModularAnalysis = '--write-modular-analysis'; |
| static const String codegenShard = '--codegen-shard'; |
| static const String codegenShards = '--codegen-shards'; |
| static const String cfeOnly = '--cfe-only'; |
| static const String debugGlobalInference = '--debug-global-inference'; |
| |
| static const String serverMode = '--server-mode'; |
| |
| static const String soundNullSafety = '--sound-null-safety'; |
| static const String noSoundNullSafety = '--no-sound-null-safety'; |
| static const String mergeFragmentsThreshold = '--merge-fragments-threshold'; |
| |
| /// Flag for a combination of flags for 'production' mode. |
| static const String benchmarkingProduction = '--benchmarking-production'; |
| |
| /// Flag for a combination of flags for benchmarking 'experiment' mode. |
| static const String benchmarkingExperiment = '--benchmarking-x'; |
| |
| static const String conditionalDirectives = '--conditional-directives'; |
| |
| static const String cfeInvocationModes = '--cfe-invocation-modes'; |
| |
| /// Flag to stop after splitting the program. |
| static const String stopAfterProgramSplit = '--stop-after-program-split'; |
| |
| static const String writeProgramSplit = '--write-program-split'; |
| static const String readProgramSplit = '--read-program-split'; |
| |
| // The syntax-only level of support for generic methods is included in the |
| // 1.50 milestone for Dart. It is not experimental, but also not permanent: |
| // a full implementation is expected in the future. Hence, the |
| // 'GENERIC_METHODS' comments which were added when this feature was |
| // experimental have been preserved, such that it will be easy to find the |
| // relevant locations to update when generic methods are implemented fully. |
| // |
| // The option is still accepted, but it has no effect: The feature is enabled |
| // by default and it cannot be disabled. |
| // |
| // The approach taken in the implementation is to parse generic methods, |
| // introduce AST nodes for them, generate corresponding types (such that |
| // front end treatment is consistent with the code that programmers wrote), |
| // but considering all method type variables to have bound `dynamic` no |
| // matter which bound they have syntactically (such that their value as types |
| // is unchecked), and then replacing method type variables by a `DynamicType` |
| // (such that the backend does not need to take method type arguments into |
| // account). |
| // |
| // The feature has an informal specification which is available at |
| // https://gist.github.com/eernstg/4353d7b4f669745bed3a5423e04a453c. |
| static const String genericMethodSyntax = '--generic-method-syntax'; |
| |
| // Initializing-formal access is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. |
| // For backward compatibility the option is still accepted, but it is ignored. |
| static const String initializingFormalAccess = '--initializing-formal-access'; |
| |
| // Whether or not to dump a list of unused libraries. |
| static const String dumpUnusedLibraries = '--dump-unused-libraries'; |
| |
| // Experimental flags. |
| static const String resolveOnly = '--resolve-only'; |
| |
| // `--no-shipping` and `--canary` control sets of flags. For simplicity, these |
| // flags live in options.dart. |
| // Shipping features default to on, but can be disabled individually. All |
| // shipping features can be disabled with the [noShipping] flag. |
| static const String noShipping = '--no-shipping'; |
| |
| // Canary features default to off, but can still be enabled individually. All |
| // canary features can be enabled with the [canary] flag. |
| static const String canary = '--canary'; |
| } |
| |
| class Option { |
| static const String showPackageWarnings = |
| '${Flags.showPackageWarnings}|${Flags.showPackageWarnings}=.*'; |
| |
| static const String enableLanguageExperiments = |
| '${Flags.enableLanguageExperiments}|' |
| '${Flags.enableLanguageExperiments}=.*'; |
| |
| static const String multiRoots = '--multi-root=.+'; |
| static const String multiRootScheme = '--multi-root-scheme=.+'; |
| |
| // Experimental options. |
| static const String resolutionInput = '--resolution-input=.+'; |
| static const String bazelPaths = '--bazel-paths=.+'; |
| } |