| // Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'dart:math'; |
| |
| import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/strings.dart' show capitalize; |
| |
| import 'codegen_dart.dart'; |
| import 'typescript.dart'; |
| |
| /// A fabricated field name for indexers in case they result in generation |
| /// of type names for inline types. |
| const fieldNameForIndexer = 'indexer'; |
| |
| final _keywords = const <String, TokenType>{ |
| 'class': TokenType.CLASS_KEYWORD, |
| 'const': TokenType.CONST_KEYWORD, |
| 'enum': TokenType.ENUM_KEYWORD, |
| 'export': TokenType.EXPORT_KEYWORD, |
| 'extends': TokenType.EXTENDS_KEYWORD, |
| 'interface': TokenType.INTERFACE_KEYWORD, |
| 'namespace': TokenType.NAMESPACE_KEYWORD, |
| 'readonly': TokenType.READONLY_KEYWORD, |
| }; |
| |
| final _validIdentifierCharacters = RegExp('[a-zA-Z0-9_]'); |
| |
| bool isAnyType(TypeBase t) => |
| t is Type && (t.name == 'any' || t.name == 'object'); |
| |
| bool isLiteralType(TypeBase t) => t is LiteralType; |
| |
| bool isNullType(TypeBase t) => t is Type && t.name == 'null'; |
| |
| bool isUndefinedType(TypeBase t) => t is Type && t.name == 'undefined'; |
| |
| List<AstNode> parseString(String input) { |
| final scanner = Scanner(input); |
| final tokens = scanner.scan(); |
| final parser = Parser(tokens); |
| return parser.parse(); |
| } |
| |
| TypeBase typeOfLiteral(TokenType tokenType) { |
| final typeName = tokenType == TokenType.STRING |
| ? 'string' |
| : tokenType == TokenType.NUMBER |
| ? 'int' // all literal numeric values in LSP spec are ints |
| : throw 'Unknown literal type $tokenType'; |
| return Type.identifier(typeName); |
| } |
| |
| class ArrayType extends TypeBase { |
| final TypeBase elementType; |
| |
| ArrayType(this.elementType); |
| |
| @override |
| String get dartType => 'List'; |
| @override |
| String get typeArgsString => '<${elementType.dartTypeWithTypeArgs}>'; |
| } |
| |
| abstract class AstNode { |
| final Comment? commentNode; |
| final bool isDeprecated; |
| AstNode(this.commentNode) |
| : isDeprecated = commentNode?.text.contains('@deprecated') ?? false; |
| String? get commentText => commentNode?.text; |
| |
| String get name; |
| } |
| |
| class Comment extends AstNode { |
| final Token token; |
| final String text; |
| |
| Comment(this.token) |
| : text = cleanComment(token.lexeme), |
| super(null); |
| |
| @override |
| String get name => throw UnsupportedError('Comments do not have a name.'); |
| } |
| |
| class Const extends Member { |
| Token nameToken; |
| TypeBase type; |
| Token valueToken; |
| Const(Comment? comment, this.nameToken, this.type, this.valueToken) |
| : super(comment); |
| |
| @override |
| String get name => nameToken.lexeme; |
| |
| String get valueAsLiteral { |
| var lexeme = valueToken.lexeme; |
| if (type.dartType == 'String' && lexeme.contains(r'$')) { |
| // lexeme already includes the quotes as read from the spec. |
| return 'r$lexeme'; |
| } else { |
| return lexeme; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class Field extends Member { |
| final Token nameToken; |
| final TypeBase type; |
| final bool allowsNull; |
| final bool allowsUndefined; |
| Field( |
| Comment? comment, |
| this.nameToken, |
| this.type, |
| this.allowsNull, |
| this.allowsUndefined, |
| ) : super(comment); |
| |
| @override |
| String get name => nameToken.lexeme; |
| } |
| |
| class FixedValueField extends Field { |
| final Token valueToken; |
| FixedValueField( |
| Comment? comment, |
| Token nameToken, |
| this.valueToken, |
| TypeBase type, |
| bool allowsNull, |
| bool allowsUndefined, |
| ) : super(comment, nameToken, type, allowsNull, allowsUndefined); |
| } |
| |
| class Indexer extends Member { |
| final TypeBase indexType; |
| final TypeBase valueType; |
| Indexer( |
| Comment? comment, |
| this.indexType, |
| this.valueType, |
| ) : super(comment); |
| |
| @override |
| String get name => fieldNameForIndexer; |
| } |
| |
| class InlineInterface extends Interface { |
| InlineInterface( |
| String name, |
| List<Member> members, |
| ) : super(null, Token.identifier(name), [], [], members); |
| } |
| |
| class Interface extends AstNode { |
| final Token nameToken; |
| final List<Token> typeArgs; |
| final List<TypeBase> baseTypes; |
| final List<Member> members; |
| |
| Interface( |
| Comment? comment, |
| this.nameToken, |
| this.typeArgs, |
| this.baseTypes, |
| this.members, |
| ) : super(comment); |
| |
| @override |
| String get name => nameToken.lexeme; |
| String get nameWithTypeArgs => '$name$typeArgsString'; |
| |
| String get typeArgsString => typeArgs.isNotEmpty |
| ? '<${typeArgs.map((t) => t.lexeme).join(', ')}>' |
| : ''; |
| } |
| |
| class LiteralType extends TypeBase { |
| final Type type; |
| final String literal; |
| |
| LiteralType(this.type, this.literal); |
| |
| @override |
| String get dartType => type.dartType; |
| |
| @override |
| String get typeArgsString => type.typeArgsString; |
| |
| @override |
| String get uniqueTypeIdentifier => '$literal:${super.uniqueTypeIdentifier}'; |
| } |
| |
| /// A special class of Union types where the values are all literals of the same |
| /// type so the Dart field can be the base type rather than an EitherX<>. |
| class LiteralUnionType extends UnionType { |
| final List<LiteralType> literalTypes; |
| |
| LiteralUnionType(this.literalTypes) : super(literalTypes); |
| |
| @override |
| String get dartType => types.first.dartType; |
| |
| @override |
| String get typeArgsString => types.first.typeArgsString; |
| } |
| |
| class MapType extends TypeBase { |
| final TypeBase indexType; |
| final TypeBase valueType; |
| |
| MapType(this.indexType, this.valueType); |
| |
| @override |
| String get dartType => 'Map'; |
| |
| @override |
| String get typeArgsString => |
| '<${indexType.dartTypeWithTypeArgs}, ${valueType.dartTypeWithTypeArgs}>'; |
| } |
| |
| abstract class Member extends AstNode { |
| Member(Comment? comment) : super(comment); |
| } |
| |
| class Namespace extends AstNode { |
| final Token nameToken; |
| final List<Member> members; |
| Namespace( |
| Comment? comment, |
| this.nameToken, |
| this.members, |
| ) : super(comment); |
| |
| @override |
| String get name => nameToken.lexeme; |
| } |
| |
| class Parser { |
| final List<Token> _tokens; |
| int _current = 0; |
| final List<AstNode> _nodes = []; |
| Parser(this._tokens); |
| |
| bool get _isAtEnd => _peek().type == TokenType.EOF; |
| |
| List<AstNode> parse() { |
| if (_nodes.isEmpty) { |
| while (!_isAtEnd) { |
| _nodes.add(_topLevel()); |
| } |
| } |
| return _nodes; |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the current token and moves to the next. |
| Token _advance() => _tokenAt(_current++); |
| |
| /// Checks if the next token is [type] without advancing. |
| bool _check(TokenType type) => !_isAtEnd && _peek().type == type; |
| |
| Comment? _comment() { |
| if (_peek().type != TokenType.COMMENT) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| return Comment(_advance()); |
| } |
| |
| Const _const(String containerName, Comment? leadingComment) { |
| _eatUnwantedKeywords(); |
| final name = _consume(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, 'Expected identifier'); |
| TypeBase? type; |
| if (_match([TokenType.COLON])) { |
| type = _type(containerName, name.lexeme); |
| } |
| final value = _match([TokenType.EQUAL]) ? _advance() : null; |
| |
| if (type == null && value != null) { |
| type = typeOfLiteral(value.type); |
| } |
| |
| _consume(TokenType.SEMI_COLON, 'Expected ;'); |
| return Const(leadingComment, name, type!, value!); |
| } |
| |
| /// Ensures the next token is [type] and moves to the next, throwing [message] |
| /// if not. |
| Token _consume(TokenType type, String message) { |
| // Skip over any inline comments when looking for a specific token. |
| _match([TokenType.COMMENT]); |
| |
| if (_check(type)) { |
| return _advance(); |
| } |
| |
| // The scanner currently reads keywords with specific token types |
| // (eg. TokenType.NAMESPACE_KEYWORD) however v3.16 of the LSP spec also uses |
| // some of these words as identifiers. If the requested type is an identifier |
| // but we have a keyword token, then treat it as an identifier. |
| if (type == TokenType.IDENTIFIER) { |
| final next = !_isAtEnd ? _peek() : null; |
| if (next != null && _isKeyword(next.type)) { |
| _advance(); |
| return Token(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, next.lexeme); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| throw '$message\n\n${_peek()}'; |
| } |
| |
| void _eatUnwantedKeywords() { |
| _match([TokenType.EXPORT_KEYWORD]); |
| _match([TokenType.READONLY_KEYWORD]); |
| } |
| |
| Namespace _enum(Comment? leadingComment) { |
| final name = _consume(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, 'Expected identifier'); |
| _consume(TokenType.LEFT_BRACE, 'Expected {'); |
| final consts = <Const>[]; |
| while (!_check(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE)) { |
| consts.add(_enumValue(name.lexeme)); |
| // Commas might not be present (eg. for last one). |
| _match([TokenType.COMMA]); |
| } |
| _consume(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE, 'Expected }'); |
| |
| return Namespace(leadingComment, name, consts); |
| } |
| |
| Const _enumValue(String enumName) { |
| final leadingComment = _comment(); |
| final name = _consume(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, 'Expected identifier'); |
| TypeBase? type; |
| if (_match([TokenType.COLON])) { |
| type = _type(enumName, name.lexeme); |
| } |
| final value = _match([TokenType.EQUAL]) ? _advance() : null; |
| |
| if (type == null && value != null) { |
| type = typeOfLiteral(value.type); |
| } |
| return Const(leadingComment, name, type!, value!); |
| } |
| |
| Field _field(String containerName, Comment? leadingComment) { |
| _eatUnwantedKeywords(); |
| final name = _consume(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, 'Expected identifier'); |
| var canBeUndefined = _match([TokenType.QUESTION]); |
| _consume(TokenType.COLON, 'Expected :'); |
| TypeBase type; |
| Token? value; |
| type = _type(containerName, name.lexeme, |
| includeUndefined: canBeUndefined, improveTypes: true); |
| |
| // Overwrite comment if we have an improved one. |
| final improvedComment = getImprovedComment(containerName, name.lexeme); |
| leadingComment = improvedComment != null |
| ? Comment(Token(TokenType.COMMENT, improvedComment)) |
| : leadingComment; |
| |
| // Some fields have weird comments like this in the spec: |
| // {@link MessageType} |
| // These seem to be the correct type of the field, while the field is |
| // marked with number. |
| final commentText = leadingComment?.text; |
| if (commentText != null) { |
| final _linkTypePattern = RegExp(r'See \{@link (\w+)\}\.?'); |
| final linkTypeMatch = _linkTypePattern.firstMatch(commentText); |
| if (linkTypeMatch != null) { |
| type = Type.identifier(linkTypeMatch.group(1)!); |
| leadingComment = Comment(Token(TokenType.COMMENT, |
| '// ' + commentText.replaceAll(_linkTypePattern, ''))); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Ideally this would be _consume(), but there are no semi-colons after the |
| // "inline types" since they're blocks. |
| _match([TokenType.SEMI_COLON]); |
| |
| // Special handling for fields that have fixed values. |
| if (value != null) { |
| return FixedValueField( |
| leadingComment, name, value, type, false, canBeUndefined); |
| } |
| |
| var canBeNull = false; |
| if (type is UnionType) { |
| // Since undefined and null can appear in the union type list but we want to |
| // handle it specially in the code generation, we promote them to fields on |
| // the Field. |
| canBeUndefined |= type.types.any(isUndefinedType); |
| canBeNull = type.types.any((t) => isNullType(t) || isAnyType(t)); |
| // Finally, we need to remove them from the union. |
| final remainingTypes = type.types |
| .where((t) => !isNullType(t) && !isUndefinedType(t)) |
| .toList(); |
| |
| // We also remove any types that are deprecated and/or we won't use to |
| // simplify the unions. |
| remainingTypes.removeWhere((t) => !allowTypeInSignatures(t)); |
| |
| type = _simplifyUnionTypes(remainingTypes); |
| } else if (isAnyType(type)) { |
| // There are values in the spec marked as `any` that allow nulls (for |
| // example, the result field on ResponseMessage can be null for a |
| // successful response that has no return value, eg. shutdown). |
| canBeNull = true; |
| } |
| return Field(leadingComment, name, type, canBeNull, canBeUndefined); |
| } |
| |
| Indexer _indexer(String containerName, Comment? leadingComment) { |
| final indexer = _field(containerName, leadingComment); |
| _consume(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET, 'Expected ]'); |
| _consume(TokenType.COLON, 'Expected :'); |
| |
| TypeBase type; |
| type = _type(containerName, fieldNameForIndexer, improveTypes: true); |
| |
| //_consume(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE, 'Expected }'); |
| _match([TokenType.SEMI_COLON]); |
| |
| return Indexer(leadingComment, indexer.type, type); |
| } |
| |
| Interface _interface(Comment? leadingComment) { |
| final name = _consume(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, 'Expected identifier'); |
| final typeArgs = <Token>[]; |
| if (_match([TokenType.LESS])) { |
| while (true) { |
| typeArgs.add(_consume(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, 'Expected identifier')); |
| if (_check(TokenType.GREATER)) { |
| break; |
| } |
| _consume(TokenType.COMMA, 'Expected , or >'); |
| } |
| _consume(TokenType.GREATER, 'Expected >'); |
| } |
| final baseTypes = <TypeBase>[]; |
| if (_match([TokenType.EXTENDS_KEYWORD])) { |
| while (true) { |
| baseTypes.add(_type(name.lexeme, null)); |
| if (_check(TokenType.LEFT_BRACE)) { |
| break; |
| } |
| _consume(TokenType.COMMA, 'Expected , or {'); |
| } |
| } |
| _consume(TokenType.LEFT_BRACE, 'Expected {'); |
| final members = <Member>[]; |
| while (!_check(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE)) { |
| members.add(_member(name.lexeme)); |
| } |
| |
| _consume(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE, 'Expected }'); |
| |
| return Interface(leadingComment, name, typeArgs, baseTypes, members); |
| } |
| |
| bool _isKeyword(TokenType type) => _keywords.values.contains(type); |
| |
| String _joinNames(String parent, String child) { |
| return '$parent${capitalize(child)}'; |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns [true] an advances if the next token is one of [types], otherwise |
| /// returns [false]. |
| bool _match(List<TokenType> types) { |
| for (final type in types) { |
| if (_check(type)) { |
| _advance(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| Member _member(String containerName) { |
| final leadingComment = _comment(); |
| _eatUnwantedKeywords(); |
| |
| if (_match([TokenType.CONST_KEYWORD])) { |
| return _const(containerName, leadingComment); |
| } else if (_match([TokenType.LEFT_BRACKET])) { |
| return _indexer(containerName, leadingComment); |
| } else { |
| return _field(containerName, leadingComment); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Namespace _namespace(Comment? leadingComment) { |
| final name = _consume(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, 'Expected identifier'); |
| _consume(TokenType.LEFT_BRACE, 'Expected {'); |
| final members = <Member>[]; |
| while (!_check(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE)) { |
| members.add(_member(name.lexeme)); |
| } |
| _consume(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE, 'Expected }'); |
| |
| return Namespace(leadingComment, name, members); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the next token without advancing. |
| Token _peek() => _tokenAt(_current); |
| |
| /// Remove any duplicate types (for ex. if we map multiple types into Object?) |
| /// we don't want to end up with `Object? | Object?`. Key on dartType to |
| /// ensure we different types that will map down to the same type. |
| TypeBase _simplifyUnionTypes(List<TypeBase> types) { |
| final uniqueTypes = Map.fromEntries( |
| types.map((t) => MapEntry(t.uniqueTypeIdentifier, t)), |
| ).values.toList(); |
| |
| // If our list includes something that maps to Object? as well as other |
| // types, we should just treat the whole thing as Object? as we get no value |
| // typing Either4<bool, String, num, Object?> but it becomes much more |
| // difficult to use. |
| if (uniqueTypes.any(isAnyType)) { |
| return uniqueTypes.firstWhere(isAnyType); |
| } |
| |
| return uniqueTypes.length == 1 |
| ? uniqueTypes.single |
| : uniqueTypes.every(isLiteralType) |
| ? LiteralUnionType(uniqueTypes.cast<LiteralType>()) |
| : UnionType(uniqueTypes); |
| } |
| |
| Token _tokenAt(int index) => |
| index < _tokens.length ? _tokens[index] : Token.EOF; |
| |
| AstNode _topLevel() { |
| final leadingComment = _comment(); |
| _match([TokenType.EXPORT_KEYWORD]); |
| |
| final token = _peek(); |
| if (_match([TokenType.NAMESPACE_KEYWORD])) { |
| return _namespace(leadingComment); |
| } else if (_match([TokenType.INTERFACE_KEYWORD])) { |
| return _interface(leadingComment); |
| } else if (_match([TokenType.CLASS_KEYWORD])) { |
| // Classes are the same as interfaces in this spec. |
| return _interface(leadingComment); |
| } else if (_match([TokenType.ENUM_KEYWORD])) { |
| return _enum(leadingComment); |
| } else if (token.type == TokenType.IDENTIFIER && token.lexeme == 'type') { |
| // TODO(dantup): This is a hack... We don't have a TYPE_KEYWORD because |
| // the spec has `type` as an identifier. |
| _advance(); // Eat the 'type' keyword. |
| return _typeAlias(leadingComment); |
| } else { |
| throw 'Unexpected token ${_peek()}'; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TypeBase _type( |
| String containerName, |
| String? fieldName, { |
| bool includeUndefined = false, |
| bool improveTypes = false, |
| }) { |
| var types = <TypeBase>[]; |
| if (includeUndefined) { |
| types.add(Type.Undefined); |
| } |
| var typeIndex = 0; |
| while (true) { |
| typeIndex++; |
| TypeBase type; |
| if (_match([TokenType.LEFT_BRACE])) { |
| // Inline interfaces. |
| final members = <Member>[]; |
| while (!_check(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE)) { |
| members.add(_member(containerName)); |
| } |
| |
| _consume(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE, 'Expected }'); |
| // Some of the inline interfaces have trailing commas (and some do not!) |
| _match([TokenType.COMMA]); |
| |
| // If we have a single member that is an indexer type, we can use a Map. |
| if (members.length == 1 && members.single is Indexer) { |
| var indexer = members.single as Indexer; |
| type = MapType(indexer.indexType, indexer.valueType); |
| } else { |
| // Add a synthetic interface to the parsers list of nodes to represent this type. |
| // If we have no fieldName to base the synthetic name from, we should use |
| // the index of this type, for example in: |
| // type Foo = { [..] } | { [...] } |
| // we will generate Foo1 and Foo2 for the types. |
| final nameSuffix = fieldName ?? '$typeIndex'; |
| final generatedName = _joinNames(containerName, nameSuffix); |
| _nodes.add(InlineInterface(generatedName, members)); |
| // Record the type as a simple type that references this interface. |
| type = Type.identifier(generatedName); |
| } |
| } else if (_match([TokenType.LEFT_PAREN])) { |
| // Some types are in (parens), so we just parse the contents as a nested type. |
| type = _type(containerName, fieldName); |
| _consume(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, 'Expected )'); |
| } else if (_check(TokenType.STRING)) { |
| final token = _advance(); |
| // In TS and the spec, literal strings can be types: |
| // export const PlainText: 'plaintext' = 'plaintext'; |
| // trace?: 'off' | 'messages' | 'verbose'; |
| type = LiteralType(Type.identifier('string'), token.lexeme); |
| } else if (_check(TokenType.NUMBER)) { |
| final token = _advance(); |
| // In TS and the spec, literal numbers can be types: |
| // export const Invoked: 1 = 1; |
| type = LiteralType(Type.identifier('number'), token.lexeme); |
| } else if (_match([TokenType.LEFT_BRACKET])) { |
| // Tuples will just be converted to List/Array. |
| final tupleElementTypes = <TypeBase>[]; |
| while (!_check(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET)) { |
| tupleElementTypes.add(_type(containerName, fieldName)); |
| // Remove commas in between. |
| _match([TokenType.COMMA]); |
| } |
| _consume(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET, 'Expected ]'); |
| |
| var tupleType = _simplifyUnionTypes(tupleElementTypes); |
| type = ArrayType(tupleType); |
| } else { |
| var typeName = _consume(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, 'Expected identifier'); |
| final typeArgs = <TypeBase>[]; |
| if (_match([TokenType.LESS])) { |
| while (true) { |
| typeArgs.add(_type(containerName, fieldName)); |
| if (_peek().type != TokenType.COMMA) { |
| _consume(TokenType.GREATER, 'Expected >'); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| type = typeName.lexeme == 'Array' |
| ? ArrayType(typeArgs.single) |
| : Type(typeName, typeArgs); |
| } |
| if (_match([TokenType.LEFT_BRACKET])) { |
| _consume(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET, 'Expected ]'); |
| type = ArrayType(type); |
| } |
| // TODO(dantup): Handle types like This & That. |
| // For now, map to any. |
| if (_match([TokenType.AMPERSAND])) { |
| while (true) { |
| // Eat as many types/ampersands as we have. |
| _type(containerName, fieldName); |
| if (!_check(TokenType.AMPERSAND)) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| type = Type.Any; |
| } |
| |
| types.add(type); |
| |
| if (!_match([TokenType.PIPE])) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| var type = _simplifyUnionTypes(types); |
| |
| // Handle improved type mappings for things that aren't very tight in the spec. |
| if (improveTypes) { |
| final improvedTypeName = getImprovedType(containerName, fieldName); |
| if (improvedTypeName != null) { |
| type = improvedTypeName.endsWith('[]') |
| ? ArrayType(Type.identifier( |
| improvedTypeName.substring(0, improvedTypeName.length - 2))) |
| : Type.identifier(improvedTypeName); |
| } |
| } |
| return type; |
| } |
| |
| TypeAlias _typeAlias(Comment? leadingComment) { |
| final name = _consume(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, 'Expected identifier'); |
| _consume(TokenType.EQUAL, 'Expected ='); |
| final type = _type(name.lexeme, null); |
| if (!_isAtEnd) { |
| _consume(TokenType.SEMI_COLON, 'Expected ;'); |
| } |
| |
| return TypeAlias(leadingComment, name, type); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class Scanner { |
| final String _source; |
| int _startOfToken = 0; |
| int _currentPos = 0; |
| final _tokens = <Token>[]; |
| Scanner(this._source); |
| |
| bool get _isAtEnd => _currentPos >= _source.length; |
| bool get _isNextAtEnd => _currentPos + 1 >= _source.length; |
| |
| List<Token> scan() { |
| while (!_isAtEnd) { |
| _startOfToken = _currentPos; |
| _scanToken(); |
| } |
| return _tokens; |
| } |
| |
| void _addToken(TokenType type, {bool mergeSameTypes = false}) { |
| var text = _source.substring(_startOfToken, _currentPos); |
| |
| // Consecutive tokens of some types (for example Comments) are merged |
| // together. |
| if (mergeSameTypes && _tokens.isNotEmpty && type == _tokens.last.type) { |
| text = '${_tokens.last.lexeme}\n$text'; |
| _tokens.removeLast(); |
| } |
| |
| _tokens.add(Token(type, text)); |
| } |
| |
| String _advance() => _currentPos < _source.length |
| ? _source[_currentPos++] |
| : throw 'Cannot advance past end of source'; |
| |
| void _identifier() { |
| while (_isAlpha(_peek())) { |
| _advance(); |
| } |
| |
| final string = _source.substring(_startOfToken, _currentPos); |
| var keyword = _keywords[string]; |
| if (keyword != null) { |
| _addToken(keyword); |
| } else { |
| _addToken(TokenType.IDENTIFIER); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool _isAlpha(String? s) => |
| s != null && _validIdentifierCharacters.hasMatch(s); |
| |
| bool _isDigit(String? s) => s != null && (s.codeUnitAt(0) ^ 0x30) <= 9; |
| |
| bool _match(String expected) { |
| if (_isAtEnd || _source[_currentPos] != expected) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| _currentPos++; |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void _number() { |
| // Optionally process a negative. |
| _match('-'); |
| while (_isDigit(_peek())) { |
| _advance(); |
| } |
| |
| // Handle fractional parts. |
| if (_peek() == '.' && _isDigit(_peekNext())) { |
| // Consume the decimal point. |
| _advance(); |
| |
| while (_isDigit(_peek())) { |
| _advance(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| _addToken(TokenType.NUMBER); |
| } |
| |
| String? _peek() => _isAtEnd ? null : _source[_currentPos]; |
| |
| String? _peekNext() => _isNextAtEnd ? null : _source[_currentPos + 1]; |
| |
| void _scanToken() { |
| const singleCharTokens = <String, TokenType>{ |
| ',': TokenType.COMMA, |
| ';': TokenType.SEMI_COLON, |
| ':': TokenType.COLON, |
| '?': TokenType.QUESTION, |
| '.': TokenType.DOT, |
| '(': TokenType.LEFT_PAREN, |
| ')': TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, |
| '[': TokenType.LEFT_BRACKET, |
| ']': TokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET, |
| '{': TokenType.LEFT_BRACE, |
| '}': TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE, |
| '*': TokenType.STAR, |
| '&': TokenType.AMPERSAND, |
| '=': TokenType.EQUAL, |
| '|': TokenType.PIPE, |
| }; |
| |
| final c = _advance(); |
| var token = singleCharTokens[c]; |
| if (token != null) { |
| _addToken(token); |
| return; |
| } |
| switch (c) { |
| case '/': |
| if (_match('*')) { |
| // Block comment. |
| while (!_isAtEnd && (_peek() != '*' || _peekNext() != '/')) { |
| _advance(); |
| } |
| // Eat the closing comment markers detected above. |
| if (!_isAtEnd) { |
| _advance(); |
| _advance(); |
| } |
| _addToken(TokenType.COMMENT, mergeSameTypes: true); |
| } else if (_match('/')) { |
| // Single line comment. |
| while (_peek() != '\n' && !_isAtEnd) { |
| _advance(); |
| } |
| _addToken(TokenType.COMMENT, mergeSameTypes: true); |
| } else { |
| _addToken(TokenType.SLASH); |
| } |
| break; |
| case '<': |
| _addToken(_match('=') ? TokenType.LESS_EQUAL : TokenType.LESS); |
| break; |
| case '>': |
| _addToken(_match('=') ? TokenType.GREATER_EQUAL : TokenType.GREATER); |
| break; |
| case ' ': |
| case '\r': |
| case '\n': |
| case '\t': |
| // Whitespace. |
| break; |
| case '"': |
| case "'": |
| _string(c); |
| break; |
| default: |
| if (_isDigit(c) || c == '-' && _isDigit(_peek())) { |
| _number(); |
| } else if (_isAlpha(c)) { |
| _identifier(); |
| } else { |
| final start = max(0, _currentPos - 20); |
| final end = min(_currentPos + 20, _source.length); |
| final snippet = _source.substring(start, end); |
| throw "Unexpected character '$c'.\n\n$snippet"; |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _string(String terminator) { |
| // TODO(dantup): Handle escape sequences, inc. quotes. |
| while (!_isAtEnd && _peek() != terminator) { |
| _advance(); |
| |
| if (_isAtEnd) { |
| throw 'Unterminated string.'; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Skip over the closing terminator. |
| _advance(); |
| |
| _addToken(TokenType.STRING); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class Token { |
| static final Token EOF = Token(TokenType.EOF, ''); |
| |
| final TokenType type; |
| final String lexeme; |
| |
| Token(this.type, this.lexeme); |
| |
| Token.identifier(String identifier) : this(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, identifier); |
| |
| @override |
| String toString() => '${type.toString().padRight(25)} ' |
| '${lexeme.padRight(10)}\n'; |
| } |
| |
| enum TokenType { |
| COLON, |
| COMMA, |
| DOT, |
| EOF, |
| EQUAL, |
| LESS, |
| PIPE, |
| SLASH, |
| STAR, |
| } |
| |
| class Type extends TypeBase { |
| static final TypeBase Undefined = Type.identifier('undefined'); |
| static final TypeBase Any = Type.identifier('any'); |
| final Token nameToken; |
| final List<TypeBase> typeArgs; |
| |
| Type(this.nameToken, this.typeArgs) { |
| if (name == 'Array' || name.endsWith('[]')) { |
| throw 'Type should not be used for arrays, use ArrayType instead'; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Type.identifier(String identifier) : this(Token.identifier(identifier), []); |
| |
| @override |
| String get dartType { |
| // Always resolve type aliases when asked for our Dart type. |
| final resolvedType = resolveTypeAlias(this); |
| if (resolvedType != this) { |
| return resolvedType.dartType; |
| } |
| |
| const mapping = <String, String>{ |
| 'boolean': 'bool', |
| 'string': 'String', |
| 'number': 'num', |
| 'integer': 'int', |
| 'uinteger': 'int', |
| 'any': 'Object?', |
| 'object': 'Object?', |
| // Simplify MarkedString from |
| // string | { language: string; value: string } |
| // to just String |
| 'MarkedString': 'String' |
| }; |
| |
| final typeName = mapping[name] ?? name; |
| return typeName; |
| } |
| |
| String get name => nameToken.lexeme; |
| |
| @override |
| String get typeArgsString { |
| // Always resolve type aliases when asked for our Dart type. |
| final resolvedType = resolveTypeAlias(this); |
| if (resolvedType != this) { |
| return resolvedType.typeArgsString; |
| } |
| |
| return typeArgs.isNotEmpty |
| ? '<${typeArgs.map((t) => t.dartTypeWithTypeArgs).join(', ')}>' |
| : ''; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class TypeAlias extends AstNode { |
| final Token nameToken; |
| final TypeBase baseType; |
| TypeAlias( |
| Comment? comment, |
| this.nameToken, |
| this.baseType, |
| ) : super(comment); |
| |
| @override |
| String get name => nameToken.lexeme; |
| } |
| |
| abstract class TypeBase { |
| String get dartType; |
| String get dartTypeWithTypeArgs => '$dartType$typeArgsString'; |
| String get typeArgsString; |
| |
| /// A unique identifier for this type. Used for folding types together |
| /// (for example two types that resolve to "Object?" in Dart). |
| String get uniqueTypeIdentifier => dartTypeWithTypeArgs; |
| } |
| |
| class UnionType extends TypeBase { |
| final List<TypeBase> types; |
| |
| UnionType(this.types); |
| |
| @override |
| String get dartType { |
| if (types.length > 4) { |
| throw 'Unions of more than 4 types are not supported.'; |
| } |
| return 'Either${types.length}'; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| String get typeArgsString { |
| final typeArgs = types.map((t) => t.dartTypeWithTypeArgs).join(', '); |
| return '<$typeArgs>'; |
| } |
| } |