| // Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'dart:io'; |
| |
| import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/strings.dart'; |
| import 'package:args/args.dart'; |
| import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; |
| import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; |
| |
| import 'codegen_dart.dart'; |
| import 'markdown.dart'; |
| import 'typescript.dart'; |
| import 'typescript_parser.dart'; |
| |
| Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) async { |
| final args = argParser.parse(arguments); |
| var help = args[argHelp] as bool; |
| if (help) { |
| print(argParser.usage); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| final script = Platform.script.toFilePath(); |
| // 3x parent = file -> lsp_spec -> tool -> analysis_server. |
| final packageFolder = File(script).parent.parent.parent.path; |
| final outFolder = path.join(packageFolder, 'lib', 'lsp_protocol'); |
| Directory(outFolder).createSync(); |
| |
| // Collect definitions for types in the spec and our custom extensions. |
| final specTypes = await getSpecClasses(args); |
| final customTypes = getCustomClasses(); |
| |
| // Record both sets of types in dictionaries for faster lookups, but also so |
| // they can reference each other and we can find the definitions during |
| // codegen. |
| recordTypes(specTypes); |
| recordTypes(customTypes); |
| |
| // Generate formatted Dart code (as a string) for each set of types. |
| final specTypesOutput = generateDartForTypes(specTypes); |
| final customTypesOutput = generateDartForTypes(customTypes); |
| |
| File(path.join(outFolder, 'protocol_generated.dart')).writeAsStringSync( |
| generatedFileHeader(2018, importCustom: true) + specTypesOutput); |
| File(path.join(outFolder, 'protocol_custom_generated.dart')) |
| .writeAsStringSync(generatedFileHeader(2019) + customTypesOutput); |
| } |
| |
| const argDownload = 'download'; |
| |
| const argHelp = 'help'; |
| |
| final argParser = ArgParser() |
| ..addFlag(argHelp, hide: true) |
| ..addFlag(argDownload, |
| negatable: false, |
| abbr: 'd', |
| help: |
| 'Download the latest version of the LSP spec before generating types'); |
| |
| final String localSpecPath = path.join( |
| path.dirname(Platform.script.toFilePath()), 'lsp_specification.md'); |
| |
| final Uri specLicenseUri = Uri.parse( |
| 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/gh-pages/License.txt'); |
| |
| /// The URI of the version of the spec to generate from. This should be periodically updated as |
| /// there's no longer a stable URI for the latest published version. |
| final Uri specUri = Uri.parse( |
| 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/language-server-protocol/gh-pages/_specifications/specification-3-16.md'); |
| |
| /// Pattern to extract inline types from the `result: {xx, yy }` notes in the spec. |
| /// Doesn't parse past full stops as some of these have english sentences tagged on |
| /// the end that we don't want to parse. |
| final _resultsInlineTypesPattern = RegExp(r'''\* result:[^\.{}]*({[^\.`]*})'''); |
| |
| Future<void> downloadSpec() async { |
| final specResp = await http.get(specUri); |
| final licenseResp = await http.get(specLicenseUri); |
| final text = [ |
| ''' |
| This is an unmodified copy of the Language Server Protocol Specification, |
| downloaded from $specUri. It is the version of the specification that was |
| used to generate a portion of the Dart code used to support the protocol. |
| |
| To regenerate the generated code, run the script in |
| "analysis_server/tool/lsp_spec/generate_all.dart" with no arguments. To |
| download the latest version of the specification before regenerating the |
| code, run the same script with an argument of "--download".''', |
| licenseResp.body, |
| specResp.body |
| ]; |
| await File(localSpecPath).writeAsString(text.join('\n\n---\n\n')); |
| } |
| |
| Namespace extractMethodsEnum(String spec) { |
| Const toConstant(String value) { |
| final comment = Comment( |
| Token(TokenType.COMMENT, '''Constant for the '$value' method.''')); |
| |
| // Generate a safe name for the member from the string. Those that start with |
| // $/ will have the prefix removed and all slashes should be replaced with |
| // underscores. |
| final safeMemberName = value.replaceAll(r'$/', '').replaceAll('/', '_'); |
| |
| return Const( |
| comment, |
| Token.identifier(safeMemberName), |
| Type.identifier('string'), |
| Token(TokenType.STRING, "'$value'"), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| final comment = Comment(Token(TokenType.COMMENT, |
| 'Valid LSP methods known at the time of code generation from the spec.')); |
| final methodConstants = extractMethodNames(spec).map(toConstant).toList(); |
| |
| return Namespace(comment, Token.identifier('Method'), methodConstants); |
| } |
| |
| /// Extract inline types found directly in the `results:` sections of the spec |
| /// that are not declared with their own names elsewhere. |
| List<AstNode> extractResultsInlineTypes(String spec) { |
| InlineInterface toInterface(String typeDef) { |
| // The definition passed here will be a bare inline type, such as: |
| // |
| // { range: Range, placeholder: string } |
| // |
| // In order to parse this, we'll just format it as a type alias and then |
| // run it through the standard parsing code. |
| final typeAlias = 'type temp = ${typeDef.replaceAll(',', ';')};'; |
| |
| final parsed = parseString(typeAlias); |
| |
| // Extract the InlineInterface that was created. |
| final interface = |
| parsed.firstWhere((t) => t is InlineInterface) as InlineInterface; |
| |
| // Create a new name based on the fields. |
| var newName = interface.members.map((m) => capitalize(m.name)).join('And'); |
| |
| return InlineInterface(newName, interface.members); |
| } |
| |
| return _resultsInlineTypesPattern |
| .allMatches(spec) |
| .map((m) => m.group(1)!.trim()) |
| .toList() |
| .map(toInterface) |
| .toList(); |
| } |
| |
| String generatedFileHeader(int year, {bool importCustom = false}) => ''' |
| // Copyright (c) $year, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually. |
| // To regenerate the file, use the script |
| // "pkg/analysis_server/tool/lsp_spec/generate_all.dart". |
| |
| // ignore_for_file: annotate_overrides |
| // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_parenthesis |
| |
| import 'dart:core' hide deprecated; |
| import 'dart:core' as core show deprecated; |
| import 'dart:convert' show JsonEncoder; |
| import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol${importCustom ? '_custom' : ''}_generated.dart'; |
| import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_special.dart'; |
| import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/json_parsing.dart'; |
| import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol/protocol_internal.dart'; |
| |
| const jsonEncoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent(' '); |
| |
| '''; |
| |
| List<AstNode> getCustomClasses() { |
| Interface interface(String name, List<Member> fields, {String? baseType}) { |
| return Interface( |
| null, |
| Token.identifier(name), |
| [], |
| [if (baseType != null) Type.identifier(baseType)], |
| fields, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| Field field( |
| String name, { |
| required String type, |
| bool array = false, |
| bool canBeUndefined = false, |
| }) { |
| var fieldType = |
| array ? ArrayType(Type.identifier(type)) : Type.identifier(type); |
| |
| return Field( |
| null, Token.identifier(name), fieldType, false, canBeUndefined); |
| } |
| |
| final customTypes = <AstNode>[ |
| interface('DartDiagnosticServer', [field('port', type: 'int')]), |
| interface('AnalyzerStatusParams', [field('isAnalyzing', type: 'boolean')]), |
| interface('PublishClosingLabelsParams', [ |
| field('uri', type: 'string'), |
| field('labels', type: 'ClosingLabel', array: true) |
| ]), |
| interface('ClosingLabel', |
| [field('range', type: 'Range'), field('label', type: 'string')]), |
| interface('Element', [ |
| field('range', type: 'Range', canBeUndefined: true), |
| field('name', type: 'string'), |
| field('kind', type: 'string'), |
| field('parameters', type: 'string', canBeUndefined: true), |
| field('typeParameters', type: 'string', canBeUndefined: true), |
| field('returnType', type: 'string', canBeUndefined: true), |
| ]), |
| interface('PublishOutlineParams', |
| [field('uri', type: 'string'), field('outline', type: 'Outline')]), |
| interface('Outline', [ |
| field('element', type: 'Element'), |
| field('range', type: 'Range'), |
| field('codeRange', type: 'Range'), |
| field('children', type: 'Outline', array: true, canBeUndefined: true) |
| ]), |
| interface('PublishFlutterOutlineParams', [ |
| field('uri', type: 'string'), |
| field('outline', type: 'FlutterOutline') |
| ]), |
| interface('FlutterOutline', [ |
| field('kind', type: 'string'), |
| field('label', type: 'string', canBeUndefined: true), |
| field('className', type: 'string', canBeUndefined: true), |
| field('variableName', type: 'string', canBeUndefined: true), |
| field('attributes', |
| type: 'FlutterOutlineAttribute', array: true, canBeUndefined: true), |
| field('dartElement', type: 'Element', canBeUndefined: true), |
| field('range', type: 'Range'), |
| field('codeRange', type: 'Range'), |
| field('children', |
| type: 'FlutterOutline', array: true, canBeUndefined: true) |
| ]), |
| interface( |
| 'FlutterOutlineAttribute', |
| [ |
| field('name', type: 'string'), |
| field('label', type: 'string'), |
| field('valueRange', type: 'Range', canBeUndefined: true), |
| ], |
| ), |
| interface( |
| 'CompletionItemResolutionInfo', |
| [ |
| field('file', type: 'string'), |
| field('offset', type: 'int'), |
| ], |
| ), |
| interface( |
| 'DartCompletionItemResolutionInfo', |
| [ |
| // These fields have short-ish names because they're on the payload |
| // for all suggestion-set backed completions. |
| field('libId', type: 'int'), |
| field('displayUri', type: 'string'), |
| field('rOffset', type: 'int'), // replacementOffset |
| field('iLength', type: 'int'), // insertLength |
| field('rLength', type: 'int'), // replacementLength |
| ], |
| baseType: 'CompletionItemResolutionInfo', |
| ), |
| interface( |
| 'PubPackageCompletionItemResolutionInfo', |
| [ |
| field('packageName', type: 'string'), |
| ], |
| baseType: 'CompletionItemResolutionInfo', |
| ), |
| // Custom types for experimental SnippetTextEdits |
| // https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/b35559a2460e7f0b2b79a7029db0c5d4e0acdb44/docs/dev/lsp-extensions.md#snippet-textedit |
| interface( |
| 'SnippetTextEdit', |
| [ |
| field('insertTextFormat', type: 'InsertTextFormat'), |
| ], |
| baseType: 'TextEdit', |
| ), |
| TypeAlias( |
| null, |
| Token.identifier('TextDocumentEditEdits'), |
| ArrayType( |
| UnionType([ |
| Type.identifier('SnippetTextEdit'), |
| Type.identifier('AnnotatedTextEdit'), |
| Type.identifier('TextEdit'), |
| ]), |
| ), |
| ) |
| ]; |
| return customTypes; |
| } |
| |
| Future<List<AstNode>> getSpecClasses(ArgResults args) async { |
| var download = args[argDownload] as bool; |
| if (download) { |
| await downloadSpec(); |
| } |
| final spec = await readSpec(); |
| |
| final types = extractTypeScriptBlocks(spec) |
| .where(shouldIncludeScriptBlock) |
| .map(parseString) |
| .expand((f) => f) |
| .where(includeTypeDefinitionInOutput) |
| .toList(); |
| |
| // Generate an enum for all of the request methods to avoid strings. |
| types.add(extractMethodsEnum(spec)); |
| |
| // Extract additional inline types that are specificed online in the `results` |
| // section of the doc. |
| types.addAll(extractResultsInlineTypes(spec)); |
| return types; |
| } |
| |
| Future<String> readSpec() => File(localSpecPath).readAsString(); |
| |
| /// Returns whether a script block should be parsed or not. |
| bool shouldIncludeScriptBlock(String input) { |
| // Skip over some typescript blocks that are known sample code and not part |
| // of the LSP spec. |
| if (input.trim() == r"export const EOL: string[] = ['\n', '\r\n', '\r'];" || |
| input.startsWith('textDocument.codeAction.resolveSupport =')) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // There are some code blocks that just have example JSON in them. |
| if (input.startsWith('{') && input.endsWith('}')) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // There are some example blocks that just contain arrays with no definitions. |
| // They're most easily noted by ending with `]` which no valid TypeScript blocks |
| // do. |
| if (input.trim().endsWith(']')) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // There's a chunk of typescript that is just a partial snippet from a real |
| // interface declared elsewhere that we can only detect by the leading comment. |
| if (input |
| .replaceAll('\r', '') |
| .startsWith('/**\n\t * Window specific client capabilities.')) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| return true; |
| } |