blob: f86f288882eaf4a29237024b5aa6cdddd230b8d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.dom.html;
void Function(T)? _wrapZone<T>(void Function(T)? callback) {
// For performance reasons avoid wrapping if we are in the root zone.
if (Zone.current == Zone.root) return callback;
if (callback == null) return null;
return Zone.current.bindUnaryCallbackGuarded(callback);
void Function(T1, T2)? _wrapBinaryZone<T1, T2>(
void Function(T1, T2)? callback) {
// For performance reasons avoid wrapping if we are in the root zone.
if (Zone.current == Zone.root) return callback;
if (callback == null) return null;
return Zone.current.bindBinaryCallbackGuarded(callback);
* Finds the first descendant element of this document that matches the
* specified group of selectors.
* Unless your webpage contains multiple documents, the top-level
* [querySelector]
* method behaves the same as this method, so you should use it instead to
* save typing a few characters.
* [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.
* var element1 = document.querySelector('.className');
* var element2 = document.querySelector('#id');
* For details about CSS selector syntax, see the
* [CSS selector specification](
Element? querySelector(String selectors) => document.querySelector(selectors);
* Finds all descendant elements of this document that match the specified
* group of selectors.
* Unless your webpage contains multiple documents, the top-level
* [querySelectorAll]
* method behaves the same as this method, so you should use it instead to
* save typing a few characters.
* [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.
* var items = document.querySelectorAll('.itemClassName');
* For details about CSS selector syntax, see the
* [CSS selector specification](
ElementList<T> querySelectorAll<T extends Element>(String selectors) =>
/// A utility for changing the Dart wrapper type for elements.
abstract class ElementUpgrader {
/// Upgrade the specified element to be of the Dart type this was created for.
/// After upgrading the element passed in is invalid and the returned value
/// should be used instead.
Element upgrade(Element element);