blob: f0e62a6145b19076b2da1387b85d14a5435e93e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Generated from namespace: fileSystem
part of chrome;
* Types
class FilesystemAcceptOption extends ChromeObject {
* Public constructor
{String description, List<String> mimeTypes, List<String> extensions}) {
if (description != null) this.description = description;
if (mimeTypes != null) this.mimeTypes = mimeTypes;
if (extensions != null) this.extensions = extensions;
* Private constructor
FilesystemAcceptOption._proxy(_jsObject) : super._proxy(_jsObject);
* Public accessors
/// This is the optional text description for this option. If not present, a
/// description will be automatically generated; typically containing an
/// expanded list of valid extensions (e.g. "text/html" may expand to "*.html,
/// *.htm").
String get description => JS('String', '#.description', this._jsObject);
set description(String description) {
JS('void', '#.description = #', this._jsObject, description);
/// Mime-types to accept, e.g. "image/jpeg" or "audio/*". One of mimeTypes or
/// extensions must contain at least one valid element.
List<String> get mimeTypes =>
JS('List<String>', '#.mimeTypes', this._jsObject);
set mimeTypes(List<String> mimeTypes) {
JS('void', '#.mimeTypes = #', this._jsObject, mimeTypes);
/// Extensions to accept, e.g. "jpg", "gif", "crx".
List<String> get extensions =>
JS('List<String>', '#.extensions', this._jsObject);
set extensions(List<String> extensions) {
JS('void', '#.extensions = #', this._jsObject, extensions);
class FilesystemChooseEntryOptions extends ChromeObject {
* Public constructor
{String type,
String suggestedName,
List<FilesystemAcceptOption> accepts,
bool acceptsAllTypes}) {
if (type != null) this.type = type;
if (suggestedName != null) this.suggestedName = suggestedName;
if (accepts != null) this.accepts = accepts;
if (acceptsAllTypes != null) this.acceptsAllTypes = acceptsAllTypes;
* Private constructor
FilesystemChooseEntryOptions._proxy(_jsObject) : super._proxy(_jsObject);
* Public accessors
/// Type of the prompt to show. The default is 'openFile'.
String get type => JS('String', '#.type', this._jsObject);
set type(String type) {
JS('void', '#.type = #', this._jsObject, type);
/// The suggested file name that will be presented to the user as the default
/// name to read or write. This is optional.
String get suggestedName => JS('String', '#.suggestedName', this._jsObject);
set suggestedName(String suggestedName) {
JS('void', '#.suggestedName = #', this._jsObject, suggestedName);
/// The optional list of accept options for this file opener. Each option will
/// be presented as a unique group to the end-user.
List<FilesystemAcceptOption> get accepts {
List<FilesystemAcceptOption> __proxy_accepts =
new List<FilesystemAcceptOption>();
int count = JS('int', '#.accepts.length', this._jsObject);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var item = JS('', '#.accepts[#]', this._jsObject, i);
__proxy_accepts.add(new FilesystemAcceptOption._proxy(item));
return __proxy_accepts;
set accepts(List<FilesystemAcceptOption> accepts) {
JS('void', '#.accepts = #', this._jsObject, convertArgument(accepts));
/// Whether to accept all file types, in addition to the options specified in
/// the accepts argument. The default is true. If the accepts field is unset or
/// contains no valid entries, this will always be reset to true.
bool get acceptsAllTypes => JS('bool', '#.acceptsAllTypes', this._jsObject);
set acceptsAllTypes(bool acceptsAllTypes) {
JS('void', '#.acceptsAllTypes = #', this._jsObject, acceptsAllTypes);
* Functions
class API_file_system {
* API connection
Object _jsObject;
* Functions
/// Get the display path of a FileEntry object. The display path is based on
/// the full path of the file on the local file system, but may be made more
/// readable for display purposes.
void getDisplayPath(FileEntry fileEntry, void callback(String displayPath)) =>
JS('void', '#.getDisplayPath(#, #)', this._jsObject,
convertArgument(fileEntry), convertDartClosureToJS(callback, 1));
/// Get a writable FileEntry from another FileEntry. This call will fail if the
/// application does not have the 'write' permission under 'fileSystem'.
void getWritableEntry(
FileEntry fileEntry, void callback(FileEntry fileEntry)) {
void __proxy_callback(fileEntry) {
if (callback != null) {
'#.getWritableEntry(#, #)',
convertDartClosureToJS(__proxy_callback, 1));
/// Gets whether this FileEntry is writable or not.
void isWritableEntry(FileEntry fileEntry, void callback(bool isWritable)) =>
JS('void', '#.isWritableEntry(#, #)', this._jsObject,
convertArgument(fileEntry), convertDartClosureToJS(callback, 1));
/// Ask the user to choose a file.
void chooseEntry(void callback(FileEntry fileEntry),
[FilesystemChooseEntryOptions options]) {
void __proxy_callback(fileEntry) {
if (callback != null) {
JS('void', '#.chooseEntry(#, #)', this._jsObject, convertArgument(options),
convertDartClosureToJS(__proxy_callback, 1));
/// Returns the file entry with the given id if it can be restored. This call
/// will fail otherwise.
void restoreEntry(String id, void callback(FileEntry fileEntry)) {
void __proxy_callback(fileEntry) {
if (callback != null) {
JS('void', '#.restoreEntry(#, #)', this._jsObject, id,
convertDartClosureToJS(__proxy_callback, 1));
/// Returns whether a file entry for the given id can be restored, i.e. whether
/// restoreEntry would succeed with this id now.
void isRestorable(String id, void callback(bool isRestorable)) => JS(
'#.isRestorable(#, #)',
convertDartClosureToJS(callback, 1));
/// Returns an id that can be passed to restoreEntry to regain access to a
/// given file entry. Only the 500 most recently used entries are retained,
/// where calls to retainEntry and restoreEntry count as use. If the app has
/// the 'retainEntries' permission under 'fileSystem', entries are retained
/// indefinitely. Otherwise, entries are retained only while the app is running
/// and across restarts.
String retainEntry(FileEntry fileEntry) => JS(
'String', '#.retainEntry(#)', this._jsObject, convertArgument(fileEntry));
API_file_system(this._jsObject) {}