blob: aee4ec5f1af8dcb811803e29ed444671d6006f3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
// Regression test for badly named generator body.
Future<void> goo(Future Function() f) async {
Expect.equals(102, (await f()).keys.single);
Expect.equals(104, (await f()).keys.single);
Future<T> identity<T>(T x) async => x;
extension Gloop<T> on Map<T, List<T>> {
// An async method using a 'complex' generator type `Map<T, List<T>>`. This
// requires a separated entry and body, which requires a name, and the name
// must be legal JavaScript.
Future<Map<T, List<T>>> foo(int x) async {
var result = await identity({(x += this.length) as T: <T>[]});
return result;
Future<int> bar(int x) async {
// An async closure using a 'complex' generator type `Map<T, Set<T>>`. This
// requires a separated entry and body, which requires a name, and the name
// must be legal JavaScript.
await goo(() async => {(x += this.length) as T: <T>{}});
return x;
main() async {
// Test method.
Map<int, List<int>> o1 = {1: [], 2: []};
var o2 = await;
var o3 = await;
Expect.equals('{102: []}', '$o2');
Expect.equals('{101: []}', '$o3');
// Test closure.
Map<int, List<int>> o = {1: [], 2: []};
int x = await;
Expect.equals(104, x);