blob: c51b76c3294ae8d2378e80ba44d284f61b85f313 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:expect/minitest.dart';
eventTest(String name, Event eventFn(), void validate(Event),
[String type = 'foo']) {
test(name, () {
final el = new Element.tag('div');
var fired = false;
el.on[type].listen((ev) {
fired = true;
expect(fired, isTrue, reason: 'Expected event to be dispatched.');
main() {
// Issue 1005.
// eventTest('AnimationEvent', () => new AnimationEvent('foo', 'color', 0.5),
// (ev) {
// expect(ev.animationName, 'color');
// expect(ev.elapsedTime, 0.5);
// });
// Issue 1005.
// eventTest('BeforeLoadEvent',
// () => new BeforeLoadEvent('foo', 'http://example.url'),
// (ev) { expect(ev.url, 'http://example.url'); });
// Issue 1005.
// eventTest('CloseEvent',
// () => new CloseEvent('foo', 5, 'reason', wasClean: true),
// (ev) {
// expect(ev.code, 5);
// expect(ev.reason, 'reason');
// expect(ev.wasClean, isTrue);
// });
() =>
new CompositionEvent('compositionstart', view: window, data: 'data'),
(ev) {
expect(, 'data');
}, 'compositionstart');
// initCustomEvent is not yet implemented
// eventTest('CustomEvent',
// () => new CustomEvent('foo', false, false, 'detail'),
// (ev) { expect(ev.detail, 'detail'); });
// DeviceMotionEvent has no properties to itself, so just test that it doesn't
// error out on creation and can be dispatched.
// Suppress. DeviceMotion has no constructor, and I don't think it can be
// created on a non-mobile device. Issue 23321
// eventTest('DeviceMotionEvent', () => new DeviceMotionEvent('foo'), (ev) {});
// initDeviceOrientationEvent is not yet implemented
// eventTest('DeviceOrientationEvent',
// () => new DeviceOrientationEvent('foo', 0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
// (ev) {
// expect(ev.alpha, 0.1);
// expect(ev.beta, 0.2);
// expect(ev.gamma, 0.3);
// });
// Issue 1005.
// eventTest('ErrorEvent',
// () => new ErrorEvent('foo', 'message', 'filename', 10),
// (ev) {
// expect('message', ev.message);
// expect('filename', ev.filename);
// expect(ev.lineno, 10);
// });
'Event', () => new Event('foo', canBubble: false, cancelable: false),
(ev) {
expect(ev.type, equals('foo'));
expect(ev.bubbles, isFalse);
expect(ev.cancelable, isFalse);
() => new HashChangeEvent('foo',
oldUrl: 'http://old.url', newUrl: 'http://new.url'), (ev) {
expect(ev.oldUrl, equals('http://old.url'));
expect(ev.newUrl, equals('http://new.url'));
// KeyboardEvent has its own test file, and has cross-browser issues.
() => new MouseEvent('foo',
view: window,
detail: 1,
screenX: 2,
screenY: 3,
clientX: 4,
clientY: 5,
button: 6,
ctrlKey: true,
altKey: true,
shiftKey: true,
metaKey: true,
relatedTarget: document.body), (ev) {
expect(ev.detail, 1);
expect(ev.screen.x, 2);
expect(ev.screen.y, 3);
expect(ev.client.x, 4);
expect(ev.client.y, 5);
expect(ev.offset.x, 4); // Same as clientX.
expect(ev.offset.y, 5); // Same as clientY.
expect(ev.button, 6);
expect(ev.ctrlKey, isTrue);
expect(ev.altKey, isTrue);
expect(ev.shiftKey, isTrue);
expect(ev.metaKey, isTrue);
// TODO(alanknight): The target does not seem to get correctly set.
// Issue 23438
// expect(ev.relatedTarget, document.body);
// Issue 1005.
// eventTest('OverflowEvent',
// () => new OverflowEvent(OverflowEvent.BOTH, true, true),
// (ev) {
// expect(ev.orient, OverflowEvent.BOTH);
// expect(ev.horizontalOverflow, isTrue);
// expect(ev.verticalOverflow, isTrue);
// }, type: 'overflowchanged');
// Issue 1005.
// eventTest('PageTransitionEvent',
// () => new PageTransitionEvent('foo', persisted: true),
// (ev) { expect(ev.persisted, isTrue); });
// initPopStateEvent is not yet implemented
// eventTest('PopStateEvent', () => new PopStateEvent('foo', 'state'),
// (ev) { expect(ev.state, 'state'); }
// Issue 1005.
// eventTest('ProgressEvent',
// // canBubble and cancelable are currently required to avoid dartc
// // complaining about the types of the named arguments.
// () => new ProgressEvent('foo', 5, canBubble: true, cancelable: true,
// lengthComputable: true, total: 10),
// (ev) {
// expect(ev.loaded, 5);
// expect(ev.lengthComputable, isTrue);
// expect(, 10);
// });
() => new StorageEvent('foo',
key: 'key',
url: 'http://example.url',
storageArea: window.localStorage,
canBubble: true,
cancelable: true,
oldValue: 'old',
newValue: 'new'), (ev) {
expect(ev.key, 'key');
expect(ev.url, 'http://example.url');
// Equality isn't preserved for storageArea
expect(ev.storageArea, isNotNull);
expect(ev.oldValue, 'old');
expect(ev.newValue, 'new');
// Issue 1005.
// eventTest('TransitionEvent', () => new TransitionEvent('foo', 'color', 0.5),
// (ev) {
// expect(ev.propertyName, 'color');
// expect(ev.elapsedTime, 0.5);
// });
eventTest('UIEvent', () => new UIEvent('foo', view: window, detail: 12),
(ev) {
expect(window, ev.view);
expect(12, ev.detail);
// TODO(alanknight): Can't pass window on Dartium. Add view: window
// once going through JS.
() => new WheelEvent("mousewheel",
deltaX: 1,
deltaY: 0,
detail: 4,
screenX: 3,
screenY: 4,
clientX: 5,
clientY: 6,
ctrlKey: true,
altKey: true,
shiftKey: true,
metaKey: true), (ev) {
expect(ev.deltaX, 1);
expect(ev.deltaY, 0);
expect(ev.screen.x, 3);
expect(ev.screen.y, 4);
expect(ev.client.x, 5);
expect(ev.client.y, 6);
expect(ev.ctrlKey, isTrue);
expect(ev.altKey, isTrue);
expect(ev.shiftKey, isTrue);
expect(ev.metaKey, isTrue);
}, 'mousewheel');