blob: 24eefa31e47fecafdb0d9a08a3617d54ed68db62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:core' as core;
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
confuse(f) => f;
typedef F0<T> = int Function([Function x]);
typedef F1<T> = List<Function> Function(int x);
typedef F2<T> = core.List<> Function(List<T> x);
typedef F3<T> = Function(int y, {List<Function> x});
typedef F4<T> = List<Function> Function<A>(List<T> x);
typedef F5<T> = int Function([Function x]) Function();
typedef F6<T> = int Function(core.List<> x0) Function();
typedef F7<T> = Function Function(int x1, [int x2]) Function();
typedef F8<T> = Function Function(int x0, {List<Function> x}) Function();
typedef F9<T> = List<Function> Function(int x) Function();
typedef F10<T> = List<Function> Function(int y, [List<Function> x]) Function();
typedef F11<T> = List<Function> Function(int x1, [List<T> x2]) Function();
typedef F12<T> = core.List<> Function({Function x}) Function();
typedef F13<T> = core.List<> Function(List<T> x) Function();
typedef F14<T> = List<T> Function(int x0, [Function x]) Function();
typedef F15<T> = List<T> Function([core.List<> x1]) Function();
typedef F16<T> = Function(int x, [int x2]) Function();
typedef F17<T> = Function(int y, {List<Function> x}) Function();
typedef F18<T> = void Function([int x]) Function();
typedef F19<T> = void Function(List<Function> x0) Function();
typedef F20<T> = void Function(int x, [List<T> x2]) Function();
typedef F21<T> = List<Function> Function<A>(List<T> x) Function();
typedef F22<T> = Function<A>() Function();
typedef F23<T> = void Function<A>(A x) Function();
int f0([Function x]) => null;
List<Function> f1(int x) => null;
core.List<> f2(List<int> x) => null;
f3(int y, {List<Function> x}) => null;
List<Function> f4<A>(List<int> x) => null;
int Function([Function x]) f5() => null;
int Function(core.List<> x0) f6() => null;
Function Function(int x0, [int x1]) f7() => null;
Function Function(int x0, {List<Function> x}) f8() => null;
List<Function> Function(int x) f9() => null;
List<Function> Function(int y, [List<Function> x]) f10() => null;
List<Function> Function(int x0, [List<int> x1]) f11() => null;
core.List<> Function({Function x}) f12() => null;
core.List<> Function(List<int> x) f13() => null;
List<int> Function(int x0, [Function x]) f14() => null;
List<int> Function([core.List<> x0]) f15() => null;
Function(int x, [int x0]) f16() => null;
Function(int y, {List<Function> x}) f17() => null;
void Function([int x]) f18() => null;
void Function(List<Function> x0) f19() => null;
void Function(int x, [List<int> x0]) f20() => null;
List<Function> Function<A>(List<int> x) f21() => null;
Function<A>() f22() => null;
void Function<A>(A x) f23() => null;
class U12<T> {
final bool tIsBool;
final bool tIsInt;
final bool tIsDynamic;
int Function([Function x]) x0;
List<Function> Function(int x) x1;
core.List<> Function(List<T> x) x2;
Function(int y, {List<Function> x}) x3;
List<Function> Function<A>(List<T> x) x4;
int Function([Function x]) Function() x5;
int Function(core.List<> x0) Function() x6;
Function Function(int x1, [int x2]) Function() x7;
Function Function(int x0, {List<Function> x}) Function() x8;
List<Function> Function(int x) Function() x9;
List<Function> Function(int y, [List<Function> x]) Function() x10;
List<Function> Function(int x1, [List<T> x2]) Function() x11;
core.List<> Function({Function x}) Function() x12;
core.List<> Function(List<T> x) Function() x13;
List<T> Function(int x0, [Function x]) Function() x14;
List<T> Function([core.List<> x1]) Function() x15;
Function(int x, [int x2]) Function() x16;
Function(int y, {List<Function> x}) Function() x17;
void Function([int x]) Function() x18;
void Function(List<Function> x0) Function() x19;
void Function(int x, [List<T> x2]) Function() x20;
List<Function> Function<A>(List<T> x) Function() x21;
Function<A>() Function() x22;
void Function<A>(A x) Function() x23;
U12({this.tIsBool: false, this.tIsInt: false})
: tIsDynamic = !tIsBool && !tIsInt;
int m0([Function x]) => null;
List<Function> m1(int x) => null;
core.List<> m2(List<T> x) => null;
m3(int y, {List<Function> x}) => null;
List<Function> m4<A>(List<T> x) => null;
int Function([Function x]) m5() => null;
int Function(core.List<> x0) m6() => null;
Function Function(int x0, [int x1]) m7() => null;
Function Function(int x0, {List<Function> x}) m8() => null;
List<Function> Function(int x) m9() => null;
List<Function> Function(int y, [List<Function> x]) m10() => null;
List<Function> Function(int x0, [List<T> x1]) m11() => null;
core.List<> Function({Function x}) m12() => null;
core.List<> Function(List<T> x) m13() => null;
List<T> Function(int x0, [Function x]) m14() => null;
List<T> Function([core.List<> x0]) m15() => null;
Function(int x, [int x0]) m16() => null;
Function(int y, {List<Function> x}) m17() => null;
void Function([int x]) m18() => null;
void Function(List<Function> x0) m19() => null;
void Function(int x, [List<T> x0]) m20() => null;
List<Function> Function<A>(List<T> x) m21() => null;
Function<A>() m22() => null;
void Function<A>(A x) m23() => null;
runTests() {
/// int Function([Function x])
void testF0() {
Expect.isTrue(f0 is F0<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f0) is F0<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
int Function([Function x]) l0;
// The static function f0 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x0 = f0 as dynamic;
l0 = f0 as dynamic;
x0 = confuse(f0);
l0 = confuse(f0);
Expect.isTrue(m0 is F0<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m0 is int Function([Function x]));
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m0) is F0<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x0 = m0;
l0 = m0;
x0 = confuse(m0);
l0 = confuse(m0);
/// List<Function> Function(int x)
void testF1() {
Expect.isTrue(f1 is F1<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f1) is F1<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
List<Function> Function(int x) l1;
// The static function f1 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x1 = f1 as dynamic;
l1 = f1 as dynamic;
x1 = confuse(f1);
l1 = confuse(f1);
Expect.isTrue(m1 is F1<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m1 is List<Function> Function(int x));
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m1) is F1<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x1 = m1;
l1 = m1;
x1 = confuse(m1);
l1 = confuse(m1);
/// core.List<> Function(List<T> x)
void testF2() {
Expect.isTrue(f2 is F2<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f2) is F2<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
core.List<> Function(List<T> x) l2;
// The static function f2 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x2 = f2 as dynamic;
l2 = f2 as dynamic;
x2 = confuse(f2);
l2 = confuse(f2);
Expect.isTrue(m2 is F2<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m2 is core.List<> Function(List<T> x));
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m2) is F2<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x2 = m2;
l2 = m2;
x2 = confuse(m2);
l2 = confuse(m2);
// The static function has its T always set to int.
Expect.isTrue(f2 is F2<int>);
Expect.isFalse(f2 is F2<bool>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f2) is F2<int>);
Expect.isFalse(confuse(f2) is F2<bool>);
if (tIsBool) {
Expect.throws(() {
x2 = (f2 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
x2 = confuse(f2);
Expect.throws(() {
l2 = (f2 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
l2 = confuse(f2);
if (tIsInt || tIsBool) {
Expect.equals(true, m2 is F2<int>);
Expect.equals(true, m2 is F2<bool>);
Expect.equals(true, confuse(m2) is F2<int>);
Expect.equals(true, confuse(m2) is F2<bool>);
/// Function(int y, {List<Function> x})
void testF3() {
Expect.isTrue(f3 is F3<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f3) is F3<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
Function(int y, {List<Function> x}) l3;
// The static function f3 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x3 = f3 as dynamic;
l3 = f3 as dynamic;
x3 = confuse(f3);
l3 = confuse(f3);
Expect.isTrue(m3 is F3<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m3 is Function(int y, {List<Function> x}));
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m3) is F3<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x3 = m3;
l3 = m3;
x3 = confuse(m3);
l3 = confuse(m3);
/// List<Function> Function<A>(List<T> x)
void testF4() {
Expect.isTrue(f4 is F4<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f4) is F4<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
List<Function> Function<A>(List<T> x) l4;
// The static function f4 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x4 = f4 as dynamic;
l4 = f4 as dynamic;
x4 = confuse(f4);
l4 = confuse(f4);
Expect.isTrue(m4 is F4<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m4 is List<Function> Function<A>(List<T> x));
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m4) is F4<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x4 = m4;
l4 = m4;
x4 = confuse(m4);
l4 = confuse(m4);
// The static function has its T always set to int.
Expect.isTrue(f4 is F4<int>);
Expect.isFalse(f4 is F4<bool>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f4) is F4<int>);
Expect.isFalse(confuse(f4) is F4<bool>);
if (tIsBool) {
Expect.throws(() {
x4 = (f4 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
x4 = confuse(f4);
Expect.throws(() {
l4 = (f4 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
l4 = confuse(f4);
if (tIsInt || tIsBool) {
Expect.equals(true, m4 is F4<int>);
Expect.equals(true, m4 is F4<bool>);
Expect.equals(true, confuse(m4) is F4<int>);
Expect.equals(true, confuse(m4) is F4<bool>);
/// int Function([Function x]) Function()
void testF5() {
Expect.isTrue(f5 is F5<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f5) is F5<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
int Function([Function x]) Function() l5;
// The static function f5 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x5 = f5 as dynamic;
l5 = f5 as dynamic;
x5 = confuse(f5);
l5 = confuse(f5);
Expect.isTrue(m5 is F5<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m5 is int Function([Function x]) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m5) is F5<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x5 = m5;
l5 = m5;
x5 = confuse(m5);
l5 = confuse(m5);
/// int Function(core.List<> x0) Function()
void testF6() {
Expect.isTrue(f6 is F6<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f6) is F6<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
int Function(core.List<> x0) Function() l6;
// The static function f6 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x6 = f6 as dynamic;
l6 = f6 as dynamic;
x6 = confuse(f6);
l6 = confuse(f6);
Expect.isTrue(m6 is F6<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m6 is int Function(core.List<> x0) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m6) is F6<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x6 = m6;
l6 = m6;
x6 = confuse(m6);
l6 = confuse(m6);
/// Function Function(int x1, [int x2]) Function()
void testF7() {
Expect.isTrue(f7 is F7<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f7) is F7<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
Function Function(int x1, [int x2]) Function() l7;
// The static function f7 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x7 = f7 as dynamic;
l7 = f7 as dynamic;
x7 = confuse(f7);
l7 = confuse(f7);
Expect.isTrue(m7 is F7<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m7 is Function Function(int x1, [int x2]) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m7) is F7<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x7 = m7;
l7 = m7;
x7 = confuse(m7);
l7 = confuse(m7);
/// Function Function(int x0, {List<Function> x}) Function()
void testF8() {
Expect.isTrue(f8 is F8<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f8) is F8<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
Function Function(int x0, {List<Function> x}) Function() l8;
// The static function f8 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x8 = f8 as dynamic;
l8 = f8 as dynamic;
x8 = confuse(f8);
l8 = confuse(f8);
Expect.isTrue(m8 is F8<T>);
m8 is Function Function(int x0, {List<Function> x}) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m8) is F8<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x8 = m8;
l8 = m8;
x8 = confuse(m8);
l8 = confuse(m8);
/// List<Function> Function(int x) Function()
void testF9() {
Expect.isTrue(f9 is F9<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f9) is F9<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
List<Function> Function(int x) Function() l9;
// The static function f9 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x9 = f9 as dynamic;
l9 = f9 as dynamic;
x9 = confuse(f9);
l9 = confuse(f9);
Expect.isTrue(m9 is F9<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m9 is List<Function> Function(int x) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m9) is F9<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x9 = m9;
l9 = m9;
x9 = confuse(m9);
l9 = confuse(m9);
/// List<Function> Function(int y, [List<Function> x]) Function()
void testF10() {
Expect.isTrue(f10 is F10<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f10) is F10<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
List<Function> Function(int y, [List<Function> x]) Function() l10;
// The static function f10 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x10 = f10 as dynamic;
l10 = f10 as dynamic;
x10 = confuse(f10);
l10 = confuse(f10);
Expect.isTrue(m10 is F10<T>);
m10 is List<Function> Function(int y, [List<Function> x]) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m10) is F10<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x10 = m10;
l10 = m10;
x10 = confuse(m10);
l10 = confuse(m10);
/// List<Function> Function(int x1, [List<T> x2]) Function()
void testF11() {
Expect.isTrue(f11 is F11<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f11) is F11<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
List<Function> Function(int x1, [List<T> x2]) Function() l11;
// The static function f11 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x11 = f11 as dynamic;
l11 = f11 as dynamic;
x11 = confuse(f11);
l11 = confuse(f11);
Expect.isTrue(m11 is F11<T>);
m11 is List<Function> Function(int x1, [List<T> x2]) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m11) is F11<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x11 = m11;
l11 = m11;
x11 = confuse(m11);
l11 = confuse(m11);
// The static function has its T always set to int.
Expect.isTrue(f11 is F11<int>);
Expect.isFalse(f11 is F11<bool>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f11) is F11<int>);
Expect.isFalse(confuse(f11) is F11<bool>);
if (tIsBool) {
Expect.throws(() {
x11 = (f11 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
x11 = confuse(f11);
Expect.throws(() {
l11 = (f11 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
l11 = confuse(f11);
if (tIsInt || tIsBool) {
Expect.equals(tIsInt, m11 is F11<int>);
Expect.equals(tIsBool, m11 is F11<bool>);
Expect.equals(tIsInt, confuse(m11) is F11<int>);
Expect.equals(tIsBool, confuse(m11) is F11<bool>);
/// core.List<> Function({Function x}) Function()
void testF12() {
Expect.isTrue(f12 is F12<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f12) is F12<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
core.List<> Function({Function x}) Function() l12;
// The static function f12 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x12 = f12 as dynamic;
l12 = f12 as dynamic;
x12 = confuse(f12);
l12 = confuse(f12);
Expect.isTrue(m12 is F12<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m12 is core.List<> Function({Function x}) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m12) is F12<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x12 = m12;
l12 = m12;
x12 = confuse(m12);
l12 = confuse(m12);
/// core.List<> Function(List<T> x) Function()
void testF13() {
Expect.isTrue(f13 is F13<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f13) is F13<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
core.List<> Function(List<T> x) Function() l13;
// The static function f13 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x13 = f13 as dynamic;
l13 = f13 as dynamic;
x13 = confuse(f13);
l13 = confuse(f13);
Expect.isTrue(m13 is F13<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m13 is core.List<> Function(List<T> x) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m13) is F13<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x13 = m13;
l13 = m13;
x13 = confuse(m13);
l13 = confuse(m13);
// The static function has its T always set to int.
Expect.isTrue(f13 is F13<int>);
Expect.isFalse(f13 is F13<bool>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f13) is F13<int>);
Expect.isFalse(confuse(f13) is F13<bool>);
if (tIsBool) {
Expect.throws(() {
x13 = (f13 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
x13 = confuse(f13);
Expect.throws(() {
l13 = (f13 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
l13 = confuse(f13);
if (tIsInt || tIsBool) {
Expect.equals(tIsInt, m13 is F13<int>);
Expect.equals(tIsBool, m13 is F13<bool>);
Expect.equals(tIsInt, confuse(m13) is F13<int>);
Expect.equals(tIsBool, confuse(m13) is F13<bool>);
/// List<T> Function(int x0, [Function x]) Function()
void testF14() {
Expect.isTrue(f14 is F14<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f14) is F14<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
List<T> Function(int x0, [Function x]) Function() l14;
// The static function f14 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x14 = f14 as dynamic;
l14 = f14 as dynamic;
x14 = confuse(f14);
l14 = confuse(f14);
Expect.isTrue(m14 is F14<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m14 is List<T> Function(int x0, [Function x]) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m14) is F14<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x14 = m14;
l14 = m14;
x14 = confuse(m14);
l14 = confuse(m14);
// The static function has its T always set to int.
Expect.isTrue(f14 is F14<int>);
Expect.isFalse(f14 is F14<bool>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f14) is F14<int>);
Expect.isFalse(confuse(f14) is F14<bool>);
if (tIsBool) {
Expect.throws(() {
x14 = (f14 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
x14 = confuse(f14);
Expect.throws(() {
l14 = (f14 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
l14 = confuse(f14);
if (tIsInt || tIsBool) {
Expect.equals(tIsInt, m14 is F14<int>);
Expect.equals(tIsBool, m14 is F14<bool>);
Expect.equals(tIsInt, confuse(m14) is F14<int>);
Expect.equals(tIsBool, confuse(m14) is F14<bool>);
/// List<T> Function([core.List<> x1]) Function()
void testF15() {
Expect.isTrue(f15 is F15<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f15) is F15<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
List<T> Function([core.List<> x1]) Function() l15;
// The static function f15 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x15 = f15 as dynamic;
l15 = f15 as dynamic;
x15 = confuse(f15);
l15 = confuse(f15);
Expect.isTrue(m15 is F15<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m15 is List<T> Function([core.List<> x1]) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m15) is F15<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x15 = m15;
l15 = m15;
x15 = confuse(m15);
l15 = confuse(m15);
// The static function has its T always set to int.
Expect.isTrue(f15 is F15<int>);
Expect.isFalse(f15 is F15<bool>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f15) is F15<int>);
Expect.isFalse(confuse(f15) is F15<bool>);
if (tIsBool) {
Expect.throws(() {
x15 = (f15 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
x15 = confuse(f15);
Expect.throws(() {
l15 = (f15 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
l15 = confuse(f15);
if (tIsInt || tIsBool) {
Expect.equals(tIsInt, m15 is F15<int>);
Expect.equals(tIsBool, m15 is F15<bool>);
Expect.equals(tIsInt, confuse(m15) is F15<int>);
Expect.equals(tIsBool, confuse(m15) is F15<bool>);
/// Function(int x, [int x2]) Function()
void testF16() {
Expect.isTrue(f16 is F16<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f16) is F16<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
Function(int x, [int x2]) Function() l16;
// The static function f16 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x16 = f16 as dynamic;
l16 = f16 as dynamic;
x16 = confuse(f16);
l16 = confuse(f16);
Expect.isTrue(m16 is F16<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m16 is Function(int x, [int x2]) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m16) is F16<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x16 = m16;
l16 = m16;
x16 = confuse(m16);
l16 = confuse(m16);
/// Function(int y, {List<Function> x}) Function()
void testF17() {
Expect.isTrue(f17 is F17<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f17) is F17<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
Function(int y, {List<Function> x}) Function() l17;
// The static function f17 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x17 = f17 as dynamic;
l17 = f17 as dynamic;
x17 = confuse(f17);
l17 = confuse(f17);
Expect.isTrue(m17 is F17<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m17 is Function(int y, {List<Function> x}) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m17) is F17<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x17 = m17;
l17 = m17;
x17 = confuse(m17);
l17 = confuse(m17);
/// void Function([int x]) Function()
void testF18() {
Expect.isTrue(f18 is F18<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f18) is F18<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
void Function([int x]) Function() l18;
// The static function f18 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x18 = f18 as dynamic;
l18 = f18 as dynamic;
x18 = confuse(f18);
l18 = confuse(f18);
Expect.isTrue(m18 is F18<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m18 is void Function([int x]) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m18) is F18<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x18 = m18;
l18 = m18;
x18 = confuse(m18);
l18 = confuse(m18);
/// void Function(List<Function> x0) Function()
void testF19() {
Expect.isTrue(f19 is F19<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f19) is F19<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
void Function(List<Function> x0) Function() l19;
// The static function f19 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x19 = f19 as dynamic;
l19 = f19 as dynamic;
x19 = confuse(f19);
l19 = confuse(f19);
Expect.isTrue(m19 is F19<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m19 is void Function(List<Function> x0) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m19) is F19<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x19 = m19;
l19 = m19;
x19 = confuse(m19);
l19 = confuse(m19);
/// void Function(int x, [List<T> x2]) Function()
void testF20() {
Expect.isTrue(f20 is F20<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f20) is F20<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
void Function(int x, [List<T> x2]) Function() l20;
// The static function f20 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x20 = f20 as dynamic;
l20 = f20 as dynamic;
x20 = confuse(f20);
l20 = confuse(f20);
Expect.isTrue(m20 is F20<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m20 is void Function(int x, [List<T> x2]) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m20) is F20<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x20 = m20;
l20 = m20;
x20 = confuse(m20);
l20 = confuse(m20);
// The static function has its T always set to int.
Expect.isTrue(f20 is F20<int>);
Expect.isFalse(f20 is F20<bool>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f20) is F20<int>);
Expect.isFalse(confuse(f20) is F20<bool>);
if (tIsBool) {
Expect.throws(() {
x20 = (f20 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
x20 = confuse(f20);
Expect.throws(() {
l20 = (f20 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
l20 = confuse(f20);
if (tIsInt || tIsBool) {
Expect.equals(tIsInt, m20 is F20<int>);
Expect.equals(tIsBool, m20 is F20<bool>);
Expect.equals(tIsInt, confuse(m20) is F20<int>);
Expect.equals(tIsBool, confuse(m20) is F20<bool>);
/// List<Function> Function<A>(List<T> x) Function()
void testF21() {
Expect.isTrue(f21 is F21<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f21) is F21<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
List<Function> Function<A>(List<T> x) Function() l21;
// The static function f21 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x21 = f21 as dynamic;
l21 = f21 as dynamic;
x21 = confuse(f21);
l21 = confuse(f21);
Expect.isTrue(m21 is F21<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m21 is List<Function> Function<A>(List<T> x) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m21) is F21<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x21 = m21;
l21 = m21;
x21 = confuse(m21);
l21 = confuse(m21);
// The static function has its T always set to int.
Expect.isTrue(f21 is F21<int>);
Expect.isFalse(f21 is F21<bool>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f21) is F21<int>);
Expect.isFalse(confuse(f21) is F21<bool>);
if (tIsBool) {
Expect.throws(() {
x21 = (f21 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
x21 = confuse(f21);
Expect.throws(() {
l21 = (f21 as dynamic);
Expect.throws(() {
l21 = confuse(f21);
if (tIsInt || tIsBool) {
Expect.equals(tIsInt, m21 is F21<int>);
Expect.equals(tIsBool, m21 is F21<bool>);
Expect.equals(tIsInt, confuse(m21) is F21<int>);
Expect.equals(tIsBool, confuse(m21) is F21<bool>);
/// Function<A>() Function()
void testF22() {
Expect.isTrue(f22 is F22<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f22) is F22<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
Function<A>() Function() l22;
// The static function f22 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x22 = f22 as dynamic;
l22 = f22 as dynamic;
x22 = confuse(f22);
l22 = confuse(f22);
Expect.isTrue(m22 is F22<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m22 is Function<A>() Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m22) is F22<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x22 = m22;
l22 = m22;
x22 = confuse(m22);
l22 = confuse(m22);
/// void Function<A>(A x) Function()
void testF23() {
Expect.isTrue(f23 is F23<int>);
Expect.isTrue(confuse(f23) is F23<int>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
void Function<A>(A x) Function() l23;
// The static function f23 sets `T` to `int`.
if (tIsInt) {
x23 = f23 as dynamic;
l23 = f23 as dynamic;
x23 = confuse(f23);
l23 = confuse(f23);
Expect.isTrue(m23 is F23<T>);
Expect.isTrue(m23 is void Function<A>(A x) Function());
Expect.isTrue(confuse(m23) is F23<T>);
// In checked mode, verifies the type.
x23 = m23;
l23 = m23;
x23 = confuse(m23);
l23 = confuse(m23);
void main() {
new U12().runTests();
new U12<int>(tIsInt: true).runTests();
new U12<bool>(tIsBool: true).runTests();