blob: d91adce7236647ca1616326a6458ddc15aec2027 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// @dart = 2.9
// Tests that short-circuit operators do not care about the unevaluated part.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
main() {
const C c = C();
// Short-circuited operations.
// Non-taken branch of ?:.
const c1 = true ? c : c + c;
const c2 = false ? c + c : c;
// Non-taken part of &&, ||, ??.
const c3 = (c != null) || c < c;
const c4 = (c == null) && c < c;
const c5 = c ?? c + c;
Expect.identical(c, c1);
Expect.identical(c, c2);
Expect.identical(c, c5);
// Nested short-circuiting.
const c6 = true ? c == null && c + c : c < c;
// Concrete use-case.
Expect.equals(1, const T.length("a").value);
Expect.equals(0, const T.length("").value);
Expect.equals(0, const T.length(null).value);
Expect.equals(1, T.length([1]).value);
Expect.equals(0, T.length([]).value);
Expect.equals(0, T.length(null).value);
Expect.equals(1, const T.asserts("a").value);
Expect.equals(0, const T.asserts("").value);
Expect.equals(0, const T.asserts(null).value);
Expect.equals(1, T.asserts([1]).value);
Expect.equals(0, T.asserts([]).value);
Expect.equals(0, T.asserts(null).value);
class T {
final Object value;
const T(this.value);
const T.length(dynamic l) : value = (l == null ? 0 : l.length);
const T.asserts(dynamic l)
: assert(l == null || l.length < 2),
value = (l ?? "").length;
class C {
const C();
dynamic operator +(dynamic other) => throw "Never";
bool operator <(dynamic other) => throw "Never";