blob: d30640f64a1d364566896a3d6be66793d11872b0 [file] [log] [blame]
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// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=constructor-tearoffs
// Tests that type literals made from type aliases work and
// are canonicalized correctly
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class C<T> {
final T x;
typedef Special = C<int>; // Not generic.
typedef Direct<T> = C<T>;
typedef Bounded<T extends num> = C<T>;
typedef Wrapping<T> = C<C<T>>;
typedef Extra<T, S> = C<T>;
void main() {
const Type co = C<Object?>;
const Type cd = C<dynamic>;
const Type cn = C<num>;
const Type ci = C<int>;
const Type cco = C<C<Object?>>;
const Type ccd = C<C<dynamic>>;
const Type cci = C<C<int>>;
const Type s1 = Special;
const Type d1 = Direct;
const Type d2 = Direct<Object?>;
const Type d3 = Direct<int>;
const Type b1 = Bounded;
const Type b2 = Bounded<num>;
const Type b3 = Bounded<int>;
const Type w1 = Wrapping;
const Type w2 = Wrapping<Object?>;
const Type w3 = Wrapping<int>;
const Type e1 = Extra;
const Type e2 = Extra<Object?, bool>;
const Type e3 = Extra<int, bool>;
Expect.identical(s1, ci);
Expect.identical(d1, cd);
Expect.identical(d2, co);
Expect.identical(d3, ci);
Expect.identical(b1, cn);
Expect.identical(b2, cn);
Expect.identical(b3, ci);
Expect.identical(w1, ccd);
Expect.identical(w2, cco);
Expect.identical(w3, cci);
Expect.identical(e1, cd);
Expect.identical(e2, co);
Expect.identical(e3, ci);
(<T extends num>() {
// Using a non-constant type.
Expect.equals(Direct<T>, ci);
Expect.equals(Bounded<T>, ci);
Expect.equals(Wrapping<T>, cci);
Expect.equals(Extra<T, bool>, ci);