blob: 3030d5344ced26f7704e5a5d83659bc83751ab84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:collection" show HashSet, LinkedHashSet;
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
const Object d = 3.5;
void main() {
var o //
= <int>{1: 1} //# 01: compile-time error
= <int, int, int>{} //# 02: compile-time error
= <int, int, int>{1} //# 03: compile-time error
= <int, int>{1} //# 04: compile-time error
= const <int, int, int>{} //# 05: compile-time error
= const <int, int, int>{1} //# 06: compile-time error
= const <int, int>{1} //# 07: compile-time error
= const {Duration(seconds: 0)} // Overrides ==. //# 08: compile-time error
= const {4.2} // Overrides ==. //# 09: compile-time error
= const {d} // Overrides ==. //# 10: compile-time error
= {,} //# 11: syntax error
= {1,,} //# 12: syntax error
= {1,,1} //# 13: syntax error
Expect.isNull(o); // Should be unreachable with a value.
Set<int>? s //
= {"not int"} //# 14: compile-time error
= {4.2} //# 15: compile-time error
= {1: 1} //# 16: compile-time error
= {{}} //# 17: compile-time error
Set<Set<Object>>? ss //
= {{1: 1}} //# 19: compile-time error
= {<int, int>{}} //# 20: compile-time error
= {<int>{1: 1}} //# 21: compile-time error
= const {ss} //# 22: compile-time error
HashSet<int>? hs //
= {} // Exact type is LinkedHashSet //# 23: compile-time error
<T>(x) {
// Type constants are allowed, type variables are not.
var o //
= const {T} //# 26: compile-time error
= const {x} //# 27: compile-time error
<T extends Set<num>>() {
// Regression test for
// The `Set<Null>` type is not assignable to `T extends Set<num>`,
// so we don't make this a set. You can't assign a map to `T`.
T o //
= {}; //# 28: compile-time error
// Constant sets must not contain equal elements.
const cs = {
1, //# 29: compile-time error
"s", //# 30: compile-time error
#foo, //# 31: compile-time error
int, //# 32: compile-time error
C(1), //# 33: compile-time error
{1}, //# 34: compile-time error
class C {
final Object id;
const C(;