blob: d411e2f40a48d3aeeb26f1b0269e88c46e74c174 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that identifiers in type parameter metadata can refer to other type
// parameters in the same declaration; they are in scope and take precedence
// over top level declarations, even if this leads to compile errors.
/// Top level declaration of T; nothing should resolve to this.
void T() {}
class Annotation {
const Annotation(dynamic d);
class Class<T, @Annotation(T) U> {}
// ^
// [cfe] Type variables can't be used in static members.
void function<T, @Annotation(T) U>() {}
// ^
// [cfe] Type variables can't be used as constants.
extension Extension<T, @Annotation(T) U> on Map<T, U> {}
// ^
// [cfe] Type variables can't be used in static members.
class C {
void method<T, @Annotation(T) U>() {}
// ^
// [cfe] Type variables can't be used as constants.
mixin Mixin<T, @Annotation(T) U> {}
// ^
// [cfe] Type variables can't be used in static members.
typedef void Typedef1<T, @Annotation(T) U>(T t, U u);
// ^
// [cfe] Type variables can't be used as constants.
typedef Typedef2<T, @Annotation(T) U> = void Function(T t, U u);
// ^
// [cfe] Type variables can't be used as constants.