blob: ae4fee43dddbfce7cf49f5da3323689fff5e1cb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test cases where the syntax is ambiguous between maps and sets when control
// flow elements contain spreads.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'utils.dart';
void main() {
Map<int, int> map = {};
Set<int> set = Set();
dynamic dyn = map;
Iterable<int> iterable = [];
CustomSet customSet = CustomSet();
CustomMap customMap = CustomMap();
var _ = {if (true) ...dyn}; //# 00: compile-time error
var _ = {if (true) else ...set}; //# 01: compile-time error
var _ = {if (true) else ...iterable}; //# 02: compile-time error
var _ = {if (true) else ...customSet}; //# 03: compile-time error
var _ = {if (true) ...set else ...customMap}; //# 04: compile-time error
var _ = {if (true) ...dyn else ...dyn}; //# 05: compile-time error
var _ = {if (true) ...iterable else ...customMap}; //# 06: compile-time error
var _ = {if (true) ...customSet else ...customMap}; //# 07: compile-time error
var _ = {for (; false;) ...dyn}; //# 08: compile-time error
var _ = {for (; false;), ...set}; //# 09: compile-time error
var _ = {for (; false;), ...iterable}; //# 10: compile-time error
var _ = {for (; false;), ...customSet}; //# 11: compile-time error
var _ = {for (; false;) ...set, ...customMap}; //# 12: compile-time error
var _ = {for (; false;) ...dyn, ...dyn}; //# 13: compile-time error
var _ = {for (; false;) ...iterable, ...customMap}; //# 14: compile-time error
var _ = {for (; false;) ...customSet, ...customMap}; //# 15: compile-time error