| // Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| library _fe_analyzer_shared.util.link; |
| |
| import 'link_implementation.dart' |
| show LinkBuilderImplementation, LinkEntry, LinkIterator, MappedLinkIterable; |
| |
| class Link<T> implements Iterable<T> { |
| T get head => throw new StateError("no elements"); |
| Link<T>? get tail => null; |
| |
| const Link(); |
| |
| Link<T> prepend(T element) { |
| return new LinkEntry<T>(element, this); |
| } |
| |
| Iterator<T> get iterator => new LinkIterator<T>(this); |
| |
| void printOn(StringBuffer buffer, [separatedBy]) {} |
| |
| List<T> toList({bool growable: true}) { |
| List<T> result = <T>[]; |
| for (Link<T> link = this; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail!) { |
| result.add(link.head); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| /// Lazily maps over this linked list, returning an [Iterable]. |
| Iterable<K> map<K>(K fn(T item)) { |
| return new MappedLinkIterable<T, K>(this, fn); |
| } |
| |
| /// Invokes `fn` for every item in the linked list and returns the results |
| /// in a [List]. |
| /// TODO(scheglov) Rewrite to `List<E>`, or remove. |
| List<E?> mapToList<E>(E fn(T item), {bool growable: true}) { |
| List<E?> result; |
| if (!growable) { |
| result = new List<E?>.filled(slowLength(), null); |
| } else { |
| result = <E?>[]; |
| result.length = slowLength(); |
| } |
| int i = 0; |
| for (Link<T> link = this; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail!) { |
| result[i++] = fn(link.head); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| bool get isEmpty => true; |
| bool get isNotEmpty => false; |
| |
| Link<T> reverse(Link<T> tail) => this; |
| |
| Link<T> reversePrependAll(Link<T> from) { |
| if (from.isEmpty) return this; |
| return this.prepend(from.head).reversePrependAll(from.tail!); |
| } |
| |
| Link<T> skip(int n) { |
| if (n == 0) return this; |
| throw new RangeError('Index $n out of range'); |
| } |
| |
| void forEach(void f(T element)) {} |
| |
| bool operator ==(other) { |
| if (other is! Link<T>) return false; |
| return other.isEmpty; |
| } |
| |
| int get hashCode => throw new UnsupportedError('Link.hashCode'); |
| |
| String toString() => "[]"; |
| |
| get length { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('get:length'); |
| } |
| |
| int slowLength() => 0; |
| |
| // TODO(ahe): Remove this method? |
| bool contains(Object? element) { |
| for (Link<T> link = this; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail!) { |
| if (link.head == element) return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(ahe): Remove this method? |
| T get single { |
| if (isEmpty) throw new StateError('No elements'); |
| if (!tail!.isEmpty) throw new StateError('More than one element'); |
| return head; |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(ahe): Remove this method? |
| T get first { |
| if (isEmpty) throw new StateError('No elements'); |
| return head; |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns true if f returns true for all elements of this list. |
| /// |
| /// Returns true for the empty list. |
| bool every(bool f(T e)) { |
| for (Link<T> link = this; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail!) { |
| if (!f(link.head)) return false; |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| // |
| // Unsupported Iterable<T> methods. |
| // |
| bool any(bool f(T e)) => _unsupported('any'); |
| Iterable<T> cast<T>() => _unsupported('cast'); |
| T elementAt(int i) => _unsupported('elementAt'); |
| Iterable<K> expand<K>(Iterable<K> f(T e)) => _unsupported('expand'); |
| T firstWhere(bool f(T e), {T orElse()?}) => _unsupported('firstWhere'); |
| K fold<K>(K initialValue, K combine(K value, T element)) { |
| return _unsupported('fold'); |
| } |
| |
| Iterable<T> followedBy(Iterable<T> other) => _unsupported('followedBy'); |
| T get last => _unsupported('get:last'); |
| T lastWhere(bool f(T e), {T orElse()?}) => _unsupported('lastWhere'); |
| String join([separator = '']) => _unsupported('join'); |
| T reduce(T combine(T a, T b)) => _unsupported('reduce'); |
| Iterable<T> retype<T>() => _unsupported('retype'); |
| T singleWhere(bool f(T e), {T orElse()?}) => _unsupported('singleWhere'); |
| Iterable<T> skipWhile(bool f(T e)) => _unsupported('skipWhile'); |
| Iterable<T> take(int n) => _unsupported('take'); |
| Iterable<T> takeWhile(bool f(T e)) => _unsupported('takeWhile'); |
| Set<T> toSet() => _unsupported('toSet'); |
| Iterable<T> whereType<T>() => _unsupported('whereType'); |
| Iterable<T> where(bool f(T e)) => _unsupported('where'); |
| |
| _unsupported(String method) => throw new UnsupportedError(method); |
| } |
| |
| /// Builder object for creating linked lists using [Link] or fixed-length [List] |
| /// objects. |
| abstract class LinkBuilder<T> { |
| factory LinkBuilder() = LinkBuilderImplementation<T>; |
| |
| /// Prepends all elements added to the builder to [tail]. The resulting list |
| /// is returned and the builder is cleared. |
| Link<T> toLink(Link<T> tail); |
| |
| /// Creates a new fixed length containing all added elements. The |
| /// resulting list is returned and the builder is cleared. |
| List<T> toList(); |
| |
| /// Adds the element [t] to the end of the list being built. |
| Link<T> addLast(T t); |
| |
| /// Returns the first element in the list being built. |
| T get first; |
| |
| /// Returns the number of elements in the list being built. |
| int get length; |
| |
| /// Returns `true` if the list being built is empty. |
| bool get isEmpty; |
| |
| /// Removes all added elements and resets the builder. |
| void clear(); |
| } |