blob: f5dab4ba293882bdc6844296b1bf0c56d9412651 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library filenames;
import 'relativize.dart' show isWindows;
// For information about how to convert Windows file names to URIs:
String nativeToUriPath(String filename) {
// TODO(ahe): It would be nice to use a Dart library instead.
if (!isWindows) return filename;
filename = filename.replaceAll('\\', '/');
if (filename.length > 2 && filename[1] == ':') {
filename = "/$filename";
return filename;
String uriPathToNative(String path) {
// TODO(ahe): It would be nice to use a Dart library instead.
if (!isWindows) return path;
if (path.length > 3 && path[0] == '/' && path[2] == ':') {
return path.substring(1).replaceAll('/', '\\');
} else {
return path.replaceAll('/', '\\');
Uri nativeToUri(String filename) => Uri.base.resolve(nativeToUriPath(filename));
String appendSlash(String path) => path.endsWith('/') ? path : '$path/';