blob: 18c7c7e6f74a6712bf4d4f46c84d934fa8e54857 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
library _fe_analyzer_shared.scanner.main;
import 'io.dart' show readBytesFromFileSync;
import 'scanner.dart' show ErrorToken, Token, scan;
scanAll(Map<Uri, List<int>> files, {bool verbose: false, bool verify: false}) {
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch()..start();
int byteCount = 0;
files.forEach((Uri uri, List<int> bytes) {
Token token = scan(bytes).tokens;
if (verbose) printTokens(token);
if (verify) verifyErrorTokens(token, uri);
byteCount += bytes.length - 1;
print("Scanning files took: ${sw.elapsed}");
print("Bytes/ms: ${byteCount / sw.elapsedMilliseconds}");
void printTokens(Token token) {
while (!token.isEof) {
print("${token.charOffset}: $token");
token =!;
/// Verify that the fasta scanner recovery has moved all of the ErrorTokens
/// to the beginning of the stream. If an out-of-order ErrorToken is
/// found, then print some diagnostic information and throw an exception.
void verifyErrorTokens(Token firstToken, Uri uri) {
Token token = firstToken;
while (token is ErrorToken) {
token =!;
while (!token.isEof) {
if (token is ErrorToken) {
print('Found out-of-order ErrorTokens when scanning:\n $uri');
// Rescan the token stream up to the error token to find the 10 tokens
// before the out of order ErrorToken.
Token errorToken = token;
Token start = firstToken;
int count = 0;
token = firstToken;
while (token != errorToken) {
token =!;
if (count < 10) {
} else {
start =!;
// Print the out of order error token plus some tokens before and after.
count = 0;
token = start;
while (count < 20 && !token.isEof) {
print("${token.charOffset}: $token");
token =!;
throw 'Out of order ErrorToken: $errorToken';
token =!;
mainEntryPoint(List<String> arguments) {
Map<Uri, List<int>> files = <Uri, List<int>>{};
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch()..start();
bool verbose = const bool.fromEnvironment("printTokens");
bool verify = const bool.fromEnvironment('verifyErrorTokens');
for (String arg in arguments) {
if (arg.startsWith('--')) {
if (arg == '--print-tokens') {
verbose = true;
} else if (arg == '--verify-error-tokens') {
verify = true;
} else {
print('Unrecognized option: $arg');
Uri uri = Uri.base.resolve(arg);
List<int> bytes = readBytesFromFileSync(uri);
files[uri] = bytes;
print("Reading files took: ${sw.elapsed}");
scanAll(files, verbose: verbose, verify: verify);