blob: 44cdf31ca2b7660485b567430f3b9bab74e27647 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../base/errors.dart';
import '../messages/codes.dart';
import 'error_token.dart';
import 'token.dart' show Token, TokenType;
import 'token_constants.dart';
* Translates the given error [token] into an analyzer error and reports it
* using [reportError].
void translateErrorToken(ErrorToken token, ReportError reportError) {
int charOffset = token.charOffset;
// TODO(paulberry,ahe): why is endOffset sometimes null?
int endOffset = token.endOffset ?? charOffset;
void _makeError(ScannerErrorCode errorCode, List<Object>? arguments) {
if (_isAtEnd(token, charOffset)) {
// Analyzer never generates an error message past the end of the input,
// since such an error would not be visible in an editor.
// TODO(paulberry,ahe): would it make sense to replicate this behavior
// in fasta, or move it elsewhere in analyzer?
reportError(errorCode, charOffset, arguments);
Code<dynamic> errorCode = token.errorCode;
switch (errorCode.analyzerCodes?.first) {
// TODO(paulberry,ahe): Fasta reports the error location as the entire
// string; analyzer expects the end of the string.
ScannerErrorCode.UNTERMINATED_STRING_LITERAL, endOffset - 1, null);
// TODO(paulberry,ahe): Fasta reports the error location as the entire
// comment; analyzer expects the end of the comment.
endOffset - 1, null);
// TODO(paulberry,ahe): Fasta reports the error location as the entire
// number; analyzer expects the end of the number.
charOffset = endOffset - 1;
return _makeError(ScannerErrorCode.MISSING_DIGIT, null);
// TODO(paulberry,ahe): Fasta reports the error location as the entire
// number; analyzer expects the end of the number.
charOffset = endOffset - 1;
return _makeError(ScannerErrorCode.MISSING_HEX_DIGIT, null);
// We can safely assume `token.character` is non-`null` because this error
// is only reported when there is a character associated with the token.
return _makeError(ScannerErrorCode.ILLEGAL_CHARACTER, [token.character!]);
return _makeError(ScannerErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATOR,
[(token as UnsupportedOperator).token.lexeme]);
if (errorCode == codeUnmatchedToken) {
charOffset = token.begin!.endToken!.charOffset;
TokenType type = token.begin!.type;
if (type == TokenType.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET ||
return _makeError(ScannerErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, ['}']);
if (type == TokenType.OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET) {
return _makeError(ScannerErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, [']']);
if (type == TokenType.OPEN_PAREN) {
return _makeError(ScannerErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, [')']);
if (type == TokenType.LT) {
return _makeError(ScannerErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, ['>']);
} else if (errorCode == codeUnexpectedDollarInString) {
return _makeError(ScannerErrorCode.MISSING_IDENTIFIER, null);
throw new UnimplementedError(
'$errorCode "${errorCode.analyzerCodes?.first}"');
* Determines whether the given [charOffset], which came from the non-EOF token
* [token], represents the end of the input.
bool _isAtEnd(Token token, int charOffset) {
while (true) {
// Skip to the next token.
token =!;
// If we've found an EOF token, its charOffset indicates where the end of
// the input is.
if (token.isEof) return token.charOffset == charOffset;
// If we've found a non-error token, then we know there is additional input
// text after [charOffset].
if (token.type.kind != BAD_INPUT_TOKEN) return false;
// Otherwise keep looking.
* Used to report a scan error at the given offset.
* The [errorCode] is the error code indicating the nature of the error.
* The [arguments] are any arguments needed to complete the error message.
typedef ReportError(
ScannerErrorCode errorCode, int offset, List<Object>? arguments);
* The error codes used for errors detected by the scanner.
class ScannerErrorCode extends ErrorCode {
* Parameters:
* 0: the token that was expected but not found
static const ScannerErrorCode EXPECTED_TOKEN =
const ScannerErrorCode('EXPECTED_TOKEN', "Expected to find '{0}'.");
* Parameters:
* 0: the illegal character
static const ScannerErrorCode ILLEGAL_CHARACTER =
const ScannerErrorCode('ILLEGAL_CHARACTER', "Illegal character '{0}'.");
static const ScannerErrorCode MISSING_DIGIT =
const ScannerErrorCode('MISSING_DIGIT', "Decimal digit expected.");
static const ScannerErrorCode MISSING_HEX_DIGIT = const ScannerErrorCode(
'MISSING_HEX_DIGIT', "Hexadecimal digit expected.");
static const ScannerErrorCode MISSING_IDENTIFIER =
const ScannerErrorCode('MISSING_IDENTIFIER', "Expected an identifier.");
static const ScannerErrorCode MISSING_QUOTE =
const ScannerErrorCode('MISSING_QUOTE', "Expected quote (' or \").");
* Parameters:
* 0: the path of the file that cannot be read
static const ScannerErrorCode UNABLE_GET_CONTENT = const ScannerErrorCode(
'UNABLE_GET_CONTENT', "Unable to get content of '{0}'.");
static const ScannerErrorCode UNEXPECTED_DOLLAR_IN_STRING =
const ScannerErrorCode(
"A '\$' has special meaning inside a string, and must be followed by "
"an identifier or an expression in curly braces ({}).",
correctionMessage: "Try adding a backslash (\\) to escape the '\$'.");
* Parameters:
* 0: the unsupported operator
static const ScannerErrorCode UNSUPPORTED_OPERATOR = const ScannerErrorCode(
'UNSUPPORTED_OPERATOR', "The '{0}' operator is not supported.");
static const ScannerErrorCode UNTERMINATED_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT =
const ScannerErrorCode(
'UNTERMINATED_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT', "Unterminated multi-line comment.",
correctionMessage: "Try terminating the comment with '*/', or "
"removing any unbalanced occurrences of '/*'"
" (because comments nest in Dart).");
static const ScannerErrorCode UNTERMINATED_STRING_LITERAL =
const ScannerErrorCode(
'UNTERMINATED_STRING_LITERAL', "Unterminated string literal.");
* Initialize a newly created error code to have the given [name]. The message
* associated with the error will be created from the given [problemMessage]
* template. The correction associated with the error will be created from the
* given [correctionMessage] template.
const ScannerErrorCode(String name, String problemMessage,
{String? correctionMessage})
: super(
correctionMessage: correctionMessage,
problemMessage: problemMessage,
name: name,
uniqueName: 'ScannerErrorCode.$name',
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
ErrorType get type => ErrorType.SYNTACTIC_ERROR;