blob: 1c90d0e452bdb41bda83d5363dd700c1ac87fa86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that generic methods with named parameters are of correct type.
library generic_methods_named_parameters_test;
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
typedef FunObjObj = Object? Function<T>(Object?, {Object? y});
typedef FunTypObj = Object? Function<T>(T, {Object? y});
typedef FunObjTyp = Object? Function<T>(Object?, {T? y});
typedef FunTypTyp = Object? Function<T>(T, {T? y});
Object? funObjObj<T>(Object? x, {Object? y}) => x;
Object? funTypObj<T>(T x, {Object? y}) => y;
Object? funObjTyp<T>(Object? x, {T? y}) => x;
Object? funTypTyp<T>(T x, {T? y}) => null;
main() {
Expect.isTrue(funObjObj is FunObjObj);
Expect.isTrue(funObjObj is FunTypObj);
Expect.isTrue(funObjObj is FunObjTyp);
Expect.isTrue(funObjObj is FunTypTyp);
Expect.isTrue(funTypObj is! FunObjObj);
Expect.isTrue(funTypObj is FunTypObj);
Expect.isTrue(funTypObj is! FunObjTyp);
Expect.isTrue(funTypObj is FunTypTyp);
Expect.isTrue(funObjTyp is! FunObjObj);
Expect.isTrue(funObjTyp is! FunTypObj);
Expect.isTrue(funObjTyp is FunObjTyp);
Expect.isTrue(funObjTyp is FunTypTyp);
Expect.isTrue(funTypTyp is! FunObjObj);
Expect.isTrue(funTypTyp is! FunTypObj);
Expect.isTrue(funTypTyp is! FunObjTyp);
Expect.isTrue(funTypTyp is FunTypTyp);