blob: bee1e3525a0c21760f3e7d16053ca1180c41319e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# This file is organized as a two level map, where the outer key corresponds to
# the name of an analyzer error class (e.g. CompileTimeErrorCode), and the inner
# key corresponds to the name of a static variable in that class, describing a
# single diagnostic message. Ideally, each entry contains three parts:
# 1. A message template (problemMessage).
# 2. A suggestion for how to correct the problem (correctionMessage).
# 3. User-facing documentation for the problem (documentation).
# A message shouldn't indicate which kind of diagnostic it is, for example,
# warning or error. This is implied by the analyzer error class. For example,
# all entries in `StaticWarningCode` are warnings.
# See the file [lib/src/fasta/] for more details on how to write
# good diagnostic messages.
# A message used for internal errors should have key that starts with
# "InternalProblem". This way, UX review can prioritize it accordingly.
# Eventually, we'd like to have all diagnostics in one shared location. However,
# for now, we have analyzer error codes and CFE error codes in separate files.
# See `pkg/front_end/messages.yaml` for the CFE error codes.
# ## Parameter Substitution in problemMessage and correctionMessage
# The fields `problemMessage` and `correctionMessage` are subject to parameter
# substitution. When the compiler reports a problem, it may also specify a list
# of values to be substituted into the message. Parameters are declared using
# placeholders of the form `{INTEGER}`, e.g. `{0}` is the zeroth parameter.
problemMessage: "{3} in {0}({1}..{2})"
comment: |-
An error code indicating that there is a syntactic error in the included
0: the path of the file containing the error
1: the starting offset of the text in the file that contains the error
2: the ending offset of the text in the file that contains the error
3: the error message
problemMessage: "{0}"
comment: |-
An error code indicating that there is a syntactic error in the file.
0: the error message from the parse error
problemMessage: "The 'enablePreviewDart2' setting is deprecated."
correctionMessage: It is no longer necessary to explicitly enable Dart 2.
comment: |-
An error code indicating that the enablePreviewDart2 setting is
problemMessage: "The 'strong-mode: true' setting is deprecated."
correctionMessage: It is no longer necessary to explicitly enable strong mode.
comment: "An error code indicating that strong-mode: true is deprecated."
problemMessage: "The 'enableSuperMixins' setting is deprecated."
correctionMessage: "Support has been added to the language for 'mixin' based mixins."
comment: |-
An error code indicating that the enablePreviewDart2 setting is
problemMessage: "The option '{0}' is no longer supported."
comment: An error code indicating that the given option is deprecated.
problemMessage: "Warning in the included options file {0}({1}..{2}): {3}"
comment: |-
An error code indicating a specified include file has a warning.
0: the path of the file containing the warnings
1: the starting offset of the text in the file that contains the warning
2: the ending offset of the text in the file that contains the warning
3: the warning message
problemMessage: "The include file '{0}' in '{1}' can't be found when analyzing '{2}'."
comment: |-
An error code indicating a specified include file could not be found.
0: the uri of the file to be included
1: the path of the file containing the include directive
2: the path of the context being analyzed
problemMessage: "Invalid option specified for '{0}': {1}"
comment: |-
An error code indicating that a plugin is being configured with an invalid
value for an option and a detail message is provided.
problemMessage: "Invalid format for the '{0}' section."
comment: |-
An error code indicating an invalid format for an options file section.
0: the section name
problemMessage: "The option 'strong-mode: false' is no longer supported."
correctionMessage: "It's recommended to remove the 'strong-mode:' setting (and make your code Dart 2 compliant)."
comment: "An error code indicating that strong-mode: false is has been removed."
problemMessage: "'{0}' isn't a recognized error code."
comment: |-
An error code indicating that an unrecognized error code is being used to
specify an error filter.
0: the unrecognized error code
problemMessage: "The option '{1}' isn't supported by '{0}'."
comment: |-
An error code indicating that a plugin is being configured with an
unsupported option and legal options are provided.
0: the plugin name
1: the unsupported option key
problemMessage: "The option '{1}' isn't supported by '{0}'. Try using the only supported option: '{2}'."
comment: |-
An error code indicating that a plugin is being configured with an
unsupported option where there is just one legal value.
0: the plugin name
1: the unsupported option key
2: the legal value
problemMessage: "The option '{1}' isn't supported by '{0}'."
correctionMessage: "Try using one of the supported options: {2}."
comment: |-
An error code indicating that a plugin is being configured with an
unsupported option and legal options are provided.
0: the plugin name
1: the unsupported option key
2: legal values
problemMessage: "The value '{1}' isn't supported by '{0}'."
correctionMessage: "Try using one of the supported options: {2}."
comment: |-
An error code indicating that an option entry is being configured with an
unsupported value.
0: the option name
1: the unsupported value
2: legal values
problemMessage: "Abstract fields can't have initializers."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the field initializer or the 'abstract' keyword from the field declaration."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field that has the `abstract`
modifier also has an initializer.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is marked as
`abstract` and has an initializer:
abstract class C {
abstract int [!f!] = 0;
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is marked as
`abstract` and there's an initializer in the constructor:
abstract class C {
abstract int f;
C() : [!f!] = 0;
#### Common fixes
If the field must be abstract, then remove the initializer:
abstract class C {
abstract int f;
If the field isn't required to be abstract, then remove the keyword:
abstract class C {
int f = 0;
problemMessage: "Abstract fields can't have initializers."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the initializer or the 'abstract' keyword."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "The {0} '{1}' is always abstract in the supertype."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the display name for the kind of the found abstract member
1: the name of the member
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an inherited member is
referenced using `super`, but there is no concrete implementation of the
member in the superclass chain. Abstract members can't be invoked.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `B` doesn't inherit a
concrete implementation of `a`:
abstract class A {
int get a;
class B extends A {
int get a => super.[!a!];
#### Common fixes
Remove the invocation of the abstract member, possibly replacing it with an
invocation of a concrete member.
TODO(brianwilkerson) This either needs to be generalized (use 'member'
rather than '{0}') or split into multiple codes.
problemMessage: "The name '{0}' is defined in the libraries '{1}' and '{2}'."
correctionMessage: Try removing the export of one of the libraries, or explicitly hiding the name in one of the export directives.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the ambiguous element
1: the name of the first library in which the type is found
2: the name of the second library in which the type is found
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when two or more export directives
cause the same name to be exported from multiple libraries.
#### Example
Given a file named `a.dart` containing
class C {}
And a file named `b.dart` containing
class C {}
The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `C` is being
exported from both `a.dart` and `b.dart`:
export 'a.dart';
export [!'b.dart'!];
#### Common fixes
If none of the names in one of the libraries needs to be exported, then
remove the unnecessary export directives:
export 'a.dart';
If all of the export directives are needed, then hide the name in all
except one of the directives:
export 'a.dart';
export 'b.dart' hide C;
problemMessage: "A member named '{0}' is defined in extensions {1}, and none are more specific."
correctionMessage: Try using an extension override to specify the extension you want to be chosen.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the member
1: the name of the first declaring extension
2: the name of the second declaring extension
documentation: |-
#### Description
When code refers to a member of an object (for example, `o.m()` or `o.m` or
`o[i]`) where the static type of `o` doesn't declare the member (`m` or
`[]`, for example), then the analyzer tries to find the member in an
extension. For example, if the member is `m`, then the analyzer looks for
extensions that declare a member named `m` and have an extended type that
the static type of `o` can be assigned to. When there's more than one such
extension in scope, the extension whose extended type is most specific is
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when none of the extensions has an
extended type that's more specific than the extended types of all of the
other extensions, making the reference to the member ambiguous.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because there's no way to
choose between the member in `E1` and the member in `E2`:
extension E1 on String {
int get charCount => 1;
extension E2 on String {
int get charCount => 2;
void f(String s) {
#### Common fixes
If you don't need both extensions, then you can delete or hide one of them.
If you need both, then explicitly select the one you want to use by using
an extension override:
extension E1 on String {
int get charCount => length;
extension E2 on String {
int get charCount => length;
void f(String s) {
problemMessage: "The name '{0}' is defined in the libraries {1}."
correctionMessage: "Try using 'as prefix' for one of the import directives, or hiding the name from all but one of the imports."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the ambiguous type
1: the name of the first library that the type is found
2: the name of the second library that the type is found
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a name is referenced that is
declared in two or more imported libraries.
#### Examples
Given a library (`a.dart`) that defines a class (`C` in this example):
class A {}
class C {}
And a library (`b.dart`) that defines a different class with the same name:
class B {}
class C {}
The following code produces this diagnostic:
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
void f([!C!] c1, [!C!] c2) {}
#### Common fixes
If any of the libraries aren't needed, then remove the import directives
for them:
import 'a.dart';
void f(C c1, C c2) {}
If the name is still defined by more than one library, then add a `hide`
clause to the import directives for all except one library:
import 'a.dart' hide C;
import 'b.dart';
void f(C c1, C c2) {}
If you must be able to reference more than one of these types, then add a
prefix to each of the import directives, and qualify the references with
the appropriate prefix:
import 'a.dart' as a;
import 'b.dart' as b;
void f(a.C c1, b.C c2) {}
problemMessage: "The literal can't be either a map or a set because it contains at least one literal map entry or a spread operator spreading a 'Map', and at least one element which is neither of these."
correctionMessage: Try removing or changing some of the elements so that all of the elements are consistent.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
Because map and set literals use the same delimiters (`{` and `}`), the
analyzer looks at the type arguments and the elements to determine which
kind of literal you meant. When there are no type arguments, then the
analyzer uses the types of the elements. If all of the elements are literal
map entries and all of the spread operators are spreading a `Map` then it's
a `Map`. If none of the elements are literal map entries and all of the
spread operators are spreading an `Iterable`, then it's a `Set`. If neither
of those is true then it's ambiguous.
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when at least one element is a
literal map entry or a spread operator spreading a `Map`, and at least one
element is neither of these, making it impossible for the analyzer to
determine whether you are writing a map literal or a set literal.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic:
union(Map<String, String> a, List<String> b, Map<String, String> c) =>
[!{...a, ...b, ...c}!];
The list `b` can only be spread into a set, and the maps `a` and `c` can
only be spread into a map, and the literal can't be both.
#### Common fixes
There are two common ways to fix this problem. The first is to remove all
of the spread elements of one kind or another, so that the elements are
consistent. In this case, that likely means removing the list and deciding
what to do about the now unused parameter:
union(Map<String, String> a, List<String> b, Map<String, String> c) =>
{...a, ...c};
The second fix is to change the elements of one kind into elements that are
consistent with the other elements. For example, you can add the elements
of the list as keys that map to themselves:
union(Map<String, String> a, List<String> b, Map<String, String> c) =>
{...a, for (String s in b) s: s, ...c};
problemMessage: "This literal must be either a map or a set, but the elements don't have enough information for type inference to work."
correctionMessage: Try adding type arguments to the literal (one for sets, two for maps).
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
Because map and set literals use the same delimiters (`{` and `}`), the
analyzer looks at the type arguments and the elements to determine which
kind of literal you meant. When there are no type arguments and all of the
elements are spread elements (which are allowed in both kinds of literals)
then the analyzer uses the types of the expressions that are being spread.
If all of the expressions have the type `Iterable`, then it's a set
literal; if they all have the type `Map`, then it's a map literal.
This diagnostic is produced when none of the expressions being spread have
a type that allows the analyzer to decide whether you were writing a map
literal or a set literal.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic:
union(a, b) => [!{...a, ...b}!];
The problem occurs because there are no type arguments, and there is no
information about the type of either `a` or `b`.
#### Common fixes
There are three common ways to fix this problem. The first is to add type
arguments to the literal. For example, if the literal is intended to be a
map literal, you might write something like this:
union(a, b) => <String, String>{...a, ...b};
The second fix is to add type information so that the expressions have
either the type `Iterable` or the type `Map`. You can add an explicit cast
or, in this case, add types to the declarations of the two parameters:
union(List<int> a, List<int> b) => {...a, ...b};
The third fix is to add context information. In this case, that means
adding a return type to the function:
Set<String> union(a, b) => {...a, ...b};
In other cases, you might add a type somewhere else. For example, say the
original code looks like this:
union(a, b) {
var x = [!{...a, ...b}!];
return x;
You might add a type annotation on `x`, like this:
union(a, b) {
Map<String, String> x = {...a, ...b};
return x;
problemMessage: "The argument type '{0}' can't be assigned to the parameter type '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the actual argument type
1: the name of the expected type
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the static type of an argument
can't be assigned to the static type of the corresponding parameter.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because a `num` can't be
assigned to a `String`:
String f(String x) => x;
String g(num y) => f([!y!]);
#### Common fixes
If possible, rewrite the code so that the static type is assignable. In the
example above you might be able to change the type of the parameter `y`:
String f(String x) => x;
String g(String y) => f(y);
If that fix isn't possible, then add code to handle the case where the
argument value isn't the required type. One approach is to coerce other
types to the required type:
String f(String x) => x;
String g(num y) => f(y.toString());
Another approach is to add explicit type tests and fallback code:
String f(String x) => x;
String g(num y) => f(y is String ? y : '');
If you believe that the runtime type of the argument will always be the
same as the static type of the parameter, and you're willing to risk having
an exception thrown at runtime if you're wrong, then add an explicit cast:
String f(String x) => x;
String g(num y) => f(y as String);
problemMessage: "A redirecting constructor can't have an 'assert' initializer."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a redirecting constructor (a
constructor that redirects to another constructor in the same class) has an
assert in the initializer list.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the unnamed constructor
is a redirecting constructor and also has an assert in the initializer
class C {
C(int x) : [!assert(x > 0)!],; {}
#### Common fixes
If the assert isn't needed, then remove it:
class C {
C(int x) :; {}
If the assert is needed, then convert the constructor into a factory
class C {
factory C(int x) {
assert(x > 0);
} {}
problemMessage: "Constant variables can't be assigned a value."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the assignment, or remove the modifier 'const' from the variable."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds an assignment to a
top-level variable, a static field, or a local variable that has the
`const` modifier. The value of a compile-time constant can't be changed at
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `c` is being assigned a
value even though it has the `const` modifier:
const c = 0;
void f() {
[!c!] = 1;
#### Common fixes
If the variable must be assignable, then remove the `const` modifier:
var c = 0;
void f() {
c = 1;
If the constant shouldn't be changed, then either remove the assignment or
use a local variable in place of references to the constant:
const c = 0;
void f() {
var v = 1;
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be used as a setter because it's final."
correctionMessage: "Try finding a different setter, or making '{0}' non-final."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the final variable
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds an invocation of a
setter, but there's no setter because the field with the same name was
declared to be `final` or `const`.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `v` is final:
class C {
final v = 0;
f(C c) {
c.[!v!] = 1;
#### Common fixes
If you need to be able to set the value of the field, then remove the
modifier `final` from the field:
class C {
int v = 0;
f(C c) {
c.v = 1;
problemMessage: "The final variable '{0}' can only be set once."
correctionMessage: "Try making '{0}' non-final."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a local variable that was
declared to be final is assigned after it was initialized.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` is final, so it
can't have a value assigned to it after it was initialized:
void f() {
final x = 0;
[!x!] = 3;
#### Common fixes
Remove the keyword `final`, and replace it with `var` if there's no type
void f() {
var x = 0;
x = 3;
problemMessage: "There isn’t a setter named '{0}' in class '{1}'."
correctionMessage: Try correcting the name to reference an existing setter, or declare the setter.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a reference to a setter is
found; there is no setter defined for the type; but there is a getter
defined with the same name.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because there is no setter
named `x` in `C`, but there is a getter named `x`:
class C {
int get x => 0;
set y(int p) {}
void f(C c) {
c.[!x!] = 1;
#### Common fixes
If you want to invoke an existing setter, then correct the name:
class C {
int get x => 0;
set y(int p) {}
void f(C c) {
c.y = 1;
If you want to invoke the setter but it just doesn't exist yet, then
declare it:
class C {
int get x => 0;
set x(int p) {}
set y(int p) {}
void f(C c) {
c.x = 1;
problemMessage: "Functions can't be assigned a value."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the name of a function appears
on the left-hand side of an assignment expression.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the assignment to the
function `f` is invalid:
void f() {}
void g() {
[!f!] = () {};
#### Common fixes
If the right-hand side should be assigned to something else, such as a
local variable, then change the left-hand side:
void f() {}
void g() {
var x = () {};
If the intent is to change the implementation of the function, then define
a function-valued variable instead of a function:
void Function() f = () {};
void g() {
f = () {};
problemMessage: "Methods can't be assigned a value."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the target of an assignment is a
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` can't be assigned a
value because it's a method:
class C {
void f() {}
void g() {
[!f!] = null;
#### Common fixes
Rewrite the code so that there isn't an assignment to a method.
problemMessage: "Types can't be assigned a value."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the name of a type name appears
on the left-hand side of an assignment expression.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the assignment to the
class `C` is invalid:
class C {}
void f() {
[!C!] = null;
#### Common fixes
If the right-hand side should be assigned to something else, such as a
local variable, then change the left-hand side:
void f() {}
void g() {
var c = null;
problemMessage: The async for-in loop can only be used in an async function.
correctionMessage: "Try marking the function body with either 'async' or 'async*', or removing the 'await' before the for-in loop."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an async for-in loop is found in
a function or method whose body isn't marked as being either `async` or
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the body of `f` isn't
marked as being either `async` or `async*`, but `f` contains an async
for-in loop:
void f(list) {
await for (var e [!in!] list) {
#### Common fixes
If the function should return a `Future`, then mark the body with `async`:
Future<void> f(list) async {
await for (var e in list) {
If the function should return a `Stream` of values, then mark the body with
Stream<void> f(list) async* {
await for (var e in list) {
If the function should be synchronous, then remove the `await` before the
void f(list) {
for (var e in list) {
problemMessage: "The 'await' expression can't be used in a 'late' local variable's initializer."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'late' modifier, or rewriting the initializer without using the 'await' expression."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a local variable that has the
`late` modifier uses an `await` expression in the initializer.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because an `await` expression
is used in the initializer for `v`, a local variable that is marked `late`:
Future<int> f() async {
late var v = [!await!] 42;
return v;
#### Common fixes
If the initializer can be rewritten to not use `await`, then rewrite it:
Future<int> f() async {
late var v = 42;
return v;
If the initializer can't be rewritten, then remove the `late` modifier:
Future<int> f() async {
var v = await 42;
return v;
problemMessage: The await expression can only be used in an async function.
correctionMessage: "Try marking the function body with either 'async' or 'async*'."
comment: |-
16.30 Await Expressions: It is a compile-time error if the function
immediately enclosing _a_ is not declared asynchronous. (Where _a_ is the
await expression.)
problemMessage: "The body might complete normally, causing 'null' to be returned, but the return type is a potentially non-nullable type."
correctionMessage: Try adding either a return or a throw statement at the end.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a method or function has a
return type that's [potentially non-nullable][] but would implicitly return
`null` if control reached the end of the function.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the method `m` has an
implicit return of `null` inserted at the end of the method, but the method
is declared to not return `null`:
class C {
int [!m!](int t) {
The following code produces this diagnostic because the method `m` has an
implicit return of `null` inserted at the end of the method, but because
the class `C` can be instantiated with a non-nullable type argument, the
method is effectively declared to not return `null`:
class C<T> {
T [!m!](T t) {
#### Common fixes
If there's a reasonable value that can be returned, then add a `return`
statement at the end of the method:
class C<T> {
T m(T t) {
return t;
If the method won't reach the implicit return, then add a `throw` at the
end of the method:
class C<T> {
T m(T t) {
throw '';
If the method intentionally returns `null` at the end, then change the
return type so that it's valid to return `null`:
class C<T> {
T? m(T t) {
problemMessage: "A break label resolves to the 'case' or 'default' statement."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a break in a case clause inside
a switch statement has a label that is associated with another case clause.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the label `l` is
associated with the case clause for `0`:
void f(int i) {
switch (i) {
l: case 0:
case 1:
break [!l!];
#### Common fixes
If the intent is to transfer control to the statement after the switch,
then remove the label from the break statement:
void f(int i) {
switch (i) {
case 0:
case 1:
If the intent is to transfer control to a different case block, then use
`continue` rather than `break`:
void f(int i) {
switch (i) {
l: case 0:
case 1:
continue l;
problemMessage: "The built-in identifier '{0}' can't be used as a type."
correctionMessage: Try correcting the name to match an existing type.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the built-in identifier that is being used
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a built-in identifier is used
where a type name is expected.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `import` can't be used
as a type because it's a built-in identifier:
[!import!]<int> x;
#### Common fixes
Replace the built-in identifier with the name of a valid type:
List<int> x;
problemMessage: "The built-in identifier '{0}' can't be used as an extension name."
correctionMessage: Try choosing a different name for the extension.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the built-in identifier that is being used
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the name used in the declaration
of a class, extension, mixin, typedef, type parameter, or import prefix is
a built-in identifier. Built-in identifiers can’t be used to name any of
these kinds of declarations.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `mixin` is a built-in
extension [!mixin!] on int {}
#### Common fixes
Choose a different name for the declaration.
problemMessage: "The built-in identifier '{0}' can't be used as a prefix name."
correctionMessage: Try choosing a different name for the prefix.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the built-in identifier that is being used
problemMessage: "The built-in identifier '{0}' can't be used as a type name."
correctionMessage: Try choosing a different name for the type.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the built-in identifier that is being used
problemMessage: "The built-in identifier '{0}' can't be used as a type parameter name."
correctionMessage: Try choosing a different name for the type parameter.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the built-in identifier that is being used
problemMessage: "The built-in identifier '{0}' can't be used as a typedef name."
correctionMessage: Try choosing a different name for the typedef.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the built-in identifier that is being used
problemMessage: "The last statement of the 'case' should be 'break', 'continue', 'rethrow', 'return', or 'throw'."
correctionMessage: Try adding one of the required statements.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the last statement in a `case`
block isn't one of the required terminators: `break`, `continue`,
`rethrow`, `return`, or `throw`.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the `case` block ends
with an assignment:
void f(int x) {
switch (x) {
[!case!] 0:
x += 2;
x += 1;
#### Common fixes
Add one of the required terminators:
void f(int x) {
switch (x) {
case 0:
x += 2;
x += 1;
problemMessage: "The switch case expression type '{0}' can't override the '==' operator."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the this of the switch case expression
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type of the expression
following the keyword `case` has an implementation of the `==` operator
other than the one in `Object`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the expression
following the keyword `case` (`C(0)`) has the type `C`, and the class `C`
overrides the `==` operator:
class C {
final int value;
const C(this.value);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return false;
void f(C c) {
switch (c) {
case [!C(0)!]:
#### Common fixes
If there isn't a strong reason not to do so, then rewrite the code to use
an if-else structure:
class C {
final int value;
const C(this.value);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return false;
void f(C c) {
if (c == C(0)) {
// ...
If you can't rewrite the switch statement and the implementation of `==`
isn't necessary, then remove it:
class C {
final int value;
const C(this.value);
void f(C c) {
switch (c) {
case C(0):
If you can't rewrite the switch statement and you can't remove the
definition of `==`, then find some other value that can be used to control
the switch:
class C {
final int value;
const C(this.value);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return false;
void f(C c) {
switch (c.value) {
case 0:
problemMessage: "The switch case expression type '{0}' must be a subtype of the switch expression type '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the type of the case expression
1: the type of the switch expression
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the expression following `case`
in a `switch` statement has a static type that isn't a subtype of the
static type of the expression following `switch`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `1` is an `int`, which
isn't a subtype of `String` (the type of `s`):
void f(String s) {
switch (s) {
case [!1!]:
#### Common fixes
If the value of the `case` expression is wrong, then change the `case`
expression so that it has the required type:
void f(String s) {
switch (s) {
case '1':
If the value of the `case` expression is correct, then change the `switch`
expression to have the required type:
void f(int s) {
switch (s) {
case 1:
problemMessage: "The name '{0}' isn't a type, so it can't be used in an 'as' expression."
correctionMessage: "Try changing the name to the name of an existing type, or creating a type with the name '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the name following the `as` in a
cast expression is defined to be something other than a type.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` is a variable, not
a type:
num x = 0;
int y = x as [!x!];
#### Common fixes
Replace the name with the name of a type:
num x = 0;
int y = x as int;
problemMessage: "The instance member '{0}' can't be accessed on a class instantiation."
correctionMessage: Try changing the member name to the name of a constructor.
comment: |-
0: the name of the member
problemMessage: "The class '{0} doesn't have a constructor named '{1}."
correctionMessage: "Try invoking a different constructor, or defining a constructor named '{1}'."
comment: |-
0: the name of the member
problemMessage: "The static member '{0}' can't be accessed on a class instantiation."
correctionMessage: Try removing the type arguments from the class name, or changing the member name to the name of a constructor.
comment: |-
0: the name of the member
problemMessage: "Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as keys in a 'const' map literal."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'const' from the map literal or removing the keyword 'deferred' from the import."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as values in a 'const' list literal."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'const' from the list literal or removing the keyword 'deferred' from the import."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a collection literal that is
either explicitly (because it's prefixed by the `const` keyword) or
implicitly (because it appears in a [constant context][]) a constant
contains a value that is declared in a library that is imported using a
deferred import. Constants are evaluated at compile time, and values from
deferred libraries aren't available at compile time.
For more information, see the language tour's coverage of
[deferred loading](
#### Example
Given a file (`a.dart`) that defines the constant `zero`:
const zero = 0;
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constant list
literal contains ``, which is imported using a `deferred` import:
import 'a.dart' deferred as a;
var l = const [[!!]];
#### Common fixes
If the collection literal isn't required to be constant, then remove the
`const` keyword:
import 'a.dart' deferred as a;
var l = [];
If the collection is required to be constant and the imported constant must
be referenced, then remove the keyword `deferred` from the import:
import 'a.dart' as a;
var l = const [];
If you don't need to reference the constant, then replace it with a
suitable value:
var l = const [0];
problemMessage: "Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as values in a 'const' set literal."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'const' from the set literal or removing the keyword 'deferred' from the import."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as values in a 'const' map literal."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'const' from the map literal or removing the keyword 'deferred' from the import."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "'{0}' must have a method body because '{1}' isn't abstract."
correctionMessage: "Try making '{1}' abstract, or adding a body to '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the abstract method
1: the name of the enclosing class
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a member of a concrete class is
found that doesn't have a concrete implementation. Concrete classes aren't
allowed to contain abstract members.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `m` is an abstract
method but `C` isn't an abstract class:
class C {
[!void m();!]
#### Common fixes
If it's valid to create instances of the class, provide an implementation
for the member:
class C {
void m() {}
If it isn't valid to create instances of the class, mark the class as being
abstract class C {
void m();
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be used to name both a constructor and a static field in this class."
correctionMessage: Try renaming either the constructor or the field.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the constructor and field
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a named constructor and either a
static method or static field have the same name. Both are accessed using
the name of the class, so having the same name makes the reference
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the static field `foo`
and the named constructor `foo` have the same name:
class C {
static int foo = 0;
The following code produces this diagnostic because the static method `foo`
and the named constructor `foo` have the same name:
class C {
static void foo() {}
#### Common fixes
Rename either the member or the constructor.
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be used to name both a constructor and a static getter in this class."
correctionMessage: Try renaming either the constructor or the getter.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the constructor and getter
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be used to name both a constructor and a static method in this class."
correctionMessage: Try renaming either the constructor or the method.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the constructor
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be used to name both a constructor and a static setter in this class."
correctionMessage: Try renaming either the constructor or the setter.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the constructor and setter
problemMessage: "Class '{0}' can't define field '{1}' and have method '{2}.{1}' with the same name."
correctionMessage: "Try converting the getter to a method, or renaming the field to a name that doesn't conflict."
comment: |-
10.11 Class Member Conflicts: Let `C` be a class. It is a compile-time
error if `C` declares a getter or a setter with basename `n`, and has a
method named `n`.
0: the name of the class defining the conflicting field
1: the name of the conflicting field
2: the name of the class defining the method with which the field conflicts
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' can't implement both '{1}' and '{2}' because the type arguments are different."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the class implementing the conflicting interface
1: the first conflicting type
2: the second conflicting type
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class attempts to implement a
generic interface multiple times, and the values of the type arguments
aren't the same.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `C` is defined to
implement both `I<int>` (because it extends `A`) and `I<String>` (because
it implements`B`), but `int` and `String` aren't the same type:
class I<T> {}
class A implements I<int> {}
class B implements I<String> {}
class [!C!] extends A implements B {}
#### Common fixes
Rework the type hierarchy to avoid this situation. For example, you might
make one or both of the inherited types generic so that `C` can specify the
same type for both type arguments:
class I<T> {}
class A<S> implements I<S> {}
class B implements I<String> {}
class C extends A<String> implements B {}
problemMessage: "Class '{0}' can't define method '{1}' and have field '{2}.{1}' with the same name."
correctionMessage: "Try converting the method to a getter, or renaming the method to a name that doesn't conflict."
comment: |-
10.11 Class Member Conflicts: Let `C` be a class. It is a compile-time
error if `C` declares a method named `n`, and has a getter or a setter
with basename `n`.
0: the name of the class defining the conflicting method
1: the name of the conflicting method
2: the name of the class defining the field with which the method conflicts
problemMessage: "Class '{0}' can't define static member '{1}' and have instance member '{2}.{1}' with the same name."
correctionMessage: "Try renaming the member to a name that doesn't conflict."
comment: |-
10.11 Class Member Conflicts: Let `C` be a class. It is a compile-time
error if `C` declares a static member with basename `n`, and has an
instance member with basename `n`.
0: the name of the class defining the conflicting member
1: the name of the conflicting static member
2: the name of the class defining the field with which the method conflicts
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be used to name both a type variable and the class in which the type variable is defined."
correctionMessage: Try renaming either the type variable or the class.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type variable
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class, mixin, or extension
declaration declares a type parameter with the same name as the class,
mixin, or extension that declares it.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameter `C`
has the same name as the class `C` of which it's a part:
class C<[!C!]> {}
#### Common fixes
Rename either the type parameter, or the class, mixin, or extension:
class C<T> {}
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be used to name both a type variable and the extension in which the type variable is defined."
correctionMessage: Try renaming either the type variable or the extension.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type variable
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be used to name both a type variable and the mixin in which the type variable is defined."
correctionMessage: Try renaming either the type variable or the mixin.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type variable
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be used to name both a type variable and a member in this class."
correctionMessage: Try renaming either the type variable or the member.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type variable
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class, mixin, or extension
declaration declares a type parameter with the same name as one of the
members of the class, mixin, or extension that declares it.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameter `T`
has the same name as the field `T`:
class C<[!T!]> {
int T = 0;
#### Common fixes
Rename either the type parameter or the member with which it conflicts:
class C<T> {
int total = 0;
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be used to name both a type variable and a member in this mixin."
correctionMessage: Try renaming either the type variable or the member.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type variable
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be used to name both a type variable and a member in this extension."
correctionMessage: Try renaming either the type variable or the member.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type variable
problemMessage: "In a const constructor, a value of type '{0}' can't be assigned to the field '{1}', which has type '{2}'."
correctionMessage: "Try using a subtype, or removing the keyword 'const'."
comment: |-
16.12.2 Const: It is a compile-time error if evaluation of a constant
object results in an uncaught exception being thrown.
problemMessage: "A value of type '{0}' can't be assigned to a parameter of type '{1}' in a const constructor."
correctionMessage: "Try using a subtype, or removing the keyword 'const'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the type of the runtime value of the argument
1: the static type of the parameter
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the runtime type of a constant
value can't be assigned to the static type of a constant constructor's
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the runtime type of `i`
is `int`, which can't be assigned to the static type of `s`:
class C {
final String s;
const C(this.s);
const dynamic i = 0;
void f() {
const C([!i!]);
#### Common fixes
Pass a value of the correct type to the constructor:
class C {
final String s;
const C(this.s);
const dynamic i = 0;
void f() {
const C('$i');
problemMessage: "Const constructors can't throw exceptions."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the throw statement, or removing the keyword 'const'."
comment: |-
16.12.2 Const: It is a compile-time error if evaluation of a constant
object results in an uncaught exception being thrown.
problemMessage: "Can't define the 'const' constructor because the field '{0}' is initialized with a non-constant value."
correctionMessage: "Try initializing the field to a constant value, or removing the keyword 'const' from the constructor."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the field
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constructor has the keyword
`const`, but a field in the class is initialized to a non-constant value.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `s` is
initialized to a non-constant value:
class C {
final String s = 3.toString();
[!const!] C();
#### Common fixes
If the field can be initialized to a constant value, then change the
initializer to a constant expression:
class C {
final String s = '3';
const C();
If the field can't be initialized to a constant value, then remove the
keyword `const` from the constructor:
class C {
final String s = 3.toString();
problemMessage: "This constructor can't be declared 'const' because a mixin adds the instance field: {0}."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'const' keyword or removing the 'with' clause from the class declaration, or removing the field from the mixin class."
comment: |-
7.6.3 Constant Constructors: The superinitializer that appears, explicitly
or implicitly, in the initializer list of a constant constructor must
specify a constant constructor of the superclass of the immediately
enclosing class or a compile-time error occurs.
12.1 Mixin Application: For each generative constructor named ... an
implicitly declared constructor named ... is declared. If Sq is a
generative const constructor, and M does not declare any fields, Cq is
also a const constructor.
0: the name of the instance field.
problemMessage: "This constructor can't be declared 'const' because the mixins add the instance fields: {0}."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'const' keyword or removing the 'with' clause from the class declaration, or removing the fields from the mixin classes."
comment: |-
7.6.3 Constant Constructors: The superinitializer that appears, explicitly
or implicitly, in the initializer list of a constant constructor must
specify a constant constructor of the superclass of the immediately
enclosing class or a compile-time error occurs.
12.1 Mixin Application: For each generative constructor named ... an
implicitly declared constructor named ... is declared. If Sq is a
generative const constructor, and M does not declare any fields, Cq is
also a const constructor.
0: the names of the instance fields.
problemMessage: "A constant constructor can't call a non-constant super constructor of '{0}'."
correctionMessage: "Try calling a constant constructor in the superclass, or removing the keyword 'const' from the constructor."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the superclass
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constructor that is marked as
`const` invokes a constructor from its superclass that isn't marked as
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the `const` constructor
in `B` invokes the constructor `nonConst` from the class `A`, and the
superclass constructor isn't a `const` constructor:
class A {
const A();
class B extends A {
const B() : [!super.nonConst()!];
#### Common fixes
If it isn't essential to invoke the superclass constructor that is
currently being invoked, then invoke a constant constructor from the
class A {
const A();
class B extends A {
const B() : super();
If it's essential that the current constructor be invoked and if you can
modify it, then add `const` to the constructor in the superclass:
class A {
const A();
const A.nonConst();
class B extends A {
const B() : super.nonConst();
If it's essential that the current constructor be invoked and you can't
modify it, then remove `const` from the constructor in the subclass:
class A {
const A();
class B extends A {
B() : super.nonConst();
problemMessage: "Can't define a const constructor for a class with non-final fields."
correctionMessage: "Try making all of the fields final, or removing the keyword 'const' from the constructor."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constructor is marked as a
const constructor, but the constructor is defined in a class that has at
least one non-final instance field (either directly or by inheritance).
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `x` isn't
class C {
int x;
const [!C!](this.x);
#### Common fixes
If it's possible to mark all of the fields as final, then do so:
class C {
final int x;
const C(this.x);
If it isn't possible to mark all of the fields as final, then remove the
keyword `const` from the constructor:
class C {
int x;
problemMessage: "Deferred classes can't be created with 'const'."
correctionMessage: "Try using 'new' to create the instance, or changing the import to not be deferred."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class from a library that is
imported using a deferred import is used to create a `const` object.
Constants are evaluated at compile time, and classes from deferred
libraries aren't available at compile time.
For more information, see the language tour's coverage of
[deferred loading](
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because it attempts to create a
`const` instance of a class from a deferred library:
import 'dart:convert' deferred as convert;
const json2 = [!convert.JsonCodec()!];
#### Common fixes
If the object isn't required to be a constant, then change the code so that
a non-constant instance is created:
import 'dart:convert' deferred as convert;
final json2 = convert.JsonCodec();
If the object must be a constant, then remove `deferred` from the import
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
const json2 = convert.JsonCodec();
problemMessage: Evaluation of this constant expression throws an exception.
comment: |-
16.12.2 Const: It is a compile-time error if evaluation of a constant
object results in an uncaught exception being thrown.
problemMessage: Evaluation of this constant expression throws an IntegerDivisionByZeroException.
comment: |-
16.12.2 Const: It is a compile-time error if evaluation of a constant
object results in an uncaught exception being thrown.
problemMessage: "In constant expressions, operands of this operator must be of type 'bool'."
comment: |-
16.12.2 Const: An expression of one of the forms !e, e1 && e2 or e1 || e2,
where e, e1 and e2 are constant expressions that evaluate to a boolean
problemMessage: "In constant expressions, operands of this operator must be of type 'bool' or 'int'."
comment: |-
16.12.2 Const: An expression of one of the forms !e, e1 && e2 or e1 || e2,
where e, e1 and e2 are constant expressions that evaluate to a boolean
problemMessage: "In constant expressions, operands of this operator must be of type 'bool', 'num', 'String' or 'null'."
comment: |-
16.12.2 Const: An expression of one of the forms e1 == e2 or e1 != e2 where
e1 and e2 are constant expressions that evaluate to a numeric, string or
boolean value or to null.
problemMessage: "In constant expressions, operands of this operator must be of type 'int'."
comment: |-
16.12.2 Const: An expression of one of the forms ~e, e1 ^ e2, e1 & e2,
e1 | e2, e1 >> e2 or e1 << e2, where e, e1 and e2 are constant expressions
that evaluate to an integer value or to null.
problemMessage: "In constant expressions, operands of this operator must be of type 'num'."
comment: |-
16.12.2 Const: An expression of one of the forms e, e1 + e2, e1 - e2, e1
e2, e1 / e2, e1 ~/ e2, e1 > e2, e1 < e2, e1 >= e2, e1 <= e2 or e1 % e2,
where e, e1 and e2 are constant expressions that evaluate to a numeric
value or to null.
problemMessage: "In constant expressions, operands of this operator must be of type 'Type'."
problemMessage: Const variables must be initialized with a constant value.
correctionMessage: Try changing the initializer to be a constant expression.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a value that isn't statically
known to be a constant is assigned to a variable that's declared to be a
`const` variable.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` isn't declared to
be `const`:
var x = 0;
const y = [!x!];
#### Common fixes
If the value being assigned can be declared to be `const`, then change the
const x = 0;
const y = x;
If the value can't be declared to be `const`, then remove the `const`
modifier from the variable, possibly using `final` in its place:
var x = 0;
final y = x;
problemMessage: "Constant values from a deferred library can't be used to initialize a 'const' variable."
correctionMessage: Try initializing the variable without referencing members of the deferred library, or changing the import to not be deferred.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a `const` variable is
initialized using a `const` variable from a library that is imported using
a deferred import. Constants are evaluated at compile time, and values from
deferred libraries aren't available at compile time.
For more information, see the language tour's coverage of
[deferred loading](
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the variable `pi` is
being initialized using the constant `math.pi` from the library
`dart:math`, and `dart:math` is imported as a deferred library:
import 'dart:math' deferred as math;
const pi = [!math.pi!];
#### Common fixes
If you need to reference the value of the constant from the imported
library, then remove the keyword `deferred`:
import 'dart:math' as math;
const pi = math.pi;
If you don't need to reference the imported constant, then remove the
const pi = 3.14;
problemMessage: Only static fields can be declared as const.
correctionMessage: "Try declaring the field as final, or adding the keyword 'static'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an instance field is marked as
being const.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is an instance
class C {
[!const!] int f = 3;
#### Common fixes
If the field needs to be an instance field, then remove the keyword
`const`, or replace it with `final`:
class C {
final int f = 3;
If the field really should be a const field, then make it a static field:
class C {
static const int f = 3;
problemMessage: "The type of a key in a constant map can't override the '==' operator, but the class '{0}' does."
correctionMessage: "Try using a different value for the key, or removing the keyword 'const' from the map."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the type of the entry's key
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the class of object used as a
key in a constant map literal implements the `==` operator. The
implementation of constant maps uses the `==` operator, so any
implementation other than the one inherited from `Object` requires
executing arbitrary code at compile time, which isn't supported.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constant map
contains a key whose type is `C`, and the class `C` overrides the
implementation of `==`:
class C {
const C();
bool operator ==(Object other) => true;
const map = {[!C()!] : 0};
#### Common fixes
If you can remove the implementation of `==` from the class, then do so:
class C {
const C();
const map = {C() : 0};
If you can't remove the implementation of `==` from the class, then make
the map be non-constant:
class C {
const C();
bool operator ==(Object other) => true;
final map = {C() : 0};
problemMessage: "The constant '{0}' must be initialized."
correctionMessage: Try adding an initialization to the declaration.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the uninitialized final variable
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a variable that is declared to
be a constant doesn't have an initializer.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `c` isn't initialized:
const [!c!];
#### Common fixes
Add an initializer:
const c = 'c';
problemMessage: "The type of an element in a constant set can't override the '==' operator, but the type '{0}' does."
correctionMessage: "Try using a different value for the element, or removing the keyword 'const' from the set."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the type of the element
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the class of object used as an
element in a constant set literal implements the `==` operator. The
implementation of constant sets uses the `==` operator, so any
implementation other than the one inherited from `Object` requires
executing arbitrary code at compile time, which isn't supported.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constant set
contains an element whose type is `C`, and the class `C` overrides the
implementation of `==`:
class C {
const C();
bool operator ==(Object other) => true;
const set = {[!C()!]};
#### Common fixes
If you can remove the implementation of `==` from the class, then do so:
class C {
const C();
const set = {C()};
If you can't remove the implementation of `==` from the class, then make
the set be non-constant:
class C {
const C();
bool operator ==(Object other) => true;
final set = {C()};
problemMessage: A list or a set is expected in this spread.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the expression of a spread
operator in a constant list or set evaluates to something other than a list
or a set.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the value of `list1` is
`null`, which is neither a list nor a set:
const List<int> list1 = null;
const List<int> list2 = [...[!list1!]];
#### Common fixes
Change the expression to something that evaluates to either a constant list
or a constant set:
const List<int> list1 = [];
const List<int> list2 = [...list1];
problemMessage: A map is expected in this spread.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the expression of a spread
operator in a constant map evaluates to something other than a map.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the value of `map1` is
`null`, which isn't a map:
const Map<String, int> map1 = null;
const Map<String, int> map2 = {...[!map1!]};
#### Common fixes
Change the expression to something that evaluates to a constant map:
const Map<String, int> map1 = {};
const Map<String, int> map2 = {...map1};
problemMessage: "The constructor being called isn't a const constructor."
correctionMessage: "Try removing 'const' from the constructor invocation."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the keyword `const` is used to
invoke a constructor that isn't marked with `const`.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constructor in `A`
isn't a const constructor:
class A {
A f() => [!const!] A();
#### Common fixes
If it's desirable and possible to make the class a constant class (by
making all of the fields of the class, including inherited fields, final),
then add the keyword `const` to the constructor:
class A {
const A();
A f() => const A();
Otherwise, remove the keyword `const`:
class A {
A f() => A();
problemMessage: Arguments of a constant creation must be constant expressions.
correctionMessage: "Try making the argument a valid constant, or use 'new' to call the constructor."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a const constructor is invoked
with an argument that isn't a constant expression.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `i` isn't a constant:
class C {
final int i;
const C(this.i);
C f(int i) => const C([!i!]);
#### Common fixes
Either make all of the arguments constant expressions, or remove the
`const` keyword to use the non-constant form of the constructor:
class C {
final int i;
const C(this.i);
C f(int i) => C(i);
problemMessage: "A constant creation can't use a type parameter as a type argument."
correctionMessage: Try replacing the type parameter with a different type.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a type parameter is used as a
type argument in a `const` invocation of a constructor. This isn't allowed
because the value of the type parameter (the actual type that will be used
at runtime) can't be known at compile time.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameter `T`
is being used as a type argument when creating a constant:
class C<T> {
const C();
C<T> newC<T>() => const C<[!T!]>();
#### Common fixes
If the type that will be used for the type parameter can be known at
compile time, then remove the use of the type parameter:
class C<T> {
const C();
C<int> newC() => const C<int>();
If the type that will be used for the type parameter can't be known until
runtime, then remove the keyword `const`:
class C<T> {
const C();
C<T> newC<T>() => C<T>();
problemMessage: "A constant constructor tearoff can't use a type parameter as a type argument."
correctionMessage: Try replacing the type parameter with a different type.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "A constant function tearoff can't use a type parameter as a type argument."
correctionMessage: Try replacing the type parameter with a different type.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' doesn't have a constant constructor '{1}'."
correctionMessage: Try calling a different constructor.
comment: |-
16.12.2 Const: It is a compile-time error if <i></i> is not the name of
a constant constructor declared by the type <i>T</i>.
0: the name of the type
1: the name of the requested constant constructor
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' doesn't have an unnamed constant constructor."
correctionMessage: Try calling a different constructor.
comment: |-
16.12.2 Const: It is a compile-time error if <i></i> is not the name of
a constant constructor declared by the type <i>T</i>.
0: the name of the type
problemMessage: A continue label resolves to switch, must be loop or switch member
problemMessage: "Couldn't infer type parameter '{0}'.{1}"
comment: |-
0: the name of the type parameter
1: detail text explaining why the type could not be inferred
problemMessage: "The name '{0}' isn't a class."
correctionMessage: Try correcting the name to match an existing class.
isUnresolvedIdentifier: true
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the non-type element
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an instance creation using
either `new` or `const` specifies a name that isn't defined as a class.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is a function
rather than a class:
int f() => 0;
void g() {
new [!f!]();
#### Common fixes
If a class should be created, then replace the invalid name with the name
of a valid class:
int f() => 0;
void g() {
new Object();
If the name is the name of a function and you want that function to be
invoked, then remove the `new` or `const` keyword:
int f() => 0;
void g() {
problemMessage: "The name '{0}' isn't a class."
correctionMessage: Try correcting the name to match an existing class.
isUnresolvedIdentifier: true
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the non-type element
problemMessage: "The default 'List' constructor isn't available when null safety is enabled."
correctionMessage: "Try using a list literal, 'List.filled' or 'List.generate'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds a use of the default
constructor for the class `List` in code that has opted in to null safety.
#### Example
Assuming the following code is opted in to null safety, it produces this
diagnostic because it uses the default `List` constructor:
var l = [!List<int>!]();
#### Common fixes
If no initial size is provided, then convert the code to use a list
var l = <int>[];
If an initial size needs to be provided and there is a single reasonable
initial value for the elements, then use `List.filled`:
var l = List.filled(3, 0);
If an initial size needs to be provided but each element needs to be
computed, then use `List.generate`:
var l = List.generate(3, (i) => i);
problemMessage: "Default values aren't allowed in factory constructors that redirect to another constructor."
correctionMessage: Try removing the default value.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a factory constructor that
redirects to another constructor specifies a default value for an optional
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the factory constructor
in `A` has a default value for the optional parameter `x`:
class A {
factory A([int [!x!] = 0]) = B;
class B implements A {
B([int x = 1]) {}
#### Common fixes
Remove the default value from the factory constructor:
class A {
factory A([int x]) = B;
class B implements A {
B([int x = 1]) {}
Note that this fix might change the value used when the optional parameter
is omitted. If that happens, and if that change is a problem, then consider
making the optional parameter a required parameter in the factory method:
class A {
factory A(int x) = B;
class B implements A {
B([int x = 1]) {}
problemMessage: "Required named parameters can't have a default value."
correctionMessage: "Try removing either the default value or the 'required' modifier."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a named parameter has both the
`required` modifier and a default value. If the parameter is required, then
a value for the parameter is always provided at the call sites, so the
default value can never be used.
#### Examples
The following code generates this diagnostic:
void log({required String [!message!] = 'no message'}) {}
#### Common fixes
If the parameter is really required, then remove the default value:
void log({required String message}) {}
If the parameter isn't always required, then remove the `required`
void log({String message = 'no message'}) {}
problemMessage: Imports of deferred libraries must hide all extensions.
correctionMessage: Try adding either a show combinator listing the names you need to reference or a hide combinator listing all of the extensions.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a library that is imported using
a deferred import declares an extension that is visible in the importing
library. Extension methods are resolved at compile time, and extensions
from deferred libraries aren't available at compile time.
For more information, see the language tour's coverage of
[deferred loading](
#### Example
Given a file (`a.dart`) that defines a named extension:
class C {}
extension E on String {
int get size => length;
The following code produces this diagnostic because the named extension is
visible to the library:
import [!'a.dart'!] deferred as a;
void f() {
#### Common fixes
If the library must be imported as `deferred`, then either add a `show`
clause listing the names being referenced or add a `hide` clause listing
all of the named extensions. Adding a `show` clause would look like this:
import 'a.dart' deferred as a show C;
void f() {
Adding a `hide` clause would look like this:
import 'a.dart' deferred as a hide E;
void f() {
With the first fix, the benefit is that if new extensions are added to the
imported library, then the extensions won't cause a diagnostic to be
If the library doesn't need to be imported as `deferred`, or if you need to
make use of the extension method declared in it, then remove the keyword
import 'a.dart' as a;
void f() {
problemMessage: "The late local variable '{0}' is definitely unassigned at this point."
correctionMessage: Ensure that it is assigned on necessary execution paths.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the variable that is invalid
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when [definite assignment][] analysis
shows that a local variable that's marked as `late` is read before being
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` wasn't assigned a
value before being read:
void f(bool b) {
late int x;
#### Common fixes
Assign a value to the variable before reading from it:
void f(bool b) {
late int x;
x = b ? 1 : 0;
problemMessage: Only a generic type, generic function, generic instance method, or generic constructor can be type instantiated.
correctionMessage: Try instantiating the type(s) of a generic type, generic function, generic instance method, or generic constructor.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "The constructor with name '{0}' is already defined."
correctionMessage: Try renaming one of the constructors.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the duplicate entity
problemMessage: The unnamed constructor is already defined.
correctionMessage: Try giving one of the constructors a name.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class declares more than one
unnamed constructor or when it declares more than one constructor with the
same name.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because there are two
declarations for the unnamed constructor:
class C {
The following code produces this diagnostic because there are two
declarations for the constructor named `m`:
class C {
#### Common fixes
If there are multiple unnamed constructors and all of the constructors are
needed, then give all of them, or all except one of them, a name:
class C {
If there are multiple unnamed constructors and all except one of them are
unneeded, then remove the constructors that aren't needed:
class C {
If there are multiple named constructors and all of the constructors are
needed, then rename all except one of them:
class C {
If there are multiple named constructors and all except one of them are
unneeded, then remove the constructorsthat aren't needed:
class C {
problemMessage: "The name '{0}' is already defined."
correctionMessage: Try renaming one of the declarations.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the duplicate entity
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a name is declared, and there is
a previous declaration with the same name in the same scope.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `x` is
declared twice:
int x = 0;
int [!x!] = 1;
#### Common fixes
Choose a different name for one of the declarations.
int x = 0;
int y = 1;
problemMessage: "The field '{0}' can't be initialized by multiple parameters in the same constructor."
correctionMessage: Try removing one of the parameters, or using different fields.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the field
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when there's more than one field
formal parameter for the same field in a constructor's parameter list. It
isn't useful to assign a value that will immediately be overwritten.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `this.f` appears twice
in the parameter list:
class C {
int f;
C(this.f, this.[!f!]) {}
#### Common fixes
Remove one of the field formal parameters:
class C {
int f;
C(this.f) {}
problemMessage: "The argument for the named parameter '{0}' was already specified."
correctionMessage: Try removing one of the named arguments, or correcting one of the names to reference a different named parameter.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the parameter that was duplicated
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an invocation has two or more
named arguments that have the same name.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because there are two arguments
with the name `a`:
void f(C c) {
c.m(a: 0, [!a!]: 1);
class C {
void m({int a, int b}) {}
#### Common fixes
If one of the arguments should have a different name, then change the name:
void f(C c) {
c.m(a: 0, b: 1);
class C {
void m({int a, int b}) {}
If one of the arguments is wrong, then remove it:
void f(C c) {
c.m(a: 1);
class C {
void m({int a, int b}) {}
problemMessage: "The library already contains a part with the URI '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try removing all except one of the duplicated part directives.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the URI of the duplicate part
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a single file is referenced in
multiple part directives.
#### Example
Given a file named `part.dart` containing
part of lib;
The following code produces this diagnostic because the file `part.dart` is
included multiple times:
library lib;
part 'part.dart';
part [!'part.dart'!];
#### Common fixes
Remove all except the first of the duplicated part directives:
library lib;
part 'part.dart';
problemMessage: "The name of the enum constant can't be the same as the enum's name."
correctionMessage: Try renaming the constant.
problemMessage: "Two elements in a constant set literal can't be equal."
correctionMessage: Change or remove the duplicate element.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when two elements in a constant set
literal have the same value. The set can only contain each value once,
which means that one of the values is unnecessary.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the string `'a'` is
specified twice:
const Set<String> set = {'a', [!'a'!]};
#### Common fixes
Remove one of the duplicate values:
const Set<String> set = {'a'};
Note that literal sets preserve the order of their elements, so the choice
of which element to remove might affect the order in which elements are
returned by an iterator.
problemMessage: "Two keys in a constant map literal can't be equal."
correctionMessage: Change or remove the duplicate key.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a key in a constant map is the
same as a previous key in the same map. If two keys are the same, then the
second value would overwrite the first value, which makes having both pairs
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the key `1` is used
const map = <int, String>{1: 'a', 2: 'b', [!1!]: 'c', 4: 'd'};
#### Common fixes
If both entries should be included in the map, then change one of the keys
to be different:
const map = <int, String>{1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd'};
If only one of the entries is needed, then remove the one that isn't
const map = <int, String>{1: 'a', 2: 'b', 4: 'd'};
Note that literal maps preserve the order of their entries, so the choice
of which entry to remove might affect the order in which keys and values
are returned by an iterator.
problemMessage: "List literals require one type argument or none, but {0} found."
correctionMessage: Try adjusting the number of type arguments.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the number of provided type arguments
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a list literal has more than one
type argument.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the list literal has
two type arguments when it can have at most one:
var l = [!<int, int>!][];
#### Common fixes
Remove all except one of the type arguments:
var l = <int>[];
problemMessage: "Set literals require one type argument or none, but {0} were found."
correctionMessage: Try adjusting the number of type arguments.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the number of provided type arguments
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a set literal has more than one
type argument.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the set literal has
three type arguments when it can have at most one:
var s = [!<int, String, int>!]{0, 'a', 1};
#### Common fixes
Remove all except one of the type arguments:
var s = <int>{0, 1};
problemMessage: "Map literals require two type arguments or none, but {0} found."
correctionMessage: Try adjusting the number of type arguments.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the number of provided type arguments
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a map literal has either one or
more than two type arguments.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the map literal has
three type arguments when it can have either two or zero:
var m = [!<int, String, int>!]{};
#### Common fixes
Remove all except two of the type arguments:
var m = <int, String>{};
problemMessage: "The library '{0}' is internal and can't be exported."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the uri pointing to a library
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds an export whose `dart:`
URI references an internal library.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `_interceptors` is an
internal library:
export [!'dart:_interceptors'!];
#### Common fixes
Remove the export directive.
problemMessage: "The symbol '{0}' is defined in a legacy library, and can't be re-exported from a library with null safety enabled."
correctionMessage: Try removing the export or migrating the legacy library.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of a symbol defined in a legacy library
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a library that was opted in to
null safety exports another library, and the exported library is opted out
of null safety.
#### Example
Given a library that is opted out of null safety:
// @dart = 2.8
String s;
The following code produces this diagnostic because it's exporting symbols
from an opted-out library:
export [!'optedOut.dart'!];
class C {}
#### Common fixes
If you're able to do so, migrate the exported library so that it doesn't
need to opt out:
String? s;
If you can't migrate the library, then remove the export:
class C {}
If the exported library (the one that is opted out) itself exports an
opted-in library, then it's valid for your library to indirectly export the
symbols from the opted-in library. You can do so by adding a hide
combinator to the export directive in your library that hides all of the
names declared in the opted-out library.
problemMessage: "The exported library '{0}' can't have a part-of directive."
correctionMessage: Try exporting the library that the part is a part of.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the uri pointing to a non-library declaration
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an export directive references a
part rather than a library.
#### Example
Given a file named `part.dart` containing
part of lib;
The following code produces this diagnostic because the file `part.dart` is
a part, and only libraries can be exported:
library lib;
export [!'part.dart'!];
#### Common fixes
Either remove the export directive, or change the URI to be the URI of the
library containing the part.
problemMessage: "Expressions can't be used in a map literal."
correctionMessage: Try removing the expression or converting it to be a map entry.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the analyzer finds an
expression, rather than a map entry, in what appears to be a map literal.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic:
var map = <String, int>{'a': 0, 'b': 1, [!'c'!]};
#### Common fixes
If the expression is intended to compute either a key or a value in an
entry, fix the issue by replacing the expression with the key or the value.
For example:
var map = <String, int>{'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2};
problemMessage: Classes can only extend other classes.
correctionMessage: Try specifying a different superclass, or removing the extends clause.
isUnresolvedIdentifier: true
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name in the extends clause
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an `extends` clause contains a
name that is declared to be something other than a class.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is declared to be a
void f() {}
class C extends [!f!] {}
#### Common fixes
If you want the class to extend a class other than `Object`, then replace
the name in the `extends` clause with the name of that class:
void f() {}
class C extends B {}
class B {}
If you want the class to extend `Object`, then remove the `extends` clause:
void f() {}
class C {}
problemMessage: "Extension '{0}' can't be used as an expression."
correctionMessage: Try replacing it with a valid expression.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the extension
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the name of an extension is used
in an expression other than in an extension override or to qualify an
access to a static member of the extension. Because classes define a type,
the name of a class can be used to refer to the instance of `Type`
representing the type of the class. Extensions, on the other hand, don't
define a type and can't be used as a type literal.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `E` is an extension:
extension E on int {
static String m() => '';
var x = [!E!];
#### Common fixes
Replace the name of the extension with a name that can be referenced, such
as a static member defined on the extension:
extension E on int {
static String m() => '';
var x = E.m();
problemMessage: "Extension '{0}' can't define static member '{1}' and an instance member with the same name."
correctionMessage: "Try renaming the member to a name that doesn't conflict."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the extension defining the conflicting member
1: the name of the conflicting static member
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an extension declaration
contains both an instance member and a static member that have the same
name. The instance member and the static member can't have the same name
because it's unclear which member is being referenced by an unqualified use
of the name within the body of the extension.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `a` is being
used for two different members:
extension E on Object {
int get a => 0;
static int [!a!]() => 0;
#### Common fixes
Rename or remove one of the members:
extension E on Object {
int get a => 0;
static int b() => 0;
problemMessage: "Extensions can't declare members with the same name as a member declared by 'Object'."
correctionMessage: Try specifying a different name for the member.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an extension declaration
declares a member with the same name as a member declared in the class
`Object`. Such a member can never be used because the member in `Object` is
always found first.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `toString` is defined
by `Object`:
extension E on String {
String [!toString!]() => this;
#### Common fixes
Remove the member or rename it so that the name doesn't conflict with the
member in `Object`:
extension E on String {
String displayString() => this;
problemMessage: "An extension override can't be used to access a static member from an extension."
correctionMessage: Try using just the name of the extension.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an extension override is the
receiver of the invocation of a static member. Similar to static members in
classes, the static members of an extension should be accessed using the
name of the extension, not an extension override.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `m` is static:
extension E on String {
static void m() {}
void f() {
#### Common fixes
Replace the extension override with the name of the extension:
extension E on String {
static void m() {}
void f() {
problemMessage: "The type of the argument to the extension override '{0}' isn't assignable to the extended type '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the type of the argument
1: the extended type
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the argument to an extension
override isn't assignable to the type being extended by the extension.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `3` isn't a `String`:
extension E on String {
void method() {}
void f() {
#### Common fixes
If you're using the correct extension, then update the argument to have the
correct type:
extension E on String {
void method() {}
void f() {
If there's a different extension that's valid for the type of the argument,
then either replace the name of the extension or unwrap the argument so
that the correct extension is found.
problemMessage: An extension override can only be used to access instance members.
correctionMessage: Consider adding an access to an instance member.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an extension override is found
that isn't being used to access one of the members of the extension. The
extension override syntax doesn't have any runtime semantics; it only
controls which member is selected at compile time.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `E(i)` isn't an
extension E on int {
int get a => 0;
void f(int i) {
#### Common fixes
If you want to invoke one of the members of the extension, then add the
extension E on int {
int get a => 0;
void f(int i) {
If you don't want to invoke a member, then unwrap the argument:
extension E on int {
int get a => 0;
void f(int i) {
problemMessage: "Extension overrides have no value so they can't be used as the receiver of a cascade expression."
correctionMessage: "Try using '.' instead of '..'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an extension override is used as
the receiver of a cascade expression. The value of a cascade expression
`e..m` is the value of the receiver `e`, but extension overrides aren't
expressions and don't have a value.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `E(3)` isn't an
extension E on int {
void m() {}
f() {
#### Common fixes
Use `.` rather than `..`:
extension E on int {
void m() {}
f() {
If there are multiple cascaded accesses, you'll need to duplicate the
extension override for each one.
problemMessage: External fields cannot have initializers.
correctionMessage: "Try removing the field initializer or the 'external' keyword from the field declaration."
problemMessage: External fields cannot have initializers.
correctionMessage: "Try removing the initializer or the 'external' keyword."
problemMessage: External variables cannot have initializers.
correctionMessage: "Try removing the initializer or the 'external' keyword."
problemMessage: "Too many positional arguments: {0} expected, but {1} found."
correctionMessage: Try removing the extra arguments.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the maximum number of positional arguments
1: the actual number of positional arguments given
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a method or function invocation
has more positional arguments than the method or function allows.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` defines 2
parameters but is invoked with 3 arguments:
void f(int a, int b) {}
void g() {
f(1, 2, [!3!]);
#### Common fixes
Remove the arguments that don't correspond to parameters:
void f(int a, int b) {}
void g() {
f(1, 2);
problemMessage: "Too many positional arguments: {0} expected, but {1} found."
correctionMessage: Try removing the extra positional arguments, or specifying the name for named arguments.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the maximum number of positional arguments
1: the actual number of positional arguments given
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a method or function invocation
has more positional arguments than the method or function allows, but the
method or function defines named parameters.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` defines 2
positional parameters but has a named parameter that could be used for the
third argument:
void f(int a, int b, {int c}) {}
void g() {
f(1, 2, [!3!]);
#### Common fixes
If some of the arguments should be values for named parameters, then add
the names before the arguments:
void f(int a, int b, {int c}) {}
void g() {
f(1, 2, c: 3);
Otherwise, remove the arguments that don't correspond to positional
void f(int a, int b, {int c}) {}
void g() {
f(1, 2);
problemMessage: "The field '{0}' can't be initialized twice in the same constructor."
correctionMessage: Try removing one of the initializations.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the field being initialized multiple times
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the initializer list of a
constructor initializes a field more than once. There is no value to allow
both initializers because only the last value is preserved.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `f` is being
initialized twice:
class C {
int f;
C() : f = 0, [!f!] = 1;
#### Common fixes
Remove one of the initializers:
class C {
int f;
C() : f = 0;
problemMessage: "Fields can't be initialized in the constructor if they are final and were already initialized at their declaration."
correctionMessage: Try removing one of the initializations.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a final field is initialized in
both the declaration of the field and in an initializer in a constructor.
Final fields can only be assigned once, so it can't be initialized in both
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is :
class C {
final int f = 0;
C() : [!f!] = 1;
#### Common fixes
If the initialization doesn't depend on any values passed to the
constructor, and if all of the constructors need to initialize the field to
the same value, then remove the initializer from the constructor:
class C {
final int f = 0;
If the initialization depends on a value passed to the constructor, or if
different constructors need to initialize the field differently, then
remove the initializer in the field's declaration:
class C {
final int f;
C() : f = 1;
problemMessage: "Fields can't be initialized in both the parameter list and the initializers."
correctionMessage: Try removing one of the initializations.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field is initialized in both
the parameter list and in the initializer list of a constructor.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `f` is
initialized both by a field formal parameter and in the initializer list:
class C {
int f;
C(this.f) : [!f!] = 0;
#### Common fixes
If the field should be initialized by the parameter, then remove the
initialization in the initializer list:
class C {
int f;
If the field should be initialized in the initializer list and the
parameter isn't needed, then remove the parameter:
class C {
int f;
C() : f = 0;
If the field should be initialized in the initializer list and the
parameter is needed, then make it a normal parameter:
class C {
int f;
C(int g) : f = g * 2;
problemMessage: "Initializing formal parameters can't be used in factory constructors."
correctionMessage: Try using a normal parameter.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a factory constructor has a
field formal parameter. Factory constructors can't assign values to fields
because no instance is created; hence, there is no field to assign.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the factory constructor
uses a field formal parameter:
class C {
int? f;
factory C([!this.f!]) => throw 0;
#### Common fixes
Replace the field formal parameter with a normal parameter:
class C {
int? f;
factory C(int f) => throw 0;
problemMessage: "The initializer type '{0}' can't be assigned to the field type '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type of the initializer expression
1: the name of the type of the field
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the initializer list of a
constructor initializes a field to a value that isn't assignable to the
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `0` has the type `int`,
and an `int` can't be assigned to a field of type `String`:
class C {
String s;
C() : s = [!0!];
#### Common fixes
If the type of the field is correct, then change the value assigned to it
so that the value has a valid type:
class C {
String s;
C() : s = '0';
If the type of the value is correct, then change the type of the field to
allow the assignment:
class C {
int s;
C() : s = 0;
problemMessage: "The initializer type '{0}' can't be assigned to the field type '{1}' in a const constructor."
correctionMessage: "Try using a subtype, or removing the 'const' keyword"
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type of the initializer expression
1: the name of the type of the field
problemMessage: Initializing formal parameters can only be used in constructors.
correctionMessage: Try using a normal parameter.
comment: |-
7.6.1 Generative Constructors: It is a compile-time error if an
initializing formal is used by a function other than a non-redirecting
generative constructor.
problemMessage: "The redirecting constructor can't have a field initializer."
correctionMessage: Try initializing the field in the constructor being redirected to.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a redirecting constructor
initializes a field in the object. This isn't allowed because the instance
that has the field hasn't been created at the point at which it should be
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constructor
``, which redirects to the constructor `C`, has a field formal
parameter that initializes the field `f`:
class C {
int f;
C(this.f);[!this.f!]) : this(f);
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constructor
``, which redirects to the constructor `C`, has an initializer that
initializes the field `f`:
class C {
int f;
C(this.f); : [!f = 0!], this(1);
#### Common fixes
If the initialization is done by a field formal parameter, then use a
normal parameter:
class C {
int f;
C(this.f); f) : this(f);
If the initialization is done in an initializer, then remove the
class C {
int f;
C(this.f); : this(0);
problemMessage: "The parameter type '{0}' is incompatible with the field type '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try changing or removing the parameter's type, or changing the field's type."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type of the field formal parameter
1: the name of the type of the field
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type of a field formal
parameter isn't assignable to the type of the field being initialized.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the field formal
parameter has the type `String`, but the type of the field is `int`. The
parameter must have a type that is a subtype of the field's type.
class C {
int f;
C([!String this.f!]);
#### Common fixes
If the type of the field is incorrect, then change the type of the field to
match the type of the parameter, and consider removing the type from the
class C {
String f;
If the type of the parameter is incorrect, then remove the type of the
class C {
int f;
If the types of both the field and the parameter are correct, then use an
initializer rather than a field formal parameter to convert the parameter
value into a value of the correct type:
class C {
int f;
C(String s) : f = int.parse(s);
problemMessage: "'{0}' is final and was given a value when it was declared, so it can't be set to a new value."
correctionMessage: Try removing one of the initializations.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the field in question
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a final field is initialized
twice: once where it's declared and once by a constructor's parameter.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `f` is
initialized twice:
class C {
final int f = 0;
#### Common fixes
If the field should have the same value for all instances, then remove the
initialization in the parameter list:
class C {
final int f = 0;
If the field can have different values in different instances, then remove
the initialization in the declaration:
class C {
final int f;
problemMessage: "The final variable '{0}' must be initialized."
correctionMessage: Try initializing the variable.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the uninitialized final variable
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a final field or variable isn't
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` doesn't have an
final [!x!];
#### Common fixes
For variables and static fields, you can add an initializer:
final x = 0;
For instance fields, you can add an initializer as shown in the previous
example, or you can initialize the field in every constructor. You can
initialize the field by using a field formal parameter:
class C {
final int x;
You can also initialize the field by using an initializer in the
class C {
final int x;
C(int y) : x = y * 2;
problemMessage: "All final variables must be initialized, but '{0}' isn't."
correctionMessage: Try adding an initializer for the field.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the uninitialized final variable
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class defines one or more
final instance fields without initializers and has at least one constructor
that doesn't initialize those fields. All final instance fields must be
initialized when the instance is created, either by the field's initializer
or by the constructor.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic:
class C {
final String value;
#### Common fixes
If the value should be passed in to the constructor directly, then use a
field formal parameter to initialize the field `value`:
class C {
final String value;
If the value should be computed indirectly from a value provided by the
caller, then add a parameter and include an initializer:
class C {
final String value;
C(Object o) : value = o.toString();
If the value of the field doesn't depend on values that can be passed to
the constructor, then add an initializer for the field as part of the field
class C {
final String value = '';
If the value of the field doesn't depend on values that can be passed to
the constructor but different constructors need to initialize it to
different values, then add an initializer for the field in the initializer
class C {
final String value;
C() : value = '';
C.named() : value = 'c';
However, if the value is the same for all instances, then consider using a
static field instead of an instance field:
class C {
static const String value = '';
problemMessage: "All final variables must be initialized, but '{0}' and '{1}' aren't."
correctionMessage: Try adding initializers for the fields.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the uninitialized final variable
1: the name of the uninitialized final variable
problemMessage: "All final variables must be initialized, but '{0}', '{1}', and {2} others aren't."
correctionMessage: Try adding initializers for the fields.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the uninitialized final variable
1: the name of the uninitialized final variable
2: the number of additional not initialized variables that aren't listed
problemMessage: "The type '{0}' used in the 'for' loop must implement '{1}' with a type argument that can be assigned to '{2}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the type of the iterable expression.
1: the sequence type -- Iterable for `for` or Stream for `await for`.
2: the loop variable type.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the `Iterable` or `Stream` in a
for-in loop has an element type that can't be assigned to the loop
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `<String>[]` has an
element type of `String`, and `String` can't be assigned to the type of `e`
void f() {
for (int e in [!<String>[]!]) {
#### Common fixes
If the type of the loop variable is correct, then update the type of the
void f() {
for (int e in <int>[]) {
If the type of the iterable is correct, then update the type of the loop
void f() {
for (String e in <String>[]) {
problemMessage: "The type '{0}' used in the 'for' loop must implement {1}."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the type of the iterable expression.
1: the sequence type -- Iterable for `for` or Stream for `await for`.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the expression following `in` in
a for-in loop has a type that isn't a subclass of `Iterable`.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `m` is a `Map`, and
`Map` isn't a subclass of `Iterable`:
void f(Map<String, String> m) {
for (String s in [!m!]) {
#### Common fixes
Replace the expression with one that produces an iterable value:
void f(Map<String, String> m) {
for (String s in m.values) {
problemMessage: "A for-in loop variable can't be a 'const'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'const' modifier from the variable, or use a different variable."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the loop variable declared in a
for-in loop is declared to be a `const`. The variable can't be a `const`
because the value can't be computed at compile time.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the loop variable `x`
is declared to be a `const`:
void f() {
for ([!const!] x in [0, 1, 2]) {
#### Common fixes
If there's a type annotation, then remove the `const` modifier from the
If there's no type, then replace the `const` modifier with `final`, `var`,
or a type annotation:
void f() {
for (final x in [0, 1, 2]) {
problemMessage: "Generic function types can't be used as type parameter bounds"
correctionMessage: Try making the free variable in the function type part of the larger declaration signature
comment: |-
It is a compile-time error if a generic function type is used as a bound
for a formal type parameter of a class or a function.
problemMessage: "A generic function type can't be a type argument."
correctionMessage: "Try removing type parameters from the generic function type, or using 'dynamic' as the type argument here."
comment: |-
It is a compile-time error if a generic function type is used as an actual
type argument.
problemMessage: "A method tear-off on a receiver whose type is 'dynamic' can't have type arguments."
correctionMessage: Specify the type of the receiver, or remove the type arguments from the method tear-off.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an instance method is being torn
off from a receiver whose type is `dynamic`, and the tear-off includes type
arguments. Because the analyzer can't know how many type parameters the
method has, or whether it has any type parameters, there's no way it can
validate that the type arguments are correct. As a result, the type
arguments aren't allowed.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type of `p` is
`dynamic` and the tear-off of `m` has type arguments:
void f(dynamic list) {
#### Common fixes
If you can use a more specific type than `dynamic`, then change the type of
the receiver:
void f(List<Object> list) {
If you can't use a more specific type, then remove the type arguments:
void f(dynamic list) {
problemMessage: "The return type of getter '{0}' is '{1}' which isn't assignable to the type '{2}' of its setter '{3}'."
correctionMessage: Try changing the types so that they are compatible.
comment: |-
0: the name of the getter
1: the type of the getter
2: the type of the setter
3: the name of the setter
problemMessage: "The return type of getter '{0}' is '{1}' which isn't a subtype of the type '{2}' of its setter '{3}'."
correctionMessage: Try changing the types so that they are compatible.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the getter
1: the type of the getter
2: the type of the setter
3: the name of the setter
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the return type of a getter
isn't a subtype of the type of the parameter of a setter with the same
The subtype relationship is a requirement whether the getter and setter are
in the same class or whether one of them is in a superclass of the other.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the return type of the
getter `x` is `num`, the parameter type of the setter `x` is `int`, and
`num` isn't a subtype of `int`:
class C {
num get [!x!] => 0;
set x(int y) {}
#### Common fixes
If the type of the getter is correct, then change the type of the setter:
class C {
num get x => 0;
set x(num y) {}
If the type of the setter is correct, then change the type of the getter:
class C {
int get x => 0;
set x(int y) {}
problemMessage: "Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as values in an if condition inside a const collection literal."
correctionMessage: Try making the deferred import non-deferred.
problemMessage: "Functions marked 'async*' must have a return type that is a supertype of 'Stream<T>' for some type 'T'."
correctionMessage: "Try fixing the return type of the function, or removing the modifier 'async*' from the function body."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the body of a function has the
`async*` modifier even though the return type of the function isn't either
`Stream` or a supertype of `Stream`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the body of the
function `f` has the 'async*' modifier even though the return type `int`
isn't a supertype of `Stream`:
[!int!] f() async* {}
#### Common fixes
If the function should be asynchronous, then change the return type to be
either `Stream` or a supertype of `Stream`:
Stream<int> f() async* {}
If the function should be synchronous, then remove the `async*` modifier:
int f() => 0;
problemMessage: "Functions marked 'async' must have a return type assignable to 'Future'."
correctionMessage: "Try fixing the return type of the function, or removing the modifier 'async' from the function body."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the body of a function has the
`async` modifier even though the return type of the function isn't
assignable to `Future`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the body of the
function `f` has the `async` modifier even though the return type isn't
assignable to `Future`:
[!int!] f() async {
return 0;
#### Common fixes
If the function should be asynchronous, then change the return type to be
assignable to `Future`:
Future<int> f() async {
return 0;
If the function should be synchronous, then remove the `async` modifier:
int f() => 0;
problemMessage: "Functions marked 'sync*' must have a return type that is a supertype of 'Iterable<T>' for some type 'T'."
correctionMessage: "Try fixing the return type of the function, or removing the modifier 'sync*' from the function body."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the body of a function has the
`sync*` modifier even though the return type of the function isn't either
`Iterable` or a supertype of `Iterable`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the body of the
function `f` has the 'sync*' modifier even though the return type `int`
isn't a supertype of `Iterable`:
[!int!] f() sync* {}
#### Common fixes
If the function should return an iterable, then change the return type to
be either `Iterable` or a supertype of `Iterable`:
Iterable<int> f() sync* {}
If the function should return a single value, then remove the `sync*`
int f() => 0;
problemMessage: Classes and mixins can only implement other classes and mixins.
correctionMessage: Try specifying a class or mixin, or remove the name from the list.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the interface that was not found
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a name used in the `implements`
clause of a class or mixin declaration is defined to be something other
than a class or mixin.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` is a variable
rather than a class or mixin:
var x;
class C implements [!x!] {}
#### Common fixes
If the name is the name of an existing class or mixin that's already being
imported, then add a prefix to the import so that the local definition of
the name doesn't shadow the imported name.
If the name is the name of an existing class or mixin that isn't being
imported, then add an import, with a prefix, for the library in which it’s
Otherwise, either replace the name in the `implements` clause with the name
of an existing class or mixin, or remove the name from the `implements`
problemMessage: "'{0}' can only be implemented once."
correctionMessage: Try removing all but one occurrence of the class name.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the interface that is implemented more than once
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a single class is specified more
than once in an `implements` clause.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `A` is in the list
class A {}
class B implements A, [!A!] {}
#### Common fixes
Remove all except one occurrence of the class name:
class A {}
class B implements A {}
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be used in both the 'extends' and 'implements' clauses."
correctionMessage: Try removing one of the occurrences.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the class that appears in both "extends" and "implements"
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when one class is listed in both the
`extends` and `implements` clauses of another class.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `A` is used
in both the `extends` and `implements` clauses for the class `B`:
class A {}
class B extends A implements [!A!] {}
#### Common fixes
If you want to inherit the implementation from the class, then remove the
class from the `implements` clause:
class A {}
class B extends A {}
If you don't want to inherit the implementation from the class, then remove
the `extends` clause:
class A {}
class B implements A {}
problemMessage: "The instance member '{0}' can't be accessed in an initializer."
correctionMessage: Try replacing the reference to the instance member with a different expression
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the instance member
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds a reference to an
instance member in a constructor's initializer list.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `defaultX` is an
instance member:
class C {
int x;
C() : x = [!defaultX!];
int get defaultX => 0;
#### Common fixes
If the member can be made static, then do so:
class C {
int x;
C() : x = defaultX;
static int get defaultX => 0;
If not, then replace the reference in the initializer with a different
expression that doesn't use an instance member:
class C {
int x;
C() : x = 0;
int get defaultX => 0;
problemMessage: "The library '{0}' is internal and can't be imported."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the uri pointing to a library
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds an import whose `dart:`
URI references an internal library.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `_interceptors` is an
internal library:
import [!'dart:_interceptors'!];
#### Common fixes
Remove the import directive.
problemMessage: "The imported library '{0}' can't have a part-of directive."
correctionMessage: Try importing the library that the part is a part of.
comment: |-
14.1 Imports: It is a compile-time error if the specified URI of an
immediate import does not refer to a library declaration.
0: the uri pointing to a non-library declaration
problemMessage: "Case expressions must have the same types, '{0}' isn't a '{1}'."
comment: |-
13.9 Switch: It is a compile-time error if values of the expressions
<i>e<sub>k</sub></i> are not instances of the same class <i>C</i>, for all
<i>1 &lt;= k &lt;= n</i>.
0: the expression source code that is the unexpected type
1: the name of the expected type
problemMessage: "Superinterfaces don't have a valid override for '{0}': {1}."
correctionMessage: Try adding an explicit override that is consistent with all of the inherited members.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the instance member with inconsistent inheritance.
1: the list of all inherited signatures for this member.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class inherits two or more
conflicting signatures for a member and doesn't provide an implementation
that satisfies all the inherited signatures.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `C` is inheriting the
declaration of `m` from `A`, and that implementation isn't consistent with
the signature of `m` that's inherited from `B`:
class A {
void m({int a}) {}
class B {
void m({int b}) {}
class [!C!] extends A implements B {
#### Common fixes
Add an implementation of the method that satisfies all the inherited
class A {
void m({int a}) {}
class B {
void m({int b}) {}
class C extends A implements B {
void m({int a, int b}) {}
problemMessage: "'{0}' is inherited as a getter (from '{1}') and also a method (from '{2}')."
correctionMessage: Try adjusting the supertypes of this class to remove the inconsistency.
comment: |-
11.1.1 Inheritance and Overriding. Let `I` be the implicit interface of a
class `C` declared in library `L`. `I` inherits all members of
`inherited(I, L)` and `I` overrides `m'` if `m' ∈ overrides(I, L)`. It is
a compile-time error if `m` is a method and `m'` is a getter, or if `m`
is a getter and `m'` is a method.
0: the name of the the instance member with inconsistent inheritance.
1: the name of the superinterface that declares the name as a getter.
2: the name of the superinterface that declares the name as a method.
problemMessage: Parts must have exactly the same language version override as the library.
comment: |-
It is a compile-time error if a part file has a different language version
override than its library.
problemMessage: "'{0}' isn't a field in the enclosing class."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the name to match an existing field, or defining a field named '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the initializing formal that is not an instance variable in
the immediately enclosing class
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constructor initializes a
field that isn't declared in the class containing the constructor.
Constructors can't initialize fields that aren't declared and fields that
are inherited from superclasses.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the initializer is
initializing `x`, but `x` isn't a field in the class:
class C {
int y;
C() : [!x = 0!];
#### Common fixes
If a different field should be initialized, then change the name to the
name of the field:
class C {
int y;
C() : y = 0;
If the field must be declared, then add a declaration:
class C {
int x;
int y;
C() : x = 0;
problemMessage: "'{0}' is a static field in the enclosing class. Fields initialized in a constructor can't be static."
correctionMessage: Try removing the initialization.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the initializing formal that is a static variable in the
immediately enclosing class
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a static field is initialized in
a constructor using either a field formal parameter or an assignment in the
initializer list.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the static field `a` is
being initialized by the field formal parameter `this.a`:
class C {
static int? a;
#### Common fixes
If the field should be an instance field, then remove the keyword `static`:
class C {
int? a;
If you intended to initialize an instance field and typed the wrong name,
then correct the name of the field being initialized:
class C {
static int? a;
int? b;
If you really want to initialize the static field, then move the
initialization into the constructor body:
class C {
static int? a;
C(int? c) {
a = c;
problemMessage: "'{0}' isn't a field in the enclosing class."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the name to match an existing field, or defining a field named '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the initializing formal that is not an instance variable in
the immediately enclosing class
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field formal parameter is
found in a constructor in a class that doesn't declare the field being
initialized. Constructors can't initialize fields that aren't declared and
fields that are inherited from superclasses.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `x` isn't
class C {
int y;
#### Common fixes
If the field name was wrong, then change it to the name of an existing
class C {
int y;
If the field name is correct but hasn't yet been defined, then declare the
class C {
int x;
int y;
If the parameter is needed but shouldn't initialize a field, then convert
it to a normal parameter and use it:
class C {
int y;
C(int x) : y = x * 2;
If the parameter isn't needed, then remove it:
class C {
int y;
problemMessage: "Static {1} '{0}' can't be accessed through an instance."
correctionMessage: "Try using the class '{2}' to access the {1}."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the static member
1: the kind of the static member (field, getter, setter, or method)
2: the name of the defining class
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an access operator is used to
access a static member through an instance of the class.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `zero` is a static
field, but it’s being accessed as if it were an instance field:
void f(C c) {
class C {
static int zero = 0;
#### Common fixes
Use the class to access the static member:
void f(C c) {;
class C {
static int zero = 0;
problemMessage: "Instance members can't be accessed from a factory constructor."
correctionMessage: Try removing the reference to the instance member.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a factory constructor contains
an unqualified reference to an instance member. In a generative
constructor, the instance of the class is created and initialized before
the body of the constructor is executed, so the instance can be bound to
`this` and accessed just like it would be in an instance method. But, in a
factory constructor, the instance isn't created before executing the body,
so `this` can't be used to reference it.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` isn't in scope in
the factory constructor:
class C {
int x;
factory C() {
return C._([!x!]);
#### Common fixes
Rewrite the code so that it doesn't reference the instance member:
class C {
int x;
factory C() {
return C._(0);
problemMessage: "Instance members can't be accessed from a static method."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the reference to the instance member, or removing the keyword 'static' from the method."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a static method contains an
unqualified reference to an instance member.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the instance field `x`
is being referenced in a static method:
class C {
int x;
static int m() {
return [!x!];
#### Common fixes
If the method must reference the instance member, then it can't be static,
so remove the keyword:
class C {
int x;
int m() {
return x;
If the method can't be made an instance method, then add a parameter so
that an instance of the class can be passed in:
class C {
int x;
static int m(C c) {
return c.x;
problemMessage: "Abstract classes can't be instantiated."
correctionMessage: Try creating an instance of a concrete subtype.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds a constructor
invocation and the constructor is declared in an abstract class. Even
though you can't create an instance of an abstract class, abstract classes
can declare constructors that can be invoked by subclasses.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `C` is an abstract
abstract class C {}
var c = new [!C!]();
#### Common fixes
If there's a concrete subclass of the abstract class that can be used, then
create an instance of the concrete subclass.
problemMessage: "Enums can't be instantiated."
correctionMessage: Try using one of the defined constants.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an enum is instantiated. It's
invalid to create an instance of an enum by invoking a constructor; only
the instances named in the declaration of the enum can exist.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the enum `E` is being
enum E {a}
var e = [!E!]();
#### Common fixes
If you intend to use an instance of the enum, then reference one of the
constants defined in the enum:
enum E {a}
var e = E.a;
If you intend to use an instance of a class, then use the name of that class in place of the name of the enum.
problemMessage: "Type aliases that expand to a type parameter can't be instantiated."
correctionMessage: Try replacing it with a class.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constructor invocation is
found where the type being instantiated is a type alias for one of the type
parameters of the type alias. This isn’t allowed because the value of the
type parameter is a type rather than a class.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because it creates an instance
of `A`, even though `A` is a type alias that is defined to be equivalent to
a type parameter:
typedef A<T> = T;
void f() {
const [!A!]<int>();
#### Common fixes
Use either a class name or a type alias defined to be a class, rather than
a type alias defined to be a type parameter:
typedef A<T> = C<T>;
void f() {
const A<int>();
class C<T> {
const C();
problemMessage: "The integer literal is being used as a double, but can't be represented as a 64-bit double without overflow or loss of precision: '{0}'."
correctionMessage: "Try using the class 'BigInt', or switch to the closest valid double: '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the lexeme of the integer
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an integer literal is being
implicitly converted to a double, but can't be represented as a 64-bit
double without overflow or loss of precision. Integer literals are
implicitly converted to a double if the context requires the type `double`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the integer value
`9223372036854775807` can't be represented exactly as a double:
double x = [!9223372036854775807!];
#### Common fixes
If you need to use the exact value, then use the class `BigInt` to
represent the value:
var x = BigInt.parse('9223372036854775807');
If you need to use a double, then change the value to one that can be
represented exactly:
double x = 9223372036854775808;
problemMessage: "The integer literal {0} can't be represented in 64 bits."
correctionMessage: "Try using the 'BigInt' class if you need an integer larger than 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 or less than -9,223,372,036,854,775,808."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an integer literal has a value
that is too large (positive) or too small (negative) to be represented in a
64-bit word.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the value can't be
represented in 64 bits:
var x = [!9223372036854775810!];
#### Common fixes
If you need to represent the current value, then wrap it in an instance of
the class `BigInt`:
var x = BigInt.parse('9223372036854775810');
problemMessage: Annotation must be either a const variable reference or const constructor invocation.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an annotation is found that is
using something that is neither a variable marked as `const` or the
invocation of a `const` constructor.
Getters can't be used as annotations.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the variable `v` isn't
a `const` variable:
var v = 0;
void f() {
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` isn't a variable:
void f() {
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` isn't a
void f() {
The following code produces this diagnostic because `g` is a getter:
int get g => 0;
#### Common fixes
If the annotation is referencing a variable that isn't a `const`
constructor, add the keyword `const` to the variable's declaration:
const v = 0;
void f() {
If the annotation isn't referencing a variable, then remove it:
int v = 0;
void f() {
problemMessage: "Constant values from a deferred library can't be used in annotations."
correctionMessage: "Try moving the constant from the deferred library, or removing 'deferred' from the import."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constant defined in a library
that is imported as a deferred library is referenced in the argument list
of an annotation. Annotations are evaluated at compile time, and values
from deferred libraries aren't available at compile time.
For more information, see the language tour's coverage of
[deferred loading](
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constant `pi` is
being referenced in the argument list of an annotation, even though the
library that defines it is being imported as a deferred library:
import 'dart:math' deferred as math;
class C {
const C(double d);
void f () {}
#### Common fixes
If you need to reference the imported constant, then remove the `deferred`
import 'dart:math' as math;
class C {
const C(double d);
void f () {}
If the import is required to be deferred and there's another constant that
is appropriate, then use that constant in place of the constant from the
deferred library.
problemMessage: "Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as annotations."
correctionMessage: Try removing the annotation, or changing the import to not be deferred.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constant from a library that
is imported using a deferred import is used as an annotation. Annotations
are evaluated at compile time, and constants from deferred libraries aren't
available at compile time.
For more information, see the language tour's coverage of
[deferred loading](
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constant `pi` is
being used as an annotation when the library `dart:math` is imported as
import 'dart:math' deferred as math;
void f() {}
#### Common fixes
If you need to reference the constant as an annotation, then remove the
keyword `deferred` from the import:
import 'dart:math' as math;
void f() {}
If you can use a different constant as an annotation, then replace the
annotation with a different constant:
void f() {}
problemMessage: "A value of type '{0}' can't be assigned to a variable of type '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try changing the type of the variable, or casting the right-hand type to '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the right hand side type
1: the name of the left hand side type
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the static type of an expression
that is assigned to a variable isn't assignable to the type of the
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type of the
initializer (`int`) isn't assignable to the type of the variable
int i = 0;
String s = [!i!];
#### Common fixes
If the value being assigned is always assignable at runtime, even though
the static types don't reflect that, then add an explicit cast.
Otherwise, change the value being assigned so that it has the expected
type. In the previous example, this might look like:
int i = 0;
String s = i.toString();
If you can’t change the value, then change the type of the variable to be
compatible with the type of the value being assigned:
int i = 0;
int s = i;
problemMessage: "The function '{0}' has type '{1}' that isn't of expected type '{2}'. This means its parameter or return type doesn't match what is expected."
comment: |-
0: the type of the function
1: the expected function type
problemMessage: "The function expression type '{0}' isn't of type '{1}'. This means its parameter or return type doesn't match what is expected. Consider changing parameter type(s) or the returned type(s)."
comment: |-
0: the type of the torn-off function expression
1: the expected function type
problemMessage: "The literal '{0}' with type '{1}' isn't of expected type '{2}'."
comment: |-
0: the type of the literal
1: the expected type
problemMessage: "The list literal type '{0}' isn't of expected type '{1}'. The list's type can be changed with an explicit generic type argument or by changing the element types."
comment: |-
0: the type of the list literal
1: the expected type
problemMessage: "The map literal type '{0}' isn't of expected type '{1}'. The maps's type can be changed with an explicit generic type arguments or by changing the key and value types."
comment: |-
0: the type of the map literal
1: the expected type
problemMessage: "The set literal type '{0}' isn't of expected type '{1}'. The set's type can be changed with an explicit generic type argument or by changing the element types."
comment: |-
0: the type of the set literal
1: the expected type
problemMessage: "The method tear-off '{0}' has type '{1}' that isn't of expected type '{2}'. This means its parameter or return type doesn't match what is expected."
comment: |-
0: the type of the torn-off method
1: the expected function type
problemMessage: "The constructor returns type '{0}' that isn't of expected type '{1}'."
comment: |-
0: the type of the instantiated object
1: the expected type
problemMessage: Invalid constant value.
comment: |-
TODO(brianwilkerson) Remove this when we have decided on how to report
errors in compile-time constants. Until then, this acts as a placeholder
for more informative errors.
See TODOs in ConstantVisitor
problemMessage: Invalid constructor name.
comment: |-
7.6 Constructors: It is a compile-time error if the name of a constructor
is not a constructor name.
problemMessage: "Extension overrides must have exactly one argument: the value of 'this' in the extension method."
correctionMessage: Try specifying exactly one argument.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an extension override doesn't
have exactly one argument. The argument is the expression used to compute
the value of `this` within the extension method, so there must be one
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because there are no arguments:
extension E on String {
String join(String other) => '$this $other';
void f() {
And, the following code produces this diagnostic because there's more than
one argument:
extension E on String {
String join(String other) => '$this $other';
void f() {
E[!('a', 'b')!].join('c');
#### Common fixes
Provide one argument for the extension override:
extension E on String {
String join(String other) => '$this $other';
void f() {
problemMessage: The name of a factory constructor must be the same as the name of the immediately enclosing class.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the name of a factory
constructor isn't the same as the name of the surrounding class.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the name of the factory
constructor (`A`) isn't the same as the surrounding class (`C`):
class A {}
class C {
factory [!A!]() => throw 0;
#### Common fixes
If the factory returns an instance of the surrounding class, then rename
the factory:
class A {}
class C {
factory C() => throw 0;
If the factory returns an instance of a different class, then move the
factory to that class:
class A {
factory A() => throw 0;
class C {}
If the factory returns an instance of a different class, but you can't
modify that class or don't want to move the factory, then convert it to be
a static method:
class A {}
class C {
static A a() => throw 0;
problemMessage: "'{1}.{0}' ('{2}') isn't a valid concrete implementation of '{3}.{0}' ('{4}')."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the declared member that is not a valid override.
1: the name of the interface that declares the member.
2: the type of the declared member in the interface.
3. the name of the interface with the overridden member.
4. the type of the overridden member.
These parameters must be kept in sync with those of
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when all of the following are true:
- A class defines an abstract member.
- There is a concrete implementation of that member in a superclass.
- The concrete implementation isn't a valid implementation of the abstract
The concrete implementation can be invalid because of incompatibilities in
either the return type, the types of parameters, or the type variables.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the method `A.add` has
a parameter of type `int`, and the overriding method `B.add` has a
corresponding parameter of type `num`:
class A {
int add(int a) => a;
class [!B!] extends A {
int add(num a);
This is a problem because in an invocation of `B.add` like the following:
void f(B b) {
`B.add` is expecting to be able to take, for example, a `double`, but when
the method `A.add` is executed (because it's the only concrete
implementation of `add`), a runtime exception will be thrown because a
`double` can't be assigned to a parameter of type `int`.
#### Common fixes
If the method in the subclass can conform to the implementation in the
superclass, then change the declaration in the subclass (or remove it if
it's the same):
class A {
int add(int a) => a;
class B extends A {
int add(int a);
If the method in the superclass can be generalized to be a valid
implementation of the method in the subclass, then change the superclass
class A {
int add(num a) => a.floor();
class B extends A {
int add(num a);
If neither the method in the superclass nor the method in the subclass can
be changed, then provide a concrete implementation of the method in the
class A {
int add(int a) => a;
class B extends A {
int add(num a) => a.floor();
problemMessage: "Inline function types can't be used for parameters in a generic function type."
correctionMessage: "Try using a generic function type (returnType 'Function(' parameters ')')."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a generic function type has a
function-valued parameter that is written using the older inline function
type syntax.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the parameter `f`, in
the generic function type used to define `F`, uses the inline function
type syntax:
typedef F = int Function(int f[!(!]String s));
#### Common fixes
Use the generic function syntax for the parameter's type:
typedef F = int Function(int Function(String));
problemMessage: "The modifier '{0}' can't be applied to the body of a constructor."
correctionMessage: Try removing the modifier.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the invalid modifier
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the body of a constructor is
prefixed by one of the following modifiers: `async`, `async*`, or `sync*`.
Constructor bodies must be synchronous.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the body of the
constructor for `C` is marked as being `async`:
class C {
C() [!async!] {}
#### Common fixes
If the constructor can be synchronous, then remove the modifier:
class C {
If the constructor can't be synchronous, then use a static method to create
the instance instead:
class C {
static Future<C> c() async {
return C();
problemMessage: "Setters can't use 'async', 'async*', or 'sync*'."
correctionMessage: Try removing the modifier.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the invalid modifier
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the body of a setter is prefixed
by one of the following modifiers: `async`, `async*`, or `sync*`. Setter
bodies must be synchronous.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the body of the setter
`x` is marked as being `async`:
class C {
set x(int i) [!async!] {}
#### Common fixes
If the setter can be synchronous, then remove the modifier:
class C {
set x(int i) {}
If the setter can't be synchronous, then use a method to set the value
class C {
void x(int i) async {}
problemMessage: "'{1}.{0}' ('{2}') isn't a valid override of '{3}.{0}' ('{4}')."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the declared member that is not a valid override.
1: the name of the interface that declares the member.
2: the type of the declared member in the interface.
3. the name of the interface with the overridden member.
4. the type of the overridden member.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a member of a class is found
that overrides a member from a supertype and the override isn't valid. An
override is valid if all of these are true:
* It allows all of the arguments allowed by the overridden member.
* It doesn't require any arguments that aren't required by the overridden
* The type of every parameter of the overridden member is assignable to the
corresponding parameter of the override.
* The return type of the override is assignable to the return type of the
overridden member.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type of the
parameter `s` (`String`) isn't assignable to the type of the parameter `i`
class A {
void m(int i) {}
class B extends A {
void [!m!](String s) {}
#### Common fixes
If the invalid method is intended to override the method from the
superclass, then change it to conform:
class A {
void m(int i) {}
class B extends A {
void m(int i) {}
If it isn't intended to override the method from the superclass, then
rename it:
class A {
void m(int i) {}
class B extends A {
void m2(String s) {}
problemMessage: "Invalid reference to 'this' expression."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when `this` is used outside of an
instance method or a generative constructor. The reserved word `this` is
only defined in the context of an instance method or a generative
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `v` is a top-level
C f() => [!this!];
class C {}
#### Common fixes
Use a variable of the appropriate type in place of `this`, declaring it if
C f(C c) => c;
class C {}
problemMessage: "The superclass call must be last in an initializer list: '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the initializer list of a
constructor contains an invocation of a constructor in the superclass, but
the invocation isn't the last item in the initializer list.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the invocation of the
superclass' constructor isn't the last item in the initializer list:
class A {
A(int x);
class B extends A {
B(int x) : [!super!](x), assert(x >= 0);
#### Common fixes
Move the invocation of the superclass' constructor to the end of the
initializer list:
class A {
A(int x);
class B extends A {
B(int x) : assert(x >= 0), super(x);
problemMessage: "Constant list literals can't include a type parameter as a type argument, such as '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try replacing the type parameter with a different type.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type parameter
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a type parameter is used as a
type argument in a list, map, or set literal that is prefixed by `const`.
This isn't allowed because the value of the type parameter (the actual type
that will be used at runtime) can't be known at compile time.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameter `T`
is being used as a type argument when creating a constant list:
List<T> newList<T>() => const <[!T!]>[];
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameter `T`
is being used as a type argument when creating a constant map:
Map<String, T> newSet<T>() => const <String, [!T!]>{};
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameter `T`
is being used as a type argument when creating a constant set:
Set<T> newSet<T>() => const <[!T!]>{};
#### Common fixes
If the type that will be used for the type parameter can be known at
compile time, then remove the type parameter:
List<int> newList() => const <int>[];
If the type that will be used for the type parameter can't be known until
runtime, then remove the keyword `const`:
List<T> newList<T>() => <T>[];
problemMessage: "Constant map literals can't include a type parameter as a type argument, such as '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try replacing the type parameter with a different type.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type parameter
problemMessage: "Constant set literals can't include a type parameter as a type argument, such as '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try replacing the type parameter with a different type.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type parameter
problemMessage: "Invalid URI syntax: '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the URI that is invalid
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a URI in a directive doesn't
conform to the syntax of a valid URI.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `'#'` isn't a valid
import [!'#'!];
#### Common fixes
Replace the invalid URI with a valid URI.
problemMessage: "The 'covariant' keyword can only be used for parameters in instance methods or before non-final instance fields."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'covariant' keyword."
comment: "The 'covariant' keyword was found in an inappropriate location."
problemMessage: "An expression whose value is always 'null' can't be dereferenced."
correctionMessage: Try changing the type of the expression.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an expression whose value will
always be `null` is dereferenced.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` will always be
int f(Null x) {
return [!x!].length;
#### Common fixes
If the value is allowed to be something other than `null`, then change the
type of the expression:
int f(String? x) {
return x!.length;
problemMessage: "The extension '{0}' doesn't define a 'call' method so the override can't be used in an invocation."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the extension
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an extension override is used to
invoke a function but the extension doesn't declare a `call` method.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the extension `E`
doesn't define a `call` method:
extension E on String {}
void f() {
#### Common fixes
If the extension is intended to define a `call` method, then declare it:
extension E on String {
int call() => 0;
void f() {
If the extended type defines a `call` method, then remove the extension
If the `call` method isn't defined, then rewrite the code so that it
doesn't invoke the `call` method.
problemMessage: "'{0}' isn't a function."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the name to match an existing function, or define a method or function named '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the identifier that is not a function type
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds a function invocation,
but the name of the function being invoked is defined to be something other
than a function.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `Binary` is the name of
a function type, not a function:
typedef Binary = int Function(int, int);
int f() {
return [!Binary!](1, 2);
#### Common fixes
Replace the name with the name of a function.
problemMessage: "The expression doesn't evaluate to a function, so it can't be invoked."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a function invocation is found,
but the name being referenced isn't the name of a function, or when the
expression computing the function doesn't compute a function.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` isn't a function:
int x = 0;
int f() => x;
var y = [!x!]();
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f()` doesn't return a
int x = 0;
int f() => x;
var y = [!f()!]();
#### Common fixes
If you need to invoke a function, then replace the code before the argument
list with the name of a function or with an expression that computes a
int x = 0;
int f() => x;
var y = f();
problemMessage: "Can't reference label '{0}' declared in an outer method."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the unresolvable label
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a `break` or `continue`
statement references a label that is declared in a method or function
containing the function in which the `break` or `continue` statement
appears. The `break` and `continue` statements can't be used to transfer
control outside the function that contains them.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the label `loop` is
declared outside the local function `g`:
void f() {
while (true) {
void g() {
break [!loop!];
#### Common fixes
Try rewriting the code so that it isn't necessary to transfer control
outside the local function, possibly by inlining the local function:
void f() {
while (true) {
break loop;
If that isn't possible, then try rewriting the local function so that a
value returned by the function can be used to determine whether control is
void f() {
while (true) {
bool g() {
return true;
if (g()) {
break loop;
problemMessage: "Can't reference an undefined label '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try defining the label, or correcting the name to match an existing label.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the unresolvable label
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds a reference to a label
that isn't defined in the scope of the `break` or `continue` statement that
is referencing it.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the label `loop` isn't
defined anywhere:
void f() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
break [!loop!];
#### Common fixes
If the label should be on the innermost enclosing `do`, `for`, `switch`, or
`while` statement, then remove the label:
void f() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
If the label should be on some other statement, then add the label:
void f() {
loop: for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
break loop;
problemMessage: "Can't have a late final field in a class with a generative const constructor."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'late' modifier, or don't declare 'const' constructors."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class that has at least one
`const` constructor also has a field marked both `late` and `final`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `A` has a
`const` constructor and the `final` field `f` is marked as `late`:
class A {
[!late!] final int f;
const A();
#### Common fixes
If the field doesn't need to be marked `late`, then remove the `late`
modifier from the field:
class A {
final int f = 0;
const A();
If the field must be marked `late`, then remove the `const` modifier from
the constructors:
class A {
late final int f;
problemMessage: The late final local variable is already assigned.
correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'final' modifier, or don't reassign the value."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the analyzer can prove that a
local variable marked as both `late` and `final` was already assigned a
value at the point where another assignment occurs.
Because `final` variables can only be assigned once, subsequent assignments
are guaranteed to fail, so they're flagged.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the `final` variable
`v` is assigned a value in two places:
int f() {
late final int v;
v = 0;
[!v!] += 1;
return v;
#### Common fixes
If you need to be able to reassign the variable, then remove the `final`
int f() {
late int v;
v = 0;
v += 1;
return v;
If you don't need to reassign the variable, then remove all except the
first of the assignments:
int f() {
late final int v;
v = 0;
return v;
problemMessage: "The element type '{0}' can't be assigned to the list type '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the actual type of the list element
1: the expected type of the list element
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type of an element in a list
literal isn't assignable to the element type of the list.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `2.5` is a double, and
the list can hold only integers:
List<int> x = [1, [!2.5!], 3];
#### Common fixes
If you intended to add a different object to the list, then replace the
element with an expression that computes the intended object:
List<int> x = [1, 2, 3];
If the object shouldn't be in the list, then remove the element:
List<int> x = [1, 3];
If the object being computed is correct, then widen the element type of the
list to allow all of the different types of objects it needs to contain:
List<num> x = [1, 2.5, 3];
problemMessage: "The type of the first positional parameter of the 'main' function must be a supertype of 'List<String>'."
correctionMessage: Try changing the type of the parameter.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the first positional parameter
of a function named `main` isn't a supertype of `List<String>`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `List<int>` isn't a
supertype of `List<String>`:
void main([!List<int>!] args) {}
#### Common fixes
If the function is an entry point, then change the type of the first
positional parameter to be a supertype of `List<String>`:
void main(List<String> args) {}
If the function isn't an entry point, then change the name of the function:
void f(List<int> args) {}
problemMessage: "The function 'main' can't have any required named parameters."
correctionMessage: "Try using a different name for the function, or removing the 'required' modifier."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a function named `main` has one
or more required named parameters.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the function named
`main` has a required named parameter (`x`):
void [!main!]({required int x}) {}
#### Common fixes
If the function is an entry point, then remove the `required` keyword:
void main({int? x}) {}
If the function isn't an entry point, then change the name of the function:
void f({required int x}) {}
problemMessage: "The function 'main' can't have more than two required positional parameters."
correctionMessage: Try using a different name for the function, or removing extra parameters.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a function named `main` has more
than two required positional parameters.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the function `main` has
three required positional parameters:
void [!main!](List<String> args, int x, int y) {}
#### Common fixes
If the function is an entry point and the extra parameters aren't used,
then remove them:
void main(List<String> args, int x) {}
If the function is an entry point, but the extra parameters used are for
when the function isn't being used as an entry point, then make the extra
parameters optional:
void main(List<String> args, int x, [int y = 0]) {}
If the function isn't an entry point, then change the name of the function:
void f(List<String> args, int x, int y) {}
problemMessage: "The declaration named 'main' must be a function."
correctionMessage: Try using a different name for this declaration.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a library contains a declaration
of the name `main` that isn't the declaration of a top-level function.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `main` is
being used to declare a top-level variable:
var [!main!] = 3;
#### Common fixes
Use a different name for the declaration:
var mainIndex = 3;
problemMessage: Map entries can only be used in a map literal.
correctionMessage: Try converting the collection to a map or removing the map entry.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a map entry (a key/value pair)
is found in a set literal.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the literal has a map
entry even though it's a set literal:
const collection = <String>{[!'a' : 'b'!]};
#### Common fixes
If you intended for the collection to be a map, then change the code so
that it is a map. In the previous example, you could do this by adding
another type argument:
const collection = <String, String>{'a' : 'b'};
In other cases, you might need to change the explicit type from `Set` to
If you intended for the collection to be a set, then remove the map entry,
possibly by replacing the colon with a comma if both values should be
included in the set:
const collection = <String>{'a', 'b'};
problemMessage: "The element type '{0}' can't be assigned to the map key type '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the type of the expression being used as a key
1: the type of keys declared for the map
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a key of a key-value pair in a
map literal has a type that isn't assignable to the key type of the map.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `2` is an `int`, but
the keys of the map are required to be `String`s:
var m = <String, String>{[!2!] : 'a'};
#### Common fixes
If the type of the map is correct, then change the key to have the correct
var m = <String, String>{'2' : 'a'};
If the type of the key is correct, then change the key type of the map:
var m = <int, String>{2 : 'a'};
problemMessage: "The element type '{0}' can't be assigned to the map value type '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the type of the expression being used as a value
1: the type of values declared for the map
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a value of a key-value pair in a
map literal has a type that isn't assignable to the the value type of the
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `2` is an `int`, but/
the values of the map are required to be `String`s:
var m = <String, String>{'a' : [!2!]};
#### Common fixes
If the type of the map is correct, then change the value to have the
correct type:
var m = <String, String>{'a' : '2'};
If the type of the value is correct, then change the value type of the map:
var m = <String, int>{'a' : 2};
problemMessage: "List literals must be prefixed with 'const' when used as a constant expression."
correctionMessage: "Try adding the keyword 'const' before the literal."
comment: "12.1 Constants: A constant expression is ... a constant list literal."
problemMessage: "Map literals must be prefixed with 'const' when used as a constant expression."
correctionMessage: "Try adding the keyword 'const' before the literal."
comment: "12.1 Constants: A constant expression is ... a constant map literal."
problemMessage: "Set literals must be prefixed with 'const' when used as a constant expression."
correctionMessage: "Try adding the keyword 'const' before the literal."
comment: "12.1 Constants: A constant expression is ... a constant set literal."
problemMessage: "Required library '{0}' is missing."
correctionMessage: Re-install the Dart or Flutter SDK.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when either the Dart or Flutter SDK
isn’t installed correctly, and, as a result, one of the `dart:` libraries
can't be found.
#### Common fixes
Reinstall the Dart or Flutter SDK.
problemMessage: "The parameter '{0}' can't have a value of 'null' because of its type, but the implicit default value is 'null'."
correctionMessage: "Try adding either an explicit non-'null' default value or the 'required' modifier."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an optional parameter, whether
positional or named, has a [potentially non-nullable][] type and doesn't
specify a default value. Optional parameters that have no explicit default
value have an implicit default value of `null`. If the type of the
parameter doesn't allow the parameter to have a value of `null`, then the
implicit default value isn't valid.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can't be `null`,
and no non-`null` default value is specified:
void f([int [!x!]]) {}
As does this:
void g({int [!x!]}) {}
#### Common fixes
If you want to use `null` to indicate that no value was provided, then you
need to make the type nullable:
void f([int? x]) {}
void g({int? x}) {}
If the parameter can't be null, then either provide a default value:
void f([int x = 1]) {}
void g({int x = 2}) {}
or make the parameter a required parameter:
void f(int x) {}
void g({required int x}) {}
problemMessage: "The named parameter '{0}' is required, but there's no corresponding argument."
correctionMessage: Try adding the required argument.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the parameter
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an invocation of a function is
missing a required named parameter.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the invocation of `f`
doesn't include a value for the required named parameter `end`:
void f(int start, {required int end}) {}
void g() {
#### Common fixes
Add a named argument corresponding to the missing required parameter:
void f(int start, {required int end}) {}
void g() {
f(3, end: 5);
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be used in both 'extends' and 'with' clauses."
correctionMessage: Try removing one of the occurrences.
comment: |-
Technically this is [IMPLEMENTS_SUPER_CLASS].
0: the name of the class that appears in both "extends" and "with" clauses
problemMessage: "The super-invoked member '{0}' has the type '{1}', and the concrete member in the class has the type '{2}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the super-invoked member
1: the display name of the type of the super-invoked member in the mixin
2: the display name of the type of the concrete member in the class
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a mixin that invokes a method
using `super` is used in a class where the concrete implementation of that
method has a different signature than the signature defined for that method
by the mixin's `on` type. The reason this is an error is because the
invocation in the mixin might invoke the method in a way that's
incompatible with the method that will actually be executed.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `C` uses the
mixin `M`, the mixin `M` invokes `foo` using `super`, and the abstract
version of `foo` declared in `I` (the mixin's `on` type) doesn't have the
same signature as the concrete version of `foo` declared in `A`:
class I {
void foo([int? p]) {}
class A {
void foo(int p) {}
abstract class B extends A implements I {
void foo([int? p]);
mixin M on I {
void bar() {;
abstract class C extends B with [!M!] {}
#### Common fixes
If the class doesn't need to use the mixin, then remove it from the `with`
class I {
void foo([int? p]) {}
class A {
void foo(int? p) {}
abstract class B extends A implements I {
void foo([int? p]);
mixin M on I {
void bar() {;
abstract class C extends B {}
If the class needs to use the mixin, then ensure that there's a concrete
implementation of the method that conforms to the signature expected by the
class I {
void foo([int? p]) {}
class A {
void foo(int? p) {}
abstract class B extends A implements I {
void foo([int? p]) {;
mixin M on I {
void bar() {;
abstract class C extends B with M {}
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be mixed onto '{1}' because '{1}' doesn't implement '{2}'."
correctionMessage: "Try extending the class '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the display name of the mixin
1: the display name of the superclass
2: the display name of the type that is not implemented
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a mixin that has a superclass
constraint is used in a [mixin application][] with a superclass that
doesn't implement the required constraint.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the mixin `M` requires
that the class to which it's applied be a subclass of `A`, but `Object`
isn't a subclass of `A`:
class A {}
mixin M on A {}
class X = Object with [!M!];
#### Common fixes
If you need to use the mixin, then change the superclass to be either the
same as or a subclass of the superclass constraint:
class A {}
mixin M on A {}
class X = A with M;
problemMessage: "The class doesn't have a concrete implementation of the super-invoked member '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the display name of the member without a concrete implementation
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a [mixin application][] contains
an invocation of a member from its superclass, and there's no concrete
member of that name in the mixin application's superclass.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the mixin `M` contains
the invocation `super.m()`, and the class `A`, which is the superclass of
the [mixin application][] `A+M`, doesn't define a concrete implementation
of `m`:
abstract class A {
void m();
mixin M on A {
void bar() {
abstract class B extends A with [!M!] {}
#### Common fixes
If you intended to apply the mixin `M` to a different class, one that has a
concrete implementation of `m`, then change the superclass of `B` to that
abstract class A {
void m();
mixin M on A {
void bar() {
class C implements A {
void m() {}
abstract class B extends C with M {}
If you need to make `B` a subclass of `A`, then add a concrete
implementation of `m` in `A`:
abstract class A {
void m() {}
mixin M on A {
void bar() {
abstract class B extends A with M {}
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' can't be used as a mixin because it declares a constructor."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the mixin that is invalid
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class is used as a mixin and
the mixed-in class defines a constructor.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `A`, which
defines a constructor, is being used as a mixin:
class A {
class B with [!A!] {}
#### Common fixes
If it's possible to convert the class to a mixin, then do so:
mixin A {
class B with A {}
If the class can't be a mixin and it's possible to remove the constructor,
then do so:
class A {
class B with A {}
If the class can't be a mixin and you can't remove the constructor, then
try extending or implementing the class rather than mixing it in:
class A {
class B extends A {}
problemMessage: "Mixins can't declare constructors."
comment: |-
The <i>mixinMember</i> production allows the same instance or static
members that a class would allow, but no constructors (for now).
problemMessage: "Type parameters couldn't be inferred for the mixin '{0}' because the base class implements the mixin's supertype constraint '{1}' in multiple conflicting ways"
problemMessage: "Type parameters couldn't be inferred for the mixin '{0}' because the base class doesn't implement the mixin's supertype constraint '{1}'"
problemMessage: "Type parameters couldn't be inferred for the mixin '{0}' because no type parameter substitution could be found matching the mixin's supertype constraints"
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' can't be used as a mixin because it extends a class other than 'Object'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the mixin that is invalid
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class that extends a class
other than `Object` is used as a mixin.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `B`, which
extends `A`, is being used as a mixin by `C`:
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C with [!B!] {}
#### Common fixes
If the class being used as a mixin can be changed to extend `Object`, then
change it:
class A {}
class B {}
class C with B {}
If the class being used as a mixin can't be changed and the class that's
using it extends `Object`, then extend the class being used as a mixin:
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
If the class doesn't extend `Object` or if you want to be able to mix in
the behavior from `B` in other places, then create a real mixin:
class A {}
mixin M on A {}
class B extends A with M {}
class C extends A with M {}
problemMessage: "Mixins can't be instantiated."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a mixin is instantiated.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the mixin `M` is being
mixin M {}
var m = [!M!]();
#### Common fixes
If you intend to use an instance of a class, then use the name of that
class in place of the name of the mixin.
problemMessage: Classes can only mix in mixins and classes.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a name in a `with` clause is
defined to be something other than a mixin or a class.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `F` is defined to be a
function type:
typedef F = int Function(String);
class C with [!F!] {}
#### Common fixes
Remove the invalid name from the list, possibly replacing it with the name
of the intended mixin or class:
typedef F = int Function(String);
class C {}
problemMessage: "Deferred classes can't be used as super-class constraints."
correctionMessage: Try changing the import to not be deferred.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: Only classes and mixins can be used as superclass constraints.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a type following the `on`
keyword in a mixin declaration is neither a class nor a mixin.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `F` is neither a class
nor a mixin:
typedef F = void Function();
mixin M on [!F!] {}
#### Common fixes
If the type was intended to be a class but was mistyped, then replace the
Otherwise, remove the type from the `on` clause.
problemMessage: Mixin can only be applied to class.
comment: |-
9.1 Mixin Application: It is a compile-time error if <i>S</i> does not
denote a class available in the immediately enclosing scope.
problemMessage: "Constructors can have at most one 'this' redirection."
correctionMessage: Try removing all but one of the redirections.
comment: |-
7.6.1 Generative Constructors: A generative constructor may be redirecting,
in which case its only action is to invoke another generative constructor.
problemMessage: "A constructor can have at most one 'super' initializer."
correctionMessage: "Try removing all but one of the 'super' initializers."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the initializer list of a
constructor contains more than one invocation of a constructor from the
superclass. The initializer list is required to have exactly one such call,
which can either be explicit or implicit.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the initializer list
for `B`’s constructor invokes both the constructor `one` and the
constructor `two` from the superclass `A`:
class A {
int? x;
String? s;;
class B extends A {
B() :, [!super.two('')!];
#### Common fixes
If one of the super constructors will initialize the instance fully, then
remove the other:
class A {
int? x;
String? s;;
class B extends A {
B() :;
If the initialization achieved by one of the super constructors can be
performed in the body of the constructor, then remove its super invocation
and perform the initialization in the body:
class A {
int? x;
String? s;;
class B extends A {
B() : {
s = '';
If the initialization can only be performed in a constructor in the
superclass, then either add a new constructor or modify one of the existing
constructors so there's a constructor that allows all the required
initialization to occur in a single call:
class A {
int? x;
String? s;;
A.three(this.x, this.s);
class B extends A {
B() : super.three(0, '');
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' doesn't have a constructor named '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try invoking a different constructor, or define a constructor named '{1}'."
comment: |-
12.11.1 New: If <i>T</i> is a class or parameterized type accessible in the
current scope then:
1. If <i>e</i> is of the form <i>new<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;,
x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i> it is a static warning if
<i></i> is not the name of a constructor declared by the type
If <i>e</i> of the form <i>new T(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>,
x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;, x<sub>n+k</sub>:
a<sub>n+kM/sub>)</i> it is a static warning if the type <i>T</i> does not
declare a constructor with the same name as the declaration of <i>T</i>.
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' doesn't have an unnamed constructor."
correctionMessage: "Try using one of the named constructors defined in '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the class being instantiated
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an unnamed constructor is
invoked on a class that defines named constructors but the class doesn’t
have an unnamed constructor.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `A` doesn't define an
unnamed constructor:
class A {
A f() => [!A!]();
#### Common fixes
If one of the named constructors does what you need, then use it:
class A {
A f() => A.a();
If none of the named constructors does what you need, and you're able to
add an unnamed constructor, then add the constructor:
class A {
A f() => A();
problemMessage: "Missing concrete implementations of '{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', and {4} more."
correctionMessage: Try implementing the missing methods, or make the class abstract.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the first member
1: the name of the second member
2: the name of the third member
3: the name of the fourth member
4: the number of additional missing members that aren't listed
problemMessage: "Missing concrete implementations of '{0}', '{1}', '{2}', and '{3}'."
correctionMessage: Try implementing the missing methods, or make the class abstract.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the first member
1: the name of the second member
2: the name of the third member
3: the name of the fourth member
problemMessage: "Missing concrete implementation of '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try implementing the missing method, or make the class abstract.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the member
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a concrete class inherits one or
more abstract members, and doesn't provide or inherit an implementation for
at least one of those abstract members.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `B` doesn't
have a concrete implementation of `m`:
abstract class A {
void m();
class [!B!] extends A {}
#### Common fixes
If the subclass can provide a concrete implementation for some or all of
the abstract inherited members, then add the concrete implementations:
abstract class A {
void m();
class B extends A {
void m() {}
If there is a mixin that provides an implementation of the inherited
methods, then apply the mixin to the subclass:
abstract class A {
void m();
class B extends A with M {}
mixin M {
void m() {}
If the subclass can't provide a concrete implementation for all of the
abstract inherited members, then mark the subclass as being abstract:
abstract class A {
void m();
abstract class B extends A {}
problemMessage: "Missing concrete implementations of '{0}', '{1}', and '{2}'."
correctionMessage: Try implementing the missing methods, or make the class abstract.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the first member
1: the name of the second member
2: the name of the third member
problemMessage: "Missing concrete implementations of '{0}' and '{1}'."
correctionMessage: Try implementing the missing methods, or make the class abstract.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the first member
1: the name of the second member
problemMessage: "Conditions must have a static type of 'bool'."
correctionMessage: Try changing the condition.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a condition, such as an `if` or
`while` loop, doesn't have the static type `bool`.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` has the static type
void f(int x) {
if ([!x!]) {
// ...
#### Common fixes
Change the condition so that it produces a Boolean value:
void f(int x) {
if (x == 0) {
// ...
problemMessage: "The expression in an assert must be of type 'bool'."
correctionMessage: Try changing the expression.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the first expression in an
assert has a type other than `bool`.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type of `p` is
`int`, but a `bool` is required:
void f(int p) {
#### Common fixes
Change the expression so that it has the type `bool`:
void f(int p) {
assert(p > 0);
problemMessage: "A negation operand must have a static type of 'bool'."
correctionMessage: "Try changing the operand to the '!' operator."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the operand of the unary
negation operator (`!`) doesn't have the type `bool`.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` is an `int` when it
must be a `bool`:
int x = 0;
bool y = ![!x!];
#### Common fixes
Replace the operand with an expression that has the type `bool`:
int x = 0;
bool y = !(x > 0);
problemMessage: "The operands of the operator '{0}' must be assignable to 'bool'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the lexeme of the logical operator
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when one of the operands of either
the `&&` or `||` operator doesn't have the type `bool`.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `a` isn't a Boolean
int a = 3;
bool b = [!a!] || a > 1;
#### Common fixes
Change the operand to a Boolean value:
int a = 3;
bool b = a == 0 || a > 1;
problemMessage: Annotation creation can only call a const constructor.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an annotation is the invocation
of an existing constructor even though the invoked constructor isn't a
const constructor.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constructor for `C`
isn't a const constructor:
void f() {
class C {
#### Common fixes
If it's valid for the class to have a const constructor, then create a
const constructor that can be used for the annotation:
void f() {
class C {
const C();
If it isn't valid for the class to have a const constructor, then either
remove the annotation or use a different class for the annotation.
problemMessage: Case expressions must be constant.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the expression in a `case`
clause isn't a constant expression.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `j` isn't a constant:
void f(int i, int j) {
switch (i) {
case [!j!]:
// ...
#### Common fixes
Either make the expression a constant expression, or rewrite the `switch`
statement as a sequence of `if` statements:
void f(int i, int j) {
if (i == j) {
// ...
problemMessage: "Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as a case expression."
correctionMessage: Try re-writing the switch as a series of if statements, or changing the import to not be deferred.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the expression in a case clause
references a constant from a library that is imported using a deferred
import. In order for switch statements to be compiled efficiently, the
constants referenced in case clauses need to be available at compile time,
and constants from deferred libraries aren't available at compile time.
For more information, see the language tour's coverage of
[deferred loading](
#### Example
Given a file (`a.dart`) that defines the constant `zero`:
const zero = 0;
The following code produces this diagnostic because the library `a.dart` is
imported using a `deferred` import, and the constant ``, declared in
the imported library, is used in a case clause:
import 'a.dart' deferred as a;
void f(int x) {
switch (x) {
case [!!]:
// ...
#### Common fixes
If you need to reference the constant from the imported library, then
remove the `deferred` keyword:
import 'a.dart' as a;
void f(int x) {
switch (x) {
// ...
If you need to reference the constant from the imported library and also
need the imported library to be deferred, then rewrite the switch statement
as a sequence of `if` statements:
import 'a.dart' deferred as a;
void f(int x) {
if (x == {
// ...
If you don't need to reference the constant, then replace the case
void f(int x) {
switch (x) {
case 0:
// ...
problemMessage: The default value of an optional parameter must be constant.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an optional parameter, either
named or positional, has a default value that isn't a compile-time
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic:
var defaultValue = 3;
void f([int value = [!defaultValue!]]) {}
#### Common fixes
If the default value can be converted to be a constant, then convert it:
const defaultValue = 3;
void f([int value = defaultValue]) {}
If the default value needs to change over time, then apply the default
value inside the function:
var defaultValue = 3;
void f([int value]) {
value ??= defaultValue;
problemMessage: "Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as a default parameter value."
correctionMessage: Try leaving the default as null and initializing the parameter inside the function body.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the default value of an optional
parameter uses a constant from a library imported using a deferred import.
Default values need to be available at compile time, and constants from
deferred libraries aren't available at compile time.
For more information, see the language tour's coverage of
[deferred loading](
#### Example
Given a file (`a.dart`) that defines the constant `zero`:
const zero = 0;
The following code produces this diagnostic because `zero` is declared in a
library imported using a deferred import:
import 'a.dart' deferred as a;
void f({int x = [!!]}) {}
#### Common fixes
If you need to reference the constant from the imported library, then
remove the `deferred` keyword:
import 'a.dart' as a;
void f({int x =}) {}
If you don't need to reference the constant, then replace the default
void f({int x = 0}) {}
problemMessage: The values in a const list literal must be constants.
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'const' from the list literal."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an element in a constant list
literal isn't a constant value. The list literal can be constant either
explicitly (because it's prefixed by the `const` keyword) or implicitly
(because it appears in a [constant context][]).
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` isn't a constant,
even though it appears in an implicitly constant list literal:
var x = 2;
var y = const <int>[0, 1, [!x!]];
#### Common fixes
If the list needs to be a constant list, then convert the element to be a
constant. In the example above, you might add the `const` keyword to the
declaration of `x`:
const x = 2;
var y = const <int>[0, 1, x];
If the expression can't be made a constant, then the list can't be a
constant either, so you must change the code so that the list isn't a
constant. In the example above this means removing the `const` keyword
before the list literal:
var x = 2;
var y = <int>[0, 1, x];
problemMessage: The elements in a const map literal must be constant.
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'const' from the map literal."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an `if` element or a spread
element in a constant map isn't a constant element.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because it's attempting to
spread a non-constant map:
var notConst = <int, int>{};
var map = const <int, int>{...[!notConst!]};
Similarly, the following code produces this diagnostic because the
condition in the `if` element isn't a constant expression:
bool notConst = true;
var map = const <int, int>{if ([!notConst!]) 1 : 2};
#### Common fixes
If the map needs to be a constant map, then make the elements constants.
In the spread example, you might do that by making the collection being
spread a constant:
const notConst = <int, int>{};
var map = const <int, int>{...notConst};
If the map doesn't need to be a constant map, then remove the `const`
bool notConst = true;
var map = <int, int>{if (notConst) 1 : 2};
problemMessage: The keys in a const map literal must be constant.
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'const' from the map literal."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a key in a constant map literal
isn't a constant value.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic beause `a` isn't a constant:
var a = 'a';
var m = const {[!a!]: 0};
#### Common fixes
If the map needs to be a constant map, then make the key a constant:
const a = 'a';
var m = const {a: 0};
If the map doesn't need to be a constant map, then remove the `const`
var a = 'a';
var m = {a: 0};
problemMessage: The values in a const map literal must be constant.
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'const' from the map literal."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a value in a constant map
literal isn't a constant value.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `a` isn't a constant:
var a = 'a';
var m = const {0: [!a!]};
#### Common fixes
If the map needs to be a constant map, then make the key a constant:
const a = 'a';
var m = const {0: a};
If the map doesn't need to be a constant map, then remove the `const`
var a = 'a';
var m = {0: a};
problemMessage: The values in a const set literal must be constants.
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'const' from the set literal."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constant set literal contains
an element that isn't a compile-time constant.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `i` isn't a constant:
var i = 0;
var s = const {[!i!]};
#### Common fixes
If the element can be changed to be a constant, then change it:
const i = 0;
var s = const {i};
If the element can't be a constant, then remove the keyword `const`:
var i = 0;
var s = {i};
problemMessage: "A non-constant map or set literal without type arguments can't be used as an expression statement."
comment: |-
13.2 Expression Statements: It is a compile-time error if a non-constant
map literal that has no explicit type arguments appears in a place where a
statement is expected.
problemMessage: "The generative constructor '{0}' is expected, but a factory was found."
correctionMessage: Try calling a different constructor of the superclass, or making the called constructor not be a factory constructor.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the non-generative constructor
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the initializer list of a
constructor invokes a constructor from the superclass, and the invoked
constructor is a factory constructor. Only a generative constructor can be
invoked in the initializer list.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the invocation of the
constructor `` is invoking a factory constructor:
class A {
factory = B;
class B extends A {
B() : [!!];
#### Common fixes
Change the super invocation to invoke a generative constructor:
class A {
factory = B;
class B extends A {
B() : super.two();
If the generative constructor is the unnamed constructor, and if there are
no arguments being passed to it, then you can remove the super invocation.
problemMessage: "The unnamed constructor of superclass '{0}' (called by the default constructor of '{1}') must be a generative constructor, but factory found."
correctionMessage: "Try adding an explicit constructor that has a different superinitializer or changing the superclass constructor '{2}' to not be a factory constructor."
comment: |-
An error code for when a class has no explicit constructor, and therefore
a constructor is implicitly defined which uses a factory as a
superinitializer. See [NON_GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR].
0: the name of the superclass
1: the name of the current class
2: the implicitly called factory constructor of the superclass
problemMessage: "Factory bodies can't use 'async', 'async*', or 'sync*'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the body of a factory
constructor is marked with `async`, `async*`, or `sync*`. All constructors,
including factory constructors, are required to return an instance of the
class in which they're declared, not a `Future`, `Stream`, or `Iterator`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the body of the factory
constructor is marked with `async`:
class C {
factory C() [!async!] {
return C._();
#### Common fixes
If the member must be declared as a factory constructor, then remove the
keyword appearing before the body:
class C {
factory C() {
return C._();
If the member must return something other than an instance of the enclosing
class, then make the member a static method:
class C {
static Future<C> m() async {
return C._();
problemMessage: "The name '{0}' isn't a type so it can't be used as a type argument."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the name to an existing type, or defining a type named '{0}'."
isUnresolvedIdentifier: true
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name appearing where a type is expected
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an identifier that isn't a type
is used as a type argument.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` is a variable, not
a type:
var x = 0;
List<[!x!]> xList = [];
#### Common fixes
Change the type argument to be a type:
var x = 0;
List<int> xList = [];
problemMessage: "The name '{0}' isn't a type and can't be used in an on-catch clause."
correctionMessage: Try correcting the name to match an existing class.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the non-type element
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the identifier following the
`on` in a `catch` clause is defined to be something other than a type.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is a function, not
a type:
void f() {
try {
// ...
} on [!f!] {
// ...
#### Common fixes
Change the name to the type of object that should be caught:
void f() {
try {
// ...
} on FormatException {
// ...
problemMessage: "The return type of the operator []= must be 'void'."
correctionMessage: "Try changing the return type to 'void'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a declaration of the operator
`[]=` has a return type other than `void`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the declaration of the
operator `[]=` has a return type of `int`:
class C {
[!int!] operator []=(int index, int value) => 0;
#### Common fixes
Change the return type to `void`:
class C {
void operator []=(int index, int value) => 0;
problemMessage: "The return type of the setter must be 'void' or absent."
correctionMessage: Try removing the return type, or define a method rather than a setter.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a setter is defined with a
return type other than `void`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the setter `p` has a
return type of `int`:
class C {
[!int!] set p(int i) => 0;
#### Common fixes
Change the return type to `void` or omit the return type:
class C {
set p(int i) => 0;
problemMessage: "The non-nullable local variable '{0}' must be assigned before it can be used."
correctionMessage: "Try giving it an initializer expression, or ensure that it's assigned on every execution path."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the variable that is invalid
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a local variable is referenced
and has all these characteristics:
- Has a type that's [potentially non-nullable][].
- Doesn't have an initializer.
- Isn't marked as `late`.
- The analyzer can't prove that the local variable will be assigned before
the reference based on the specification of [definite assignment][].
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can't have a value
of `null`, but is referenced before a value was assigned to it:
String f() {
int x;
return [!x!].toString();
The following code produces this diagnostic because the assignment to `x`
might not be executed, so it might have a value of `null`:
int g(bool b) {
int x;
if (b) {
x = 1;
return [!x!] * 2;
The following code produces this diagnostic because the analyzer can't
prove, based on definite assignment analysis, that `x` won't be referenced
without having a value assigned to it:
int h(bool b) {
int x;
if (b) {
x = 1;
if (b) {
return [!x!] * 2;
return 0;
#### Common fixes
If `null` is a valid value, then make the variable nullable:
String f() {
int? x;
return x!.toString();
If `null` isn’t a valid value, and there's a reasonable default value, then
add an initializer:
int g(bool b) {
int x = 2;
if (b) {
x = 1;
return x * 2;
Otherwise, ensure that a value was assigned on every possible code path
before the value is accessed:
int g(bool b) {
int x;
if (b) {
x = 1;
} else {
x = 2;
return x * 2;
You can also mark the variable as `late`, which removes the diagnostic, but
if the variable isn't assigned a value before it's accessed, then it
results in an exception being thrown at runtime. This approach should only
be used if you're sure that the variable will always be assigned, even
though the analyzer can't prove it based on definite assignment analysis.
int h(bool b) {
late int x;
if (b) {
x = 1;
if (b) {
return x * 2;
return 0;
problemMessage: "{0} isn't a type."
correctionMessage: Try correcting the name to match an existing type.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name that is not a type
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a name is used as a type but
declared to be something other than a type.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is a function:
f() {}
g([!f!] v) {}
#### Common fixes
Replace the name with the name of a type.
problemMessage: "'{0}' isn't a binary operator."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the operator that is not a binary operator.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an operator that can only be
used as a unary operator is used as a binary operator.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the operator `~` can
only be used as a unary operator:
var a = 5 [!~!] 3;
#### Common fixes
Replace the operator with the correct binary operator:
var a = 5 - 3;
problemMessage: "{0} positional argument(s) expected, but {1} found."
correctionMessage: Try adding the missing arguments.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the expected number of required arguments
1: the actual number of positional arguments given
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a method or function invocation
has fewer positional arguments than the number of required positional
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` declares two
required parameters, but only one argument is provided:
void f(int a, int b) {}
void g() {
#### Common fixes
Add arguments corresponding to the remaining parameters:
void f(int a, int b) {}
void g() {
f(0, 1);
problemMessage: "Non-nullable instance field '{0}' must be initialized."
correctionMessage: "Try adding an initializer expression, or a generative constructor that initializes it, or mark it 'late'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the field that is not initialized
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field is declared and has all
these characteristics:
- Has a type that's [potentially non-nullable][]
- Doesn't have an initializer
- Isn't marked as `late`
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` is implicitly
initialized to `null` when it isn't allowed to be `null`:
class C {
int [!x!];
Similarly, the following code produces this diagnostic because `x` is
implicitly initialized to `null`, when it isn't allowed to be `null`, by
one of the constructors, even though it's initialized by other
class C {
int x;
#### Common fixes
If there's a reasonable default value for the field that’s the same for all
instances, then add an initializer expression:
class C {
int x = 0;
If the value of the field should be provided when an instance is created,
then add a constructor that sets the value of the field or update an
existing constructor:
class C {
int x;
You can also mark the field as `late`, which removes the diagnostic, but if
the field isn't assigned a value before it's accessed, then it results in
an exception being thrown at runtime. This approach should only be used if
you're sure that the field will always be assigned before it's referenced.
class C {
late int x;
problemMessage: "Non-nullable instance field '{0}' must be initialized."
correctionMessage: "Try adding an initializer expression, or add a field initializer in this constructor, or mark it 'late'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the field that is not initialized
problemMessage: "The non-nullable variable '{0}' must be initialized."
correctionMessage: Try adding an initializer expression.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the variable that is invalid
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a static field or top-level
variable has a type that's non-nullable and doesn't have an initializer.
Fields and variables that don't have an initializer are normally
initialized to `null`, but the type of the field or variable doesn't allow
it to be set to `null`, so an explicit initializer must be provided.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `f` can't be
initialized to `null`:
class C {
static int [!f!];
Similarly, the following code produces this diagnostic because the
top-level variable `v` can't be initialized to `null`:
int [!v!];
#### Common fixes
If the field or variable can't be initialized to `null`, then add an
initializer that sets it to a non-null value:
class C {
static int f = 0;
If the field or variable should be initialized to `null`, then change the
type to be nullable:
int? v;
If the field or variable can't be initialized in the declaration but will
always be initialized before it's referenced, then mark it as being `late`:
class C {
static late int f;
problemMessage: Type parameter bound types must be instantiated.
correctionMessage: Try adding type arguments to the type parameter bound.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Spread elements in list or set literals must implement 'Iterable'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the static type of the
expression of a spread element that appears in either a list literal or a
set literal doesn't implement the type `Iterable`.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic:
var m = <String, int>{'a': 0, 'b': 1};
var s = <String>{...[!m!]};
#### Common fixes
The most common fix is to replace the expression with one that produces an
iterable object:
var m = <String, int>{'a': 0, 'b': 1};
var s = <String>{...m.keys};
problemMessage: "Spread elements in map literals must implement 'Map'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the static type of the
expression of a spread element that appears in a map literal doesn't
implement the type `Map`.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `l` isn't a `Map`:
var l = <String>['a', 'b'];
var m = <int, String>{...[!l!]};
#### Common fixes
The most common fix is to replace the expression with one that produces a
var l = <String>['a', 'b'];
var m = <int, String>{...l.asMap()};
problemMessage: "The Null typed expression can't be used with a non-null-aware spread."
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: Annotation creation must have arguments.
correctionMessage: Try adding an empty argument list.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an annotation consists of a
single identifier, but that identifier is the name of a class rather than a
variable. To create an instance of the class, the identifier must be
followed by an argument list.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `C` is a class, and a
class can't be used as an annotation without invoking a `const` constructor
from the class:
class C {
const C();
var x;
#### Common fixes
Add the missing argument list:
class C {
const C();
var x;
problemMessage: "Can't infer missing types in '{0}' from overridden methods: {1}."
correctionMessage: "Try providing explicit types for this method's parameters and return type."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the class where override error was detected
1: the list of candidate signatures which cannot be combined
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when there is a method declaration
for which one or more types needs to be inferred, and those types can't be
inferred because none of the overridden methods has a function type that is
a supertype of all the other overridden methods, as specified by
[override inference][].
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the method `m` declared
in the class `C` is missing both the return type and the type of the
parameter `a`, and neither of the missing types can be inferred for it:
abstract class A {
A m(String a);
abstract class B {
B m(int a);
abstract class C implements A, B {
In this example, override inference can't be performed because the
overridden methods are incompatible in these ways:
- Neither parameter type (`String` and `int`) is a supertype of the other.
- Neither return type is a subtype of the other.
#### Common fixes
If possible, add types to the method in the subclass that are consistent
with the types from all the overridden methods:
abstract class A {
A m(String a);
abstract class B {
B m(int a);
abstract class C implements A, B {
C m(Object a);
problemMessage: "The superclass '{0}' doesn't have a zero argument constructor."
correctionMessage: "Try declaring a zero argument constructor in '{0}', or explicitly invoking a different constructor in '{0}'."
comment: |-
0: the name of the superclass that does not define an implicitly invoked
problemMessage: "The superclass '{0}' doesn't have a zero argument constructor."
correctionMessage: "Try declaring a zero argument constructor in '{0}', or declaring a constructor in {1} that explicitly invokes a constructor in '{0}'."
comment: |-
0: the name of the superclass that does not define an implicitly invoked
1: the name of the subclass that does not contain any explicit constructors
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' cannot extend '{1}' because '{1}' only has factory constructors (no generative constructors), and '{0}' has at least one generative constructor."
correctionMessage: "Try implementing the class instead, adding a generative (not factory) constructor to the superclass {0}, or a factory constructor to the subclass."
comment: |-
User friendly specialized error for [NON_GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR]. This
handles the case of `class E extends Exception` which will never work
because [Exception] has no generative constructors.
0: the name of the subclass
1: the name of the superclass
problemMessage: "A class can't extend a nullable type."
correctionMessage: Try removing the question mark.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class declaration uses an
`extends` clause to specify a superclass, and the superclass is followed by
a `?`.
It isn't valid to specify a nullable superclass because doing so would have
no meaning; it wouldn't change either the interface or implementation being
inherited by the class containing the `extends` clause.
Note, however, that it _is_ valid to use a nullable type as a type argument
to the superclass, such as `class A extends B<C?> {}`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `A?` is a nullable
type, and nullable types can't be used in an `extends` clause:
class A {}
class B extends [!A?!] {}
#### Common fixes
Remove the question mark from the type:
class A {}
class B extends A {}
problemMessage: "A class or mixin can't implement a nullable type."
correctionMessage: Try removing the question mark.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class or mixin declaration has
an `implements` clause, and an interface is followed by a `?`.
It isn't valid to specify a nullable interface because doing so would have
no meaning; it wouldn't change the interface being inherited by the class
containing the `implements` clause.
Note, however, that it _is_ valid to use a nullable type as a type argument
to the interface, such as `class A implements B<C?> {}`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `A?` is a nullable
type, and nullable types can't be used in an `implements` clause:
class A {}
class B implements [!A?!] {}
#### Common fixes
Remove the question mark from the type:
class A {}
class B implements A {}
problemMessage: "A mixin can't have a nullable type as a superclass constraint."
correctionMessage: Try removing the question mark.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a mixin declaration uses an `on`
clause to specify a superclass constraint, and the class that's specified
is followed by a `?`.
It isn't valid to specify a nullable superclass constraint because doing so
would have no meaning; it wouldn't change the interface being depended on
by the mixin containing the `on` clause.
Note, however, that it _is_ valid to use a nullable type as a type argument
to the superclass constraint, such as `mixin A on B<C?> {}`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `A?` is a nullable type
and nullable types can't be used in an `on` clause:
class C {}
mixin M on [!C?!] {}
#### Common fixes
Remove the question mark from the type:
class C {}
mixin M on C {}
problemMessage: "A class or mixin can't mix in a nullable type."
correctionMessage: Try removing the question mark.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class or mixin declaration has
a `with` clause, and a mixin is followed by a `?`.
It isn't valid to specify a nullable mixin because doing so would have no
meaning; it wouldn't change either the interface or implementation being
inherited by the class containing the `with` clause.
Note, however, that it _is_ valid to use a nullable type as a type argument
to the mixin, such as `class A with B<C?> {}`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `A?` is a nullable
type, and nullable types can't be used in a `with` clause:
mixin M {}
class C with [!M?!] {}
#### Common fixes
Remove the question mark from the type:
mixin M {}
class C with M {}
problemMessage: "The class 'Object' can't extend any other class."
comment: |-
7.9 Superclasses: It is a compile-time error to specify an extends clause
for class Object.
problemMessage: "The type '{0}' can be included in the superclass constraints only once."
correctionMessage: Try removing all except one occurrence of the type name.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the interface that is implemented more than once
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the same type is listed in the
superclass constraints of a mixin multiple times.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `A` is included twice
in the superclass constraints for `M`:
mixin M on A, [!A!] {
class A {}
class B {}
#### Common fixes
If a different type should be included in the superclass constraints, then
replace one of the occurrences with the other type:
mixin M on A, B {
class A {}
class B {}
If no other type was intended, then remove the repeated type name:
mixin M on A {
class A {}
class B {}
problemMessage: "Optional parameters aren't allowed when defining an operator."
correctionMessage: Try removing the optional parameters.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when one or more of the parameters in
an operator declaration are optional.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the parameter `other`
is an optional parameter:
class C {
C operator +([[!C? other!]]) => this;
#### Common fixes
Make all of the parameters be required parameters:
class C {
C operator +(C other) => this;
problemMessage: "Expected this library to be part of '{0}', not '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try including a different part, or changing the name of the library in the part's part-of directive."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of expected library name
1: the non-matching actual library name from the "part of" declaration
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a library attempts to include a
file as a part of itself when the other file is a part of a different
#### Example
Given a file named `part.dart` containing
part of 'library.dart';
The following code, in any file other than `library.dart`, produces this
diagnostic because it attempts to include `part.dart` as a part of itself
when `part.dart` is a part of a different library:
part [!'package:a/part.dart'!];
#### Common fixes
If the library should be using a different file as a part, then change the
URI in the part directive to be the URI of the other file.
If the part file should be a part of this library, then update the URI (or
library name) in the part-of directive to be the URI (or name) of the
correct library.
problemMessage: "The included part '{0}' must have a part-of directive."
correctionMessage: "Try adding a part-of directive to '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the uri pointing to a non-library declaration
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a part directive is found and
the referenced file doesn't have a part-of directive.
#### Examples
Given a file (`a.dart`) containing:
class A {}
The following code produces this diagnostic because `a.dart` doesn't
contain a part-of directive:
part [!'a.dart'!];
#### Common fixes
If the referenced file is intended to be a part of another library, then
add a part-of directive to the file:
part of 'test.dart';
class A {}
If the referenced file is intended to be a library, then replace the part
directive with an import directive:
import 'a.dart';
problemMessage: "The library is unnamed. A URI is expected, not a library name '{0}', in the part-of directive."
correctionMessage: Try changing the part-of directive to a URI, or try including a different part.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the URI of the expected library
1: the non-matching actual library name from the "part of" declaration
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a library that doesn't have a
`library` directive (and hence has no name) contains a `part` directive and
the `part of` directive in the part file uses a name to specify the library
that it's a part of.
#### Example
Given a part file named `part_file.dart` containing the following code:
part of lib;
The following code produces this diagnostic because the library including
the part file doesn't have a name even though the part file uses a name to
specify which library it's a part of:
part [!'part_file.dart'!];
#### Common fixes
Change the `part of` directive in the part file to specify its library by
part of 'test.dart';
problemMessage: "The name '{0}' is already used as an import prefix and can't be used to name a top-level element."
correctionMessage: Try renaming either the top-level element or the prefix.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the prefix
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a name is used as both an import
prefix and the name of a top-level declaration in the same library.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is used as both an
import prefix and the name of a function:
import 'dart:math' as f;
int [!f!]() => f.min(0, 1);
#### Common fixes
If you want to use the name for the import prefix, then rename the
top-level declaration:
import 'dart:math' as f;
int g() => f.min(0, 1);
If you want to use the name for the top-level declaration, then rename the
import prefix:
import 'dart:math' as math;
int f() => math.min(0, 1);
problemMessage: "The name '{0}' refers to an import prefix, so it must be followed by '.'."
correctionMessage: Try correcting the name to refer to something other than a prefix, or renaming the prefix.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the prefix
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an import prefix is used by
itself, without accessing any of the names declared in the libraries
associated with the prefix. Prefixes aren't variables, and therefore can't
be used as a value.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the prefix `math` is
being used as if it were a variable:
import 'dart:math' as math;
void f() {
#### Common fixes
If the code is incomplete, then reference something in one of the libraries
associated with the prefix:
import 'dart:math' as math;
void f() {
If the name is wrong, then correct the name.
problemMessage: "The prefix '{0}' can't be used here because it is shadowed by a local declaration."
correctionMessage: Try renaming either the prefix or the local declaration.
comment: |-
From the `Static Types` section of the spec:
A type T is malformed if:
- T has the form id or the form, and in the enclosing lexical
scope, the name id (respectively does not denote a type.
In particular, this means that if an import prefix is shadowed by a local
declaration, it is an error to try to use it as a prefix for a type name.
problemMessage: "The private name '{0}', defined by '{1}', conflicts with the same name defined by '{2}'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing '{1}' from the 'with' clause."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the private name that collides
1: the name of the first mixin
2: the name of the second mixin
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when two mixins that define the same
private member are used together in a single class in a library other than
the one that defines the mixins.
#### Example
Given a file named `a.dart` containing the following code:
class A {
void _foo() {}
class B {
void _foo() {}
The following code produces this diagnostic because the classes `A` and `B`
both define the method `_foo`:
import 'a.dart';
class C extends Object with A, [!B!] {}
#### Common fixes
If you don't need both of the mixins, then remove one of them from the
`with` clause:
import 'a.dart';
class C extends Object with A, [!B!] {}
If you need both of the mixins, then rename the conflicting member in one
of the two mixins.
problemMessage: "Named parameters can't start with an underscore."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the name of a named parameter
starts with an underscore.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the named parameter
`_x` starts with an underscore:
class C {
void m({int [!_x!] = 0}) {}
#### Common fixes
Rename the parameter so that it doesn't start with an underscore:
class C {
void m({int x = 0}) {}
problemMessage: "The setter '{0}' is private and can't be accessed outside of the library that declares it."
correctionMessage: Try making it public.
problemMessage: "The final variable '{0}' can't be read because it is potentially unassigned at this point."
correctionMessage: Ensure that it is assigned on necessary execution paths.
problemMessage: The compile-time constant expression depends on itself.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the value of a compile-time
constant is defined in terms of itself, either directly or indirectly,
creating an infinite loop.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic twice because both of the
constants are defined in terms of the other:
const [!secondsPerHour!] = minutesPerHour * 60;
const [!minutesPerHour!] = secondsPerHour / 60;
#### Common fixes
Break the cycle by finding an alternative way of defining at least one of
the constants:
const secondsPerHour = minutesPerHour * 60;
const minutesPerHour = 60;
problemMessage: "Constructors can't redirect to themselves either directly or indirectly."
correctionMessage: Try changing one of the constructors in the loop to not redirect.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
No parameters.
TODO(scheglov) review this later, there are no explicit "it is a
compile-time error" in specification. But it was added to the co19 and
there is same error for factories.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constructor redirects to
itself, either directly or indirectly, creating an infinite loop.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the generative
constructors `C.a` and `C.b` each redirect to the other:
class C {
C.a() : [!this.b()!];
C.b() : [!this.a()!];
The following code produces this diagnostic because the factory
constructors `A` and `B` each redirect to the other:
abstract class A {
factory A() = [!B!];
class B implements A {
factory B() = [!A!];
#### Common fixes
In the case of generative constructors, break the cycle by finding defining
at least one of the constructors to not redirect to another constructor:
class C {
C.a() : this.b();
In the case of factory constructors, break the cycle by defining at least
one of the factory constructors to do one of the following:
- Redirect to a generative constructor:
abstract class A {
factory A() = B;
class B implements A {
factory B() = B.named;
- Not redirect to another constructor:
abstract class A {
factory A() = B;
class B implements A {
factory B() {
return B.named();
- Not be a factory constructor:
abstract class A {
factory A() = B;
class B implements A {
problemMessage: "Constructors can't redirect to themselves either directly or indirectly."
correctionMessage: Try changing one of the constructors in the loop to not redirect.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be a superinterface of itself: {1}."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the class that implements itself recursively
1: a string representation of the implements loop
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when there's a circularity in the
type hierarchy. This happens when a type, either directly or indirectly,
is declared to be a subtype of itself.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `A` is
declared to be a subtype of `B`, and `B` is a subtype of `A`:
class [!A!] extends B {}
class B implements A {}
#### Common fixes
Change the type hierarchy so that there's no circularity.
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't extend itself."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
7.10 Superinterfaces: It is a compile-time error if the interface of a
class <i>C</i> is a superinterface of itself.
8.1 Superinterfaces: It is a compile-time error if an interface is a
superinterface of itself.
7.9 Superclasses: It is a compile-time error if a class <i>C</i> is a
superclass of itself.
0: the name of the class that implements itself recursively
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't implement itself."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
7.10 Superinterfaces: It is a compile-time error if the interface of a
class <i>C</i> is a superinterface of itself.
8.1 Superinterfaces: It is a compile-time error if an interface is a
superinterface of itself.
7.9 Superclasses: It is a compile-time error if a class <i>C</i> is a
superclass of itself.
0: the name of the class that implements itself recursively
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't use itself as a superclass constraint."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the mixin that constraints itself recursively
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't use itself as a mixin."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
7.10 Superinterfaces: It is a compile-time error if the interface of a
class <i>C</i> is a superinterface of itself.
8.1 Superinterfaces: It is a compile-time error if an interface is a
superinterface of itself.
7.9 Superclasses: It is a compile-time error if a class <i>C</i> is a
superclass of itself.
0: the name of the class that implements itself recursively
problemMessage: "The constructor '{0}' couldn't be found in '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try redirecting to a different constructor, or defining the constructor named '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a generative constructor
redirects to a constructor that isn't defined.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constructor `C.a`
redirects to the constructor `C.b`, but `C.b` isn't defined:
class C {
C.a() : [!this.b()!];
#### Common fixes
If the missing constructor must be called, then define it:
class C {
C.a() : this.b();
If the missing constructor doesn't need to be called, then remove the
class C {
problemMessage: "Generative constructors can't redirect to a factory constructor."
correctionMessage: Try redirecting to a different constructor.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a generative constructor
redirects to a factory constructor.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the generative
constructor `C.a` redirects to the factory constructor `C.b`:
class C {
C.a() : [!this.b()!];
factory C.b() => C.a();
#### Common fixes
If the generative constructor doesn't need to redirect to another
constructor, then remove the redirect.
class C {
factory C.b() => C.a();
If the generative constructor must redirect to another constructor, then
make the other constructor be a generative (non-factory) constructor:
class C {
C.a() : this.b();
problemMessage: "The redirecting constructor '{0}' can't redirect to a constructor of the abstract class '{1}'."
correctionMessage: Try redirecting to a constructor of a different class.
comment: |-
A factory constructor can't redirect to a non-generative constructor of an
abstract class.
problemMessage: "The redirected constructor '{0}' has incompatible parameters with '{1}'."
correctionMessage: Try redirecting to a different constructor.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the redirected constructor
1: the name of the redirecting constructor
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a factory constructor attempts
to redirect to another constructor, but the two have incompatible
parameters. The parameters are compatible if all of the parameters of the
redirecting constructor can be passed to the other constructor and if the
other constructor doesn't require any parameters that aren't declared by
the redirecting constructor.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constructor for `A`
doesn't declare a parameter that the constructor for `B` requires:
abstract class A {
factory A() = [!B!];
class B implements A {
B(int x);;
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constructor for `A`
declares a named parameter (`y`) that the constructor for `B` doesn't
abstract class A {
factory A(int x, {int y}) = [!B!];
class B implements A {
B(int x);
#### Common fixes
If there's a different constructor that is compatible with the redirecting
constructor, then redirect to that constructor:
abstract class A {
factory A() =;
class B implements A {
B(int x);;
Otherwise, update the redirecting constructor to be compatible:
abstract class A {
factory A(int x) = B;
class B implements A {
B(int x);
problemMessage: "The return type '{0}' of the redirected constructor isn't a subtype of '{1}'."
correctionMessage: Try redirecting to a different constructor.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the redirected constructor's return type
1: the name of the redirecting constructor's return type
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a factory constructor redirects
to a constructor whose return type isn't a subtype of the type that the
factory constructor is declared to produce.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `A` isn't a subclass
of `C`, which means that the value returned by the constructor `A()`
couldn't be returned from the constructor `C()`:
class A {}
class B implements C {}
class C {
factory C() = [!A!];
#### Common fixes
If the factory constructor is redirecting to a constructor in the wrong
class, then update the factory constructor to redirect to the correct
class A {}
class B implements C {}
class C {
factory C() = B;
If the class defining the constructor being redirected to is the class that
should be returned, then make it a subtype of the factory's return type:
class A implements C {}
class B implements C {}
class C {
factory C() = A;
problemMessage: "The constructor '{0}' couldn't be found in '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try redirecting to a different constructor, or define the constructor named '{0}'."
comment: |-
7.6.2 Factories: It is a compile-time error if <i>k</i> is prefixed with
the const modifier but <i>k'</i> is not a constant constructor.
problemMessage: "The name '{0}' isn't a type and can't be used in a redirected constructor."
correctionMessage: Try redirecting to a different constructor.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the non-type referenced in the redirect
documentation: |-
#### Description
One way to implement a factory constructor is to redirect to another
constructor by referencing the name of the constructor. The analyzer
produces this diagnostic when the redirect is to something other than a
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is a function:
C f() => throw 0;
class C {
factory C() = [!f!];
#### Common fixes
If the constructor isn't defined, then either define it or replace it with
a constructor that is defined.
If the constructor is defined but the class that defines it isn't visible,
then you probably need to add an import.
If you're trying to return the value returned by a function, then rewrite
the constructor to return the value from the constructor's body:
C f() => throw 0;
class C {
factory C() => f();
problemMessage: "A constant redirecting constructor can't redirect to a non-constant constructor."
correctionMessage: Try redirecting to a different constructor.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constructor marked as `const`
redirects to a constructor that isn't marked as `const`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constructor `C.a`
is marked as `const` but redirects to the constructor `C.b`, which isn't:
class C {
const C.a() : this.[!b!]();
#### Common fixes
If the non-constant constructor can be marked as `const`, then mark it as
class C {
const C.a() : this.b();
const C.b();
If the non-constant constructor can't be marked as `const`, then either
remove the redirect or remove `const` from the redirecting constructor:
class C {
C.a() : this.b();
problemMessage: "A redirecting constructor can't redirect to a type alias that expands to a type parameter."
correctionMessage: Try replacing it with a class.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a redirecting factory
constructor redirects to a type alias, and the type alias expands to one of
the type parameters of the type alias. This isn’t allowed because the value
of the type parameter is a type rather than a class.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the redirect to `B<A>`
is to a type alias whose value is `T`, even though it looks like the value
should be `A`:
class A implements C {}
typedef B<T> = T;
abstract class C {
factory C() = [!B!]<A>;
#### Common fixes
Use either a class name or a type alias that is defined to be a class
rather than a type alias defined to be a type parameter:
class A implements C {}
abstract class C {
factory C() = A;
problemMessage: "Local variable '{0}' can't be referenced before it is declared."
correctionMessage: "Try moving the declaration to before the first use, or renaming the local variable so that it doesn't hide a name from an enclosing scope."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a variable is referenced before
it’s declared. In Dart, variables are visible everywhere in the block in
which they are declared, but can only be referenced after they are
The analyzer also produces a context message that indicates where the
declaration is located.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `i` is used before it
is declared:
void f() {
int i = 5;
#### Common fixes
If you intended to reference the local variable, move the declaration
before the first reference:
void f() {
int i = 5;
If you intended to reference a name from an outer scope, such as a
parameter, instance field or top-level variable, then rename the local
declaration so that it doesn't hide the outer variable.
void f(int i) {
int x = 5;
problemMessage: A rethrow must be inside of a catch clause.
correctionMessage: "Try moving the expression into a catch clause, or using a 'throw' expression."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a `rethrow` statement is outside
a `catch` clause. The `rethrow` statement is used to throw a caught
exception again, but there's no caught exception outside of a `catch`
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the`rethrow` statement
is outside of a `catch` clause:
void f() {
#### Common fixes
If you're trying to rethrow an exception, then wrap the `rethrow` statement
in a `catch` clause:
void f() {
try {
// ...
} catch (exception) {
If you're trying to throw a new exception, then replace the `rethrow`
statement with a `throw` expression:
void f() {
throw UnsupportedError('Not yet implemented');
problemMessage: "Constructors can't return values."
correctionMessage: Try removing the return statement or using a factory constructor.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a generative constructor
contains a `return` statement that specifies a value to be returned.
Generative constructors always return the object that was created, and
therefore can't return a different object.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the `return` statement
has an expression:
class C {
C() {
return [!this!];
#### Common fixes
If the constructor should create a new instance, then remove either the
`return` statement or the expression:
class C {
If the constructor shouldn't create a new instance, then convert it to be a
factory constructor:
class C {
factory C() {
return _instance;
static C _instance = C._();
problemMessage: "Can't return a value from a generator function that uses the 'async*' or 'sync*' modifier."
correctionMessage: "Try replacing 'return' with 'yield', using a block function body, or changing the method body modifier."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a generator function (one whose
body is marked with either `async*` or `sync*`) uses either a `return`
statement to return a value or implicitly returns a value because of using
`=>`. In any of these cases, they should use `yield` instead of `return`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the method `f` is a
generator and is using `return` to return a value:
Iterable<int> f() sync* {
[!return 3!];
The following code produces this diagnostic because the function `f` is a
generator and is implicitly returning a value:
Stream<int> f() async* [!=>!] 3;
#### Common fixes
If the function is using `=>` for the body of the function, then convert it
to a block function body, and use `yield` to return a value:
Stream<int> f() async* {
yield 3;
If the method is intended to be a generator, then use `yield` to return a
Iterable<int> f() sync* {
yield 3;
If the method isn't intended to be a generator, then remove the modifier
from the body (or use `async` if you're returning a future):
int f() {
return 3;
problemMessage: "A value of type '{0}' can't be returned from the constructor '{2}' because it has a return type of '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the return type as declared in the return statement
1: the expected return type as defined by the enclosing class
2: the name of the constructor
problemMessage: "A value of type '{0}' can't be returned from the function '{2}' because it has a return type of '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the return type as declared in the return statement
1: the expected return type as defined by the method
2: the name of the method
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a method or function returns a
value whose type isn't assignable to the declared return type.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` has a return type
of `String` but is returning an `int`:
String f() => [!3!];
#### Common fixes
If the return type is correct, then replace the value being returned with a
value of the correct type, possibly by converting the existing value:
String f() => 3.toString();
If the value is correct, then change the return type to match:
int f() => 3;
problemMessage: "A value of type '{0}' can't be returned from the method '{2}' because it has a return type of '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the return type as declared in the return statement
1: the expected return type as defined by the method
2: the name of the method
problemMessage: "The return type '{0}' isn't a '{1}', as required by the closure's context."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the return type as declared in the return statement
1: the expected return type as defined by the method
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the static type of a returned
expression isn't assignable to the return type that the closure is required
to have.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` is defined to be a
function that returns a `String`, but the closure assigned to it returns an
String Function(String) f = (s) => [!3!];
#### Common fixes
If the return type is correct, then replace the returned value with a value
of the correct type, possibly by converting the existing value:
String Function(String) f = (s) => 3.toString();
problemMessage: "The return value is missing after 'return'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds a `return` statement
without an expression in a function that declares a return type.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the function `f` is
expected to return an `int`, but no value is being returned:
int f() {
#### Common fixes
Add an expression that computes the value to be returned:
int f() {
return 0;
problemMessage: "The element type '{0}' can't be assigned to the set type '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the actual type of the set element
1: the expected type of the set element
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an element in a set literal has
a type that isn't assignable to the element type of the set.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type of the string
literal `'0'` is `String`, which isn't assignable to `int`, the element
type of the set:
var s = <int>{[!'0'!]};
#### Common fixes
If the element type of the set literal is wrong, then change the element
type of the set:
var s = <String>{'0'};
If the type of the element is wrong, then change the element:
var s = <int>{'0'.length};
problemMessage: "The prefix of a deferred import can't be used in other import directives."
correctionMessage: Try renaming one of the prefixes.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a prefix in a deferred import is
also used as a prefix in other imports (whether deferred or not). The
prefix in a deferred import can't be shared with other imports because the
prefix is used to load the imported library.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the prefix `x` is used
as the prefix for a deferred import and is also used for one other import:
import 'dart:math' [!deferred!] as x;
import 'dart:convert' as x;
var y = x.json.encode(x.min(0, 1));
#### Common fixes
If you can use a different name for the deferred import, then do so:
import 'dart:math' deferred as math;
import 'dart:convert' as x;
var y = x.json.encode(math.min(0, 1));
If you can use a different name for the other imports, then do so:
import 'dart:math' deferred as x;
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
var y = convert.json.encode(x.min(0, 1));
problemMessage: "Constant values from a deferred library can't be spread into a const literal."
correctionMessage: Try making the deferred import non-deferred.
problemMessage: "Instance member '{0}' can't be accessed using static access."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the instance member
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class name is used to access
an instance field. Instance fields don't exist on a class; they exist only
on an instance of the class.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` is an instance
class C {
static int a;
int b;
int f() => C.[!b!];
#### Common fixes
If you intend to access a static field, then change the name of the field
to an existing static field:
class C {
static int a;
int b;
int f() => C.a;
If you intend to access the instance field, then use an instance of the
class to access the field:
class C {
static int a;
int b;
int f(C c) => c.b;
problemMessage: "Classes and mixins can't implement deferred classes."
correctionMessage: Try specifying a different interface, removing the class from the list, or changing the import to not be deferred.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Classes can't mixin deferred classes."
correctionMessage: Try changing the import to not be deferred.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Classes can't extend deferred classes."
correctionMessage: Try specifying a different superclass, or removing the extends clause.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a type (class or mixin) is a
subtype of a class from a library being imported using a deferred import.
The supertypes of a type must be compiled at the same time as the type, and
classes from deferred libraries aren't compiled until the library is
For more information, see the language tour's coverage of
[deferred loading](
#### Example
Given a file (`a.dart`) that defines the class `A`:
class A {}
The following code produces this diagnostic because the superclass of `B`
is declared in a deferred library:
import 'a.dart' deferred as a;
class B extends [!a.A!] {}
#### Common fixes
If you need to create a subtype of a type from the deferred library, then
remove the `deferred` keyword:
import 'a.dart' as a;
class B extends a.A {}
problemMessage: "Classes can't extend '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try specifying a different superclass, or removing the extends clause.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the disallowed type
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when one of the restricted classes is
used in either an `extends`, `implements`, `with`, or `on` clause. The
classes `bool`, `double`, `FutureOr`, `int`, `Null`, `num`, and `String`
are all restricted in this way, to allow for more efficient
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `String` is used in an
`extends` clause:
class A extends [!String!] {}
The following code produces this diagnostic because `String` is used in an
`implements` clause:
class B implements [!String!] {}
The following code produces this diagnostic because `String` is used in a
`with` clause:
class C with [!String!] {}
The following code produces this diagnostic because `String` is used in an
`on` clause:
mixin M on [!String!] {}
#### Common fixes
If a different type should be specified, then replace the type:
class A extends Object {}
If there isn't a different type that would be appropriate, then remove the
type, and possibly the whole clause:
class B {}
problemMessage: "Classes can't mixin '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try specifying a different class or mixin, or remove the class or mixin from the list.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the disallowed type
problemMessage: "''{0}' can't be used as a superclass constraint."
correctionMessage: "Try specifying a different super-class constraint, or remove the 'on' clause."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the disallowed type
problemMessage: "Classes and mixins can't implement '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try specifying a different interface, or remove the class from the list.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the disallowed type
problemMessage: "A type alias that expands to a type parameter can't be used as a superclass."
correctionMessage: Try specifying a different superclass, or removing the extends clause.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a type alias that expands to a
type parameter is used in an `extends`, `implements`, `with`, or `on`
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type alias `T`,
which expands to the type parameter `S`, is used in the `extends` clause of
the class `C`:
typedef T<S> = S;
class C extends [!T!]<Object> {}
#### Common fixes
Use the value of the type argument directly:
typedef T<S> = S;
class C extends Object {}
problemMessage: "A type alias that expands to a type parameter can't be used as a superclass constraint."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "A type alias that expands to a type parameter can't be mixed in."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "A type alias that expands to a type parameter can't be implemented."
correctionMessage: Try specifying a class or mixin, or removing the list.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "The class 'Object' can't invoke a constructor from a superclass."
comment: |-
7.6.1 Generative Constructors: Let <i>k</i> be a generative constructor. It
is a compile-time error if a generative constructor of class Object
includes a superinitializer.
problemMessage: "The 'super' keyword can't be used in an extension because an extension doesn't have a superclass."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a member declared inside an
extension uses the `super` keyword . Extensions aren't classes and don't
have superclasses, so the `super` keyword serves no purpose.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `super` can't be used
in an extension:
extension E on Object {
String get displayString => [!super!].toString();
#### Common fixes
Remove the `super` keyword :
extension E on Object {
String get displayString => toString();
problemMessage: "Invalid context for 'super' invocation."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the keyword `super` is used
outside of a instance method.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `super` is used in a
top-level function:
void f() {
#### Common fixes
Rewrite the code to not use `super`.
problemMessage: "The redirecting constructor can't have a 'super' initializer."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constructor that redirects to
another constructor also attempts to invoke a constructor from the
superclass. The superclass constructor will be invoked when the constructor
that the redirecting constructor is redirected to is invoked.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constructor `C.a`
both redirects to `C.b` and invokes a constructor from the superclass:
class C {
C.a() : this.b(), [!super()!];
#### Common fixes
Remove the invocation of the `super` constructor:
class C {
C.a() : this.b();
problemMessage: "The 'case' should not complete normally."
correctionMessage: "Try adding 'break', or 'return', etc."
comment: |-
It is an error if any case of a switch statement except the last case (the
default case if present) may complete normally. The previous syntactic
restriction requiring the last statement of each case to be one of an
enumerated list of statements (break, continue, return, throw, or rethrow)
is removed.
problemMessage: "Type '{0}' of the switch expression isn't assignable to the type '{1}' of case expressions."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the static type of the switch expression
1: the static type of the case expressions
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type of the expression in a
`switch` statement isn't assignable to the type of the expressions in the
`case` clauses.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type of `s`
(`String`) isn't assignable to the type of `0` (`int`):
void f(String s) {
switch ([!s!]) {
case 0:
#### Common fixes
If the type of the `case` expressions is correct, then change the
expression in the `switch` statement to have the correct type:
void f(String s) {
switch (int.parse(s)) {
case 0:
If the type of the `switch` expression is correct, then change the `case`
expressions to have the correct type:
void f(String s) {
switch (s) {
case '0':
problemMessage: "A generative constructor of an abstract class can't be torn off."
correctionMessage: Try tearing off a constructor of a concrete class, or a non-generative constructor.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a generative constructor from an
abstract class is being torn off. This isn't allowed because it isn't valid
to create an instance of an abstract class, which means that there isn't
any valid use for the torn off constructor.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constructor ``
is being torn off and the class `C` is an abstract class:
abstract class C {
void f() {
#### Common fixes
Tear off the constructor of a concrete class.
problemMessage: "The type '{0}' of the thrown expression must be assignable to 'Object'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the type that can't be thrown
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type of the expression in a
throw expression isn't assignable to `Object`. It isn't valid to throw
`null`, so it isn't valid to use an expression that might evaluate to
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `s` might be `null`:
void f(String? s) {
throw [!s!];
#### Common fixes
Add an explicit null check to the expression:
void f(String? s) {
throw s!;
problemMessage: "The type of '{0}' can't be inferred because it depends on itself through the cycle: {1}."
correctionMessage: Try adding an explicit type to one or more of the variables in the cycle in order to break the cycle.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the element whose type could not be inferred.
1: The [TopLevelInferenceError]'s arguments that led to the cycle.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a top-level variable has no type
annotation and the variable's initializer refers to the variable, either
directly or indirectly.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the variables `x` and
`y` are defined in terms of each other, and neither has an explicit type,
so the type of the other can't be inferred:
var x = y;
var y = [!x!];
#### Common fixes
If the two variables don't need to refer to each other, then break the
var x = 0;
var y = x;
If the two variables need to refer to each other, then give at least one of
them an explicit type:
int x = y;
var y = x;
Note, however, that while this code doesn't produce any diagnostics, it
will produce a stack overflow at runtime unless at least one of the
variables is assigned a value that doesn't depend on the other variables
before any of the variables in the cycle are referenced.
problemMessage: "Typedefs can't reference themselves directly or recursively via another typedef."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a typedef refers to itself,
either directly or indirectly.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `F` depends on itself
indirectly through `G`:
typedef [!F!] = void Function(G);
typedef G = void Function(F);
#### Common fixes
Change one or more of the typedefs in the cycle so that none of them refer
to themselves:
typedef F = void Function(G);
typedef G = void Function(int);
problemMessage: "The deferred type '{0}' can't be used in a declaration, cast, or type test."
correctionMessage: Try using a different type, or changing the import to not be deferred.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type that is deferred and being used in a type
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type annotation is in a
variable declaration, or the type used in a cast (`as`) or type test (`is`)
is a type declared in a library that is imported using a deferred import.
These types are required to be available at compile time, but aren't.
For more information, see the language tour's coverage of
[deferred loading](
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type of the
parameter `f` is imported from a deferred library:
import 'dart:io' deferred as io;
void f([!io.File!] f) {}
#### Common fixes
If you need to reference the imported type, then remove the `deferred`
import 'dart:io' as io;
void f(io.File f) {}
If the import is required to be deferred and there's another type that is
appropriate, then use that type in place of the type from the deferred
problemMessage: "'{0}' doesn't conform to the bound '{2}' of the type parameter '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try using a type that is or is a subclass of '{2}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type used in the instance creation that should be
limited by the bound as specified in the class declaration
1: the name of the type parameter
2: the substituted bound of the type parameter
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a type argument isn't the same
as or a subclass of the bounds of the corresponding type parameter.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `String` isn't a
subclass of `num`:
class A<E extends num> {}
var a = A<[!String!]>();
#### Common fixes
Change the type argument to be a subclass of the bounds:
class A<E extends num> {}
var a = A<int>();
problemMessage: "Static members can't reference type parameters of the class."
correctionMessage: Try removing the reference to the type parameter, or making the member an instance member.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a static member references a
type parameter that is declared for the class. Type parameters only have
meaning for instances of the class.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the static method
`hasType` has a reference to the type parameter `T`:
class C<T> {
static bool hasType(Object o) => o is [!T!];
#### Common fixes
If the member can be an instance member, then remove the keyword `static`:
class C<T> {
bool hasType(Object o) => o is T;
If the member must be a static member, then make the member be generic:
class C<T> {
static bool hasType<S>(Object o) => o is S;
Note, however, that there isn’t a relationship between `T` and `S`, so this
second option changes the semantics from what was likely to be intended.
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be a supertype of its upper bound."
correctionMessage: "Try using a type that is the same as or a subclass of '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type parameter
1: the name of the bounding type
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the bound of a type parameter
(the type following the `extends` keyword) is either directly or indirectly
the type parameter itself. Stating that the type parameter must be the same
as itself or a subtype of itself or a subtype of itself isn't helpful
because it will always be the same as itself.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the bound of `T` is
class C<[!T!] extends T> {}
The following code produces this diagnostic because the bound of `T1` is
`T2`, and the bound of `T2` is `T1`, effectively making the bound of `T1`
be `T1`:
class C<[!T1!] extends T2, T2 extends T1> {}
#### Common fixes
If the type parameter needs to be a subclass of some type, then replace the
bound with the required type:
class C<T extends num> {}
If the type parameter can be any type, then remove the `extends` clause:
class C<T> {}
problemMessage: "The name '{0}' isn't a type and can't be used in an 'is' expression."
correctionMessage: Try correcting the name to match an existing type.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the right-hand side of an `is`
or `is!` test isn't a type.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the right-hand side is
a parameter, not a type:
typedef B = int Function(int);
void f(Object a, B b) {
if (a is [!b!]) {
#### Common fixes
If you intended to use a type test, then replace the right-hand side with a
typedef B = int Function(int);
void f(Object a, B b) {
if (a is B) {
If you intended to use a different kind of test, then change the test:
typedef B = int Function(int);
void f(Object a, B b) {
if (a == b) {
problemMessage: "The name '{0}' isn't defined, so it can't be used in an 'is' expression."
correctionMessage: "Try changing the name to the name of an existing type, or creating a type with the name '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the name following the `is` in a
type test expression isn't defined.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `Srting` isn't
void f(Object o) {
if (o is [!Srting!]) {
// ...
#### Common fixes
Replace the name with the name of a type:
void f(Object o) {
if (o is String) {
// ...
problemMessage: "A nullable expression can't be used in a spread."
correctionMessage: "Try checking that the value isn't 'null' before using it in a spread, or use a null-aware spread."
hasPublishedDocs: true
problemMessage: "The function can't be unconditionally invoked because it can be 'null'."
correctionMessage: "Try adding a null check ('!')."
hasPublishedDocs: true
problemMessage: "The method '{0}' can't be unconditionally invoked because the receiver can be 'null'."
correctionMessage: "Try making the call conditional (using '?.') or adding a null check to the target ('!')."
hasPublishedDocs: true
problemMessage: "The operator '{0}' can't be unconditionally invoked because the receiver can be 'null'."
correctionMessage: "Try adding a null check to the target ('!')."
hasPublishedDocs: true
problemMessage: "A nullable expression can't be used in a yield-each statement."
correctionMessage: "Try checking that the value isn't 'null' before using it in a yield-each statement."
hasPublishedDocs: true
problemMessage: "A nullable expression can't be used as a condition."
correctionMessage: "Try checking that the value isn't 'null' before using it as a condition."
hasPublishedDocs: true
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an expression whose type is
[potentially non-nullable][] is dereferenced without first verifying that
the value isn't `null`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `s` can be `null` at
the point where it's referenced:
void f(String? s) {
if (s.[!length!] > 3) {
// ...
#### Common fixes
If the value really can be `null`, then add a test to ensure that members
are only accessed when the value isn't `null`:
void f(String? s) {
if (s != null && s.length > 3) {
// ...
If the expression is a variable and the value should never be `null`, then
change the type of the variable to be non-nullable:
void f(String s) {
if (s.length > 3) {
// ...
If you believe that the value of the expression should never be `null`, but
you can't change the type of the variable, and you're willing to risk
having an exception thrown at runtime if you're wrong, then you can assert
that the value isn't null:
void f(String? s) {
if (s!.length > 3) {
// ...
problemMessage: "A nullable expression can't be used as an iterator in a for-in loop."
correctionMessage: "Try checking that the value isn't 'null' before using it as an iterator."
hasPublishedDocs: true
problemMessage: "The property '{0}' can't be unconditionally accessed because the receiver can be 'null'."
correctionMessage: "Try making the access conditional (using '?.') or adding a null check to the target ('!')."
hasPublishedDocs: true
problemMessage: "Undefined name '{0}' used as an annotation."
correctionMessage: Try defining the name or importing it from another library.
isUnresolvedIdentifier: true
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a name that isn't defined is
used as an annotation.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `undefined`
isn't defined:
void f() {}
#### Common fixes
If the name is correct, but it isn’t declared yet, then declare the name as
a constant value:
const undefined = 'undefined';
void f() {}
If the name is wrong, replace the name with the name of a valid constant:
void f() {}
Otherwise, remove the annotation.
problemMessage: "Undefined class '{0}'."
correctionMessage: "Try changing the name to the name of an existing class, or creating a class with the name '{0}'."
isUnresolvedIdentifier: true
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the undefined class
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it encounters an identifier that
appears to be the name of a class but either isn't defined or isn't visible
in the scope in which it's being referenced.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `Piont` isn't defined:
class Point {}
void f([!Piont!] p) {}
#### Common fixes
If the identifier isn't defined, then either define it or replace it with
the name of a class that is defined. The example above can be corrected by
fixing the spelling of the class:
class Point {}
void f(Point p) {}
If the class is defined but isn't visible, then you probably need to add an
problemMessage: "Undefined class '{0}'."
correctionMessage: "Try using the type 'bool'."
isUnresolvedIdentifier: true
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
Same as [CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_CLASS], but to catch using
"boolean" instead of "bool" in order to improve the correction message.
0: the name of the undefined class
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' doesn't have a constructor named '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try defining a constructor named '{1}' in '{0}', or invoking a different constructor."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the superclass that does not define the invoked constructor
1: the name of the constructor being invoked
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a superclass constructor is
invoked in the initializer list of a constructor, but the superclass
doesn't define the constructor being invoked.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `A` doesn't have an
unnamed constructor:
class A {
class B extends A {
B() : [!super()!];
The following code produces this diagnostic because `A` doesn't have a
constructor named `m`:
class A {
class B extends A {
B() : [!super.m()!];
#### Common fixes
If the superclass defines a constructor that should be invoked, then change
the constructor being invoked:
class A {
class B extends A {
B() : super.n();
If the superclass doesn't define an appropriate constructor, then define
the constructor being invoked:
class A {
class B extends A {
B() : super.m();
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' doesn't have an unnamed constructor."
correctionMessage: "Try defining an unnamed constructor in '{0}', or invoking a different constructor."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the superclass that does not define the invoked constructor
problemMessage: "There's no constant named '{0}' in '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the name to the name of an existing constant, or defining a constant named '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the enumeration constant that is not defined
1: the name of the enumeration used to access the constant
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it encounters an identifier that
appears to be the name of an enum constant, and the name either isn't
defined or isn't visible in the scope in which it's being referenced.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `E` doesn't define a
constant named `c`:
enum E {a, b}
var e = E.[!c!];
#### Common fixes
If the constant should be defined, then add it to the declaration of the
enum E {a, b, c}
var e = E.c;
If the constant shouldn't be defined, then change the name to the name of
an existing constant:
enum E {a, b}
var e = E.b;
problemMessage: "The getter '{0}' isn't defined for the extension '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter named '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the getter that is undefined
1: the name of the extension that was explicitly specified
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an extension override is used to
invoke a getter, but the getter isn't defined by the specified extension.
The analyzer also produces this diagnostic when a static getter is
referenced but isn't defined by the specified extension.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the extension `E`
doesn't declare an instance getter named `b`:
extension E on String {
String get a => 'a';
extension F on String {
String get b => 'b';
void f() {
The following code produces this diagnostic because the extension `E`
doesn't declare a static getter named `a`:
extension E on String {}
var x = E.[!a!];
#### Common fixes
If the name of the getter is incorrect, then change it to the name of an
existing getter:
extension E on String {
String get a => 'a';
extension F on String {
String get b => 'b';
void f() {
If the name of the getter is correct but the name of the extension is
wrong, then change the name of the extension to the correct name:
extension E on String {
String get a => 'a';
extension F on String {
String get b => 'b';
void f() {
If the name of the getter and extension are both correct, but the getter
isn't defined, then define the getter:
extension E on String {
String get a => 'a';
String get b => 'z';
extension F on String {
String get b => 'b';
void f() {
problemMessage: "The method '{0}' isn't defined for the extension '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the method that is undefined
1: the name of the extension that was explicitly specified
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an extension override is used to
invoke a method, but the method isn't defined by the specified extension.
The analyzer also produces this diagnostic when a static method is
referenced but isn't defined by the specified extension.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the extension `E`
doesn't declare an instance method named `b`:
extension E on String {
String a() => 'a';
extension F on String {
String b() => 'b';
void f() {
The following code produces this diagnostic because the extension `E`
doesn't declare a static method named `a`:
extension E on String {}
var x = E.[!a!]();
#### Common fixes
If the name of the method is incorrect, then change it to the name of an
existing method:
extension E on String {
String a() => 'a';
extension F on String {
String b() => 'b';
void f() {
If the name of the method is correct, but the name of the extension is
wrong, then change the name of the extension to the correct name:
extension E on String {
String a() => 'a';
extension F on String {
String b() => 'b';
void f() {
If the name of the method and extension are both correct, but the method
isn't defined, then define the method:
extension E on String {
String a() => 'a';
String b() => 'z';
extension F on String {
String b() => 'b';
void f() {
problemMessage: "The operator '{0}' isn't defined for the extension '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try defining the operator '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the operator that is undefined
1: the name of the extension that was explicitly specified
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an operator is invoked on a
specific extension when that extension doesn't implement the operator.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the extension `E`
doesn't define the operator `*`:
var x = E('') [!*!] 4;
extension E on String {}
#### Common fixes
If the extension is expected to implement the operator, then add an
implementation of the operator to the extension:
var x = E('') * 4;
extension E on String {
int operator *(int multiplier) => length * multiplier;
If the operator is defined by a different extension, then change the name
of the extension to the name of the one that defines the operator.
If the operator is defined on the argument of the extension override, then
remove the extension override:
var x = '' * 4;
extension E on String {}
problemMessage: "The setter '{0}' isn't defined for the extension '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the name to the name of an existing setter, or defining a setter named '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the setter that is undefined
1: the name of the extension that was explicitly specified
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an extension override is used to
invoke a setter, but the setter isn't defined by the specified extension.
The analyzer also produces this diagnostic when a static setter is
referenced but isn't defined by the specified extension.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the extension `E`
doesn't declare an instance setter named `b`:
extension E on String {
set a(String v) {}
extension F on String {
set b(String v) {}
void f() {
E('c').[!b!] = 'd';
The following code produces this diagnostic because the extension `E`
doesn't declare a static setter named `a`:
extension E on String {}
void f() {
E.[!a!] = 3;
#### Common fixes
If the name of the setter is incorrect, then change it to the name of an
existing setter:
extension E on String {
set a(String v) {}
extension F on String {
set b(String v) {}
void f() {
E('c').a = 'd';
If the name of the setter is correct, but the name of the extension is
wrong, then change the name of the extension to the correct name:
extension E on String {
set a(String v) {}
extension F on String {
set b(String v) {}
void f() {
F('c').b = 'd';
If the name of the setter and extension are both correct, but the setter
isn't defined, then define the setter:
extension E on String {
set a(String v) {}
set b(String v) {}
extension F on String {
set b(String v) {}
void f() {
E('c').b = 'd';
problemMessage: "The function '{0}' isn't defined."
correctionMessage: "Try importing the library that defines '{0}', correcting the name to the name of an existing function, or defining a function named '{0}'."
isUnresolvedIdentifier: true
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the method that is undefined
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it encounters an identifier that
appears to be the name of a function but either isn't defined or isn't
visible in the scope in which it's being referenced.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `emty` isn't
List<int> empty() => [];
void main() {
#### Common fixes
If the identifier isn't defined, then either define it or replace it with
the name of a function that is defined. The example above can be corrected
by fixing the spelling of the function:
List<int> empty() => [];
void main() {
If the function is defined but isn't visible, then you probably need to add
an import or re-arrange your code to make the function visible.
problemMessage: "The getter '{0}' isn't defined for the type '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try importing the library that defines '{0}', correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the getter
1: the name of the enclosing type where the getter is being looked for
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it encounters an identifier that
appears to be the name of a getter but either isn't defined or isn't
visible in the scope in which it's being referenced.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `String` has no member
named `len`:
int f(String s) => s.[!len!];
#### Common fixes
If the identifier isn't defined, then either define it or replace it with
the name of a getter that is defined. The example above can be corrected by
fixing the spelling of the getter:
int f(String s) => s.length;
problemMessage: "The getter '{0}' isn't defined for the '{1}' function type."
correctionMessage: "Try wrapping the function type alias in parentheses in order to access '{0}' as an extension getter on 'Type'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the getter
1: the name of the function type alias
problemMessage: "Undefined name '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try correcting the name to one that is defined, or defining the name.
isUnresolvedIdentifier: true
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the identifier
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it encounters an identifier that
either isn't defined or isn't visible in the scope in which it's being
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `rihgt` isn't
int min(int left, int right) => left <= [!rihgt!] ? left : right;
#### Common fixes
If the identifier isn't defined, then either define it or replace it with
an identifier that is defined. The example above can be corrected by
fixing the spelling of the variable:
int min(int left, int right) => left <= right ? left : right;
If the identifier is defined but isn't visible, then you probably need to
add an import or re-arrange your code to make the identifier visible.
problemMessage: "Undefined name 'await' in function body not marked with 'async'."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the name to one that is defined, defining the name, or adding 'async' to the enclosing function body."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the name `await` is used in a
method or function body without being declared, and the body isn't marked
with the `async` keyword. The name `await` only introduces an await
expression in an asynchronous function.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `await` is
used in the body of `f` even though the body of `f` isn't marked with the
`async` keyword:
void f(p) { [!await!] p; }
#### Common fixes
Add the keyword `async` to the function body:
void f(p) async { await p; }
problemMessage: "The method '{0}' isn't defined for the type '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the method that is undefined
1: the resolved type name that the method lookup is happening on
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it encounters an identifier that
appears to be the name of a method but either isn't defined or isn't
visible in the scope in which it's being referenced.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the identifier
`removeMiddle` isn't defined:
int f(List<int> l) => l.[!removeMiddle!]();
#### Common fixes
If the identifier isn't defined, then either define it or replace it with
the name of a method that is defined. The example above can be corrected by
fixing the spelling of the method:
int f(List<int> l) => l.removeLast();
problemMessage: "The method '{0}' isn't defined for the '{1}' function type."
correctionMessage: "Try wrapping the function type alias in parentheses in order to access '{0}' as an extension method on 'Type'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the method
1: the name of the function type alias
problemMessage: "The named parameter '{0}' isn't defined."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the name to an existing named parameter's name, or defining a named parameter with the name '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the requested named parameter
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a method or function invocation
has a named argument, but the method or function being invoked doesn't
define a parameter with the same name.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `m` doesn't declare a
named parameter named `a`:
class C {
m({int b}) {}
void f(C c) {
c.m([!a!]: 1);
#### Common fixes
If the argument name is mistyped, then replace it with the correct name.
The example above can be fixed by changing `a` to `b`:
class C {
m({int b}) {}
void f(C c) {
c.m(b: 1);
If a subclass adds a parameter with the name in question, then cast the
receiver to the subclass:
class C {
m({int b}) {}
class D extends C {
m({int a, int b}) {}
void f(C c) {
(c as D).m(a: 1);
If the parameter should be added to the function, then add it:
class C {
m({int a, int b}) {}
void f(C c) {
c.m(a: 1);
problemMessage: "The operator '{0}' isn't defined for the type '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try defining the operator '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the operator
1: the name of the enclosing type where the operator is being looked for
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a user-definable operator is
invoked on an object for which the operator isn't defined.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `C` doesn't
define the operator `+`:
class C {}
C f(C c) => c [!+!] 2;
#### Common fixes
If the operator should be defined for the class, then define it:
class C {
C operator +(int i) => this;
C f(C c) => c + 2;
problemMessage: "The name '{0}' is being referenced through the prefix '{1}', but it isn't defined in any of the libraries imported using that prefix."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the prefix or importing the library that defines '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a prefixed identifier is found
where the prefix is valid, but the identifier isn't declared in any of the
libraries imported using that prefix.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `dart:core` doesn't
define anything named `a`:
import 'dart:core' as p;
void f() {
#### Common fixes
If the library in which the name is declared isn't imported yet, add an
import for the library.
If the name is wrong, then change it to one of the names that's declared in
the imported libraries.
problemMessage: "The setter '{0}' isn't defined for the type '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try importing the library that defines '{0}', correcting the name to the name of an existing setter, or defining a setter or field named '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the setter
1: the name of the enclosing type where the setter is being looked for
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it encounters an identifier that
appears to be the name of a setter but either isn't defined or isn't
visible in the scope in which the identifier is being referenced.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because there isn't a setter
named `z`:
class C {
int x = 0;
void m(int y) {
this.[!z!] = y;
#### Common fixes
If the identifier isn't defined, then either define it or replace it with
the name of a setter that is defined. The example above can be corrected by
fixing the spelling of the setter:
class C {
int x = 0;
void m(int y) {
this.x = y;
problemMessage: "The setter '{0}' isn't defined for the '{1}' function type."
correctionMessage: "Try wrapping the function type alias in parentheses in order to access '{0}' as an extension getter on 'Type'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the setter
1: the name of the function type alias
problemMessage: "The getter '{0}' isn't defined in a superclass of '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named '{0}' in a superclass."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the getter
1: the name of the enclosing type where the getter is being looked for
problemMessage: "The method '{0}' isn't defined in a superclass of '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '{0}' in a superclass."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the method that is undefined
1: the resolved type name that the method lookup is happening on
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an inherited member (method,
getter, setter, or operator) is referenced using `super`, but there’s no
member with that name in the superclass chain.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `Object` doesn't define
a method named `n`:
class C {
void m() {
The following code produces this diagnostic because `Object` doesn't define
a getter named `g`:
class C {
void m() {
#### Common fixes
If the inherited member you intend to invoke has a different name, then
make the name of the invoked member match the inherited member.
If the member you intend to invoke is defined in the same class, then
remove the `super.`.
If the member isn’t defined, then either add the member to one of the
superclasses or remove the invocation.
problemMessage: "The operator '{0}' isn't defined in a superclass of '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try defining the operator '{0}' in a superclass."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the operator
1: the name of the enclosing type where the operator is being looked for
problemMessage: "The setter '{0}' isn't defined in a superclass of '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try correcting the name to the name of an existing setter, or defining a setter or field named '{0}' in a superclass."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the setter
1: the name of the enclosing type where the setter is being looked for
problemMessage: Static members from supertypes must be qualified by the name of the defining type.
correctionMessage: "Try adding '{0}.' before the name."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
This is a specialization of [INSTANCE_ACCESS_TO_STATIC_MEMBER] that is used
when we are able to find the name defined in a supertype. It exists to
provide a more informative error message.
0: the name of the defining type
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when code in one class references a
static member in a superclass without prefixing the member's name with the
name of the superclass. Static members can only be referenced without a
prefix in the class in which they're declared.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the static field `x` is
referenced in the getter `g` without prefixing it with the name of the
defining class:
class A {
static int x = 3;
class B extends A {
int get g => [!x!];
#### Common fixes
Prefix the name of the static member with the name of the declaring class:
class A {
static int x = 3;
class B extends A {
int get g => A.x;
problemMessage: Static members from the extended type or one of its superclasses must be qualified by the name of the defining type.
correctionMessage: "Try adding '{0}.' before the name."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the defining type
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an undefined name is found, and
the name is the same as a static member of the extended type or one of its
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `m` is a static member
of the extended type `C`:
class C {
static void m() {}
extension E on C {
void f() {
#### Common fixes
If you're trying to reference a static member that's declared outside the
extension, then add the name of the class or extension before the reference
to the member:
class C {
static void m() {}
extension E on C {
void f() {
If you're referencing a member that isn't declared yet, add a declaration:
class C {
static void m() {}
extension E on C {
void f() {
void m() {}
problemMessage: "Target of URI doesn't exist: '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try creating the file referenced by the URI, or Try using a URI for a file that does exist.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the URI pointing to a non-existent file
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an import, export, or part
directive is found where the URI refers to a file that doesn't exist.
#### Examples
If the file `lib.dart` doesn't exist, the following code produces this
import [!'lib.dart'!];
#### Common fixes
If the URI was mistyped or invalid, then correct the URI.
If the URI is correct, then create the file.
problemMessage: "Target of URI hasn't been generated: '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try running the generator that will generate the file referenced by the URI.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the URI pointing to a non-existent file
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an import, export, or part
directive is found where the URI refers to a file that doesn't exist and
the name of the file ends with a pattern that's commonly produced by code
generators, such as one of the following:
- `.g.dart`
- `.pb.dart`
- `.pbenum.dart`
- `.pbserver.dart`
- `.pbjson.dart`
- `.template.dart`
#### Examples
If the file `lib.g.dart` doesn't exist, the following code produces this
import [!'lib.g.dart'!];
#### Common fixes
If the file is a generated file, then run the generator that generates the
If the file isn't a generated file, then check the spelling of the URI or
create the file.
problemMessage: "URIs can't use string interpolation."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the string literal in an
`import`, `export`, or `part` directive contains an interpolation. The
resolution of the URIs in directives must happen before the declarations
are compiled, so expressions can’t be evaluated while determining the
values of the URIs.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the string in the
`import` directive contains an interpolation:
import [!'dart:$m'!];
const m = 'math';
#### Common fixes
Remove the interpolation from the URI:
import 'dart:math';
var zero = min(0, 0);
problemMessage: Dart native extensions are deprecated and aren’t available in Dart 2.15.
correctionMessage: "Try using dart:ffi for C interop."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a library is imported using the
`dart-ext` scheme.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the native library `x`
is being imported using a scheme of `dart-ext`:
import [!'dart-ext:x'!];
#### Common fixes
Rewrite the code to use `dart:ffi` as a way of invoking the contents of the
native library.
problemMessage: "This expression has a type of 'void' so its value can't be used."
correctionMessage: "Try checking to see if you're using the correct API; there might be a function or call that returns void you didn't expect. Also check type parameters and variables which might also be void."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds an expression whose
type is `void`, and the expression is used in a place where a value is
expected, such as before a member access or on the right-hand side of an
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` doesn't produce an
object on which `toString` can be invoked:
void f() {}
void g() {
#### Common fixes
Either rewrite the code so that the expression has a value or rewrite the
code so that it doesn't depend on the value.
problemMessage: "A value of type '{0}' can't be assigned to a const variable of type '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try using a subtype, or removing the 'const' keyword"
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the type of the object being assigned.
1: the type of the variable being assigned to
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the evaluation of a constant
expression would result in a `CastException`.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the value of `x` is an
`int`, which can't be assigned to `y` because an `int` isn't a `String`:
const Object x = 0;
const String y = [!x!];
#### Common fixes
If the declaration of the constant is correct, then change the value being
assigned to be of the correct type:
const Object x = 0;
const String y = '$x';
If the assigned value is correct, then change the declaration to have the
correct type:
const Object x = 0;
const int y = x;
problemMessage: "'{0}' is an '{1}' type parameter and can't be used in an '{2}' position in '{3}'."
correctionMessage: "Try using 'in' type parameters in 'in' positions and 'out' type parameters in 'out' positions in the superinterface."
comment: |-
Let `C` be a generic class that declares a formal type parameter `X`, and
assume that `T` is a direct superinterface of `C`.
It is a compile-time error if `X` is explicitly defined as a covariant or
'in' type parameter and `X` occurs in a non-covariant position in `T`.
It is a compile-time error if `X` is explicitly defined as a contravariant
or 'out' type parameter and `X` occurs in a non-contravariant position in
0: the name of the type parameter
1: the variance modifier defined for {0}
2: the variance position of the type parameter {0} in the
superinterface {3}
3: the name of the superinterface
problemMessage: "Operator '{0}' should declare exactly {1} parameters, but {2} found."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the declared operator
1: the number of parameters expected
2: the number of parameters found in the operator declaration
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a declaration of an operator has
the wrong number of parameters.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the operator `+` must
have a single parameter corresponding to the right operand:
class C {
int operator [!+!](a, b) => 0;
#### Common fixes
Add or remove parameters to match the required number:
class C {
int operator +(a) => 0;
TODO(brianwilkerson) It would be good to add a link to the spec or some
other documentation that lists the number of parameters for each operator,
but I don't know what to link to.
problemMessage: "Operator '-' should declare 0 or 1 parameter, but {0} found."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
7.1.1 Operators: It is a compile time error if the arity of the
user-declared operator - is not 0 or 1.
0: the number of parameters found in the operator declaration
problemMessage: Setters must declare exactly one required positional parameter.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a setter is found that doesn't
declare exactly one required positional parameter.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the setter `s` declares
two required parameters:
class C {
set [!s!](int x, int y) {}
The following code produces this diagnostic because the setter `s` declares
one optional parameter:
class C {
set [!s!]([int x]) {}
#### Common fixes
Change the declaration so that there's exactly one required positional
class C {
set s(int x) {}
problemMessage: "The type '{0}' is declared with {1} type parameters, but {2} type arguments were given."
correctionMessage: Try adjusting the number of type arguments to match the number of type parameters.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type being referenced (<i>G</i>)
1: the number of type parameters that were declared
2: the number of type arguments provided
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a type that has type parameters
is used and type arguments are provided, but the number of type arguments
isn't the same as the number of type parameters.
The analyzer also produces this diagnostic when a constructor is invoked
and the number of type arguments doesn't match the number of type
parameters declared for the class.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `C` has one type
parameter but two type arguments are provided when it is used as a type
class C<E> {}
void f([!C<int, int>!] x) {}
The following code produces this diagnostic because `C` declares one type
parameter, but two type arguments are provided when creating an instance:
class C<E> {}
var c = [!C<int, int>!]();
#### Common fixes
Add or remove type arguments, as necessary, to match the number of type
parameters defined for the type:
class C<E> {}
void f(C<int> x) {}
problemMessage: "The constructor '{0}.{1}' doesn't have type parameters."
correctionMessage: Try moving type arguments to after the type name.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the class being instantiated
1: the name of the constructor being invoked
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when type arguments are provided
after the name of a named constructor. Constructors can't declare type
parameters, so invocations can only provide the type arguments associated
with the class, and those type arguments are required to follow the name of
the class rather than the name of the constructor.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the type parameters
(`<String>`) follow the name of the constructor rather than the name of the
class C<T> {
C f() => C.named[!<String>!]();
#### Common fixes
If the type arguments are for the class' type parameters, then move the
type arguments to follow the class name:
class C<T> {
C f() => C<String>.named();
If the type arguments aren't for the class' type parameters, then remove
class C<T> {
C f() => C.named();
problemMessage: "The extension '{0}' is declared with {1} type parameters, but {2} type arguments were given."
correctionMessage: Try adjusting the number of type arguments.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the extension being referenced
1: the number of type parameters that were declared
2: the number of type arguments provided
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an extension that has type
parameters is used and type arguments are provided, but the number of type
arguments isn't the same as the number of type parameters.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the extension `E` is
declared to have a single type parameter (`T`), but the extension override
has two type arguments:
extension E<T> on List<T> {
int get len => length;
void f(List<int> p) {
E[!<int, String>!](p).len;
#### Common fixes
Change the type arguments so that there are the same number of type
arguments as there are type parameters:
extension E<T> on List<T> {
int get len => length;
void f(List<int> p) {
problemMessage: "This function is declared with {0} type parameters, but {1} type arguments were given."
correctionMessage: Try adjusting the number of type arguments to match the number of type parameters.
comment: |-
0: the number of type parameters that were declared
1: the number of type arguments provided
problemMessage: "The function '{0}' is declared with {1} type parameters, but {2} type arguments were given."
correctionMessage: Try adjusting the number of type arguments to match the number of type parameters.
comment: |-
0: the name of the function being referenced
1: the number of type parameters that were declared
2: the number of type arguments provided
problemMessage: "The method '{0}' is declared with {1} type parameters, but {2} type arguments are given."
correctionMessage: Try adjusting the number of type arguments.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the method being referenced (<i>G</i>)
1: the number of type parameters that were declared
2: the number of type arguments provided
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a method or function is invoked
with a different number of type arguments than the number of type
parameters specified in its declaration. There must either be no type
arguments or the number of arguments must match the number of parameters.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the invocation of the
method `m` has two type arguments, but the declaration of `m` only has one
type parameter:
class C {
int m<A>(A a) => 0;
int f(C c) => c.m[!<int, int>!](2);
#### Common fixes
If the type arguments are necessary, then make them match the number of
type parameters by either adding or removing type arguments:
class C {
int m<A>(A a) => 0;
int f(C c) => c.m<int>(2);
If the type arguments aren't necessary, then remove them:
class C {
int m<A>(A a) => 0;
int f(C c) => c.m(2);
problemMessage: "'{0}' can't be used contravariantly or invariantly in '{1}'."
correctionMessage: Try not using class type parameters in types of formal parameters of function types, nor in explicitly contravariant or invariant superinterfaces.
comment: |-
Let `C` be a generic class that declares a formal type parameter `X`, and
assume that `T` is a direct superinterface of `C`. It is a compile-time
error if `X` occurs contravariantly or invariantly in `T`.
problemMessage: "The '{0}' type parameter '{1}' can't be used in an '{2}' position."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the type parameter or change the explicit variance modifier declaration for the type parameter to another one of 'in', 'out', or 'inout'."
comment: |-
Let `C` be a generic class that declares a formal type parameter `X`.
If `X` is explicitly contravariant then it is a compile-time error for
`X` to occur in a non-contravariant position in a member signature in the
body of `C`, except when `X` is in a contravariant position in the type
annotation of a covariant formal parameter.
If `X` is explicitly covariant then it is a compile-time error for
`X` to occur in a non-covariant position in a member signature in the
body of `C`, except when `X` is in a covariant position in the type
annotation of a covariant formal parameter.
0: the variance modifier defined for {0}
1: the name of the type parameter
2: the variance position that the type parameter {1} is in
problemMessage: "Yield-each statements must be in a generator function (one marked with either 'async*' or 'sync*')."
correctionMessage: "Try adding 'async*' or 'sync*' to the enclosing function."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a `yield` or `yield*` statement
appears in a function whose body isn't marked with one of the `async*` or
`sync*` modifiers.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `yield` is being used
in a function whose body doesn't have a modifier:
Iterable<int> get digits {
yield* [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
The following code produces this diagnostic because `yield*` is being used
in a function whose body has the `async` modifier rather than the `async*`
Stream<int> get digits async {
yield* [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
#### Common fixes
Add a modifier, or change the existing modifier to be either `async*` or
Iterable<int> get digits sync* {
yield* [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
problemMessage: "Yield statements must be in a generator function (one marked with either 'async*' or 'sync*')."
correctionMessage: "Try adding 'async*' or 'sync*' to the enclosing function."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
?? Yield: It is a compile-time error if a yield statement appears in a
function that is not a generator function.
No parameters.
problemMessage: "The type '{0}' implied by the 'yield' expression must be assignable to '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the type of the expression after `yield`
1: the return type of the function containing the `yield`
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type of object produced by a
`yield` expression doesn't match the type of objects that are to be
returned from the `Iterable` or `Stream` types that are returned from a
generator (a function or method marked with either `sync*` or `async*`).
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the getter `zero` is
declared to return an `Iterable` that returns integers, but the `yield` is
returning a string from the iterable:
Iterable<int> get zero sync* {
yield [!'0'!];
#### Common fixes
If the return type of the function is correct, then fix the expression
following the keyword `yield` to return the correct type:
Iterable<int> get zero sync* {
yield 0;
If the expression following the `yield` is correct, then change the return
type of the function to allow it:
Iterable<String> get zero sync* {
yield '0';
problemMessage: "Fields in a struct class whose type is 'Pointer' should not have any annotations."
correctionMessage: Try removing the annotation.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Argument '{0}' must be a constant."
correctionMessage: Try replacing the value with a literal or const.
comment: |-
0: the name of the argument
problemMessage: "Subclasses of 'Struct' and 'Union' are backed by native memory, and can't be instantiated by a generative constructor."
correctionMessage: "Try allocating it via allocation, or load from a 'Pointer'."
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' can’t be empty because it's a subclass of '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try adding a field to '{0}' or use a different superclass."
comment: |-
0: the name of the subclass
1: the name of the superclass
problemMessage: Fields in a struct class must have exactly one annotation indicating the native type.
correctionMessage: Try removing the extra annotation.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "'Array's must have exactly one 'Array' annotation."
correctionMessage: Try removing the extra annotation.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: FfiNative functions must be declared external.
correctionMessage: Add the `external` keyword to the function.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: Only classes extending NativeFieldWrapperClass1 can be passed as Pointer.
correctionMessage: Pass as Handle instead.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: Unexpected number of FfiNative annotation parameters. Expected {0} but has {1}.
correctionMessage: Make sure parameters match the function annotated.
comment: |-
0: the expected number of parameters
1: the actual number of parameters
problemMessage: Unexpected number of FfiNative annotation parameters. Expected {0} but has {1}. FfiNative instance method annotation must have receiver as first argument.
correctionMessage: Make sure parameters match the function annotated, including an extra first parameter for the receiver.
comment: |-
0: the expected number of parameters
1: the actual number of parameters
problemMessage: "Constructors in subclasses of 'Struct' and 'Union' can't have field initializers."
correctionMessage: Try removing the field initializer and marking the field as external.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Fields in subclasses of 'Struct' and 'Union' can't have initializers."
correctionMessage: Try removing the initializer and marking the field as external.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Fields of 'Struct' and 'Union' subclasses must be marked external."
correctionMessage: "Try adding the 'external' modifier."
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' can't extend 'Struct' or 'Union' because it is generic."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the type parameters from '{0}'."
comment: |-
0: the name of the struct class
problemMessage: "The method 'Pointer.fromFunction' must not have an exceptional return value (the second argument) when the return type of the function is either 'void', 'Handle' or 'Pointer'."
correctionMessage: Try removing the exceptional return value.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Fields in struct classes can't have the type '{0}'. They can only be declared as 'int', 'double', 'Array', 'Pointer', or subtype of 'Struct' or 'Union'."
correctionMessage: "Try using 'int', 'double', 'Array', 'Pointer', or subtype of 'Struct' or 'Union'."
comment: |-
0: the type of the field
problemMessage: FFI leaf call must not return a Handle.
correctionMessage: Try changing the return type to primitive or struct.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: FFI leaf call must not take arguments of type Handle.
correctionMessage: Try changing the argument type to primitive or struct.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: The annotation does not match the declared type of the field.
correctionMessage: Try using a different annotation or changing the declared type to match.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Fields in a struct class must either have the type 'Pointer' or an annotation indicating the native type."
correctionMessage: Try adding an annotation.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "The method 'Pointer.fromFunction' must have an exceptional return value (the second argument) when the return type of the function is neither 'void', 'Handle' or 'Pointer'."
correctionMessage: Try adding an exceptional return value.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Fields in struct classes must have an explicitly declared type of 'int', 'double' or 'Pointer'."
correctionMessage: "Try using 'int', 'double' or 'Pointer'."
comment: |-
0: the type of the field
problemMessage: "'Array's must have exactly one 'Array' annotation."
correctionMessage: "Try adding a 'Array' annotation."
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "The type '{0}' given to '{1}' must be a valid 'dart:ffi' native function type."
correctionMessage: "Try changing the type to only use members for 'dart:ffi'."
comment: |-
0: the type that should be a valid dart:ffi native type.
1: the name of the function whose invocation depends on this relationship
problemMessage: "The type '{0}' must be a subtype of '{1}' for '{2}'."
correctionMessage: Try changing one or both of the type arguments.
comment: |-
0: the type that should be a subtype
1: the supertype that the subtype is compared to
2: the name of the function whose invocation depends on this relationship
problemMessage: "The type arguments to '{0}' must be compile time constants but type parameters are not constants."
correctionMessage: Try changing the type argument to be a constant type.
comment: |-
0: the name of the function, method, or constructor having type arguments
problemMessage: "The type argument for the pointer '{0}' must be a 'NativeFunction' in order to use 'asFunction'."
correctionMessage: "Try changing the type argument to be a 'NativeFunction'."
comment: |-
0: the type that should be a valid dart:ffi native type.
problemMessage: Array dimensions must be positive numbers.
correctionMessage: Try changing the input to a positive number.
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Type arguments to '{0}' can't have the type '{1}'. They can only be declared as native integer, 'Float', 'Double', 'Pointer', or subtype of 'Struct' or 'Union'."
correctionMessage: "Try using a native integer, 'Float', 'Double', 'Pointer', or subtype of 'Struct' or 'Union'."
comment: |-
0: the type of the field
problemMessage: "Structs must have at most one 'Packed' annotation."
correctionMessage: "Try removing extra 'Packed' annotations."
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: Only packing to 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 bytes is supported.
correctionMessage: "Try changing the 'Packed' annotation alignment to 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16."
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Nesting the non-packed or less tightly packed struct '{0}' in a packed struct '{1}' is not supported."
correctionMessage: Try packing the nested struct or packing the nested struct more tightly.
comment: |-
0: the name of the outer struct
1: the name of the struct being nested
problemMessage: "'Array's must have an 'Array' annotation that matches the dimensions."
correctionMessage: "Try adjusting the arguments in the 'Array' annotation."
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' can't extend '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try extending 'Struct' or 'Union'."
comment: |-
0: the name of the subclass
1: the name of the class being extended, implemented, or mixed in
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' can't implement '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try extending 'Struct' or 'Union'."
comment: |-
0: the name of the subclass
1: the name of the class being extended, implemented, or mixed in
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' can't mix in '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try extending 'Struct' or 'Union'."
comment: |-
0: the name of the subclass
1: the name of the class being extended, implemented, or mixed in
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' can't extend '{1}' because '{1}' is a subtype of 'Struct' or 'Union'."
correctionMessage: "Try extending 'Struct' or 'Union' directly."
comment: |-
0: the name of the subclass
1: the name of the class being extended, implemented, or mixed in
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' can't implement '{1}' because '{1}' is a subtype of 'Struct' or 'Union'."
correctionMessage: "Try extending 'Struct' or 'Union' directly."
comment: |-
0: the name of the subclass
1: the name of the class being extended, implemented, or mixed in
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' can't mix in '{1}' because '{1}' is a subtype of 'Struct' or 'Union'."
correctionMessage: "Try extending 'Struct' or 'Union' directly."
comment: |-
0: the name of the subclass
1: the name of the class being extended, implemented, or mixed in
problemMessage: "The argument type '{0}' can't be assigned to the parameter type '{1} Function(Object)' or '{1} Function(Object, StackTrace)'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the actual argument type
1: the name of the expected function return type
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an invocation of
`Future.catchError` has an argument that is a function whose parameters
aren't compatible with the arguments that will be passed to the function
when it's invoked. The static type of the first argument to `catchError`
is just `Function`, even though the function that is passed in is expected
to have either a single parameter of type `Object` or two parameters of
type `Object` and `StackTrace`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the closure being
passed to `catchError` doesn't take any parameters, but the function is
required to take at least one parameter:
void f(Future<int> f) {
f.catchError([!() => 0!]);
The following code produces this diagnostic because the closure being
passed to `catchError` takes three parameters, but it can't have more than
two required parameters:
void f(Future<int> f) {
f.catchError([!(one, two, three) => 0!]);
The following code produces this diagnostic because even though the closure
being passed to `catchError` takes one parameter, the closure doesn't have
a type that is compatible with `Object`:
void f(Future<int> f) {
f.catchError([!(String error) => 0!]);
#### Common fixes
Change the function being passed to `catchError` so that it has either one
or two required parameters, and the parameters have the required types:
void f(Future<int> f) {
f.catchError((Object error) => 0);
problemMessage: "'{0}' is marked 'doNotStore' and shouldn't be assigned to a field or top-level variable."
correctionMessage: Try removing the assignment.
comment: Users should not assign values marked `@doNotStore`.
problemMessage: "The receiver uses '?.', so its value can be null."
correctionMessage: "Replace the '.' with a '?.' in the invocation."
comment: |-
When the target expression uses '?.' operator, it can be `null`, so all the
subsequent invocations should also use '?.' operator.
problemMessage: Dead code.
correctionMessage: Try removing the code, or fixing the code before it so that it can be reached.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
Dead code is code that is never reached, this can happen for instance if a
statement follows a return statement.
No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when code is found that won't be
executed because execution will never reach the code.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the invocation of
`print` occurs after the function has returned:
void f() {
#### Common fixes
If the code isn't needed, then remove it:
void f() {
If the code needs to be executed, then either move the code to a place
where it will be executed:
void f() {
Or, rewrite the code before it, so that it can be reached:
void f({bool skipPrinting = true}) {
if (skipPrinting) {
problemMessage: "Dead code: Catch clauses after a 'catch (e)' or an 'on Object catch (e)' are never reached."
correctionMessage: Try reordering the catch clauses so that they can be reached, or removing the unreachable catch clauses.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
Dead code is code that is never reached. This case covers cases where the
user has catch clauses after `catch (e)` or `on Object catch (e)`.
No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a `catch` clause is found that
can't be executed because it’s after a `catch` clause of the form
`catch (e)` or `on Object catch (e)`. The first `catch` clause that matches
the thrown object is selected, and both of those forms will match any
object, so no `catch` clauses that follow them will be selected.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic:
void f() {
try {
} catch (e) {
} [!on String {
#### Common fixes
If the clause should be selectable, then move the clause before the general
void f() {
try {
} on String {
} catch (e) {
If the clause doesn't need to be selectable, then remove it:
void f() {
try {
} catch (e) {
problemMessage: "Dead code: This on-catch block won’t be executed because '{0}' is a subtype of '{1}' and hence will have been caught already."
correctionMessage: Try reordering the catch clauses so that this block can be reached, or removing the unreachable catch clause.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
Dead code is code that is never reached. This case covers cases where the
user has an on-catch clause such as `on A catch (e)`, where a supertype of
`A` was already caught.
0: name of the subtype
1: name of the supertype
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a `catch` clause is found that
can't be executed because it is after a `catch` clause that catches either
the same type or a supertype of the clause's type. The first `catch` clause
that matches the thrown object is selected, and the earlier clause always
matches anything matchable by the highlighted clause, so the highlighted
clause will never be selected.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic:
void f() {
try {
} on num {
} [!on int {
#### Common fixes
If the clause should be selectable, then move the clause before the general
void f() {
try {
} on int {
} on num {
If the clause doesn't need to be selectable, then remove it:
void f() {
try {
} on num {
problemMessage: "Declaring a class named 'Function' is deprecated."
correctionMessage: Try renaming the class.
comment: Users should not create a class named `Function` anymore.
problemMessage: "'{0}' is deprecated and shouldn't be used."
correctionMessage: Try replacing the use of the deprecated member with the replacement.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the member
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a deprecated library or class
member is used in a different package.
#### Examples
If the method `m` in the class `C` is annotated with `@deprecated`, then
the following code produces this diagnostic:
void f(C c) {
#### Common fixes
The documentation for declarations that are annotated with `@deprecated`
should indicate what code to use in place of the deprecated code.
problemMessage: "'{0}' is deprecated and shouldn't be used. {1}."
correctionMessage: Try replacing the use of the deprecated member with the replacement.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the member
1: message details
problemMessage: "'{0}' is deprecated and shouldn't be used."
correctionMessage: Try replacing the use of the deprecated member with the replacement.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the member
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a deprecated library member or
class member is used in the same package in which it's declared.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` is deprecated:
var x = 0;
var y = [!x!];
#### Common fixes
The fix depends on what's been deprecated and what the replacement is. The
documentation for deprecated declarations should indicate what code to use
in place of the deprecated code.
problemMessage: "'{0}' is deprecated and shouldn't be used. {1}."
correctionMessage: Try replacing the use of the deprecated member with the replacement.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the member
1: message details
problemMessage: "Mixing in 'Function' is deprecated."
correctionMessage: "Try removing 'Function' from the 'with' clause."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Implementing 'Function' has no effect."
correctionMessage: "Try removing 'Function' from the 'implements' clause."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "Extending 'Function' is deprecated."
correctionMessage: "Try removing 'Function' from the 'extends' clause."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the class `Function` is used in
either the `extends`, `implements`, or `with` clause of a class or mixin.
Using the class `Function` in this way has no semantic value, so it's
effectively dead code.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `Function` is used as
the superclass of `F`:
class F extends [!Function!] {}
#### Common fixes
Remove the class `Function` from whichever clause it's in, and remove the
whole clause if `Function` is the only type in the clause:
class F {}
problemMessage: The operator x ~/ y is more efficient than (x / y).toInt().
correctionMessage: "Try re-writing the expression to use the '~/' operator."
comment: Hint to use the ~/ operator.
problemMessage: Duplicate hidden name.
correctionMessage: Try removing the repeated name from the list of hidden members.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a name occurs multiple times in
a `hide` clause. Repeating the name is unnecessary.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `min` is
hidden more than once:
import 'dart:math' hide min, [!min!];
var x = pi;
#### Common fixes
If the name was mistyped in one or more places, then correct the mistyped
import 'dart:math' hide max, min;
var x = pi;
If the name wasn't mistyped, then remove the unnecessary name from the
import 'dart:math' hide min;
var x = pi;
problemMessage: "The diagnostic '{0}' doesn't need to be ignored here because it's already being ignored."
correctionMessage: Try removing the name from the list, or removing the whole comment if this is the only name in the list.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the diagnostic being ignored
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a diagnostic name appears in an
`ignore` comment, but the diagnostic is already being ignored, either
because it's already included in the same `ignore` comment or because it
appears in an `ignore-in-file` comment.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the diagnostic named
`unused_local_variable` is already being ignored for the whole file so it
doesn't need to be ignored on a specific line:
// ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable
void f() {
// ignore: [!unused_local_variable!]
var x = 0;
The following code produces this diagnostic because the diagnostic named
`unused_local_variable` is being ignored twice on the same line:
void f() {
// ignore: unused_local_variable, [!unused_local_variable!]
var x = 0;
#### Common fixes
Remove the ignore comment, or remove the unnecessary diagnostic name if the
ignore comment is ignoring more than one diagnostic:
// ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable
void f() {
var x = 0;
problemMessage: Duplicate import.
correctionMessage: Try removing all but one import of the library.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
Duplicate imports.
No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an import directive is found
that is the same as an import before it in the file. The second import
doesn’t add value and should be removed.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import [!'package:meta/meta.dart'!];
@sealed class C {}
#### Common fixes
Remove the unnecessary import:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
@sealed class C {}
problemMessage: Duplicate shown name.
correctionMessage: Try removing the repeated name from the list of shown members.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a name occurs multiple times in
a `show` clause. Repeating the name is unnecessary.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `min` is shown
more than once:
import 'dart:math' show min, [!min!];
var x = min(2, min(0, 1));
#### Common fixes
If the name was mistyped in one or more places, then correct the mistyped
import 'dart:math' show max, min;
var x = max(2, min(0, 1));
If the name wasn't mistyped, then remove the unnecessary name from the
import 'dart:math' show min;
var x = min(2, min(0, 1));
problemMessage: "Two elements in a set literal shouldn't be equal."
correctionMessage: Change or remove the duplicate element.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an element in a non-constant set
is the same as a previous element in the same set. If two elements are the
same, then the second value is ignored, which makes having both elements
pointless and likely signals a bug.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the element `1` appears
const a = 1;
const b = 1;
var s = <int>{a, [!b!]};
#### Common fixes
If both elements should be included in the set, then change one of the
const a = 1;
const b = 2;
var s = <int>{a, b};
If only one of the elements is needed, then remove the one that isn't
const a = 1;
var s = <int>{a};
Note that literal sets preserve the order of their elements, so the choice
of which element to remove might affect the order in which elements are
returned by an iterator.
problemMessage: "Two keys in a map literal shouldn't be equal."
correctionMessage: Change or remove the duplicate key.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a key in a non-constant map is
the same as a previous key in the same map. If two keys are the same, then
the second value overwrites the first value, which makes having both pairs
pointless and likely signals a bug.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the keys `a` and `b`
have the same value:
const a = 1;
const b = 1;
var m = <int, String>{a: 'a', [!b!]: 'b'};
#### Common fixes
If both entries should be included in the map, then change one of the keys:
const a = 1;
const b = 2;
var m = <int, String>{a: 'a', b: 'b'};
If only one of the entries is needed, then remove the one that isn't
const a = 1;
var m = <int, String>{a: 'a'};
Note that literal maps preserve the order of their entries, so the choice
of which entry to remove might affect the order in which the keys and
values are returned by an iterator.
problemMessage: "A file in the 'lib' directory shouldn't import a file outside the 'lib' directory."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the import, or moving the imported file inside the 'lib' directory."
comment: |-
It is a bad practice for a source file in a package "lib" directory
hierarchy to traverse outside that directory hierarchy. For example, a
source file in the "lib" directory should not contain a directive such as
`import '../web/some.dart'` which references a file outside the lib
problemMessage: "A file outside the 'lib' directory shouldn't reference a file inside the 'lib' directory using a relative path."
correctionMessage: "Try using a package: URI instead."
comment: |-
It is a bad practice for a source file ouside a package "lib" directory
hierarchy to traverse into that directory hierarchy. For example, a source
file in the "web" directory should not contain a directive such as
`import '../lib/some.dart'` which references a file inside the lib
problemMessage: "The imported library defines a top-level function named 'loadLibrary' that is hidden by deferring this library."
correctionMessage: Try changing the import to not be deferred, or rename the function in the imported library.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a library that declares a
function named `loadLibrary` is imported using a deferred import. A
deferred import introduces an implicit function named `loadLibrary`. This
function is used to load the contents of the deferred library, and the
implicit function hides the explicit declaration in the deferred library.
For more information, see the language tour's coverage of
[deferred loading](
#### Example
Given a file (`a.dart`) that defines a function named `loadLibrary`:
void loadLibrary(Library library) {}
class Library {}
The following code produces this diagnostic because the implicit
declaration of `a.loadLibrary` is hiding the explicit declaration of
`loadLibrary` in `a.dart`:
[!import 'a.dart' deferred as a;!]
void f() {
#### Common fixes
If the imported library isn't required to be deferred, then remove the
keyword `deferred`:
import 'a.dart' as a;
void f() {
If the imported library is required to be deferred and you need to
reference the imported function, then rename the function in the imported
void populateLibrary(Library library) {}
class Library {}
If the imported library is required to be deferred and you don't need to
reference the imported function, then add a `hide` clause:
import 'a.dart' deferred as a hide loadLibrary;
void f() {
If type arguments shouldn't be required for the class, then mark the class
with the `@optionalTypeArgs` annotation (from `package:meta`):
problemMessage: "The library '{0}' is legacy, and should not be imported into a null safe library."
correctionMessage: Try migrating the imported library.
comment: ""
problemMessage: "The type argument(s) of '{0}' can't be inferred."
correctionMessage: "Use explicit type argument(s) for '{0}'."
comment: |-
When "strict-inference" is enabled, collection literal types must be
inferred via the context type, or have type arguments.
problemMessage: "The type argument(s) of the function '{0}' can't be inferred."
correctionMessage: "Use explicit type argument(s) for '{0}'."
comment: |-
When "strict-inference" is enabled, types in function invocations must be
inferred via the context type, or have type arguments.
problemMessage: "The return type of '{0}' cannot be inferred."
correctionMessage: "Declare the return type of '{0}'."
comment: |-
When "strict-inference" is enabled, recursive local functions, top-level
functions, methods, and function-typed function parameters must all
specify a return type. See the strict-inference resource:
problemMessage: "The type argument(s) of the generic function type '{0}' can't be inferred."
correctionMessage: "Use explicit type argument(s) for '{0}'."
comment: |-
When "strict-inference" is enabled, types in function invocations must be
inferred via the context type, or have type arguments.
problemMessage: "The type argument(s) of the constructor '{0}' can't be inferred."
correctionMessage: "Use explicit type argument(s) for '{0}'."
comment: |-
When "strict-inference" is enabled, types in instance creation
(constructor calls) must be inferred via the context type, or have type
problemMessage: "The type of {0} can't be inferred without either a type or initializer."
correctionMessage: Try specifying the type of the variable.
comment: |-
When "strict-inference" in enabled, uninitialized variables must be
declared with a specific type.
problemMessage: "The type of {0} can't be inferred; a type must be explicitly provided."
correctionMessage: Try specifying the type of the parameter.
comment: |-
When "strict-inference" in enabled, function parameters must be
declared with a specific type, or inherit a type.
problemMessage: "The annotation '{0}' can only be used on {1}"
comment: |-
0: the name of the annotation
1: the list of valid targets
problemMessage: "The member '{0}' can't be exported as a part of a package's public API."
correctionMessage: "Try using a hide clause to hide '{0}'."
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere where an element annotated with `@internal`
is exported as a part of a package's public API.
0: the name of the element
problemMessage: "The member '{0}' can't be exported as a part of a package's public API, but is indirectly exported as part of the signature of '{1}'."
correctionMessage: "Try using a hide clause to hide '{0}'."
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere where an element annotated with `@internal`
is exported indirectly as a part of a package's public API.
0: the name of the element
problemMessage: Only methods can be annotated as factories.
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere a @factory annotation is associated with
anything other than a method.
problemMessage: "Factory method '{0}' must have a return type."
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere a @factory annotation is associated with
a method that does not declare a return type.
problemMessage: "Factory method '{0}' doesn't return a newly allocated object."
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere a @factory annotation is associated with
a non-abstract method that can return anything other than a newly allocated
0: the name of the method
problemMessage: Only classes can be annotated as being immutable.
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere an @immutable annotation is associated with
anything other than a class.
problemMessage: "Only public elements in a package's private API can be annotated as being internal."
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere a @internal annotation is associated with
an element found in a package's public API.
problemMessage: "The language version override can't specify a version greater than the latest known language version: {0}.{1}"
correctionMessage: Try removing the language version override.
problemMessage: "The Dart language version override number must begin with '@dart'"
correctionMessage: "Specify a Dart language version override with a comment like '// @dart = 2.0'."
comment: |-
Invalid Dart language version comments don't follow the specification [1].
If a comment begins with "@dart" or "dart" (letters in any case),
followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional non-alphanumeric,
non-whitespace characters, followed by optional whitespace, followed by
an optional alphabetical character, followed by a digit, then the
comment is considered to be an attempt at a language version override
comment. If this attempted language version override comment is not a
valid language version override comment, it is reported.
problemMessage: The language version override must be before any declaration or directive.
correctionMessage: Try moving the language version override to the top of the file.
problemMessage: "The Dart language version override comment must be specified with the word 'dart' in all lower case"
correctionMessage: "Specify a Dart language version override with a comment like '// @dart = 2.0'."
comment: |-
Invalid Dart language version comments don't follow the specification [1].
If a comment begins with "@dart" or "dart" (letters in any case),
followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional non-alphanumeric,
non-whitespace characters, followed by optional whitespace, followed by
an optional alphabetical character, followed by a digit, then the
comment is considered to be an attempt at a language version override
comment. If this attempted language version override comment is not a
valid language version override comment, it is reported.
problemMessage: "The Dart language version override comment must be specified with a version number, like '2.0', after the '=' character."
correctionMessage: "Specify a Dart language version override with a comment like '// @dart = 2.0'."
comment: |-
Invalid Dart language version comments don't follow the specification [1].
If a comment begins with "@dart" or "dart" (letters in any case),
followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional non-alphanumeric,
non-whitespace characters, followed by optional whitespace, followed by
an optional alphabetical character, followed by a digit, then the
comment is considered to be an attempt at a language version override
comment. If this attempted language version override comment is not a
valid language version override comment, it is reported.
problemMessage: "The Dart language version override number can't be prefixed with a letter"
correctionMessage: "Specify a Dart language version override with a comment like '// @dart = 2.0'."
comment: |-
Invalid Dart language version comments don't follow the specification [1].
If a comment begins with "@dart" or "dart" (letters in any case),
followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional non-alphanumeric,
non-whitespace characters, followed by optional whitespace, followed by
an optional alphabetical character, followed by a digit, then the
comment is considered to be an attempt at a language version override
comment. If this attempted language version override comment is not a
valid language version override comment, it is reported.
problemMessage: "The Dart language version override comment can't be followed by any non-whitespace characters"
correctionMessage: "Specify a Dart language version override with a comment like '// @dart = 2.0'."
comment: |-
Invalid Dart language version comments don't follow the specification [1].
If a comment begins with "@dart" or "dart" (letters in any case),
followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional non-alphanumeric,
non-whitespace characters, followed by optional whitespace, followed by
an optional alphabetical character, followed by a digit, then the
comment is considered to be an attempt at a language version override
comment. If this attempted language version override comment is not a
valid language version override comment, it is reported.
problemMessage: The Dart language version override comment must be specified with exactly two slashes.
correctionMessage: "Specify a Dart language version override with a comment like '// @dart = 2.0'."
comment: |-
Invalid Dart language version comments don't follow the specification [1].
If a comment begins with "@dart" or "dart" (letters in any case),
followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional non-alphanumeric,
non-whitespace characters, followed by optional whitespace, followed by
an optional alphabetical character, followed by a digit, then the
comment is considered to be an attempt at a language version override
comment. If this attempted language version override comment is not a
valid language version override comment, it is reported.
problemMessage: "The Dart language version override comment must be specified with an '=' character"
correctionMessage: "Specify a Dart language version override with a comment like '// @dart = 2.0'."
comment: |-
Invalid Dart language version comments don't follow the specification [1].
If a comment begins with "@dart" or "dart" (letters in any case),
followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional non-alphanumeric,
non-whitespace characters, followed by optional whitespace, followed by
an optional alphabetical character, followed by a digit, then the
comment is considered to be an attempt at a language version override
comment. If this attempted language version override comment is not a
valid language version override comment, it is reported.
problemMessage: Only const constructors can have the `@literal` annotation.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the `@literal` annotation is
applied to anything other than a const constructor.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the constructor isn't
a `const` constructor:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class C {
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` isn't a
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
var x;
#### Common fixes
If the annotation is on a constructor and the constructor should always be
invoked with `const`, when possible, then mark the constructor with the
`const` keyword:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class C {
const C();
If the constructor can't be marked as `const`, then remove the annotation.
If the annotation is on anything other than a constructor, then remove the
var x;
problemMessage: "The member '{0}' can't be '@nonVirtual' because it isn't a concrete instance member."
correctionMessage: Try removing @nonVirtual.
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere where `@nonVirtual` annotates something
other than a non-abstract instance member in a class or mixin.
0: the name of the member
problemMessage: "The member '{0}' is declared non-virtual in '{1}' and can't be overridden in subclasses."
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere where an instance member annotated with
`@nonVirtual` is overridden in a subclass.
0: the name of the member
1: the name of the defining class
problemMessage: "The type parameter '{0}' is annotated with @required but only named parameters without a default value can be annotated with it."
correctionMessage: Remove @required.
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere where `@required` annotates a named
parameter with a default value.
0: the name of the member
problemMessage: "Incorrect use of the annotation @required on the optional positional parameter '{0}'. Optional positional parameters cannot be required."
correctionMessage: Remove @required.
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere where `@required` annotates an optional
positional parameter.
0: the name of the member
problemMessage: "Redundant use of the annotation @required on the required positional parameter '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Remove @required.
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere where `@required` annotates a non optional
positional parameter.
0: the name of the member
problemMessage: "The return type '{0}' isn't assignable to '{1}', as required by 'Future.catchError'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the return type of the function
1: the expected return type as defined by the type of the Future
problemMessage: "A value of type '{0}' can't be returned by the 'onError' handler because it must be assignable to '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the return type as declared in the return statement
1: the expected return type as defined by the type of the Future
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an invocation of
`Future.catchError` has an argument whose return type isn't compatible with
the type returned by the instance of `Future`. At runtime, the method
`catchError` attempts to return the value from the callback as the result
of the future, which results in another exception being thrown.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `future` is declared to
return an `int` while `callback` is declared to return a `String`, and
`String` isn't a subtype of `int`:
void f(Future<int> future, String Function(dynamic, StackTrace) callback) {
The following code produces this diagnostic because the closure being
passed to `catchError` returns an `int` while `future` is declared to
return a `String`:
void f(Future<String> future) {
future.catchError((error, stackTrace) => [!3!]);
#### Common fixes
If the instance of `Future` is declared correctly, then change the callback
to match:
void f(Future<int> future, int Function(dynamic, StackTrace) callback) {
If the declaration of the instance of `Future` is wrong, then change it to
match the callback:
void f(Future<String> future, String Function(dynamic, StackTrace) callback) {
problemMessage: "The member '{0}' is annotated with '@sealed' but only classes can be annotated with it."
correctionMessage: Remove @sealed.
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere where `@sealed` annotates something other
than a class.
0: the name of the member
problemMessage: "The member '{0}' can only be used within its package."
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere where a member annotated with `@internal`
is used outside of the package in which it is declared.
0: the name of the member
problemMessage: "The member '{0}' can only be used within instance members of subclasses of '{1}'."
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere where a member annotated with `@protected`
is used outside of an instance member of a subclass.
0: the name of the member
1: the name of the defining class
problemMessage: "The member '{0}' can only be used for overriding."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the member
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an instance member that is
annotated with `visibleForOverriding` is referenced outside the library in
which it's declared for any reason other than to override it.
#### Example
Given a file named `a.dart` containing the following declaration:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class A {
void a() {}
The following code produces this diagnostic because the method `m` is being
invoked even though the only reason it's public is to allow it to be
import 'a.dart';
class B extends A {
void b() {
#### Common fixes
Remove the invalid use of the member.
problemMessage: "The member '{0}' can only be used within '{1}' or a template library."
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere where a member annotated with
`@visibleForTemplate` is used outside of a "template" Dart file.
0: the name of the member
1: the name of the defining class
problemMessage: "The member '{0}' can only be used within '{1}' or a test."
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere where a member annotated with
`@visibleForTesting` is used outside the defining library, or a test.
0: the name of the member
1: the name of the defining class
problemMessage: "The member '{0}' is annotated with '{1}', but this annotation is only meaningful on declarations of public members."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere where a private declaration is annotated
with `@visibleForTemplate` or `@visibleForTesting`.
0: the name of the member
1: the name of the annotation
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when either the `@visibleForTemplate`
or `@visibleForTesting` annotation is applied to a non-public declaration.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void _someFunction() {}
void f() => _someFunction();
#### Common fixes
If the declaration doesn't need to be used by test code, then remove the
void _someFunction() {}
void f() => _someFunction();
If it does, then make it public:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void someFunction() {}
void f() => someFunction();
problemMessage: "The declaration '{0}' is annotated with 'visibleForOverriding'. Because '{0}' isn't an interface member that could be overridden, the annotation is meaningless."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when anything other than a public
instance member of a class is annotated with `visibleForOverriding`.
Because only public instance members can be overridden outside the defining
library, there's no value to annotating any other declarations.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the annotation is on a
class, and classes can't be overridden:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class C {}
#### Common fixes
Remove the annotation:
class C {}
problemMessage: "The parameter '{0}' is required."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
Generate a hint for a constructor, function or method invocation where a
required parameter is missing.
0: the name of the parameter
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a method or function with a
named parameter that is annotated as being required is invoked without
providing a value for the parameter.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the named parameter `x`
is required:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void f({@required int x}) {}
void g() {
#### Common fixes
Provide the required value:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void f({@required int x}) {}
void g() {
f(x: 2);
problemMessage: "The parameter '{0}' is required. {1}."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
Generate a hint for a constructor, function or method invocation where a
required parameter is missing.
0: the name of the parameter
1: message details
problemMessage: "This function has a return type of '{0}', but doesn't end with a return statement."
correctionMessage: "Try adding a return statement, or changing the return type to 'void'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the declared return type
documentation: |-
#### Description
Any function or method that doesn't end with either an explicit return or a
throw implicitly returns `null`. This is rarely the desired behavior. The
analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds an implicit return.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` doesn't end with a
int [!f!](int x) {
if (x < 0) {
return 0;
#### Common fixes
Add a `return` statement that makes the return value explicit, even if
`null` is the appropriate value.
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' shouldn't be used as a mixin constraint because it is sealed, and any class mixing in this mixin must have '{0}' as a superclass."
correctionMessage: Try composing with this class, or refer to its documentation for more information.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
This hint is generated anywhere where a `@sealed` class is used as a
a superclass constraint of a mixin.
0: the name of the sealed class
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the superclass constraint of a
mixin is a class from a different package that was marked as `@sealed`.
Classes that are sealed can't be extended, implemented, mixed in, or used
as a superclass constraint.
#### Examples
If the package `p` defines a sealed class:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class C {}
Then, the following code, when in a package other than `p`, produces this
import 'package:p/p.dart';
[!mixin M on C {}!]
#### Common fixes
If the classes that use the mixin don't need to be subclasses of the sealed
class, then consider adding a field and delegating to the wrapped instance
of the sealed class.
problemMessage: "This class (or a class that this class inherits from) is marked as '@immutable', but one or more of its instance fields aren't final: {0}"
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
Generate a hint for classes that inherit from classes annotated with
`@immutable` but that are not immutable.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an immutable class defines one
or more instance fields that aren't final. A class is immutable if it's
marked as being immutable using the annotation `@immutable` or if it's a
subclass of an immutable class.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `x` isn't
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class [!C!] {
int x;
#### Common fixes
If instances of the class should be immutable, then add the keyword `final`
to all non-final field declarations:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class C {
final int x;
If the instances of the class should be mutable, then remove the
annotation, or choose a different superclass if the annotation is
class C {
int x;
problemMessage: "This method overrides a method annotated as '@mustCallSuper' in '{0}', but doesn't invoke the overridden method."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the class declaring the overridden method
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a method that overrides a method
that is annotated as `@mustCallSuper` doesn't invoke the overridden method
as required.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the method `m` in `B`
doesn't invoke the overridden method `m` in `A`:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class A {
m() {}
class B extends A {
[!m!]() {}
#### Common fixes
Add an invocation of the overridden method in the overriding method:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class A {
m() {}
class B extends A {
m() {
problemMessage: "This instance creation must be 'const', because the {0} constructor is marked as '@literal'."
correctionMessage: "Try replacing the 'new' keyword with 'const'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
Generate a hint for non-const instance creation (with the `new` keyword)
using a constructor annotated with `@literal`.
0: the name of the class defining the annotated constructor
problemMessage: "This instance creation must be 'const', because the {0} constructor is marked as '@literal'."
correctionMessage: "Try adding a 'const' keyword."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
Generate a hint for non-const instance creation using a constructor
annotated with `@literal`.
0: the name of the class defining the annotated constructor
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constructor that has the
`@literal` annotation is invoked without using the `const` keyword, but all
of the arguments to the constructor are constants. The annotation indicates
that the constructor should be used to create a constant value whenever
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class C {
const C();
C f() => [!C()!];
#### Common fixes
Add the keyword `const` before the constructor invocation:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class C {
const C();
void f() => const C();
problemMessage: "A potentially nullable type can't be used in an 'on' clause because it isn't valid to throw a nullable expression."
correctionMessage: Try using a non-nullable type.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type following `on` in a
`catch` clause is a nullable type. It isn't valid to specify a nullable
type because it isn't possible to catch `null` (because it's a runtime
error to throw `null`).
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the exception type is
specified to allow `null` when `null` can't be thrown:
void f() {
try {
// ...
} on [!FormatException?!] {
#### Common fixes
Remove the question mark from the type:
void f() {
try {
// ...
} on FormatException {
problemMessage: "'{0}' shouldn't be called with a null argument for the non-nullable type argument '{1}'."
correctionMessage: Try adding a non-null argument.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the method being invoked
1: the type argument associated with the method
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when `null` is passed to either the
constructor `Future.value` or the method `Completer.complete` when the type
argument used to create the instance was non-nullable. Even though the type
system can't express this restriction, passing in a `null` results in a
runtime exception.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `null` is being passed
to the constructor `Future.value` even though the type argument is the
non-nullable type `String`:
Future<String> f() {
return Future.value([!null!]);
#### Common fixes
Pass in a non-null value:
Future<String> f() {
return Future.value('');
problemMessage: "The left operand uses '?.', so its value can be null."
comment: |-
When the left operand of a binary expression uses '?.' operator, it can be
problemMessage: "The value of the '?.' operator can be 'null', which isn't appropriate in a condition."
correctionMessage: "Try replacing the '?.' with a '.', testing the left-hand side for null if necessary."
comment: |-
A condition in a control flow statement could evaluate to `null` because it
uses the null-aware '?.' operator.
problemMessage: "The value of the '?.' operator can be 'null', which isn't appropriate as an operand of a logical operator."
comment: |-
A condition in operands of a logical operator could evaluate to `null`
because it uses the null-aware '?.' operator.
problemMessage: "This null-check will always throw an exception because the expression will always evaluate to 'null'."
comment: |-
This hint indicates that a null literal is null-checked with `!`, but null
is never not null.
problemMessage: "The field doesn't override an inherited getter or setter."
correctionMessage: Try updating this class to match the superclass, or removing the override annotation.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
A field with the override annotation does not override a getter or setter.
No parameters.
problemMessage: "The getter doesn't override an inherited getter."
correctionMessage: Try updating this class to match the superclass, or removing the override annotation.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
A getter with the override annotation does not override an existing getter.
No parameters.
problemMessage: "The method doesn't override an inherited method."
correctionMessage: Try updating this class to match the superclass, or removing the override annotation.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
A method with the override annotation does not override an existing method.
No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class member is annotated with
the `@override` annotation, but the member isn’t declared in any of the
supertypes of the class.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `m` isn't declared in
any of the supertypes of `C`:
class C {
String [!m!]() => '';
#### Common fixes
If the member is intended to override a member with a different name, then
update the member to have the same name:
class C {
String toString() => '';
If the member is intended to override a member that was removed from the
superclass, then consider removing the member from the subclass.
If the member can't be removed, then remove the annotation.
problemMessage: "The setter doesn't override an inherited setter."
correctionMessage: Try updating this class to match the superclass, or removing the override annotation.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
A setter with the override annotation does not override an existing setter.
No parameters.
problemMessage: "A package import shouldn't contain '..'."
comment: |-
It is a bad practice for a package import to reference anything outside the
given package, or more generally, it is bad practice for a package import
to contain a "..". For example, a source file should not contain a
directive such as `import 'package:foo/../some.dart'`.
problemMessage: "The receiver is of type 'Never', and will never complete with a value."
correctionMessage: Try checking for throw expressions or type errors in the receiver
comment: |-
It is not an error to call or tear-off a method, setter, or getter, or to
read or write a field, on a receiver of static type `Never`.
Implementations that provide feedback about dead or unreachable code are
encouraged to indicate that any arguments to the invocation are
It is not an error to apply an expression of type `Never` in the function
position of a function call. Implementations that provide feedback about
dead or unreachable code are encouraged to indicate that any arguments to
the call are unreachable.
Parameters: none
problemMessage: "'{0}' is annotated with 'doNotStore' and shouldn't be returned unless '{1}' is also annotated."
correctionMessage: "Annotate '{1}' with 'doNotStore'."
comment: |-
Users should not return values marked `@doNotStore` from functions,
methods or getters not marked `@doNotStore`.
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' wasn't exported from 'dart:core' until version 2.1, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions."
correctionMessage: "Try either importing 'dart:async' or updating the SDK constraints."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when either the class `Future` or
`Stream` is referenced in a library that doesn't import `dart:async` in
code that has an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than 2.1.0. In
earlier versions, these classes weren't defined in `dart:core`, so the
import was necessary.
#### Examples
Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
bound of less than 2.1.0:
sdk: '>=2.0.0 <2.4.0'
In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces this
void f([!Future!] f) {}
#### Common fixes
If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
increase the SDK constraint to allow the classes to be referenced:
sdk: '>=2.1.0 <2.4.0'
If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then import the
`dart:async` library.
import 'dart:async';
void f(Future f) {}
problemMessage: "The use of an as expression in a constant expression wasn't supported until version 2.3.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions."
correctionMessage: Try updating the SDK constraints.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an `as` expression inside a
[constant context][] is found in code that has an SDK constraint whose
lower bound is less than 2.3.2. Using an `as` expression in a
[constant context][] wasn't supported in earlier versions, so this code
won't be able to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
#### Examples
Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
bound of less than 2.3.2:
sdk: '>=2.1.0 <2.4.0'
In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces
this diagnostic:
const num n = 3;
const int i = [!n as int!];
#### Common fixes
If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
increase the SDK constraint to allow the expression to be used:
sdk: '>=2.3.2 <2.4.0'
If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then either rewrite the
code to not use an `as` expression, or change the code so that the `as`
expression isn't in a [constant context][]:
num x = 3;
int y = x as int;
problemMessage: "The use of the operator '{0}' for 'bool' operands in a constant context wasn't supported until version 2.3.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions."
correctionMessage: Try updating the SDK constraints.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when any use of the `&`, `|`, or `^`
operators on the class `bool` inside a [constant context][] is found in
code that has an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than 2.3.2. Using
these operators in a [constant context][] wasn't supported in earlier
versions, so this code won't be able to run against earlier versions of the
#### Examples
Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
bound of less than 2.3.2:
sdk: '>=2.1.0 <2.4.0'
In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces this
const bool a = true;
const bool b = false;
const bool c = a [!&!] b;
#### Common fixes
If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
increase the SDK constraint to allow the operators to be used:
sdk: '>=2.3.2 <2.4.0'
If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then either rewrite the
code to not use these operators, or change the code so that the expression
isn't in a [constant context][]:
const bool a = true;
const bool b = false;
bool c = a & b;
problemMessage: "Tearing off a constructor requires the 'constructor-tearoffs' language feature."
correctionMessage: "Try updating your pubspec.yaml to set the minimum SDK constraint to 2.15 or higher, and running 'pub get'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
No parameters.
There is also a [ParserError.EXPERIMENT_NOT_ENABLED] code which catches
some cases of constructor tearoff features (like `List<int>.filled;`).
Other constructor tearoff cases are not realized until resolution
(like `List.filled;`).
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constructor tear-off is found
in code that has an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than 2.15.
Constructor tear-offs weren't supported in earlier versions, so this code
won't be able to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
#### Example
Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
bound of less than 2.15:
sdk: '>=2.9.0 <2.15.0'
In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces this
var setConstructor = [!Set.identity!];
#### Common fixes
If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
increase the SDK constraint to allow the operator to be used:
sdk: '>=2.15.0 <2.16.0'
If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then rewrite the code to
not use constructor tear-offs:
var setConstructor = () => Set.identity();
problemMessage: "Using the operator '==' for non-primitive types wasn't supported until version 2.3.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions."
correctionMessage: Try updating the SDK constraints.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the operator `==` is used on a
non-primitive type inside a [constant context][] is found in code that has
an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than 2.3.2. Using this operator
in a [constant context][] wasn't supported in earlier versions, so this
code won't be able to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
#### Examples
Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
bound of less than 2.3.2:
sdk: '>=2.1.0 <2.4.0'
In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces this
class C {}
const C a = null;
const C b = null;
const bool same = a [!==!] b;
#### Common fixes
If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
increase the SDK constraint to allow the operator to be used:
sdk: '>=2.3.2 <2.4.0'
If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then either rewrite the
code to not use the `==` operator, or change the code so that the
expression isn't in a [constant context][]:
class C {}
const C a = null;
const C b = null;
bool same = a == b;
problemMessage: "Extension methods weren't supported until version 2.6.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions."
correctionMessage: Try updating the SDK constraints.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an extension declaration or an
extension override is found in code that has an SDK constraint whose lower
bound is less than 2.6.0. Using extensions wasn't supported in earlier
versions, so this code won't be able to run against earlier versions of the
#### Examples
Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
bound of less than 2.6.0:
sdk: '>=2.4.0 <2.7.0'
In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces
this diagnostic:
[!extension!] E on String {
void sayHello() {
print('Hello $this');
#### Common fixes
If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
increase the SDK constraint to allow the syntax to be used:
sdk: '>=2.6.0 <2.7.0'
If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then rewrite the code to
not make use of extensions. The most common way to do this is to rewrite
the members of the extension as top-level functions (or methods) that take
the value that would have been bound to `this` as a parameter:
void sayHello(String s) {
print('Hello $s');
problemMessage: "The operator '>>>' wasn't supported until version 2.14.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions."
correctionMessage: Try updating the SDK constraints.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the operator `>>>` is used in
code that has an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than 2.14.0. This
operator wasn't supported in earlier versions, so this code won't be able
to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
#### Examples
Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
bound of less than 2.14.0:
sdk: '>=2.0.0 <2.15.0'
In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces this
int x = 3 [!>>>!] 4;
#### Common fixes
If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
increase the SDK constraint to allow the operator to be used:
sdk: '>=2.14.0 <2.15.0'
If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then rewrite the code to
not use the `>>>` operator:
int x = logicalShiftRight(3, 4);
int logicalShiftRight(int leftOperand, int rightOperand) {
int divisor = 1 << rightOperand;
if (divisor == 0) {
return 0;
return leftOperand ~/ divisor;
problemMessage: "The use of an is expression in a constant context wasn't supported until version 2.3.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions."
correctionMessage: Try updating the SDK constraints.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an `is` expression inside a
[constant context][] is found in code that has an SDK constraint whose
lower bound is less than 2.3.2. Using an `is` expression in a
[constant context][] wasn't supported in earlier versions, so this code
won't be able to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
#### Examples
Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
bound of less than 2.3.2:
sdk: '>=2.1.0 <2.4.0'
In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces
this diagnostic:
const Object x = 4;
const y = [!x is int!] ? 0 : 1;
#### Common fixes
If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
increase the SDK constraint to allow the expression to be used:
sdk: '>=2.3.2 <2.4.0'
If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then either rewrite the
code to not use the `is` operator, or, if that isn't possible, change the
code so that the `is` expression isn't in a
[constant context][]:
const Object x = 4;
var y = x is int ? 0 : 1;
problemMessage: "The type 'Never' wasn't supported until version 2.12.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions."
correctionMessage: Try updating the SDK constraints.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a reference to the class `Never`
is found in code that has an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than
2.12.0. This class wasn't defined in earlier versions, so this code won't
be able to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
#### Examples
Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
bound of less than 2.12.0:
sdk: '>=2.5.0 <2.6.0'
In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces this
[!Never!] n;
#### Common fixes
If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
increase the SDK constraint to allow the type to be used:
sdk: '>=2.12.0 <2.13.0'
If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then rewrite the code to
not reference this class:
dynamic x;
problemMessage: "Set literals weren't supported until version 2.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions."
correctionMessage: Try updating the SDK constraints.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a set literal is found in code
that has an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than 2.2.0. Set
literals weren't supported in earlier versions, so this code won't be able
to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
#### Examples
Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
bound of less than 2.2.0:
sdk: '>=2.1.0 <2.4.0'
In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces this
var s = [!<int>{}!];
#### Common fixes
If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
increase the SDK constraint to allow the syntax to be used:
sdk: '>=2.2.0 <2.4.0'
If you do need to support older versions of the SDK, then replace the set
literal with code that creates the set without the use of a literal:
var s = new Set<int>();
problemMessage: "The for, if, and spread elements weren't supported until version 2.3.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions."
correctionMessage: Try updating the SDK constraints.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a for, if, or spread element is
found in code that has an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than
2.3.0. Using a for, if, or spread element wasn't supported in earlier
versions, so this code won't be able to run against earlier versions of the
#### Examples
Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
bound of less than 2.3.0:
sdk: '>=2.2.0 <2.4.0'
In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces
this diagnostic:
var digits = [[!for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) i!]];
#### Common fixes
If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
increase the SDK constraint to allow the syntax to be used:
sdk: '>=2.3.0 <2.4.0'
If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then rewrite the code to
not make use of those elements:
var digits = _initializeDigits();
List<int> _initializeDigits() {
var digits = <int>[];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
return digits;
problemMessage: "The if and spread elements weren't supported in constant expressions until version 2.5.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions."
correctionMessage: Try updating the SDK constraints.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an if or spread element inside
a [constant context][] is found in code that has an SDK constraint whose
lower bound is less than 2.5.0. Using an if or spread element inside a
[constant context][] wasn't supported in earlier versions, so this code
won't be able to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
#### Examples
Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
bound of less than 2.5.0:
sdk: '>=2.4.0 <2.6.0'
In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces
this diagnostic:
const a = [1, 2];
const b = [[!...a!]];
#### Common fixes
If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
increase the SDK constraint to allow the syntax to be used:
sdk: '>=2.5.0 <2.6.0'
If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then rewrite the code to
not make use of those elements:
const a = [1, 2];
const b = [1, 2];
If that isn't possible, change the code so that the element isn't in a
[constant context][]:
const a = [1, 2];
var b = [...a];
problemMessage: "The generic type '{0}' should have explicit type arguments but doesn't."
correctionMessage: "Use explicit type arguments for '{0}'."
comment: |-
When "strict-raw-types" is enabled, "raw types" must have type arguments.
A "raw type" is a type name that does not use inference to fill in missing
type arguments; instead, each type argument is instantiated to its bound.
problemMessage: "The class '{0}' shouldn't be extended, mixed in, or implemented because it's sealed."
correctionMessage: "Try composing instead of inheriting, or refer to the documentation of '{0}' for more information."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the sealed class
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a sealed class (one that either
has the `@sealed` annotation or inherits or mixes in a sealed class) is
referenced in either the `extends`, `implements`, or `with` clause of a
class or mixin declaration if the declaration isn't in the same package as
the sealed class.
#### Example
Given a library in a package other than the package being analyzed that
contains the following:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class A {}
class B {}
The following code produces this diagnostic because `C`, which isn't in the
same package as `B`, is extending the sealed class `B`:
import 'package:a/a.dart';
[!class C extends B {}!]
#### Common fixes
If the class doesn't need to be a subtype of the sealed class, then change
the declaration so that it isn't:
import 'package:a/a.dart';
class B extends A {}
If the class needs to be a subtype of the sealed class, then either change
the sealed class so that it's no longer sealed or move the subclass into
the same package as the sealed class.
problemMessage: "Tests for non-null should be done with '!= null'."
correctionMessage: "Try replacing the 'is! Null' check with '!= null'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when there's a type check (using the
`as` operator) where the type is `Null`. There's only one value whose type
is `Null`, so the code is both more readable and more performant when it
tests for `null` explicitly.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the code is testing to
see whether the value of `s` is `null` by using a type check:
void f(String? s) {
if ([!s is Null!]) {
The following code produces this diagnostic because the code is testing to
see whether the value of `s` is something other than `null` by using a type
void f(String? s) {
if ([!s is! Null!]) {
#### Common fixes
Replace the type check with the equivalent comparison with `null`:
void f(String? s) {
if (s == null) {
problemMessage: "Tests for null should be done with '== null'."
correctionMessage: "Try replacing the 'is Null' check with '== null'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "The library '{0}' doesn't export a member with the hidden name '{1}'."
correctionMessage: Try removing the name from the list of hidden members.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the library being imported
1: the name in the hide clause that isn't defined in the library
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a hide combinator includes a
name that isn't defined by the library being imported.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `dart:math` doesn't
define the name `String`:
import 'dart:math' hide [!String!], max;
var x = min(0, 1);
#### Common fixes
If a different name should be hidden, then correct the name. Otherwise,
remove the name from the list:
import 'dart:math' hide max;
var x = min(0, 1);
problemMessage: "The parameter '{0}' is not defined by '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the undefined parameter
1: the name of the targeted member
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an annotation of the form
`@UnusedResult.unless(parameterDefined: parameterName)` specifies a
parameter name that isn't defined by the annotated function.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the function `f`
doesn't have a parameter named `b`:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
@UseResult.unless(parameterDefined: [!'b'!])
int f([int? a]) => a ?? 0;
#### Common fixes
Change the argument named `parameterDefined` to match the name of one of
the parameters to the function:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
@UseResult.unless(parameterDefined: 'a')
int f([int? a]) => a ?? 0;
problemMessage: "The library '{0}' doesn't export a member with the shown name '{1}'."
correctionMessage: Try removing the name from the list of shown members.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the library being imported
1: the name in the show clause that isn't defined in the library
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a show combinator includes a
name that isn't defined by the library being imported.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `dart:math` doesn't
define the name `String`:
import 'dart:math' show min, [!String!];
var x = min(0, 1);
#### Common fixes
If a different name should be shown, then correct the name. Otherwise,
remove the name from the list:
import 'dart:math' show min;
var x = min(0, 1);
problemMessage: "The diagnostic '{0}' can't be ignored."
correctionMessage: Try removing the name from the list, or removing the whole comment if this is the only name in the list.
comment: |-
0: the name of the non-diagnostic being ignored
problemMessage: Unnecessary cast.
correctionMessage: Try removing the cast.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the value being cast is already
known to be of the type that it's being cast to.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `n` is already known to
be an `int` as a result of the `is` test:
void f(num n) {
if (n is int) {
([!n as int!]).isEven;
#### Common fixes
Remove the unnecessary cast:
void f(num n) {
if (n is int) {
problemMessage: "The diagnostic '{0}' isn't produced at this location so it doesn't need to be ignored."
correctionMessage: Try removing the name from the list, or removing the whole comment if this is the only name in the list.
comment: |-
0: the name of the diagnostic being ignored
problemMessage: "The import of '{0}' is unnecessary because all of the used elements are also provided by the import of '{1}'."
correctionMessage: Try removing the import directive.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the uri that is not necessary
1: the uri that makes it unnecessary
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an import isn't needed because
all of the names that are imported and referenced within the importing
library are also visible through another import.
#### Example
Given a file named `a.dart` that contains the following:
class A {}
And, given a file named `b.dart` that contains the following:
export 'a.dart';
class B {}
The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `A`, which is
imported from `a.dart`, is also imported from `b.dart`. Removing the import
of `a.dart` leaves the semantics unchanged:
import [!'a.dart'!];
import 'b.dart';
void f(A a, B b) {}
#### Common fixes
If the import isn't needed, then remove it.
If some of the names imported by this import are intended to be used but
aren't yet, and if those names aren't imported by other imports, then add
the missing references to those names.
problemMessage: "Unnecessary 'noSuchMethod' declaration."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the declaration of 'noSuchMethod'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when there's a declaration of
`noSuchMethod`, the only thing the declaration does is invoke the
overridden declaration, and the overridden declaration isn't the
declaration in `Object`.
Overriding the implementation of `Object`'s `noSuchMethod` (no matter what
the implementation does) signals to the analyzer that it shouldn't flag any
inherited abstract methods that aren't implemented in that class. This
works even if the overriding implementation is inherited from a superclass,
so there's no value to declare it again in a subclass.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the declaration of
`noSuchMethod` in `A` makes the declaration of `noSuchMethod` in `B`
class A {
dynamic noSuchMethod(x) => super.noSuchMethod(x);
class B extends A {
dynamic [!noSuchMethod!](y) {
return super.noSuchMethod(y);
#### Common fixes
Remove the unnecessary declaration:
class A {
dynamic noSuchMethod(x) => super.noSuchMethod(x);
class B extends A {}
problemMessage: "The operand can't be null, so the condition is always false."
correctionMessage: Try removing the condition, an enclosing condition, or the whole conditional statement.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds an equality comparison
(either `==` or `!=`) with one operand of `null` and the other operand
can't be `null`. Such comparisons are always either `true` or `false`, so
they serve no purpose.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can never be
`null`, so the comparison always evaluates to `true`:
void f(int x) {
if (x [!!= null!]) {
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can never be
`null`, so the comparison always evaluates to `false`:
void f(int x) {
if (x [!== null!]) {
throw ArgumentError("x can't be null");
#### Common fixes
If the other operand should be able to be `null`, then change the type of
the operand:
void f(int? x) {
if (x != null) {
If the other operand really can't be `null`, then remove the condition:
void f(int x) {
problemMessage: "The operand can't be null, so the condition is always true."
correctionMessage: Remove the condition.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "The '?' is unnecessary because '{0}' is nullable without it."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the type
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when either the type `dynamic` or the
type `Null` is followed by a question mark. Both of these types are
inherently nullable so the question mark doesn't change the semantics.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the question mark
following `dynamic` isn't necessary:
dynamic[!?!] x;
#### Common fixes
Remove the unneeded question mark:
dynamic x;
problemMessage: "Unnecessary type check; the result is always 'false'."
correctionMessage: Try correcting the type check, or removing the type check.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the value of a type check (using
either `is` or `is!`) is known at compile time.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the test `a is Object?`
is always `true`:
bool f<T>(T a) => [!a is Object?!];
#### Common fixes
If the type check doesn't check what you intended to check, then change the
bool f<T>(T a) => a is Object;
If the type check does check what you intended to check, then replace the
type check with its known value or completely remove it:
bool f<T>(T a) => true;
problemMessage: "Unnecessary type check; the result is always 'true'."
correctionMessage: Try correcting the type check, or removing the type check.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
problemMessage: "The exception variable '{0}' isn't used, so the 'catch' clause can be removed."
correctionMessage: Try removing the catch clause.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the exception variable
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a `catch` clause is found, and
neither the exception parameter nor the optional stack trace parameter are
used in the `catch` block.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `e` isn't referenced:
void f() {
try {
} on FormatException catch ([!e!]) {
// ignored
#### Common fixes
Remove the unused `catch` clause:
void f() {
try {
} on FormatException {
// ignored
problemMessage: "The stack trace variable '{0}' isn't used and can be removed."
correctionMessage: Try removing the stack trace variable, or using it.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the stack trace variable
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the stack trace parameter in a
`catch` clause isn't referenced within the body of the `catch` block.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because `stackTrace` isn't
void f() {
try {
// ...
} catch (exception, [!stackTrace!]) {
// ...
#### Common fixes
If you need to reference the stack trace parameter, then add a reference to
it. Otherwise, remove it:
void f() {
try {
// ...
} catch (exception) {
// ...
problemMessage: "The declaration '{0}' isn't referenced."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the declaration of '{0}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name that is declared but not referenced
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a private declaration isn't
referenced in the library that contains the declaration. The following
kinds of declarations are analyzed:
- Private top-level declarations, such as classes, enums, mixins, typedefs,
top-level variables, and top-level functions
- Private static and instance methods
- Optional parameters of private functions for which a value is never
passed, even when the parameter doesn't have a private name
#### Examples
Assuming that no code in the library references `_C`, the following code
produces this diagnostic:
class [!_C!] {}
Assuming that no code in the library passes a value for `y` in any
invocation of `_m`, the following code produces this diagnostic:
class C {
void _m(int x, [int [!y!]]) {}
void n() => _m(0);
#### Common fixes
If the declaration isn't needed, then remove it:
class C {
void _m(int x) {}
void n() => _m(0);
If the declaration is intended to be used, then add the code to use it.
problemMessage: "A value for optional parameter '{0}' isn't ever given."
correctionMessage: Try removing the unused parameter.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the parameter that is declared but not used
problemMessage: "The value of the field '{0}' isn't used."
correctionMessage: Try removing the field, or using it.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the unused field
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a private field is declared but
never read, even if it's written in one or more places.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the field
`_originalValue` isn't read anywhere in the library:
class C {
final String [!_originalValue!];
final String _currentValue;
C(this._originalValue) : _currentValue = _originalValue;
String get value => _currentValue;
It might appear that the field `_originalValue` is being read in the
initializer (`_currentValue = _originalValue`), but that is actually a
reference to the parameter of the same name, not a reference to the field.
#### Common fixes
If the field isn't needed, then remove it.
If the field was intended to be used, then add the missing code.
problemMessage: "Unused import: '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try removing the import directive.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the content of the unused import's uri
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an import isn't needed because
none of the names that are imported are referenced within the importing
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because nothing defined in
`dart:async` is referenced in the library:
import [!'dart:async'!];
void main() {}
#### Common fixes
If the import isn't needed, then remove it.
If some of the imported names are intended to be used, then add the missing
problemMessage: "The label '{0}' isn't used."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the label, or using it in either a 'break' or 'continue' statement."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the label that isn't used
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a label that isn't used is
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the label `loop` isn't
referenced anywhere in the method:
void f(int limit) {
[!loop:!] for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
#### Common fixes
If the label isn't needed, then remove it:
void f(int limit) {
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
If the label is needed, then use it:
void f(int limit) {
loop: for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
break loop;
TODO(brianwilkerson) Highlight the identifier without the colon.
problemMessage: "The value of the local variable '{0}' isn't used."
correctionMessage: Try removing the variable or using it.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the unused variable
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a local variable is declared but
never read, even if it's written in one or more places.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the value of `count` is
never read:
void main() {
int [!count!] = 0;
#### Common fixes
If the variable isn't needed, then remove it.
If the variable was intended to be used, then add the missing code.
problemMessage: "The value of '{0}' should be used."
correctionMessage: Try using the result by invoking a member, passing it to a function, or returning it from this function.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the annotated method, property or function
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a function annotated with
`useResult` is invoked, and the value returned by that function isn't used.
The value is considered to be used if a member of the value is invoked, if
the value is passed to another function, or if the value is assigned to a
variable or field.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the invocation of
`c.a()` isn't used, even though the method `a` is annotated with
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class C {
int a() => 0;
int b() => 0;
void f(C c) {
#### Common fixes
If you intended to invoke the annotated function, then use the value that
was returned:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class C {
int a() => 0;
int b() => 0;
void f(C c) {
If you intended to invoke a different function, then correct the name of
the function being invoked:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class C {
int a() => 0;
int b() => 0;
void f(C c) {
problemMessage: "'{0}' should be used. {1}."
correctionMessage: Try using the result by invoking a member, passing it to a function, or returning it from this function.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
The result of invoking a method, property, or function annotated with
`@useResult` must be used (assigned, passed to a function as an argument,
or returned by a function).
0: the name of the annotated method, property or function
1: message details
problemMessage: "The name {0} is shown, but isn’t used."
correctionMessage: Try removing the name from the list of shown members.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name that is shown but not used
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a show combinator includes a
name that isn't used within the library. Because it isn't referenced, the
name can be removed.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the function `max`
isn't used:
import 'dart:math' show min, [!max!];
var x = min(0, 1);
#### Common fixes
Either use the name or remove it:
import 'dart:math' show min;
var x = min(0, 1);
problemMessage: "Missing field type for '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try adding an explicit type, or remove implicit-dynamic from your analysis options file.
problemMessage: "Missing type arguments for generic function '{0}<{1}>'."
correctionMessage: Try adding an explicit type, or remove implicit-dynamic from your analysis options file.
problemMessage: "Missing type arguments for calling generic function type '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try adding an explicit type, or remove implicit-dynamic from your analysis options file.
problemMessage: Missing type argument for list literal.
correctionMessage: Try adding an explicit type, or remove implicit-dynamic from your analysis options file.
problemMessage: Missing type arguments for map literal.
correctionMessage: Try adding an explicit type, or remove implicit-dynamic from your analysis options file.
problemMessage: "Missing type arguments for generic method '{0}<{1}>'."
correctionMessage: Try adding an explicit type, or remove implicit-dynamic from your analysis options file.
problemMessage: "Missing parameter type for '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try adding an explicit type, or remove implicit-dynamic from your analysis options file.
problemMessage: "Missing return type for '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try adding an explicit type, or remove implicit-dynamic from your analysis options file.
problemMessage: "Missing type arguments for generic type '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try adding an explicit type, or remove implicit-dynamic from your analysis options file.
problemMessage: "Missing variable type for '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try adding an explicit type, or remove implicit-dynamic from your analysis options file.
problemMessage: Camera permissions make app incompatible for Chrome OS, consider adding optional features "" and "".
correctionMessage: "Try adding `<uses-feature android:name=\"\" android:required=\"false\">` `<uses-feature android:name=\"\" android:required=\"false\">`."
comment: |-
A code indicating that the camera permissions is not supported on Chrome
problemMessage: The `<activity>` element should be allowed to be resized to allow users to take advantage of the multi-window environment on Chrome OS
correctionMessage: Consider declaring the corresponding activity element with `resizableActivity="true"` attribute.
comment: A code indicating that the activity is set to be non resizable.
problemMessage: "The default \"android.hardware.touchscreen\" needs to be optional for Chrome OS. "
correctionMessage: "Consider adding <uses-feature android:name=\"android.hardware.touchscreen\" android:required=\"false\" /> to the manifest."
comment: |-
A code indicating that the touchscreen feature is not specified in the
problemMessage: "Permission makes app incompatible for Chrome OS, consider adding optional {0} feature tag, "
correctionMessage: " Try adding `<uses-feature android:name=\"{0}\" android:required=\"false\">`."
comment: |-
A code indicating that a specified permission is not supported on Chrome
problemMessage: The `<activity>` element should not be locked to any orientation so that users can take advantage of the multi-window environments and larger screens on Chrome OS
correctionMessage: Consider declaring the corresponding activity element with `screenOrientation="unspecified"` or `"fullSensor"` attribute.
comment: A code indicating that the activity is locked to an orientation.
problemMessage: "The feature {0} is not supported on Chrome OS, consider making it optional."
correctionMessage: "Try changing to `android:required=\"false\"` for this feature."
comment: A code indicating that a specified feature is not supported on Chrome OS.
problemMessage: "The feature {0} is not supported on Chrome OS, consider making it optional."
correctionMessage: "Try adding `android:required=\"false\"` for this feature."
comment: |-
A code indicating that a specified hardware feature is not supported on
Chrome OS.
problemMessage: "Enums can't be declared to be 'abstract'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'abstract'."
problemMessage: "Static methods can't be declared to be 'abstract'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'abstract'."
problemMessage: "Top-level functions can't be declared to be 'abstract'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'abstract'."
problemMessage: "Top-level variables can't be declared to be 'abstract'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'abstract'."
problemMessage: "Typedefs can't be declared to be 'abstract'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'abstract'."
problemMessage: "The keywords 'await' and 'yield' can't be used as identifiers in an asynchronous or generator function."
comment: |-
16.32 Identifier Reference: It is a compile-time error if any of the
identifiers async, await, or yield is used as an identifier in a function
body marked with either async, async, or sync.
problemMessage: "Const constructors can't have a body."
correctionMessage: "Try removing either the 'const' keyword or the body."
problemMessage: "Enums can't be declared to be 'const'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'const' keyword."
problemMessage: "Type aliases can't be declared to be 'const'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'const' keyword."
problemMessage: "A constructor can't be declared to be 'covariant'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'covariant'."
problemMessage: "Top-level declarations can't be declared to be covariant."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'covariant'."
problemMessage: "Parameters in a function type can't have default values."
correctionMessage: Try removing the default value.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a function type associated with
a parameter includes optional parameters that have a default value. This
isn't allowed because the default values of parameters aren't part of the
function's type, and therefore including them doesn't provide any value.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the parameter `p` has a
default value even though it's part of the type of the parameter `g`:
void f(void Function([int p [!=!] 0]) g) {
#### Common fixes
Remove the default value from the function-type's parameter:
void f(void Function([int p]) g) {
problemMessage: An enum must declare at least one constant name.
correctionMessage: Try declaring a constant.
problemMessage: "Expected 'case' or 'default'."
correctionMessage: Try placing this code inside a case clause.
problemMessage: Expected a class member.
correctionMessage: Try placing this code inside a class member.
problemMessage: Expected a method, getter, setter or operator declaration.
correctionMessage: This appears to be incomplete code. Try removing it or completing it.
problemMessage: Expected a list or map literal.
correctionMessage: Try inserting a list or map literal, or remove the type arguments.
problemMessage: Expected a string literal.
problemMessage: "Expected to find '{0}'."
comment: |-
0: the token that was expected but not found
problemMessage: Expected a type name.
problemMessage: "External getters can't have a body."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the body of the getter, or removing the keyword 'external'."
problemMessage: "External operators can't have a body."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the body of the operator, or removing the keyword 'external'."
problemMessage: "External setters can't have a body."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the body of the setter, or removing the keyword 'external'."
problemMessage: "A non-redirecting 'factory' constructor must have a body."
correctionMessage: Try adding a body to the constructor.
problemMessage: "A 'factory' constructor can't have initializers."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'factory' keyword to make this a generative constructor, or removing the initializers."
problemMessage: "Classes can't be declared to be 'final'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'final'."
problemMessage: "A constructor can't be declared to be 'final'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'final'."
problemMessage: "Enums can't be declared to be 'final'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'final'."
problemMessage: "Getters, setters and methods can't be declared to be 'final'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'final'."
problemMessage: "Typedefs can't be declared to be 'final'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'final'."
problemMessage: "Getters can't be defined within methods or functions."
correctionMessage: Try moving the getter outside the method or function, or converting the getter to a function.
problemMessage: Getters must be declared without a parameter list.
correctionMessage: "Try removing the parameter list, or removing the keyword 'get' to define a method rather than a getter."
problemMessage: "The escape sequence '{0}' isn't a valid code point."
comment: |-
0: the invalid escape sequence
problemMessage: "Comment references should contain a possibly prefixed identifier and can start with 'new', but shouldn't contain anything else."
problemMessage: Invalid generic function type.
correctionMessage: "Try using a generic function type (returnType 'Function(' parameters ')')."
problemMessage: "The literal in a configuration can't contain interpolation."
correctionMessage: Try removing the interpolation expressions.
problemMessage: "The operator '{0}' can't be used with 'super'."
comment: |-
0: the operator being applied to 'super'
Only generated by the old parser.
problemMessage: "The modifier 'async*' isn't allowed for an expression function body."
correctionMessage: Try converting the body to a block.
problemMessage: "The modifier 'sync' isn't allowed for an expression function body."
correctionMessage: Try converting the body to a block.
problemMessage: "Local function declarations can't specify any modifiers."
correctionMessage: Try removing the modifier.
problemMessage: The closing parenthesis is missing.
correctionMessage: Try adding the closing parenthesis.
problemMessage: An enum definition must have a body with at least one constant name.
correctionMessage: Try adding a body and defining at least one constant.
problemMessage: Expected an expression after the assignment operator.
correctionMessage: Try adding the value to be assigned, or remove the assignment operator.
problemMessage: A function body must be provided.
correctionMessage: Try adding a function body.
problemMessage: "Function types must have the keyword 'Function' before the parameter list."
correctionMessage: "Try adding the keyword 'Function'."
problemMessage: Functions must have an explicit list of parameters.
correctionMessage: Try adding a parameter list.
problemMessage: "Getters must have the keyword 'get' before the getter name."
correctionMessage: "Try adding the keyword 'get'."
problemMessage: Expected an identifier.
problemMessage: Methods must have an explicit list of parameters.
correctionMessage: Try adding a parameter list.
problemMessage: Named parameters in a function type must have a name
correctionMessage: Try providing a name for the parameter or removing the curly braces.
problemMessage: Library directives must include a library name.
correctionMessage: "Try adding a library name after the keyword 'library', or remove the library directive if the library doesn't have any parts."
problemMessage: Part-of directives must include a library name.
correctionMessage: "Try adding a library name after the 'of'."
problemMessage: "The modifier 'sync' must be followed by a star ('*')."
correctionMessage: Try removing the modifier, or add a star.
problemMessage: "There is no '{0}' to close the parameter group."
correctionMessage: "Try inserting a '{0}' at the end of the group."
comment: |-
0: the terminator that is missing
problemMessage: Typedefs must have an explicit list of parameters.
correctionMessage: Try adding a parameter list.
problemMessage: "A loop variable must be declared in a for-each loop before the 'in', but none was found."
correctionMessage: Try declaring a loop variable.
problemMessage: "Can't have both positional and named parameters in a single parameter list."
correctionMessage: Try choosing a single style of optional parameters.
problemMessage: Each class or mixin definition can have at most one implements clause.
correctionMessage: Try combining all of the implements clauses into a single clause.
problemMessage: "Can't have multiple groups of named parameters in a single parameter list."
correctionMessage: Try combining all of the groups into a single group.
problemMessage: "Can't have multiple groups of positional parameters in a single parameter list."
correctionMessage: Try combining all of the groups into a single group.
problemMessage: "A single loop variable must be declared in a for-each loop before the 'in', but {0} were found."
correctionMessage: Try moving all but one of the declarations inside the loop body.
comment: |-
0: the number of variables being declared
problemMessage: "Function expressions can't be named."
correctionMessage: Try removing the name, or moving the function expression to a function declaration statement.
problemMessage: "Function types can't be named."
correctionMessage: "Try replacing the name with the keyword 'Function'."
problemMessage: "Named parameters must be enclosed in curly braces ('{' and '}')."
correctionMessage: Try surrounding the named parameters in curly braces.
problemMessage: Native clause can only be used in the SDK and code that is loaded through native extensions.
correctionMessage: Try removing the native clause.
problemMessage: Native functions can only be declared in the SDK and code that is loaded through native extensions.
correctionMessage: "Try removing the word 'native'."
problemMessage: Only a constructor can be declared to be a factory.
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'factory'."
problemMessage: The name of a library must be an identifier.
correctionMessage: Try using an identifier as the name of the library.
problemMessage: The part-of directive must be the only directive in a part.
correctionMessage: Try removing the other directives, or moving them to the library for which this is a part.
problemMessage: The URI must be a string literal.
correctionMessage: Try enclosing the URI in either single or double quotes.
problemMessage: "The operator '{0}' isn't user definable."
comment: |-
0: the operator that the user is trying to define
problemMessage: Normal parameters must occur before optional parameters.
correctionMessage: Try moving all of the normal parameters before the optional parameters.
problemMessage: Positional arguments must occur before named arguments.
correctionMessage: Try moving all of the positional arguments before the named arguments.
problemMessage: "Positional parameters must be enclosed in square brackets ('[' and ']')."
correctionMessage: Try surrounding the positional parameters in square brackets.
problemMessage: "Setters can't be defined within methods or functions."
correctionMessage: Try moving the setter outside the method or function.
problemMessage: "A 'static' getter must have a body."
correctionMessage: "Try adding a body to the getter, or removing the keyword 'static'."
problemMessage: "A 'static' setter must have a body."
correctionMessage: "Try adding a body to the setter, or removing the keyword 'static'."
problemMessage: "Top-level declarations can't be declared to be static."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'static'."
problemMessage: "There is no '{0}' to open a parameter group."
correctionMessage: "Try inserting the '{0}' at the appropriate location."
comment: |-
0: the starting character that was missing
problemMessage: "Unexpected text '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try removing the text.
comment: |-
0: the unexpected text that was found
problemMessage: "Classes can't be declared to be 'var'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'var'."
problemMessage: "Enums can't be declared to be 'var'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'var'."
problemMessage: "Typedefs can't be declared to be 'var'."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'var', or replacing it with the name of the return type."
problemMessage: "The default value of a positional parameter should be preceded by '='."
correctionMessage: "Try replacing the ':' with '='."
problemMessage: "Expected '{0}' to close parameter group."
correctionMessage: "Try replacing '{0}' with '{1}'."
comment: |-
0: the terminator that was expected
1: the terminator that was found
problemMessage: "The asset directory '{0}' doesn't exist."
correctionMessage: Try creating the directory or fixing the path to the directory.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the path to the asset directory as given in the file.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an asset list contains a value
referencing a directory that doesn't exist.
#### Example
Assuming that the directory `assets` doesn't exist, the following code
produces this diagnostic because it's listed as a directory containing
name: example
- assets/
#### Common fixes
If the path is correct, then create a directory at that path.
If the path isn't correct, then change the path to match the path of the
directory containing the assets.
problemMessage: "The asset file '{0}' doesn't exist."
correctionMessage: Try creating the file or fixing the path to the file.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the path to the asset as given in the file.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an asset list contains a value
referencing a file that doesn't exist.
#### Example
Assuming that the file `doesNotExist.gif` doesn't exist, the following code
produces this diagnostic because it's listed as an asset:
name: example
- doesNotExist.gif
#### Common fixes
If the path is correct, then create a file at that path.
If the path isn't correct, then change the path to match the path of the
file containing the asset.
problemMessage: "The value of the 'asset' field is expected to be a list of relative file paths."
correctionMessage: Try converting the value to be a list of relative file paths.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the value of the `asset` key
isn't a list.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the value of the assets
key is a string when a list is expected:
name: example
assets: assets/
#### Common fixes
Change the value of the asset list so that it's a list:
name: example
- assets/
problemMessage: Assets are required to be file paths (strings).
correctionMessage: Try converting the value to be a string.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an asset list contains a value
that isn't a string.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the asset list contains
a map:
name: example
- image.gif: true
#### Common fixes
Change the asset list so that it only contains valid POSIX-style file
name: example
- image.gif
problemMessage: "The value of the '{0}' field is expected to be a map."
correctionMessage: Try converting the value to be a map.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the value of either the
`dependencies` or `dev_dependencies` key isn't a map.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the value of the
top-level `dependencies` key is a list:
name: example
- meta
#### Common fixes
Use a map as the value of the `dependencies` key:
name: example
meta: ^1.0.2
problemMessage: "The '{0}' field is no longer used and can be removed."
correctionMessage: Try removing the field.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a key is used in a
`pubspec.yaml` file that was deprecated. Unused keys take up space and
might imply semantics that are no longer valid.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the `author` key is no
longer being used:
name: example
author: 'Dash'
#### Common fixes
Remove the deprecated key:
name: example
problemMessage: "The value of the 'flutter' field is expected to be a map."
correctionMessage: Try converting the value to be a map.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the value of the `flutter` key
isn't a map.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the value of the
top-level `flutter` key is a string:
name: example
flutter: true
#### Common fixes
If you need to specify Flutter-specific options, then change the value to
be a map:
name: example
uses-material-design: true
If you don't need to specify Flutter-specific options, then remove the
`flutter` key:
name: example
problemMessage: "Publishable packages can't have '{0}' dependencies."
correctionMessage: "Try adding a 'publish_to: none' entry to mark the package as not for publishing or remove the {0} dependency."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the kind of dependency.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a package under either
`dependencies` or `dev_dependencies` is not a pub, `git`, or `path` based
See [Package dependencies]( for
more information about the kind of dependencies that are supported.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the dependency on the
package `transmogrify` is not a pub, `git`, or `path` based dependency:
name: example
name: transmogrify
version: ^1.4.0
#### Common fixes
If you want to publish your package to ``, then change the
dependencies to ones that are supported by `pub`.
If you don't want to publish your package to ``, then add a
`publish_to: none` entry to mark the package as one that isn't intended to
be published:
name: example
publish_to: none
name: transmogrify
version: ^1.4.0
problemMessage: "The 'name' field is required but missing."
correctionMessage: "Try adding a field named 'name'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when there's no top-level `name` key.
The `name` key provides the name of the package, which is required.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the package doesn't
have a name:
meta: ^1.0.2
#### Common fixes
Add the top-level key `name` with a value that's the name of the package:
name: example
meta: ^1.0.2
problemMessage: "The value of the 'name' field is required to be a string."
correctionMessage: Try converting the value to be a string.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the top-level `name` key has a
value that isn't a string.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the value following the
`name` key is a list:
- example
#### Common fixes
Replace the value with a string:
name: example
problemMessage: "The path '{0}' doesn't exist."
correctionMessage: Try creating the referenced path or using a path that exists.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the path to the dependency as given in the file.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a dependency has a `path` key
referencing a directory that doesn't exist.
#### Example
Assuming that the directory `doesNotExist` doesn't exist, the following
code produces this diagnostic because it's listed as the path of a package:
name: example
path: doesNotExist
#### Common fixes
If the path is correct, then create a directory at that path.
If the path isn't correct, then change the path to match the path to the
root of the package.
problemMessage: "The path '{0}' isn't a POSIX-style path."
correctionMessage: Try converting the value to a POSIX-style path.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the path as given in the file.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a dependency has a `path` key
whose value is a string, but isn't a POSIX-style path.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the path following the
`path` key is a Windows path:
name: example
path: E:\local_package
#### Common fixes
Convert the path to a POSIX path.
problemMessage: "The directory '{0}' doesn't contain a pubspec."
correctionMessage: Try creating a pubspec in the referenced directory or using a path that has a pubspec.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the path to the dependency as given in the file.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a dependency has a `path` key
that references a directory that doesn't contain a `pubspec.yaml` file.
#### Example
Assuming that the directory `local_package` doesn't contain a file named
`pubspec.yaml`, the following code produces this diagnostic because it's
listed as the path of a package:
name: example
path: local_package
#### Common fixes
If the path is intended to be the root of a package, then add a
`pubspec.yaml` file in the directory:
name: local_package
If the path is wrong, then replace it with a the correct path.
problemMessage: "The dev dependency on {0} is unnecessary because there is also a normal dependency on that package."
correctionMessage: Try removing the dev dependency.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the package in the dev_dependency list.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when there's an entry under
`dev_dependencies` for a package that is also listed under `dependencies`.
The packages under `dependencies` are available to all of the code in the
package, so there's no need to also list them under `dev_dependencies`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because the package `meta` is
listed under both `dependencies` and `dev_dependencies`:
name: example
meta: ^1.0.2
meta: ^1.0.2
#### Common fixes
Remove the entry under `dev_dependencies` (and the `dev_dependencies` key
if that's the only package listed there):
name: example
meta: ^1.0.2
problemMessage: "The left operand can't be null, so the right operand is never executed."
correctionMessage: Try removing the operator and the right operand.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic in two cases.
The first is when the left operand of an `??` operator can't be `null`.
The right operand is only evaluated if the left operand has the value
`null`, and because the left operand can't be `null`, the right operand is
never evaluated.
The second is when the left-hand side of an assignment using the `??=`
operator can't be `null`. The right-hand side is only evaluated if the
left-hand side has the value `null`, and because the left-hand side can't
be `null`, the right-hand side is never evaluated.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can't be `null`:
int f(int x) {
return x ?? [!0!];
The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` can't be `null`:
class C {
int f = -1;
void m(int x) {
f ??= [!x!];
#### Common fixes
If the diagnostic is reported for an `??` operator, then remove the `??`
operator and the right operand:
int f(int x) {
return x;
If the diagnostic is reported for an assignment, and the assignment isn't
needed, then remove the assignment:
class C {
int f = -1;
void m(int x) {
If the assignment is needed, but should be based on a different condition,
then rewrite the code to use `=` and the different condition:
class C {
int f = -1;
void m(int x) {
if (f < 0) {
f = x;
problemMessage: "The receiver can't be null, so the null-aware operator '{0}' is unnecessary."
correctionMessage: "Try replacing the operator '{0}' with '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the null-aware operator that is invalid
1: the non-null-aware operator that can replace the invalid operator
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a null-aware operator (`?.`,
`?..`, `?[`, `?..[`, or `...?`) is used on a receiver that's known to be
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `s` can't be `null`:
int? getLength(String s) {
return s[!?.!]length;
The following code produces this diagnostic because `a` can't be `null`:
var a = [];
var b = [[!...?!]a];
The following code produces this diagnostic because `s?.length` can't
return `null`:
void f(String? s) {
The reason `s?.length` can't return `null` is because the null-aware
operator following `s` short-circuits the evaluation of both `length` and
`isEven` if `s` is `null`. In other words, if `s` is `null`, then neither
`length` nor `isEven` will be invoked, and if `s` is non-`null`, then
`length` can't return a `null` value. Either way, `isEven` can't be invoked
on a `null` value, so the null-aware operator is not necessary. See
[Understanding null safety](/null-safety/understanding-null-safety#smarter-null-aware-methods)
for more details.
The following code produces this diagnostic because `s` can't be `null`.
void f(Object? o) {
var s = o as String;
The reason `s` can't be null, despite the fact that `o` can be `null`, is
because of the cast to `String`, which is a non-nullable type. If `o` ever
has the value `null`, the cast will fail and the invocation of `length`
will not happen.
#### Common fixes
Replace the null-aware operator with a non-null-aware equivalent; for
example, change `?.` to `.`:
int getLength(String s) {
return s.length;
(Note that the return type was also changed to be non-nullable, which might
not be appropriate in some cases.)
problemMessage: "The receiver can't be null because of short-circuiting, so the null-aware operator '{0}' can't be used."
correctionMessage: "Try replacing the operator '{0}' with '{1}'."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the null-aware operator that is invalid
1: the non-null-aware operator that can replace the invalid operator
problemMessage: "Parameters can't override default values, this method overrides '{0}.{1}' where '{2}' has a different value."
correctionMessage: Try using the same default value in both methods.
comment: |-
7.1 Instance Methods: It is a static warning if an instance method
<i>m1</i> overrides an instance member <i>m2</i>, the signature of
<i>m2</i> explicitly specifies a default value for a formal parameter
<i>p</i> and the signature of <i>m1</i> specifies a different default value
for <i>p</i>.
problemMessage: "Parameters can't override default values, this method overrides '{0}.{1}' where this positional parameter has a different value."
correctionMessage: Try using the same default value in both methods.
comment: |-
7.1 Instance Methods: It is a static warning if an instance method
<i>m1</i> overrides an instance member <i>m2</i>, the signature of
<i>m2</i> explicitly specifies a default value for a formal parameter
<i>p</i> and the signature of <i>m1</i> specifies a different default value
for <i>p</i>.
problemMessage: "Missing case clause for '{0}'."
correctionMessage: Try adding a case clause for the missing constant, or adding a default clause.
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: |-
0: the name of the constant that is missing
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a `switch` statement for an enum
doesn't include an option for one of the values in the enumeration.
Note that `null` is always a possible value for an enum and therefore also
must be handled.
#### Examples
The following code produces this diagnostic because the enum constant `e2`
isn't handled:
enum E { e1, e2 }
void f(E e) {
[!switch (e)!] {
case E.e1:
#### Common fixes
If there's special handling for the missing values, then add a `case`
clause for each of the missing values:
enum E { e1, e2 }
void f(E e) {
switch (e) {
case E.e1:
case E.e2:
If the missing values should be handled the same way, then add a `default`
enum E { e1, e2 }
void f(E e) {
switch (e) {
case E.e1:
TODO(brianwilkerson) This documentation will need to be updated when NNBD
problemMessage: "The '!' will have no effect because the receiver can't be null."
correctionMessage: "Try removing the '!' operator."
hasPublishedDocs: true
comment: No parameters.
documentation: |-
#### Description
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the operand of the `!` operator
can't be `null`.
#### Example
The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can't be `null`:
int f(int x) {
return x[!!!];
#### Common fixes
Remove the null check operator (`!`):
int f(int x) {
return x;