blob: cd83709acc131e714907b0baf6bbc203701fddff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library _fe_analyzer_shared.parser.listener;
import '../messages/codes.dart'
show Message, MessageCode, templateExperimentNotEnabled;
import '../scanner/token.dart' show Token;
import '../scanner/error_token.dart' show ErrorToken;
import 'assert.dart' show Assert;
import 'block_kind.dart' show BlockKind;
import 'constructor_reference_context.dart' show ConstructorReferenceContext;
import 'formal_parameter_kind.dart' show FormalParameterKind;
import 'identifier_context.dart' show IdentifierContext;
import 'declaration_kind.dart' show DeclarationKind;
import 'member_kind.dart' show MemberKind;
abstract class UnescapeErrorListener {
void handleUnescapeError(
Message message, covariant location, int offset, int length);
/// A parser event listener that does nothing except throw exceptions
/// on parser errors.
/// Events are methods that begin with one of: `begin`, `end`, or `handle`.
/// Events starting with `begin` and `end` come in pairs. Normally, a
/// `beginFoo` event is followed by an `endFoo` event. There's a few exceptions
/// documented below.
/// Events starting with `handle` are used when isn't possible to have a begin
/// event.
class Listener implements UnescapeErrorListener {
Uri? get uri => null;
void logEvent(String name) {}
void beginArguments(Token token) {}
void endArguments(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) {
/// Handle async modifiers `async`, `async*`, `sync`.
void handleAsyncModifier(Token? asyncToken, Token? starToken) {
/// Ended by either [endAwaitExpression] or [endInvalidAwaitExpression].
void beginAwaitExpression(Token token) {}
/// One of the two possible corresponding end events for
/// [beginAwaitExpression].
void endAwaitExpression(Token beginToken, Token endToken) {
/// One of the two possible corresponding end events for
/// [beginAwaitExpression].
void endInvalidAwaitExpression(
Token beginToken, Token endToken, MessageCode errorCode) {
void beginBlock(Token token, BlockKind blockKind) {}
void endBlock(
int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken, BlockKind blockKind) {
/// Called to handle a block that has been parsed but is not associated
/// with any top level function declaration. Substructures:
/// - block
void handleInvalidTopLevelBlock(Token token) {}
void beginCascade(Token token) {}
void endCascade() {
void beginCaseExpression(Token caseKeyword) {}
void endCaseExpression(Token colon) {
/// Handle the start of the body of a class, mixin or extension declaration
/// beginning at [token]. The actual kind of declaration is indicated by
/// [kind].
void beginClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody(DeclarationKind kind, Token token) {}
/// Handle the end of the body of a class, mixin or extension declaration.
/// The only substructures are the class, mixin or extension members.
/// The actual kind of declaration is indicated by [kind].
void endClassOrMixinOrExtensionBody(
DeclarationKind kind, int memberCount, Token beginToken, Token endToken) {
/// Called before parsing a class declaration, mixin declaration, or named
/// mixin application.
/// At this point only the `class` or `mixin` keyword have been seen,
/// so we know a declaration is coming but not its name or type
/// parameter declarations.
/// Ended by [endTopLevelDeclaration].
void beginClassOrMixinOrNamedMixinApplicationPrelude(Token token) {}
/// Handle the beginning of a class declaration.
/// [begin] may be the same as [name], or may point to modifiers
/// (or extraneous modifiers in the case of recovery) preceding [name].
/// At this point we have parsed the name and type parameter declarations.
void beginClassDeclaration(Token begin, Token? abstractToken, Token name) {}
/// Handle an extends clause in a class declaration. Substructures:
/// - supertype (may be a mixin application)
/// The typeCount is for error recovery: Invalid code might have more than one
/// class specified in the extends clause. A parser error has already been
/// issued.
void handleClassExtends(Token? extendsKeyword, int typeCount) {
/// Handle an implements clause in a class or mixin declaration.
/// Substructures:
/// - implemented types
void handleClassOrMixinImplements(
Token? implementsKeyword, int interfacesCount) {
/// Handle a show clause in an extension declaration.
/// Substructures:
/// - shown types and instance members
void handleExtensionShowHide(Token? showKeyword, int showElementCount,
Token? hideKeyword, int hideElementCount) {
/// Handle the header of a class declaration. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// - modifiers
/// - class name
/// - type variables
/// - supertype
/// - with clause
/// - implemented types
/// - native clause
void handleClassHeader(Token begin, Token classKeyword, Token? nativeToken) {
/// Handle recovery associated with a class header.
/// This may be called multiple times after [handleClassHeader]
/// to recover information about the previous class header.
/// The substructures are a subset of
/// and in the same order as [handleClassHeader]:
/// - supertype
/// - with clause
/// - implemented types
void handleRecoverClassHeader() {
/// Handle the end of a class declaration. Substructures:
/// - class header
/// - class body
void endClassDeclaration(Token beginToken, Token endToken) {
/// Handle the beginning of a mixin declaration.
void beginMixinDeclaration(Token mixinKeyword, Token name) {}
/// Handle an on clause in a mixin declaration. Substructures:
/// - implemented types
void handleMixinOn(Token? onKeyword, int typeCount) {
/// Handle the header of a mixin declaration. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// - mixin name
/// - type variables
/// - on types
/// - implemented types
void handleMixinHeader(Token mixinKeyword) {
/// Handle recovery associated with a mixin header.
/// This may be called multiple times after [handleMixinHeader]
/// to recover information about the previous mixin header.
/// The substructures are a subset of
/// and in the same order as [handleMixinHeader]
/// - on types
/// - implemented types
void handleRecoverMixinHeader() {
/// Handle the end of a mixin declaration. Substructures:
/// - mixin header
/// - class or mixin body
void endMixinDeclaration(Token mixinKeyword, Token endToken) {
/// Begins a not-further-categorized top-level declaration.
/// Ended by [endTopLevelDeclaration].
void beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration(Token token) {}
/// Handle the beginning of an extension methods declaration. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// At this point only the `extension` keyword have been seen, so we know a
/// declaration is coming but not its name or type parameter declarations.
/// Ended by [endTopLevelDeclaration].
void beginExtensionDeclarationPrelude(Token extensionKeyword) {}
/// Handle the beginning of an extension methods declaration. Substructures:
/// - type variables
/// At this point we have parsed the name and type parameter declarations.
void beginExtensionDeclaration(Token extensionKeyword, Token? name) {}
/// Handle the end of an extension methods declaration. Substructures:
/// - substructures from [beginExtensionDeclaration]
/// - on type
/// - body
void endExtensionDeclaration(Token extensionKeyword, Token? typeKeyword,
Token onKeyword, Token? showKeyword, Token? hideKeyword, Token endToken) {
void beginCombinators(Token token) {}
void endCombinators(int count) {
void beginCompilationUnit(Token token) {}
/// This method exists for analyzer compatibility only
/// and will be removed once analyzer/fasta integration is complete.
/// This is called when [parseDirectives] has parsed all directives
/// and is skipping the remainder of the file. Substructures:
/// - metadata
void handleDirectivesOnly() {}
void endCompilationUnit(int count, Token token) {
void beginConstLiteral(Token token) {}
void endConstLiteral(Token token) {
void beginConstructorReference(Token start) {}
void endConstructorReference(Token start, Token? periodBeforeName,
Token endToken, ConstructorReferenceContext constructorReferenceContext) {
void beginDoWhileStatement(Token token) {}
void endDoWhileStatement(
Token doKeyword, Token whileKeyword, Token endToken) {
void beginDoWhileStatementBody(Token token) {}
void endDoWhileStatementBody(Token token) {
void beginWhileStatementBody(Token token) {}
void endWhileStatementBody(Token token) {
void beginEnum(Token enumKeyword) {}
/// Handle the end of an enum declaration. Substructures:
/// - Metadata
/// - Enum name (identifier)
/// - [count] times:
/// - Enum value (identifier)
void endEnum(Token enumKeyword, Token leftBrace, int count) {
void beginExport(Token token) {}
/// Handle the end of an export directive. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// - uri
/// - conditional uris
/// - combinators
void endExport(Token exportKeyword, Token semicolon) {
/// Called by [Parser] after parsing an extraneous expression as error
/// recovery. For a stack-based listener, the suggested action is to discard
/// an expression from the stack.
void handleExtraneousExpression(Token token, Message message) {
void handleExpressionStatement(Token token) {
/// Note that this is ended by [endClassFactoryMethod],
/// [endMixinFactoryMethod] or [endExtensionFactoryMethod].
void beginFactoryMethod(DeclarationKind declarationKind, Token lastConsumed,
Token? externalToken, Token? constToken) {}
void endClassFactoryMethod(
Token beginToken, Token factoryKeyword, Token endToken) {
void endMixinFactoryMethod(
Token beginToken, Token factoryKeyword, Token endToken) {
// TODO(danrubel): push implementation into subclasses
endClassFactoryMethod(beginToken, factoryKeyword, endToken);
void endExtensionFactoryMethod(
Token beginToken, Token factoryKeyword, Token endToken) {
// TODO(danrubel): push implementation into subclasses
endClassFactoryMethod(beginToken, factoryKeyword, endToken);
void beginFormalParameter(Token token, MemberKind kind, Token? requiredToken,
Token? covariantToken, Token? varFinalOrConst) {}
void endFormalParameter(
Token? thisKeyword,
Token? periodAfterThis,
Token nameToken,
Token? initializerStart,
Token? initializerEnd,
FormalParameterKind kind,
MemberKind memberKind) {
void handleNoFormalParameters(Token token, MemberKind kind) {
void beginFormalParameters(Token token, MemberKind kind) {}
void endFormalParameters(
int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken, MemberKind kind) {
/// Handle the end of a class field declaration. Substructures:
/// - Metadata
/// - Modifiers
/// - Type
/// - Variable declarations (count times)
/// Started by [beginFields].
void endClassFields(
Token? abstractToken,
Token? externalToken,
Token? staticToken,
Token? covariantToken,
Token? lateToken,
Token? varFinalOrConst,
int count,
Token beginToken,
Token endToken) {
/// Handle the end of a mixin field declaration. Substructures:
/// - Metadata
/// - Modifiers
/// - Type
/// - Variable declarations (count times)
/// Started by [beginFields].
void endMixinFields(
Token? abstractToken,
Token? externalToken,
Token? staticToken,
Token? covariantToken,
Token? lateToken,
Token? varFinalOrConst,
int count,
Token beginToken,
Token endToken) {
// TODO(danrubel): push implementation into subclasses
endClassFields(abstractToken, externalToken, staticToken, covariantToken,
lateToken, varFinalOrConst, count, beginToken, endToken);
/// Handle the end of a extension field declaration. Substructures:
/// - Metadata
/// - Modifiers
/// - Type
/// - Variable declarations (count times)
/// Started by [beginFields].
void endExtensionFields(
Token? abstractToken,
Token? externalToken,
Token? staticToken,
Token? covariantToken,
Token? lateToken,
Token? varFinalOrConst,
int count,
Token beginToken,
Token endToken) {
// TODO(danrubel): push implementation into subclasses
endClassFields(abstractToken, externalToken, staticToken, covariantToken,
lateToken, varFinalOrConst, count, beginToken, endToken);
/// Marks that the grammar term `forInitializerStatement` has been parsed and
/// it was an empty statement.
void handleForInitializerEmptyStatement(Token token) {
/// Marks that the grammar term `forInitializerStatement` has been parsed and
/// it was an expression statement.
void handleForInitializerExpressionStatement(Token token, bool forIn) {
/// Marks that the grammar term `forInitializerStatement` has been parsed and
/// it was a `localVariableDeclaration`.
void handleForInitializerLocalVariableDeclaration(Token token, bool forIn) {
/// Marks the start of a for statement which is ended by either
/// [endForStatement] or [endForIn].
void beginForStatement(Token token) {}
/// Marks the end of parsing the control structure of a for statement
/// or for control flow entry up to and including the closing parenthesis.
/// `for` `(` initialization `;` condition `;` updaters `)`
void handleForLoopParts(Token forKeyword, Token leftParen,
Token leftSeparator, int updateExpressionCount) {}
void endForStatement(Token endToken) {
void beginForStatementBody(Token token) {}
void endForStatementBody(Token token) {
/// Marks the end of parsing the control structure of a for-in statement
/// or for control flow entry up to and including the closing parenthesis.
/// `for` `(` (type)? identifier `in` iterator `)`
void handleForInLoopParts(Token? awaitToken, Token forToken,
Token leftParenthesis, Token inKeyword) {}
// One of the two possible corresponding end events for [beginForStatement].
void endForIn(Token endToken) {
void beginForInExpression(Token token) {}
void endForInExpression(Token token) {
void beginForInBody(Token token) {}
void endForInBody(Token token) {
/// Handle the beginning of a named function expression which isn't legal
/// syntax in Dart. Useful for recovering from Javascript code being pasted
/// into a Dart program, as it will interpret `function foo() {}` as a named
/// function expression with return type `function` and name `foo`.
/// Substructures:
/// - Type variables
void beginNamedFunctionExpression(Token token) {}
/// A named function expression which isn't legal syntax in Dart.
/// Useful for recovering from Javascript code being pasted into a Dart
/// program, as it will interpret `function foo() {}` as a named function
/// expression with return type `function` and name `foo`.
/// Substructures:
/// - Type variables
/// - Modifiers
/// - Return type
/// - Name
/// - Formals
/// - Initializers
/// - Async modifier
/// - Function body (block or arrow expression).
void endNamedFunctionExpression(Token endToken) {
/// Handle the beginning of a local function declaration. Substructures:
/// - Metadata
/// - Type variables
void beginLocalFunctionDeclaration(Token token) {}
/// A function declaration.
/// Substructures:
/// - Metadata
/// - Type variables
/// - Return type
/// - Name
/// - Type variables
/// - Formals
/// - Initializers
/// - Async modifier
/// - Function body (block or arrow expression).
void endLocalFunctionDeclaration(Token endToken) {
/// This method is invoked when the parser sees that a function has a
/// block function body. This method is not invoked for empty or expression
/// function bodies, see the corresponding methods [handleEmptyFunctionBody]
/// and [handleExpressionFunctionBody].
void beginBlockFunctionBody(Token token) {}
/// This method is invoked by the parser after it finished parsing a block
/// function body. This method is not invoked for empty or expression
/// function bodies, see the corresponding methods [handleEmptyFunctionBody]
/// and [handleExpressionFunctionBody]. The [beginToken] is the '{' token,
/// and the [endToken] is the '}' token of the block. The number of
/// statements is given as the [count] parameter.
void endBlockFunctionBody(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) {
void handleNoFunctionBody(Token token) {
/// Handle the end of a function body that was skipped by the parser.
/// The boolean [isExpressionBody] indicates whether the function body that
/// was skipped used "=>" syntax.
void handleFunctionBodySkipped(Token token, bool isExpressionBody) {}
void beginFunctionName(Token token) {}
void endFunctionName(Token beginToken, Token token) {
void beginTypedef(Token token) {}
/// Handle the end of a typedef declaration.
/// If [equals] is null, then we have the following substructures:
/// - Metadata
/// - Return type
/// - Name (identifier)
/// - Alias type variables
/// - Formal parameters
/// If [equals] is not null, then the have the following substructures:
/// - Metadata
/// - Name (identifier)
/// - Alias type variables
/// - Type (FunctionTypeAnnotation)
void endTypedef(Token typedefKeyword, Token? equals, Token endToken) {
/// Handle the end of a with clause (e.g. "with B, C").
/// Substructures:
/// - mixin types (TypeList)
void handleClassWithClause(Token withKeyword) {
/// Handle the absence of a with clause.
void handleClassNoWithClause() {
/// Handle the beginning of a named mixin application.
/// [beginToken] may be the same as [name], or may point to modifiers
/// (or extraneous modifiers in the case of recovery) preceding [name].
/// At this point we have parsed the name and type parameter declarations.
void beginNamedMixinApplication(
Token begin, Token? abstractToken, Token name) {}
/// Handle a named mixin application with clause (e.g. "A with B, C").
/// Substructures:
/// - supertype
/// - mixin types (TypeList)
void handleNamedMixinApplicationWithClause(Token withKeyword) {
/// Handle the end of a named mixin declaration. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// - modifiers
/// - class name
/// - type variables
/// - supertype
/// - with clause
/// - implemented types (TypeList)
/// TODO(paulberry,ahe): it seems inconsistent that for a named mixin
/// application, the implemented types are a TypeList, whereas for a class
/// declaration, each implemented type is listed separately on the stack, and
/// the number of implemented types is passed as a parameter.
void endNamedMixinApplication(Token begin, Token classKeyword, Token equals,
Token? implementsKeyword, Token endToken) {
void beginHide(Token hideKeyword) {}
/// Handle the end of a "hide" combinator. Substructures:
/// - hidden names (IdentifierList)
void endHide(Token hideKeyword) {
void handleIdentifierList(int count) {
void beginTypeList(Token token) {}
void endTypeList(int count) {
void beginIfStatement(Token token) {}
void endIfStatement(Token ifToken, Token? elseToken) {
void beginThenStatement(Token token) {}
void endThenStatement(Token token) {
void beginElseStatement(Token token) {}
void endElseStatement(Token token) {
void beginImport(Token importKeyword) {}
/// Signals that the current import is deferred and/or has a prefix
/// depending upon whether [deferredKeyword] and [asKeyword]
/// are not `null` respectively. Substructures:
/// - prefix identifier (only if asKeyword != null)
void handleImportPrefix(Token? deferredKeyword, Token? asKeyword) {
/// Handle the end of an import directive. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// - uri
/// - conditional uris
/// - prefix identifier
/// - combinators
void endImport(Token importKeyword, Token? semicolon) {
/// Handle recovery associated with an import directive.
/// This may be called multiple times after [endImport]
/// to recover information about the previous import directive.
/// The substructures are a subset of and in the same order as [endImport]:
/// - conditional uris
/// - prefix identifier
/// - combinators
void handleRecoverImport(Token? semicolon) {
void beginConditionalUris(Token token) {}
void endConditionalUris(int count) {
void beginConditionalUri(Token ifKeyword) {}
/// Handle the end of a conditional URI construct. Substructures:
/// - Dotted name
/// - Condition (literal string; only if [equalSign] != null)
/// - URI (literal string)
void endConditionalUri(Token ifKeyword, Token leftParen, Token? equalSign) {
void handleDottedName(int count, Token firstIdentifier) {
void beginImplicitCreationExpression(Token token) {}
void endImplicitCreationExpression(Token token) {
void beginInitializedIdentifier(Token token) {}
void endInitializedIdentifier(Token nameToken) {
void beginFieldInitializer(Token token) {}
/// Handle the end of a field initializer. Substructures:
/// - Initializer expression
void endFieldInitializer(Token assignment, Token token) {
/// Handle the lack of a field initializer.
void handleNoFieldInitializer(Token token) {
void beginVariableInitializer(Token token) {}
/// Handle the end of a variable initializer. Substructures:
/// - Initializer expression.
void endVariableInitializer(Token assignmentOperator) {
/// Used when a variable has no initializer.
void handleNoVariableInitializer(Token token) {
void beginInitializer(Token token) {}
void endInitializer(Token token) {
void beginInitializers(Token token) {}
void endInitializers(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) {
void handleNoInitializers() {
/// Called after the listener has recovered from an invalid expression. The
/// parser will resume parsing from [token]. Exactly where the parser will
/// resume parsing is unspecified.
void handleInvalidExpression(Token token) {
/// Called after the listener has recovered from an invalid function
/// body. The parser expected an open curly brace `{` and will resume parsing
/// from [token] as if a function body had preceded it.
void handleInvalidFunctionBody(Token token) {
/// Called after the listener has recovered from an invalid type. The parser
/// expected an identifier, and will resume parsing type arguments from
/// [token].
void handleInvalidTypeReference(Token token) {
void handleLabel(Token token) {
void beginLabeledStatement(Token token, int labelCount) {}
void endLabeledStatement(int labelCount) {
void beginLibraryName(Token token) {}
/// Handle the end of a library directive. Substructures:
/// - Metadata
/// - Library name (a qualified identifier)
void endLibraryName(Token libraryKeyword, Token semicolon) {
void handleLiteralMapEntry(Token colon, Token endToken) {
void beginLiteralString(Token token) {}
void handleInterpolationExpression(Token leftBracket, Token? rightBracket) {}
void endLiteralString(int interpolationCount, Token endToken) {
void handleStringJuxtaposition(Token startToken, int literalCount) {
/// Called for class-like members (class, mixin, extension), but each member
/// should also have a more specific begin/end pair, e.g.
/// [beginFactoryMethod]/[endClassFactoryMethod]/[endMixinFactoryMethod]/
/// [endExtensionFactoryMethod].
void beginMember() {}
/// Handle an invalid member declaration. Substructures:
/// - metadata
void handleInvalidMember(Token endToken) {
/// This event is added for convenience to the listener.
/// Members will actually be begin/end'ed by more specific
/// events as well.
/// Normally listeners should probably override
/// [endClassFields], [endMixinFields], [endExtensionFields],
/// [endClassMethod], [endMixinMethod], [endExtensionMethod],
/// [endClassConstructor], [endMixinConstructor],
/// or [endExtensionConstructor] instead.
void endMember() {
/// Handle the beginning of a class-like method declaration. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// Note that this is ended with [endClassConstructor], [endClassMethod],
/// [endExtensionConstructor], [endExtensionMethod], [endMixinConstructor] or
/// [endMixinMethod].
void beginMethod(
DeclarationKind declarationKind,
Token? externalToken,
Token? staticToken,
Token? covariantToken,
Token? varFinalOrConst,
Token? getOrSet,
Token name) {}
/// Handle the end of a class method declaration. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// - return type
/// - method name (identifier, possibly qualified)
/// - type variables
/// - formal parameters
/// - initializers
/// - async marker
/// - body
void endClassMethod(Token? getOrSet, Token beginToken, Token beginParam,
Token? beginInitializers, Token endToken) {
/// Handle the end of a mixin method declaration. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// - return type
/// - method name (identifier, possibly qualified)
/// - type variables
/// - formal parameters
/// - initializers
/// - async marker
/// - body
void endMixinMethod(Token? getOrSet, Token beginToken, Token beginParam,
Token? beginInitializers, Token endToken) {
// TODO(danrubel): push implementation into subclasses
getOrSet, beginToken, beginParam, beginInitializers, endToken);
/// Handle the end of a extension method declaration. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// - return type
/// - method name (identifier, possibly qualified)
/// - type variables
/// - formal parameters
/// - initializers
/// - async marker
/// - body
void endExtensionMethod(Token? getOrSet, Token beginToken, Token beginParam,
Token? beginInitializers, Token endToken) {
// TODO(danrubel): push implementation into subclasses
getOrSet, beginToken, beginParam, beginInitializers, endToken);
/// Handle the end of a class constructor declaration. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// - return type
/// - method name (identifier, possibly qualified)
/// - type variables
/// - formal parameters
/// - initializers
/// - async marker
/// - body
void endClassConstructor(Token? getOrSet, Token beginToken, Token beginParam,
Token? beginInitializers, Token endToken) {
// TODO(danrubel): push implementation into subclasses
getOrSet, beginToken, beginParam, beginInitializers, endToken);
/// Handle the end of a mixin constructor declaration. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// - return type
/// - method name (identifier, possibly qualified)
/// - type variables
/// - formal parameters
/// - initializers
/// - async marker
/// - body
void endMixinConstructor(Token? getOrSet, Token beginToken, Token beginParam,
Token? beginInitializers, Token endToken) {
// TODO(danrubel): push implementation into subclasses
getOrSet, beginToken, beginParam, beginInitializers, endToken);
/// Handle the end of a extension constructor declaration. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// - return type
/// - method name (identifier, possibly qualified)
/// - type variables
/// - formal parameters
/// - initializers
/// - async marker
/// - body
void endExtensionConstructor(Token? getOrSet, Token beginToken,
Token beginParam, Token? beginInitializers, Token endToken) {
// TODO(danrubel): push implementation into subclasses
getOrSet, beginToken, beginParam, beginInitializers, endToken);
void beginMetadataStar(Token token) {}
void endMetadataStar(int count) {
void beginMetadata(Token token) {}
/// Handle the end of a metadata annotation. Substructures:
/// - Identifier
/// - Type arguments
/// - Constructor name (only if [periodBeforeName] is not `null`)
/// - Arguments
void endMetadata(Token beginToken, Token? periodBeforeName, Token endToken) {
void beginOptionalFormalParameters(Token token) {}
void endOptionalFormalParameters(
int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) {
void beginPart(Token token) {}
/// Handle the end of a part directive. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// - uri
void endPart(Token partKeyword, Token semicolon) {
void beginPartOf(Token token) {}
/// Handle the end of a "part of" directive. Substructures:
/// - Metadata
/// - Library name (a qualified identifier)
/// If [hasName] is true, this part refers to its library by name, otherwise,
/// by URI.
void endPartOf(
Token partKeyword, Token ofKeyword, Token semicolon, bool hasName) {
void beginRedirectingFactoryBody(Token token) {}
void endRedirectingFactoryBody(Token beginToken, Token endToken) {
void beginReturnStatement(Token token) {}
/// Handle the end of a `native` function.
/// The [handleNativeClause] event is sent prior to this event.
void handleNativeFunctionBody(Token nativeToken, Token semicolon) {
/// Called after the [handleNativeClause] event when the parser determines
/// that the native clause should be discarded / ignored.
/// For example, this method is called a native clause is followed by
/// a function body.
void handleNativeFunctionBodyIgnored(Token nativeToken, Token semicolon) {
/// Handle the end of a `native` function that was skipped by the parser.
/// The [handleNativeClause] event is sent prior to this event.
void handleNativeFunctionBodySkipped(Token nativeToken, Token semicolon) {
/// This method is invoked when a function has the empty body.
void handleEmptyFunctionBody(Token semicolon) {
/// This method is invoked when parser finishes parsing the corresponding
/// expression of the expression function body.
void handleExpressionFunctionBody(Token arrowToken, Token? endToken) {
void endReturnStatement(
bool hasExpression, Token beginToken, Token endToken) {
void handleSend(Token beginToken, Token endToken) {
void beginShow(Token showKeyword) {}
/// Handle the end of a "show" combinator. Substructures:
/// - shown names (IdentifierList)
void endShow(Token showKeyword) {
void beginSwitchStatement(Token token) {}
void endSwitchStatement(Token switchKeyword, Token endToken) {
void beginSwitchBlock(Token token) {}
void endSwitchBlock(int caseCount, Token beginToken, Token endToken) {
void beginLiteralSymbol(Token token) {}
void endLiteralSymbol(Token hashToken, int identifierCount) {
void handleThrowExpression(Token throwToken, Token endToken) {
void beginRethrowStatement(Token token) {}
void endRethrowStatement(Token rethrowToken, Token endToken) {
/// This event is added for convenience for the listener.
/// All top-level declarations will actually be begin/end'ed by more specific
/// events as well, e.g. [beginClassDeclaration]/[endClassDeclaration],
/// [beginEnum]/[endEnum] etc.
/// Normally listeners should probably override
/// [endClassDeclaration], [endNamedMixinApplication], [endEnum],
/// [endTypedef], [endLibraryName], [endImport], [endExport],
/// [endPart], [endPartOf], [endTopLevelFields], or [endTopLevelMethod]
/// instead.
/// Started by one of [beginExtensionDeclarationPrelude],
/// [beginClassOrMixinOrNamedMixinApplicationPrelude], [beginTopLevelMember]
/// or [beginUncategorizedTopLevelDeclaration].
void endTopLevelDeclaration(Token nextToken) {
/// Called by the [Parser] when it recovers from an invalid top level
/// declaration, where [endToken] is the last token in the declaration
/// This is called after the begin/end metadata star events,
/// and is followed by [endTopLevelDeclaration].
/// Substructures:
/// - metadata
void handleInvalidTopLevelDeclaration(Token endToken) {
/// Marks the beginning of a top level field or method declaration.
/// See also [endTopLevelFields] and [endTopLevelMethod].
/// Ended by [endTopLevelDeclaration].
void beginTopLevelMember(Token token) {}
/// Marks the beginning of a fields declaration.
/// Note that this is ended with [endTopLevelFields], [endClassFields],
/// [endMixinFields] or [endExtensionFields].
void beginFields(
DeclarationKind declarationKind,
Token? abstractToken,
Token? externalToken,
Token? staticToken,
Token? covariantToken,
Token? lateToken,
Token? varFinalOrConst,
Token lastConsumed) {}
/// Handle the end of a top level variable declaration. Substructures:
/// - Metadata
/// - Type
/// - Repeated [count] times:
/// - Variable name (identifier)
/// - Field initializer
/// Started by [beginFields].
void endTopLevelFields(
Token? externalToken,
Token? staticToken,
Token? covariantToken,
Token? lateToken,
Token? varFinalOrConst,
int count,
Token beginToken,
Token endToken) {
void beginTopLevelMethod(Token lastConsumed, Token? externalToken) {}
/// Handle the end of a top level method. Substructures:
/// - metadata
/// - modifiers
/// - return type
/// - identifier
/// - type variables
/// - formal parameters
/// - async marker
/// - body
void endTopLevelMethod(Token beginToken, Token? getOrSet, Token endToken) {
void beginTryStatement(Token token) {}
void handleCaseMatch(Token caseKeyword, Token colon) {
void beginCatchClause(Token token) {}
void endCatchClause(Token token) {
void handleCatchBlock(Token? onKeyword, Token? catchKeyword, Token? comma) {
void handleFinallyBlock(Token finallyKeyword) {
void endTryStatement(
int catchCount, Token tryKeyword, Token? finallyKeyword) {
void handleType(Token beginToken, Token? questionMark) {
/// Called when parser encounters a '!'
/// used as a non-null postfix assertion in an expression.
void handleNonNullAssertExpression(Token bang) {
void handleNoName(Token token) {
void beginFunctionType(Token beginToken) {}
/// Handle the end of a generic function type declaration.
/// Substructures:
/// - Type variables
/// - Return type
/// - Formal parameters
void endFunctionType(Token functionToken, Token? questionMark) {
void beginTypeArguments(Token token) {}
void endTypeArguments(int count, Token beginToken, Token endToken) {
/// After endTypeArguments has been called,
/// this event is called if those type arguments are invalid.
void handleInvalidTypeArguments(Token token) {
void handleNoTypeArguments(Token token) {
/// Handle the begin of a type formal parameter (e.g. "X extends Y").
/// Substructures:
/// - Metadata
/// - Name (identifier)
void beginTypeVariable(Token token) {}
/// Called when [beginTypeVariable] has been called for all of the variables
/// in a group, and before [endTypeVariable] has been called for any of the
/// variables in that same group.
void handleTypeVariablesDefined(Token token, int count) {}
/// Handle the end of a type formal parameter (e.g. "X extends Y")
/// where [index] is the index of the type variable in the list of
/// type variables being declared.
/// Substructures:
/// - Type bound
/// See [beginTypeVariable] for additional substructures.
void endTypeVariable(
Token token, int index, Token? extendsOrSuper, Token? variance) {
void beginTypeVariables(Token token) {}
void endTypeVariables(Token beginToken, Token endToken) {
void reportVarianceModifierNotEnabled(Token? variance) {
if (variance != null) {
templateExperimentNotEnabled.withArguments('variance', '2.9'),
void beginFunctionExpression(Token token) {}
/// Handle the end of a function expression (e.g. "() { ... }").
/// Substructures:
/// - Type variables
/// - Formal parameters
/// - Async marker
/// - Body
void endFunctionExpression(Token beginToken, Token token) {
/// Handle the start of a variables declaration. Substructures:
/// - Metadata
/// - Type
void beginVariablesDeclaration(
Token token, Token? lateToken, Token? varFinalOrConst) {}
void endVariablesDeclaration(int count, Token? endToken) {
void beginWhileStatement(Token token) {}
void endWhileStatement(Token whileKeyword, Token endToken) {
void beginAsOperatorType(Token operator) {}
void endAsOperatorType(Token operator) {
void handleAsOperator(Token operator) {
void handleAssignmentExpression(Token token) {
/// Called when the parser encounters a binary operator, in between the LHS
/// and RHS subexpressions.
/// Not called when the binary operator is `.`, `?.`, or `..`.
void beginBinaryExpression(Token token) {}
void endBinaryExpression(Token token) {
/// Called for `.`, `?.` and `..`.
void handleEndingBinaryExpression(Token token) {
// TODO(jensj): push implementation into subclasses
/// Called when the parser encounters a `?` operator and begins parsing a
/// conditional expression.
void beginConditionalExpression(Token question) {}
/// Called when the parser encounters a `:` operator in a conditional
/// expression.
void handleConditionalExpressionColon() {}
/// Called when the parser finishes processing a conditional expression.
void endConditionalExpression(Token question, Token colon) {
void beginConstExpression(Token constKeyword) {}
void endConstExpression(Token token) {
void handleConstFactory(Token constKeyword) {
/// Called before parsing a "for" control flow list, set, or map entry.
/// Ended by either [endForControlFlow] or [endForInControlFlow].
void beginForControlFlow(Token? awaitToken, Token forToken) {}
/// Called after parsing a "for" control flow list, set, or map entry.
/// One of the two possible corresponding end events for
/// [beginForControlFlow].
void endForControlFlow(Token token) {
/// Called after parsing a "for-in" control flow list, set, or map entry.
/// One of the two possible corresponding end events for
/// [beginForControlFlow].
void endForInControlFlow(Token token) {
/// Called before parsing an `if` control flow list, set, or map entry.
/// Ended by either [endIfControlFlow] or [endIfElseControlFlow].
void beginIfControlFlow(Token ifToken) {}
/// Called before parsing the `then` portion of an `if` control flow list,
/// set, or map entry.
void handleThenControlFlow(Token token) {}
/// Called before parsing the `else` portion of an `if` control flow list,
/// set, or map entry.
void handleElseControlFlow(Token elseToken) {
/// Called after parsing an `if` control flow list, set, or map entry.
/// Substructures:
/// - if conditional expression
/// - expression
/// One of the two possible corresponding end events for
/// [beginIfControlFlow].
void endIfControlFlow(Token token) {
/// Called after parsing an if-else control flow list, set, or map entry.
/// Substructures:
/// - if conditional expression
/// - then expression
/// - else expression
/// One of the two possible corresponding end events for
/// [beginIfControlFlow].
void endIfElseControlFlow(Token token) {
/// Called after parsing a list, set, or map entry that starts with
/// one of the spread collection tokens `...` or `...?`. Substructures:
/// - expression
void handleSpreadExpression(Token spreadToken) {
/// Handle the start of a function typed formal parameter. Substructures:
/// - type variables
void beginFunctionTypedFormalParameter(Token token) {}
/// Handle the end of a function typed formal parameter. Substructures:
/// - type variables
/// - return type
/// - formal parameters
void endFunctionTypedFormalParameter(Token nameToken, Token? question) {
/// Handle an identifier token.
/// [context] indicates what kind of construct the identifier appears in.
void handleIdentifier(Token token, IdentifierContext context) {
/// Handle an identifier token in a show or hide clause.
/// [context] indicates what kind of construct the identifier appears in.
void handleShowHideIdentifier(Token? modifier, Token identifier) {
void handleIndexedExpression(
Token? question, Token openSquareBracket, Token closeSquareBracket) {
void beginIsOperatorType(Token operator) {}
void endIsOperatorType(Token operator) {
void handleIsOperator(Token isOperator, Token? not) {
void handleLiteralBool(Token token) {
void handleBreakStatement(
bool hasTarget, Token breakKeyword, Token endToken) {
void handleContinueStatement(
bool hasTarget, Token continueKeyword, Token endToken) {
void handleEmptyStatement(Token token) {
void beginAssert(Token assertKeyword, Assert kind) {}
void endAssert(Token assertKeyword, Assert kind, Token leftParenthesis,
Token? commaToken, Token semicolonToken) {
/** Called with either the token containing a double literal, or
* an immediately preceding "unary plus" token.
void handleLiteralDouble(Token token) {
/** Called with either the token containing an integer literal,
* or an immediately preceding "unary plus" token.
void handleLiteralInt(Token token) {
void handleLiteralList(
int count, Token leftBracket, Token? constKeyword, Token rightBracket) {
void handleLiteralSetOrMap(
int count,
Token leftBrace,
Token? constKeyword,
Token rightBrace,
// TODO(danrubel): hasSetEntry parameter exists for replicating existing
// behavior and will be removed once unified collection has been enabled
bool hasSetEntry,
) {
void handleLiteralNull(Token token) {
void handleNativeClause(Token nativeToken, bool hasName) {
void handleNamedArgument(Token colon) {
void beginNewExpression(Token token) {}
void endNewExpression(Token token) {
void handleNoArguments(Token token) {
void handleNoConstructorReferenceContinuationAfterTypeArguments(Token token) {
void handleNoType(Token lastConsumed) {
void handleNoTypeVariables(Token token) {
void handleOperator(Token token) {
void handleSymbolVoid(Token token) {
/// Handle the end of a construct of the form "operator <token>".
void handleOperatorName(Token operatorKeyword, Token token) {
/// Handle the end of a construct of the form "operator <token>"
/// where <token> is not a valid operator token.
void handleInvalidOperatorName(Token operatorKeyword, Token token) {
/// Handle the condition in a control structure:
/// - if statement
/// - do while loop
/// - switch statement
/// - while loop
void handleParenthesizedCondition(Token token) {
/// Handle a parenthesized expression.
/// These may be within the condition expression of a control structure
/// but will not be the condition of a control structure.
void handleParenthesizedExpression(Token token) {
/// Handle a construct of the form "identifier.identifier" occurring in a part
/// of the grammar where expressions in general are not allowed.
/// Substructures:
/// - Qualified identifier (before the period)
/// - Identifier (after the period)
void handleQualified(Token period) {
void handleStringPart(Token token) {
void handleSuperExpression(Token token, IdentifierContext context) {
void beginSwitchCase(int labelCount, int expressionCount, Token firstToken) {}
void endSwitchCase(
int labelCount,
int expressionCount,
Token? defaultKeyword,
Token? colonAfterDefault,
int statementCount,
Token firstToken,
Token endToken) {
void handleThisExpression(Token token, IdentifierContext context) {
void handleUnaryPostfixAssignmentExpression(Token token) {
void handleUnaryPrefixExpression(Token token) {
void handleUnaryPrefixAssignmentExpression(Token token) {
void beginFormalParameterDefaultValueExpression() {}
void endFormalParameterDefaultValueExpression() {
void handleValuedFormalParameter(Token equals, Token token) {
void handleFormalParameterWithoutValue(Token token) {
void handleVoidKeyword(Token token) {
/// The parser saw a void with type arguments (e.g. void<int>).
/// This is not valid - an error has already been emitted.
void handleVoidKeywordWithTypeArguments(Token token) {
/// Ended by either [endYieldStatement] or [endInvalidYieldStatement].
void beginYieldStatement(Token token) {}
/// One of the two possible corresponding end events for
/// [beginYieldStatement].
void endYieldStatement(Token yieldToken, Token? starToken, Token endToken) {
/// One of the two possible corresponding end events for
/// [beginYieldStatement].
void endInvalidYieldStatement(Token beginToken, Token? starToken,
Token endToken, MessageCode errorCode) {
/// The parser noticed a syntax error, but was able to recover from it. The
/// error should be reported using the [message], and the code between the
/// beginning of the [startToken] and the end of the [endToken] should be
/// highlighted. The [startToken] and [endToken] can be the same token.
void handleRecoverableError(
Message message, Token startToken, Token endToken) {}
/// The parser encountered an [ErrorToken] representing an error
/// from the scanner but recovered from it. By default, the error is reported
/// by calling [handleRecoverableError] with the message associated
/// with the error [token].
void handleErrorToken(ErrorToken token) {
handleRecoverableError(token.assertionMessage, token, token);
void handleUnescapeError(
Message message, Token location, int stringOffset, int length) {
handleRecoverableError(message, location, location);
/// Signals to the listener that the previous statement contained a semantic
/// error (described by the given [message]). This method can also be called
/// after [handleExpressionFunctionBody], in which case it signals that the
/// implicit return statement of the function contained a semantic error.
void handleInvalidStatement(Token token, Message message) {
handleRecoverableError(message, token, token);
void handleScript(Token token) {
/// A single comment reference has been found
/// where [referenceSource] is the text between the `[` and `]`
/// and [referenceOffset] is the character offset in the token stream.
/// This event is generated by the parser when the parser's
/// `parseCommentReferences` method is called. For further processing,
/// a listener may scan the [referenceSource] and then pass the resulting
/// token stream to the parser's `parseOneCommentReference` method.
void handleCommentReferenceText(String referenceSource, int referenceOffset) {
/// A single comment reference has been parsed.
/// * [newKeyword] may be null.
/// * [prefix] and [period] are either both tokens or both `null`.
/// * [token] can be an identifier or an operator.
/// This event is generated by the parser when the parser's
/// `parseOneCommentReference` method is called.
void handleCommentReference(
Token? newKeyword, Token? prefix, Token? period, Token token) {}
/// This event is generated by the parser when the parser's
/// `parseOneCommentReference` method is called.
void handleNoCommentReference() {}
/// An expression was encountered consisting of type arguments applied to a
/// subexpression. This could validly represent any of the following:
/// - A type literal (`var x = List<int>;`)
/// - A function tear-off with type arguments (`var x = f<int>;` or
/// `var x = importPrefix.f<int>;`)
/// - A static method tear-off with type arguments (`var x = ClassName.m<int>`
/// or `var x = importPrefix.ClassName.m<int>;`)
/// - An instance method tear-off with type arguments (`var x = EXPR.m<int>;`)
/// Or, in the event of invalid code, it could represent type arguments
/// erroneously applied to some other expression type (e.g.
/// `var x = (f)<int>;`). The client is responsible for reporting an error if
/// this occurs.
void handleTypeArgumentApplication(Token openAngleBracket) {}
/// A `new` token was found in a place where an identifier was expected, and
/// the "constructor tearoffs" feature permits `new` to be used as an
/// identifier name. It is the client's responsibility to report an
/// appropriate error if the "constructor tearoffs" feature is not enabled.
void handleNewAsIdentifier(Token token) {}