parseUnit(var) | |
skipErrorTokens(var) | |
listener: beginCompilationUnit(var) | |
syntheticPreviousToken(var) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar() | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(var) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl() | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(var) | |
parseFields(, null, null, null, null, null, var, var, Instance of 'NoType', a, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null, false) | |
listener: beginFields() | |
listener: handleNoType(var) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(var, topLevelVariableDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(a, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
parseFieldInitializerOpt(a, a, null, null, null, var, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null) | |
listener: handleNoFieldInitializer(,) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(b, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
parseFieldInitializerOpt(b, b, null, null, null, var, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null) | |
listener: handleNoFieldInitializer(,) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(c, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
parseFieldInitializerOpt(c, c, null, null, null, var, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null) | |
listener: handleNoFieldInitializer(,) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(d, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
parseFieldInitializerOpt(d, d, null, null, null, var, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null) | |
listener: handleNoFieldInitializer(,) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(e, topLevelVariableDeclaration) | |
parseFieldInitializerOpt(e, e, null, null, null, var, DeclarationKind.TopLevel, null) | |
listener: handleNoFieldInitializer(;) | |
listener: endTopLevelFields(null, null, null, null, var, 5, var, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration(List) | |
parseTopLevelDeclarationImpl(;, Instance of 'DirectiveContext') | |
parseMetadataStar(;) | |
listener: beginMetadataStar(List) | |
listener: endMetadataStar(0) | |
parseTopLevelMemberImpl(;) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMember(List) | |
parseTopLevelMethod(;, null, ;, Instance of 'SimpleType', get, f, false) | |
listener: beginTopLevelMethod(;, null) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(List, typeReference) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(get) | |
listener: handleType(List, null) | |
ensureIdentifierPotentiallyRecovered(get, topLevelFunctionDeclaration, false) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(f, topLevelFunctionDeclaration) | |
listener: handleNoTypeVariables(=>) | |
parseGetterOrFormalParameters(f, f, true, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
listener: handleNoFormalParameters(=>, MemberKind.TopLevelMethod) | |
parseAsyncModifierOpt(f) | |
listener: handleAsyncModifier(null, null) | |
inPlainSync() | |
inPlainSync() | |
parseFunctionBody(f, false, false) | |
parseExpressionFunctionBody(=>, false) | |
parseExpression(=>) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(=>, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(=>, true) | |
parsePrimary(=>, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral(=>, expression) | |
parseSend(=>, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier(=>, expression) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(a, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(..) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(a) | |
listener: handleNoArguments(..) | |
listener: handleSend(a, ..) | |
parseCascadeExpression(a) | |
listener: beginCascade(..) | |
parseSend(.., expressionContinuation) | |
ensureIdentifier(.., expressionContinuation) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(addAll, expressionContinuation) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(() | |
parseArgumentsOpt(addAll) | |
parseArguments(addAll) | |
parseArgumentsRest(() | |
listener: beginArguments(() | |
parseExpression(() | |
parsePrecedenceExpression((, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression((, true) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(!, 16, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(!, true) | |
parsePrimary(!, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral(!, expression) | |
parseSend(!, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier(!, expression) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(b, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(&&) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(b) | |
listener: handleNoArguments(&&) | |
listener: handleSend(b, &&) | |
listener: handleUnaryPrefixExpression(!) | |
listener: beginBinaryExpression(&&) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(&&, 7, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(&&, true) | |
parsePrimary(&&, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral(&&, expression) | |
parseSend(&&, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier(&&, expression) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(c, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments([) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(c) | |
listener: handleNoArguments([) | |
listener: handleSend(c, [) | |
parseArgumentOrIndexStar(c, Instance of 'NoTypeParamOrArg', false) | |
parseExpression([) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression([, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression([, true) | |
parsePrimary([, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral([, expression) | |
parseSend([, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier([, expression) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(d, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(]) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(d) | |
listener: handleNoArguments(]) | |
listener: handleSend(d, ]) | |
listener: handleIndexedExpression(null, [, ]) | |
canParseAsConditional(?) | |
parseExpressionWithoutCascade(?) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(?, 1, false) | |
parseUnaryExpression(?, false) | |
parsePrimary(?, expression) | |
parseLiteralListSuffix(?, null) | |
parseExpression([) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression([, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression([, true) | |
parsePrimary([, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral([, expression) | |
parseSend([, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier([, expression) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(a) | |
parseExpression(,) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(,, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(,, true) | |
parsePrimary(,, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral(,, expression) | |
looksLikeFunctionBody(]) | |
parseSend(,, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, expression) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(e) | |
parseArguments(e) | |
parseArgumentsRest(() | |
parseExpression(() | |
parsePrecedenceExpression((, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression((, true) | |
parsePrimary((, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral((, expression) | |
parseSend((, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier((, expression) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(f) | |
parseExpressionWithoutCascade(:) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(:, 1, false) | |
parseUnaryExpression(:, false) | |
parsePrimary(:, expression) | |
parseLiteralListSuffix(:, null) | |
parseExpression([) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression([, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression([, true) | |
parsePrimary([, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral([, expression) | |
parseSend([, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier([, expression) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(a) | |
canParseAsConditional(?) | |
parseExpressionWithoutCascade(?) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(?, 1, false) | |
parseUnaryExpression(?, false) | |
parsePrimary(?, expression) | |
parseLiteralListSuffix(?, null) | |
parseExpression([) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression([, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression([, true) | |
parsePrimary([, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral([, expression) | |
parseSend([, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier([, expression) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(a) | |
parseExpression(,) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(,, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(,, true) | |
parsePrimary(,, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral(,, expression) | |
looksLikeFunctionBody(]) | |
parseSend(,, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, expression) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(e) | |
parseArguments(e) | |
parseArgumentsRest(() | |
parseExpression(() | |
parsePrecedenceExpression((, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression((, true) | |
parsePrimary((, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral((, expression) | |
parseSend((, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier((, expression) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(f) | |
parseExpressionWithoutCascade(:) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(:, 1, false) | |
parseUnaryExpression(:, false) | |
parsePrimary(:, expression) | |
parseLiteralListSuffix(:, null) | |
parseExpression([) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression([, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression([, true) | |
parsePrimary([, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral([, expression) | |
parseSend([, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier([, expression) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(a) | |
listener: endBinaryExpression(&&) | |
canParseAsConditional(?) | |
parseExpressionWithoutCascade(?) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(?, 1, false) | |
parseUnaryExpression(?, false) | |
parsePrimary(?, expression) | |
parseLiteralListSuffix(?, null) | |
parseExpression([) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression([, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression([, true) | |
parsePrimary([, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral([, expression) | |
parseSend([, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier([, expression) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(a) | |
parseExpression(,) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(,, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(,, true) | |
parsePrimary(,, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral(,, expression) | |
looksLikeFunctionBody(]) | |
parseSend(,, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, expression) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(e) | |
parseArguments(e) | |
parseArgumentsRest(() | |
parseExpression(() | |
parsePrecedenceExpression((, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression((, true) | |
parsePrimary((, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral((, expression) | |
parseSend((, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier((, expression) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(f) | |
parseExpressionWithoutCascade(:) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(:, 1, false) | |
parseUnaryExpression(:, false) | |
parsePrimary(:, expression) | |
parseLiteralListSuffix(:, null) | |
parseExpression([) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression([, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression([, true) | |
parsePrimary([, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral([, expression) | |
parseSend([, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier([, expression) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(a) | |
parseConditionalExpressionRest(]) | |
listener: beginConditionalExpression(?) | |
parseExpressionWithoutCascade(?) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(?, 1, false) | |
parseUnaryExpression(?, false) | |
parsePrimary(?, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments([) | |
parseLiteralListSuffix(?, null) | |
parseExpression([) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression([, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression([, true) | |
parsePrimary([, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral([, expression) | |
parseSend([, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier([, expression) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(a, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(,) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(a) | |
listener: handleNoArguments(,) | |
listener: handleSend(a, ,) | |
parseExpression(,) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(,, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression(,, true) | |
parsePrimary(,, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral(,, expression) | |
looksLikeFunctionBody(]) | |
parseSend(,, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier(,, expression) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(e, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(() | |
parseArgumentsOpt(e) | |
parseArguments(e) | |
parseArgumentsRest(() | |
listener: beginArguments(() | |
parseExpression(() | |
parsePrecedenceExpression((, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression((, true) | |
parsePrimary((, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral((, expression) | |
parseSend((, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier((, expression) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(f, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments()) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(f) | |
listener: handleNoArguments()) | |
listener: handleSend(f, )) | |
listener: endArguments(1, (, )) | |
listener: handleSend(e, ]) | |
listener: handleLiteralList(2, [, null, ]) | |
ensureColon(]) | |
listener: handleConditionalExpressionColon() | |
parseExpressionWithoutCascade(:) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression(:, 1, false) | |
parseUnaryExpression(:, false) | |
parsePrimary(:, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments([) | |
parseLiteralListSuffix(:, null) | |
parseExpression([) | |
parsePrecedenceExpression([, 1, true) | |
parseUnaryExpression([, true) | |
parsePrimary([, expression) | |
parseSendOrFunctionLiteral([, expression) | |
parseSend([, expression) | |
ensureIdentifier([, expression) | |
listener: handleIdentifier(a, expression) | |
listener: handleNoTypeArguments(]) | |
parseArgumentsOpt(a) | |
listener: handleNoArguments(]) | |
listener: handleSend(a, ]) | |
listener: handleLiteralList(1, [, null, ]) | |
listener: endConditionalExpression(?, :) | |
listener: endArguments(1, (, )) | |
listener: handleSend(addAll, ;) | |
listener: handleEndingBinaryExpression(..) | |
parseArgumentOrIndexStar(), Instance of 'NoTypeParamOrArg', false) | |
listener: endCascade() | |
ensureSemicolon()) | |
listener: handleExpressionFunctionBody(=>, ;) | |
inGenerator() | |
listener: endTopLevelMethod(List, get, ;) | |
listener: endTopLevelDeclaration() | |
reportAllErrorTokens(var) | |
listener: endCompilationUnit(2, ) |