blob: c9c6246c094c1166f55450bf2fc49bc0255f421c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart._http;
* WebSocket status codes used when closing a WebSocket connection.
abstract class WebSocketStatus {
static const int normalClosure = 1000;
static const int goingAway = 1001;
static const int protocolError = 1002;
static const int unsupportedData = 1003;
static const int reserved1004 = 1004;
static const int noStatusReceived = 1005;
static const int abnormalClosure = 1006;
static const int invalidFramePayloadData = 1007;
static const int policyViolation = 1008;
static const int messageTooBig = 1009;
static const int missingMandatoryExtension = 1010;
static const int internalServerError = 1011;
static const int reserved1015 = 1015;
@Deprecated("Use normalClosure instead")
static const int NORMAL_CLOSURE = normalClosure;
@Deprecated("Use goingAway instead")
static const int GOING_AWAY = goingAway;
@Deprecated("Use protocolError instead")
static const int PROTOCOL_ERROR = protocolError;
@Deprecated("Use unsupportedData instead")
static const int UNSUPPORTED_DATA = unsupportedData;
@Deprecated("Use reserved1004 instead")
static const int RESERVED_1004 = reserved1004;
@Deprecated("Use noStatusReceived instead")
static const int NO_STATUS_RECEIVED = noStatusReceived;
@Deprecated("Use abnormalClosure instead")
static const int ABNORMAL_CLOSURE = abnormalClosure;
@Deprecated("Use invalidFramePayloadData instead")
static const int INVALID_FRAME_PAYLOAD_DATA = invalidFramePayloadData;
@Deprecated("Use policyViolation instead")
static const int POLICY_VIOLATION = policyViolation;
@Deprecated("Use messageTooBig instead")
static const int MESSAGE_TOO_BIG = messageTooBig;
@Deprecated("Use missingMandatoryExtension instead")
static const int MISSING_MANDATORY_EXTENSION = missingMandatoryExtension;
@Deprecated("Use internalServerError instead")
static const int INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = internalServerError;
@Deprecated("Use reserved1015 instead")
static const int RESERVED_1015 = reserved1015;
/// Options controlling compression in a [WebSocket].
/// A [CompressionOptions] instance can be passed to [WebSocket.connect], or
/// used in other similar places where [WebSocket] compression is configured.
/// In most cases the default [compressionDefault] is sufficient, but in some
/// situations, it might be desirable to use different compression parameters,
/// for example to preserve memory on small devices.
class CompressionOptions {
/// Default [WebSocket] compression configuration.
/// Enables compression with default window sizes and no reuse. This is the
/// default options used by [WebSocket.connect] if no [CompressionOptions] is
/// supplied.
/// * `clientNoContextTakeover`: false
/// * `serverNoContextTakeover`: false
/// * `clientMaxWindowBits`: null (default maximal window size of 15 bits)
/// * `serverMaxWindowBits`: null (default maximal window size of 15 bits)
static const CompressionOptions compressionDefault =
const CompressionOptions();
@Deprecated("Use compressionDefault instead")
static const CompressionOptions DEFAULT = compressionDefault;
/// No-compression configuration.
/// Disables compression when used as compression configuration for a
/// [WebSocket].
static const CompressionOptions compressionOff =
const CompressionOptions(enabled: false);
@Deprecated("Use compressionOff instead")
static const CompressionOptions OFF = compressionOff;
/// Whether the client will reuse its compression instances.
final bool clientNoContextTakeover;
/// Whether the server will reuse its compression instances.
final bool serverNoContextTakeover;
/// The maximal window size bit count requested by the client.
/// The windows size for the compression is always a power of two, so the
/// number of bits precisely determines the window size.
/// If set to `null`, the client has no preference, and the compression can
/// use up to its default maximum window size of 15 bits depending on the
/// server's preference.
final int? clientMaxWindowBits;
/// The maximal window size bit count requested by the server.
/// The windows size for the compression is always a power of two, so the
/// number of bits precisely determines the window size.
/// If set to `null`, the server has no preference, and the compression can
/// use up to its default maximum window size of 15 bits depending on the
/// client's preference.
final int? serverMaxWindowBits;
/// Whether WebSocket compression is enabled.
/// If not enabled, the remaining fields have no effect, and the
/// [compressionOff] instance can, and should, be reused instead of creating a
/// new instance with compression disabled.
final bool enabled;
const CompressionOptions(
{this.clientNoContextTakeover = false,
this.serverNoContextTakeover = false,
this.enabled = true});
/// Parses list of requested server headers to return server compression
/// response headers.
/// Uses [serverMaxWindowBits] value if set, otherwise will attempt to use
/// value from headers. Defaults to [WebSocket.DEFAULT_WINDOW_BITS]. Returns a
/// [_CompressionMaxWindowBits] object which contains the response headers and
/// negotiated max window bits.
_CompressionMaxWindowBits _createServerResponseHeader(
HeaderValue? requested) {
var info = new _CompressionMaxWindowBits("", 0);
String? part = requested?.parameters[_serverMaxWindowBits];
if (part != null) {
if (part.length >= 2 && part.startsWith('0')) {
throw new ArgumentError("Illegal 0 padding on value.");
} else {
int mwb = serverMaxWindowBits ??
int.tryParse(part) ??
info.headerValue = "; server_max_window_bits=${mwb}";
info.maxWindowBits = mwb;
} else {
info.headerValue = "";
info.maxWindowBits = _WebSocketImpl.DEFAULT_WINDOW_BITS;
return info;
/// Returns default values for client compression request headers.
String _createClientRequestHeader(HeaderValue? requested, int size) {
var info = "";
// If responding to a valid request, specify size
if (requested != null) {
info = "; client_max_window_bits=$size";
} else {
// Client request. Specify default
if (clientMaxWindowBits == null) {
info = "; client_max_window_bits";
} else {
info = "; client_max_window_bits=$clientMaxWindowBits";
if (serverMaxWindowBits != null) {
info += "; server_max_window_bits=$serverMaxWindowBits";
return info;
/// Create a Compression Header.
/// If [requested] is null or contains client request headers, returns Client
/// compression request headers with default settings for
/// `client_max_window_bits` header value. If [requested] contains server
/// response headers this method returns a Server compression response header
/// negotiating the max window bits for both client and server as requested
/// `server_max_window_bits` value. This method returns a
/// [_CompressionMaxWindowBits] object with the response headers and
/// negotiated `maxWindowBits` value.
_CompressionMaxWindowBits _createHeader([HeaderValue? requested]) {
var info = new _CompressionMaxWindowBits("", 0);
if (!enabled) {
return info;
info.headerValue = _WebSocketImpl.PER_MESSAGE_DEFLATE;
if (clientNoContextTakeover &&
(requested == null ||
(requested != null &&
requested.parameters.containsKey(_clientNoContextTakeover)))) {
info.headerValue += "; client_no_context_takeover";
if (serverNoContextTakeover &&
(requested == null ||
(requested != null &&
requested.parameters.containsKey(_serverNoContextTakeover)))) {
info.headerValue += "; server_no_context_takeover";
var headerList = _createServerResponseHeader(requested);
info.headerValue += headerList.headerValue;
info.maxWindowBits = headerList.maxWindowBits;
info.headerValue +=
_createClientRequestHeader(requested, info.maxWindowBits);
return info;
* The [WebSocketTransformer] provides the ability to upgrade a
* [HttpRequest] to a [WebSocket] connection. It supports both
* upgrading a single [HttpRequest] and upgrading a stream of
* [HttpRequest]s.
* To upgrade a single [HttpRequest] use the static [upgrade] method.
* HttpServer server;
* server.listen((request) {
* if (...) {
* WebSocketTransformer.upgrade(request).then((websocket) {
* ...
* });
* } else {
* // Do normal HTTP request processing.
* }
* });
* To transform a stream of [HttpRequest] events as it implements a
* stream transformer that transforms a stream of HttpRequest into a
* stream of WebSockets by upgrading each HttpRequest from the HTTP or
* HTTPS server, to the WebSocket protocol.
* server.transform(new WebSocketTransformer()).listen((webSocket) => ...);
* This transformer strives to implement WebSockets as specified by RFC6455.
abstract class WebSocketTransformer
implements StreamTransformer<HttpRequest, WebSocket> {
* Create a new [WebSocketTransformer].
* If [protocolSelector] is provided, [protocolSelector] will be called to
* select what protocol to use, if any were provided by the client.
* [protocolSelector] is should return either a [String] or a [Future]
* completing with a [String]. The [String] must exist in the list of
* protocols.
* If [compression] is provided, the [WebSocket] created will be configured
* to negotiate with the specified [CompressionOptions]. If none is specified
* then the [WebSocket] will be created with the default [CompressionOptions].
factory WebSocketTransformer(
{/*String|Future<String>*/ protocolSelector(List<String> protocols)?,
CompressionOptions compression = CompressionOptions.compressionDefault}) {
return new _WebSocketTransformerImpl(protocolSelector, compression);
* Upgrades a [HttpRequest] to a [WebSocket] connection. If the
* request is not a valid WebSocket upgrade request an HTTP response
* with status code 500 will be returned. Otherwise the returned
* future will complete with the [WebSocket] when the upgrade process
* is complete.
* If [protocolSelector] is provided, [protocolSelector] will be called to
* select what protocol to use, if any were provided by the client.
* [protocolSelector] is should return either a [String] or a [Future]
* completing with a [String]. The [String] must exist in the list of
* protocols.
* If [compression] is provided, the [WebSocket] created will be configured
* to negotiate with the specified [CompressionOptions]. If none is specified
* then the [WebSocket] will be created with the default [CompressionOptions].
static Future<WebSocket> upgrade(HttpRequest request,
{protocolSelector(List<String> protocols)?,
CompressionOptions compression = CompressionOptions.compressionDefault}) {
return _WebSocketTransformerImpl._upgrade(
request, protocolSelector, compression);
* Checks whether the request is a valid WebSocket upgrade request.
static bool isUpgradeRequest(HttpRequest request) {
return _WebSocketTransformerImpl._isUpgradeRequest(request);
* A two-way HTTP communication object for client or server applications.
* The stream exposes the messages received. A text message will be of type
* `String` and a binary message will be of type `List<int>`.
abstract class WebSocket
Stream<dynamic /*String|List<int>*/ >,
StreamSink<dynamic /*String|List<int>*/ > {
* Possible states of the connection.
static const int connecting = 0;
static const int open = 1;
static const int closing = 2;
static const int closed = 3;
@Deprecated("Use connecting instead")
static const int CONNECTING = connecting;
@Deprecated("Use open instead")
static const int OPEN = open;
@Deprecated("Use closing instead")
static const int CLOSING = closing;
@Deprecated("Use closed instead")
static const int CLOSED = closed;
* The interval between ping signals.
* A ping message is sent every [pingInterval], starting at the first
* [pingInterval] after a new value has been assigned or a pong message has
* been received. If a ping message is not answered by a pong message from the
* peer, the `WebSocket` is assumed disconnected and the connection is closed
* with a [WebSocketStatus.goingAway] close code. When a ping signal is sent,
* the pong message must be received within [pingInterval].
* There are never two outstanding pings at any given time, and the next ping
* timer starts when the pong is received.
* Set the [pingInterval] to `null` to disable sending ping messages.
* The default value is `null`.
Duration? pingInterval;
* Create a new WebSocket connection. The URL supplied in [url]
* must use the scheme `ws` or `wss`.
* The [protocols] argument is specifying the subprotocols the
* client is willing to speak.
* The [headers] argument is specifying additional HTTP headers for
* setting up the connection. This would typically be the `Origin`
* header and potentially cookies. The keys of the map are the header
* fields and the values are either String or List<String>.
* If [headers] is provided, there are a number of headers
* which are controlled by the WebSocket connection process. These
* headers are:
* - `connection`
* - `sec-websocket-key`
* - `sec-websocket-protocol`
* - `sec-websocket-version`
* - `upgrade`
* If any of these are passed in the `headers` map they will be ignored.
* If the `url` contains user information this will be passed as basic
* authentication when setting up the connection.
static Future<WebSocket> connect(String url,
{Iterable<String>? protocols,
Map<String, dynamic>? headers,
CompressionOptions compression =
CompressionOptions.compressionDefault}) =>
_WebSocketImpl.connect(url, protocols, headers, compression: compression);
@Deprecated('This constructor will be removed in Dart 2.0. Use `implements`'
' instead of `extends` if implementing this abstract class.')
* Creates a WebSocket from an already-upgraded socket.
* The initial WebSocket handshake must have occurred prior to this call. A
* WebSocket client can automatically perform the handshake using
* [WebSocket.connect], while a server can do so using
* [WebSocketTransformer.upgrade]. To manually upgrade an [HttpRequest],
* [HttpResponse.detachSocket] may be called.
* [protocol] should be the protocol negotiated by this handshake, if any.
* [serverSide] must be passed explicitly. If it's `false`, the WebSocket will
* act as the client and mask the messages it sends. If it's `true`, it will
* act as the server and will not mask its messages.
* If [compression] is provided, the [WebSocket] created will be configured
* to negotiate with the specified [CompressionOptions]. If none is specified
* then the [WebSocket] will be created with the default [CompressionOptions].
factory WebSocket.fromUpgradedSocket(Socket socket,
{String? protocol,
bool? serverSide,
CompressionOptions compression = CompressionOptions.compressionDefault}) {
if (serverSide == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("The serverSide argument must be passed "
"explicitly to WebSocket.fromUpgradedSocket.");
return new _WebSocketImpl._fromSocket(
socket, protocol, compression, serverSide);
* Returns the current state of the connection.
int get readyState;
* The extensions property is initially the empty string. After the
* WebSocket connection is established this string reflects the
* extensions used by the server.
String get extensions;
* The protocol property is initially the empty string. After the
* WebSocket connection is established the value is the subprotocol
* selected by the server. If no subprotocol is negotiated the
* value will remain [:null:].
String? get protocol;
* The close code set when the WebSocket connection is closed. If
* there is no close code available this property will be [:null:]
int? get closeCode;
* The close reason set when the WebSocket connection is closed. If
* there is no close reason available this property will be [:null:]
String? get closeReason;
* Closes the WebSocket connection. Set the optional [code] and [reason]
* arguments to send close information to the remote peer. If they are
* omitted, the peer will see [WebSocketStatus.noStatusReceived] code
* with no reason.
Future close([int? code, String? reason]);
* Sends data on the WebSocket connection. The data in [data] must
* be either a `String`, or a `List<int>` holding bytes.
void add(/*String|List<int>*/ data);
* Sends data from a stream on WebSocket connection. Each data event from
* [stream] will be send as a single WebSocket frame. The data from [stream]
* must be either `String`s, or `List<int>`s holding bytes.
Future addStream(Stream stream);
* Sends a text message with the text represented by [bytes].
* The [bytes] should be valid UTF-8 encoded Unicode characters. If they are
* not, the receiving end will close the connection.
void addUtf8Text(List<int> bytes);
* Gets the user agent used for WebSocket connections.
static String? get userAgent => _WebSocketImpl.userAgent;
* Sets the user agent to use for WebSocket connections.
static set userAgent(String? userAgent) {
_WebSocketImpl.userAgent = userAgent;
class WebSocketException implements IOException {
final String message;
const WebSocketException([this.message = ""]);
String toString() => "WebSocketException: $message";