blob: 0628aa0b6fcfc80148db7949184e48f1b77806b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:native_stack_traces/elf.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:vm_snapshot_analysis/v8_profile.dart';
import 'use_flag_test_helper.dart';
// Used to ensure we don't have multiple equivalent calls to test.
final _seenDescriptions = <String>{};
Snapshot testProfile(String profilePath) {
final profile =
// Verify that there are no "unknown" nodes. These are emitted when we see a
// reference to an some object but no other metadata about the object was
// recorded. We should at least record the type for every object in the
// graph (in some cases the shallow size can legitimately be 0, e.g. for
// "base objects" not written to the snapshot or artificial nodes).
for (final node in profile.nodes) {
Expect.notEquals("Unknown", node.type, "unknown node ${node}");
final root = profile.nodeAt(0);
final reachable = <Node>{};
// HeapSnapshotWorker.HeapSnapshot.calculateDistances (from HeapSnapshot.js)
// assumes that the graph root has at most one edge to any other node
// (most likely an oversight).
for (final edge in root.edges) {
"root\n\n$root\n\nhas multiple edges to node\n\n${}:\n\n"
"${root.edges.where((e) => ==}");
// Check that all other nodes are reachable from the root.
final stack = <Node>[...reachable];
while (!stack.isEmpty) {
final next = stack.removeLast();
for (final edge in next.edges) {
if (reachable.add( {
final unreachable =
profile.nodes.skip(1).where((Node n) => !reachable.contains(n)).toSet();
return profile;
Future<void> testJIT(String dillPath) async {
final description = 'jit';
"test configuration $description would be run multiple times");
await withTempDir('v8-snapshot-profile-$description', (String tempDir) async {
// Generate the snapshot profile.
final profilePath = path.join(tempDir, 'profile.heapsnapshot');
final vmTextPath = path.join(tempDir, 'vm_instructions.bin');
final isolateTextPath = path.join(tempDir, 'isolate_instructions.bin');
final vmDataPath = path.join(tempDir, 'vm_data.bin');
final isolateDataPath = path.join(tempDir, 'isolate_data.bin');
await run(genSnapshot, <String>[
print("Snapshot profile generated at $profilePath.");
final profile = testProfile(profilePath);
// Verify that the total size of the snapshot text and data sections is
// the same as the sum of the shallow sizes of all objects in the profile.
// This ensures that all bytes are accounted for in some way.
final actualSize = await File(vmTextPath).length() +
await File(isolateTextPath).length() +
await File(vmDataPath).length() +
await File(isolateDataPath).length();
final expectedSize =
profile.nodes.fold<int>(0, (size, n) => size + n.selfSize);
Expect.equals(expectedSize, actualSize, "failed on $description snapshot");
Future<void> testAOT(String dillPath,
{bool useAsm = false,
bool useBare = true,
bool forceDrops = false,
bool useDispatch = true,
bool stripUtil = false, // Note: forced true if useAsm.
bool stripFlag = false,
bool disassemble = false}) async {
if (const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product') && disassemble) {
Expect.isFalse(disassemble, 'no use of disassembler in PRODUCT mode');
// For assembly, we can't test the sizes of the snapshot sections, since we
// don't have a Mach-O reader for Mac snapshots and for ELF, the assembler
// merges the text/data sections and the VM/isolate section symbols may not
// have length information. Thus, we force external stripping so we can test
// the approximate size of the stripped snapshot.
if (useAsm) {
stripUtil = true;
final descriptionBuilder = StringBuffer()..write(useAsm ? 'assembly' : 'elf');
if (!useBare) {
if (forceDrops) {
if (!useDispatch) {
if (stripFlag) {
if (stripUtil) {
if (disassemble) {
final description = descriptionBuilder.toString();
"test configuration $description would be run multiple times");
await withTempDir('v8-snapshot-profile-$description', (String tempDir) async {
// Generate the snapshot profile.
final profilePath = path.join(tempDir, 'profile.heapsnapshot');
final snapshotPath = path.join(tempDir, 'test.snap');
final commonSnapshotArgs = [
if (stripFlag) '--strip', // gen_snapshot specific and not a VM flag.
useBare ? '--use-bare-instructions' : '--no-use-bare-instructions',
if (forceDrops) ...[
useDispatch ? '--use-table-dispatch' : '--no-use-table-dispatch',
if (disassemble) '--disassemble', // Not defined in PRODUCT mode.
if (useAsm) {
final assemblyPath = path.join(tempDir, 'test.S');
await run(genSnapshot, <String>[
await assembleSnapshot(assemblyPath, snapshotPath);
} else {
await run(genSnapshot, <String>[
String strippedPath;
if (stripUtil) {
strippedPath = snapshotPath + '.stripped';
await stripSnapshot(snapshotPath, strippedPath, forceElf: !useAsm);
} else {
strippedPath = snapshotPath;
print("Snapshot generated at $snapshotPath.");
print("Snapshot profile generated at $profilePath.");
final profile = testProfile(profilePath);
final expectedSize =
profile.nodes.fold<int>(0, (size, n) => size + n.selfSize);
var checkedSize = false;
if (!useAsm) {
// Verify that the total size of the snapshot text and data sections is
// the same as the sum of the shallow sizes of all objects in the profile.
// This ensures that all bytes are accounted for in some way.
final elf = Elf.fromFile(snapshotPath);
final vmTextSectionSymbol = elf.dynamicSymbolFor(vmSymbolName);
final vmDataSectionSymbol = elf.dynamicSymbolFor(vmDataSymbolName);
final isolateTextSectionSymbol = elf.dynamicSymbolFor(isolateSymbolName);
final isolateDataSectionSymbol =
final actualSize = vmTextSectionSymbol.size +
vmDataSectionSymbol.size +
isolateTextSectionSymbol.size +
expectedSize, actualSize, "failed on $description snapshot");
checkedSize = true;
if (stripUtil || stripFlag) {
var strippedSnapshotPath = snapshotPath;
if (stripUtil) {
strippedSnapshotPath = snapshotPath + '.stripped';
await stripSnapshot(snapshotPath, strippedSnapshotPath,
forceElf: !useAsm);
print("Stripped snapshot generated at $strippedSnapshotPath.");
// Verify that the actual size of the stripped snapshot is close to the
// sum of the shallow sizes of all objects in the profile. They will not
// be exactly equal because of global headers and padding.
final actualSize = await File(strippedSnapshotPath).length();
// See Elf::kPages in runtime/vm/elf.h, which is also used for assembly
// padding.
final segmentAlignment = 16 * 1024;
// Not every byte is accounted for by the snapshot profile, and data and
// instruction segments are padded to an alignment boundary.
final tolerance = 0.03 * actualSize + 2 * segmentAlignment;
Expect.approxEquals(expectedSize, actualSize, tolerance,
"failed on $description snapshot");
checkedSize = true;
Expect.isTrue(checkedSize, "no snapshot size checks were performed");
Match matchComplete(RegExp regexp, String line) {
Match match = regexp.firstMatch(line);
if (match == null) return match;
if (match.start != 0 || match.end != line.length) return null;
return match;
// All fields of "Raw..." classes defined in "raw_object.h" must be included in
// the giant macro in "". This function attempts to check
// that with some basic regexes.
testMacros() async {
const String className = "([a-z0-9A-Z]+)";
const String rawClass = "Raw$className";
const String fieldName = "([a-z0-9A-Z_]+)";
final Map<String, Set<String>> fields = {};
final String rawObjectFieldsPath =
path.join(sdkDir, 'runtime', 'vm', '');
final RegExp fieldEntry = RegExp(" *F\\($className, $fieldName\\) *\\\\?");
await for (String line in File(rawObjectFieldsPath)
.transform(LineSplitter())) {
Match match = matchComplete(fieldEntry, line);
if (match != null) {
.putIfAbsent(, () => Set<String>())
final RegExp classStart = RegExp("class $rawClass : public $rawClass {");
final RegExp classEnd = RegExp("}");
final RegExp field = RegExp(" $rawClass. +$fieldName;.*");
final String rawObjectPath =
path.join(sdkDir, 'runtime', 'vm', 'raw_object.h');
String currentClass;
bool hasMissingFields = false;
await for (String line in File(rawObjectPath)
.transform(LineSplitter())) {
Match match = matchComplete(classStart, line);
if (match != null) {
currentClass =;
match = matchComplete(classEnd, line);
if (match != null) {
currentClass = null;
match = matchComplete(field, line);
if (match != null && currentClass != null) {
if (fields[currentClass] == null) {
hasMissingFields = true;
print("$currentClass is missing entirely.");
if (!fields[currentClass].contains( {
hasMissingFields = true;
print("$currentClass is missing ${}.");
if (hasMissingFields) {"$rawObjectFieldsPath is missing some fields. "
"Please update it to match $rawObjectPath.");
main() async {
void printSkip(String description) =>
print('Skipping $description for ${path.basename(buildDir)} '
'on ${Platform.operatingSystem}' +
(clangBuildToolsDir == null ? ' without //buildtools' : ''));
// We don't have access to the SDK on Android.
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
printSkip('all tests');
await testMacros();
await withTempDir('v8-snapshot-profile-writer', (String tempDir) async {
// We only need to generate the dill file once for all JIT tests.
final _thisTestPath = path.join(sdkDir, 'runtime', 'tests', 'vm', 'dart',
final jitDillPath = path.join(tempDir, 'jit_test.dill');
await run(genKernel,
<String>['--platform', platformDill, '-o', jitDillPath, _thisTestPath]);
// We only need to generate the dill file once for all AOT tests.
final aotDillPath = path.join(tempDir, 'aot_test.dill');
await run(genKernel, <String>[
// Just as a reminder for AOT tests:
// * If useAsm is true, then stripUtil is forced (as the assembler may add
// extra information that needs stripping), so no need to specify
// stripUtil for useAsm tests.
// Test profile generation with a core JIT snapshot.
await testJIT(jitDillPath);
// Test unstripped ELF generation directly.
await testAOT(aotDillPath);
await testAOT(aotDillPath, useBare: false);
await testAOT(aotDillPath, forceDrops: true);
await testAOT(aotDillPath, forceDrops: true, useBare: false);
await testAOT(aotDillPath, forceDrops: true, useDispatch: false);
await testAOT(aotDillPath,
forceDrops: true, useDispatch: false, useBare: false);
// Test flag-stripped ELF generation.
await testAOT(aotDillPath, stripFlag: true);
await testAOT(aotDillPath, useBare: false, stripFlag: true);
// Since we can't force disassembler support after the fact when running
// in PRODUCT mode, skip any --disassemble tests. Do these tests last as
// they have lots of output and so the log will be truncated.
if (!const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product')) {
// Regression test for
await testAOT(aotDillPath, useBare: false, disassemble: true);
// We neither generate assembly nor have a stripping utility on Windows.
if (Platform.isWindows) {
printSkip('external stripping and assembly tests');
// The native strip utility on Mac OS X doesn't recognize ELF files.
if (Platform.isMacOS && clangBuildToolsDir == null) {
printSkip('ELF external stripping test');
} else {
// Test unstripped ELF generation that is then externally stripped.
await testAOT(aotDillPath, stripUtil: true);
await testAOT(aotDillPath, stripUtil: true, useBare: false);
// TODO(sstrickl): Currently we can't assemble for SIMARM64 on MacOSX.
// For example, the test runner still uses blobs for
// dartkp-mac-*-simarm64. Change assembleSnapshot and remove this check
// when we can.
if (Platform.isMacOS && buildDir.endsWith('SIMARM64')) {
printSkip('assembly tests');
// Test unstripped assembly generation that is then externally stripped.
await testAOT(aotDillPath, useAsm: true);
await testAOT(aotDillPath, useAsm: true, useBare: false);
// Test stripped assembly generation that is then externally stripped.
await testAOT(aotDillPath, useAsm: true, stripFlag: true);
await testAOT(aotDillPath, useAsm: true, stripFlag: true, useBare: false);