| // Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // @dart = 2.9 |
| |
| // VMOptions=--enable-isolate-groups --experimental-enable-isolate-groups-jit |
| // VMOptions=--no-enable-isolate-groups |
| |
| import "dart:async"; |
| import "dart:io"; |
| import "dart:convert" show json; |
| import "package:path/path.dart" as p; |
| import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart"; |
| |
| /// Root directory of generated files. |
| /// Path contains trailing slash. |
| /// Each configuration gets its own sub-directory. |
| Directory fileRoot; |
| |
| /// Shared HTTP server serving the files in [httpFiles]. |
| /// Each configuration gets its own "sub-dir" entry in `httpFiles`. |
| HttpServer httpServer; |
| |
| /// Directory structure served by HTTP server. |
| Map<String, dynamic> httpFiles = {}; |
| |
| /// List of configurations. |
| List<Configuration> configurations = []; |
| |
| /// Collection of failing tests and their failure messages. |
| /// |
| /// Each test may fail in more than one way. |
| var failingTests = <String, List<String>>{}; |
| |
| main() async { |
| asyncStart(); |
| await setUp(); |
| |
| await runTests(); // //# 01: ok |
| await runTests([spawn]); // //# 02: ok |
| await runTests([spawn, spawn]); // //# 03: ok |
| await runTests([spawnUriInherit]); // //# 04: ok |
| await runTests([spawnUriInherit, spawn]); // //# 05: ok |
| await runTests([spawn, spawnUriInherit]); // //# 06: ok |
| |
| // Test that spawning a new VM with file paths instead of URIs as arguments |
| // gives the same URIs in the internal values. |
| await runTests([asPath]); // //# 07: ok |
| |
| // Test that spawnUri can reproduce the behavior of VM command line parameters |
| // exactly. |
| // (Don't run all configuration combinations in the same test, so |
| // unroll the configurations into multiple groups and run each group |
| // as its own multitest. |
| { |
| var groupCount = 8; |
| var groups = new List.generate(8, (_) => []); |
| for (int i = 0; i < configurations.length; i++) { |
| groups[i % groupCount].add(configurations[i]); |
| } |
| var group = -1; |
| group = 0; // //# 10: ok |
| group = 1; // //# 11: ok |
| group = 2; // //# 12: ok |
| group = 3; // //# 13: ok |
| group = 4; // //# 14: ok |
| group = 5; // //# 15: ok |
| group = 6; // //# 16: ok |
| group = 7; // //# 17: ok |
| if (group >= 0) { |
| for (var other in groups[group]) { |
| await runTests([spawnUriOther(other)]); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| await tearDown(); |
| |
| if (failingTests.isNotEmpty) { |
| print("Errors found in tests:"); |
| failingTests.forEach((test, actual) { |
| print("$test:\n ${actual.join("\n ")}"); |
| }); |
| exit(255); |
| } |
| |
| asyncEnd(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Test running the test of the configuration through [Isolate.spawn]. |
| /// |
| /// This should not change the expected results compared to running it |
| /// directly. |
| Configuration spawn(Configuration conf) { |
| return conf.update( |
| description: conf.description + "/spawn", |
| main: "spawnMain", |
| newArgs: [conf.mainType], |
| expect: null); |
| } |
| |
| /// Tests running a spawnUri on top of the configuration before testing. |
| /// |
| /// The `spawnUri` call has no explicit root or config parameter, and |
| /// shouldn't search for one, so it implicitly inherits the current isolate's |
| /// actual root or configuration. |
| Configuration spawnUriInherit(Configuration conf) { |
| if (conf.expect["iroot"] == null && |
| conf.expect["iconf"] == null && |
| conf.expect["pconf"] != null) { |
| // This means that the specified configuration file didn't exist. |
| // spawning a new URI to "inherit" that will actually do an automatic |
| // package resolution search with results that are unpredictable. |
| // That behavior will be tested in a setting where we have more control over |
| // the files around the spawned URI. |
| return null; |
| } |
| return conf.update( |
| description: conf.description + "/spawnUri-inherit", |
| main: "spawnUriMain", |
| // encode null parameters as "-". Windows fails if using empty string. |
| newArgs: [ |
| conf.mainFile, |
| "-", |
| "-", |
| "false" |
| ], |
| expect: { |
| "proot": conf.expect["iroot"], |
| "pconf": conf.expect["iconf"], |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /// Tests running a spawnUri with an explicit configuration different |
| /// from the original configuration. |
| /// |
| /// Duplicates the explicit parameters as arguments to the spawned isolate. |
| ConfigurationTransformer spawnUriOther(Configuration other) { |
| return (Configuration conf) { |
| bool search = (other.config == null) && (other.root == null); |
| return conf.update( |
| description: "${conf.description} -spawnUri-> ${other.description}", |
| main: "spawnUriMain", |
| newArgs: [ |
| other.mainFile, |
| other.config ?? "-", |
| other.root ?? "-", |
| "$search" |
| ], |
| expect: other.expect); |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Convert command line parameters to file paths. |
| /// |
| /// This only works on the command line, not with `spawnUri`. |
| Configuration asPath(Configuration conf) { |
| bool change = false; |
| |
| String toPath(String string) { |
| if (string == null) return null; |
| if (string.startsWith("file:")) { |
| change = true; |
| return new File.fromUri(Uri.parse(string)).path; |
| } |
| return string; |
| } |
| |
| var mainFile = toPath(conf.mainFile); |
| var root = toPath(conf.root); |
| var config = toPath(conf.config); |
| if (!change) return null; |
| return conf.update( |
| description: conf.description + "/as path", |
| mainFile: mainFile, |
| root: root, |
| config: config); |
| } |
| |
| /// -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| Future setUp() async { |
| fileRoot = createTempDir(); |
| // print("FILES: $fileRoot"); |
| httpServer = await startServer(httpFiles); |
| // print("HTTPS: ${httpServer.address.address}:${httpServer.port}"); |
| createConfigurations(); |
| } |
| |
| Future tearDown() async { |
| fileRoot.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| await httpServer.close(); |
| } |
| |
| typedef Configuration ConfigurationTransformer(Configuration conf); |
| |
| Future runTests([List<ConfigurationTransformer> transformations]) async { |
| outer: |
| for (var config in configurations) { |
| if (transformations != null) { |
| for (int i = transformations.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { |
| config = transformations[i](config); |
| if (config == null) { |
| continue outer; // Can be used to skip some tests. |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| await testConfiguration(config); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Creates a combination of configurations for running the Dart VM. |
| // |
| // The combinations covers most configurations of implicit and explicit |
| // package configurations over both file: and http: file sources. |
| // It also specifies the expected values of the following for a VM |
| // run in that configuration. |
| // |
| // * `Process.packageRoot` |
| // * `Process.packageConfig` |
| // * `Isolate.packageRoot` |
| // * `Isolate.packageRoot` |
| // * `Isolate.resolvePackageUri` of various inputs. |
| // * A variable defined in a library loaded using a `package:` URI. |
| // |
| // The configurations all have URIs as `root`, `config` and `mainFile` strings, |
| // have empty argument lists and `mainFile` points to the `main.dart` file. |
| void createConfigurations() { |
| add(String description, String mainDir, |
| {String root, String config, Map file, Map http, Map expect}) { |
| var id = freshName("conf"); |
| |
| file ??= {}; |
| http ??= {}; |
| |
| // Fix-up paths. |
| String fileUri = fileRoot.uri.resolve("$id/").toString(); |
| String httpUri = |
| "http://${httpServer.address.address}:${httpServer.port}/$id/"; |
| |
| String fixPath(String path) { |
| return path?.replaceAllMapped(fileHttpRegexp, (match) { |
| if (path.startsWith("%file/", match.start)) return fileUri; |
| return httpUri; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| void fixPaths(Map dirs) { |
| for (var name in dirs.keys) { |
| var value = dirs[name]; |
| if (value is Map) { |
| Map subDir = value; |
| fixPaths(subDir); |
| } else { |
| var newValue = fixPath(value); |
| if (newValue != value) dirs[name] = newValue; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!mainDir.endsWith("/")) mainDir += "/"; |
| // Insert main files into the main-dir map. |
| Map mainDirMap; |
| { |
| if (mainDir.startsWith("%file/")) { |
| mainDirMap = file; |
| } else { |
| mainDirMap = http; |
| } |
| var parts = mainDir.split('/'); |
| for (int i = 1; i < parts.length - 1; i++) { |
| var dirName = parts[i]; |
| mainDirMap = mainDirMap[dirName] ?? (mainDirMap[dirName] = {}); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| mainDirMap["main"] = testMain; |
| mainDirMap["spawnMain"] = spawnMain.replaceAll("%mainDir/", mainDir); |
| mainDirMap["spawnUriMain"] = spawnUriMain; |
| |
| mainDir = fixPath(mainDir); |
| root = fixPath(root); |
| config = fixPath(config); |
| fixPaths(file); |
| fixPaths(http); |
| // These expectations are default. If not overridden the value will be |
| // expected to be null. That is, you can't avoid testing the actual |
| // value of these, you can only change what value to expect. |
| // For values not included here (commented out), the result is not tested |
| // unless a value (maybe null) is provided. |
| fixPaths(expect); |
| |
| expect = { |
| "pconf": null, |
| "proot": null, |
| "iconf": null, |
| "iroot": null, |
| "foo": null, |
| "foo/": null, |
| "foo/bar": null, |
| "foo.x": "qux", |
| "bar/bar": null, |
| "relative": "relative/path", |
| "nonpkg": "http://example.org/file" |
| }..addAll(expect ?? const {}); |
| |
| // Add http files to the http server. |
| if (http.isNotEmpty) { |
| httpFiles[id] = http; |
| } |
| // Add file files to the file system. |
| if (file.isNotEmpty) { |
| createFiles(fileRoot, id, file); |
| } |
| |
| configurations.add(new Configuration( |
| description: description, |
| root: root, |
| config: config, |
| mainFile: mainDir + "main.dart", |
| args: const [], |
| expect: expect)); |
| } |
| |
| // The `test` function can generate file or http resources. |
| // It replaces "%file/" with URI of the root directory of generated files and |
| // "%http/" with the URI of the HTTP server's root in appropriate contexts |
| // (all file contents and parameters). |
| |
| // Tests that only use one scheme to access files. |
| for (var scheme in ["file", "http"]) { |
| /// Run a test in the current scheme. |
| /// |
| /// The files are served either through HTTP or in a local directory. |
| /// Use "%$scheme/" to refer to the root of the served files. |
| addScheme(description, main, {expect, files, args, root, config}) { |
| add("$scheme/$description", main, |
| expect: expect, |
| root: root, |
| config: config, |
| file: (scheme == "file") ? files : null, |
| http: (scheme == "http") ? files : null); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| // No parameters, no .packages files or packages/ dir. |
| // A "file:" source realizes there is no configuration and can't resolve |
| // any packages, but a "http:" source assumes a "packages/" directory. |
| addScheme("no resolution", "%$scheme/", |
| files: {}, |
| expect: (scheme == "file") |
| ? {"foo.x": null} |
| : { |
| "iroot": "%http/packages/", |
| "foo": "%http/packages/foo", |
| "foo/": "%http/packages/foo/", |
| "foo/bar": "%http/packages/foo/bar", |
| "foo.x": null, |
| "bar/bar": "%http/packages/bar/bar", |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| // No parameters, no .packages files, |
| // packages/ dir exists and is detected. |
| var files = {"packages": fooPackage}; |
| addScheme("implicit packages dir", "%$scheme/", files: files, expect: { |
| "iroot": "%$scheme/packages/", |
| "foo": "%$scheme/packages/foo", |
| "foo/": "%$scheme/packages/foo/", |
| "foo/bar": "%$scheme/packages/foo/bar", |
| "bar/bar": "%$scheme/packages/bar/bar", |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| // No parameters, no .packages files in current dir, but one in parent, |
| // packages/ dir exists and is used. |
| // |
| // Should not detect the .packages file in parent directory. |
| // That file is empty, so if it is used, the system cannot resolve "foo". |
| var files = { |
| "sub": {"packages": fooPackage}, |
| ".packages": "" |
| }; |
| addScheme( |
| "implicit packages dir overrides parent .packages", "%$scheme/sub/", |
| files: files, |
| expect: { |
| "iroot": "%$scheme/sub/packages/", |
| "foo": "%$scheme/sub/packages/foo", |
| "foo/": "%$scheme/sub/packages/foo/", |
| "foo/bar": "%$scheme/sub/packages/foo/bar", |
| // "foo.x": "qux", // Blocked by issue http://dartbug.com/26482 |
| "bar/bar": "%$scheme/sub/packages/bar/bar", |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| // No parameters, a .packages file next to entry is found and used. |
| // A packages/ directory is ignored. |
| var files = { |
| ".packages": "foo:pkgs/foo/", |
| "packages": {}, |
| "pkgs": fooPackage |
| }; |
| addScheme("implicit .packages file", "%$scheme/", files: files, expect: { |
| "iconf": "%$scheme/.packages", |
| "foo/": "%$scheme/pkgs/foo/", |
| "foo/bar": "%$scheme/pkgs/foo/bar", |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| // No parameters, a .packages file in parent dir, no packages/ dir. |
| // With a file: URI, find the .packages file. |
| // WIth a http: URI, assume a packages/ dir. |
| var files = {"sub": {}, ".packages": "foo:pkgs/foo/", "pkgs": fooPackage}; |
| addScheme(".packages file in parent", "%$scheme/sub/", |
| files: files, |
| expect: (scheme == "file") |
| ? { |
| "iconf": "%file/.packages", |
| "foo/": "%file/pkgs/foo/", |
| "foo/bar": "%file/pkgs/foo/bar", |
| } |
| : { |
| "iroot": "%http/sub/packages/", |
| "foo": "%http/sub/packages/foo", |
| "foo/": "%http/sub/packages/foo/", |
| "foo/bar": "%http/sub/packages/foo/bar", |
| "foo.x": null, |
| "bar/bar": "%http/sub/packages/bar/bar", |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| // Specified package root that doesn't exist. |
| // Ignores existing .packages file and packages/ dir. |
| addScheme("explicit root not there", "%$scheme/", |
| files: { |
| "packages": fooPackage, |
| ".packages": "foo:%$scheme/packages/" |
| }, |
| root: "%$scheme/notthere/", |
| expect: { |
| "proot": "%$scheme/notthere/", |
| "iroot": "%$scheme/notthere/", |
| "foo": "%$scheme/notthere/foo", |
| "foo/": "%$scheme/notthere/foo/", |
| "foo/bar": "%$scheme/notthere/foo/bar", |
| "foo.x": null, |
| "bar/bar": "%$scheme/notthere/bar/bar", |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| // Specified package config that doesn't exist. |
| // Ignores existing .packages file and packages/ dir. |
| addScheme("explicit config not there", "%$scheme/", |
| files: {".packages": "foo:packages/foo/", "packages": fooPackage}, |
| config: "%$scheme/.notthere", |
| expect: { |
| "pconf": "%$scheme/.notthere", |
| "iconf": null, // <- Only there if actually loaded (unspecified). |
| "foo/": null, |
| "foo/bar": null, |
| "foo.x": null, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| // Specified package root with no trailing slash. |
| // The Platform.packageRoot and Isolate.packageRoot has a trailing slash. |
| var files = { |
| ".packages": "foo:packages/foo/", |
| "packages": {}, |
| "pkgs": fooPackage |
| }; |
| addScheme("explicit package root, no slash", "%$scheme/", |
| files: files, |
| root: "%$scheme/pkgs", |
| expect: { |
| "proot": "%$scheme/pkgs/", |
| "iroot": "%$scheme/pkgs/", |
| "foo": "%$scheme/pkgs/foo", |
| "foo/": "%$scheme/pkgs/foo/", |
| "foo/bar": "%$scheme/pkgs/foo/bar", |
| "bar/bar": "%$scheme/pkgs/bar/bar", |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| // Specified package root with trailing slash. |
| var files = { |
| ".packages": "foo:packages/foo/", |
| "packages": {}, |
| "pkgs": fooPackage |
| }; |
| addScheme("explicit package root, slash", "%$scheme/", |
| files: files, |
| root: "%$scheme/pkgs", |
| expect: { |
| "proot": "%$scheme/pkgs/", |
| "iroot": "%$scheme/pkgs/", |
| "foo": "%$scheme/pkgs/foo", |
| "foo/": "%$scheme/pkgs/foo/", |
| "foo/bar": "%$scheme/pkgs/foo/bar", |
| "bar/bar": "%$scheme/pkgs/bar/bar", |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| // Specified package config. |
| var files = { |
| ".packages": "foo:packages/foo/", |
| "packages": {}, |
| ".pkgs": "foo:pkgs/foo/", |
| "pkgs": fooPackage |
| }; |
| addScheme("explicit package config file", "%$scheme/", |
| files: files, |
| config: "%$scheme/.pkgs", |
| expect: { |
| "pconf": "%$scheme/.pkgs", |
| "iconf": "%$scheme/.pkgs", |
| "foo/": "%$scheme/pkgs/foo/", |
| "foo/bar": "%$scheme/pkgs/foo/bar", |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| // Specified package config as data: URI. |
| // The package config can be specified as a data: URI. |
| // (In that case, relative URI references in the config file won't work). |
| var files = { |
| ".packages": "foo:packages/foo/", |
| "packages": {}, |
| "pkgs": fooPackage |
| }; |
| var dataUri = "data:,foo:%$scheme/pkgs/foo/\n"; |
| addScheme("explicit data: config file", "%$scheme/", |
| files: files, |
| config: dataUri, |
| expect: { |
| "pconf": dataUri, |
| "iconf": dataUri, |
| "foo/": "%$scheme/pkgs/foo/", |
| "foo/bar": "%$scheme/pkgs/foo/bar", |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Tests where there are files on both http: and file: sources. |
| |
| for (var entryScheme in const ["file", "http"]) { |
| for (var pkgScheme in const ["file", "http"]) { |
| // Package root. |
| if (entryScheme != pkgScheme) { |
| // Package dir and entry point on different schemes. |
| var files = {}; |
| var https = {}; |
| (entryScheme == "file" ? files : https)["main"] = testMain; |
| (pkgScheme == "file" ? files : https)["pkgs"] = fooPackage; |
| add("$pkgScheme pkg/$entryScheme main", "%$entryScheme/", |
| file: files, |
| http: https, |
| root: "%$pkgScheme/pkgs/", |
| expect: { |
| "proot": "%$pkgScheme/pkgs/", |
| "iroot": "%$pkgScheme/pkgs/", |
| "foo": "%$pkgScheme/pkgs/foo", |
| "foo/": "%$pkgScheme/pkgs/foo/", |
| "foo/bar": "%$pkgScheme/pkgs/foo/bar", |
| "bar/bar": "%$pkgScheme/pkgs/bar/bar", |
| "foo.x": "qux", |
| }); |
| } |
| // Package config. The configuration file may also be on either source. |
| for (var configScheme in const ["file", "http"]) { |
| // Don't do the boring stuff! |
| if (entryScheme == configScheme && entryScheme == pkgScheme) continue; |
| // Package config, packages and entry point not all on same scheme. |
| var files = {}; |
| var https = {}; |
| (entryScheme == "file" ? files : https)["main"] = testMain; |
| (configScheme == "file" ? files : https)[".pkgs"] = |
| "foo:%$pkgScheme/pkgs/foo/\n"; |
| (pkgScheme == "file" ? files : https)["pkgs"] = fooPackage; |
| add("$pkgScheme pkg/$configScheme config/$entryScheme main", |
| "%$entryScheme/", |
| file: files, |
| http: https, |
| config: "%$configScheme/.pkgs", |
| expect: { |
| "pconf": "%$configScheme/.pkgs", |
| "iconf": "%$configScheme/.pkgs", |
| "foo/": "%$pkgScheme/pkgs/foo/", |
| "foo/bar": "%$pkgScheme/pkgs/foo/bar", |
| "foo.x": "qux", |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // --------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Helper functionality. |
| |
| var fileHttpRegexp = new RegExp(r"%(?:file|http)/"); |
| |
| // Executes a test in a configuration. |
| // |
| // The test must specify which main file to use |
| // (`main`, `spawnMain` or `spawnUriMain`) |
| // and any arguments which will be used by `spawnMain` and `spawnUriMain`. |
| // |
| // The [expect] map may be used to override the expectations of the |
| // configuration on a value-by-value basis. Passing, e.g., `{"pconf": null}` |
| // will override only the `pconf` (`Platform.packageConfig`) expectation. |
| Future testConfiguration(Configuration conf) async { |
| print("-- ${conf.description}"); |
| var description = conf.description; |
| try { |
| var output = await execDart(conf.mainFile, |
| root: conf.root, config: conf.config, scriptArgs: conf.args); |
| match(json.decode(output), conf.expect, description, output); |
| } catch (e, s) { |
| // Unexpected error calling execDart or parsing the result. |
| // Report it and continue. |
| print("ERROR running $description: $e\n$s"); |
| failingTests.putIfAbsent(description, () => []).add("$e"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Test that the output of running testMain matches the expectations. |
| /// |
| /// The output is a string which is parse as a JSON literal. |
| /// The resulting map is always mapping strings to strings, or possibly `null`. |
| /// The expectations can have non-string values other than null, |
| /// they are `toString`'ed before being compared (so the caller can use a URI |
| /// or a File/Directory directly as an expectation). |
| void match(Map actuals, Map expectations, String desc, String actualJson) { |
| for (var key in expectations.keys) { |
| var expectation = expectations[key]?.toString(); |
| var actual = actuals[key]; |
| if (expectation != actual) { |
| print("ERROR: $desc: $key: Expected: <$expectation> Found: <$actual>"); |
| failingTests |
| .putIfAbsent(desc, () => []) |
| .add("$key: $expectation != $actual"); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const String improt = "import"; // Avoid multitest import rewriting. |
| |
| /// Script that prints the current state and the result of resolving |
| /// a few package URIs. This script will be invoked in different settings, |
| /// and the result will be parsed and compared to the expectations. |
| const String testMain = """ |
| $improt "dart:convert" show json; |
| $improt "dart:io" show Platform, Directory; |
| $improt "dart:isolate" show Isolate; |
| $improt "package:foo/foo.dart" deferred as foo; |
| main(_) async { |
| String platformRoot = await Platform.packageRoot; |
| String platformConfig = await Platform.packageConfig; |
| Directory cwd = Directory.current; |
| Uri script = Platform.script; |
| Uri isolateRoot = await Isolate.packageRoot; |
| Uri isolateConfig = await Isolate.packageConfig; |
| Uri base = Uri.base; |
| Uri res1 = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse("package:foo")); |
| Uri res2 = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse("package:foo/")); |
| Uri res3 = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse("package:foo/bar")); |
| Uri res4 = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse("package:bar/bar")); |
| Uri res5 = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse("relative/path")); |
| Uri res6 = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri( |
| Uri.parse("http://example.org/file")); |
| String fooX = await foo |
| .loadLibrary() |
| .timeout(const Duration(seconds: 1)) |
| .then((_) => foo.x, onError: (_) => null); |
| print(json.encode({ |
| "cwd": cwd.path, |
| "base": base?.toString(), |
| "script": script?.toString(), |
| "proot": platformRoot, |
| "pconf": platformConfig, |
| "iroot" : isolateRoot?.toString(), |
| "iconf" : isolateConfig?.toString(), |
| "foo": res1?.toString(), |
| "foo/": res2?.toString(), |
| "foo/bar": res3?.toString(), |
| "foo.x": fooX?.toString(), |
| "bar/bar": res4?.toString(), |
| "relative": res5?.toString(), |
| "nonpkg": res6?.toString(), |
| })); |
| } |
| """; |
| |
| /// Script that spawns a new Isolate using Isolate.spawnUri. |
| /// |
| /// Takes URI of target isolate, package config, package root and |
| /// automatic package resolution-flag parameters as command line arguments. |
| /// Any further arguments are forwarded to the spawned isolate. |
| const String spawnUriMain = """ |
| $improt "dart:isolate"; |
| $improt "dart:async"; |
| main(args) async { |
| Uri target = Uri.parse(args[0]); |
| Uri config = (args[1] == "-") ? null : Uri.parse(args[1]); |
| Uri root = (args[2] == "-") ? null : Uri.parse(args[2]); |
| bool search = args[3] == "true"; |
| var restArgs = args.skip(4).toList(); |
| // Port keeps isolate alive until spawned isolate terminates. |
| var port = new RawReceivePort(); |
| port.handler = (res) async { |
| port.close(); // Close on exit or first error. |
| if (res != null) { |
| await new Future.error(res[0], new StackTrace.fromString(res[1])); |
| } |
| }; |
| Isolate.spawnUri(target, restArgs, null, |
| packageRoot: root, packageConfig: config, |
| automaticPackageResolution: search, |
| onError: port.sendPort, onExit: port.sendPort); |
| } |
| """; |
| |
| /// Script that spawns a new Isolate using Isolate.spawn. |
| /// |
| /// Uses the first argument to select which target to spawn. |
| /// Should be either "test", "uri" or "spawn". |
| const String spawnMain = """ |
| $improt "dart:async"; |
| $improt "dart:isolate"; |
| $improt "%mainDir/main.dart" as test; |
| $improt "%mainDir/spawnUriMain.dart" as spawnUri; |
| main(List<String> args) async { |
| // Port keeps isolate alive until spawned isolate terminates. |
| var port = new RawReceivePort(); |
| port.handler = (res) async { |
| port.close(); // Close on exit or first error. |
| if (res != null) { |
| await new Future.error(res[0], new StackTrace.fromString(res[1])); |
| } |
| }; |
| var arg = args.first; |
| var rest = args.skip(1).toList(); |
| var target; |
| if (arg == "main") { |
| target = test.main; |
| } else if (arg == "spawnUriMain") { |
| target = spawnUri.main; |
| } else { |
| target = main; |
| } |
| Isolate.spawn(target, rest, onError: port.sendPort, onExit: port.sendPort); |
| } |
| """; |
| |
| /// A package directory containing only one package, "foo", with one file. |
| const Map fooPackage = const { |
| "foo": const {"foo": "var x = 'qux';"} |
| }; |
| |
| /// Runs the Dart executable with the provided parameters. |
| /// |
| /// Captures and returns the output. |
| Future<String> execDart(String script, |
| {String root, String config, Iterable<String> scriptArgs}) async { |
| var checked = false; |
| assert((checked = true)); |
| // TODO: Find a way to change CWD before running script. |
| var executable = Platform.executable; |
| var args = []; |
| if (checked) args.add("--checked"); |
| if (root != null) args.add("--package-root=$root"); |
| if (config != null) args.add("--packages=$config"); |
| args.add(script); |
| if (scriptArgs != null) { |
| args.addAll(scriptArgs); |
| } |
| return Process.run(executable, args).then((results) { |
| if (results.exitCode != 0 || results.stderr.isNotEmpty) { |
| throw results.stderr; |
| } |
| return results.stdout; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /// Creates a number of files and subdirectories. |
| /// |
| /// The [content] is the content of the directory itself. The map keys are |
| /// names and the values are either strings that represent Dart file contents |
| /// or maps that represent subdirectories. |
| void createFiles(Directory tempDir, String subDir, Map content) { |
| Directory createDir(Directory base, String name) { |
| Directory newDir = new Directory(p.join(base.path, name)); |
| newDir.createSync(); |
| return newDir; |
| } |
| |
| void createTextFile(Directory base, String name, String content) { |
| File newFile = new File(p.join(base.path, name)); |
| newFile.writeAsStringSync(content); |
| } |
| |
| void createRecursive(Directory dir, Map map) { |
| for (var name in map.keys) { |
| var content = map[name]; |
| if (content is String) { |
| // If the name starts with "." it's a .packages file, otherwise it's |
| // a dart file. Those are the only files we care about in this test. |
| createTextFile( |
| dir, name.startsWith(".") ? name : name + ".dart", content); |
| } else { |
| assert(content is Map); |
| var subdir = createDir(dir, name); |
| createRecursive(subdir, content); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| createRecursive(createDir(tempDir, subDir), content); |
| } |
| |
| /// Start an HTTP server which serves a directory/file structure. |
| /// |
| /// The directories and files are described by [files]. |
| /// |
| /// Each map key is an entry in a directory. A `Map` value is a sub-directory |
| /// and a `String` value is a text file. |
| /// The file contents are run through [fixPaths] to allow them to be self- |
| /// referential. |
| Future<HttpServer> startServer(Map files) async { |
| return (await HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 0)) |
| ..forEach((request) { |
| var result = files; |
| onFailure: |
| { |
| for (var part in request.uri.pathSegments) { |
| if (part.endsWith(".dart")) { |
| part = part.substring(0, part.length - 5); |
| } |
| if (result is Map) { |
| result = result[part]; |
| } else { |
| break onFailure; |
| } |
| } |
| if (result is String) { |
| request.response |
| ..write(result) |
| ..close(); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| request.response |
| ..statusCode = HttpStatus.notFound |
| ..close(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // Counter used to avoid reusing temporary file or directory names. |
| // |
| // Used when adding extra files to an existing directory structure, |
| // and when creating temporary directories. |
| // |
| // Some platform temporary-directory implementations are timer based, |
| // and creating two temp-dirs withing a short duration may cause a collision. |
| int tmpNameCounter = 0; |
| |
| // Fresh file name. |
| String freshName([String base = "tmp"]) => "$base${tmpNameCounter++}"; |
| |
| Directory createTempDir() { |
| return Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync(freshName("pftest-")); |
| } |
| |
| typedef void ConfigUpdate(Configuration configuration); |
| |
| /// The configuration for a single test. |
| class Configuration { |
| /// The "description" of the test - a description of the set-up. |
| final String description; |
| |
| /// The package root parameter passed to the Dart isolate. |
| /// |
| /// At most one of [root] and [config] should be supplied. If both are |
| /// omitted, a VM will search for a packages file or dir. |
| final String root; |
| |
| /// The package configuration file location passed to the Dart isolate. |
| final String config; |
| |
| /// Path to the main file to run. |
| final String mainFile; |
| |
| /// List of arguments to pass to the main function. |
| final List<String> args; |
| |
| /// The expected values for `Platform.package{Root,Config}`, |
| /// `Isolate.package{Root,Config}` and resolution of package URIs |
| /// in a `foo` package. |
| /// |
| /// The results are found by running the `main.dart` file inside [mainDir]. |
| /// The tests can run this file after doing other `spawn` or `spawnUri` calls. |
| final Map expect; |
| |
| Configuration( |
| {this.description, |
| this.root, |
| this.config, |
| this.mainFile, |
| this.args, |
| this.expect}); |
| |
| // Gets the type of main file, one of `main`, `spawnMain` or `spawnUriMain`. |
| String get mainType { |
| var lastSlash = mainFile.lastIndexOf("/"); |
| if (lastSlash < 0) { |
| // Assume it's a Windows path. |
| lastSlash = mainFile.lastIndexOf(r"\"); |
| } |
| var name = mainFile.substring(lastSlash + 1, mainFile.length - 5); |
| assert(name == "main" || name == "spawnMain" || name == "spawnUriMain"); |
| return name; |
| } |
| |
| String get mainPath { |
| var lastSlash = mainFile.lastIndexOf("/"); |
| if (lastSlash < 0) { |
| // Assume it's a Windows path. |
| lastSlash = mainFile.lastIndexOf(r"\"); |
| } |
| return mainFile.substring(0, lastSlash + 1); |
| } |
| |
| /// Create a new configuration from the old one. |
| /// |
| /// [description] is new description. |
| /// |
| /// [main] is one of `main`, `spawnMain` or `spawnUriMain`, and changes |
| /// the [Configuration.mainFile] to a different file in the same directory. |
| /// |
| /// [mainFile] overrides [Configuration.mainFile] completely, and ignores |
| /// [main]. |
| /// |
| /// [newArgs] are prepended to the existing [Configuration.args]. |
| /// |
| /// [args] overrides [Configuration.args] completely and ignores [newArgs]. |
| /// |
| /// [expect] overrides individual expectations. |
| /// |
| /// [root] and [config] overrides the existing values. |
| Configuration update( |
| {String description, |
| String main, |
| String mainFile, |
| String root, |
| String config, |
| List<String> args, |
| List<String> newArgs, |
| Map expect}) { |
| return new Configuration( |
| description: description ?? this.description, |
| root: root ?? this.root, |
| config: config ?? this.config, |
| mainFile: mainFile ?? |
| ((main == null) ? this.mainFile : "${this.mainPath}$main.dart"), |
| args: args ?? |
| (<String>[] |
| ..addAll(newArgs ?? const <String>[]) |
| ..addAll(this.args)), |
| expect: expect == null ? this.expect : new Map.from(this.expect) |
| ..addAll(expect ?? const {})); |
| } |
| |
| // For debugging. |
| String toString() { |
| return "Configuration($description\n" |
| " root : $root\n" |
| " config: $config\n" |
| " main : $mainFile\n" |
| " args : ${args.map((x) => '"$x"').join(" ")}\n" |
| ") : expect {\n${expect.keys.map((k) => |
| ' "$k"'.padRight(6) + ":${json.encode(expect[k])}\n").join()}" |
| "}"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Inserts the file with generalized [name] at [path] with [content]. |
| // |
| // The [path] is a directory where the file is created. It must start with |
| // either '%file/' or '%http/' to select the structure to put it into. |
| // |
| // The [name] should not have a trailing ".dart" for Dart files. Any file |
| // not starting with "." is assumed to be a ".dart" file. |
| void insertFileAt( |
| Map file, Map http, String path, String name, String content) { |
| var parts = path.split('/').toList(); |
| var dir = (parts[0] == "%file") ? file : http; |
| for (var i = 1; i < parts.length - 1; i++) { |
| var entry = parts[i]; |
| dir = dir[entry] ?? (dir[entry] = {}); |
| } |
| dir[name] = content; |
| } |