blob: 3171ef4bd15876b4d450bca4c81649c1d8f414be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:io";
import "package:async_helper/async_minitest.dart";
void generateIsolateSource(String filePath, String version) {
File mainIsolate = new File(filePath);
// @dart=$version
void main() {
try {
int x = null as int;
print("Weak Mode");
} catch (ex) {
print("Strong Mode");
void generateOutput(String sourcePath, String outPath, String type) {
var exec = Platform.resolvedExecutable;
var args = <String>[];
var result = Process.runSync(exec, args);
print('snapshot $type stdout: ${result.stdout}');
print('snapshot $type stderr: ${result.stderr}');
void generateKernel(String sourcePath, String outPath) {
generateOutput(sourcePath, outPath, "kernel");
void generateAppJIT(String sourcePath, String outPath) {
generateOutput(sourcePath, outPath, "app-jit");
void testNullSafetyMode(String filePath, String expected) {
var exec = Platform.resolvedExecutable;
var args = <String>[];
var result = Process.runSync(exec, args);
print('test stdout: ${result.stdout}');
print('test stderr: ${result.stderr}');
expect(result.stdout.contains('$expected'), true);
void testNullSafetyMode1(String filePath, String expected) {
var exec = Platform.resolvedExecutable;
var args = <String>[];
var result = Process.runSync(exec, args);
expect(result.stdout.contains('$expected'), true);