blob: bb1fd0c42c5d81e020b2adab56bd147c11f3f4eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
part of base;
* A utility class for representing two-dimensional sizes.
class Size {
num width;
num height;
Size(num this.width, num this.height) {}
bool operator ==(covariant Size other) {
return other != null && width == other.width && height == other.height;
int get hashCode => throw new UnimplementedError();
* Returns the area of the size (width * height).
num area() {
return width * height;
* Returns the ratio of the size's width to its height.
num aspectRatio() {
return width / height;
* Clamps the width and height parameters upward to integer values.
* Returns this size with ceil'd components.
Size ceil() {
width = width.ceil();
height = height.ceil();
return this;
* Returns a new copy of the Size.
Size clone() {
return new Size(width, height);
* Returns true if this Size is the same size or smaller than the
* [target] size in both dimensions.
bool fitsInside(Size target) {
return width <= target.width && height <= target.height;
* Clamps the width and height parameters downward to integer values.
* Returns this size with floored components.
Size floor() {
width = width.floor();
height = height.floor();
return this;
* Returns the longer of the two dimensions in the size.
num getLongest() {
return max(width, height);
* Returns the shorter of the two dimensions in the size.
num getShortest() {
return min(width, height);
* Returns true if the size has zero area, false if both dimensions
* are non-zero numbers.
bool get isEmpty {
return area() == 0;
* Returns the perimeter of the size (width + height) * 2.
num perimeter() {
return (width + height) * 2;
* Rounds the width and height parameters to integer values.
* Returns this size with rounded components.
Size round() {
width = width.round();
height = height.round();
return this;
* Scales the size uniformly by a factor.
* [s] The scale factor.
* Returns this Size object after scaling.
Size scale(num s) {
width *= s;
height *= s;
return this;
* Uniformly scales the size to fit inside the dimensions of a given size. The
* original aspect ratio will be preserved.
* This function assumes that both Sizes contain strictly positive dimensions.
* Returns this Size object, after optional scaling.
Size scaleToFit(Size target) {
num s = aspectRatio() > target.aspectRatio()
? target.width / width
: target.height / height;
return scale(s);
* Returns a nice string representing size.
* Returns in the form (50 x 73).
String toString() {
return "(${width} x ${height})";