| // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // @dart = 2.9 |
| |
| library test_helper; |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| import 'dart:convert'; |
| import 'dart:io'; |
| import 'package:dds/dds.dart'; |
| import 'package:observatory_2/service_io.dart'; |
| import 'package:test/test.dart'; |
| import 'service_test_common.dart'; |
| export 'service_test_common.dart' show DDSTest, IsolateTest, VMTest; |
| |
| /// Determines whether DDS is enabled for this test run. |
| const bool useDds = const bool.fromEnvironment('USE_DDS'); |
| |
| /// The extra arguments to use |
| const List<String> extraDebuggingArgs = ['--lazy-async-stacks']; |
| |
| /// Will be set to the http address of the VM's service protocol before |
| /// any tests are invoked. |
| String serviceHttpAddress; |
| String serviceWebsocketAddress; |
| |
| const Map<String, String> _TESTEE_SPAWN_ENV = const {_TESTEE_ENV_KEY: 'true'}; |
| bool _isTestee() { |
| return Platform.environment.containsKey(_TESTEE_ENV_KEY); |
| } |
| |
| bool _shouldLaunchSkyShell() { |
| return Platform.environment.containsKey(_SKY_SHELL_ENV_KEY); |
| } |
| |
| String _skyShellPath() { |
| return Platform.environment[_SKY_SHELL_ENV_KEY]; |
| } |
| |
| class _ServiceTesteeRunner { |
| Future run( |
| {testeeBefore(): null, |
| testeeConcurrent(): null, |
| bool pause_on_start: false, |
| bool pause_on_exit: false}) async { |
| if (!pause_on_start) { |
| if (testeeBefore != null) { |
| final result = testeeBefore(); |
| if (result is Future) { |
| await result; |
| } |
| } |
| print(''); // Print blank line to signal that testeeBefore has run. |
| } |
| if (testeeConcurrent != null) { |
| final result = testeeConcurrent(); |
| if (result is Future) { |
| await result; |
| } |
| } |
| if (!pause_on_exit) { |
| // Wait around for the process to be killed. |
| stdin.first.then((_) => exit(0)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void runSync( |
| {void testeeBeforeSync(): null, |
| void testeeConcurrentSync(): null, |
| bool pause_on_start: false, |
| bool pause_on_exit: false}) { |
| if (!pause_on_start) { |
| if (testeeBeforeSync != null) { |
| testeeBeforeSync(); |
| } |
| print(''); // Print blank line to signal that testeeBefore has run. |
| } |
| if (testeeConcurrentSync != null) { |
| testeeConcurrentSync(); |
| } |
| if (!pause_on_exit) { |
| // Wait around for the process to be killed. |
| stdin.first.then((_) => exit(0)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class _ServiceTesteeLauncher { |
| Process process; |
| final List<String> args; |
| Future<void> get exited => _processCompleter.future; |
| final _processCompleter = Completer<void>(); |
| bool killedByTester = false; |
| |
| _ServiceTesteeLauncher() : args = [Platform.script.toFilePath()] {} |
| |
| // Spawn the testee process. |
| Future<Process> _spawnProcess( |
| bool pause_on_start, |
| bool pause_on_exit, |
| bool pause_on_unhandled_exceptions, |
| bool enable_service_port_fallback, |
| bool testeeControlsServer, |
| Uri serviceInfoUri, |
| int port, |
| List<String> extraArgs, |
| List<String> executableArgs) { |
| assert(pause_on_start != null); |
| assert(pause_on_exit != null); |
| assert(pause_on_unhandled_exceptions != null); |
| assert(testeeControlsServer != null); |
| |
| if (_shouldLaunchSkyShell()) { |
| return _spawnSkyProcess( |
| pause_on_start, |
| pause_on_exit, |
| pause_on_unhandled_exceptions, |
| testeeControlsServer, |
| extraArgs, |
| executableArgs); |
| } else { |
| return _spawnDartProcess( |
| pause_on_start, |
| pause_on_exit, |
| pause_on_unhandled_exceptions, |
| enable_service_port_fallback, |
| testeeControlsServer, |
| serviceInfoUri, |
| port, |
| extraArgs, |
| executableArgs); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Future<Process> _spawnDartProcess( |
| bool pause_on_start, |
| bool pause_on_exit, |
| bool pause_on_unhandled_exceptions, |
| bool enable_service_port_fallback, |
| bool testeeControlsServer, |
| Uri serviceInfoUri, |
| int port, |
| List<String> extraArgs, |
| List<String> executableArgs) { |
| assert(!_shouldLaunchSkyShell()); |
| |
| final String dartExecutable = Platform.executable; |
| |
| final fullArgs = <String>[ |
| '--disable-dart-dev', |
| ]; |
| if (pause_on_start) { |
| fullArgs.add('--pause-isolates-on-start'); |
| } |
| if (pause_on_exit) { |
| fullArgs.add('--pause-isolates-on-exit'); |
| } |
| if (enable_service_port_fallback) { |
| fullArgs.add('--enable_service_port_fallback'); |
| } |
| fullArgs.add('--write-service-info=$serviceInfoUri'); |
| |
| if (pause_on_unhandled_exceptions) { |
| fullArgs.add('--pause-isolates-on-unhandled-exceptions'); |
| } |
| fullArgs.add('--profiler'); |
| if (extraArgs != null) { |
| fullArgs.addAll(extraArgs); |
| } |
| fullArgs.addAll(executableArgs); |
| if (!testeeControlsServer) { |
| fullArgs.add('--enable-vm-service:$port'); |
| } |
| fullArgs.addAll(args); |
| |
| return _spawnCommon(dartExecutable, fullArgs, <String, String>{}); |
| } |
| |
| Future<Process> _spawnSkyProcess( |
| bool pause_on_start, |
| bool pause_on_exit, |
| bool pause_on_unhandled_exceptions, |
| bool testeeControlsServer, |
| List<String> extraArgs, |
| List<String> executableArgs) { |
| assert(_shouldLaunchSkyShell()); |
| |
| final String dartExecutable = _skyShellPath(); |
| |
| final dartFlags = <String>[]; |
| final fullArgs = <String>[]; |
| if (pause_on_start) { |
| dartFlags.add('--pause_isolates_on_start'); |
| fullArgs.add('--start-paused'); |
| } |
| if (pause_on_exit) { |
| dartFlags.add('--pause_isolates_on_exit'); |
| } |
| if (pause_on_unhandled_exceptions) { |
| dartFlags.add('--pause_isolates_on_unhandled_exceptions'); |
| } |
| dartFlags.add('--profiler'); |
| // Override mirrors. |
| dartFlags.add('--enable_mirrors=true'); |
| if (extraArgs != null) { |
| fullArgs.addAll(extraArgs); |
| } |
| fullArgs.addAll(executableArgs); |
| if (!testeeControlsServer) { |
| fullArgs.add('--observatory-port=0'); |
| } |
| fullArgs.add('--dart-flags=${dartFlags.join(' ')}'); |
| fullArgs.addAll(args); |
| |
| return _spawnCommon(dartExecutable, fullArgs, <String, String>{}); |
| } |
| |
| Future<Process> _spawnCommon(String executable, List<String> arguments, |
| Map<String, String> dartEnvironment) { |
| final environment = _TESTEE_SPAWN_ENV; |
| final bashEnvironment = new StringBuffer(); |
| environment.forEach((k, v) => bashEnvironment.write("$k=$v ")); |
| if (dartEnvironment != null) { |
| dartEnvironment.forEach((k, v) { |
| arguments.insert(0, '-D$k=$v'); |
| }); |
| } |
| print('** Launching $bashEnvironment$executable ${arguments.join(' ')}'); |
| return Process.start(executable, arguments, environment: environment); |
| } |
| |
| Future<Uri> launch( |
| bool pause_on_start, |
| bool pause_on_exit, |
| bool pause_on_unhandled_exceptions, |
| bool enable_service_port_fallback, |
| bool testeeControlsServer, |
| int port, |
| List<String> extraArgs, |
| List<String> executableArgs) async { |
| final completer = new Completer<Uri>(); |
| final serviceInfoDir = |
| await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('dart_service'); |
| final serviceInfoUri = serviceInfoDir.uri.resolve('service_info.json'); |
| final serviceInfoFile = await File.fromUri(serviceInfoUri).create(); |
| _spawnProcess( |
| pause_on_start, |
| pause_on_exit, |
| pause_on_unhandled_exceptions, |
| enable_service_port_fallback, |
| testeeControlsServer, |
| serviceInfoUri, |
| port, |
| extraArgs, |
| executableArgs) |
| .then((p) async { |
| process = p; |
| Uri uri; |
| final blankCompleter = Completer(); |
| bool blankLineReceived = false; |
| process.stdout |
| .transform(utf8.decoder) |
| .transform(new LineSplitter()) |
| .listen((line) { |
| if (!blankLineReceived && (pause_on_start || line == '')) { |
| // Received blank line. |
| blankLineReceived = true; |
| blankCompleter.complete(); |
| } |
| print('>testee>out> $line'); |
| }); |
| process.stderr |
| .transform(utf8.decoder) |
| .transform(new LineSplitter()) |
| .listen((line) { |
| print('>testee>err> ${line.trim()}'); |
| }); |
| process.exitCode.then((exitCode) async { |
| await serviceInfoDir.delete(recursive: true); |
| if ((exitCode != 0) && !killedByTester) { |
| throw "Testee exited with $exitCode"; |
| } |
| print("** Process exited"); |
| _processCompleter.complete(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Wait for the blank line which signals that we're ready to run. |
| await blankCompleter.future; |
| while ((await serviceInfoFile.length()) <= 5) { |
| await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 50)); |
| } |
| final content = await serviceInfoFile.readAsString(); |
| final infoJson = json.decode(content); |
| String rawUri = infoJson['uri']; |
| |
| // If rawUri ends with a /, Uri.parse will include an empty string as the |
| // last path segment. Make sure it's not there to ensure we have a |
| // consistent Uri. |
| if (rawUri.endsWith('/')) { |
| rawUri = rawUri.substring(0, rawUri.length - 1); |
| } |
| uri = Uri.parse(rawUri); |
| completer.complete(uri); |
| }); |
| return completer.future; |
| } |
| |
| void requestExit() { |
| if (process != null) { |
| print('** Killing script'); |
| if (process.kill()) { |
| killedByTester = true; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void setupAddresses(Uri serverAddress) { |
| serviceWebsocketAddress = |
| 'ws://${serverAddress.authority}${serverAddress.path}/ws'; |
| serviceHttpAddress = 'http://${serverAddress.authority}${serverAddress.path}'; |
| } |
| |
| class _ServiceTesterRunner { |
| void run({ |
| List<String> mainArgs, |
| List<String> extraArgs, |
| List<String> executableArgs, |
| List<DDSTest> ddsTests, |
| List<IsolateTest> isolateTests, |
| List<VMTest> vmTests, |
| bool pause_on_start: false, |
| bool pause_on_exit: false, |
| bool verbose_vm: false, |
| bool pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: false, |
| bool enable_service_port_fallback: false, |
| bool testeeControlsServer: false, |
| bool enableDds: true, |
| bool enableService: true, |
| int port = 0, |
| }) { |
| if (executableArgs == null) { |
| executableArgs = Platform.executableArguments; |
| } |
| DartDevelopmentService dds; |
| WebSocketVM vm; |
| _ServiceTesteeLauncher process; |
| bool testsDone = false; |
| |
| ignoreLateException(Function f) async { |
| try { |
| await f(); |
| } catch (error, stackTrace) { |
| if (testsDone) { |
| print('Ignoring late exception during process exit:\n' |
| '$error\n$stackTrace'); |
| } else { |
| rethrow; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| setUp( |
| () => ignoreLateException( |
| () async { |
| process = _ServiceTesteeLauncher(); |
| await process |
| .launch( |
| pause_on_start, |
| pause_on_exit, |
| pause_on_unhandled_exceptions, |
| enable_service_port_fallback, |
| testeeControlsServer, |
| port, |
| extraArgs, |
| executableArgs) |
| .then((Uri serverAddress) async { |
| if (mainArgs.contains("--gdb")) { |
| final pid = process.process.pid; |
| final wait = new Duration(seconds: 10); |
| print("Testee has pid $pid, waiting $wait before continuing"); |
| sleep(wait); |
| } |
| if (useDds) { |
| dds = await DartDevelopmentService.startDartDevelopmentService( |
| serverAddress); |
| setupAddresses(dds.uri); |
| } else { |
| setupAddresses(serverAddress); |
| } |
| print('** Signaled to run test queries on $serviceHttpAddress' |
| ' (${useDds ? "DDS" : "VM Service"})'); |
| vm = |
| new WebSocketVM(new WebSocketVMTarget(serviceWebsocketAddress)); |
| print('Loading VM...'); |
| await vm.load(); |
| print('Done loading VM'); |
| }); |
| }, |
| ), |
| ); |
| |
| tearDown( |
| () => ignoreLateException( |
| () async { |
| if (useDds) { |
| await dds?.shutdown(); |
| } |
| process.requestExit(); |
| }, |
| ), |
| ); |
| |
| final name = Platform.script.pathSegments.last; |
| runTest(String name) { |
| test( |
| '$name (${useDds ? 'DDS' : 'VM Service'})', |
| () => ignoreLateException( |
| () async { |
| // Run vm tests. |
| if (vmTests != null) { |
| int testIndex = 1; |
| final totalTests = vmTests.length; |
| for (var test in vmTests) { |
| vm.verbose = verbose_vm; |
| print('Running $name [$testIndex/$totalTests]'); |
| testIndex++; |
| await test(vm); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Run dds tests. |
| if (ddsTests != null) { |
| int testIndex = 1; |
| final totalTests = ddsTests.length; |
| for (var test in ddsTests) { |
| vm.verbose = verbose_vm; |
| print('Running $name [$testIndex/$totalTests]'); |
| testIndex++; |
| await test(vm, dds); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Run isolate tests. |
| if (isolateTests != null) { |
| final isolate = await getFirstIsolate(vm); |
| int testIndex = 1; |
| final totalTests = isolateTests.length; |
| for (var test in isolateTests) { |
| vm.verbose = verbose_vm; |
| print('Running $name [$testIndex/$totalTests]'); |
| testIndex++; |
| await test(isolate); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| print('All service tests completed successfully.'); |
| testsDone = true; |
| }, |
| ), |
| // Some service tests run fairly long (e.g., valid_source_locations_test). |
| timeout: Timeout.none, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| if ((useDds && !enableDds) || (!useDds && ddsTests != null)) { |
| print('Skipping DDS run for $name'); |
| return; |
| } |
| if (!useDds && !enableService) { |
| print('Skipping VM Service run for $name'); |
| return; |
| } |
| runTest(name); |
| } |
| |
| Future<Isolate> getFirstIsolate(WebSocketVM vm) async { |
| if (vm.isolates.isNotEmpty) { |
| final isolate = await vm.isolates.first.load(); |
| if (isolate is Isolate) { |
| return isolate; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Completer completer = new Completer(); |
| vm.getEventStream(VM.kIsolateStream).then((stream) { |
| var subscription; |
| subscription = stream.listen((ServiceEvent event) async { |
| if (completer == null) { |
| subscription.cancel(); |
| return; |
| } |
| if (event.kind == ServiceEvent.kIsolateRunnable) { |
| if (vm.isolates.isNotEmpty) { |
| vm.isolates.first.load().then((result) { |
| if (result is Isolate) { |
| subscription.cancel(); |
| completer.complete(result); |
| completer = null; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| // The isolate may have started before we subscribed. |
| if (vm.isolates.isNotEmpty) { |
| vm.isolates.first.reload().then((result) async { |
| if (completer != null && result is Isolate) { |
| completer.complete(result); |
| completer = null; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| return await completer.future; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Runs [tests] in sequence, each of which should take an [Isolate] and |
| /// return a [Future]. Code for setting up state can run before and/or |
| /// concurrently with the tests. Uses [mainArgs] to determine whether |
| /// to run tests or testee in this invocation of the script. |
| Future runIsolateTests(List<String> mainArgs, List<IsolateTest> tests, |
| {testeeBefore(), |
| testeeConcurrent(), |
| bool pause_on_start: false, |
| bool pause_on_exit: false, |
| bool verbose_vm: false, |
| bool pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: false, |
| bool testeeControlsServer: false, |
| bool enableDds: true, |
| bool enableService: true, |
| List<String> extraArgs}) async { |
| assert(!pause_on_start || testeeBefore == null); |
| if (_isTestee()) { |
| new _ServiceTesteeRunner().run( |
| testeeBefore: testeeBefore, |
| testeeConcurrent: testeeConcurrent, |
| pause_on_start: pause_on_start, |
| pause_on_exit: pause_on_exit); |
| } else { |
| new _ServiceTesterRunner().run( |
| mainArgs: mainArgs, |
| extraArgs: extraArgs, |
| isolateTests: tests, |
| pause_on_start: pause_on_start, |
| pause_on_exit: pause_on_exit, |
| verbose_vm: verbose_vm, |
| pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: pause_on_unhandled_exceptions, |
| testeeControlsServer: testeeControlsServer, |
| enableDds: enableDds, |
| enableService: enableService, |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Runs [tests] in sequence, each of which should take an [Isolate] and |
| /// return a [Future]. Code for setting up state can run before and/or |
| /// concurrently with the tests. Uses [mainArgs] to determine whether |
| /// to run tests or testee in this invocation of the script. |
| /// |
| /// This is a special version of this test harness specifically for the |
| /// pause_on_unhandled_exceptions_test, which cannot properly function |
| /// in an async context (because exceptions are *always* handled in async |
| /// functions). |
| void runIsolateTestsSynchronous(List<String> mainArgs, List<IsolateTest> tests, |
| {void testeeBefore(), |
| void testeeConcurrent(), |
| bool pause_on_start: false, |
| bool pause_on_exit: false, |
| bool verbose_vm: false, |
| bool pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: false, |
| List<String> extraArgs}) { |
| assert(!pause_on_start || testeeBefore == null); |
| if (_isTestee()) { |
| new _ServiceTesteeRunner().runSync( |
| testeeBeforeSync: testeeBefore, |
| testeeConcurrentSync: testeeConcurrent, |
| pause_on_start: pause_on_start, |
| pause_on_exit: pause_on_exit); |
| } else { |
| new _ServiceTesterRunner().run( |
| mainArgs: mainArgs, |
| extraArgs: extraArgs, |
| isolateTests: tests, |
| pause_on_start: pause_on_start, |
| pause_on_exit: pause_on_exit, |
| verbose_vm: verbose_vm, |
| pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: pause_on_unhandled_exceptions); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Runs [tests] in sequence, each of which should take a [VM] and |
| /// return a [Future]. Code for setting up state can run before and/or |
| /// concurrently with the tests. Uses [mainArgs] to determine whether |
| /// to run tests or testee in this invocation of the script. |
| Future runVMTests(List<String> mainArgs, List<VMTest> tests, |
| {testeeBefore(), |
| testeeConcurrent(), |
| bool pause_on_start: false, |
| bool pause_on_exit: false, |
| bool verbose_vm: false, |
| bool pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: false, |
| bool enable_service_port_fallback: false, |
| bool enableDds: true, |
| bool enableService: true, |
| int port = 0, |
| List<String> extraArgs, |
| List<String> executableArgs}) async { |
| if (_isTestee()) { |
| new _ServiceTesteeRunner().run( |
| testeeBefore: testeeBefore, |
| testeeConcurrent: testeeConcurrent, |
| pause_on_start: pause_on_start, |
| pause_on_exit: pause_on_exit); |
| } else { |
| new _ServiceTesterRunner().run( |
| mainArgs: mainArgs, |
| extraArgs: extraArgs, |
| executableArgs: executableArgs, |
| vmTests: tests, |
| pause_on_start: pause_on_start, |
| pause_on_exit: pause_on_exit, |
| verbose_vm: verbose_vm, |
| pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: pause_on_unhandled_exceptions, |
| enable_service_port_fallback: enable_service_port_fallback, |
| enableDds: enableDds, |
| enableService: enableService, |
| port: port, |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Runs [tests] in sequence, each of which should take a [VM] and |
| /// [DartDevelopmentService] and return a [Future]. Code for setting up state |
| /// can run before and/or concurrently with the tests. Uses [mainArgs] to |
| /// determine whether to run tests or testee in this invocation of the |
| /// script. |
| Future runDDSTests(List<String> mainArgs, List<DDSTest> tests, |
| {testeeBefore(), |
| testeeConcurrent(), |
| bool pause_on_start: false, |
| bool pause_on_exit: false, |
| bool verbose_vm: false, |
| bool pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: false, |
| bool enable_service_port_fallback: false, |
| int port = 0, |
| List<String> extraArgs, |
| List<String> executableArgs}) async { |
| if (_isTestee()) { |
| new _ServiceTesteeRunner().run( |
| testeeBefore: testeeBefore, |
| testeeConcurrent: testeeConcurrent, |
| pause_on_start: pause_on_start, |
| pause_on_exit: pause_on_exit); |
| } else { |
| new _ServiceTesterRunner().run( |
| mainArgs: mainArgs, |
| extraArgs: extraArgs, |
| executableArgs: executableArgs, |
| ddsTests: tests, |
| pause_on_start: pause_on_start, |
| pause_on_exit: pause_on_exit, |
| verbose_vm: verbose_vm, |
| pause_on_unhandled_exceptions: pause_on_unhandled_exceptions, |
| enable_service_port_fallback: enable_service_port_fallback, |
| enableDds: true, |
| enableService: false, |
| port: port, |
| ); |
| } |
| } |