| @dart._internal::ExternalName::•("dart-ext:here") |
| @dart._internal::ExternalName::•("dart-ext:foo/../there") |
| @dart._internal::ExternalName::•("dart-ext:/usr/local/somewhere") |
| library; |
| // |
| // Problems in library: |
| // |
| // pkg/front_end/testcases/general/external_import.dart:7:1: Info: Dart native extensions are deprecated and will be removed in the 2.15 release of Dart SDK. |
| // Migrate to using FFI instead (https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/c-interop) |
| // import 'dart-ext:here'; |
| // ^ |
| // |
| // pkg/front_end/testcases/general/external_import.dart:8:1: Info: Dart native extensions are deprecated and will be removed in the 2.15 release of Dart SDK. |
| // Migrate to using FFI instead (https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/c-interop) |
| // import 'dart-ext:foo/../there'; |
| // ^ |
| // |
| // pkg/front_end/testcases/general/external_import.dart:9:1: Info: Dart native extensions are deprecated and will be removed in the 2.15 release of Dart SDK. |
| // Migrate to using FFI instead (https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/c-interop) |
| // import 'dart-ext:/usr/local/somewhere'; |
| // ^ |
| // |
| import self as self; |
| import "dart:_internal" as _in; |
| |
| static method main() → dynamic |
| ; |
| |
| |
| Extra constant evaluation status: |
| Evaluated: ConstructorInvocation @ null -> InstanceConstant(const ExternalName{ExternalName.name: "dart-ext:here"}) |
| Evaluated: ConstructorInvocation @ null -> InstanceConstant(const ExternalName{ExternalName.name: "dart-ext:foo/../there"}) |
| Evaluated: ConstructorInvocation @ null -> InstanceConstant(const ExternalName{ExternalName.name: "dart-ext:/usr/local/somewhere"}) |
| Extra constant evaluation: evaluated: 3, effectively constant: 3 |