| library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/; |
| // |
| // Problems in library: |
| // |
| // pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/abstract_class_constructor_tear_off.dart:14:17: Error: Constructors on abstract classes can't be torn off. |
| // AbstractClass.new; // error |
| // ^^^ |
| // |
| // pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/abstract_class_constructor_tear_off.dart:15:9: Error: Getter not found: 'new'. |
| // Mixin.new; // error |
| // ^^^ |
| // |
| // pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/abstract_class_constructor_tear_off.dart:17:33: Error: Constructors on abstract classes can't be torn off. |
| // AbstractNamedMixinApplication.new; // error |
| // ^^^ |
| // |
| // pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/abstract_class_constructor_tear_off.dart:18:13: Error: Getter not found: 'new'. |
| // Extension.new; // error |
| // ^^^ |
| // |
| import self as self; |
| import "dart:core" as core; |
| |
| class ConcreteClass extends core::Object { |
| synthetic constructor •() → self::ConcreteClass |
| : super core::Object::•() |
| ; |
| } |
| abstract class AbstractClass extends core::Object { |
| synthetic constructor •() → self::AbstractClass |
| : super core::Object::•() |
| ; |
| } |
| abstract class Mixin extends core::Object /*isMixinDeclaration*/ { |
| } |
| class NamedMixinApplication = core::Object with self::Mixin /*hasConstConstructor*/ { |
| const synthetic constructor •() → self::NamedMixinApplication |
| : super core::Object::•() |
| ; |
| } |
| abstract class AbstractNamedMixinApplication = core::Object with self::Mixin /*hasConstConstructor*/ { |
| const synthetic constructor •() → self::AbstractNamedMixinApplication |
| : super core::Object::•() |
| ; |
| } |
| extension Extension on core::int { |
| } |
| static method test() → dynamic { |
| #C1; |
| invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/abstract_class_constructor_tear_off.dart:14:17: Error: Constructors on abstract classes can't be torn off. |
| AbstractClass.new; // error |
| ^^^"; |
| invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/abstract_class_constructor_tear_off.dart:15:9: Error: Getter not found: 'new'. |
| Mixin.new; // error |
| ^^^"; |
| #C2; |
| invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/abstract_class_constructor_tear_off.dart:17:33: Error: Constructors on abstract classes can't be torn off. |
| AbstractNamedMixinApplication.new; // error |
| ^^^"; |
| invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/abstract_class_constructor_tear_off.dart:18:13: Error: Getter not found: 'new'. |
| Extension.new; // error |
| ^^^"; |
| } |
| static method main() → dynamic {} |
| |
| constants { |
| #C1 = constructor-tearoff self::ConcreteClass::• |
| #C2 = constructor-tearoff self::NamedMixinApplication::• |
| } |