blob: f28fc4ecf06e5ca5285d3fb08c04fe02f0ca29ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Tools for generating code in analyzer and analysis server.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer_utilities/html.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_utilities/text_formatter.dart';
import 'package:html/dom.dart' as dom;
import 'package:path/path.dart';
final RegExp trailingSpacesInLineRegExp = RegExp(r' +$', multiLine: true);
final RegExp trailingWhitespaceRegExp = RegExp(r'[\n ]+$');
/// Join the given strings using camelCase. If [doCapitalize] is true, the first
/// part will be capitalized as well.
String camelJoin(List<String> parts, {bool doCapitalize = false}) {
var upcasedParts = <String>[];
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (i == 0 && !doCapitalize) {
} else {
return upcasedParts.join();
/// Capitalize and return the passed String.
String capitalize(String string) {
return string[0].toUpperCase() + string.substring(1);
/// Type of functions used to compute the contents of a set of generated files.
/// [pkgPath] is the path to the current package.
typedef DirectoryContentsComputer = Map<String, FileContentsComputer> Function(
String pkgPath);
/// Type of functions used to compute the contents of a generated file.
/// [pkgPath] is the path to the current package.
typedef FileContentsComputer = Future<String> Function(String pkgPath);
/// Mixin class for generating code.
class CodeGenerator {
_CodeGeneratorState _state = _CodeGeneratorState();
/// Settings that specialize code generation behavior for a given
/// programming language.
CodeGeneratorSettings codeGeneratorSettings = CodeGeneratorSettings();
/// Measure the width of the current indentation level.
int get indentWidth => _state.nextIndent.length;
/// Execute [callback], collecting any code that is output using [write]
/// or [writeln], and return the result as a string.
String collectCode(void Function() callback,
{bool removeTrailingNewLine = false}) {
var oldState = _state;
try {
_state = _CodeGeneratorState();
var text =
_state.buffer.toString().replaceAll(trailingSpacesInLineRegExp, '');
if (!removeTrailingNewLine) {
return text;
} else {
return text.replaceAll(trailingWhitespaceRegExp, '');
} finally {
_state = oldState;
/// Generate a doc comment based on the HTML in [docs].
/// When generating java code, the output is compatible with Javadoc, which
/// understands certain HTML constructs.
void docComment(List<dom.Node> docs, {bool removeTrailingNewLine = false}) {
if (containsOnlyWhitespace(docs)) return;
var startMarker = codeGeneratorSettings.docCommentStartMarker;
if (startMarker != null) {
var width = codeGeneratorSettings.commentLineLength;
var javadocStyle = codeGeneratorSettings.languageName == 'java';
indentBy(codeGeneratorSettings.docCommentLineLeader, () {
write(nodesToText(docs, width - _state.indent.length, javadocStyle,
removeTrailingNewLine: removeTrailingNewLine));
var endMarker = codeGeneratorSettings.docCommentEndMarker;
if (endMarker != null) {
/// Execute [callback], indenting any code it outputs.
void indent(void Function() callback) {
codeGeneratorSettings.indent, codeGeneratorSettings.indent, callback);
/// Execute [callback], using [additionalIndent] to indent any code it outputs.
void indentBy(String additionalIndent, void Function() callback) =>
indentSpecial(additionalIndent, additionalIndent, callback);
/// Execute [callback], using [additionalIndent] to indent any code it outputs.
/// The first line of output is indented by [firstAdditionalIndent] instead of
/// [additionalIndent].
void indentSpecial(String firstAdditionalIndent, String additionalIndent,
void Function() callback) {
var oldNextIndent = _state.nextIndent;
var oldIndent = _state.indent;
try {
_state.nextIndent += firstAdditionalIndent;
_state.indent += additionalIndent;
} finally {
_state.nextIndent = oldNextIndent;
_state.indent = oldIndent;
void lineComment(List<dom.Node> docs) {
if (containsOnlyWhitespace(docs)) {
var width = codeGeneratorSettings.commentLineLength;
indentBy(codeGeneratorSettings.lineCommentLineLeader, () {
write(nodesToText(docs, width - _state.indent.length, false));
void outputHeader({bool javaStyle = false, String? year}) {
String header;
if (codeGeneratorSettings.languageName == 'java') {
header = '''
* Copyright (c) ${year ?? '2019'}, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
* To regenerate the file, use the script "pkg/analysis_server/tool/spec/generate_files".
} else if (codeGeneratorSettings.languageName == 'python') {
header = '''
# Copyright (c) ${year ?? '2014'}, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
# To regenerate the file, use the script
# "pkg/analysis_server/tool/spec/generate_files".
} else {
header = '''
// Copyright (c) ${year ?? '2014'}, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
// To regenerate the file, use the script
// "pkg/analysis_server/tool/spec/generate_files".
/// Output text without ending the current line.
void write(Object obj) {
/// Output text, ending the current line.
void writeln([Object obj = '']) {
/// Controls several settings of [CodeGenerator].
/// The default settings are valid for generating Java and Dart code.
class CodeGeneratorSettings {
/// Name of the language being generated. Lowercase.
String languageName;
/// Marker used in line comments.
String lineCommentLineLeader;
/// Start marker for doc comments.
String? docCommentStartMarker;
/// Line leader for body lines in doc comments.
String docCommentLineLeader;
/// End marker for doc comments.
String? docCommentEndMarker;
/// Line length for doc comment lines.
int commentLineLength;
/// String used for indenting code.
String indent;
{this.languageName = 'java',
this.lineCommentLineLeader = '// ',
this.docCommentStartMarker = '/**',
this.docCommentLineLeader = ' * ',
this.docCommentEndMarker = ' */',
this.commentLineLength = 99,
this.indent = ' '});
/// A utility class for invoking 'dart format'.
class DartFormat {
static String get _dartPath => Platform.resolvedExecutable;
static void formatFile(File file) {
var result = Process.runSync(_dartPath, ['format', file.path]);
static String formatText(String text) {
var file = File(join(Directory.systemTemp.path, 'gen.dart'));
return file.readAsStringSync();
static void _throwIfExitCode(ProcessResult result) {
if (result.exitCode != 0) throw result.stderr as Object;
/// Abstract base class representing behaviors common to generated files and
/// generated directories.
abstract class GeneratedContent {
/// Check whether the [output] has the correct contents, and return true if it
/// does. [pkgPath] is the path to the current package.
Future<bool> check(String pkgPath);
/// Replace the [output] with the correct contents. [pkgPath] is the path to
/// the current package.
Future<void> generate(String pkgPath);
/// Get a [FileSystemEntity] representing the output file or directory.
/// [pkgPath] is the path to the current package.
FileSystemEntity output(String pkgPath);
/// Check that all of the [targets] are up to date. If they are not, print
/// out a message instructing the user to regenerate them, and exit with a
/// nonzero error code.
/// [pkgPath] is the path to the current package. [generatorPath] is the path
/// to a .dart script the user may use to regenerate the targets.
/// To avoid mistakes when run on Windows, [generatorPath] always uses
/// POSIX directory separators.
static Future<void> checkAll(
String pkgPath, String generatorPath, Iterable<GeneratedContent> targets,
{List<String> args = const []}) async {
var generateNeeded = false;
for (var target in targets) {
var ok = await target.check(pkgPath);
if (!ok) {
" doesn't have expected contents.");
generateNeeded = true;
if (generateNeeded) {
print('Please regenerate using:');
var executable = Platform.executable;
var packageRoot = '';
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
if (Platform.packageRoot != null) {
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
packageRoot = ' --package-root=${Platform.packageRoot}';
var generateScript = normalize(joinAll(posix.split(generatorPath)));
print(' $executable$packageRoot $generateScript ${args.join(" ")}');
} else {
print('All generated files up to date.');
/// Regenerate all of the [targets]. [pkgPath] is the path to the current
/// package.
static Future<void> generateAll(
String pkgPath, Iterable<GeneratedContent> targets) async {
for (var target in targets) {
await target.generate(pkgPath);
/// Class representing a single output directory (either generated code or
/// generated HTML). No other content should exist in the directory.
class GeneratedDirectory extends GeneratedContent {
/// The path to the directory that will have the generated content.
final String outputDirPath;
/// Callback function that computes the directory contents.
final DirectoryContentsComputer directoryContentsComputer;
GeneratedDirectory(this.outputDirPath, this.directoryContentsComputer);
Future<bool> check(String pkgPath) async {
var outputDirectory = output(pkgPath);
var map = directoryContentsComputer(pkgPath);
try {
for (var entry in map.entries) {
var file = entry.key;
var fileContentsComputer = entry.value;
var expectedContents = await fileContentsComputer(pkgPath);
var outputFile = File(posix.join(outputDirectory.path, file));
var actualContents = outputFile.readAsStringSync();
// Normalize Windows line endings to Unix line endings so that the
// comparison doesn't fail on Windows.
actualContents = actualContents.replaceAll('\r\n', '\n');
if (expectedContents != actualContents) {
return false;
var nonHiddenFileCount = 0;
.listSync(recursive: false, followLinks: false)
.forEach((FileSystemEntity fileSystemEntity) {
if (fileSystemEntity is File &&
!basename(fileSystemEntity.path).startsWith('.')) {
if (nonHiddenFileCount != map.length) {
// The number of files generated doesn't match the number we expected to
// generate.
return false;
} catch (e) {
// There was a problem reading the file (most likely because it didn't
// exist). Treat that the same as if the file doesn't have the expected
// contents.
return false;
return true;
Future<void> generate(String pkgPath) async {
var outputDirectory = output(pkgPath);
try {
// delete the contents of the directory (and the directory itself)
outputDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
} catch (e) {
// Error caught while trying to delete the directory, this can happen if
// it didn't yet exist.
// re-create the empty directory
outputDirectory.createSync(recursive: true);
// generate all of the files in the directory
var map = directoryContentsComputer(pkgPath);
for (var entry in map.entries) {
var file = entry.key;
var fileContentsComputer = entry.value;
var outputFile = File(posix.join(outputDirectory.path, file));
print(' ${outputFile.path}');
var contents = await fileContentsComputer(pkgPath);
Directory output(String pkgPath) =>
Directory(join(pkgPath, joinAll(posix.split(outputDirPath))));
/// Class representing a single output file (either generated code or generated
/// HTML).
class GeneratedFile extends GeneratedContent {
/// The output file to which generated output should be written, relative to
/// the "tool/spec" directory. This filename uses the posix path separator
/// ('/') regardless of the OS.
final String outputPath;
/// Callback function which computes the file.
final FileContentsComputer computeContents;
GeneratedFile(this.outputPath, this.computeContents);
bool get isDartFile => outputPath.endsWith('.dart');
Future<bool> check(String pkgPath) async {
var outputFile = output(pkgPath);
var expectedContents = await computeContents(pkgPath);
if (isDartFile) {
expectedContents = DartFormat.formatText(expectedContents);
try {
var actualContents = outputFile.readAsStringSync();
// Normalize Windows line endings to Unix line endings so that the
// comparison doesn't fail on Windows.
actualContents = actualContents.replaceAll('\r\n', '\n');
return expectedContents == actualContents;
} catch (e) {
// There was a problem reading the file (most likely because it didn't
// exist). Treat that the same as if the file doesn't have the expected
// contents.
return false;
Future<void> generate(String pkgPath) async {
var outputFile = output(pkgPath);
print(' ${outputFile.path}');
var contents = await computeContents(pkgPath);
if (isDartFile) {
File output(String pkgPath) =>
File(join(pkgPath, joinAll(posix.split(outputPath))));
/// Mixin class for generating HTML representations of code that are suitable
/// for enclosing inside a <pre> element.
abstract class HtmlCodeGenerator {
_HtmlCodeGeneratorState _state = _HtmlCodeGeneratorState();
/// Add the given [node] to the HTML output.
void add(dom.Node node) {
/// Add the given [nodes] to the HTML output.
void addAll(Iterable<dom.Node> nodes) {
for (var node in nodes) {
/// Execute [callback], collecting any code that is output using [write],
/// [writeln], [add], or [addAll], and return the result as a list of DOM
/// nodes.
List<dom.Node> collectHtml(void Function()? callback) {
var oldState = _state;
try {
_state = _HtmlCodeGeneratorState();
if (callback != null) {
return _state.buffer;
} finally {
_state = oldState;
/// Execute [callback], wrapping its output in an element with the given
/// [name] and [attributes].
void element(String name, Map<Object, String> attributes,
[void Function()? callback]) {
add(makeElement(name, attributes, collectHtml(callback)));
/// Execute [callback], indenting any code it outputs by two spaces.
void indent(void Function() callback) {
var oldIndent = _state.indent;
try {
_state.indent += ' ';
} finally {
_state.indent = oldIndent;
/// Output text without ending the current line.
void write(Object obj) {
/// Output text, ending the current line.
void writeln([Object obj = '']) {
/// State used by [CodeGenerator].
class _CodeGeneratorState {
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
String nextIndent = '';
String indent = '';
bool indentNeeded = true;
void write(String text) {
var lines = text.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (i == lines.length - 1 && lines[i].isEmpty) {
if (indentNeeded) {
nextIndent = indent;
indentNeeded = false;
if (i != lines.length - 1) {
indentNeeded = true;
/// State used by [HtmlCodeGenerator].
class _HtmlCodeGeneratorState {
List<dom.Node> buffer = <dom.Node>[];
String indent = '';
bool indentNeeded = true;
void add(dom.Node node) {
if (node is dom.Text) {
} else {
void write(String text) {
if (text.isEmpty) {
if (indentNeeded) {
var lines = text.split('\n');
if (lines.last.isEmpty) {
buffer.add(dom.Text(lines.join('\n$indent') + '\n'));
indentNeeded = true;
} else {
indentNeeded = false;